Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 14 Oct 1926, p. 18

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j Bums: E2}AM;xAN1=,R local h2;d`district7news-$2'.0(_).a year. "men`and they fwork -...,-- , __Exgmint ` ` Adl.ets'- a\;'e" gteaf ;eial; for little pay- liead .The` Examiner ind ge1:l'a4ll`:;:},1eA F`v ,,.- --.1 a ing.- 8` Yrs.` old, -yrspold, heavy: sorrel mare, 10 yrs. old. G.P.; brown gelding. 8 yrs. old. G.P-.: black mare, ,1-2; yrs. old, drivrz bay gelding, aged. - ' PIGS--6 pigs; shoats: brood sow.` L Iv`EED~--40 tons good hay. 5ooT ns. turnips, quantity oats; quantity..barIey. quantity peas, quantity flgx, quantity -Stl`&W'. CA'I"[`LE---R`ed and white cow. 6 yrs.- gld: brindlewcow, 8 yrs. old: hlnnlz mm. Builder ii `T Any responsible family who .are prepared to purchase a Rogers, provided it is all they desire, may have a free demonstration ih `their home. Prices of Rogers. Sets $140 to $395._` Collier : Old Zge Childhood This is the treacherous time` of the year. One day hot, next cold and the third damp. These are days when bronchitis pneumonia, hacking coughs, sore throat, and other ailments attack you and hang on all through the winter. ' ` ` The sure way to prevent bronchitis, pneumonia, coughs and colds is to keep yourself in the pink of condition," because disease never attacks a- healthy body. It is always the tirei rundown person who gets sick. f ` i To {keep perfectly heal \'y you must take Olajen. ~ Olajen create, /vitality and vitality is xfe. Olaien puts back into the body the `vitalgmineral elements, Iron, Sodium, Calcium, Lecithin and Potassium that are used up in the wear and tear of life, Doctors know this-that -s why they have been testing and ire,` scribing Olaien for ye_a.rs.- Now Olajen is made available for everyone. , Start an Olajen_ I_treatm_ent yourself to-day`. --j-j `The. undersigned has finna `um E. ...,..dl _ . ;` `"3 .-.x1.am.iner Aw .ets- are"gz`eat ;sale {It ` :_en`and `work nay...` .v`}m 3:9,- r"?-`.' 31V nu-uuvvuuxubg qun.llul.,V OI Quantity [of household furnlture:"f5 -cords 4-ft. hardwood: also forks chains. vdoubletrees and many other articles,` ` All will be sold without reserve as proprietor has sold hls"fn.rm . -:12" wt. .% f'rH.uR_Si>A_Y, octossx 14. 1926. EASY TERMS AUCTION SAALET fa] FARM STOCK ANDWIMPLEMENTSI \\ \\\ \`. 5 K`. ,...- -ouuuun uLL LU! Ultll U" Crel without re has hlsffarm. Sale at 1 p.m. Mcilonk `Udll. ' IMPLEMENTS--McCormick mower. nearly new; ,137disc drilvl. Cockshutt. nearly new; single plow, new; cutter, nearly new:- two-furrow` Cockshutt plow: set barrows. new; set slelghs; x scutfler; cream separator: wagon' '9 McLaughlin .6-cylinder car. roadster. [in `good running order: set long-tug har- ness. nearlyonew; set single dgarness. FEED---QuantIt_v hay; quantity oats: 'quantity_%of mixed grain; quantity of buckwheat; quantity of pptatoes, 1 urniture:"' --c_ords hardwood: also fmnm nhninh ,;4un:1u!'l:Su wnxteueghorn codkerels` _ CATTLE--Durham cow. 5,vrs.. Ifresh; Durham cow, -8 yrs., milkln; *calf; ,Durham cow, 7 yrs., milking ~calf. TIEIJT `l7V'lvn"In1vrnr~a - - ~ . say) any .c-uuur1 and 12 young `pigs; sow and 8 young pigs; 125 purebred White Leghorn txullets; 100 purebred White Leghorn cockerels. CATTLE---Durham nnur R `van AI: , vw-v H The `Following: 71-`i?OR`SES7--Dappled grey mare. rising 7 yrs. old; _da1 Percheron magre, 2 yrs. old; :10 yrs. old. driver. } PIG!~`.' Ann Dnnrmnv c. - a1\.l\ I l\Jl.` Qlllula " FARM STOCK AND JMPLEMENTS The undersigned }ias._ received in- _structions from H R Q-I-:--- ,, _ .. -.. vv ....,y_-a uuunuuvvu:u5b' I it whenyouzknow you am`; wrong?" I White--`,`No.' only when ther people know it." T . V . Black-D0 you alw, When_,vou know youygpa un.n._u1u..' .....'-. __., , . ...........5 Ann. uuu $11.81!. Il. 1u(,'Al'lnl_n`.; James H. and P. W. MacLelland or` Orjllia were renewing .acqua.1r_1tan`ce here on Sunday. A ` - _`___V __,___``_._._l;_-' , I `_/V . ' Oct. 12-Mr..a'nd "Mrs. Geo. Ban .and' Oct; 12~- M1ss Wilhemtnai c1_-dry for, Miss Lena. have returned to thelrhome Ivy spent Sunday, with her cousin, Miss` in Toronto. "` M Blanche Carruthers. ~ ' L - Mrs. ' Mccuaigu, spent Sunday in oCongratu,.la.t!on_S.;t'o- Mr. Fa,nd .Mrs:.`~ I-Iawkestone. ` :.Arthur Dobson upon.the' arrival of a Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hudson,_ot Toro_n- son in the R.V. Hospital. Barrie. on to Sundayed with Mr. and Mrs. M. 131- (Saturday. - _ .- V - . ' -. son. 5 ` M Mrs, W. A; Miller and~~M1ss Bd_lla/of A. (N. Gralfam is- on the sick list. I Bagr gpznlt vttinfvepk-end [with .Mr. Russell Graham of Blrsa ;` Sask., ls` 3 V "3- 9" "- - _ ~:r visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jas.'yMcArthur. M1 and M1'5- W- -7- 3.01195 and MP8- MacLe1land of arry Mccann and Leda`*.atte"dd Bee; ' . , __ 3(1):-_lllia. vcered acquaintance ;tg,I`1;?`"` 1:5: V]5'gIr1:r')-Stet; ha-S retl-I-rned 9" ` `W *2 t. ` " from 5. pleaant visit with her diughk. Bla'ck--"Do`_3fofu always acknowledg ".l`here'wm be am-vln`n In n... A-.." is .nI....... ---__ ter, Mrs. M_cRae, in Collingwood. I A to sell by public auction on THURSDAY, OCT., 21 {the -Iv'n"lIn...:..... . ' u yrs. 010. arlver. ' ' '4 PIGS'AND POULTRYe--Sow 'oung'pigs; and 8 vnmm us... 10: w. A. KaE'i.ER Lot 3, Con, 11} lnnisl to sell by public `F. `I `RINK A -I .__ le Sic!-!k?*1' f val u_y yuuuc uuct Ml5RIDAY,__O(AIT.K;20 The , -___ _' -v sell by public auction or? I:'l)ll\AIr Isl--- -- AUCTION SALE Tl\Dl( All!` In`:-nu -- *~-.; the following :` l_.Dnn .....|..:u.. __ P30 STWON ned has received Instruc- tlons Vt:-om ~ ` 'Ip:--- -..._ -/ -". "d3T;5i8'nd-'.~;. Tcyed -in:f,ruCtions.. *0 sell by 1`2'b~1.i.c7 auction at ~ % Humbug. --L _ .._._ __ uxunmrnvimnm-wauumnvu ` C5) 84 always acknowidge you are wrnngv" - :d Per\Herou' dappled greyv yrs. bay mare,1 TH.E _FOL I UUW 0 D ` _V!'B. . Old. 8 milking . in vrs.. mill.-lncv In: ".1 sum Illa Mcuonkey, Aucf. , uuuuulg. 111] milking, in I I `_ .j`o_intV.`notes.; 6%` per in-' , _ _`c!as}41`; V ` 'a`i`lif9.' Aiict. w,'5 y1A'sA.,"c$lf` at fodt. x1.eDu rha,m ow, 7.~yrs., due by sale; ,1 Durham C011,` 44 yrs., due by `sale. 1 Durham Cow, `6"[y'rs., due Nov; 12. Anyone wanting good milkets lot this winter willdo well to attend this sale,.as;the above are all extrg ggod: cows and in.good coxidibn. ; ~;',All-vfrill be sold without 'rerv;` t . ,- , 1ru:-r'ULl 1 Hoistein Cow, 4 yrs., calf at foot. 1 Holstein Cow, 6 ygs. calf atwfootg A .1 Holstein Cow, 5, yrs., due byeale. 1 Holstein Cow, 5vyrs., due Oct. 24. '1 Holstein Cow, ..6 yrs., due Oct. 2,?- I Holstein Cow, 4:yrs., due .Oct.`*2 . .'2~HolsteiniHeifers, 2 yrs,, due by, safe 1 Ayrshire: Cow, /4 yrs, calf -at -foot. /1 Ayrshire` Cow, 7 yrs., ca1~at- gtoot." 1 Ayrsh/lije Cow, yrs., gaif a,t.,;oo1:.v - 1.Ayrshi:fe, .Co6y,, V;y1fs,,`~ca!feat;!oot.` .. hhyrshirei` `Com ,5 ,yrs`., by; sales: -_ 1 Ayrshire,Cow,;1 yre,, due0c,t.,-,,28.;' 1Ayrs1;ire` ovr,.%;6 -zz, "due 0`c_t.'- 27., C .;e,i1gr- ~ .Ceue.;N.o,v4 e" "e' "Cow; `,' bv`fa1; ,_ _,\ 3 '..< ` 3., u_u,DI:]JL6Il1DB! 28. V ' Many are the predictions of the kind of winter-gto be expected, bqt around here the ' black squirrel is` jumping from the mows of.. the barnonto the threslairig ma.chir;.e apparently quite ex- cited. still` _chatterin;: in his loudest voice.--an indication of a. hard winter._ - V . v , -H. '\ Terms of .Sale---Six months credig 'ill\1$'`give'n to `parties fumiehjn rmrnvia -l`.:...L~--LA~- -H` I uup LU uwen sound. ' _ I | _Cong1'vatulations, to F. McBride an (.1 Miss K_at_e Hogan. who wer,e- married` o_n,,Sept ember 28. A Mnnv nun 1-I-an .......ax..u--., n -'- - V I tuyul "lull. _ Mrs} J. D.AGaule,v spent a couple days last week with her nephew, W. Clarke. - , _L . `D. E. F._Gaule,v of Toronto pass: through here, last week on a busine: t1Iip~ to Owen Sound. C.`Dl'I2'anfInf-`Inna ... 1: 1..-.-. .- .-...,=,..\. wuvuaavv UU LIN`: l_`Ul.)0l`(. \ I -Rural mall has been esfabllshed on` `one side of the village. It is to be hop: ed the, delivery will prove more satis- fa.cto'r,v than when _lt was tried out gon a_ small scale last fall. - - The post office is now firmly estalb- llshed.and y, Daley is carrying the royal mail. - - M...` T n n------ ~-- - * . ... c-rvn1|I|4A\4lC UL nuuuuule Was village last week renewing told ac- Iquaintance. .J. J. Dumond. `village Vcontractor. is busy erecting a new bridge at Baxter. The village once more hearse-the hum of the threshing machine `buttwe will say nothing about the yield as prices might advance on the report. \ .Rniv`nl nnnll 1.-.. u_.... 7 9 - - LU!` U13 present. Randolph Folsie of_Detro1t is visiting with his father at the time of w`ritin:z parenttal roof. Mr. and Mrs. -J. Middlebrooks of Tor- onto spent Iast Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. M. Da1ey. . " J. Desourdle of Allandale was in thfs llnihfnnnn and J,_DesJardlne. is yisitigg under the k ! Oct-. V1.1--VTh'e weekly scribes tov'J`he ' Examiner must be away on some holi- days as no news items have appegred tnethet last couple of issues so. ntil they return we will try and substitute` for the present. I Randnlnh Wnluin not 1\,.s..--u L V - - V Vjw The c`ongreg.tion> of the United `Church held very successful anniver- sary services on,Sunda.v when large crowds `turned out morning: smdeven-' ing to hear Rev. M.,O. Price of Mines- inr: deliver splendid sermons. He` took as his text in the morning Ezek. 37:1-4. and in the evening, the last verse of Isaiah V55. . i Duuuul on Jsuesaay last. ` J; H. Desjardine of Detroit spent V Sunday at the home of his uncle. '1`. Berthelotte. V l- I `Mr. and-Mrs. James McKnight. Mr. ' and Mrs.-`John McKnight and baby" and Mr. and 'Mrs..J.| B. Cunningham. all of Baxter. and Russell,Elphlck .of Camp Borden spent Surfday with Mr. and Mrs. Elphlck. - .. . l sary serviman nn n...a....l ...u.- -- mm. vvI_n, 1_-uggmson; . Mr..a-ndg Mrs. [Mark McMastem. ac- _compa_n1ed`. y Mr. and Mrs. Neil Bush of Angu, s ent Sunday with Creemore friends. : _ _ . \ Mrs.`Loz7ne Ross and two daughters, of Hamilton are spending a couple of weeks with her parents, Mr.` and Mrs. H. Ellis; - ' -' M1`. and Mrs; V . J. Jones and Mr. and 'Mrs. J. H. Mccann motored to Beeton on Tuesday last. J; T-`I . has-Im-ma... no n-L---- uuu Mrs. '1`. Berthelotte; L, Miss, Jessie Trott of Camn'~:Bordon spe'n_t[Sun_dayj_'a;t the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm, I-Ilgginson; MI`. , nfndt `Mr: life; ..I, `nn'..1u-.__L--,7 BREN'rw oon .u.uuu,Y Cooks e z_'epo1"t. ' v I 1e Villaza It in fn rm kn-\ __U'l'0PIA ,-s.,"alfQ at. foqt. rs., .~s., s., 12. uvnnzl ....m....x-' 1-.. f "1`o rotito passd rek business and! 'ho -were- marriml ` ausut. .fey_c* days last week. ` Miss T. Turner and Mr-. Freeston at- tended` ` the _teachers convntion in Orillia laat Thut*sday.and Ftiay. - Mrs. Gibson` of Toronto is visiting w1I:h.,her son. Rev. J. Gibson.` . Mr, and ALtrs..T. Cgvanagh and M. Turner visited Orillia. _1.'ri_ends for a -Mr. and `.1/[nu In f\ 13..., - --- Reid's. 4..u_w uuys last week. -' " Mr. and `Mrs. F. D. Ellis vo1 .'FlintV Mich. and Mr. and Mrs. c. M. Ems nt Albany, Ohio. spent ]as_ week at D. Mr. and Mrs. .`Jas. avennbrf of ` -'l`ratalgar spent a few days last week with the former-'s parents `here. -MP8. Cc Tnhnnfn I-'-V--1-`IA am, mrm w:.1-sowat, rec?ntly,.. _ ,Qulte_ an enjoyable 1: me was spent at the danqe in "Ell1ott; s_ hall. Friday night. - ~ ,mnn 7|". '-------~- A ` " - pareucs In "1-`O onto. K `Miss .E. Jo nston of W1} -Conn., spent. two weeks with sun, Mrs ; W-.. Rowat, rec ntly, Quite enjovahle 1 ma u ,..... ....u-uu; ua.\L Luz` Uluul 911 CPBQHC Sums. All will #9 ~sold without reserve` _ Sale at 1 p.~ . . W. A.`{McCoAn)' Auct. here. /'1\/n.. j Oct.' 12-7ReV'v.' Mr. Dickejv of 1 is spending a few daysat the Mr. and`Mrs`; L. mmnnn.`., H...` slon, have returned". ,.Sm ' ' I v'vcu`u. mat week. Hugh Andross and Lloyd Spence, who went West on the, harvest excur- , ~ ,/Mr.` zfnd Mrs, Fred Boyce and g'rand- r]zLugI1t1'. Miss Reta. B. VVi1liams. of; Elmvale. visited with` Mr. and Mrs. W. VV. Boyce for a few`d:.1_vs last week. ' 'Tl1"e Misses` Ovens of C2-eemore. who? at'te"n`ded the teachers convgntion in; Barrie last week. called or! their sister. 3 Mr"s:`J.` A. Wattie; ' Miss-Nedra Lemon has returned affer spendjn `a -.week with Barie friends. -Mfgghd.-Mrs. W.W. o.vce spent y_ with Elmvale frieyrds. ` Buy AdvezV'iIsed us In Mr. Ilmnuil HILg._sn ALE 3. `Q . .. #- vu- "W: : V _:-{,a `f ' . ' 070*` 0U` ` `% 51.35.45; } FREE DEMONSTRATION 6'1 ` 2:_i s..Q1{"" .'P." "v-4 "'- " mng mm; se.t.200() lb. scales: Whi- barmw;r 6-H.P'.. engine and 1 0-"in. chop-[ per; cream separ rtor: barrel churn: [ Ford car. 1922 mod. I: set heavy double harness-i:g .3 sets `lplow hzxrnesm, set driving lmrness: forks, chains. double-L troes and ma,n3I.Kother' articles. TERMS OF S'ALE+_--All 'sums of $10 V :m(1 under. cash; *ove r,th`at amountl months cr'ed_1t will be, given to parties furnishing approv `Joint .notes.~._10,/,, "per annum of\f for ah qn credit " \D>.uI\`I` `IVk'I\II& --.u----- Wilidmantlc. her cou- lat. renenv a VI \lll UU v daysfgftv tvhfe manse. Gilhuolhlv have gone -eside-.. Dickefv Toronto davs at than ma-.. - - V - ~ ~vu ':u6:r;l"FLE--Rd -old: brindle -cow,` yrs. old; black cow.- 3 yrs. old; red and white cow. 6 yrs. . old; black cow. 7 yrs.:old'; black,',1e:'- _ -rt. cut; Deerlng binder, 6 say cow; calf: red Durhameow; Above -cows are `all milking well and bred to freshen in spring. Yearling steer; `3 yearling heifers. " IMPLEMENTSV~--Dee'rinl.r' binder, 7-` - t.` cut; .mow- er, Massey~Harr1s: cutter; hay loader, Dane; sulky rake; Oliver single plow: ` hay rack; Oliver gang plow; hayfork roper 2 sets hz1rrows:\t`urnlp pulper: aprlngwtooth cultivator, M,-,H.: rubber; tlredlbuggy; 2 sets heavy slelgtsp` set: slings: set. pleasure alelghs; democrat wagon; landv-roller: wagon and stock rack; setiisc harz"ows:-_fah- nlng mill; se.t.20'00_. scales; wheel-e barrown 6-H.P'..ena~1na nn 1 n_ha at--m 1138'-Y3 ~ '-

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