Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 14 Oct 1926, p. 9

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REGULAR PRICES ' ` PAGES. 9 T016 vercoats >i1c1o`ui . ss; V - , ____ --,,_ ...w_-_gwuuuceu_ and 1 at times they were completely mysti. ed by t_he'plays. engineered. by the Barrie team. V` V . {Started Scoring Early ~ t Barrie` -broke into the scoring c_ol-` . umn after four mmutes of play, when _h Carson. a_nd- Scott ..broke` away ona c combination run,` Carson running d s :3 I. forty yards throug'h_._a broken.-eld for a touchdown. ` .0r11lia Worked` the play downthe eld and they got a" 5 point when Doyle .. misjudged Mul- t] cahy s kick and the ball rolled to the `V deadline. V . _ _ 0. A,~few minutes afte_r -the teams 1,, changed .over- for the second quarter m an 0ril.1ia`\punt was blocked and Pete 1, Hall grabbed a loose ball and ran it c} back thirty yards. On the first down 31 Payne went over for atouch. ,_A"fewl '1'. minutes. later the same player repeat: to (Continued nn nna. 1n\ - 4 afterns . sq. yd_. bccuu was pll`lll)_ I? were ed e ' velded practically the same line-up 1 Barrie score_d_an_\ easy win at the, expense of Orilha in _the'*rst'rugby game of the r`season `Ion Wednesday afternoon" and 'un1e'ss:Penetang can. trot out a m__uchestronger'team'-than the aggregation from the `shores of Couchichxng Leke, Bar,ri_e;x_ay_i_l1 win the district wth ihaxfdly aneergument. The score on Wednesday wasj46 t o,1 and Barrie -lost t least two sure touchdowns by ~loo e play near their opponents`1ine.` The; Red and Black i that carried them "through to the dis- trict title _last' fall,_ `whilezthe _Orillia A team was plainly mexgerienced, and 4 they were cnmwI.+..1... ...-.-u -4 Locals` }\2Vi-I1. E.irfSt'- -N%\a-tg` l`i O, R. _F. `U. by-S,co`re'> icnfg % 46 Points;to}1`.% \ U\v\rE9? Houra:'.9 to 12; 1. to Saturday till 10 .p.m.' Evenings by appqnntxgjent ' ' % \Il\ I V &I_ C` I Ph.ono .30; -BARRIE ll % 39 %% TU? `-;EYESTRA`lN - cause.s both manta`! and physical__ di_scomfort. V c`oRREcTLy `FITTED GLASSES4 V iefnbve th `strain `and the` discomfort vanishes, )_ 4 iHavVe._yourT`ey's_."ex4I`Inill1dtL:, __ ' _. f LcoNsUL1'L J `f I"BANKrT0R0NI0 Aaom-gm: 'H.%;g_gTH 1:-cicada! III? QII'.'" meftiu-i r1 `garlngnt _-.--- vonv uuupc pmyer 1' (Continued on page 16) , ~ BARBIE--I-_I. ,4. suns, uaiiagor. uRANcHE8a 3 .u:,LANnAL ELMVALE-.-H. .11. Wrr-en... Mi_1a.ger . 24 }_ -'%'i:'s"1<';ri`T s1=r:cIIx`L1s'r{7 UCCE5$pR RUSK A . "mu. A umer of.`-Police;-Stewart, .De'an ; Sweeney gnd Napoleon LeClair. care- 1 ; taker of the church. described the I I damage; W. R. Pritchard, harclware . salesman. `told of- having sold two; sticks of dynamite, two detonators three ygrds of fuse and'a box of re-, volverpcartridges at noon on the day of the explosion, .but he was unable} to positive!" identify Skelly" as -`the: man to vqhomhe sold the explosives. Inspector John Miller of -the Provin-f cial Police described Skell, s `arrest at the corner of King` and Y nge Sts., Toronto,- on June 21. He'took,Skel1v '; to the police offices on Grenville.St. ` and after rwarning~"'him_ `obtained at -- } was z;equired for the trial of 1Sk1elly.. Fpur` chgrges were laid against him - under Sections 111," 112. and 113 off . the. Qriminal Code. ; ` . I .VIrInnnn 4'-.. LI.-. -, ,. -; -.Lwo nours and .a half was`a1l th'nt__. F? 95 suit serge, airs of me. Lgnmmal Code. . vlden . the` prosecution vsjas brief. 7 Chie of~Po`li(|:e ;S_te1v_a1_'t, Dean gunanu nu. .... .1 if -After deliberating one -hour and forty minutes, the `jury -.in' the ,case- of Wmpskelly, charged with-[causing -`.a"n explosion at St. Mary s Roman Catholic church on June 10 last,. brought in a verdictof guilty. The 3. jury went out at.1.45vp.m.-today and th_eir've1_dict was returned `at 2.25: , Skelly was ~'remanded for ` sentence Ito the end` of the court." Thetriel of Clar_e_Lee was pi'o_ceeded with next ` _,and that r 6f William {Butler will fol- ;1OW. ' ' ' I - "l'0,BEGUlLTY , .0_F;BOMBlNG :jTe1ls_% _.Stor y -3-f-"El- l.ot 'ahdR ~ Executidn`; NO Qther ~` Defence Witnesses. .. uue prosecunon vgas* Ihie? 0f~Police gstewart, ' . the, W. R `Pm :-~1.......a L.---I----M V `Sn 3;-i1"ren * `by eW_m .` Greeneld .G. '0. Cameron, secretary of the Bar- rie Agricu1tural'Soc1et.v. has received the awards in the Field Crop Compet- ition in `potatoes conducted by the So- cietythiq summer. The Dooley variety was grown by all the contestants. who were placed in the following order by s the Departmentaijudge, H. Whiteside: ~ ., ~ - - - ~~ _Ppints 1 A. `Walt, Midhurst . . . . .. . . . . 94% V 2 R. D`. Coutt . Mldhurst . .~ 91 8 A.~- A. Ga.xjv_n,iMidh\1jrst 90 :4 H. D. Russell. Mldhurst . . . . . ., 89 ,5 Geo; S, Spence`. Mldhurst. . 88% 6 .W. :12. Russell, Midhurst . . . . .. 87% . 7` F.` Erankcom. Mldhurst . . . . 87 8 Jae.-'Spe_nce, Midhurst . . . . . . . . 86% 9 F. J. Frankcom.'=Midhurst '. . . . 86 10 Jan. ,Doran.;M1dh_urst . . . . . 351,5 11 '11. G. *-Spythes; Stroud: '. . . . ; . . . 8_5 V'rah:`an` last Seturdy night"one` of `the, 1itnevs crashed . into d The buggy ..wg_ bAut`;.no otie,'.was,,}ju1t. , VUl'Co , _ .4 / I I J then _went to the church and put ` the dynamite towardsthe rear of the; church. I did not put "it where I `was told, because`I did not likethe idea of` blowing up the ornaments. I lit _ -the fuse and ran and `red two shots. I returned to Lee s- house. He was on the verandah.-' I gave him the re- : volver `and he told me I could go- home. Before doirig so I went down . E9573 ahdegave three people a Klan There was no cross-examination `and there were no other witnesses for the defence. ` . ` RESULT OF" FIELD cnop 4 V cOMPETlTlON IN POTATOES ` jzj 9371 "On May"23 he attended a K.K.`K_.'.l '9' rally i'n Barrie and listened to the.` the speeches, but did. not join theorgan-` a1'e"izationi until the fol wing Wednes-T` `5W0,day. He was intro uced to Major! DrS9"'P1'0Ct01' by Walter Reid andcthe or- I. ganizer took_ him to his room in a day `I localghotel. I-asked him if he-would 1319 get me a job and h`e*said he would, the iso Ijoined and paid him-$10. I was '95-_ initiated the following Wednesday '13-, night at ameeting of the Klan, he Ii` est declared. ``In addition to the -$10, ts _I paid. $5 for regalia which I '-never: V received, $1 for a'little' browndog S -v and 50c>dues.-` `- '- ' ` Drew Ticket with Fiery Cross 1 At the last Klan meeting he at-]' `tended, which was on June 9, he -stat- , ed that al1,who could be resent the} following evening were as ed to raise i their hands. About fteen, including 3 himself, did so and the others were ' asked to leave. Wm. Butler then` read from a paper that the monument 3 at Orillia was to be blown up and I: they drew lots" to see who would do; the job. Tickets were drawn, stat- ' ed the witness, and one of them had l a ery cross on it. I drew the ery cross `and. they told me to remain af- ! ter the rest had gone. Butler and: _Lee also stayed. They told me they! I would driveme to Orillia and told me 3 '. to get the explosives. I did `so andl the followhg night brought the stuff - to the Klavern. I also got a revolver 5 from Tuck, which I gave to` Lee. When I came into the room the next` night, Lee `asked me if I had the; stuff and "I handed him the parcel.; Orillia Trip Called, Off Butler and his little. girl came in and he said that'his car, would not` go. They tried to get Walter Reid s car, I but his wife would not let them have , it, They also tried to get other cars I but were unsuccessful. Butler. then said, If we can't go to Orillia,` wel will blow up St. Mary's church. -I I said I did not know anything about it and". did not even know" where the ' church was, asserted. Skelly. - _' What happened then? \ I V - - Butler went out and Lee said he would show where the church was. 'We'went to the post o"ice,c where Lee mailed some letters, and. then! .j went'to "the church. Lee tried the front door and_ it was locked, so we wentaround to the side and the base- " ment_ door was open. We went in and Lee showed .me where to put the I stu . .He told`me to put it as near} , the front as I could.,so as to blow up } the ornaments. We then went to: Lee. s~ house, where he gave me a dip- I per of dandelion wine. Hesaid it: . would give me some nerve. Lee then I fastened the sticks -of dynamite to-, gather and tied the detonators on with thread. I.-started back to the` church and,.Lee came with me to'the_ corner. `He said he would wait for the report and gave me the revolver and told me td. re two. shots as a signal when the explosion occurred. He told me` not to fail or I would get the punishment of the Klan.. He did not say what the punishment would! be, butI thought it.would be pretty _ sevhre: ` 1 3. Its __.,-- -.., _..f...,..__v,n Jccu. 1.l _l`;ll`U navy. , Aftr coming to Canada, he work- ed for a time at"Prescott and later conduc`tejaa -shoe repair business I-at Campbellford. .,Last April he obtain-, -ed work with King-Houston, a farm- fer at Lefroy, and in May came to Barrie, where he was employed by A. J. Tuck. ' - - --..--u- not vaaw. oasllv VJ.` Dlly _a1'l'eSl5.` V ., `Cros_s-`examined Thy -H._. H. :Cres.- '. `vwicke,'_Ins ectorMill_er stated that he | had. not eon .instructed by Major Proctor, Klan organ'izer,, of `Skellyfs _ presence, but \tha_t he had gone to >'_ Klan eheadquartersa not knowing that . ` ISkell was there and arranfged-to ar- 5 lrest vim after leaving the office, On ibeingnarrested, `Skelly said it `was a -great relief to'him to be arrested. ` "Skelly Tells .His Story? ` \' Giving evidence for the first time in the case,- Skelly told his counsel a detailed story of his movements `prim; to the explosion and immediately. af- ' gterwards. He stateduthat he is in his 't`wentyseventh year `and that -he came to Canada in "March, 1925, from Belfast, where he was born. `He had joined the army, he said, in Septem-, ber, 1914,-and was wounded in 1916, I when his family claimed him out of thearmy because he w under age. Later he served,,a ye'arai,\th_e navy. Affdr nnminn I-A (`n'....-I4.. L- -..--.I_ fatemnt `that waVs\M read.` in .co`m-t. `-This was the Sttemnt that was pub- lished at the time of Skelly s arrest.` {"3-nan.-..u......:.....-A |--- 1'1 .'1jHURsDA)?; VOCTOBER fi4,~ 1926; suowmc Mounnvquasm-wsnnssnn? EA Thrilling Picture! Two . EPISODE 8"`THE GREEN ARCJHER" `fTHE COTTAGE IN THE woons" A GREAT SPECTACLE o1'= _STAGB LIFE, W_ITH BEAUTIES AND curnssz L110 015'. ~ am/1japep;pLn,,m, - Show's.Each Nig'ht, A7.l5.vand 9415. No. r, *'sA'runbA AFTERNOON ? Sat. Matinee, 2930, Regular Piices. "HAL ROACH COMEDY {apkee Doodle Duck, "Ralph Graves. . . rts, very 5l.l9_ea.

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