Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 14 Oct 1926, p. 14

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TTHI Simple Mixture Makes I Stomach F eeli F inc] mVhh`A `\II1\`r\J\nnn'- I__.LI_ Pile sufferers can only get quick, -safe and lasting relief byiremoving the cause-bad blood` circulation in the lower bowel. Cutting and salves can't do _this--an internal remedy must be used. Dr. Leonhardt s Hem`- Bold, a harmless ta-blet, succeeds -be- cause it relieves this blood conges- tion and strengthens the affected parts. Hem-Roid has" a wonderful record for quick, safe` and lasting re - lief to pile sufferers. It will do the ssamefor you or money back. Wm. Grassland and druggists anywhere sell Hem-Roid with this guarantee. 3 quwnur uwui nnluruteu M.agnes1a.~iVo man can be sweet.._tempered, good na- tured or .even fair minded when his ,stomach- is constantly sick, sour, gassy and upset with after`-eating distress. If your husband has stomach trouble neither scold nor pity him, but help him by seeing that he has a supply of A Bisurated `Magnesia (either powder or tablets) constantly at hand. A` tea- spoonfurof powder or two tablets tak- en in a little water. after meals will instantly neutralize the acids in. his stomach that are causing his trouble and he can enjoy'- his emeals with no more tear of indigestion. Bisurated Magnesia is the special form oi. Magg- nesia used by thousands to neutralize stomach acidity and quickly overcome - Indigestion---do not confuse with Milk. Carbonate. Block or Citrate of Maz- . nesia. Insist on Bisurated. `Its action is safe, prompt and sure and it _can be obtained at small cost from any reli- able drug store. _ .'17c A Nothing creates domestic discord. quicker than an attack of Indigestion, and nothing gets rid of indigestion quicker than Bisurated Magnesia. No 1118.71 can he nwnnf fnrnnnrnd nrnn.-I no- No More Piles Has Your Husband % % (:ot*lndigestion' Page Fonn uunguo A IU place to I I1r'I.Inn ` cu, uauueu grapes and pears, D.`HOCk- .en, W. I. Stephens; preservedspeaches and plums, 2W. I. Stephens, D. Hocken;- preserved citron and apple, W. I. Ste- phens. D. I-Iocken; mince meat, A. E. Hook, W. Lvstephens; three varieties sweet pickles, W. I. Stephens, D. _I-Iock-` en: threevvariebies sour pickles, W. 'I. "Stephens, A. E. Hook; native fruit bev- erages. W. I. Stephens, A. Rowat: specialtfor best homemade bread. Mrs. uumum; canneu corn and tomatoes. W. I. Stephens, D. VI-Iocken: canned beans and peas, A. E. Hook, D. Hocken: can- ned rhubarb arldcherries. W. I. Steph- ens, D. Hocken-; canned strawberries and raspberries, A. E. Hook, D. Hock- en; canned grapes and D.`Hock- ` .en. W. 'I. Stenhamaz nrnnnrvn nnonknn Stephens; . roster, Bert Frenchfmeat loaf, Bert French, A. Rowat, A. "Hart; baking` powder and baking soda biscuits. Robt. Kerr, Mrs. W. Cumming, Jr.; plain and ' fancy rolls or .buns. R. Kerr, A. Hart:_ Armour. pies, apple and custard. Mrs. Thompson, W. L.- Ritchie; pies, cran- berry and pumpkin, Mrs. Thos. King. Mrs. E..McQua.rri_e; pies, raisin and lemon, Mrs. `T.~King. Mrs. C. Thurlow: ginger cake. Mrs. `C. Thurlow. Mrs. W . Cumming, Jr.; angel cake, W. L. Rit- chie, Bert French; jelly roll, D. Hock- en, A. Hart;.jam cake..B. French, W. I. chocolate layer.` cake, D. Hocken, W. L. Ritchie;two varieties-of plain `cookies, Mrs. 0 Halloran. Robt, Kerr: two varieties fruit or jam. cook-' . ies, W. I. Stephens, D. Hocken; best I display from onebatch of dough, Mrs. P. O Hallora_.n, A. -E. Hook. D. Hocken: apple and grape jelly, D. Hocken, W. I Stephens: Rowat, D. Hocken; `vegetable mar- malade, A. Rowat. D. Hocken; `two`var- ieties ffuit marmalade, A. Rowat-. D. Hocken; canned corn and tomatoes. W. Stephens. D. .Hoo.kens nnnnh 1....-- berry and currantjelly, A. V. 14 i I J , DOMESTIC SCIENCE I`-{omemade bread, wh1te.`Robt._Kerr, Mrs. Harry. Thurlow. Mrs. Wm. Cum-` ming,.Jr.; homemade br`ead..brown, D. Hocken, Mrs. C. Cumming. A.eE. Hook; homemade bread, fruit, W. L. Ritchie. D. Hocken, Mrs. C. Cumming; home- made bread, nut, W.',I. Stephens, Mrs. W. Cumming, Jr.. Mrs. E. McQu a,rr1e:' light fruit cake, W. I. `Stephens, Emma. `Foster, Bert French; meat loaf, Bert French. A. Rowalt. A,"`| -'l nv-In rmm-~ \.lllI\JIul\I_IIp `flu LUV-lVVQ.In VYQ In UcPIIcIIu " Grapes--"-Concord V E. V. Babcock, , I. Stephens; Wa (fen. E. V. _Babcock; Moore's Early, .- V. Babcock, W. I. Stephens; `Delaware, E. V. Babc'ock.AC. M. Hfckling. Salem, W. _I. Stephens: Niagara, C.`M. I-Iickling, E. N. Bab- cock; a.o.v. grown under glass, C. M. Hlckling: collection, E. V. Babcock. C. M. Hlckling. ~ / `Mrs. T. King. MISCELLANEOUS . `/ Collection old coins. Emma Foster. - DAIRY PRODUCE Croekbutter, -Mrs. T. King, A. Rowat: Mrs. Armour '1`hompson;~5 lbs., Mra. '1`; King,_Mrs. E. McQuarr1e, W. Row- ley; 3 lbs;, Mus. HA. Thorhbson, Mrs. W. P. Turner,,~A. Rowat; 3 lbs. home-rem dered lard, D. Hocken, Mrs. C. Thur- 'low: 5 lbs. Creamery butter, Elmvale Creamery: special for. 10 lbs; bu-titer; HONEY AND APIARY A Honey .in section, H. A. Springf honeyextracted, N. C. Morrison, H. A. Spring; honey display. H. A. Spring; maple syrun. 1926. `Fred Drvndnln n Vsprlng; honey display. H. maple qyrup, 1926, `Fred Drysdale, C. M.ATurner; maple sugar, 1926, Mrs. W.~ P. Turner. D. Hocken. - 1 Pears-Bart1ett, I.` Stephens, R. Anderson: Flemish Beauty.. W. I. Ste- phens, R; Anderson: Seckle. R. An_de'r-_' son; Duchess D'Angouleme, A. _Rowa.t; * collectlo. A. Rowat. W. I. Stephens. ' J} ....-....J `In 1'? 1\-L___-n- -r-Iv` fV........... . Read Tugnummpr `and. man th f- Ic'al1 and~;;d1strictv uowvo-i- -'$.=00 I"7GII'. - VFPIUITS . _ _. Apples-Red- Alexander, `VV. I. Steph,-V ens, Mrs. Jas. McGinnis: St.. Lawrence, W. I. Stephens; Snow, D. I-Iocken. Mrs. phens: Maiden. s Blush, W. I. Stephens, Bert French; Wolf River, Mrs. Fr nk Guest.-AD. Hociie :,To1man Sweet. . I. Stephens. D. -' ocken; Baldwin, Jos. tephens; Ben Davis, Jos. Drysda.1e`,1._- Prgsdale, W. I. "Stephens; Colvert, W. v'v . I. Stephens; Golden Russet. D. Hoc-. ken, J..Drysda.Ie: Rhode Island Green- ing, D. Hocken: Northern Spy, D. Hoc- ken, J. Drysdale; Bibstone Pippin, D. Hocken. R. Anderson; Spitzenburg. W. I. Stephens; Bellower. W. I. Stephens; Mann, R. Anderson: McIntosh Red. W.` I. Stephens; Red Pound. W. I. Steph- ens; Peewaukee, EC. M. Hlckling. . D. Hocken; crabepples. Mrs. C. Thur'low.' 11---- 1)....LI..4A. '11`? `I cIL-..I.-_.. Chas. Thuilow; Gravenstein, W. I. Ste-` ., (Continued from page 111): _ /1,; M. White: '-par.a'n_lpjs`. '8pr!1l8..Mrs`." -Wm. P.C!l`uz-ner: sweet corn, E. V. Bab.-.; cock. C. M. Turner: summer radishes; F. Huse. G. Wright; winter radlaheg. N. C.~Mo1-rison. E. V. Babcock; yellow onions. E. V. Babcock. N . C.~Mo.rr'l om. red onions. F.-Huse. `N. C.'Morris. n;. potato onions, N. _C.:Morrlson, Geo. M.` `White: tomatoes, F. I-Iuae. B. Fren;:h:i1 'ce1ery, E. V.jBabc'oclt, "F. Huse; musk melons. E. V. 'Babcock. F. I-Iuse; water. gnelons. E. V. Babcock. F. Huse; cu- umbrs. W. Hill, B. `French: round"_ cltrons, F. Huse. E. V. Babcock: coll- ection gal-den produce. .F. I-Iuse, E. V. Babcock, C. E. Copeland. ' - . ' ` 3JG3UCCF5Se mEvm%wAY oatn towels and race cloth. G. Guest. Mrs. F. Guest; dresser runner and pin t , Mrs.fCumming, `Jr.. Pearl Usher; va ity set, E.~Foster. P. Usher; laundry bag, Irene Lawson`, P. sher; boudoir curtains, Mrs. Bacon, A. `Leonard; em- broidered nightrobe. G. >Guest, M} Roh- G "ins: nightrotge. other work, M. Robins. Mrs. A. Copeland; costume slip, F. Drysdale`, G. Guest; camisole, -`W. I.. Stephens, Mrs. G. Ritchie: bloomers. .Mrs. G. Ritchie, Mrs. Humphr-ies; neg- ligee jacket, Mrs. Humphries. M. Gra- ham; boudoir slippers, C. M. Turner, J._ Quantz; .knitted bed socks. C. M. Turner, Catherine Owen: fancy work bag, P. Usher, Mrs. Humphries; fancy wrist bag, Lillian Hines. Mrs. Jas. Mc- , ;` Filet crochet, cotton, Alma Leonard,` , Mrs. A. Copeland; crochet lace, Miss J. ; Quantz, Bertha E. Collins; knitted lac - - !. L. Chisholm, Mrs. J. Cumming; tatting',' ', _ Mrs. G. Ritchie, B. E. Collins; Harden- ger embroidery, C. M. Turner, F. M. Bailey; eyelet embroidery. -Mrs. Chis-I holm, C. M.` Turner; solid white, em- broidery, Mrs.pJas. Ma kie, G. Guest: applique embroidery, ne, Mr-s._ Fred Ritchie; Russian `cross embroidery, F. M. Bailey, C. M. Turner; French knot nd loop-stitch embroidery, E. Foster, Mrs. Chisholm; Roman cut embroidery, C; M. Turner, Mrs. C. E. Copeland. '- modern conventional-embroidery, Mrs. Humphries, F. M. Bailey; buffet set, C. M. Turner, Mrs..Geo. W. White; side- board runner, white, Pearl Usher, Mrs. . H. C. Graham ; centre piece, C. M. Tur- ` ner, L. Chisholm; embroidered table 5 ends, L. -Chisholm, C. M. Turner; table p . ovals, Mrs. G. Ritchie, Mrs. I-Iumphries; - set of` plate mats, L. Chisholm, Maude ` . Robins; set table mats. G. Guest, Mrs. . Humphries; four table napkins, C. `\I.- Turner, B. Collins; four servietties. . Mrs. W. Cumming, Jr.. Mrs." G. Ritchie; table cloth, white, Mrs. H. c. Graham. ` Mrs. Humphries; tea cloth, embroider- ' ed, C. M. Turner, E. Foster; luncheon set. white, A. Leonard, G. Guest; lI.m- 1 cheon set, colors, Mrs. Mackie. Mrs. J. , Clark; service tray, C. M./Turner; tea ` cos'y,.C. M. `Turner, Mrs. G. Ritchie:_ ` embroidered pillow slips, C. M. Turner, E `Mrs. G. Ritchie ;--.pillow slips, other hand C work. E; Foster, J. Quantz; embroider- I ' t I A t D ed guest towels, M. Graham.- Mrs. C. Thurlow; embro-ider ed hand towels. C. M. Turner, Mrs. .Mackie; towels, other trimming, A. Rowat, Mrs. John Bacon: bath towels and face cloth, G. ' MRS. F`. alias? rnunnvv vllnvsnn and at. V - -Isabelle, youngest child` `of Mr . and Hire. Joe. Cooksie, was fatally injured at Creemore on October .6. Races were being held `on the etreet in connection with"--the annual school. -spcor.t_s. The little girl tell in front or-a. car unnoticed by J. C. Jackson. the driver. and,the front wheels eased over her_-{Nov blame ; attached _-toot _e1.d`r!_ver. _ * ~-v----~--.-~- 1 LADIES . WORK Quilt, pieced, cotton, W. I. Stephens, h Mrs. J. W. Lamoreaux; quilt, white, fancy quilting, _ Leona `Chisholm, Mrs. Robt. Humphries; comforter . home- made, Mrs. C.`E. Copeland, Mrs.` Chas. Thurlow;. bedspread, fancy, white, I. Chisholm; bedspread. embroidered, M. Robins, A. Rowat; cotton sheet, factory,, hand sewing, D. Hocken, W. I. Stephu ens; man's work shirt. Mrs. J. Elrick: . annelette sleeping garment, Mrs. R. Humphries, Miss J. Quantz; work ap- .ron,_Mrs. Chisholm, E. Foster; knittedi [sweater coat. Catherine Owen, Mrs. R. Humphries; shoulder shawl, Mrs. Jno. Bacon, C. M Turner; `knitted ` neck scarf, Alma Leonard, rs. .J. Elrickt hand-knit socks,,Mrs. - m.--Cumming Jr., Mrs. Humphriesi -hand-knit mitts. C. Owen, Mrs, Jno. Cumming: laundry work. houseadress, Mrs.` Fred Ritchie. "Mrs. Chisholm; braidedyoor mat. 'A._ Rowat, Miss J. Quantg; wpol oor mat.` Mrs. F. Guest, G. Guest; homemade la- bor-saving device, L. Chisholm; Mrs. \ R. Hurnphries. . 1lI_L -._--L_L , :4 .- _ -' -----vg y_, ------ -9 _ -an-v >\l|IJU\4Iu, 1`. All. 135116]. Water Colors--Landscape from na-I `ture, F. M. Bailey; Canadian scene, C. M. Turner, Bailey; owers, F.` M. Bailey; -animal. study, FM. Bailey; still life, F. M. Bailey; pastels, F. M. Bailey. Crayon, lightand 'h`ade, F. M. Bailey; `pencil, architectural, Mrs. G. A. Chis- holm, F. M. Bailey; poster design, ag- ricultural, F. M. Bailey, Mrs. Chisholm; pen, and `ink, F. M. Bailey. n .`I)na-`hat -.}.......1.._. `Ir... 1--_ --son I - Ir-..` y... on-nu a. u .u.. A.au.aAc_y- | Basket weaving, Mrs. Geo. Ritchiep amateur photography, E. Foster, W. I. Stephens. ' 1' A'I\`l1NIV| e--A .-- I FINE ARTS I O1l.Pa1nting's--Canad1an scenefrom nature, C. Thur-low. Florence M. Bailey; C nadlan landscape, copy`, C. . Turner, F. M. Bailey; fruits grouped from object. Mrs. C. Thurlow. F. M. ' W.tF-nnlnP--T.nhanonn can... ..... B_a1ley;_Alnan1'};_;7tate objects, F. M. Bailey. _'o'wers, B. French; special for display_ can v-5' 5 vnnvnno . , Boston ' fern, G. Guest: asparagus plumosis fern, B.'French; single house plant irrblqom, B. French: ' window box, B. French; display oi? plants and of house plants. B. "French. .-V--anon aal_`&&JLl3I.I. D ,, LC-T2ut. F!; wer`a' -*7": Antirrhinums. J.: Clement, F. Huge: asters, lvcolor. W. J. ` Clement, Gladys Guest; "asters,-` .4- `ox- 'move~-colorq. W: J. Clement, Mra. Jnd. ' derson gladloli, Mrs. Elrlck, H.. A. Spring: marlgo_1da_,- B. French. `Mrs. W. P. Turner:.pa,nsles, F. Huse, W. J, Cle- Amen_t;. sweet pea 1 color, J.- Cle- q'ie'_hf>.t,- 0.-_.-M4`*TV_ll er: sweetp'eag,.gl1e- y,-c.rM. Turner-; stocks,` W; Hill. C.` T Turner; znnie.e,MW. J. Clement. E.` Foster; annuals. C. M. Turner, W. J. Clement: perennials, Mrs. Elrlck. `C. -M. Turner: table basket. F. Huse, H. A. Spring; vase bouquet. W. Hill, Mia. Elrink: m-al nnhzn W T nI..........+ -p .E}rIck:A.dahllaa, Mrs. Elrlck, S. L. An- - I.g!e'lc`:.ia.l_V1_'br bst{hornVe_rr.1ade, g ELORALV EXHIBITS Ilnnn-...'.'. A _4.x._..i. 2 uyusnssuuuu 13 'Wltn01lt 8., place `C9 worship and will build 'a.,.new and mod- ern church in the :1mmecll1ate ,tu_ture_._ , T F;i"`%`R:<%COUlTER `i _ v--- v u chant`: hbou; -C`;-M.:AvC of `Defer:-ed Payhaenis. . ' ._ ` . . . 4 R (I t . 340 C 3810 '5 (I . ` $920 5`-{'7' ~`71s":" C351: ' - no Lin}; sea-m,97o T glaring. ` 640 Commercial Chnuin - - . 495 .8pn_rz._' T . Ail Pricqqct fqctory . .' . Tau Extra 715 - Utility Eiprou - - 730 `}`Hi':. 1I31uui1 1-:1 EXAMINER 1 _ A HEVROLET Coupes for Economical Transportation V for salesmen s use and 'Chevrolet Utility Express Trucks for .ha ' arid delivery are speeding u business for thousan of in Can'ada. Care lower operating costs, in om rom tie-up, and `in longer life. These records prove beyond doubt that Chevrolet cars a n 3`trucks provide the utmost "* ' ,economy "of trans rtation in commercial use. -_ Ask your Chevrolet` ealerv to show you.the reports of .acVtual_.-r Chevrolet owners. They may suggest ways in which Chevrolet can speed up your business and A cut down your costs.` = The Sjnoothest Chevrolet in Chevrolet history `lie / selling/etthe ~l..oweet `Price for ever. heels sold in Canada. A.l 1 which Chevrolet hes owner records show _p ' ._that`- Chevrolet pays for itself man times over in uau. in, riuu; Luauys UUESIZ D". S. 18 Boys and Girls Class-,-Plain sewing, girls 16 and under, D. Hocken. F. King; darningin wool stockings, Isabel, Mc- Kee,`-F. King; darning in cotton stock-- vings, F. King; but onholes in cotton' goods, F. King 1 an 2: men's knitted` `wool socks. F. King; Irish Cobbler pot- atoes. E. McQuarrie, Harry R'owley; Dooley potatoes, H. Thurlow, Harvey Drinkill; best calf having been exhibit- ed by girl or boy at some of school fairs in adjoining townships, Berwood Mur- doch. Melville'Mnrdoch. Orville Locke: collection of garden produce, Robert Huse. Ada, I`-Ioskin. Harvey Drinkill; Barred Rock chickens, Lyla Drinkill, -H. Thurlow. .. V... \I van \;.L.LL:.J.|J.LI..ul1,V Map` of, Great Britain and Ireland. Velma Beardsall, Arthur Webster; map I of Ontario, Melvin Boyce, Cephas Kidd: map of Simcoe, Hazel Bell, Alex. An- drew: drawing, diploma awarded Hazel Bell; one verse Maple.Leaf, Parts.I and II, Margare Ritchie,- Leonie Agnew: one verse Maple Leafe, II and III read-' ers, Margaret Tripp. Jean Adams; composition, II classes, `agricultural topic, Jessie Doonan, Dorothy Bell; Composition, IILclasses, on recent war. Ray Spring, Mary Langman; IV'class. three drawings," Leonard Coe, Haze} Bell: Continuation classes, drawing. Alex; ,McAuley, E. McQuarrie; collec- tions of wild owers and leaves. S. S. No. 12, Flos; Gladys Guest: S. S. 18 ROVQ and mFI (`In?131on ant:-wlunru r. usuer. 1vu's. numpnrles. . `Menu planned for family of ve for one September day, J. Quantz, Gladys Guest: parade of house dresses. Mrs. S` Elrick, W. I. Stephens; plan of kitchen showing furnishings, Mrs. Chisholm;` W. I. Stephens; dozen articles` of sew- ing open to VVomen s Institutes, Mrs. Geo. Ritchie. Chisholm, D. Hocken; romper. suit, Mr-z. Chisholm, D. Hocken; layette, Mrs. Chisholm, D. Hocken. - ' Living-Room Furnishings - Centre 1 piece, embroidered, G. Guest, P. Usher; centre piece, other work,,Mrs,s Mackie. Mrs. F. Ritchie; table runner, embroid- ered, C. M. Turner, P. Usher; table runner, other work, P. Usher, W. I. 'Stephens: soft pillow, embroidered, G. Guest, C. M. Turner: sofa pillow,- other work, A. Leonard, B. E. Collins; single piece white embroidery, G. Guest, P. Usher; single piece colored embroidery. Mrs. G.`\Ritchie, Mrs. F. Ritchie; coll- ection agiateur work, L. Chisholm, M. Graham; tigllection other fancy work, P. Usher. rs. Humphries. `Menu nlannnd fnr fdrnilxy nf Runs 04-. , ,,____--, -.-..... V-uauuu 1, Hits McGinnis: slip-on play apron, Mrs I l / !Ginnis: fancy handker-chiefs, L. Chis- ' holm, Mrs. I-Iumphrles. _ ` Infants Wear-Short dress, hand` work, Mrs. Chisholm, L; Hines; jacket. knitted or crochet, C. M. Turner, Mrs . Chisholm: bonnet, Mrs. Chisholm, Mrs Ttiviha-..`Dnn-n 1:\.......:...1.:_. __' 4- vailable for, preserving. ' ' By the accidental discharge of arNo.< I 22 revolver as Frank Beatty was giv-_ I l are nine distinct heads on one stern. the two at the top measuring-17 inbhes around each and the sevensmaller ones a measuring 7 inches each._ ` Mrs. Frank Woodworth of Orillia had a narrow escape from possible fatal injury some days ago. While cleaning right arm was \badly burned. Prompt ber stove the polish exploded and her action by her son extinguished the fire. .ied by a guarantee of stipend of $3,000. . from Duntroon, Nottawa and the West of Mr. McMahon and it was clearly ' ministry. Much as they would like to a pointed interim moderator of Duntroon any npiscopai unurcn. . _ A call largely signed and accompan- `and holidays from the First Presbyter- ian church, Port Arthur. was presented in favor of Rev. John McMahon of Duntroon. Representatives . appeared Clmrch, They all spoke of the high es- teem in which their minister and his wife are held. They testified to the good qualities and amiable qharacter seen that Duntroon is losing a beloved minister, who won the hearts of his people in his ve-`and a half years or retain Mr. McMahon, they would not put any obstacles inhis way should he desire to accept what is a` larger. sphere of labor. Rev.-W. Patterson ap- peared in behalf of the Presbytery of Superior and pleaded for the transla- tion ot Mr. McMahon. When the call was placed in the hands of Mr.` Mc- _ Mahon he was clearly deeply moved. _ He expressed pain at leaving the kind ' and sympathetic people _of Duntroon and associated charges, but the need in Port Arthur and the urgency oi! the ` cell were such that he could nettle- eline. Mr. McMahon will preach his farewell on Sunday. the 17th inst. Rev. Walter Patterson of Stayner was ap- and associated charges. Th First Presbyterian church. Port ~ Arth r. is -an .orsB.nized_ tgrouppmadee up of the minorities from -the:'tW9 church- es that voted to enter the; union. `The 4 congregation is`.-without V place 0 worhin will-,h1uilA 1:: `unit: an-8 __-n ` aus u L mJury. There have been 3,000 vlsltors at the Orillia motor campfrom` 188 plzices in the United `States and Canada during the past season. J Collingwnood collegiate has an en- rollment of-.2_99'. as against 280 a year. ago, while the comparative for public: unhnnla n..- nan __s A-4- ........cm urxagv. as agamst 280 year{ ago,` public schools are 952 and 1016. Orilliafs assessment for 1926 is $5,- 719,680,.whlch after deduction of ex- emptions leaves a taxable assessment Of $4,735,305. The nnnnhaflnn In '10:-1 ` nus nc. ` k Struck by a yard eglne While cross- ing the railway `tracks, Mrs. Waldr n Clement of Gravenhurst escaped with slight injury. camp from` lthe `States and n$lnn'dn u-iv-~ been , V `: -' 3` "Tally Ho Farm," near Duntroon, `has been `soldlor $14;500. _ ` ~ \ 2 -Orillla. -Town Council `has appointed a community `nurse atia salgry 0131600 per year. ` . V ~ The new high school in Newmarket is nearly completed and will be o`i)en- ad.'one November 20.` ' "Rev. A.`c.- Mccollum of Alliston; has" been invited to become rector of the parish of York M1119. A concert bv the Mnnfnrd .......a .....a rill!` nu; vs, J..Ul`l( Lillll. I I concert by the Meaford lgand and a. ddlers' contest were broadcast from the Georgian Bay town last~Thursda.y night.` . M Q1 :-nub `kn .. -.-'..-i A ~' ` " %&&{f;;&% 9"I"nnu `I .l'n 13...... H -~ {gm&m&i%&i$&&&&& All IIUI 3 they an {ml SCHOOL CHILDREN Ac t`1____; 'I'I,,.IA - ~ [;nv. J. A. McMAl-ION ACCEPTS HEARTY CALLRTO RORT ARTHUR ` Deuler and Distributor Eliubethst. rho-mas Thono 1010. A Box 267, Bar `BOUGHT Ll S63) % msunmcz .- BONDS - Ins: V: In .I\IJ\II I VIIKIUIGIJ The Ball 'i51Iing Mill Ltd.,A - THE Hon-. G. s. Hmiymv, -wunrcn-`~65 ! I F?` I Simple buckthorn bafk. ,rnagnes- tum sulph. c. p. glycerin, etc., as mix- ~od in Adlerika, `helps stomach trouble fin TEN minutes by removing GAS. J.'.Brings out a surprising amount of old .*`waste matter you never thought was in your system. Stops that full bloat- ed feeling and makes you happy and cheerful. Excgllent for chronic con- Itipation. Adlerika works QUICK and lollghttully easy. Wm. Crosslan ilruggist. . J-8A Speeding eats away road surfaoes. ' It milks .your pocketbook for both motor and road upkeep. Moderate driving is far more .economical and pleasurable. ' By so doing you will greatly assist the traffic patrol who operate for everyone s safety-who have instructions to enforce the law rigorously. Throuh this lovely panorama, in every direc- tion; leads _Ontario s splendid system of highways. Youare entit ed to enjoy them, for they are yours. Keep in min` , however, that `upon you will come the expense of` maintaining them in proper condition-. L Ontario is"Ablaze with. Autumn s. `Splendour /'Ontario s highways lead you -to the land of. yester_year--over white roads ecked with fallen leaves, patterned here and there by checkered shadows of trees.) Field and hillside are gay with ery sumach, Maple groves aarne backed by the darker evergreen. i ' .. Today you sy tiS but th hectic` ame of a dying year. Then it` contained all the mystery of _ anenchanted palace. Mr. Cit`y Dweller, where did you `spend your boyhood days? Was yours the privilege of wander- ing through the elds and woodland where every tree and bush had been painted by the divine artist? Stock Cm-tied`, Ingrmation I-'un"nished' llyld Sevice on Bruntford,Roong rendered by ' _ I`! II l\I 0 guns: in u _ is Issued by the Ontario Department of High- ways to cure the co-operation of motorists in abati g the abuse of the roads of the Province. "Minister of Highways / wuatc, uut as Mr. scare is not a minis- ter of the Presbyterian church he can- not be called` until received. A `large delegation was present from-Creemore, Dunedin and the Fourth Line, and were heard in their request for Mr. Scare. The Presbytery. decided to place r. Scafe on the field until, the-Com- mission of the Assembly dealt with his case. He is a. minister of `the Reiorm- ed Episcopal Church. ' `A 03.1] lam:-Alv nlannil nun}! .-......`............` _.Full;information furnished on any of .. the operating mines. . , Hollinger : "McIntyre : Cutlo Dome : Capitgk : Tool:-Huglnea uuuu -nu` cl 3 xuclnlyfe ' Capitd Tec.I:-Hughes Some of best companies" represented. Yielding from 4% % to 7%. coupon STEVENSON ;1unspAx,`ocTo3R 14, 2923. Brggtfora, Ontario -- - ` - --vQa' Deputy Minister Barrie not At a special meeting of the Presby- tery of Barrie held in Collinigwood on October 7. a. report was received from the congregation of Creemore and as- -sociated charges. The co regation was an nimous in their choi e of Rev. Mr. Sea. e, but as Mr. Scafe is not Presbvterian nhnrnln 1... Mai

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