Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 14 Oct 1926, p. 7

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Pggg `SE5 Th I-'%"` AN Eiv Kind 9! Soap , 5 ,' , ' ,2" 1' '1; I` Hi ` - l - 7 --v-- V-a "",`-' `B1 | of today are. in _the `ualness ~F1e1d. To ucce_ed__ln M usmesg you re ulre -Traomng.-.Ambit`ion. and In _uotr-y. -It you have .'the ` 1ast't_wo, you can get the Right ; Trammg 1n one of. Shaw : schools in '1' ront[o, and then 100 ` to 1 you wil Mat once-start out; in a. goodvsalarfed position. Wrlte ` for our syllab s and list df gra,d-' I uates recent .pla.ced. Address ` Dem. E-4, 46 Bloor West. Tor-I onto. \W. H`. Shaw. President} i Clearly th treat.) -are) in" 1 Field. succedf vnn 1-nnnlwa"-'l'..:..:.. as 3.-;.as.r`a_;s., 3.15:5 . Pinon: 1748' ' : `;_Evo_ning'o 913.! 9f!5I=:u-Lrs _. \_ `H... " I ` yr .` an :4. mo; gets vh_e.re, T be i preii'II:':'de to} i` V receive ii-"`}'"Wit"hA `Taf }'>i!1`f1'1`1l_`"('>f."' `. heatiprodcing ;,`-`ecoa'l,; K V AY" o11 ll keep *yo'tir;.t"empe'r' end ' '36 {Vivi} your furnace ifyxyou lay it`: a supply .of oyr guaranteed. fuel. A Buy `Adyrtilsed v `Thinigs_._ , BH!!??}_ yigse [I330 . ousoa st e O 88;. J 2_hoursormore~nmsn- %,A I 5 `W Lou`. xiv/I Al-III! `A Isl . > Dxqnk A great gom'>Ortun1ties in the. .'R'nninm=-n wit I`-uncut H` sxgnet ring. Fourth Line. Noitawasaga. ' L father in `Vesnrn_ 1'.nm.- n... ....,...u.. ` VFol1ow1ng the ceremony at receptibkf wasfheld at - the home` of. the bride's was, mum at me home` of. the In `Vespra. Leger ,the newly . [ . I . , uurne,-,.bl`en! Q to em nd -the ; _an_d D .tro!;.. 2; very-pretty wedding`. was fsojlem-X 'r`uzed aust. Ma.ry_ s Roman` cathpuc: Church` on Tuesday more mg, Ootoberil ~12.;. whe!i"M1ss/Zella Br! get, youngest daughter` ,0 `Mr: Ch'as._ .McBride,,ga.nd VMr.,.`Iohn . vid Down-ng. sonof Mr. and. Mrs. Matthe,w - Dowllng; ~ Stayner, ware united in r_arriqgeV by.,,\:ery|jRev.i Dan Sweeney , The >hY'i(1R rhn Ina l!IIvnu\- n-I-n-- R-- ,_,-- `_ r v if.` "~'~= ,"'.' 1 - .511 s.-xox<-xoxoxoxon II0I0X0I0I0I0I< :v `I. V . -' ` r' . V I ' ` . . _ ~ .II-B3lQ.a" W441` A4`: . -1 4 Deliqio%uJs_a`ndV4 5 Refr% esh`ivrigL . - `H: T V - -xv ---_vvl `l!Iv&III$& Very` i pretty wdd1ng' was 'Vsfohjl'm-I at. St. MRI'V' 'Dnvnn\n` r`o'f`hnHnI Dov\}I:IVNG-Mc'BaIbE V ....-A.4._ ___ A-. V I v-imwuwuuu. we nappy coup1e;1en:; )nt<;o-;c:Ievlr`,lr1or1_`<`aymoon In '\I`oronto van-ow ! tma nnlun Phone your ' news T items" elto The _Ii_}xa_mine,r-222` or 223.` p may wI{l,res_idf in Owen Sound." Mr; Folster 1_ going into `business in Owen Sound where he is opening a. lin- en . store. ;_ , s ux auuwL'v1ue.' wno attended V the G001`. - .M\r. and Mrs. Folster left during the atternoomby ran on a. honeymoon` trip to Torpnto, Buffalo and New+York'. the latter travelling in La gown` of wall- 1!Iqwer.cz_mton crjepe, chic hat _1;o match. and 'brown.need1epo1r;t coat and amber ~footwea.r'a.nd hosiery. On their return they wulvreaid in _. Mr; Fnlstm-`l nnlmr In!-n r...`........... .I.. "up any be '1'n1ne.'* . \ . Verbal expressions of best wishes were`-showered upon the bride an the way was led to the dining-room`, where the wedding `luncheon was serv- ed in very attractive` buffet style. The groom's mother.` Mrs. Folster, was wearing` a `handsome gown of black si -canton crepe. with a jolack hat and b0 quet of purple sweetpeas and froses. The buffet table was very plctureque. groom fol1ow\ing" the ceremony and then ly. (done, yellow being the bright ands arranged wit tulle-in a silver urn w.as the artistic centre piece and silver candlesticks held matching candles. _ 'i2he wedding cake occupied a. side- table. an yellowphrysanthemums were used ab 1; the room. The` assistants Atkins, Miss E_va Some:-ville. Miss ar- garet McNeil. Miss Pearl Atkins and Miss Marjorie Mauser , and Messrs Wil- liam. Alexander and Albert and Otto predominating "color note. Sunset roses ! lMatchett."" Another `a'ssl`stant on- the -occasion -was Master Kenneth Pellatt were Miss Mabel Findlay. Miss ubyi at` Soznerville who . aittended the- door. Mr. and Mrs. Folster ietrgmn-my my -nesseu we ceremony. _ ' ' The floral setting of pink and mauve! chrysanthemums. and asters, used throughout the rooms. was most effect- `ive and the bridal party stood before a bank of `fer s, palms and colorful _ autumn_bloom'.4 he bride was given in marriage b_v`hertbrother. Mr. E. Lyall Ireland, and her lovely costume" consist- edof a Spanish yellow c pe romaine gown, with topaz rhinestife trimming. "a..'large black hat, gold slippers, and matching hosiery and a shower bouquet of Made.meAB,utterfly roses, valley lilies an,d,.Xor'chi_ds.~-- Miss Margaret Ireland was her sister's bridesmaid. and wore a becoming `contrasting gown "of blue georgette, headed in. silver, black hat. silver slippers and hosiery, `and carried a bouquet of Premier roses and lark- spur. Little Peggy Clendenning, niece of \. the,groom, frockedin crabapplel and scattered petals from a basket of Sunset g'oses..Mr. William Rainford of =Barrie,supp'orted the groom. Mr. H. L. Bamford, xresided at the piano and rendered t e Bridal Chorus from Lo- hengrg and pd/`uring theaaigning of the- regist__ Miss EuphieiTelford, gowned lnsandalwood silk crepe and wearing black `picture `hat, every sweetly sang, Ail Joy Be Thine."- Var-ha! avvunnuuswlnna K0 1...; _.I.II.-.. silkorepe; was the pretty flower girl ` l.UlLUVVHS"` \ ` Very charming in detail was the wedding, hich took,place on Saturday. October iijrh. 1926,Aa`.t high noon, when Phoebe. shbel. elder daughter. o the late -Mr, and.Mrs. W. K. Ireland of Owen Sound. became the bride of Mr. George S. Folster. son of the late An- drew and Mrs. Mary Folster, also of this city. Rev. J.'L.' Mclnnis, minister .of Division St. UnitedC=hurch. officiat- , ed and about sixty-five guests wit- nessed 'the ceremony. ': 'l`hA flnlinl n Afi-inn Vnf mini; and 'w'..u.....i -.w-w---u- uuu--r-wt Mrs. Rain ord and~`*--Wm. Ralnford were in Ow Sound on Saturday at- tending the wedding of George.Fo1$ter, who was.fo:;`a`number of years a. rest- dent of` Bar 9. The wedding is describ- ed by the,0wen Sound~Sun-Times as fo1lows:--\ ""'(\InuI Alan-.o.l..... l.. .1-J.._.II .__-._ LL _ 4-x:.\.vA vvcuu: .LVl.Lp auu nun. 1\Ul'l' ICLL "for Banff, the bride traveling in an attractive crepe dress of `beige and smart brown -hat and fur coat. .They -were ` recipients of many handsome -gifts. among` them ..-'being a silver~ tea. service from Marshall-Wells employees where the groom, is employed. Mr. and `Mrs. Kerr will `reside at the {seaming- ton Apartments. ' gulu nuully .l\l:!!`l' unu mule W Aftegwards Mr. and Mrs. `for travel; nffvnnf'1vn nu-Ann 4-`lance. n? lug u. ,Un5KUL uryellow nappy 'mums._ . During the signing of the` register a \Miss Ber_nlce M_cDougall played various piano. selections. A supper party fol- lowed when covers "were laid for some tv/venty-six relatives and intimate 'rie dB. s ' L ter in the evening 9. reception` was held, when as large number `of friends took the opp&tunlty ofoffering their cong'ratu`lati/ons `to the young "couple. Theyireceived under a pretty canopy otplnk and white ri bons, banked by .' flowers and ferns. O helia roses and . `mums decorated thedrawing rooms, - while` the tea table was centr_edw.wlth ` pink roses on ;a Venetian lace cloth. ll Mrs. E. H. Mitton had charge of the tea.!, room where Mrs. H. A. Jackson cut the ices. Mrs. A. C. Farrell poured `tea and 3 Mrs. Iv`reel:-Inglthe coffee. _ Assisting in ., servingj were `the Misses Jessie _and Mary Nairn, Maidie Shedden. Mabel and Fanny Kerr and Mae Watson. Affnvtxxrnru Mn and n/rug Vnnn 1n4- V marcn p1ayea,by;M1ss Evelyn J` ckson, sistewof the bride. She was daint ly _a.t- ~"t1red in :3; picture frock of rose "gear- A`gette' and blonde French lace Wit_h.a. wide hat t) match andcarried a lovely bouquet.o _ eliaxroses. Little Anna. Jackson. cousin E of the bride, made a. sweet ower girl `in _a pretty georgette frock and carry- ing a basket of yellow baby 'mums. chnysanthemumvs and Opth-_ Durlnsz ignina hf `ho nnalulrnn 2 A verylprehtty wedding was soleminlz-o I I\-IIlI-Ur'\Vl\9\uIl` tember 29th , at the home` of Mr, and ,Mrs. W1lllam \.J. Jackson. Edmonton, when thelr niece, Marion Eileen Jack- son, became the bride of Alexander Stanley Kerr, son of Mruand` Mrs..Al- `exander : Kerr of- T Edmonton, formerly `of Thornton, Ont, `The peremony `was performed by Rev. A.C. Farrell of `Wesley Church. ' l`hn htvln nnann H... a.;-...a_- .......;. ed early on Wednesday` evening. Sep-" 'vv uunsy "l1l1l`C. I [The bride enfered the drawing to on the arm of-her \father. Mr. Jos. . Jackson, to the strains of the edding march nlayed by Miss Evelvn . sinlmnn e e _ _ ,t'@gIl`I"'73'V':?T_.v&V!'\l`Ifl-I` ,1 *A;pr,etty aqtumnweqding--ewas solem- ,- .n1zed`on.`Sa,tI;rda`y,. 0ctobe_fr_ 9.th;; by.-gm' , Dean weeney sat _tE, -101a;-y'.sg`Church, Barrie,` _whie_n : .Clare.1`youngest. daughter F. , . . r.` . 4 . -' ;-. the bride; ot-_Mr; 3Wm:..;F. .Dunn'~.vounger -son lot Mr. and Mrs.-"Joseph .-_Dunn,Bar- ,1. rie. ,'i`-he;b,rid;e,' who_,wa.s giv 11 away `by _ her5.br9,th`er. .'Mr, G,eorge~ pearinbt ..I-Ia.milto.n. swas ` becomingly -attired in a 9 r ture hat, shoes to match and wore an Tlsabella, fox fur,'gift of the `groom. Her shower -bouquet was of Ophelia roses and . lily-ofethe-valley. The brides- maid. Miss Mari Nevenfof Toronto. ` aijrylng at bouq et of Columbia, ro`s'es. as gowned in a c1a.ret__georgette frock. ihat ` 0 match and biege _fox fur. Mr. !J. B; unn, brother of the groom,` act- *-off-Mr. ~ and.;Mrs. John spear1n;. becainef . frock or June rose georgette, black pic- \ 1 ed'as' best man. During the of ertory,_r Miss. ':Margaret Masdorp..of I oronto sang Gounod s Ave Maria." A dainty weddingebreakfast was served at'.he A home of the bride's parents, .60 `W-o'rsley street, at-' which a.\toas t to the` bride s was proposed -by the Rev. Dean Sween- ey. Mr. and`Mrs. Dunn `left later for an 1 extended trip to the Atlantic Coast, 1 the bride travelling in a cinnamon two- piece'crepe dress. brown needle.-point coat and velour hat. On their return I they will reside in Barrie . V . . `vvuu is smart gull! , M W a.na..-- /5 A T N On Thursday gevgning prior to .;;her marriage; about -eighty 1-lends mf ;,aLt ` .the. houfe or the. `bride-to-be and `pre- sented l1er ;wIth gifts from the com_-.- m1n1t y\_ - V .\.. . I _` '. \m jo`o uipi.o lefi; , 7 the` . ._Q1`1ebfec- and `oother`= points`, bride} `trampled in `a. gown oi3_rO,`8e\ bio ,crepe. Her coat was wot-'3`. sand andirose ;tweed piped.uwith rose and e',tiat " "her hat Wa.8\,8.A striking -tam effeoto of. with a . smart` gold` pandp i i T Thursday evening prior she many-ln.:n..nI.n..o ......|.4.. o_....;.. _..-*2. _. rose veivet..ipiped.; with froae of ,a,il_ie I-`.oL's'ra`n--u3ELANo KEne4A5E;3N ..._-A.L__ ___ 331, `fDv(l1VVl--8PEA`R`lN9 'Cl.L5Ull. Kerr {mm 3.; ' left _-._ _ _._..-wean ' I Financiel Post: The" same care end`- -judgmen3: should ,be" used in making expenditures for,charity as in all ether expenditures. .Inquiry should bebefore and not after the contrib- uution` is made. Give-+but ~g`i've with j1{dg.ment. L ` om VIRGINIA mum` I 154 Yonge St._ 4 "WfN".l ' 1927 1~:ssExco.z_sc11 1%-rnrtats o Give,.But With Judgment I _,!,I `I5 " ,?i`}5'6b7i5'2}'o}7-}:Z` f/61' Z7lebeSfd?SW91's mun - Read ruleswcarvefzuliyv snd'youwill see that everyone has an equal opportunity to win" this .~- well-known car or one of the many cash prizes. ~ The object of this contest is to introduce `Virginia Dare Hosiery. There are no conditions to be met _. other than those outlined in the rules. Start now `- "and send in your solution at once. The gures in the rectanle oppog't_e give the answer. It contains just nine Words. Each letter ` in the alphabet is represented `by one oftwo gures. For example--A is `either 1 or 26;` B .is 2 or 25, and so . on right through -the alphabet. The message reads from left to`-` right across the rectangle -and` the heavy [lines or squaresl represent the end of a wo rd.L \If ou can provide the answer to this qoestion, you I , an obtain lasting satisfaction as far as hosiery is concerned in addition to winning one of - these handrsome ' prizes. :.,s.=;g. ` Jleadthe Rules carefully-i _ '?'_"' i." `_"__"? `: .'..`` %_ `lst, EssxlC'oach, value ...... ..V ...... ..$1,105.00 `and Prize .......... .......................... .. 150.00 . V 3:-d Prize ............... .; ..................... .. 75.00 ~4th Prize .- .................... ............... .. 50,00 th Prize .... ....... .7; .............. .. 30.00 -/6th Prize ........... .;,.;.....; ...... 4 .15.00 - 7tli Pr}ze ............ .; ..... .; ......... .; ...... .. 7, 10.00 8thvto 20th Prize-$5.00 h...." 05.00` ` ' Total; .......... .... ..\.s1,500.00 Al-late, are t heTPn-izes 1 Answers should be submitted in pen-and-ink, `on one sideiof the paper only. Put your name and address (Mr., Mrs. or Miss) and the name of the paper, in the upper right-hand corner. If you wish to write anything else besides your `answer, put it on a separate sheet. Contestants must be'15 years or over. Em- `-.\ 'p1o'yees of the Virginia Dare Hosiery Company, ` their friends or relatives, are not allowed to compete. 3 Contestants can submit three answers. to the -puzzle, but only one answer will be awarded a prize. . 4 Where different members of a family compete. _ -only one prize will be awarded in a family or household. 5 Prizes will be awarded by this committee: `J. W. Armstrong, Mercury Mills Ltd.; W. ,M. Thedford, Dominidn Envelope & Carton Co. 'Ltd.; E. E. Greenway, Greenway Press. The decision of these judges will be nal in all cases. - - ' Prizes will be awarded on the basis of a .-correct answer to the puzzle. quality of hand- `writing, neatness and general appearance of the entry. and for introducing Virginia Dare hosiery. Contestants will be judged as follows: 60 points for the correct solution of the puzzle: 10 points for neatness and general appearance; 10 points _for\ handwriting: 20 points for introducing Virginia Dare merch- andise. , 7 Each contestant will be required to send in a -niinimum order for Virginia Dare .I-losiery either for personal use `or for_ relatives or friends. Upon receipt of your answer, we will ' - mail `FREE our new!-`all and Winter Catalog ' showing our. unique values `and the savings `(made possible by our tremendous cash pur- chases direct from the largest mills) that we D188 on_'to yon. Send no money now-you: order will he sent postpaid. You `will be re worded. for the distribution of this hosiery to , your friends in addition to the prizes given in this contest.` ,We guarantee" everything we sell or wewill replace .it FR ' '8 This contest `will close ber 31st. 1926. V 'All*ent.ries should be forwarded promptly. ' Rules 05 the Contest f. 0:5; Togo d"5Z"ci'n 1165; 1911

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