Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 14 Oct 1926, p. 20

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tenvil plav u the pr: \.`L'l In anal! the F ty. h good Skelly. the in vnlvx state-I \\`7(-iw th ( VV h 7 the . DCi\ .~\nni\1 V ` to Hunter has but 1 . ~craphicelly,- e' few _v ,. *one;-of_ hie hungywiaer. - ' e.;'.`.I wu*ennvupere.;Ii':r;_V ff .' jme. -We .Canadie.n moose and` deer hunting season: are at hand; in Quebec from the first of September to the end of December and in Northern Ontario, north of the French and "the Mattawa Riyere ifrom_.October I 35th 1: the 80th of,Nov`e__mber. The i . lure o this greateporttie irreei_stible` \ `to hundreds of; men "in professional ind bueinesewellge of life `in. Can- ` ids and them, Unisd Stetee. and it lune been intimated. at the tourist department .of'-`the `Canadian Pacific 1 Railway in Montreal that th;e..mov`e-f ':nent of huntere.'.wilHIG 8`.!`%aterjthie__a yepr than ever before. *`Ozez_-it. -ipley. .1 well-known writer and expe ened - I i_'is.~o 1:1 ` gen. `countryas e;-.. . 3 ., hymen, V +hj;; a.,. _. third ing Chum not Old J._4(. C year wi) on and 10' Jur SKI -v-I it-II CICVC UVSWDQ .m.- r ftho Nipigon coma _ %r%1nev1uI_:-t 1 h-d%%m _ .l|!ld:' Jud , _ T:-`, M` A . . _ou_r 5'/tack is very choice end our prices the most reasonable in Barfrie. : Flannel-ette, 36 inches wide, white and stripes, regular 35c, sale price .. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23c yd. Flannel, all wool,. ten dierent shades, regular $1.25, sale'price . . . . . Mackinaw Checkannels, suitable for ladies and child- 7ren s dresses, will be sold at . . .' a Heavy Eiderdownclgth, suitable for men s, ladies and children s kimonas,-reg. $1.00, will go at .3. 69 yd. Flannelettq Blankets, Dragon brand, full 12/ 4, `white . . . . . . 39 yd." V orgrey, reg. $3.75, special for Saturday , . $2.49 pr. . U ...,..,. ........, an -wu_ur, up -neavy riannel, signal ljrand, regular $2.00, will go at_. . ; , . . . . .. $1.29 Men's Work `Pants, good quality, sizes 34 to 44, regular` \$2.2S, sale price - . . . . . .r . . . . . . . . . . -.r. $1.49 `Men : Underwear, winter weight, 100%.unsh'rinkable, regular $2.25, will go at . . . . . . -.g $1.25 garnaent Men 3 Overalls, Big B brand andother good makes, in sale rice e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 . . . . . . . . . . $1.50 M_en_ s Wool Fleece Underwear, regular `$1.25, to go at . . . . . . . . . ...79c-`-garment Men s F all and Winter Weight `Underwear, Penman, s,` regular $1.25, sale price ...;... . .,95c`garment Men's All Wool Combinations, heavy rib, regular $5.00,` to go at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3.50 Children's Underwear, all wool, best quality,shirtsand` ' drawers, to be sold at . . .' . . . . . . . . . . ; .`. . 69 Hundreds `of Men : Sweaters, in Windbreakers, pull- overs, coats and V-necks, at" remarkably low` prices. a Come andsee our assortment. ' " .,._.. .. ......., vvuns aweaters, regular $2.50, sale"$;l.75 ' Men s Shirts, union an e_l, large make, regular $1.45, I ' will go at . . . . . . ..`. .' . . . '. . 98 Men s Shirts, all wool, in heavy annel, Signal lgrand, regular $2.00. will rm 2+ a 1 on Men : Heavy W6rk`Sweaters, regular`$2.5Q, W . III-:'`-` 5` ' ALL NEW, SEASONABILE Goons QIIIITATEDC Iinun-. nu u:'M-u . -.......... ___.A. -___g ` ,..... .... pnqul-lDLl!.' uuuua wu.L Br; sow M CUT-RATE PRICES. SALE: INCLUDES OVERCOATS, M55195 AND Bows suns % EAW `UNDERWEAR, swam-zns, wmn REAKERS. MACKINAW cams. OVERALLS AND smocxs, ALSO LADIES aims, DRESl-`S; MILLINERY, V uNm:R.wEAR- AND HOSIERY 7- _INFA.., . EVERYTHING IN nu: STOREGOES on SALE. ~ N lplgdll Moose Hun ting % - :;.' `"`.'..`"*..':.*; `* In `elm _-Von: It won L` 9:` 1%*}u!V-,Vi ?:9g9F5mt Lao-%!_tio_m 3 offermgs .until_ 1- saw things from another perspective. I was at Lake Helen by accident, after following the;route pursued by a big moose which had for `some veason browsed close to theeMission`. Paul, my `Ojib- way guidelhnde I. had` followed the trail towards the south. through the abbreviated. poplar and birch grown bottom` lands`. and over significant - altitudes. Paul :declared_ it was a. ` moose of immense size. " The `trail 4 waavgruelling and time and -again I lost -the faint trail of the moose.` . _ We-followed `.he`trail.jj again after _a pause`. over hills; The moose apeaz-`ed to__l_.e inino hurry. Its -steps ` .we,re._unifoin.n and ,des_ultory. tl}!,!Q`;3ld .'Paul.._ ,alaoken._ -hi: .pa-.ie'~Q'gj:tfci,f , .W0. -at<*ethe. - uilction` "oi-plkg Hl_n:.and!`Lak9!?o y- We '4.` 1 ` down on hlllto .tlie;v;'y ater a'edgo.* L _ ' '7*=.9u.:!!!v, ,4. 4 .~J , .3 _ :34. ,. obldcts. lmmohn .lIr'nn'nmtln'nn.:`ln u -`Inge. ' L" D inqcu; C .4 91. stock or Osecont-is and 2, s:;le*:$1.75 are V n R n A50 ma uuu -Ieu neaa Wlth a splash. .V ya` staccato. breath when he appeared. 7 9!-.I;him" . , 9 V V H i)?3;l__"be`beld ._reb_nke in the red .- Fjup!.i.ai_.hcause I` `hadn't waited 3 A; `qu`z9,!.*-Af- . - J ` . " ` 2 5 ` 'de_cl.a}ed in ' gutturals. . ?a`n'6,uh to kill moose here. ; nt:f~lg` ' e areal hunter to'kill been `1f.'Vo;`a__p1y~9 .gje:t been out. -' R `fl got -him?` I exclaimed to`Paulv ` auv_vvll,~ ayI=uung_ manger. Perhaps I hcted wrongly,`;,but held on` his ghqulder and snap shot 'at him. Again. I sighed and`pulled`the_ trig- fger` aending?h`nother- .270 into him- ,The~, bulli fen ; dead ,-with splash. "lrsrot 'him'_" I .nnI.i......a 4-: n_..n` ---_ - - naauu I-VI JV ' i.'.wit1i7Jna he disappeered `into the thicket as, silently as a wraith `of smoke its the `wind-charged air; How lng I waited I _ddhot knew. ,' My teeth began tofchatxer; It`was a `fall morning and cold-. The-.-bull ' mqved, xscenting; danger. Perhaps acted wrong-levhhut mm m.- 5:. _ l`go inbush and.get- round `he:-," Pad`! whispered; -If I get round on udder side` of bull she scare: aha come straight for you. l!TLI.H'4.I.:- L- .111 ' ` Men s Sui'ts, heziiry tweeds; suitable for winter wear, in sizes 36-to 44, reg. $22.00, sale price . . . . . . $12.50 Our Boys Department is equipped with a full range of suits, overcoats, sweaters, underwear, stockings. , ' If in need, our prices will. astonish you. B'AR'R'i_Eb Exxminnn ..-....-"*;"...-:.r'm:tz'..",*;'*"......~.""rv= -veg; J A AV'CT$e: D651/I6? nd D.istribLutor 10 ` M- 61 Iiliiiu-Ln--4.._-.__._ 10 owl-zn s`r., PI-[lON_[-:\lo:21 a)r;w%z_/lucizw on akll.///alm}gf0 r`16a L7:rL`o Co};z(, . ./Innouncing 9} /Ieuew rmsn H Newer, x no1-e diatinctive,silhouette- Nesier, more exquisitely" graceful" Newer, exclusive style of military front with '7 ` /' cadet visor on enclosed modela- -T .r` Algaih, with the new, iir Chrysler Chryslezfpxfeates a digtinctive dparture III 116 WEI` ancj panelin 3" Newer, xiroie attrndve Blendivn/gs in bodytonea, mhpmxd subtler hurqaonign. ptripl.ngs` unruwlrc In 1 addecf to the; panel- I Q7 Ngwer rcnementsjin control: ihd hidhmpk -.-....., ..e..u- mung ease, wun exclusive no T side-sway vanadium. springs, Watson stabil- atots and extra-size full balloon res, mounted on newlydesigned smallexf wheels-- V ` Newer richness of inset-io1_-`n holster-y_.~ hardware and ttings with a gnndsome c ock IO th nQXl`l kQQII`A;-I X--A.------ - ~ - Nevler greater ease with elusive no; 31 e-u;nv %n .m-ht... nix..- ..-a_..A luxuey of comfort nshiom-- ` with deeper and u lI$I.Ill`U WIIII .e',newlyM beau an nnnasome clock tied inatniumcn; V V217 Z?;c7Z?7z"cc.r- WHY NOT SHOP , FARTHEST WHERE YOUR DOLLAR cones . AND BUYS THE BEST? 0 `We have hundreds of other articles in our store ` snace does not permit us to mention. Kindly enquire for goods you do not see. ,- ,--`_V_ _ ..-.... yunusull lJC5C in evening gowns, all the `latest from . ., . . . . . . . . . . . . .r . . . . . . . 1 Ladies Coats, in the newest model: every coat in our store reduced 7 suedines, kashana and velours, s1 collars, to be sacriced at extraorc ___l` ` or opposite the Post Offide. beauty today-experience its new measure of. comfort- -combined with a `perform- ance which an entire industry for three years has failed to gpproach. ` L - .. V. V. -.1 y_.,` e ` "' New Lower Pries as_ "Signicant ` 1 `as Its. NwBeauty /n|..'.-.v`._ A-- A A `I \J design and a new measure of value for an industry to follow. `\ With its new vibrant beauty, joined to en- ergetic and vivacious performance, unap- proached economy, proved dependability and long- life--at prices which register (I distinct enhancement of motor car value-- the new, ner Chrysler `70 leaves today's trend as far behind as the original 70 ad- vanced the'st_yl'es of three year; ago. ' CQlI1\e in ` gnu I-I-Ga '---- "` $2030 1 2150 ` 2180 2225 'r_HyRsDAY, OCTOBIV-SR1 which I of Toronto 4, 1926. ; * *"153'K {:00 late Trinit Allandale tend wor Allandale for the ` company V l\,CA`u Hot `fa tertainm Wilson :1 Church, . 6 to 8. ren 2.5;. Anniv o'erin_::. Oct. 24. Barrie w at seven Vices. TY IJUL L111`! Rumn Stores ( Nov. 6. Nurses. donation ."\HU!\ United < 1. We 1. JICI Monday 500 and TN . AVUV. ...l Ye < exclusiv to. at C`. ed (`huv balk"; att11`(i:1 A.lk4llK\'A Keit ' Andre Piper St. A tea and churn-h I II` Bapti: work Nov. xv landalv Hume. d a }: A In! the

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