Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 14 Oct 1926, p. 2

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(6)58 cuu ILL HUI` IIUIIIC IICFU. ' Mrs. Campbell of I-Iawkestone sperit few days "at John Reid s last week. Tho `!\IIV` nuunnnn `In:-HA nJ- Anv\ `D;-\`ll n WILH l8_ (.Il!`BSI1lljg' macmne. * ' A number. o`f neighbors gathered a the home of Tom Banks on Thursday and aided 'him in the raising of his barn which he has been framing this summer." lllna 'I`nu-gln `I'\..l -41 I`! _ . . _ _ . _ . _ _ -..A. .UIlllIlUI'.` v I Miss Mamie D ff of Creemoreaspent `the week-end wit Miss P. (E. Newton.` 111 Du.1'1'1e uu V.L'nuI`B(1'cL_V 2Lna'_b'r1aay. W. "T, Irwin has obtained the service 50!.` W. Peacock of Anten Mills to help with` his, threhing machine. A Ylllfhhn. niahhnnu rrnflnnmn `ni- r `Mihses Laurine -Alderson and Mae nWice attended the teachers convention I xuuuu u.pp1'eL:1u.Leu. V U in Barrie on Thursday and'_Friday. `K7, "T. Tr-win Vhnsx nhfninn 1-ha any-vino. Law uaya wu.u uueuuu II). xmmvale. [ ` Braden s APresbyterian church held a. very successful anniversary yester-I day. The church was filled to` cap- acity both mofning and evening`, The. special music by the choir was very much appreciated. I, 'M1h:n.e `Tmun-inn~ Ahimmnn uni! 'MI'on V I . . ' 1 3. Oct. 11-Miss Evsther",Downer_1feturn-f ed home on` Sunday after -spending at few days with friends 1n`Elmvale. I >'RI"Idt3Y\' -p!`AG}'I\7f'nV'3Qr\ >l'I1 |I1V`fi`1 Mnl i .. _v... . _--- ---- ..,`.--, -. . uvonv-an i 1 The ;:1der mill is again ln.oper'atidn.. The apples being sca.'rce, it is not run- nlng`ull time; V ` Ill l11llHLU,lI`l&5l. VVVUUIK-' . ' ` I ; Mr.-_ and Mrs, A. Rhinehart and baby. -accompanied-.`by Mrs; W. J. Freethy and! R. McKay,,m'otored tQ.Buffq1,o and vis- ' lted for a few` days recently. I 11.... 13 1--.... ..a`rn..._..__.. - _._u_- u___ "1xEr."n.":B1{as SE 4"w3J13f vho has} passed _her 91st birthday,` visited last wee'k' with her son. D. J. Jones; 1 _` I , w ,7 ,V-- -... ~- VV 10 W0-l'k" to `get, 1,000. eggs from .'every?hen_'i"l'iow 1. V. g (111 ts-1T g ,`9 1P1Y}A `to mgaegghepolde hengylgsgr Zlkepulletsz how -to keen un haavv nus: - Oct. 12-Mrs. Troxel .of,-Kitchener is returning home this week after spend- ing. a few weeksgyvith her daughter, Mrs. (Rev.) W. Brown. . F6! `X71: Mar Thvlnr Inna Hnnwhrhfnn Billy l.Ul`_ Ill. 1u.p1.'unu-;yea.1'. " ' t V , ' Mrsand Mrs, A'._LTipp1n-g of Glencairh were/in town last, week looking for a. . suitable property to locate here. ' A. `P1ldham_ and his` s1st'er.: Miles M. Pridham, pent a. few days wjtmfriends in Allistqn last` week.` Mr, and Mrh, A, Rhinnharlv and hnhv Lara. \ISBVo] `W. DlfU.W. " ` . Mrs. Walker Tgylor. her daughter Ruby and son Ellis left onMpnda.y for Texas where `Mrs.`Taylor Is in. hopes 01, ; regaining her health. They expect to Vatay for at lap; olregyear. Mr inn Mrs, A` 'l`lnnin~nr hf (v1Innn1':{1II-I S-;>n1ue1----`v`A`1`e V you musically inclin- d'? T CENTRAL one -------.--.-::-.-. BAXTER J Here s a new eNash Advanced model that's scoring a tremendus success, ` L . ,Richly furnished, luxuriously ap- , pointed, and with a wealth of new = engineering `features, this 4-Door ` Sedan is easily the most notable car ever .offered,at the price. ' ,_D-V-it spowered with the newly-, ' " %rened"7-bearing crankshaffmotor Nash has developed-the wOrld s is s `smoothest type. _ PHoNE'2so% ' V PHONE 1199 A. B. /. STAYNER Tote AT1?y`7-Bearing Motoif Performance It Offe rs` Amazing Power,-Smoothness EGBERT `5i'0R SALE-FzV1;rns,V summer Prop-I erties, Town Houses,TLake Fronts. \-FOR RENT - Summer Cottages, Town Houses, furnished and un`- furnished. ' 1'7t.fc - H_ENRY.&ecowAN V 4 1 ., 4 '/ -V THE -BARRIE EXAMINER ' Leads the World in Motor Car/I/alue`. If the` Prime Mi ister and all the! A naval Officer fell overboard. He! memzbers of the binet should d1e. was rescued by a deck hand. The offic-` `who would officiate? asked the teach- 1 er asked his rescuer how he could re-, 0 .... ._,a 1. z... 1 Robert tried hard, but inyain, to think of the text in suc-.(-ession. until a_ hnm)y thought struck him. ' _' !`h3 undm`t:1ker." he exclaimed. I o ' BRADFORD s'r., BARIQE -no. NEW , Advanced Six 4-Door Sedan $%$224o re World 'n`Motor Car Va`lue`. ` I > ' 1ooo,vEGcs IN EVERY HEN] Did Y g%>u1?} H;%eating~, : TS`?)rstme E1work_right L1st`Wihtr_? E f\'I` II! IF 1~}o'r,,\ '\P. MORAN We are the exclusive agents for the `Findlay line ef Furnaces. Come in and let us show_ you why we believe the FINDLAY is the best. It doesn't matter what kind Qfva furnace you have in mind-'---or what price----there s a FINDLAY to suit. `WHY _1$Ib'l`r? ~ - ` A, ~ _ J HATVE Yoir TRIED To LOCATE 'I`_HE TROUBLE? REMEMBER! Heating troubles don t just happen. `There must . 138,3. cause. ' If>iS our business to nd fhe hangs Tfum nannnf um ..-.-...-..........a .|.u.;au.ug uuuuncs uon 1: Just nappen. Lnere must ~ business to nd the cause. Ifwe cannot, we have at-our back the help of the_FINDLAY ENGINEERING STAFF. pm`. work is GUARANTEED. ' . I ' Now ' `We do`AII KindsA of Shet Metal Wo;-1:. ,- _-,:--- - ___--- --- ---.. 'ch{1fc172. HI\/I'z":V'IJ3r'ow11 preached a very; Oct; 12__~Ml._ and Ml.s_ J_ `V. Stone *!15DiI"iYh`.~' Sermon on "The C0nV'iY101Y11 and Dorothy i?notored to`Brantford and :Marks". la-1st Sunda.y, taking as his text t _ - `John 20:26-29. Everybody welcome atgsp/t, and Sunday School each Sunday at 10.15. Mrs. R. W.`I\lcLean.- Mr, a1i_d-ylrs. J; I I73..- .11-... ,,__ , I C an - Never have you known such rare ` powegwsmoothness - soft, silken, utterlyyibirationless power-ow that has no equal in this eld. 'A=ride` will PROVE that-CON- VINCINGLY.i wcuu nun. _ - - 1 The best way. sir, said Jack, is to? _sny nothing` about_it. If the other t`e1-E 'im\'s knew, I'd pulled you. out, they'd iohuck 1119 in." D I wan Lcauucu uy `ct uec = ` ward him. `~ T`1nn luwi ..._`-. ..:__1 And itvhas a%long list of added new atttactions that rank this 4-Door o-.J-.. ,,2-.I - 1 ' " - ` ' ` _ --__.-- wn--U 1' Sedan"1?ight% along with cars se far above it in price. _ Come in day and see this N model. Always Heat. I .z\ uoulu. 111:`: UILIU-' how re- Phone 350W, BARRIE 58 ,Bayeld Street SALES, SERVICE MACHINE snop . _px'e.~n:n1.. ` - Miss A. S. Watson'a.nd Miss Muriel -I..}`0b,bitt attended the teachers conven- `aziion in Barrie on Thursday and Friday. Mr. and Mrs, T-T IR Arrnnfr-nun` nun Juduge---You `are acc'used of stealing spoons from a `restaurant. VVhat have you to say? Accused-I took them in error. sir." In error? How do you mean?" I I 1 I THURSDAY, oc'ro3,r-:1; i4, 1926. I thought I I error. sir mean '3" \ . they were silverf, (4218) A I No. 1ec{ uuuu ul D'd.l'l'lB Uu 1`I1u1'uutLy anu vnuay. V Mr. and Mrs. H. B.,Armstrong` are ~.ino)ida,vIng' at Algonquin Park. ' PI-nvnr rnnnHnp' null] hn`hn1 nn T)VnA_. PR THO] T04 We ,,..o4 FL INS 10 \\ on Lu: urxy. Bernard Jobbltt _present. M'iua A Q `X79 fun '--'llUJlLl?t`VllI5 I'LL J11!-'.Ulll]U1Il 1.'cU'K. _ ~ Prayer meeting will beheld on Wed-` -`Tuesday evening at eight o'clock in the. "church. Mr. Brown 12__Ml- Convincing and ,7, .3\/farlln" I!.1uf"QI1n-;:v fnlzinrr as: his: fnvf '_--__... LL, -;__V w cunt. 1 B. Morris has added an additional room to his barberim.-.' establishment. which it is understood will be a.n4ex-.. wtusivo ladies department in the gum- rmer months. I` D 1\A'r.1' A-\v\v\r\v| I.-- 1...'.,.... ......t..-.x..... . ~'-' ` ' --" . ; Oct. 11-`-Miss Ambler attefided the weachez-s` conventio_n"in Orillia last week. `M... anmm. no mn..,.....\ ...n.. .. ...,...1- `V. b3lI:s"1Bl.`l'. _ . , A plensmit eveninsx was spent a.t_;he home` of M1`. and M1's.VO.. D. Partridge last. 'l`uesdny when their -neighbors guth(.-red -and p1'ee:entod them With :1: <:ha ir and a number ofkitchen utensils. The evening` was spent_ in playing gzames and singing and in nice supper- "was served. ` -_-ruuaunu: muuvcruury. ' the 0, , A. Kirkpatrick, G. C. Allen and Will, Fa-rm, oiufiatt-motored to Alllston on Monday of Mr javening to attend Past Masters Nightunbel. 7_ connection with the Masonic Lodge mug", `air that town. ) V ` ; ta, W1 'l`l'm nrlnnn (".nmafrnnHnn (".n hnva __._a-_n Mr. Snider of Toronto was a. week- xmd visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Madden.- A 1\`n`.'m. Damn aman. ..o,n..uu.. '1... u... Oct. 11.~--M`iss Dora Guest ofAco1dV-M_ water visited at her home here Last Saturday. 1 v ' Rn)*11:4I~:1 Inhhlrf 1': in 'l`nnnn+n n+ xvubp nuac Dlllltll U1. uruuu la U19 guest of her sister, Mrs. L. Currlg. Mrs. Hewitt of Atherfey spenf 'a few /1-ave I-acf urnnlr urifh I-u.\v aicfnvu 1|/lug l\`ll'.`5. LIUWILL UL l1LllUl?lt!_Y S[)CIlL 'H LBVV days last week With her sister. Mrs. R. Slesser. ' A n\,.nn.-..-.'o- ..nn..:.-.~ ....`.. .........L -4. an... -'11J.VJl.l LUWIL ) The Godson Construction Co. have their road-building plant installed and -ccimmenced work on Wednesday of this `week. 1 1:! .1mm....z;. Inna naama .-.... ...a.uu.....;1 .!H U!` IHUII LIIH. C. P. McLenna.n has been enjoying `a holiday In Lakeeld` and otherpolnts. ---.---.-.-u.-.1 . |.Ul'lHt3l' l'BHluBHl.B U1 1JBl.I`U,Vo - I Miss Mary Noble at Toronto lspentf "last week-end In town. `pm. `Inn. 1|/rn....a.. no 'r.nn-.:..1.. ...'.......-.1.-A -Itll. WUUl"UllU Ill LUWIL Rev. `Mr. Morris of Hillsdale breached in Lefroy United Church last Sunday] morning, having exchanged pu1pits' with Rev. Jas.` Brown on account of the: II-Iillsdale anniversary. A Wlrhnnfrinb (1 P` Allan and `VIII ~UI'VL'3ll i`l.L LUU UIUSU. 1 A. Kirkpatrick spent Sunday calling `upon old` Lefroy friends in the New-.' inafket district. including ,Mrs. Mil--' "roy, Mrs. King, Mr. and Mrs. W11lfMor-' 1011 and Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Morton. all `farther residents of Lefroy. I I/Nu: Ilavuv` T\Ynh`|a nf 'I"nvvnnfn unnni-' QJHUTCH In Duffl IEEL VVUUIB The social evening _of the Young Peo-` izole"s Society on Monday was Wellat-g tended. Rev. J; McEwen of Churchill` gave "a very interestjngaddress dlre'ct- ' {ed almost entirely to the`young people. Miss Ruby Adams. Mrs. B. '1`. Bate-,_ man, Thos. Batchelor and Mr. Whitney '5 `With hisrorchestra furnished a delight- ful program. Refreshments were! served at the close. A A rII..In-.n+..In1; -....~....+ a.....a.-... .-...1u..~' START FEEDING `f"I`he g're.aAtLtrouble with the minty ausineas has always bean that .the`lay- nnr Ilfn nf 1: hnn urns: 1-An `uhnl-N ..n-n'.. slowly xmprovmg; V - . M g `Miss Gladys `Sheldon and Miss Norma Tebo were delegates to the young peo- ` mle's convention held in Central United '-Church in Barrie last week.` " Thn unnlol ounninnr nf fhn Vn1'Inrv Don- `- on nouaays to! a.. ouple or weexs. 2 Mrs. Will Barry as been quite-ill for ' the pa. two weeks; Her condmon is. slowly proving; Minn (Hadvn Sheldon and Miss Norma` %REAL vxtenaea nouuuy an xuruuw-. Mr. and Mrs . .'P. F. Swindle. are away! houdays for a. ouple of weeks. Mr: Ill! Rnrrv an been unite-ill for " `extended holiday in '1`oronto._ . Oct. 12-'-J. G. Dbuse is snending an`! Mn and Mad '1' W Qwlndln are awavf VBLAT(2"P&lwlV=k`ORD S X BAR-NUN. . HEN SCRATCH 5 and have _ them layinf before weather . ORDER TODAY_FROM BROWN &_co., Barrie. zvznyrnlna _l\l__ '.l.l:l.llUUU- ' Miss Rose Smith orjoriluagisv the nnuf nf hnv eiufnw 1\/l'nu T. (`nu-min "'71*111 -we -Basket " Eyyls Tb BIG `BAY POIN'I_' %" CLOWES 4--and-_-.-4 f`:5?RY is in Toronto at . I Vff Keep Chickens CUT '_l'HlS l which will be sent absolutely free `to. any reader` of this paper whb keeps six hens or more:--E'ggs should, go to a. dollar` or more a dozen this winter. This. means big profit to the poultry keener who` gets the. eggs._ Mr. Traf- fqrd tells; how._ If you keep, chickens and want them to make money for you. cut out ,this advt. andsend it with your name and address to Henry Traf- ford, Suite .308A, H'era.1d_ _Bldg.. Bing- =`hVamto'n,{ N.iY.;a.nd,a.`~ free copy of .``The. -1.000.;-.EGG`_HEN'~ ..will be sent "by vex .turn-man. M ~ 41: pr`od'uct1oh/ all, through cold winter months `when eggs are'_highest; trlple egg production; make slacker` hens hustle. These and many_ other, lmoney _ making poultry secrets .a;re contained in Mr. Traftordls "1000 EGG HEN" sys- .tem of ~poultr y raising, one `copyot anv n=.n.dm-- nf this nnm... mu; 1...... 'J..vvl.I; ~l:4l1_L!` turn" mall. tuuus. ' This community joins in wishing long lite and happiness to Miss Treva. 'Hudson and Milton Bell. two of our popular young people, who were recent- ly married. / tDistrict quarterly services, will be _held in the Free Methodist Church at. Crown Hill. October 15-17. as follows: Friday. 7.45 p.m., preaching `by Rev. R. Bloye of Bracebridge; Saturday, 7.45 `p.m., preaching by Rev. R. L. Casement of Gravenhurst; Sunday,-9130 a.m_. love feast, 10 a.m, preaching by Rev. -E. Snyder of Uxbrldge; 2.30 p.m., ~ preaching by~Rev. A. Gunter of Hunts- ville, 7 p.m., preaching by Rev. R. Bloye. The public are cordially invlted.`l uut. `U1. .1u ellbmes. Miss Doris Webster attended the teachers? conventyon in Bagrie Allgxst week. A Congratulations td `Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Edney on the arrival of a baby girl. RGV. VV. H. A(]3h1 hf Tnffnnhnnm av- October: 11.--- Miss Grace Nelson bf` gchurchill spent the week-end with Miss J Muriel Loblaw. . ` * I T\no'fVInnv-6-In... ....I..Iu:4....1 L3`. __.,,IL 7 murwx uumaw. \ Deechantler exhibited his poultry at Schomberg Fair and obtained 19 firsts out of 20 entries. ` 7|/fiat: hnnfu `II? -.1'uI-.... ..A.L..._'.1__1 ;I- , uuuuy uu Luu 'u'1'u.'u,1 01 a. 08.0) g1r1. 1 Rev. VV. H. Adams of Tottenham ex- changed pulpits with Rev. Mr. Burgess of Bond Head, the `latter preaching at anniv1'sarys'-ervices in -Tottenham, .1\/l'l,:a.`mu1-alln Lrglhm-+ Mn..- m.a.... n-.. V- ..-nu... .;.\.u;.-.,-, can: :u.|.|.UA plcazullllugi db axmivgerszxry services -Tottenhamr - Miss~.Estel1a Halbert, Miss Edna Cone nell, Miss Mary Coutts and_I-Iarry Bay- croft ttended the League_Ra11y~ in Barrie ast week. 7 ; `cu. :uuuI.Uu Ull 1`l'l(lEL_V. I Miss J. M.c_Leod and Miss I.',Broderick ` attended the teachers'- convention in ' Barrie -last week. " T.Trnnnnn6 Tlnvn A . . A n ..: . A _ . . . . . ._' I-_I_1 1., .l.)?1l'l'lU 'li'lEiL Wt.'eK.- V _ ` Harvest Home services were held in Trinity churchjon Sunday. Mr. Down-- er of Vvycliffe College assisted Rev.` `C. P. R.. Hear-n-`both morning and ev- ening. ` Thin nnrnv-nnn!1r -lrdnn In -ul..I.!..... 1---] apcnu. uu: wccn-euu WLLH rercuuves. k Mr. and Mrs. L. C. McLean. Mr. iN[r's. W. McLean.- and-Mrs. `Bradley and Mr. and Mrs. A. Orr at- tended the funeral of` Mrs. S. Newell at Allistorron Friday. ` Mica T Mr.T.nr1 n.-..4 mnm. 1"13......a-..:..u- .- (l'cl_VlDg `cu. 1118 IIUIIIE Bl`B.'. . . , . "Isaac Speers has bought a house -in 1 Thornton and intends .to move there 1so_me time in the~'fut4n`e. /- ti Mrs. J; Coxworth is . visiting ohe_r `daughters in Toronto. - : u:uu_v.. _ ' , Rev; and Mrs. VV. -Pale)? are_ visiting` with Rev. and Mrs. I-Iughes. Vvest VVin- field. N.Y. ' ` ' . Miss Lawson of Ba1`rie_ls visiting `with `her niece. Mrs. C. VV. Caldwell. I 'T\/fr nn 1\/[n (`inn `[1115-nn..n'n.-..a ...... V `H4 `.4. vI.or;cIIAl any \ V'o1-'M;1m1;z1.s been received from the 1WeSt that Mrs.iThos. Brandon is very ll. \ A T V J . .0 ...-...,.. ....._.. ..,. ` `(,.`.~/-\13`u1en1. f111 inf` |w1th 'Mr._and Mrs. E cent1,v.. 1),... ..'..,1 Mn... nr .Oct. -`11---The Auxiliary met at the home of Mrs. Frank Maddenl on Thurs- day, October .7, with 2).` good attendance. '1\/TI` nn 1\/fvu (1 '1" D'.!ffnvIunn nna Q ua-Ly, U(:LUU8l'_.l,'W1El1 21. .`.'00(l attendance.` "Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Patterson and S. Campbell and family motored to Tor-` onto to sn?nd the week-pend. . 'nr_. _ 1' `-1 V __T_ -_-.---- --.- um.--mg vuuuvuvnwo The in/erag`e pullet lays 150 eggs. It ikepbthe second year, she may lay 100 `more. Then she goes:to marke . Yet, it has been scientifically estab ished _ that everyspullet .13 [born or hatched vwith` over one thousand minute, ems`: `germs _in he1t...syste,m--and will ~1a.y them on a highly profitable basis over a periqd-pt our >to six years time if mven proper care. `s ' ,nr.~ss of her duuglltc-.1` Evil. Her .n\uny -... , _. lI\ yu. lI\4\`.1\>\rll\Ao .. -..._ M. ,_ . "Mrs; J:\s.(BmnVdon is spending '1 few clays at Om Station owing to the 111- friends hope for :1 sn`eedy _rec0V'ery.` `IV ; 1`"...n....i-H. i;l` 11v--,1...;...-u_ ___'._!LA,1 vn.u. Au. AV. L: I visiting 'Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Fdlsmere "and son 'Ross have moved to Craigrhurst. 11-v-_.`,1 1- ,., 1 Ul $V].l'B| Jtlluall IDUII U11 LllUl'UUr,Yp K}U!U' `her About seventy enjoyed the boun- tiful" repast supplied by the ladies, at- ter which `asplendid program was pro- vided by the following, members and friends:-'-G.' Crawford and Allan Bell. violin soio,s:' Mrs. Page, a number of` `delightful `vocal so10s;E. C. Drury, a talk on Better Lighting and Water Systems for the Farm House:" Stew- Aart L. Page. an outline'~of the work to `be taken up in the coming six weeks course being put on by the Department of Agriculture: musical selections" by Miss Hawkins-and Messrs. Bodway of` ,'Jzu'ratt: Jack Reid njA lex. Currie `gave :1 funny sketcy Representatives ..from Guthrie, Rugb, and Shanty.Bay brought greetings. from their clubs. "Finn alnrvlntr nf (Ind Gang O-1nn~`I I{nn-H UFUUEIIL 5l'k'?ULlllKB._ LYUIII. Lllellf UIUUH. `The singing` of God Save thevKing" brought one of the jolliest meetings of the season` to_ a. close. ` T 5 BT80. V " As Norman`Peaz-son was driving` to y the village last week his horse stumb- . I led in some loose gravel break! g some 1 of the harness and throwing 11 out. I` Foftunately he was not hurt much but :3 lost his robe-which' he has riot yet re- . coverefd. ' unkn.-.1 in.-an tnnnr` nn Thuuvunir and ' Oct. 11--The annual Vtowlsupper of the Oro Station Women's [Institute and .Farmers' Club was held at the home Mrs. Allan Bell on Thursday. Oc_to- - llhmv "I Ahnnf nnvnmfv nninvnfl fhn hnnn- Len one: on Lue umy mug ` , > , V Mervin Lennox of Petetimo is holl- idaying at his home here. ( Tnnizn Qnnnru hna hnifahf n hn11A'-in i covered. _ ' ~ ' ' . School was closed on Thursday and 'Friday for teachers convention in` Barrie. ,__ . _ - TU! nu}?-` `|\/I'r-cs Wlnrnn `K/I'n()nnv' `nf Barrie. ' Mr. and" Mrs. Elwood McQua.,v"01'. 5 Elmira called on friends here.` Monday evening. V I `Dnt-urn` ia-n-incr `luv 1-hn nrr1c;`r nf -fhn `evenlng. ~ - , _` Potato digging is the order of,-,the ; day now. There seems to be` some rot- ` ten` ones on the `clay 'lan;`1`" 1\/I -nu-uhh T.nnnnv nf Daft: hrs in Kn- ""1118 great. trouble with the poultry` `Ybuslneas has tha.t,.the`lay- fling life of a. hen was too short." 8 '9 `Henry '1`ra.fford,' International Po'ult y Expert and Breeder, for nearly eigh- `teen years Eglitor of. Poultry Success. ,.__ ___A____ _4`_,`I_; u__,,, --A ` " ' ' ' O . ! Oct. >11---A nuihber from here attend`- fed anniversary services at Holly and `Utopia last Sunday. ` _ ! Wm. (`nnnrv vlnnf :2. now last week. She ~ 'u.top1a last aunaay. . - Wm. Cleary -lost a cow last week. She wgotda leg broke and had to.be slaught- ere .' ` V` I Am kYn.'.v.-u~.n"Dnn-ann urn: nlxylna fn NEWTON ROENSON CROWN HILL ORO s'rA`r1oN BOND HEAD EDGAR ,.,-v..-._, ..,..../v \\'ooc1st6cl< visited G. V. Hicklin:.~.' re- ,eur1y;- now to maKe,`me `old hens lay Zlkepullets; h\ow -to keep up heavy egg. LUVV Ubl.V3 Ell. JUHII .l'\.b'Hl S ld.i'5L WUUK. The fowl supper held at Allan Bell's last Thursday evening under` the aus- pices of the Oro Station Women's In- stitute and Farmers"Club. was largely attended. HonleE. C. Drury and Stew-I art L. Page of Barrie gave very helpful V and interesting addresses. .Oct. 11--Quite a number from here; attended the-axmiversary services held: in Burns Church and also at Utopia United Church. ' `!\`|'nuvv\nn Tnn-nu nn Iain vnnlanu .4...` t IJIIILCU uuuruu. ` Norman Foster and his mother mo- t0red' to Duntroon, on VSaturda.VV last` and spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Brown. , {Vanna nu-ul>l-Inn; nail nun!-nln 11"....-".n. 1.4-... .l..l`cLIllCl .D1'UWll. Corn cutting and potato digginmg con- stitute the order of the day. 9% ed? 9 cu. ' \ I S`aul---Am I? \\'h,\', `at the age of two I"used to p1n_\/`on the linoleum. - Oct. 11--Rev. James Currie, who u,n- `derwent an operation in the Soldiers Memorial Hospital, Orillia,` retrned home last week; T ' Mi 1i`.afn1:ln `Dnnv-cull mnnnf fl-In vault- HUIHU lltl. \'VUUKg Miss Estelle Pearsall spent the week- end at her home'here.' 7|/rvwn r1OVv\v\1*\\`1 A9 `LT.-`curly;-uutpsu-.;\ nan-:'& Dunlap andvliulcaster Sh. A Fiaono! 31 : BARRIE :V Bo) : 595:

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