Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 7 Oct 1926, p. 14

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UTOPIA T. R. COULTER IN almost every line of business the _ Chevrolet Utility Express truck has established a new record of economy in operation and maintenance.` Truck owners are amazed at the low upkeep costs. of this "Chevrolet _ one- ton truck and the day-in, day-out ser- vice ..under* which it stands up so dependably. " A. The smooth Chevrolet engine pro-_ vides abundant power-.-even for con- siderable V overloads -on hills and A close inspection of the utility express chassis and the records of Chevrolet truck owners will explain This prescnptxon has since been `made up m tablet form and 15 called KILLAKES. ' It 1s domg exactly the . same good work here as it dxd for the Boys when they were tn the trenches. A Canadian doctor, whose" medncat pracuce extended over a penod of 20 years, notxced that one parucular PFC? _ scrtptxon was more useful for kiing pam than allothers combined. In the capacity of medical oicer With a Canadian Battalion he proved the worth of hxs prescnption 1n kiihg _colds, coughs, la gnppe, u, rheuma- usm andqther sickness caused by colds and exposure. wuss surseuuu. 4 An event which made a wonderful impression on the boys was a pow- wqw of Ojibway Indians and they were also privileged to see a.. payment [of treaty money. these sceneslbeing novel am`! picturesque." : \ NIX`. Melville Avnlninn Hand '5. ma... to fan therperformance and economy that have made Chevrolet the world's Vthit-`d largest producer of and commercial cars. Ask your Chevrolet dealer for de- scription and prices of the type of body most suitable for your business. Any regular body style may be built on `the Chevrolet `utility express ..x......:.. , The\SInoothest Chevrolet in Chevro- let history is selling at the Lowest Price for which Chevrolet has ever heen sold in Canada. Ask about GMAC Plan of Deferred Payments. By WINNER \ g'uRsnAY, ocroszn 7, -1926. vv- -o A ll`! 'BA'R1iiE, ONT?` An outing of new character follow- ing a plan which it` is. anticipated will prove popular with growing youth, and "their elders as well, was outlined by J. H. Melville, New. York manager of Northland Travel. during the oc- casion of a visit to C. K. Howard. Gen- eral Tourist Agent, Canadian National , Railways. Mr. Melville has recently `re- turned from an extensive water tour in .Northern,.Ontario in which he conduct- -ed a. party of fourteen boys, ranging in :a.ge from fourteen years upward, and `the experience was so pleasant that jzurangements have been made for out- rings of similar, character next season. \Y..a. ....I-_ 1...-..` I_-___ L--3, ,, , . . - . THUI Gas pressure in the abdomen causes 0 restless,` nervous feeling and pre- vents/sleep. Adlerika. removes gas in, `TEN minutes and brings out surpris- ing amounts of old waste mattertyou znever thought was in your system. This excellent -intestinal evacuant is wonderful for constipation or stomach troublel` Don't waste time with pills or tablets but get real Aderilia action! Wm, (`J-nnalnn u-nrra-lat `I _n . Dr. Leonhardt s Hem-Roid is guar-.I Jnteed to banish any form of Pile misery, or money back. It gives quick action even in old,: stubborn cases. Hem-Roid is a harmless tablet that removes blood congestion in the low- er bowel - the [cause of piles. It brings joyful relief quickly and safe-_ ly, or costs nothing. Wm. Crossland I I and druggists everywhere sellit Witlzl V ix` . this guarantee. D TAVEL PROVES ` OPULAR _W|TH Y.OU-THS Restless Sleep "Due A` * % ~ to Stqmach Gas; vuuxccu HUI. SUE T311] 1108!`: Wm. Crossla._nd. drggglst. Quick Pile Relief! nu.-ux uuuxout wnere me party arriv-_ gd on August 27 and entrained` for home. ` ' ~ - ; IIIICOIIEIDUGU ull!B.`_;'B8l'lD|B lllllp yluuns oods and the use or harmful drugs. Itomach tonics, medicines -and artifi- cial digestents, and instead, following the advice so often * given in these` - xcolumns, take a teaspoontul or two tablets of Blsurated Magnesia in a. little water after meals with the result . that their stomach `no longer, troubles . them, they are able to eat as they please and they en` y much `better health. Those who use Bisurated Mag- nesia never dread the approach *0! meal time because they know this wonderful anti-acid and food correc- tive, `which can be obtained from any good drug` store. will instantly neut- ralize the stomach acidity. sweeten the stomach, prevent food fermenta- tion, and without the slightest pain or discomfort. Try this plan yourself, but be certain to get pure Bisurated Mag- nesia especially prepared for atomagh IIIA, ` . I ' Q w...'.. Agai;i'i5ping%Tstm; Id! :AI;tjcigl`.;lJ,igesteutsj. , V . Iloqt people .whb suffer; either oc-'_ oulionally or ' chronically from gas.` Iourness. and indigestion. have now discontinued disagvjeeable diets; patent tuna: and the use at harmful druza. Page Pom-tu n .IUlll J-2| [dull 28c .l.Ul'Ulll.U, E01115 uy IIIULUF. Jas._ Hart and son Palmer are busy] filling silos. Tn: `Dannie has vnnvnil in'nvH-In Tau 116`! (.1113 WEEK. 1' . -FrTinds' here` are sorry to he Mrs. W. P. Graham being in the pita! and hope to see her out soon. ' ' ` uuuuuy ans nuns. I John Addison and friend of Orlllia. ._Were .week-,end\v1s1tors here. `Mfr on!` '|\'|M: TXTnIrx-kl nf 'E`,`lv-niyoha uu JUJSL W665. ' 'v | . Things gre stirring a-bit in Shantyl Bay. Mrs. Abner Ball has purchased! a. .lot between the mausoleum -a d the` Women's Institute park and Wm. ay- lor is building himself a house ext_ to the English church shed on the estsl Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will- be observed in the United Church here! on Sunday evening next `at 7.30. All welcome. ' `D `I fl! .... luv: '........-.4. 41.`- .......1. ......1 .1. WCIUUIIIU. V ` R. J. Turner spent the week-end in Toronto, going by motor. Inn T-Turf and dnn 13n1r\n|~ or-n knot : 1.1111115 B11UH- I Jos. Reevie has movedVin' with J'os., Simpson for the winter and H. G. Mar- 2 tin is ,moving into `his former home; hene this week. ` I ' T -'F`r'i'Inu' horn nrn unvvu `A known A0 llq 5Ulll 7" U) lllUl.Ul'u V Dr. Ma colm from`-Wisconsin, U.S..i Mrs. Gilchrist s brorthex-._ visited ' her last week. 'lv\Cv|n'n: nun ulrunlvunu n.1nIL In Eknniuot .lV.I.l'. uuu LVLFH. Aulll. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Leachfwho have `been staylngxwlth Mr. Leach's sister here and confined in the; house by at- fliction, left for Toronto on Tuesday last, going, by motor. ' , `Dr Mn nn'lnv'| frnrniflnnnnuln TTQ I I -`Oct, 4---1:'Irs.,-.;rA1To. andersgn `had thel np1easure'of a. visit from her son and! his wife and her Vdaugh-ters from '1`dr- " onto over the week-end. . X Thficu Couch 131:; In of nnnunnlv cl-n1v_ UHLU UVBF L118 ween-euu. I ! . Miss Sarah Palk is ,at present stay- ing with A. W.'Palk and Mrs. Palk. on the old homestead, her former resi- ' Adenc`e. I" `Mr.-.....,. .\A'........ no rn....'.-...+.-.. ......\;.......: ' Wlueefano Adams of Toronto- motored! unto! the week-`Qnd to see his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Adams. M ... .,..a 1;... .na.m.a 'r,......1. "...I.- 1...`...-. .,VVUl'U IWUUl\`,Ullu` VLEILUICB HUl.'Uu I ' Mr.- and Mrs. Wright of Elmvale vis. ited with their daughter, Mrs. Jacks Beardsgll last week. - T ` IIUIIIU UL WIFE. .l.`l'dll.l\ AVLFHUUII Ull QC! In] `Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Bertram` and` 'two small daughters _of Burwash' are; holidaying here. I Jnhn Annn brad fvinn Hf Dvlllin UIIB DFBSBIIL. ' v The next meeting will be held at th home of Mrs. Hugh McKay on Oct. 21 which will be. of historic nature in; connection with -the pioneers of Simcoe; County.` ;. ~ . .- I The Mlnninn (`Jlrnln manfn 9+ Han! UOl1I1ty._ I The Mission Circle m eets at the home of Mrs. Frank Madden on Oct. 7.] \ , Bertramjand` Oct. 44The muoritlriiyy- VW o)nen sA iIn-' stitute meeting` was -held at the home of Mrs. Wm. Beardsall on`SeDtember 29. Eleven members were present and four visitors. After` the usual opening! exercises and business, Mrs. Walker, of Coldwafer, District Vice&P1'_esident.| gave an address on Cane ian- `Laws, for Women and Chil en. Mrs. Vvalkeri gave mucli valuable` information and her address was enjoyed by all pre- sent. Mrs. Walker has a. .fine nerson-. a.lit'y` and it is a pleasure to meet her. She paid a tribute to the Drury Gov- ernment for the legislation rfnade for the protection of women and children. The fan hnnr was Aninvn hv pvnrv `LUV pruuuuuuu UL WUIIIUII uuu uuuuruu. The tea hour was_.enjoyed by every one present. * . The nnsrt rnnnnnf w'H'l ho hnhi 91' Hit: $HAm` BAY cLowI-:s soxiry to hear of] H03- uon hart nut nooln 5 JTLUHI again guapuuruua u guuu snare OI Elle pr1zes.;s [ -}eo. Sheppard,.Delbert Svkes anii "Geo, Sykes motored to 'I`oronto and; took in` the stampede. . - 3 nlinnnn '!\/|'nAM-1rnn- has nnmmnnnna: \ . /, _..,.._____- Examiner Adlets are great sales-~ I men and they work for lijgtle pay-5 25 "cents a vyeek. /' 3 '.llU;lL.ll UL l?lL|'. ` ? Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Watt ar)d\Miss Fairy, motored; to St. Thomas and -spent the week-end with Mr. and 1\rI1-5.; Fred Tomlin, who are now making their ' home it : that city.` * I `N/rfn pllfh INHDHAN: AF "'l`nnnn.4-n` 1-unn- cjauus 111` (me stampede. g Duncan McArthur has commenced; excavating for a new cement garage; which he is erecting on the` corner` north of the hotel. I Tho annual anlnnni JIAQA A--. -0 LI..- ` `MAGNFISIA BE'S`l'fF()R' YOUR INDIGFSTION uur-u um ule nuliel. I r 1 The annual school field day of thei . Bond Head, Wilcox, Penvllle and No. 3; West Gwillimbury schools took place; i in the community park onsaturday. g \ _ ._____.. - .1ut=1`uuI.uy. ' _ V! Eric Hipwell, who spent theyacation Z_ in` the Red I_ake.District with a number |or Forestry students. has returned and is resuming his studies in 'I`omnto.' I Inc ("av-uurn'l'l Inna hnon nunu n.-.Hu.- 1:9 nsauuuus xuu sLuule5 In 4vor0nw.' 1 Jas. Cerswell has been ah/av acting `as Government judge in the Georgian I Bay district and -Manitoulin Island. | I Rrnfhnf HRH hnnn rdltifn "\IIL`11 I `nay. uxauuut. uuu -1V1.u.lll>l.UU.l1Il 1813.110. Cecil Brethet has been (suite busv] making` the rounds of the local fairs- .with his sheep and evidently has been` I lcapturimz a good share of the prizes.;: i -190. Shennnrd, nnihm-t em.-ne mm; Oct. 4--Mrs. Smart of Toronto is visiting with her sister. Mrs. W. Jar- dihe, who'is not enjoying very good [health of. late. `Ml -. nut` Mr... knn T`ITnl>L ......:| 1.1.-.....`= HUHIU Ill LIIELL KILL) : ' 5 I .Miss Ruth Nichols of `Tomn-to` was a.` Sundayvisltor at the home of W. J.. Abernethy. I Erin uihn.unnI1f fhn I7nnorr\v-nf LU!` HUI` R. 5})CUU'y l.'t3UUVCl`y. ` Mr. Bridge, t_u'dent-pastor of the Baptist church, `c osed his summer pas- torate here on Sunday and has gone to ;resume his studies in Mclxlaster Col- `lege. _ ` _ Mia: `Rnuunll nf "l"ny-nnfn hon `hnon 1 IAy-'1VIiss M.` MeKennie, received 9. bad `shaking _up, the result of a fall down- ' stairs, last Thursday. Her friends wish I r . . I for her a speedy recovery. ~ 'M'v- 'Rrin'n uhn-1onf-nnu+nn~ nf fhnl uiss Russell `of Torontc; has been I visiting am`ong_fr.iends here recently. `gun Duuuuy. ~ ' , Mr. and Mrs.,Wm. Smy visited their E iaughter, Mrs. Smith, in Barrie recent- ` y.T\/Hm: M 'M'r`-.`.l(Ann1n rnnnlvnd 1.: had ya. ya-nassauu.-, uagusnuuwb IIUAL suaauu. .J}Iot only have boys been. provided for `but it is also hoped to have outings for "business women. one experimental ex-A tcursion of such character proving most successful, an eleven-day trip on` Can- adian lakes and rivers proving most alluring to a party of young business women from-New York who wanted wa real experience quite apart from the -daily grind of the Metropolis. L I have been interested; in camps and in boys work for along time," said Mr.` Melville, who is, by the way, a native of Orillia, Ontario, and it occurred to me that a canoe trip wouldbe a wel- -come variant"to the usual c` 1). Ac- cordingly, the 600-mileroute as sel- ected and the party`, with proper:-guides and canoemen, set out from Sunstrum. "on the Canadian, National in ;North- western Ontario. At tirst some of the, -boys found threevor four hoursof pad-. . dling in a day quite aneffort. but by the time the trip. was drawing to a close every one of them could do fourteen hours. if necessary, and come into" camp singing, then be ready ryorya. name. A ` uuy . ~ Mr. and Mrs. Carter and M1`. and Mrs. I-Ianly, of Maxwell visited at M. Keasts . on Sunday. " . Mr and '|\/fr: `Urn Qrnv uinifn 1-Hahn ] 1"lUI.UI1 `uururg L118 WUBK-8110.. . Mr. `and M113. J. W. -Orchard and son Ronald visited in Toronto `over the U `week-end. `Ito. nu-ul llnu 'I'.`l'Anun-. ft` 1 lnbnunsl !1IlE l.ll.U.p.HL LEW uu_yz:u' '. l ` L. W. Armstrong and Jas. Courtney! visited /Mr, and Mrs. A. Bowerman at gPiTcton`dur1n-g the week-end. . 1\'v- `and Ila: 1' `X7 ,f\nn}\or-A and anal: VVEUI\"Ull.l.l. Mr. and Mrs. Herron of Llstowell visited `Rev. and"Mrs. Price over Sun-f day. 2 Q Mr and Mwn (`nrfnr nn Mr and `M rh relauves In 'J.'0I'UIll'.O 18.812 WEEK. ' Mr. and Mrs; Ellison -Mckenniev of IA`ylmer are visiting the latter's father. I Thomas Stokes, who is on the slckulistl . lIl'.v~:1 VI` T `l\lI'nT\Tinn1 and ann `Rnv nf i `.l.`IlUIH.S DLUKU5, \_Nl.|U 15 UH L118 HLUK _ll5L. 1 Mrs T. J. McNicol~a.nd son Roy. of 1 Vandorfvisited Mrs. R. Plowright dur- . g 1n$'the.past few days4 T I I Arrnnhvnnnr and Inn (`nnv-fnnvl ('1`oo laMteffoTr.'last week)` Sept. 30--Miss-Annie Chappel visited relatives iri Toronto last Week. 1 In any` 1\fnu' `E`.h:nn .l n'*onnI'n A`? `V HOW Incbnsiderate? Spider. aw: plcturesque." * ' Mr.)/Ielvllle explained that by means ot canoes fitted with motors. supplies reached the travellers and mail was partied. but newspapers were interdict- . ed. and when we came. out we found learning aboutthem previously." 9. lot of things had happened. -!'sa1d he, "but we were no less happier for not iv . BOND HEAD MINESING I THE` nAL1;g1,_' EXAMINER " . for Ecouolnmical Transpotmfion 5urcu' unu.L:'cu`e1ui orusnmg OI the teeth." Unfortunately, many people are not seized with the\,importance of` this ,5 mouth care and as a result of their neglect, the teeth decay and ecome in- l fected. Dental infection is th direct or : "indirect causeeof, a number of diseases 1 which today afflict humanity and con- sequently, the prevention of dental di- ; seases is onelof the largest problems confronting modern health authorities. I In nrnr "\l`1.T\O` Q lznnvlvlnrrn Al AI\ UUl}Ll UllL1ll5 muuern nealtn autnormesl In order to bring a knowledge of the `means by which mouth health may be . preserved to the people of the Province the Ontario Department" of Health has. . iearrang'ed_for an Ontario Dental Health i Day_ to be held on Xvedeselay. October ; 20. Many important activities are being organized and these inc.`-.urle special =talks over the radio and newspaper publicity. Each teacher is being asked to give the class a lesson `on mouth ihygiene and ot er _features of interest to children will e arranged. The dent- 3 ists of the province are, at the request .of the Department. giving free dental `examination and advice to all who re`-I lquest it on that day andthis service. gwill include personal instruction on ihow to protect the health of the teeth - and `gums. . ;dental health films in the theatres. nnc. Int.-.IrI ur I HI: ANUIENTS Dental diseases are, considered by many to be bf quite recent origin. This is not the case as even prezhistoric skulls show evidence of caries and mi- orrhea. Decay of the` teeth was not as ' common in the ancient times as it is today and this was du`e in a large mea- sure to the life habits of the people. Their food for instance .was coarser and required more chewing. The thor- ough chewing of the food exercised the parts and brought a rich blood supply which not only caused healthy development but also kept the tissues in a normal condition. The modern diet which consists of refined foods. requir- ing little mastication. and lacking in fruits and vegetables provesa. detri- ment to mouth health. It does not con- tain the elements needed to build strong teeth and it does contain the elements which will promote decay. ` .Mnds>.rn fnnd hnhifq nlan nmnam. aw. -v--own I cannot be sufficiently` enthusiastic over the dellghts,of such a trip, nor can I recount the names of the many beauty spots we saw. Game was plenti- tul everywhere and the boys shot many specimens with their cameras. We sawrsome wonderful displays of Northern Lights, indeed the,` Aurora was gorgeous. An Avhf urhlnh vnniln n `IVl\D\AA`.`~-` wuxuu w1u pl`UlIlULe uecay. ` Modern food habits also render im- perative the thorough cleansing of each _; tooth surface, which in turn means re- gular and. careful brushing of the teeth.` I ITnfnrtnnah:lv rnnnv nonnla own unrul- I ucwu v-$5 or W YlI&L2 Council met "at Stroua on 4th _inst.. all members present._Commu,nica.tions from Ontario. Department of Public Highways and the Provincial Secretary re -admissior_1_of~patient to hopital, Mr. Coupe re sfeet at Big Bay Point, also a number of accounts were~received `and ordered paid. The Reeve was in- lstructed to 'wait.\on the Minister of {Highways re the `manner of levying tax for road maintenance. , . _ A by-law was passed confirming the appointment of. clerk. \ N i Gnnnr-H ninuannn on vmnhi n4 cu......-.1 uuppuuumcul. UL. CleI`.`{. ` -ouncil adjourned to meet at Stroud at e call of the Reeve. /' .- ,__'J.` e_ Clerk _will be at his office at `ma: e Clerk will sit f Strp Vd Tuesday and Friday of each__ | week. . " ` Eu can OI U18 ueeve. / 4 . St. Geo_rge se_W.A. -A - The A. or _St.`George s Church. Utopia; met at the home ogmrs. Thos. ' .Truax on Tuesday vening ,. September 28. Bible reading, uken from 15th` chapter of St. John. was, given by Iggrs.` Watsonsliccann. The missionary read- ilng Something New out of Africa". was read by Miss Jean Higginson. Af- .ter the meetlng__. refreshments we're served _by the hostess. A ` The next` meeting will be held at the `home of'Mrs. Wm. ]Higginson on Tues- I day evening,` October 26. Bible reading will be given by Miss Dora Tiffin and `the missionary paper by Mrs. Clarence `Arnold, v ,,v ' . THE TEETH" or `THE ANCIENTS Dnntai (Hangman aim nnnuh-"Inn?-or? 3... ALL RIGHT, `(cu `TAKE MY - BOOKS |M_ MOM, Ah)` I'LL" Go RIGHT Avo_AY` / mat-\'r,\ MY ~ I'LL \QIc,HT Avow ",?`""!!- E99NC!!-` "sue Snub" \`\' wAs PERFECTLY SAFE FOR.YoU- L~ro 60 As HE HAS No , CODTAGIOUSV DISEASE an-on vi 3 From Sunstrum ..the route was by Rock Lake. Celtis Lake... Route Bay, Lac Seul, Root River, Lake St. Joseph, Pushkokogan river and lake. thence ov- er unnamed waterseto Pine Bl_uft Lake. Savant river and lake, Iron lake, down Dog river to Kashuweogama, Dog lake, Deception lake and Pelican lake to `Sioux Lookout where the party arriv-_ ed on August 27 and nnh-ni-nor!` em.

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