tunt 81101` own an MEN'S WEAR AT Flixczs YOU CAN'T __ QVERLOOK ._HeaSf gum `rubbers, heavy rol1ed- edge soles, solid rubber heels, reinforced `baek strap, bel- A lows tongue pattern, neat-tting and light on the foot,~sizes 6,to 11; p ' . ' n In `light black M calf leathers, of the girlish round toe, full extension, medium weight lea- ther soles, low broad rubber heels, with kid- lined quarters that add to the smoothness and comfort in wear, sizes 3 to 7% complete. I -Specia.l at $3.00 --Sp`ecia'l Value--$1.95--A Saving" In women s patent and kid, one- and two-strap patterns, in good smart styles and real comfort-tting, with Cuban and low broad heels, with and without rubber lifts. In this allotted assortment we can ,extend a full rangeof sizes - so the opportunity extends to the shrewd buyer. Sizes 3 to 8, regular $3.00 and $4.00 values, special price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. THE HUB BOOT SHOP strut-nicj mFI`l IJFIDI ['1 ` E_veryl:_l1ing_mustl)-e It takes tiriie to sell is. big stock out completely. That is why wehaye yet a good choice to pick from, and our values and prices are attract- iv'e enough to make it worth your while `to do your fall buying at this big selling- out -sale. Look` at the list below for better prices. ALL DRESS GOODS, WHEN Mo NEEDED, AT THESE PR1c % . [c %-r DvL1N s d Selling-0ul Prices ?.l'L'Ul VAUU [1101]- Mitchell Field avaitor claims. an un- Young men ,s snhart styles, in biaek and brown calf leather Qxfords, `values worth 9. visit; sizes 6 to 11. `Gi2OWlNG GIRLS 0x1-"onus WOMEN'S BOOTS , RUBBER NEED_FolgEvaRY MEMBER IN THE FAMILY express economy -+-.- serve perfect ttings --because we have one quality `- = Q o ' L `THE BEST` -[ -DOMINION RUBBERS MEN'S HEAVY RUBBERS coma our or Bl_J_S'!Nl-IS` __ ivmv DAY A SALE gnu-Iv'-:._ _. -_-- -' POSITlVELY coma om` or BUSINESS 1. T. DEVLIN S Big Selling-Out Sile oxlkpnpgz s_4.5o 50c. ` THURSDAY, bcrosnn as, -1923. ` $3.00 J$3J.oo_ ,uIDIRL Yt III I yrd Reliable Footwear AT POPULAR PRICES W 515-IN ? ";3.98 pa`? ?171 : 7:-1:. -, --jvvuw DC-I? $-Illnjnlin Two S-hows, Prices 35c and 15. Sat. Matinee, 2.30, Price: 20:-10. 5 89 69] E Women s patent and kid strap shoes, with full Cu- ban and medium heels, with and without rubber lifts, low cut-out and full vamp patterns, with light linings'--to the growing girls, a serviceable, dressy patent of one and two-strap patterns, full" round; toe, low broad rubber heels, with light and heavy weight soles, all sizes 3 to 7, regular va1ue$4.00, special . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 1 ONLY PIECE 58-IN. PLAIN `BLUE FOX SERGE, just _tne tmng for making up children s reefers, bvercoats, boys"uits and odd pants, reg. price of this cloth was $3150, sale, per yard 0 ___--v-- A-r\4\.IAJ.AdhlhJ AJLLLL'.I.V, UV LIIUIIUD Will our Special price at this. sale is, per yaird IJ`J'J-L19 5143.4. \.JJ.vrx.n..l 1. U1` uuu D11 knows this value at, per yard . . unuuuo vv uuu unuuxunl uuuvns, 69: pair LADIES F-RENCH KID GLOVES, in black, white and tan, sale price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79c pair 5 DOZ. LADIES DRAWERS, in a good weight, with waistband, sale price, pair High Class Colored Singers II 33 3$C.fC' ` `V72-in. Bleached and Unbleached Sheeting, sale price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 59 yard 44-in. "Circular Bleached Pillow Cotton, 47c yard 29-in. Unbleached Canton Flannel, price we yard 27-in. White Flannelette, a good weight, 19c yard 1 only piece Real Heavy Natural Colored English Flannelette, 30 in. wide, sale price 27c yard 17-in. Pure Linen Towellings, with fancy stripe, the best on the `market to wear, sale price . . 17 yard 35-in. White Longcloth, special sale price, 19c yard Colored -Candy Stripe Turkish Towels, single, 23 Coates 200-yard Spools, all numbers .. 3 for 25c Needles, 5c pkg. / Tapes, 3 far 10 Hooks and Eyes . . . . . . . . . . . ; . . . . . . . . . . 2c card `Fancy Trimming Buttons . . . . . . . . . . .. 10c card We have yet a limitedlamount of that beautiful BLACK _DUCHES'S SATIIN, 36 inches wide, 98 special . . % 34-IN. NATURAL PONGEE SILK, evjeryone lrnnxuu +1-n ugh-nn n+ nan u......l CHILDREN S WOOL G OVES . . . . . . . . 15: pair LADIES WOOL GAUN LET GLOVES, 69 pair LADIES F`.RI4`.N(`.n` Inn ('!IT.nV`li`._Q 4.. 1.1.=..1, ....1..:+.. 5 DOZV. LADIES SHORT SLEEVE VESTS, = good weight for fall wear, sale price, each c CHILDREN'S VESTS AND DRAWERS, Lnnivvv ..2L'ln...-I ..n+n....1 ..`l.....J.. ....... .........--..L \JQ&A.A4A.I&VJ.JLV 9.1 I JJLILIJ LLAVJJ JJLVII. VI JJLVKJ, heavy ribbed, natural shade, per galrment CHILDREN S PYJAMA SUITS, in annelette, nicely trimmed, white and mauve shades, from 6 to 12 years, sale price, per suit . . 0 LADIES RYJAMA SUITS, heavy white annelette, sale price, per suit . . . . . . .. Hundreds of` other Bargains in Ladies Accessories to Pick From GRAND OPERA HOUSE LADIES CVORSELETTES, in pink shade .....`I" ...-.1- .......... .......L IJLAA/LLJLJ \J\r.LvL.)a41.AL1.I 4 only, sale price, each In light black ealf leathers, fu'11'round toe, light dressy `soles and rubber heels, in sizes 6 to 11. " ` _ If-until Srviceable light gum rubbers that appeal to the `boy, rolledggedge sole and heel, bootlike pattern that is neat--spuitable for school wear --sizes 1 to 5. WOMEN'S STRAP suppzas MEN S FINE BOOTS, $3.65 BOYS HEAVY RUBBERS $2.85 $2-35 Up In Mabel s Room B!!! l'|l\I| .1! II A Iuuu-a inn`:-nu v4\An- WOMEN S HOUSE -SLlPPERS- Buy Advertised Things. 95c. Page Thirteen $T98 43 69 49 49c One of the best `comedies that Vaug:ha;1WGlas`er Players, .'1`orQnto, ever put on in the -Uptown Theatre. , 1 SEE THIS -- IT'S GOOD_ . . Also in Vaudeville. Thursday and Friday we haire. With Special Com?ly'an'l.?/aucleville v()r :h:-.`st_ra ..2___ 9E- -.._I 1E- I, 1928. Monday, Tuesdgy ind {N/ednesnday, N(;\f. 1, 2 and__3. Comedy, vNws"-a;;d"_i a;;;,c|;iv_rjivI'l;"wid1 Orchestra; >. Shows, PIT-ices 35c and 15, ~ Sa`.'\Mati_neIi. 2.30. Price: 20 -1 The M.i!2is=!ii{ Sun DEMPSEY-.Tl'JNNEY _ A _ SPEC I41. ATTRACTION 11.ur;d.y,:nia.y anglgsaturday, Nav. 4; 5 and 6 ' ,L.11!!9. aigghs ! i9!I1r u-urn we-an ya uallnssald XLSO COMEDY, NEWE;_;FJP 6'R"cT-ii:'s"'r"R_" I3._:___ GE- __._I 1E- as an In 0 Th world ; GreatestSho'es ..... . % for. % ~ Comfort ht, ___: j_ Always . Good P ro"'grammes - "nus WEEK, sgk 1fA1R T %_ CAREY-HURLBURT `SHOE CO. Taplin Natural Tread Shoes are worn` `by people in all parts of the -world. See the latest designs: here. ' We guarhntee` to t you perfectly with a shoe built to suit your own particular feet. * ` Taplin Natural Tread Shoes ind exclsive tting methods mean maximum comfort from the at day on. STARRING MARIE PREVOST V AL. CHRITlE S LAUGH SPECIAL Prices $11.00 to`$13.oo _`f'n_II_-:_ JUBILEE sINc;1a1_z_j{ ._---' ----- . v-v---w v -- Pricu 35: 1i5c. -NEXT wf tea I I I per hour. V F I ~n';r..4.|. ._ v_'_. .1 . .1- __ ,1`. . , r `.' ...- official world s sped rcowpf 250 miles! 5 'and.`daughter 'naI.z1V<`3A.T War-` chauer suiclded together by- jumping from a New York hotel window. I 'X_n?1"l'Js1cAL TREAT L: L_..ZA..:._ . uauwn. uuanuuu nuu Dean mane tnrougn ;the siriii arity of names, the man who was kkil d being" Hugh Nelson Lay, >'a.: cousin of Mr. Lay. Mr. La.y's~son. vihojls; a lieutenant in the British. ;1a`v`y,_= is stationed at Esqulmalt, 8,6,, pdl'L. _ The following resolution was nman.-, lmously adopted: We, the members of the Barrie District of the Slmcoe County Presbyterial of` the United Church of Canada, wish to place on.re- cord our convl tion that never before was it so vltall necessary to disregard party politics as in the great moral is- sue that confronts us and cast our vote for the candidate who pledges himself to support prohibitions leg1slatlon. . o , -/` |No'r H. M. LAY S= soN | 4 KILLED.-AT MALTA b A despatch. appeared in. a Toronto paper this. week stating that `Flight- Lieut. Horatio 1 Nelson Lay, son of H. .M.. Lay, manager of the Bank`eo'f Com- m'erce, `had been killed `in a hydroplane smash at Malta. The item also eabnear- ed gn the papers in V London, Eng., where it was seen .`by Rt".-`Hon. W. L. Mackenzie King .;who "made enquiries. and round that a mistake had been made?-.and ca`b1ed.:Mi-.o .La_v to that. ef- ;tect.; mistake had been made thro`ug"h ;thn"alr'l1n_ritv nf hump: fhn rnnn 1-xrhn D1s'rR1c'r UNITED W.M.S. | CONVENES AT.DALS'_I'ON; ggain | The Barrie District of Simcoe County .1?resbyterial of the United Church of Canada, which is under the supervisionl ` of Mrs..J. A`. Spence, conve'ned at Dal- Hston on Thursday,-Oct. 21. The speak- ers were Mrs. Litster of Toronto and Mrs. Ross, returned missionary from China. Rev. _J. J. Black of Collier St. United Church occupied the chair at the evening sessiory Musical selections were given `by Miss Hazel Bertram and Mr. and. Miss Wice. A a.m+.w..\ at n..-.- .-........'x.... .......................... 5 Mr. ano. MISS wnce. _ I A.feature of the` evening programme was a. dialogue, Thanksgiving Ann, given under the supervision of Mrs. Allgn ponney, who took the principal Dart. ' ' caaauau par't. JO|_-|NSTON-H EELS Burton Ave. United Church. Allan: dale, was the. scene of a very pretty autumn wedding at one o'clock on Saturday, October 23, when Edna Mae. youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Heels, .223 Bradford St.. was un- :ited inmarrlage to Charles Herman Johnston, son of Mr._and Mrs. John Johnston oftorillia. Rev. G. Coulter officiated. The bride. who was given in ,marriage by her father, entered the 1 church to the strains of the `wedding `march from Lohengrin, played by F." -J. D. Norman. The bride looked charm- ,ing in a gown of coral georgette over 'coral crepe-de-chine with picture hat to gnatch and blonde shoes and hose `and carried Ophelia roses and lily-of-.. g the-val1ey,. The matron of. honor. Mrs.. Arthur Baker of Toronto. wore a peach `georgette dress and hat and shoes to {match and carried a; bouquet of roses. ;The groom was supported by Reginald Heels of Hamilton, brother of the bride. 3 After the ceremony a reception was] held at the home of the bride's par-] 'ents where a dainty luncheon was` !served after which the happy couple `left by motor for Toronto and other points. On their return -.Mr. and Mrs. Johnston will reside in Orillia. ,. ~VUWlll{1.l'KU L. l Among those who attended Mrs. Bennett's funeral on Monday were Dr. and Mrs. Charles Bird of Gananoque. Mrs. (Dr.) Hopper of Washlngton, D.C.. Mrs. Meadows of VVoodstock. Mr. and Mrs. T. Herbert Lennox and son, Mr. and Mrs . I-I.- B. Henwood. Mrs. S. M. Wells, Dr. Ross, Mr. Kent, all of, Toronto. I Newmarket. Mr. and`Mre. -XIV. Partridge and (laughter Eva, Poyntz~St., motored to Newmarket and Queensvi`l1e"1ast week and spent a couple of days with their son, Rev. Manley Partridge, Queens- ville. They also `called on friends in Amnnvrrn GI-`nun uvkn nl-innn fnn l 2 I) lJWl'UIlUC'~. Mrs. J._H. Anderson of Toronto and Mrs. George C. Watson of. London are with their brother, B. Lawrence, during his illness. `nII ..u- xxr 1' mnlm null! -.nn.dun'I`..-. Alan IIIH l1lIlI'.'/SS. Mrs. W. J. Blair yvlll rece'ive":`ur the first time since coming to Barrie on -Friday afternoon, November 5th. from four go six o'clock. at 97 Toronto Street. up vs pv- l.l.'lUlll.l Ill LUWH. ' ' ` -Wm. Raintord and Jas. Ford are spending two weeks hunting duck near` Point an Bari]. -5 ~`........ `I wag:-.vn S. J.-`HI-rwih of.;l`oronto and R. Mar-E , shall of Hamilton T spent the week-end i at thehomepf Wm. Hill. Sanford St. }:r*=** --... -v...v ur - Inn` -..-an -4vun&\.rnIA uu-ac 'LeigI.1ton Emms left for 'Montr9al. Monday` morning` to play professional hockey with the Montreal Maroons. VV CLIIW Ill. ` Mrs. B. Lawrence. Bayfield St., was -called home from Montreal last week owing to the serious illness of 'Mr. Lawrence. `fnh T `E Avunncun-n A0 'I`(\|nr\'|O1\ nn uuy. - Mrs. Simpson and daughter. Miss Alice Simpson, have returned to their home in Pittsburg,. Pa... after spending three we,'eks with her sister. Mrs; Levi Pratt, Toronto St. ,_,,1An air. _1-_,.__. '____-I 1- A an-__ i I [ Mr\. and Mrs. s. Corbett. Guthr1e. [announce the engagement of their: .daughter, Helen Irene, to Raymond A. Jermey, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. Jer- mey, of Mitchell Square, the marriage` to take place early in November. [ T'\ T1` l`Q..I.-._..~- .....3 Y5 .I` INA.-...AI..~11..n` av uunnu ynuuv vvon .4 an. `iv v van-uunu I D. H. Coleman and F. G. Campbell-of, , Barrie, Melville Cooke. C. D. I-Ip.t1ey,' 2 C. R. Robinson and A. A. Cunningham fof Orillia, C. H. Eplett of Coldwateri ' and H. W. Carter of Bradford are lea.v- I lng this week for a hunting trip oni the French River. - Mrs. A. W. Llaidman left this ( 1`hurs- I day) morning for Paris, where she will spend the winter. - ` " . :- -r.v,,,,_,, ,p n-u,,,_,,;- .,,-u as up, .yv`- V--u- `rag --. -. \-rIa\-r- w-a-v-5-g ..-..u u vwnnu Dr, Norman Rogers of Stroud has /' moved to town and is occupying the house he purchased from Mrs. (Dr.) Wallwin. - `lun `D `I r\vIIIn4\r\:\p\ `Dan-Elnl EL vuvnn ---.-uu av u... `I \4.\r\aau v...... -...-u M13`; and Mrs. A: .'c'a}i$y of Hannlvl: ton and Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Dutcher and Mrs. VVm. Sutherland of Bradford arlsited relatives in town on Wednes- ay. R/fvu Qivnnann and 'c:no~hfnv~ `|\/Tiaa Sheriff MacLaren end J. A. Mac--` Laren leave on Friday morning for Ottawa to attend thefuneral of their sister. Miss Jeans. MacLaren. who died late Wednesday night. | `\!,I.__,3( rm--- -5 41.- "Toronto St, ` .. ` A Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Shannonarid Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Dler motored to\Detro1t- for a visit. ' tn.........`..-7.1-.xn .......... 'a.....a..-.- a... -u-........ A picturesque` war memorial unveil- ed at Trusham, England, recently, was entirely the spare time work (if eleven ex-service men. - * uh-u. - . -- .. _ _ m. pu.I'uiyH1:l. . ~ _ ' Miss Annie Paton of Winnipeg has` been spending a. few days among. old I.'ri'en`ds in town. . ` .rIv\ `Dal.-`On.-A no-A Tn.-. 'l!.`|n..A ...... --v_>.--`, -..-. u y -. v.....v-an -u.\~.vu..-.. Miss Leila -I.-Iu;1;er is a.ttendlng`\.'~a. young people's convention of the Un- lted Church in Peterborough. this week. 'I\'_. \v-.__.____ 1-: _ M . _ ._ -5 twL_,-.-_1 1--.. . u... .-- ..........,....-._, ---.. -. | Sgt. Richard` Cox of the Provincial Police returnedlast week from his ,holidays at Pembroke and Sudbury, and left on Saturday for Windsor | where he has been transferred. ..... A. .. . I .i%&%m&&&m$$&%] WUUIXV ` V Mr. and M ily.left t Toronto. 12`! run Inn- is. J. Binnlng and-fam~ oda'.y:- to take: up residence in uI.....~-....._ ...a n1._._..._.'.. _..-._L LI-_ 1. U1 U1! LU. Elmer Shrman\of Toronio Spent the `week-end with" Miss Irene M. Pratt of St, K Mn. .-...,1 1.5.. hr Vr m1......._.......;..'.: mu-.. xur u vnut. , Emory" Hill spent. Sunday` in Hunts- ville seeing his father who had a. stroke of paralysis. I 'Nl'luu~ Av-nviin Dafnn nf Yxflnninnnr hon! - Ian:-vita won` vvus vain VI vvn`vIlu-. N B.` Thomson of Detroit. visited his ksister, AMrs. Mantln Burton. this wee -.= Mr n..A"mI'..... `D 1' t).l......a...... .....a 3.... .7. ' lI.~I\n:\'|rnI' . a. . M135 Mabe1 Hnl. R.bf....is `1'Iislting_.in I-Iamilt(_m for a. few weeks n 11.... an C-`'--0 .1 no -- ---' EXRRIBS BESTA HOUSE n.u.uuu.uu' wr a new weexs. Mrs. `S. M.Wells was with Mfs. D. MacLare`n< over the week-end._. *r\.. 7i-1-u-vnu-,,, n-- -- -\ wwwwwwwwww mam PERSONAL %~ I rm: BARRIE 1.-'.xs'A_n11'vE1z , Bead The Examiner and get all the local and -district news-$2.00 31 year. Men s Black Bib i(')\}eralls, sale price .. $1.59 pair Men s Special Heavy Ribbed Underwear, $1.19 gar. Men s Workishirts, grey and khaki, sale $1.19 each Men s Fleece-Lined Underwear . . . . 79 garment Boys _Fleece-Lined Underwear . . . . 59c garment Men s All Wool Work Socks . . . . 3 pairs [for $1.00 Men s"Wool Socks, real bargain at . . . . . ; 25 pair Men s Silk and Wool Hose, Fancy and plain shades, sale price / . . 59 pair Men s Ties,'r'.;'1i1:i'$1'.bb;'siia}ic'e'ZC.. 49 each 54-IN. PURE WOOL I`RI'CO'I`INE, justthe thing for suits, coats _and dresses, new shades, $2 taupe, mole, sale price, per yard ' ` noocmooo -`nag-a.`~ usuzy 1L_V1J VV UUJJ IIWJDIIIIIVI, 1 shades and fancy checks, great value at pair 1' -: LADIES ALL WOOL Es and fancy ribbed black sale price, pair . . . . . . . . . . . and brown shades, Q a n n n I o o u n - o o HIMERE HOSE, plain 98c \avnaavwuJ, nvvvvw ----- .--,,,-v._._. .._-.s `y...-.(........ _ Two_ Shows, Prices Sa`.'\Ma.ti_ne. 2. Q, 20910;. PURE WOOL GREY; EANKETS, 58x76. sale price . . . . .` . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .T . . . . . . . . $5.50 pair PURE WOOL GREY BLANKETS; 7-lb. Weight, 60x80. sale nrice . . . . . . 7 O O GK G9 --=-- LINOLEUMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .- . 95 sq. yd. OILCLOTHS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 sq. yd. RUGS AND MATS` all qlearing at SALE PRICES 39-IN. ALL WOOL CREBES, in the leading ha-ds for fall and winter: wear, regular $1.70` to $2.00 values, sale price, per ygrd . . . . . . .. xj 40-IN. FANCY TWEEDS for children s wear, " will make up into a good warm winter dress, sale price, per yard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , c 40-IN. FANCY TART`ANS__for _hi1drn s war, all wool, sale price, per yard . . . . . . LADIES SILK AND WOOL H-OSIERY, plain I and fannv Fhbu a-vnof 1vo`I1n n`- -on-.3... `LADIES LUXITE SILK HOSE, the new-; er shades, regular $1.50, sale price, pai -h_:jjj-j-( \.1_J.1..I.1.uJJ.\a1.'JAV D l`.l1JlJ VV UUJJ 5'1.` INGS, a good warm stockmg and none better 4 for weargincluding large sizes; sale, per pair wu vv UUJJ U1 %6;80, sale price -l------- C.HILDREN S ALL WOOL `WORSTED STOCK- TNGR. a 0-nnd ursnvrn a+nn1z:n.. .....J .......... 1.._:.;.___ AA . _ e ` Am.-:wns'LnTsa-: f 7 v` A Universal Super` Production, presented by Carl Laemmlev with star cast: Laur_a La _P1ante, 'Pat 0 Mp.1ley, Raymond Keane, orgg Siegman, etc.` Thxs 1s `a gorgeous pxqture and some of` the scenes - v m 112- are magmcent. 4 r `- __ '- -u`- 7 I up . an: .,n g` n