Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 7 Oct 1926, p. 3

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"EVERY.THlNG A `N LUMBER H. A.u;NNoX WHAT` inuv ifaouk I - `WALLPAPER AT .RoMP_'r `nE1,{v1-:3? AllfKind s of * ` IIIRRCIII WE? MAKE A SPECIALTY OF - Try a -vpalvcaze` today-' .CalIi`on merliant g't uni infoirnation you can to help you" win. 'McCLARY S,A LIIUXII uunga `owned him!" I .900`? 7'55 vvvovv-up $5.00; Phone 371 FOR . .___ .._- -_- -___.'_--- `v..- .._. ._-v _..v--` w... vw wvsuwv ` . 2' J . "3 4 P3121-;,[ MERCHANDISE VALUE $5.00. SECOND MERCHANDISE`VALUE__$3.90; A _PR1z1~:,.VMERcHANp1sE VALUE $2.00. {yer ne 229 CH(5COLA'l_'E DELIGHT -RED anlfV:? WHlTE`- xx- CIT-IAIN sjroms Ex`press? D.liv`ery: to a - Parts of Barrioand Allazrdale , 3 w 1. GEO. ,V1CKERS` Evexly few days new coats `and dres es ate coming to us `f om the foremost makers. These coats and `dresses show the new `innovations with ' those `delightful toinehes What giye them a__tnet ' distinction. fGRO,CERI.ES' J=RESH FRUITS ITY DAIRY V ICE CREAM , * Lixxigced Fuel & Builders Supplies - Phone'*88 or 94 3 . ` V T `EV'O|'yIhil|[' in our ,store in eldnrly priced--Cmno in golnpu-0 pt-i':u.. 3u_u_uz" 7nxAmN.2`i; -Cdme and the Coats Co1ne_ gm! see thg Dresses ___ __ _7__r ctah, * yo Ber; I had a. them things nurnm-I him I" is at its height of popu- .'1arity 1 and through all the displays there is ex- c_1usiveness which " you 1:13." 9 nnvnni ml-n U_LuDLVUHUD WIIIULI will appreciate. We` welqbme, your visit. byjivi-Q;-3rv(;;r TE';vith SOLVAY cox}: .WE HAVE PEA, NUT % `I AN/D. pee SIZES . ~ ms Deliciou marshmallow`- topped wafers, dipped in rich, heavy chocolate. Just the thing for social aairs or as a treat for the school lunch. _ . sizavxcz QUALITY sAn;;j;mco. .A T,WlSDOM S ; /FALLVCOATS AND `DRESSES s `V . With th\ese distinctive fuhioin details `* Tlie l\/l illinery V" Departmeng If, om`. e 447W You '-s'a_-x_re_i:ll`a_1s arid exhibit a large ` n nan:-nn.(~ A-F Phone 1031 L.1>./ auu. CAIIIUID 6 JGI. SC `amount of Cmm9n $!=n=e. IVII` ,, vain; SPECIALLY PRICED FOR mus war-:1: ALLANDALE 30 per lb. SENS_E__ LIMITED counnasv : _ PRICE the ,SOLVE YOUR ; CHRISTMAS GIFT- PROBLEMS NOW ` T WITH A DOZEN 4 GOOD 7 s PHOTOGRAPHS O` V Phone; 772 . and driver call. - 118 Sophia St. JACKSON ' narne 5' HJIEIICISIG Dairy` Co. s Pasteur-> ized milk exclusively. Ask your family % physician` -.and then call around 'and`visit -ourydairy, or . made with. milkandj other" ne ingred-1` ients, has a delight- fully different avor. - A great favorite with the children, and DE.CORA'I`ING co. T {ggown-B;5* toc"'5 Have ou wagon call Phpne 250 _ NB electricity usexf in treatments. Scientic." spina1_adjustments. A Why you vshppd use; L PIONEER CHIROPRACTORS OF,.THE NORTH ~ Liceed Practitioners BROWN S & HONEYCOMB. LOAF A MILK Decorators and Contractors. `McKlNNEY A Phone llZ2w' "STROUD Phone 8:14 FR; GOLDIE HARPER Phone 891 L AUTO ` REPAIRING MOTORS MlSS`ARNOLD S BEAUTY PARLOUR % Sl_-IAMPOOING Ladies Ham-`caning MARC:-:LuNG | me ATE _ in all its branches on [all makes of cars Invite us to` your car ~ troubles. High-class worllmanship. Reliable service. rs nu- .`.-3 ---.._.n_ `PROMPT SERVICE OUR MOTTO Deliviiy to any part_ of the town ` OHPI.-ZN EVENINGS Phone sto:34,9 or Res. 229. Clappertn Street, Barrie D_.{'l:i-7.-;4\`I'Dwi\.Ii,E:`:I3'T GAS :ou.s :GREASES. M; J. nxgnnm { L CH.()ICE1FRESl-I\ WJQHJNJSASO `T35 ; Lastall For Peaches 7 . GOOD QUALITY AND LOW PRICE IF Ydu MISS nus WEEK, YOU WILL MISS AL;I`OGET,HERg BUY NOW. ICI ES. NYAI, CREOPHOS, the ideal. remedy for that deep`-seat ed cough and lingering cold. Also a rst-class nick- Wgtch for `handbillg. and ;pecia17 ad. i'e Nyal ' 2-for.-1 Snl next Thursday,` Friday and .r.- v---pa. unvu, uuc aucou Lculcuy l.Ul.' uuul. ueep-sear ted cough pick- -up tonic after colds and grippe, $1.00 a large battle. LAXACOLD, the sure remedy for breaking up a 1 fresh gold; 25;_ a box. _ -`vi ' . I Cooknn _ MEATS Phones 50 ad 51 POUILTRY AND -` 1-_`RESH% nsu ' DAILY FORD CARS We tSell Brown Bakery Biead and Cakes TORONTO tion bat- Phone 1161 Phone 491 'B'ARRll':'. FRUIT HEADQUARTERS .1-lUSbKEYS<, the `best for that dfy, tickling throat, n n `saw A - "' v vv sac jvonyuvn Fmh Eve?y"IS2}' `W ` 1=Au. AND mm nus, % `COATS AND FRESH and gugw CAREY; HURIBURT ` JSHQE C_`0.__ % Trawler caught frbm .Meaford Filleted if you wish We carry everything in -meats`-- and we canglve satisfgctlon. ' R. H_.Hepp[gston IRENE COLLINS A wonderful assortment t_o please the most exact- ing, in Satins, Velvets, Brocades, English Cam- el s "Hair, etc., `prices are 95, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75 ` and $2.50 Fashioned for the approval of the most .f`astidipus - yet priced surprisin moderate. e -v--w-- tti Foot Comfort Specialists Specialist in Goodyear and Hydro Press- Shoe` Repairs LADIES--'-Bring us your next pair of ne shoes and let `us demonstrate the superior qualit of VHydro Press or Goo year methods of repairing. We will give you long wear and still retain the` shape and exibility that - gives so much'comfort to your worn shoes. THEASHOE MAN Womenfs, Misses "`IOII 0 unable. , MEATS- N/omen, s, Misses and Chjldren s `I\II'I\ t\II-5 111 DUNLOP ST. Phqne 1035 2? Ease; Street Bouboni SLIPPERS Phone; .176 FISH 3V8 hen V THURSDAY, Toc"r`OBnT__ `mo. T F 6:? your` next` 6rc.ler,W phone "15 or /650W win [ H81` Tooksjsulkrs `A guaranteed, roomy- shirt featured by T T. u. BURTON Electrical Contractor % Phpne 294., 4 ` TobAY's 9 : Inna IIIQIIIMH Novelty Brdadcioth, Taetine: and t -_ Derby Cords, -' EXPERT woRKMANsH1_1 r Charges Reasonable. Estimates Furnished. FLORAL DESIGNS AND BOUQUETS, V carry just the 'ex_15r'es-L sion of goodwill 03 sympathy you wish them to carry.- ` W `I27 Duiulop. Phon 79;_'3:): F. c. Lowm [ Fine Habrda_.sh_e__ry 102 Dunldp Streeit ers, cry of ELECFRICAL . 1NsTA1,LA1'1oN L . MAwE`B1`.3.'L"s":-'-o151ts on f the wane. Velour, velvet " and silk goo . Metal fab-, .rics in the end formats- ternoon wear. 'I`RI'MMINGS"-.-.-+Extr'eYm`e-. o ly simple, making beau- 't1ful workmanship, neces sary. COLORS--- Black in. the` lead,` rosewood` next, the beiges, wood tones, wir;_e,- almond and - nattier - blue favoz'ed'- in, orders,_ given. -ucnwnvnvuv ii. l$IU ` Desined to= look. smart, ` made to stay` sma[rt_.-.-`2,- 7 `not factory made G. G. SMITH & C0. i=ii'3AifJ`riE" npbrtqd by our repre- uIptativ o' ilut over from ` Franco ' Successor to \ '. MISS BROWNLEE 1'91 R..`-I-_ DI. . _ _ A an ' POWELL ' & HOOK 1 uv MillideDi3i l3Y_ ' sEgoURLARc or A mmmcs ANDL PICTURES NOW on SALE; } AT GREATLY, REDUCED PRICES ---,- vv--- wvv-var` '\ r'ored~ o1.'.dets,, givn. Exclusive Hat ....._-.I L- 'I-_I_ '1 mmer Prop- ake "Fronts. Cottages, ed and im-' 17tfc ESTABLISHED mes The BARBIE RADIO and ELECTRIC co. Limited ` Doris! Comwe|l4 IR"A'It'rL.=:s, sol`-'1'. TOYS, * ..`\:'B'ABY nooxs, arc.` W.L.BRENNAN ::-- I--7-.--- coils}: `and Bayeld V `non... 64\lW Here, *y ou `will- nd the H`ats_ that are in gmand for Astsreet v?a'r5and sports wear and See Them 'Get t'hose 1ong\dis-T tance stations with " 3:035 and 'N3'vEL'r1'Es "\ IINFANTSF nmsssns Muslin, voile and crepe W de chene' INFANT? f{i cboos T.'I'~:v-ml and rnnnlnd maria ILVTIIIV I 57 I\l`I I \I\IIIIl|) _Hhnd and machine made vir:':r; -a_1..'-if-it T 32;- rangejof stamped `good; W have Lthe Vmartf. chic `styles- for the. young ap er and the large hen sizes fqr the matron... at po_p_ular /prices. RATDLO in th one ,_ wri-tlixfgr ,the -` best essdy 'on the following subj. ect:V , "How Out '6 I Can But SIPVC '.tlio 'T emu? . Also `giving us the" most _~--:L 41.`! - -1 -_.._ 1-.. ' giving 'i1s"th:`r;c;;t ` s`uita`ble_ slogan for % ou17.-store. . Mail >-yoilr corrupondnc; " t`o_ Box 1076. Th? _`-set includes-`_'a De Lu `e Ivory C,u'rle1"and Ivory-Finished; Hair- Drying Comb. _ , _~ / ~ oI'|`tVe'|t' .c|oa et N:v. 1'0; .14 nuusu1 'S.QP1?E.% " ivonderful I range of ' Children ; Garments ` EDKHDEIIRAJJHD _IhAFTEJU5 ` Out-sell, bec`auAse,' they'exceP Bue, Ontario '. n ` 7,` 1926. ``HOLl5-HEE #9 A `in nrini En j %P1ione,1oT55 * g _ set incliidgas-$`va -r__,___ n-__.u._. -_ GI&JIOD \r\lq.I-wt Given Ava _y Wm wan One `of % % .% (The VExa~rnine`r7Priz%es % v_ iven each Week for the best ;my;"n apy .'repre'se1'1t._ed iby idV'\e`l_'l:l`8ee;nt `dur`ingthe next six weeks. """' "9-"" '|"'"' " '.'- Zsays will b"pub1ish[ed`each w f3 `to words, telling what you kndw ahbu t the products of any whose gdvertisement 'appe.arsi on this page. ` ., es:/gy be sent 'to. the Contst by Monday at noon. Contact open" to all 4eade'rs_ of. The Barrie Examinenf. Winning \ I -_--_ . _-.:II L.-:..--LI2-I..-.I '--.L~ .'--v..' . le T. E.Harley s BALL PLANING MILL Ltd. M Choice Grocries and Frhits in season Tell What You Know; Abvouf Barrie _ Stqres " adirertised 6'11. .A thig pig_e.' ` %- GQ TO .1 ROBINSOWS % A PHONE `1040 We Aim to Please To Hthe J siuvccessfinii writer Qf the highest numbef. of prize es-= says ~ The Examiner , will give a cash priz v_ QF ' \ Coal, Wood gay` Electric Ranges; Choking Utensils ' . MARTIN-SENOUR 100% puma PAINT JOHNS-MANVJLLE ROOFING What s `That? think 6'! but on and tyat

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