Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 14 Oct 1926, p. 6

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u1uu'1(:E 1n` ualston United Church; Thursday, October 21 and Orillia dis-' 'trict on F1-gay, October 22. ` -.. ..-..v. vuuvvc. I-ru:a`uYTERlAL[ W.M.S. Presbyterial will be held with Frour` district meetings of` Sirhcoel 1 ;Mrs. Lister, Toronto, and Mrs. Ross.` [missionary on furlough,` as speakers. Alliston district will meet in Thorn- ` ton United Church on Tuesday. Oct. 19, ;with sessions at 2 p.m. and~7 p.m. A ' Staynexagdistrict in Stayner United Church Wednesday, October 20. Dalston I district in` Dalston Church. October and nrmin Ma- . .~ W.M.S.\_OF SIMCOE PRESBYTERQAL _ Four meetmgg nf- _m.3.......l `s p 1-i'j_&`E;i";~; ;s VGIIAIZANTE ran FIVE YEARS ' McCl'a2'y?s Speediron 1 ts a; long as the r'ange'it-self. I ; he `coils "should burn _out from `Ion g `service -..6 ..... uauu me apeeaxron because .; the coils are surrounded by a cast- iron wall and cooking surface." ` INDISPUTABLY the n V ;invented-McClary s Spe \speed, economy and year-in, 3 by no other electric element McCla`ry s Speediron Elernent is protected in every sense of the word. Protected` against accidents. Protected against the roughest usage. Protected ngainst hard uv\.u':.4 .I1\a|-0lJ 1 CIGKCU `ful sleep be _enjoygd;; Ordinary stuffed rnagtxfesses i give suppbrt only to parts of the `body--.-the V Send for our fee `(X A \ |n;s-..-...'-. -.- --- wh en every v.o_y. ou1J_1.}Ul L` 1Ul' every of the sleeper.. Onl muscle of the body _i_s laxed can true health- I'\ I ,_. .....--_--.I - 5. v v.uu.gut. uacu mccplng Corntort. I vtis' a mattress spi.entica1ly built to give real body upport- for every` WCarV Of Hm: clear-D- r\`-'9' . .. . , A` The` Marshall- Mattress 1": revolutionized sleeping `comfort, I.ti_q'g rhnffrooo .."..:......_-L:--I1 I lcuolch I IIISAIIIIA . ......g .. usc ulost emc1ent -M?cClary Speed1ron o`ers I11] 511!" cigar.-H --A- nd ' ----------- \ be` My husband is Very sentimental"; he .weeps when `you begin to talk about. '52 c\ I` work, stated a woman at Marylebonel e-I County Court. j . my I out ee Ibbbklet,` "Perfect Slcp" . vemrnuo MATTRESS co. LIMITED, TORONTO ONTARIO F515 `F117; . E4.s` "is gogiggy RED , --5 ---...vaL|. CY L` Speediron offers advantages cczf - -in,` year-out durability possegscd ` 1_nt in the wgtjld. \ 15] \ i you simply lift the element out and have' the T coils replaced easily, \ quickly--at the cost of a few cenfs. No inconvenience. No waiting for` costly` repairs. :MciC1a'ry s` Sp_ediron"is now all McClay_fs electri ranges. You s~hou'Ider s,` hips and legs; the ~ Marshall Spring Mattress, built` with many hundreds of individual ~ highly `fesilient spring units gently and evenly` supports the natural contour ' ofuthe body.` Every muscle of the body being comfort- . able and properly supported-' means true muscular relaxation-~ and real health-building `sleep. libs: . ..m..a sauna 'l'HURSli9AY,; ;oc"i'oBAt-;R 14, 925. ever 73 In 5 cnaogs h-lly The . ""1"-1-xunsxi ill I.' f0! (I ume-.-' Dem` Ontt. Ani 2 II. ;i:;iHihg Sr,-h Why Coal, Phone ge receive beat-pr keep y your f Supply HE W 20' 65 Extra large oven--no skim plenty of room for several di Large, oval-shaped Firebox, with plate for burning wood. Bun;.v coal or wood. Where gas is avai - M V ring can be supplied. a rut Flue ensures a able, a gas Bloch : Pate supply of hot The Gal! Stovcilk Pumice Co., Ltd. ' . G ping; shes. V water in` reservoir. , Out. ; F. SIGN % .. ...`a_ v a--uq-.\.ra_ 1 ___vv -.Ialal.\ The most exact! care is taken to see that only the neat Prov!-' aiona are aurplie through our stores. Strict examination of all purchaaoa- requent deliveries-constant auperviaion of the Ito:-ea` to no that onlyabaolute 'rdIh, quality rnerohandiae is sold. In addition to thin in the enormous savings to be made and personal aervice at all our atorea. N. "" T uuuauun tv mu II me am service stores. nommox The Big F ui';1itu_re House Cor-,, Collier. and Bayeld _Sts.- ' Phox\e,82 Barrie V s';}}1'`I" $``LiiI-'5u % `ran. (Iv: vuu. ] 1;. G.:SMlfl`H` &co,\ BANNER` COMPACT COOK SoiAn`jRe:a%sons "hy You II f {he T 93% coTIAcE ROLLSA 25..;..%| r:...;.,..;;s..:an;...% ms .15`oz.SAe e%d;cl., 17 gwrwg Br-mi Machine Sllcod Sm-`st!-t ix` BIIJC U) ILETIUS i.|;OCl(1 v The judges for the `debate were Dor- 1s"danning, Helen King and Mary y_Sloan. After `much discussion their deqisionv was given`-in favor of the affirmative side. The roll call was answered with a favorite pickle re-, cipe. The girls then did some sewing on the quilt after which `tea was served by the hogtess. Ioronto on Nov. 16, 17 and 18. V -' Miss Alma Comer played aapretty and pleasing pian`o' -so-lo. This `was followed by a debate: Rleso1v ed that Wealth is a `Source "of Greater Unhappiness than Poverty." The afg- firmative [side was upheld by Ethe Kell andlva King` and the negativ side by Ag`nes Todd and -Eva Allan. The. iudqns fmv H...-. `A.1...+.. ......... n-.- unl;ll,,'.NOV_eYI1/bet 2. . ` ` ' Miss Agnes Todd,\was afp ointed: as delegate to attend the omen s Institute 'Conventivn to be held in Toronto Nov. 16, 18. Mi AIYVID (`Av-nnu nn`n----` - -~r- - ........ .g- I:\ roVI_\Il\-' |s1qI'l`lUlIo, The October dumeeting -vof this `branch was held at the home of "Miss . Georgie Reivp _ on :5 Thursday ._ `after-i rt .:_1_q.on October 7,,,.__withj seventeen mem ers `and two visito'rs}p`i'ese_nt. `Miss `Lois Todd, Ditrict Di1`e`ct,O'r, !a'e a report of the District Direc- ztors meeting held _at..\t{:e_ home of Mrs. Faris, Bradoid, on September 25. At this m ee`tfing,it whs decided to have a `Get-Together Day for all 'the..:Infstitutes in this district on No- vember 4. Owing to, this, the. date of `the next meeting. was changed until, Nbvemer 2. ` Todd_ was ta'p,pointed delegate tn n+.+.nnA +1.. 11 ....,.....o.. l HuRcHn_.L JUNIOR.-` [N51-'11'q1", I "FL- n-L-L-L _._ _ ,4! Buy Ade1;tised' Things. `"01. all the` world. `Of all the world 41: -uruwn mrusn SIDES 10 his meek xbrown wife /' M `who broods below- on=`her 4nest:' "P-ls you I love.t_l_1e besAt!_ ; But the baby. rricfon islwiide awqkel. And its eyes are shining bright,-`, The pines in their arms thlrmopn must 3 .take.- A , ; And rock him to sleep tonight. . ~W111{s 13_oya[_.g11ep-. * ..,.v ---m--_ w_7_II,_C. ` < _ gr / `u nu: |`l\Il'l IA` -, UA`rl_l|'Il_B V. WOMEN'S INSTITUTE -. ':5"?\W'|LND:- ' .. I\..Ammte.etl_n8"1:>1mth`e '-1a`rr1Ae"Wometr 1"s `-' f ' ' V` _ `- ns :1 gpvqas `e `Eon uesday.O_cto er T':1?oP%;1:g@;:r`B;9i:ggf51_ rfeggn gig *_*1.11!7, at*th home og Mrs; Bell. 106 Baytreld `I `hear tliein` -murmur'1n` "I-Irushn'be st R]- wall W35 an-sW`:d* by`"H'-"u' - _ .stillv . . ' `web? liuggestiogIa." v y e%tertainE - ~. ' \- .,, ` Wng a ~.was_g en y_ rs. oyes o I It 15 m3{`3' ".,mig 5! tlzgefro/y, District` Secretary, on a trip ` `V - ` - Algomhrwhere `she was sent as V The -brown thrush sings to his meek - . n n.,,,,, _ . j brown wife/. government sneaker in fhn 1 + o CRADLE sous `or in-us 'NIaH'r.,` -u \A~n-un ~ 2 #14 >14 Ask ybr -dealerfaboutu the. Banner Compact` Cook "or write for Iitefaturc describ- ._ing,Bamm Stoves, jcHms*s~~cowVMEnA1;;sonA%warm 15$; Collier St. " BA_R_RlE aflllo I fpfll ":8 `Watch! V Pb? 39;; L41 _.1b.' PA_lL ' &%3 Sn?` 49c$ `MAPLE Liar ] it I `pic. aeonamu E,e'e1'oAs'r _. in it narzzdvv strips of toastedi white .;#read. over this place a, layer 01. sllcg ed` whit of hard-boiled eg'gs,"then an.` / other la er ot_ t'oa.at: lastly. yolks .0: .-eggs put through apotato ricer, Qver `all vpourra rlch. highly seasoned cream =aauce'so,lt `comes up to the top layer of toast: sprinkle over. It grated cheese and {lace in a hot oven.to__ brown. Serve he: wthe name duh. - I `4 [Butter a shallow baking dish and lay gag. nuvvvu vuly an "`J.'QB urcma." use exceedingly rare is a` first class adventure with a. touch of fnystery and an honestly interesting love story that we recommgmgi; this one most heartily .,to- you. _ __--- - nosuvullrl pur ose which led to such a series oi. .brea. hless undertakings as surely have never beenrecorded before: for int the [evening of his life Charlebois `is intent _on,settling these debts, on -both sides '0! the account,-which had accrued dur- ing his earlier dhys when friends were few and ill-wishers ma y, There is 8. naturalliydeveloped 10 e story involv- ing Stranway and a. beautiful, illusive girl known only as 'i`he Orchid." "So exceedlntrlv ".I`A I`. a n.... -1-..- 511'! lthea fkgi v , ' ( . The story opens with\young Stran- iway unexpectedly finding a personal 'notice in a newspaper; asking him to . communicate with an unnamed adver- tiser who` claims to be in his debt. He _follows up the enquiry, however, to an -out-of-the-way court in one or the -quiet backwaters or New York, known to few of the hurrying thousands who gs}! passed its entrance. And so he re meets old Charlebois. a perfect stranger `to`him. yetlrom that time till the`-ildt entry hadfhnen hnlnnnn 1.. :u.sjuu5ur w nun. yet _rrom mat time the iilast entry had been balanced in the`; ponderbus red morocco covered" ledger their ways `loinnd In n mm---I 'i THE-RED UEDGER" If any doubt exists in your mind .as' to who is Canada's greatest writer of adventure thrillers, you need only to `pick up a copy -of Frank L. Packard s 7- new novel, '1` E RED LEDGER, to be 0 thoroughly c nvinced that he is su- preme in hisefield. When you pick up a l=ive`wire you want to let go but you a can't, when you pick up THE RED Ledger you can't drop it till the back cover comes in sight and the tension is relaxed. Those.who have read the Jim- mie Dale stories will find in this later book the same gripping, eventful qual- ities of underworld` intrigue and ad- venture that made the earlier series such a huge success...that over 4,000,- 000 copiesot his books have been sold: but" the similarity ends there. and we, find, in theiicturesque figuregof old man Char-lebois a character entirely new to the world or fiction and. un- zvealtened byya. too (familiar `acquain- .a.nce. r e -. I 'hA `4\miv A_'-_.. ..-iA.|_ _-, `~- Read The Examiner arid gt all.the local and district news---$2.00'a year. , ,- ---.,. ....-. guwla um pantie. 110W X16 extricates\himself. his unselfish man- -ner_of bearing all the blame, his del- ity toward his kin and supposed irresistible periods of genuine` laugh- ter; gaiety and happiness), is satisfac- torily and amusingly set forth in the production. If you have worshipped at the shrine oj.Jiggs, Maggie and Dinty in the -past; felt the influence of their refreshing `humor and enjoyed their antics you are bound to endorse them again` on this occasion. Song hits that and pinteilligent costuming, splendid scenic adornment and a champion chorus of-real American `beauties are among` the other good things promised. .Ma.tlnee on. Saturday 2.30, nightl 8.15- Seats `on sale at Ma1comson's. 41x 1 4 jingle, melodies that linger.- elaborate _ wuvuvuuvy lVlF\\ll:,ANU V These folks who attend the theatre ` and keep apace with the latest doings in the world of amusement no doubt` -will be elated to know that the next attracti n at th eGra_nd Opera House, Saturday, Oct. 16, matinee and night. is JISES. Mag ie and Dinty." Based `on the everhi arious_;and'., always en- -Joyableccomic cfeations `of George Mc- Manus. Bring ng Up Father, this newest cartoonvoffering once more in- _,trod`uces in, the; flesh that trinity of favorites and immortals, Jiggs, Maggie and Din-ty. They. are reported this sea- son,/to be in their best hilarious ele-! ment with (their vehicle described as _a musical comedy innovation accord- ing to sincere dramatic criticism. J iggs,` as before, gets himself into all sorts of scrapes. Innocently. of course, but scrapes theyare Just the same. How he extricates himself. his her of bearing all {Ian M......... n..- -5,- .T=h_oug'ht. ,,,.- ._..- V vs- uwaalby LU l`h`e next meeti November 11 at-the home 01 Mrs. Jas. Duncan. A debate Resolved that the eaking Down More zn she is EstabIishing.'. Love and Mrs; J, D. Gil- Roll call / A Thanksgiving do Leaders, Mrs. christ. . 1 ng "will be held on" f ( ` t 2 I 3 uuu served dainty tea. Th`e meeting `will at the Resolv 1\/rmimw. rum =- V ` ' . . .._ vvvIvIEl,1 9 IIVGIIJ U I I: The regular monthly -meeting of Guthrie Women's Institute was held on October 8,.at the home of Mrs. Ansdell with an attendance of eighteen-. Roll call.`\ A pickle recipe.`. It was Idnnh-`Ina in ma... `. .1- - -- ' ' axon: `pl.'uvl_u6(1`-,.D-y the iW;M:,.A/uxifiary ofecollier st, Unitedhhurch on Friday last. A plapet on the sociai condition` _ Mrs. ~Mutchi on which made all feel . their indeb dnesssto the christian re- wrapped'in heathen `supe'rstition.f The Monthly was ably handled ,-boy; Mrs. Thomi,-Others taking part,;were: Mrs. J._ J.,,vBlack,e Mrs. J. H. Robertson, along with the president, secretaries and tre urer. A resolution of appreciation of t e work of the late Mrs. Aird, one of the Honorary Presidents, and sym- . pathy with `her sister, Miss Ross, was passed.,A"ha1f-hour of friendly inter- course was appreciated by all when, at the close of` the meeting, refreshments were served. by the social committee Reeve. off`-Ind'ias womanhood- wasgiven by ' ligionrjand their duty to their sisters . Watch ~'I-ower"` on the Missionary. under their venergetic convener, Mrs. ` GUTHRIIE woiwmvs ' ms-n-;-U1-E `The regular n'1nn+hlu.w..-...u..-.. -., Mg... use umewnen tnienanninz kitchen .Wasgi_n"`operat10n and also otthe won- derful relief work done during` the` dis- astrous flres 1nANorthern Ontario; Thb Inrnnknu~4-`MAI..- 'rv_-- - - - W. Ma so-' g . ' Over fatxty -Wommenjoyed `the gram provided - by th IW.M: `;Aux of Cqllier Stg1Up!te_ F1- lnnl- A ---` .._......- um. ...-nu:-me:-n untarjo; The lnm_atses*of*the Vouse of Refuge-.` Beeton. `are (again -to e r_nade happy {With the `g iftjof'ja`rs of fruit. ' I . peewn, are gagam -to be {made W 1. acam meme o1_' Mrs;-Bell; Baytreld '.S_t. Rol ansWez;ed,/by"`He.llo- ` jwe'ent suggestions. A entertain- Ilngr talk was giv7en"by. Boyesof efro`y. District` ,t Algomh, ` where`.`she as government speaker ,* in _the_1pter'e_sts, of the Ins__t1t1.1te.- Mr . Chas. E. Drur.v, also spoke of the good work done by the Institutes in the past, particu-larly at the time when thecanning was in `onemnnn mm am... .4 LL- _---, JlGGS.` )c,,LLIER s'r.- w. M. s'.' Q?` lxrnnm-u'4;......_.r-_,_u K. `._.1_.._---.o s, MAGGlE,AND I:y~1Tv,: folks attend thn H-inafr [TIOVIO `gfrlaii lnmloot` hr any woo} fronxdutb` '05 this input =uJU.veu vme pro- 1W.M:`;Aux1ary\l hurch on F`:-mm; uqa L, put` ucuv1a.r1y canning j nf'fhn nrnn, `-C theatre Rff ninn-n ngnmgxmiuanj HARPWARE g those of has had. the cu > a beeir, MK" rious creature pre- PIG -W`|TH BEAFl"'S.HEAD Huntsville Forester) `I `E. J. Mqlnnis of Newholm has in a state.` of preservation an interesting curiosity. Recently a sow on his farm} gave birth to fteen pigs. Fourteen of I the fteen are perfectly formed and are alive .and doing Well. The fteenth. however, was in*a wezfk condition at . hours later. Upon careful examination. Mr. Mclnnis; observed that the `animal looked some-; I What curious, and when closely in- -1 spected it was found that the head and legs were those of a bear and that the `latter actually had y.claws perfectly re-`. ` presenting those bear, Mr. MCV!` I Innis curious . I cowncramowu jdjjgn

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