Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 14 Oct 1926, p. 19

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`I4; The Red Seal Conti; mental %Motor. the 4More. Silent Chain, , and Force Feed Lub- ` rication are but three of the mecBan1'ca1fea- % tures that instantky _ stamp the Star as a Quality Motor 1 Car." I'M! MOST DI!-ICA'|;I IYI'I'II `AI swzunj Al wean \. o. .`m v////////I/; `-_i . .2 04am;/ere Lz.r2e --- -:._: ` Watcl; for Jim '3 reply , WA, ,._4__._. A _ . . . . n; ;.'.' 233'////5 /01: ./ I .5. . 4. 4.4 -. ` ' I ' I / q in -;. t---5-av-1. "' /,7//// ;"7 /na:II$I /////II:'r':'rza:'/", .` - ' _'_ / Ilautualttlrll IIIIIII/IIIIIII I 0 A .u}_an..-'0 ' . :I1::,-.-ar LVU. OUU, u=aVca- rLl|G1lIL&w_,Iuuu 1:.` m., arr-ives Penetang 9.15_ p.m. ` So1ith_bound ` _ No. 396, leaves. Penetang 7.15 a. :m.. arrives Barrie 9.05 am). No. 398, leaves Penetang 2.50 p. 'm., arri{esVBarrie`5'.23 p.m.` ` -_ , Meaford Sub-;)ivi'sion T V , .Northbou_nd, ` ' . No.` 61, leaves -'fAl1andale 10.40,.a`. ! I `m.. arrives Meafdrd 1.00 p.m. V . I I `A`KTp. 00v 1l|8I7I{Q A V 51.;/-::-2:47////A592,. 1% . 4 C ; e e e I.:;:.iAtio.;,; .i;:,:o,;,;ee1ad;3:;.;u~iie+;gi;a:1ow tip `your Aidea;oftrading in that passenger schooner of %g ` 1 3 A` .,2yburs take my tip.and get a Star.` Of course, I Z agjg *admirdnthaAbig.car of yours, but if you want 'gE}` big'bar stuff with little car cost, yOu try_out ' "g.\ this New Star car. .As a_beginner,-I can't pre-. 4 . u tend to tell you much-but this car of mine has . }gbt everything+all thegease, comfort and.smooth `% ness you boast about-and a sense of power. ' On our way out to Mother's, we came to * that long hill past the schoql-house. ;g_ )2 I was nervous about changing gears on mm Mgga g ;%%_ the hill; so`I went pretty boldly at ,}T@;%; gfg the grade. There was a big H - car "'"-W ; ahead which I overtook about `two-thirds / .-I . ` o _ _%%%ggg. of the way up, and I had to pass it. I /":g;g/ didn't have tochange gears, Jim,,and when the big fellow passed me when we I i .got up on the level again, he was pretty.sore. `% `A great thrill for a new owner, hey? , AIt`strikes~me there will be lots-of sore- Vheads wherever there are hills to climb and Star "2 2 'car$to climb `em; _ Oct. 12-CornAcutti_ng and threshing seem the order. of the;_da;y. ,1-.,_1.L-,_ __x....!;. -awu--n unnv \rnvI\4n<' v- V v\...-.._,. Mrs. J. Curtin an-.1 daughter lSit- ed in Toronto for a few daysjast week. -.ps:,'., 1-, _u____.,3 -an-.- _...1 I vu All .a.v Ullyu I-vs` u. a.\a n \-v.yIq .u-..n. -- v..... A. Gostick. Mis Jackson, Mr. and `Mrs. Pyburn and son, all of Toronto, visited friends her; and at` Anten Mills ` on; Sunday. ' ' 1"` ' -:12..- 'r_-_ *r'r.._..:_- --x...u....: -4. L... L... |aaL .-.zu-uuuvoc Idvvyn 3..., \r\rn- v.-.... H_. Mayor of Ba.'1"rie visited his daughter, `Mrs. E. _Richardson.' last week. - ` ` -L ` -..-- a v .v.,., ,, ,;_ -; AL- vv uvann Thev VVomen s Institute met at the home of Mrs. E. Richardson.'All report. a good time. More will be seen at a; later date in the monthlyjreport of thei Minesing W.I. N , 1.- 1.1.3.. ..1_-- --.x...I. A...` 1 V1: -vuunu-nu, Miss Jean Handy visited at` her home in Dalston over. the week-end. \ 7: .:`.,,.., -3 n_.-_:- ..-:..:4.-.1 1_.x.. av.--guy-sea 11 u | Their friends in this,n1a.ce wish to: extend sympathy to the bereaved vini the death of J. Binnie. S12. who was a V great` help in all good work. He will I be much missed by all-`who knew him. I _:,,u_n ____..__.. .1._...._ Ac. u\. ssauwan -nxnuuyu VJ was vvccur ....vn .-----. . The young girls sewing class of 7 sabout 35 members ar% getting along splendidly with Mrs. Gifsfen, Sr'.,`and. 1 Miss Annie Orchardx as teachers and ` Mrs. D,.fCampbell and Mrs. G. Richard- 1son__as helpers. a ./x a}!lUJ.` u.1'1uuu LU W.UlUUlllU LIIUIF GU11 11.11 wiia bride. `r.-`and Mrs; Walker Mc- .,lFarlg1nd, O tlffr arrival h`o1ne` after yeir wedding trip. The 1'1ewly.wedde.d couple w,ere,pre:-seated with a m1sce1- ` -`laneous shower. which contained many handsome and useful gifts. The even-" Vina: was veryenjoyably spent in social? `intercourse. contests and music. after fwhic-.h a dainty lunch with coffee and it-o nvnnrn `urn: smvvvnd 1 Goods ax`/e 'l_:ou_ght of themail `order houses because the buyer` /did notknow the sameior a sim- ilar. article could be boughtof the home rrierchant. The fault of"1:'he . buyer not knowing rests `entirely with the man 'who.failed to in- form his neighbors" that We had. that which /was desired. No `doubt in many-vcases it could `save thedcustomer money if the article hadbeen boughtat home. But how is `the customer to "know? ~ MINESING STATION` , . J I ....II..' /1'.` " Well; we've -bought a. car, as Mary` s .ys, "at k1as.t'." , V ,~""/ : r ' CI go~t,Ji*t Fridaybnight, and it's a_ dandy. We gave Mother and Dad the `big surprise by `arriving in state for the,week-_end. - carsgto climb ?When big, litt 33 n you com -cost Sta e?over ahd get a ride in mi r . ll % I. `la UUFL XIIUL 311. L113: IIUIIIU UL 'LV.l.l'n_klllll lVJ.l'Bu F. McFarland to welcome their son and` "his: hvidn MF `and Mrs: Wnlknr Mn. I ",1;/Ir-111:2 s-rm cAas;` `zit, .,o. o`a.,;. ,3 Illao._f:. n _r-_.__.7_ _- Bax-_r`ie Dealer; - _ 16 Bayelci St. The Royal Bank or %Canac1a% HAROLD HILL * JJE] TU) ab J`lIllll'l$\V VV llc 3; VV III. .. utherland of Toronto atv'R.~ A. Suther- 1a.n`d"s. . ~ . 3-34- d-H nngnmn \Al-I--...-.I . ",r;'.w - RIO DE JANEIRO mama am-.NcH, - \- 1. '3. ma, Mama V THOENTQN BRANCH - - M. c. Wigle. Manager .3, -r6RoN-ro (Lsasms) ONTARIO of Fours 5 S1'xe;s' -1\I\I\n|-I-I\ II 1--..-nnpua-,-\ l'\LI1'AQl . u. Tlnaw ' ' 800 in Camda 100 Abroadv including Vancouver . Victoria Calgary, Edmonton Regina Winnipeg F rt William indsor. Out. London ` Hamilton Toronto Ottawa Montreal \ Quebec . St. John. N.B. Halifax Sydney Charlottetown A; B5nl( with 900 [Branches By` WINNER Ice cream was servea. , Mrs. Walker "McFarland was!for`mer- 215' Miss Mildred Vvebb of Stroud. 1" . 1 ' HEAD opcncs, MONTREAL `London New York Paris Barcelona - St. John's. Nd. `I-Tnvn nn 3|}. J 0X1' Havana Gnu Tnan Dill! Juan Santo Domipgo Port-au-Printe Nassau Port of Spain Buenos Aires ` Rio deljzmeiro Montevideo Caracas x u \.u.u\.a.r and in Colombia `Darn reru Venezuela 1 5I.'1'1VUiS D6L'l'lU _Cv:-IV yolllo No. .47, leaves Toronto 5 arrives Barrie `11.30'p. m. Southbound . No. 46, leaves Barrie 4 v arrives; Toronto `7.'20 `a,'r_n. No. 42;.4lea`ves Barme 8 arrive; Toronto 11.35 am. u~1o.`44, 1eave`s Barrie 5 Phone 1231. Pg; Nincta` ` BA " ~h;l4;;IolNE Northbound` No. 41, leaves To ont_'o arrives -Barrie -10.5 a.m. . No. 45, loaves Toronto _' arrives Barrie _7.50p.m. `v `M - AF] `|nnuna' l`n-nnni-A EIG 8I'I'1Ve; .I._Ul.'Uu|aU .l..l.u.)U nun. 1eave`s 5V.'05' arrives `Toronto 7.55 p.m. Pendtang S`ub-Division`: , ' Northbound . No. 397, leaves Allandale 1052 g. m.,M arrives Penetang 12.55 p.m. A ., RTA Q00 `lacuna Anllnrhn 7.2 fl. {III} V CE .` m"No. 399, I _WIlJUIl it uuuny IUUUU ice cream "was served. 'T\Kv-a (KY1: Ibo.-YUI'n13`nu1c TIL, arrives MEQIVOTO 1.UU p.m. <.4 No. .63 , leaves Al1anda1e- 7.50 1S.m`., ! arrives Meaford."10'.15. Lp'.m.A * - ' 1 -Southbund T ` 3 I a No. 60, 1e'av_es' Meaford;'6.30 `a;m., ` arrives .Al1anda1e 8.35~ a,m. No. 62,.1eaves Meafordf.2.49 p.m.,v n1n1n\'v'I\`L-\`ADYI!`D`a K Y1 WI, I .. l VU. HQ,-ICGVCB u.|.\7ua.v&u`,u arive`s\`Allar1_dale $.10 p.m.'_ DU u Luuu uuu No. 60, leaves. A landal -8.56` a;m.,; arrives Hamilton 2},'33 'p.irn'. R ... 120 `Anti:-ma A1"lnv\rIu`n 5 9.4 hY",_: ,. Northbound _ No. 61, leaves Hamilton 6V.5'0-a;.m2, arrixies Allandale 10.20 a.m. ( 7' - Hamilton Sub-Division -m , 4% RT . (30 `nova: T-`l'nw\`iH-.nn H.111` ETTIVGS Auanutue 1U.aU uuu. - ` No. 62, leaves Hamilton 3.35 p.-m.", arrives Allandale 7.23 p.m. ' -' ' 1 Southbound ' K" - K11. Rh. lnnunu Allnnnls Q.Y._: I2}33 p.irn'. - I, ! No. 62, leaves Aandale 5.24 p.m.<,i arrivs Hamilton-8.50 p.m; `D c. N.-`R?. %I_'lME :rABL .. '_rHusD_AY. 0CT9BER`:1g, 1925. V j St: -Ja'n"1es" L{nited Cl;ui'ch ; Auunvznsnvjssnvicns Sunday, October 31st ` 140.30 and 7 6 c1ock W. M. MORRIS, Se'cy. ofVOntario' Educational Association, will , preach at both services. . )' Special Music thd Choiy`. t . FREE-WIILL OFFERING .'.:Meat Supper nd Emu`-tauinment, Monday EVnipg,Nov. ht. fMr. and Mrs. Wilson of Collierhst. 4 _ United Church, Ba\rr'ie,` will furnish the programme,` y at Bride and Groom Wolcombd nlnnnnnt nvnnt fnnlz nlnnn nn . A&}{issio}a,7`6o`cfand 25. ` IUIIVE3 tiuauucuc .a.voua gov Penetang . ,geaves Allandale ,7.38 p. O1E -nun 4.55 8.40 _.4.5 0_,'-P-H/1-9 9.00 ` p.m-y. 7.35 a.m.', ...-.`..-..`......- dg&&iwi$x%&%$&$ 11`. `hi Eniirlln I in 1v`l I$.I Ii m wtw wwwwwww .Y4.u.Vza._.v4.v.Lv. .i'a. .v.iv'.'.4r. .v.mu.`m -:-v-v- --.-v~. :14 -; ."'.'_- - at w`wwwwwwrq.f;L~ wrq-rAjfr_q,;wv;j.fn.`.-__ ~Jas. -Pgarson -was in "1' out Wk- - ~ - ` L`? :::}:, Elwood 8t_mpon'was in 'I'otf`ito,over the week-end. . - M185 Myrtle Greenlaw was `In Cooks- town ovqgsujnday. .. ' ' Nnlnnn Irhrinnn nnnnf Qilnnii `I0-VVI1 UV isuuaay. ( V N_lson* impaon ;s pent; hi 1ster`ln' B'arr1e`.:1~ I?! ndsj on`-'Su`nday. ` - _ , . ~ David lirysdale was taken to Barrie hospital last week,-. 5-'~:'"i ' M m:_~`Rn'hmvt (`.n.rr nm=`.n`t Sundav with _ rs. ,Ja,s. Simpson ilfted '_3M'd{dnq.- n'1enqs`"m UOOKBEQVVD. _ . Mrs. Lowe:-got Bmtnleis visiting -he` daughter. Mra R. M.f.Black. 4 Minn am-m `nnmnnv in unending n. . Mrs.'Ro'bert Carr spent Sunday with friends in Cooksto_wn`.`1 ' . HOSDIEEI IEBI VVEBIQ.-. "1" J Ilnu T.numv- -n! 12n'm-ha In viniflnxz .hA g STROUD >3 >10: >x< >1 -Xoxc A .u4_ GEUKBIBF. 1V1!'B.`.l1. 1V.|..,.uD.luun. Miss .G\ena 4Downe.v 1s.sp`end1ng a week with friends In '1`or'onto. Mr; Ian 'lI`n`rlnmz -`n1 `Ran-in snant WGBK W111} 111611118 11! 'J.`Ul`UnI.U. Mrs. Jas. Furlong *of- Barrie spent the week-and at. Albert =Sprlng's. Item DA`-Anni Tia!-nan nl Qnhlnhr a visa. . `He WeeK"5l'lG' at. AIDE?! 'BDl`1I1 B.{ [ Mrs. Robert Usher of Sudburv 3 via- iting her slstr. Mrs. Geo. Elrlck. . Mk nnA1\/Ira '\X7hi1-HA nf Midland! I were :sunwlyl'gue_uts at AIVIII nu-se,y a.` Dr. and~Mts., J. H; Scott of Hamilton [visited Elmvale friends over Sun. .v. `hm `IN I` 'L1anuln nn lms: .'Dunv-in rnnn . V1S1C8Cl ._l.`.ilH1Vl!`.7 .l!'lUlll.lB UVUIC DUI} .V. ' Dr. D. C. I-Iarvle and MrsgBanne man Were` with `friends 1n`Orlll1a'on Sunday. "J. I-Llslmpson is Vbusyothis week put- ting a. carload_.ofr coal 1nto"th`e~ school. `Mrs. G. R. Lane of Toronto 15' waiting `o1_1"l`r1_er`mothor, Mrs. (Dr.) Scott. who > weexsi VISII WILII J.V.lI't5. VV. Ll. 1.'1l,Ull.1U.' Mr. and Mrs. Al'l`e_n McDermott and daughter Joan of Norwood. Ont. were at the farmer's home over the`\Leek- -end. :' ` _ . II and 1\II'ua "KIT T T\/fnT.Aonn9 `K7131; ,1ungVner Slstel`. =.lVJ.!'S. ueo. mums. 1 Mr.. and" Mrs. Whittle of Midland ` we&'e Sunday guests at Alvin Hisey's. `Dr nnd.1\II'i-Va J. 1-T. Qnnff, nf `F5l'a.milt()n uu u_t 18111. --` V In: town. 1`\i':3s an. M. Hnlv of spent `the week-end with 1:... mu: Ill'nn- T `Li mrnrus w.yI\vl:.. and Mrs; J. MdC9.w.~a;1d son _ga. oIl of T Barrie -Sundayed with Mrs. .- `err. ' ` ' ` ' -an..- In--- 1mm.u4.+.-m no mm'.. -u-.+.'-. Ia ' "111 .4 . . . `iwith her `sister. Mrs. McC llough-`, fis quite sick. . -' T :1 " gM!ss Be1le Neelja.n.d fretur.ned.to '1`o_r- onto this week after ending the sum. '_.,-.~. ....I6I. O-ulnut`n'h1':IIn ` urn. JIIIEUF `'``.``"'```~"`' *1!" P00 01:0 Katy ` ho, _.i\f[`i`s ;1.:'Tena Middleton of Toronto is spending a. couple of weeks with his parents. - . _ Mina Wilma `Mnnfgnmhrv of` Cold- parents. ~ `Miss, Wilma `Montgomery 01?` Cold- water spent~a few -days with Mrs. S. Tipping. . , . . Mina .TcTan Qnhlnnlnr. nf Vinfnv-in `I'-Ts'n'- l1!\I}igslg.'Te`an vschlslei-bof Victoria Har- I box`. was the . guest of_ Miss Peayl Train! last week. - M " 'l\II'n nu-u `RN91: Alknnt 7.1ir\|-nu and 17.-a 18.81 WEEK. ' Mrpand Mrs, Albert; Lyons and Vex.-a; ' of Barrie, were the ,guests of Mrs. G. L.` Usher on Sunday. `Mhn mm 1\'vu ,Tna.Qv5nA\:nf am! nhllrnn |.l.J. LJHIIBF 01'! aunuuy." Mr. and Mrs. Jass Smrt and children returned home after spending the;'s1_1m- \mez:v` at St..Qatharines. _ , `Mina `Nl r-T.nnn nf Rvnnlavilln W19: re- Jonrrs utuceu unurpn. _ [Anniversary s,e`rv1c:esA will be held in Wycliffe church. Elmvalei on Sunday, 0ctober'17..at 11. am. and 7 p.rr`1. The recto_r. Rev. W. .C. Stubbs. wil} con- duct the morning service and Rev. E. A. Slemin. of Stayner the evening. The` organist. Raymond Player. will 'q%ve an organ rqcltal prior to each ser- V 09. , |\HlUlj' :11 . BI... -'ucua.1'uu:a. -v `Miss McLean of Brockville `has re- ` turned` home_ after spending a. few l.weeksY visit with Mrs. W. L. Ritchleg `|\l| n nu-.3 R/has A'l'h':sn 1\l|'n'I\nvunnnI-1 9 !-IR -enu. ` I L Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McLean`of Wal-' tel-`s Falls called at the home of S; `E. Campbell on Saturday enroute to Mid- | land. ` 1 1'41 (`.1 Illln and hnnn flnnnan l'1|~nn\rH'ln nun . " ` - Ft.` G. Ellis and sons George. Grenville and Walter. and Levi Atkins of Mea- fordspent the week-end at H. Carna- hazrs. 1\II'n nu.-I `lltfnu Q I1'.\Ynnlnv- and Inna v1c_e. Among those who spent Sunday with frixmds here'were:'Mr. and Mrs.` John dr'aw's.`. Hahn of Toronto at Field Downev s: F. -C. Lower of Barrie at R. M. Black's: Mr. and M . Geq. Roe of Barrie at W. J. McGuir s-: Mr.` and Mrs. V?`Beards- all of Barrie at A. G./Beardsallfsz Miss Lily H;into`r_1 of Midland at Wm. An- . ' 4 V ` _ 1 . .w"' yMlSB ueuer $981119 1'uuu:uuu -1.0 1:01- me tter ._ ending `mer with tr1ends.'here. Rqv. '1`. Cranst_on of Tottenham '~ onqucted the Prggbytgrian ctfurch ser- "% **vices here last unday. : ' Mining Vm-rm Rmvthe_ Isabella sand .3 nazus. 1 . Mr. and Mrs. S. G.'~.,Napier and` Jean.` of Tottenham visited `the la,tter s bar-. ent_s. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Bishop, for a counle.of~ days.- ' T . Vvnllnma. and Mines Gertrude and CUuUl8.DI` uayxs; - Wallgstce and Misses Gertrude and Evelyn Mulligan and Mrs. Geo. Mulli-x gan of. Toronto `were the guests of Mrs. J. .'1`. Agnw over Sunday; M Alnv Wnft, and mm Mn:-rnv; Misses Joflfo JSSHBW UVISF auuuuy. ,._Alex. Watt. and son Murray. Misses Alma. and May, Watt and Miss Vivian Frame of Toronto, were at ark Beard- `sall's over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Vvill A'rmstrong_, and baby, VM1's'.' .T. ~Armstrong.. Mrs. H. Thompson and Stanley Thompson of Toronto spent` the week-end at Mrs. rm `Mir-1i`nr1mn'n ' ;_ W111. xv*:r'a.uuen H. `~~. Anniversary services of -Allenwood .United'Church` will be held on Sunday. October 17. at 11 am. and 7 p._m. Rev. D.` Roy Gray of Stayner will occupy the pulpit. There will_be_no service in St. John's United chhzch. - ,Annlx`yn::u.u~u nninyinnu nil ho `hold {I1 vice. .'!`OX`OY1tO pent. EH8 WEEK Wm. 1m;Fadden's. :. : 1' "an I... 1...` ugly 11, `drew's.` ruuuvvu -you _y vun vuvww e'1`he'reg`uiarA anniversary services of_ St. John United Church were held on Sunday, October 10. when Rev. D..M. Solandt,,D.D.. of Toronto. delivered two very thoughtful and inspiring sermons to appreciative audiences. At theeven- ing service V Mrs. '.P. J. Camnbeil` and Miss McKinley of Midland assisted the Fghoir by`rendex'ing a couple of excellent umbers. - . . ' nu 1\/[nu-Diiaky nvanhur fhn T.ninQ' Ail` Vumbers. ' _ .r On Morfdav evening the Ladies` Aid provided a chicken pie sunpere to which the lame crowd present did ample jus-` tlce, After supper an excellent program was rendered in the church auditorium by members of the Stayner United Church choir. under the leadership of Mrs.` (Dr.) Shaver. This included read- 1ng's._so1os, duetg. piano dudt and quar-`_ tette. Altogether it was On! /2 nn!unn1':n 1-(7 a very succes's- ' I ' IZEILLG. ltltugtguu-:1` I ful/:annlversary. M1`.~and Mrs . Ben5W.bb'5P.'W"s" (day % Wm. H_1llsda1e`tri.ends.\x j /. , 1-3: ' Mr. and Mrs.AA.* . Green` are v1s1L-,- Toronto. friends this wbek, . Mrs, Angus Warn1ca\ls$n Tqro to V` ;`,with herllater. Mcculloush-;_. ho Tldln nII`fn ik. ' ""\IVVI' G|VVV I-IILI Iva an n -an There were over 2.000 rftrjes at Elm- vale Fair this year. the largest number ll -flan hlczfnwv nf fhn nsrhihifinn. "The vale .|*'a.1r tms year. (He Iargem 1_lu1uucI.' .in -the history of the ,exhib_it1on. "The Fairywhich was held on Tuesday and` Vvednesday oVf'last week. was one_.of -the `most `successful ever held. The` rweathe.r was very -favorable both days= and thteattendztnce was large, thetotall. i gate receipts being $1050. i 'l`nnun\_v was: nh'l'Il`9n'S dav &1!'l`d was ` gate recemts Demg wumu. Tuesday was children's day and . I featured by a schqol cl1l1dre.n sMparade` in which seyen rural schoolssajnd six; } rooms of the Elmvalg school took part. 1 There were four floats in the narade. one from Gibson representing Pioneer 1 Life.'{ Crossland . Truthz Elmvale 3. publicschool, Ha.llowe'eh. with the dee ' corations worked out in the school col- .. ovs. [orange and black. and Elmvale . fhizzh schopl, Ploeer Days in'1?`1o-s.". . ;. 1 In the -building -there were-displays. 1121`! school, "1.-'xUneer uuys 111'/:*xu=n. In the building`-there were~disp1a5'rs.. -.:Over 2.000 E n.trieg-a.tT Fair - - - - A V V - - - . .. n nnn -.u,..a.... -4. 1 A'nnivrsa`ry Sue:-vi'ces Tho1jnbut`$' friegds In. MILLER's 9` 7. . L . ' PWJ'?FR5 a '4?-vices nere last,-aunaay. . Misses Vern'a`= Bmythe. Ishieella gfiod-.7 ` ' utellowo `and I-Iazei Jacks. .visited;i.'r.or`AVr. M filonto. e friends" over Sunday. + Donald Neelands `has been"tr:a;ris-i : "5ferre,d. from the Stapdard Bank staff- Vgin Kinmount to .th_e"Barrie.->b'ra'nch. T A deep gloom was cast: ever this .- Vcommunlty "this week when th ee` 0! .-our old and res1! ecte`d.resident`s\R rte , o .' 9 called -by `death. Mrs. Alex. Neely. `ePu`rvi8. and Mrs. Alex. `McDonald. To` lithe bereaved relatives of each. deepest `sympathy is extended. ` _ ' On account or the deathe;ofVMrs._"A. ` :McDonald. the"1nstiYu te' meeting ' f nounced..to be held at Mrs. `W. J. Leon` ard's on Thursday. October 14, has been tpostponed to Tuesday, October 19. An. V_ 3_ir;terest1r`ig item on the program otthis . `meeting ill be arraddress 'by`Dr.- N: }W. Roger on The Care of th`e'\'1`eeth..'." _ _ some .visitors`during.the past week were: Miss Mary Pollock of Cooketown ~.,with Mrs. Fred -Nessz. Mr. and Mrs. Latimer otx Alliston at J. W; La.timer's: 1 -Miss Knwell - of Toronto with Mrs. 4 Givens; Mrs. W. C. W. McCullough or . .L'efroy at Andrew _ Wallace's; Wm. . Rnfhnrlnnd nf 'l`nrnnfn at 'R, A, Qnfhnru wood`; S. E. Campbell, hardware; E by R. A. Cooper, dry goods; Roman Meal` demonstration; radio supplies. pianos and phonographs, by VV. Craw- ford, Midla,nd,.and G. J. Kohl; Colling- Knapp, hardware; M. Lawson, harness and rugs;_ Collingwood Tannery and ,Ontario Ag`.ricu.ltur'al College. There were also exhibits of silver black foxes. from the Vespra. Fur Farm and Bert Richardson's fox farm. Lunch was served in the building by the Women's Institute and on Wednesday a tag day was heldine the interests of, the Child- ren's Shelter. A splendid -midway af- forded lots of amusement. 1-or "s, 1 --- vwhrvn ...~._. .. ...--......v.-....--. On Wednesday evening there was a capacitir attendance at the concert giv- en ~by Dunoanicowan of Toronto and Miss Elma Angus, dancer; Miss Fan- ny Rodgers, contralto; Fred-Alexander. concertinist. and Miss Ethel'M. Gra- 11arn ,'pianIst.b The receipts from the lconcert amounte/gmto $280. 7:11.. 11.; ...o 2.1.--- .-.x._._:._._ ._.,x__-_. __.1n `W;1.`;1ve*.. "liS1 ..'..()'f`-g};(:(`!`:V,}'ViIv1;1`i;1'I prizes will. ;..be found on page 11 and 1 . , VB1'1 y' Advertised Things. A sm: AND sum-: , QEMEDY FOR AILING CHILDREN aunm Nunccflcl. nun umm. auueuv mo 'n-IoIIouaHL.v CLIIANIE EVEN `I'D-(I MOI1` DILICATC OVU1'IHa> -- nu-neat! AQ.I H313 "' '."_r``" '. 7'.` 'f\ * j DURAN? MOTORS or CANADA LIMITED` 'A pleasant event took piace on Fri"- f'day night of last week when "a suprise ~"party or over one hundred friends and `neighbors from Holt nd Mount A14 Alert `met at the home f Mr._and Mrs. lnwnnlan in urnlnnnhn I-hnhv nhn nnv

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