Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 7 Oct 1926, p. 10

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went to "the I: saw to it I ma at he" deck plan, V. and oh! _ THE BARRIE VEXAVMINER - .....u nnwun. uab la. Rheumatism is a dangerous disease. _ _ have it'in `the aughtest degree get a bottle of Rheuma from Wm. Crossland or any `druggist jodny and drive it from you` system at. (vnce. 4tfc v-. ..-uuunuulu LLUUUIU Ur nloney } Rheuma is just as effective in < )1` Iumbago. sciatica, arthfitis ~hrnn!c neuralgia. DI`.-......'..;.x...._ 2 ` 5003 m nneumausm goes out. It matters not whether you are tor- tut-ed with pain, crippled with swollen Joints or distressed with occasional n rwinges; Rheuma. is guaranteed to end vnur rheumatic trouble or money back. effective cases sciatica. arfhv-H-in .....a The first day you take Rheul ioctor s remedy that is selling ; idly. you'll realize that when I goes in Rheumatism 1'! inn-nu... `nu. ..-1...n.-, auu 13 a'u'ung and nealtny. One skinny woman gained pounds in twenty-four days. } V(tl'U teli _ .._--- -.... .u-y;vvcuu:ub auerw thirty days--your money back. A very sickly child; age nine, gain- , ed twelve pounds in seven months and is strong and healthy. . , One Rkihhv urnnn on .1 `QUICKLY DRIVES OUT ALL RHEUMATIC POISON uuh ut: sure 8.110 get IVICUI ~ They are not expensiv lets, 60 cents~-and if _V( pleased with the improve` Mthirty Ve`l'\ 1'r'1(]v r-'hI:l' on-A ---., --....., ycancu, :ucm.y`y011ng`Ste1' grows up to be strong in body, keen in mind and robust in health.. I Extracted from the livers of the lowly codsh are the health, weight and s-trength producing vitamines that are found in Mc'Coy s Cod Liver Extract Tablets, which are sold `by pharmacists all over North and South America. Doctors know about them and so do all druggists, and if your children need building up ask for these tablets today if you want to give your loved ones a good appetite and put pounds of good healthy flesh on their bones. But be sure and get McCoy s. ar DVhnnu:1rn BA `-1 It's your duty, Mother, to see that, the frail, peaked, sickly ' youngster grow_s pp {:9 be body. keen `Children Love Them Becau: Are Sugar-Coated and as . to Take as Candy. McCoy s* Cod Liver Extracta [ Tablets Fine for Thin,- Underdeveloped Kids I Lllllu Mike: A'n' phwat `good would. do yez?" Faith, Oi wouldn't tur-r-n u] Aussie. uonl-UL TIP Pat: I was thinkin'. Moike. it he a foine thing if a man could the toime and place he was goi dui." - \/I:I..\. ug`, . - - ua.u`.--- ' I School No. 1-Sunnida1e Corners. 1! first, 2 seconds. 3 thirds; total 6. . School No. 2-- Crow's Corners. 8: `firsts. 2 seconds, 4 thirds: total 14. ' School No. 3--Bre-ntwood. 2 fir~sts.j 4 seconds, 4 thirds; total 10. I | School No. 4---New Lowell. 13 firsts. 12 seconds, 10 thifds: total 35. I School No. 5-Bethel. 19 firsts, 13+ seconds. 6 thirds: total 38. School No. 7-No awards. School No. 8-C-ains. 7 firsts, 5 se-.' conds, 6 thirds; total 18. I School No. 9--Clearview. 8 firsts, 8 seconds, 6 thirds: total 22. School No. 1(l-Power..` 4 firsts, 3 seconds. 2 thirds; total 9. School No. 1l- Scott's. 1 first, 3 se~ conds. 2 thirds; total 10. School No. 12---No awards. School No. 134-2 firsts. 4 seconds. ] [total 6. ` 1 i I I RESTURED T0 (:ll_l]j|__ji_lEALTH ouwnuuALE SCHOOL FAIR The following shows the number of. prizes taken by the several schools-' which competed at Sunnidale School: ` Fair:-- GALAAI `V ` ` . uuuuxj, DuI.LE'-I` and Eggs. doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . ._,. . , Butter. pound . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Fowl, pound . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Chickens (broilers), pound Cream, pint . . . . . . . . . . . .. Buttermilk. qt. . . . . . . . . . . .. auu cmcxens were 30 cc : Prevailing prices were: Beets, bunch . . . . . . . . . . .. Carrots, basket . . . . . . . . . . Badishes, bunch V . . . . . . . . Onions .. . . . . . . . . . . .. 5c , Cauliflower, each . . . . . . . v Gherkins, box . . . . . . . . . .. 'Cutflowers....... . . . . Asparagus . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . Vegetable marrow . . . . . . . Potatoes, bag . . . . . . . . . . . Potatoes, peck . . . . . . . . . . . Cabbage, each . . . . . . . . . . Celery, bunch . . . . . . . . . .. Peppers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . `Corn, doz. . . . . . . . . .. Cucumbers, basket . . . . .. l Tomatoes, basket . . . . . . . . ' Pumpkins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Squash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Egg plant. each . . . . . . . . .` Banana melons, each ....t I ,-,___,`_,_, n . \ar'\ 1 unu`-\ 1 lVlAl'Kl`\|: l _ "Last Saturday's market was particu- larly well attended and there was a splendid display of garden produce": offered for sale. Late vegetables were} [ particularly prominent; Tomatoes, both} ' green and ripe, were seen on, ever ztable and cucumbers, pumpkins, squas {and melons were plentiful. E. V. Bab- -- cock, a local gardener, had some ban- ana melons, a new vegetable in these, parts, for sale. They were the first'; `grown in this part of the country, the, Iseed having been imported from CaIi- ,_ `forum. The banana melon resembles a; bananain form and has a flavor much` like that of a"canta.loupe. Eggs showed a further increase in price,fifty cents being asked` at some tables. Butter] remained at 38 and 40 cents a pound.` and chickens 30 cents; '1 Prevailing nrir-no m....... ~ $m&$&;mma&&m% `_ sATuRDav MARKET "Last Sa.tnrnv c rn:n.I;.:.o vtrnn .----u--- : I I J I m&aa&mam$m%%&m $1 THE MARKETS %$K<%>F&& 5&5! midmmmm I , A SUNNIDALE scHooL `he follnxvinxr chnuvc f`\r\ - . . . .....-qua, cauu Poultry, Butter and An.- I seconds` 1()---Power.9`. v uuu sch HLULIUY 5 expensive`-50 tab- f',----Qhl` 17n11 n`- - ~1- uu uvx` uu Lne Doat tram. The little man danced about in a fury of anxiety. Please do remember that I\have the bai'e: possible time to tell you what. I must tell vrm. Dnn'f infArI~Ivnf hm.-4. USEFUL TIP 51.: thin].-an` 1\.v..:u Them Because They I'll. an Enact c.x_ucu.a1vc--OU 138D- md you are not; lmprovement after! 1- rnnnau 1r\0n1' Rheumafthe I . selling cm var-- _--- - ......-a, uuc elllng so rap- Rheuma. )es nut, gig`, 'M'oike. would know, 39 g0ing'to|' . . . . . . . .. 20c` . . . . .. .. 5c; and 3for 10c{ . . . . . . . .. 30c; . . . 25c! .........1o-15c: ___AV n: Easy 'quruuLi1llUt!. ` ` ! He refused to tell the little man that. having encountered her in the C.P.R. office, he had determinedly looked out for her on the boat train. and nine 4tf 45-50c; 38-40c 24-250; ... 30c! .. 30c .... 6c ..- LUU` I for 5c{' 15-20c; 35-50c; 45-500: 10-250`; 10-250 LV'4UU' : . 15cj 710-153:] 'uu nuuw net`. ' 5 ~quaintance. Not really," saiil Clement wfth ex-I asperating (and, one is afraid. deliber- ate) casualness. A mere chance ac- Tin Ivnfnnnil n 0-Ali Ll... I:L4.I_ .,___, .1 . Y ! Read The Examiner : local and district news- that `vr1ll| QHH, JAN! During a recent boat race `the testants were encouraged byrmen rattles on the b:mks.'We hear that enthusiastic supporter got out of two-sweater and shook it vigorous.` Humor-ist._ ... `RUG; 10-15c; 1n- . . . . ncj 10-15c` . $1.50 . 40c` 1`n,1Kn! , Fur Remodelling & Repairing lmmme McKERNAN. as Small` St. __________________, CIVIL ENGINEER 133 Blaloe st, Barrie. Pi " Ii-I-lJl'lg uAIvIPBELL &. LAVI hartered Accountants Phone Main 5874. 59 Ygnge St., T H. J. \Ve1ch. C.A. G. D. Campbel W. S. Hulbig, Production Eng! T. E. Lawless. C.A. . I Manager Cost and lmn..:........ =- IICI LJUIEU. Nickname, said the little man! brealthlessly. Her name is really He-' loise-VVh`at I mean to say is thls, you do know her." ' _` 7\Tnf nnnlluv 7' 1-..\l'.1 (`1I....,-.-A W "AI '-`vIc1'oRI_AN onosn Anni: D-- _. Iv - vnu-uv UNDER OF I ` ' Barrie Branch \ Residence, 86 VVorsley St. P . RARV (VT 7! Formerly Direct Hospital under D.S. 'of Toronto Scottish Regt u. m. SYLVESTER Teacher of Music aster Barrie Citizens Ba: or of Music Christi. C.R., Bandm 134th O.S. Bn., ba Teacher of Piano, Organ, Musica-1 Theory, oi uulu meaaust Toronto Cong Music and University of {I13 VVorsley St. ` F * `LUUI 10c '1'. 1:3. I : ______._.________ DR. FRED A. ROSS Formerly of Drs. R Late Surgeon Specialist with the Emperial Army, 4% years. eneral Surgery and Obstetrics especially. Office--140 Dunlop St., Barrie Phone 710 P. O. Box 10 uagc as nenulse neys." I Oh, that was Heloise Reys," said} the young man, dropping his dzjess-; shirts and looking up with interest: The Gorgon woman with her called her Loise." KY:nI..-..-....... n ____-.1 4:, _ n... I 144 15100!` St. We: VVill be at 91 Owel First Saturday of Diseases of Eye, Ear, P onsultation hours-11 C Barrie, phone 2. Ton _________, I 1 p.m.. 7 to 9 p.m.. oz: _ by appointment. Phone 213. A. T. Little, M.D. W. C. Little. M.B. _ , ' ons. LlT_TL Physicians and `Su Office and Reside Office hours: 1 to 1 I I bv Qf\1\ninI~u-un- UH. C. Graduate of ' Phone 61 T-TnIn-u- 0 0 - ~- rnune 61 Hours: 8-9 a.m.. _________ 1 UK. W. A. LEWIS ; Surgery and Diseases of Associate Coroner County 0 ._-nnzl I ' 4 I ` J. A. 'NC_)TARY PUBLIC, Convey; eluding drawing granging of loans, etc. Insural |kinds. Executor, Administr: i Trustee. Thornton, Ontaric RADENHURSTV &. HAMM BARRISTERS. SOLICITOR` Masonic Temple Building, 15 MONEAY TO LOAN V To I C. W. Plaxton. Tn... : 4 LAXTON & PLAXTON IBARRISTERS, SOLICITORS. ETC. : Offices: 707-8 Kent Building F N _ __ Toronto. Ont. _.......-.u r. mcuuAIG. B.A. j ' Successor to Creswicke & Bell 3 BARRISTER, SOLICITORL ETC. I I MONEY TO LOAN..Ross Block. Barrie` 5 Con veyancer, etc. ds Block, '8 Dunlop MONEY T0 LoA1~f ` \\ L. J.-SIMPSON. M.B. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON 'ic_ and Residence--Cnm... Q ~ - Uonveyancers, Etc. -Money to loan at lowest rates terest. Office-13 Owen St.. in! '10 'I`>\mpIe Building, Barrie. ` Branch Office-E1mva.1e. ' W. A. Boys, K.C., M.P. J. R. I.__________________*( 5 eovs & Bovs Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Pu Conveyancers, -Money loan at ln\xrnu+ ......... -a IJUNALD ROSS. LL.B. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Masonic Temple Building, Barrie ` MONEY TO LOAN 9-10 a..m., . . v . -. -uu U|lI '_."c'>'1{ don't talk." panted the little Look he,.e"__what 0,, earth man. This thing is terribly important. driving at-_>-v cried the astoun-de I must-n't lose a moment telling you.. ent. You know Heloise Reys? ' But do you understand?" wz Not at all, said Clement dryly. I-Ie~ little man. Have _you grapec began again to unpack. i [A worthy girl. A girl Worthy For heaven's sake. don't quibble,-man.`A glrl.that any man man. You know her. You came from,` proud of. A glr1- London to Liverpool in the same car-l V "l`his`was too much for Cler riage as Heloise Reys. say, " he burst out, I say, ar Oh. `HRH T-Tnlniea 1311111: '7 (unit! l n.. --A-- A - I ' ..... ...~..vu Irvvu uuuuuun aqju. "" _ F - G. R. &. E. BURNS. (Over Frank Dutcher s~grocery store) Chiropractors, Drugless Therapists " Spinal Adjustment and fMassage Electric, Vibratory and Magnetic Blanket Treatments Patho-Neurometer ' Service Phone 405J for appointment ______.________.________ [ .3. J. sow/mos &. EDWARDS Architects and Structural Engineers V 18 Toronto St., Toronto. ` R. J. Ed-wards. G. R. Edwards, B.A.Sc _______________________________ j GORDON LONGMAN Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, etc. MONEY TO LOAN u. IVIU 122 Bloor vin rm - r _JAR.\JAR. JAR! nnnn l\CA` L-- I _;.___._______ DR. MORTIMER LYON 22 St. Wst.~T0r9nt< ` DUIQCAN F. McCUA|G. B.A. Sucnesznnr fn n...\..---:--H 3. M. SYLVESTER Teacher Of MlIe:A ;_:-.-__._-__-_-:- DONALD ROSS. LL.l :?'RT.Q'I`TP`D n """ ` `us:-us EVVU `BIKE! 01 OIp Ind 0110 box of Ointment." (Signed) Mrs. Edith Brown, 37 Fomxey PL, Barre, v:.. Sept. 24, 1925. `Rely on Cutlcura Soap. Olntniem and Talcum to keep your skin clear. 3'- aI_?_Q { DR. H. T. ARNALL e_C9roner Countv nf aux`, aoucxtor, Notary MONEY LOA_N LV1 U1\'1 Ross vu unac EUH` ncouraged with :mks.'We one pporter out his it vlgorously.-- up I `I l..l.'. G, LI `Surgeons, Residence--47 -3: 1 tn 2 n in '7 -and- R. C. B. HORTON he Tnrnntn r7...... axto. James 0 .. ...-no, vlu. G. Gordon Plaxton Plaxton IILIJC ldll. ' In fact," he said, in the other's man- ner, you have no time at all. `All ashore was called two minutes ago." uni. t1r\r\ C- ;..n.n ....._...v.= LL; .. . __. .... .,. ualllpvell, U.A Engineer : and Efficiency Dept. : JLLIUC IIOUPS! :., 1-3 p.m., 7-8 ? PUBLIC, Conveyancer, in- awing of wills, deeds, ar- Insurance of all acutor, Administrator and Ontario. _ 4-52c -*'--:-' cunnopmgcwxc (U1-8 Kent E Toronto, Ont. 0n_ (1 I1... MEDICAL as 9- PIN) f Toronto University Office-58 Collier St. 1.. 12.30-2 and 6.30-8 p.m. --2 ARCHITECTS IIIUUH LIHIU. . Clement glanced at the umbrella` and obvious shore rig of the bounding little man. f fun fan! I9 1-... an}: 3.. ;.!.- _;.I___,n_, , ....\,. uuux . -and- R I..lr\| .. us music rrie Band ' Christie St. D.S.C.R.. bandmm=*"` 1.21 .l.'U l4()AN Block, Barrie ? 1' agi get all the s--$2.00 a year. vvvuu DI... Darrle, y each month. Ear, Nose and Throat` 's-11 a.m. fn _='. unr- 3-11 a.m. to 5 Toronto, North Ilvlc LY UN West. Toronto. Owen Q? LEGAL s'r-`ls . HAMMOND SOLICITORS, ETC. le Barrie ` Y TO L()'A7\r . xyni Land Surveyor Phone 623 - vvvunu ul-uu IIIIU l'u`rI trbly. I used everything I could think of without any benet. A friend recornmended Cuticura Soap and Ointment so I purchased some, and in four weeks I was healed. after .|using two cakes of Soap and Ointment." 'lSiun-t|\ 11-- usu on, Toronto Campbell, C.A. U011 Ehzinnnr - -- ...ucu:L U]. vterian Church Conservatory of ty Tl`nnfn ---nvv I9 eases Women Bounty of Simcoe uuers, .t`Jl'.C. of in- D7eTI it'I-RKonn-u ; x..ur1stle St. bandmaster Lster nf I7.-.n. nacL`VaIOl`y of f '1`oronto. Phone 6831 ` con; rnnn uyitl-. IIIGH. You re Clement Seadon," he.c'ried;l Pm Hartley Hard." = V` 1 . R The young man stopped unpacking.` I don't think I know you," he said.` You needn't think. `You don't know.. I'm a complete stranger to you-in the flesh. But don't,ta.Ik. I. haven't much time." IVlnrnnn6- l'l".l|i\l|l\` .'-.4. LI... .-.._u___-n_ 99$ Ross, Barrie :t with H-A Box 1078 t., Toronto nhall n A -w-1-- Iotary, etc. ; Block. Barrie - uuu LU. Barrie, i`r\nv\41v- x..1n.`. and 1 Phone 167 I L V GIU- R. Boys. aces U]. H]- in~Mason- D us Let` 75th '--'--O------- My trouble was caused by eat- ing apples. My face bean to break out with pimples that were hard and red at ret and then {entered imd scaled over. They spread all over my face making it very sore. After the scales came off my face would burn and smart terribly. T "and --.....LL:_;_ I ___,u n .u o u all the U 111 3326' Buy Advertised Public ,___--su V74 It you have not plenty ter see T. H. Rutledge a`a `well. I guarantee Water gasoline-no wood or `W: have two machines and reasonable. \Vrite or` ph will call on you. 1- u nu:-u --A- Ambulance Service Motor and Horse Cor. Mary and Eli-zabc _- van: unl _\'UUn rf H. RUTLEDGE, P_a)_ `Rnv 190 Open or Covered Trucks VIII-II Ilnli I - A little, knuckly man bounded into! Clement Seadon s cabin with an India- -.-ubber violence. He snapped the door closed, and faced the startled youngi man. --.--:_. Rad The Examiner and get all the ,local and district news--$2.00- a year. P.0. Box 1 99 nu I LLUL -.u. mutual OPEN DAY I 47 Elizibeth St. ur. me rost office Square, Barrie. Sub- scription Price--Canada and Great Britain $2.0.0 per year in advance (in arrears $2.50); United States. $2.50 per year in advance. Both old and new addresses should be given when change of address is requested. CAN- CELLATIONS-We find that most of our subscribers prefer not to have their subscriptions interrupted i-n case they fail to remit before expiratio While subscriptions will not be carried in, arrears" over an extended period. yet, unless we are notified to cancel, we assume the -subscriber wishes the service continued. REMITTANCES should be made by registered letter, money order, or cheque payable at par n Barrie. T A `IA nA`I'_._-A ""- _.-v-null W `N E/s`tablished 1869 FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EyBALMI-IRS OPEN DAY AND NIGHT (-4- _ -_- ..-InJl\l-45)) where we are equipped better than ever to attend to all your wants in the ' line of vnvuyw man. uv. .. ..,..a noun; 5 Ass. :44Lu.1..i.l.1..'l.lCl. Publishzd every Thursday afternoon at the Post Office Square, _St_ates. $2.50 nan guns... .1._ - J tions for VVomen's Realm. Se- cretaries uf VVomen s Institutes and other Societies are requested to kindly send such reports promptly, as their news value decreases If these are delayed. In order to be inserted in Women's Realm" such reports SHOULD REACH The Examiner `by THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1926. -ca-._~-.._-_....__.._ ,_,, NOTICE TO SECRETARIES OF WOMEN'S. ORGANIZATIONS 52 Elizabeth St. : Phone-952W Agent for McClary_ s . `FOR Hot" Water Heating and . PLUMBING LIC Pe slfl The-Barrie Examiner uk1n.I..'.;..a .... -7 nu PLUMBING AND HEATING GIVE US A CALL Phone 180 ---jju The Examiner is avmg l`F|I\l"H`fe nc .... ..;\.A1 ucw 3 value `re1se-vs If-`tlhese er 11m" ACH by .-- -. muVIVHr\ll\ Director and En Servinn - '-. .1-JUCHARDS 3 not of water, about drilli: ntee Wafnr an-7 -`-" FACE WUUHJ SMAR_[__T_l_ERlBlY _ .;_. D. MINNIKIN :nn.-Ln-- - 7* ' _- -.,.-.-u. uuA.vI.c U1Lpll'dLlUnZ lbscriptions ms" ass to me continued. )8 rder. cheaue nmmm. ob M- Things. :4_Erzen St. 32 E, Shelburne; 0 - Phone 122 - AND NIGHT t. : Phone 218. .uc uy reg1stered )r '. A. MacLaren. Editor V. C. Walls. Manager Hard, Red Pimples Broke Out. Cuticura Heals. vv _uuuu-u vwupI_:uuu, over ZOU,UUU. repixes were recewed, and 98 out of every 100 re _rted they were bene- ted by its us`: . . G in connecon :_ Phone 82. TRY Embalmer Ph_one 431 linrnonf desirous of Innfinovu nus Furnaces. Lllclll s., Barrio Ont. I`) Wm. PF: * 1114 __-_----r U Iiif ` Auowgrrg-3:35FE3'a%%?%5eEgL1YH';fr7vznn" IIFOII i8 A TESTIMONIAL THAT SPEAKS FOB ITO ' NUMEROUS OURATIVE OUALITIEI. Page Ten lo has mi. A lgu undlsn a;a d%o?dc?"; 8oP.'f.' 8" Cueuu Shaving Stick 2 . Author of Low Ceilings, Greed Ladis, Westward with the " `Prince of Wales, et_c. ' ` " u-{anal lI3I'u"u . are prom Iy relueved by \ `De THOMAS EC ECTRICOI L` `T "A. QAI Q DA- nun--. .- _.j_ _ _ __ __ DOUBLE CROSSED CHAPTER I p elnternal and External Pains prom relieved -nnu A 5! EB Ellllmltb. A I I BY 1 w. DOUGLAS NEWTON 31501 1 In a recent country-wide canvass of purchasers of Lydia E. Pinkham s Va etsble Compound, over 250,000 rep ies received, of DVDFI7 in-uuinlrnsl &L..._ ---- l M ..n.uul'.y uunmng." _Mormons?-" Clement fell back. too. staggered fof thought. Are you `a lawyer."- he de- manded, f`or_ are you an apostle of the uxuat. uxu`auI`ulnaI`lly attractive. I `fMarry him? Marry whom? Haven't you justbeen insisting that she should marry me?" A _ ` Of course." shouted the little man. "'1`ha.t's it. That's -whatcI'm driving at." But what are vou driving can" run auu LU marry mm." Clement gasped. Also he felt a little stab of pain. Heloise was certainly most extraordiriarily attr active. `fMarry f -5 ! 3 I uapuulttuull. I Bring home to her? Tlge truth about? that scamp. I was trying to make her; see that she should not go out to Can- lada ,to marry him." Clamanf (rnann Alan I... 0.14. - nu- LU ue, ue sun and listened. The lawyer said, You are right. I. could do nothing with her. I failed. I could not -bring her to reason. She is so! lquixotic, So headstrong. She has the I W1'0n;:'est sense of what` is right . . . . . 5 And then I have no proofs..Only.fears.' only suspicions. I couldn't clinch the matter with her. I couldn't brinp; home anything to her. 3 Vi ' i And what were you trying` to "bring home to her?" demanded Clement. who really 'thou`ght_he was entitled to some -explanation`. 7- ' `vnnincr knwun 6.. I......n Inn- , n ! .....e uluu uurieu nxmselt along. ' "I'm a lawyer. I'm her lawyer. I'm your lawyer. too---one of them. That's `luck. When I saw you come out of the` train with her. saw that you knew her. I noted that down as a piece of luck. You see I knew you were all right. Knew that through business--oh. I'm a partner of Rigby & Root." My lawyers!" cried Clement. -Yes! Yes!" Haven't I been telling you that? We're: her lawyers, too. ~ When I saw you together, I said to my- self. `Good. that's a second line of de- fense. If I fail to bring her to reason I fall back on Clement Seadon-Mr. Clement Seadon. He'll be my second: line. Good fellow. Good family. Young. lattractive. handsome to the eye. Has, ewits. Has capacity. Has a brain in: ihis head. Has pluck and physical . Istrength. too. Can carry a thing " , through in spite of danger.` .... j As he said that. his rapid eye glinted ; on Clement. He was staccato. but he!` was not stupid. Clement stiffened." He,` `was. the type of clean. young Anglo-' I Saxon who did stiffen at the- hint of!` danger. The type that goes about quietly. calmly avoiding trouble--butI: is not really heartbroken when trouble comes along. `The little lawyer saw 1. Clement stiffen, he chuckled internally `and continued his express monologue. That's what I said to myself when I saw you. I said. `Mr. Clement Seadon .has all the qualities necessary. An ad- 3; mirable second line of defense. And! `well-off, too. Rich. He's not an ad-PA venturer hunting heiresses. That's 5,` what I said vwhen I saw you. And I1 ` went off to Heloise Reys' cabin and? " tried to bring her to reason. Oh. lit` strove. I strove. I talked my best." , You strove. and strove--and then 51 `had to fall back on your second line,", t said Clement. helping him out. ,3-' Clement's mind was in a curious con- . W dltion. He realized that all this was C madder than anything had any right, hi to be-and yet he was rather intrigued. v 3- rather interested. He could not have! told why. The fact that the little man la was a lawyer. and his own lawyer at gl that, may have been the reason. Or it le .m.;;y have been that, suggestion of Cl {danger, of adventure. called to that A: instinct lying dormant in the young w: of Clement s race. \V_hatever it was. do mad though hevfelt the whole business, in to be. he sat and listened. Jof Th? ln\\I'Jnr unirl Van -~---- -- --`~* " I` 5 5U] Pe Q1...` ` ' |.ua.L3 IL '| My dear .idiot," shouted Clement. U My dear madman. Don't you under- -'stand that--,"` V " No time to understand." skated on '. the little man. No time at all. Know ' it's all rapid and wrong and amazing. l but thatfs what I wants You marry her. v You can do it. You're young". Young - and handsome and healthy. And a sea- t Voyage. Sea-voyages are the chance of sentiment. Idle days, luxurious days. Moon1ight---looking at the wake` Oh. the very chance for falling in love. .Do you realize you're talking like an idiot`? I've only Just met Miss- I know. I know. Awfully like -an idiot. That's because I am in such a hurry. I know exactly how it all sounds to you--b,ut. really, 1 can't help myself. . Such a time. But that s what I want you to do-really. Fall in love with her. Make her fall in love with you. Make her promise to marry you. Before she `gets to Canada make her promise to marry you. Don't let her _put you off. I Force her to do it." " __ I (Tl:-mnnt m-..+ an"... 1.--:-V P 4 Clement wanted to say thai lawyers went mad sometimes. 11 little man hurled himself along. I'm lawvei-. rim hm hm... Iuut muu. rm a lawyer." I rurcl.-.' net` [0 (10 It." Clement sat down hTeavil,v on his _bunk. He stared amazed at the little ' man. ' I'm afraid you're mad," he said. Mad." snapped thelittle man. I'm not mad. I'm lawyer." A Clement vvnnfn tn mu. +1....` ..---.. ENT, Box 414, Buckingham, Quebec. Why suffer for years with back- ache, nervousness and other ailments common to women from early life to middlea 6, when Lydia E. Pinkham s _ 1V:lgee}t';!ab e Compound wi?l. give you 1- .. ..---_A.'_-, ,7 ..l ..-_. ,.,.. v~ul\AIl5 IIIU LU Hlal`I'_V net?" '1 The excited dance of`the little man e-7 now took on a touch of relief as. well 1 as anxiety. You grasp it. You see it," Ihe trilled. Assuredly. M*arry her- 1jthat's it." ' |uI': Lnueu. jthat's it. 1 1\/Tu A An , yruuu U1. A gn`1-" Cleme are {are you asking me to marry he I, Thu nvnitn A.-nu... AFLLA un- an Luul. .' '- Look here-what are you, I driving astounded Clem- understand? wailed the Have vnu tr:-ann H .-.110 ..--- .... v vs; vv GAL ULL. . V cry TICK-'7 ' I T Clement could only stare. The little, man swept on: Very beautiful. Very` charming. A girl with a. gentle, tender 11eart-much too tender. Too quixotic. A fine character. Good famil,v--anda rich. Extremely rich. You understand!` I all that? - H`r.n.~.I. 1.....- --.v--L , uumreua m excxtement. l ' Do take it from me." he said. No! mother, no, father. No encumbrances." sand no one to control her. Remember; that, no one to watch over her. And` she is very well off. 1 Very _rich." 1 I f"`lnrnAnl- nnnla ....I-- -4.-k- ' 1.1111153 quxcmy. The little bouncy m _ umbrella in excitement. `y DH flln if Vnnvn Ir-an '_ .j1`hat. said CIement,_" I shall have! - to take from you. ` A f His astonishment had given way to, a sort of guarded amusement. He was; .of the genial type of young man, one who could see thehumorous side of things quickly. Th Hffln hnnnrny Ulvnruvu I-<----A3 1; uvnus uuuuruu, ~ and my baby is five months old. am only 38 years = old and I have taken Lydia E.- Pinkham s Vege- table Compound for weakness and my nerves.I knew of it from my sister. Dame Ed- ouard Bellefeuille of Ramsayville. : ~ For ve years I was in misery and vzs always ready to cry. Now I am so happy tohave od health. My daughter, who is ears old, has also taken it and 8 . wil be he pg to recommend it to all youn gir s. Dame WILL!AM PAR- ENT. 2 414 lRI'lII1I:I|lI`-navy: A AL..- uu uuuex-s:anu'r'f wailed the: Have_you grasped it all?!` fir]. 211'] Wnrfhxr n4 on-n Mmuch Clement. I : Out. T 99!! earn 194-- ..vUu gyaspea 1! . all?!` worthy of any. t any man man hon `that even `|F>.f{n1ne' hut M... man lwaved his 3 1t, Aal. CV13" but the re you-- her?" UL any; can V be I ,c1. pruxu;-u DOOK. ` The Emperor's rug." wovenin Per- sia in 1550. and said to be worth $1.000.- 000, was `nmurrht to New York by -a Glasgow art dealer. ucar uuexpn, to take up agriculture. Catholics in Mexico are urging de- monstrations to [force congress to re- donsider the c1ergy s petition, for con- stitutional reforms, ? . Dr. Otto Vollbehr of Germany has paid $300,000 for thefamous Gutenberg Bible, the highestprice ever paid for ,a printed book. ` , rm, uw.........-.......v.. ...-_n V Iuaua uy two r'rencn- officers. `Forty-two boys from Great Britain have arrived at Vimy Ridge Farm,_ near Guelph, to take agriculture. Mexican nrn `neon... .1- I Germany and-Bavaria may take some [action over the shooting` of three Ger- mans by two French- officers. `F0rtv-twn hnvn fun-n 11---; 'n..u-- LHGL .' " "Quite." he told her. lf `know the ; Empress of Prague well; you'll be quite comfortable on her. particularlylf you take. say, that cabin over there. instead of that inner one." (To be continued) $2] .11 Lt it if Lt 8' 3. s I 0 I i interest. 1 H 3 .4 UL Luc UIQLUITEU SOIL The clerk had tactfully pointed outa large cabin. After having spoken in glowing terms of it. he had gone off -- ...... ......' IulA\l\lcgll leaving the decision to the ladies. Clement had nothing against that clerk. As a clerk. he knew his business. which was to fill up cabins. He was merely doing his duty in suggesting that cab- ,in to people who did not know the art I of selecting cabins-- there were so . many people who knew it too well. and would leave that cabin on his hands. Clement noted the battle of indecision with some amusement. Also with some because Heloise (only he didn t know she was Heloise. then) was extremely pretty. Also he thought 3,she was of that trusting and sweet ldisposition that will take the word of I` , ) 3 ! 5, back. of the office Cl '3-that she did ft. He ` asshe puz ed ove ! I I anybody--even of shipping clerks. Ob- viously. she was going to follow his suggestion. W'hen the shipping clerk E looked smiled in a disarming way, and said. I say, if you don't mind my butting in, I wouldn't take that inner room. You'll find it hot and rather airless, and lt1h;`re's no light at all except artificial g t." She answered him before she thought alhouqt who he was. Are you sure of t at. - - ement it 5 r the p EIUULII. V that? Nf\-.16 Buckingham, Quebec.-I am the mother of eleven living children, -~- .. and mv hnhw in 1 |.c5IaLt3l'Hig men` tickets. I `Clement had only to glance once at _-the cabin-plan to make his decision. ,,'He had sailed on the Empress before. _lA1i he had to do was to see whether ;"his old cabin, which had been a com- [,i ortable one. was unoccupied. It was I unoccupied. He jotted down its number [ to give the clerk when he came back. I ! I T-{Dining nV\r`,`1nvu nn.~..-..-....a.... -__-- f Heloise and-her companion were not so decisive. Heloise. at least. showed lall the hesistance proper to people un- accustomed to sea travel. The other _woman was making suggestions. but Clement did not pay any attention to her. She was so obviously a companion, fa servant. though of the cttured sort. ' 'I"hn nlnrvlz ho.-I 0-nn4&..n.. ..-:.-L- 1 `- ]l.Ul' uuui mtenaea to sail to Canada. in I the same ship, the Empress of Prague. .One shipping clerk attended to both. ' he left the one cabin plan before them I from which to choose their rooms. while he went away on the business of [registering their tickets. '(`.Inmnnl- hn nnlu 4... ..1..._-- ---~ He had met her, as he had said, twice v'.1`he.first time had been a delightful accident. He had arrived to book his passage at the Canadian Pacific Ocean Servicein London, to find her there on `the same errand. ' What is more. there was a. certain .'sense of comradeship in that action. ifor both intended to sail Canada. I shin. the r<`.nn~.m=u he 1:.......... nu-:e1.u1g. ane was quite pleasant, quite English. quite natural. Apart from her !special attraction, she was just one of !the millions of crisp. self-assured and self-contained young women of Bri- : tain. . ' delightful, .-.n..:A.-.. 1'1 - Lin l ....u... uc uau Luunu auracuve enough to want to know again after his first meeting. She was quite pleasant, quite natural. Annrf Frnm hm. u\.uc|_ -uuugb`. saw ulement limply. He really was feeling 3. trifle -dazed.[ The little man had so hustling a man- ner. Also, his own knowledge of the girl. Heloise Reys, was of the faintest kind. She was just a tall, slim girl whom he had found attractive enough [to to asraln arm hiu Fir-of fit: 1 I plan... ........ .. yuuuua an-:1uu;5 unu more." I You are rather stunning as well as othenf-things." said Clement limply. wa_s feeling -dazed.! 7111.. 114.41 p;Aacu u u were so. 1t's a big: thing. la terribly big thing. my friend, this A marriage of Heloise. It is a matter of a `million pounds sterling and more." Vnn nun ...\oI...... ...4.._...-2 Mother of Eleven Praises Lydia E. Pinkhanfs Vegetable Compound vvauuu-'. Ll) (.'0n(1uC[ me off." In a moment he was back with Clem- ent. talking rapidly again, but this timel in a noticeably lowered voice. 7 "He's one of them. I thou.:ht he was. You`ll have to be on your guard a- gainst that steward." One of "whom ?' asked Clement. try- mg to keep pace with the happenings. One of the ro_::ues. do you mean? Good heavens! are you telling me there is a sort of Villains Gang of them aboard this ship?" - . I don't say it." said the little man grimly. but I shouldn't be at all sur- prised if' it were so. It's 3. biz: thing. a thing. mv frinn nus uuu an)` In a tart voice: ' My good man. I know my way off this shlp--_vou needn't hang about here waitimz to conduct off." In 2 n\nmc-nr ho xxvnu 1...- ...:n. r-vr uuu. IIUL I118. ' Ca'pen Heavy. . .W'~hy didn't you` .say that before?" snarled the man. He` went sullenly out of the\cabin. The lit-' tle `lawyer wai_ted for a minute. then` he slipped out, too. He darted up the little alleyway that "led to the main passage along the deck. Clement heard him say in a tart voice: Nfv n-nn rnnn ~-- " T 1-an... 0.111. 511'. The fully opened door revealed the alwhite coat and bobbly trousers of a d - veritable bedroom stewart. "Allright, my man,`said the lawyer, I I m going ashore in a minute. _ Ha,`said- the steward. coming in with the satisfaction on his face such] , as policemen wear when they catch! .an authentic burglar. Should be a-I ',!shore. Orders is that all visitors sh d . be ashore. Come this way. sir. Quick. please, sir." r I'm going ashore in a minute. said ' the little lawyer. I .` Orders, sir. Gotter be now, sir. Get out of this. snapped the law- yer. Ill go ashore before this ship sails, never you fear." The steward came forward with an air of menace in his bearing. J J I I l Youzo ashore. nnw nan "\(\V\'|'r1 ..... wrung; m sayxng 1 could stop aboz I think you should be the one to him. not me." FQ'nnn 11---.-. `n. ..-- - -'uu1L awp argumg I don't want you -to," said the little "man decisively. Particularly as Cap- tain Heavy is the person you should argue with. If Captain Heavy was wrong in saying I could aboard, you should he fhn nhn M An an u; xuenace 11; ms bearimz. I Yougo ashore. now, see. Them's me orders, an I've got to see that it's done --cant stop arguing. I don't want um. .+.-.n .-...:.= u-- -rm-V ; cul. uaueu, "come in." ' 3 f The door opened about a foot. An evil 3 and repulsive face looked in. The little f eyes in the ugly face swiveled all round `the cabin in a swift. furtjve glance. ; They took in Clement: they took in `the lawyer. A palish tongue licked purple, dry lips. A husky voice croaked. Beg pardon, sir! `The little lawyer snapped, VVhat do you want. many?" Beg pardon, said the hoarse voice again. Just looking round ter see if x I i VFL... c..n__ ----~ '- ` i .T.he" little 1aWyei`Vi'i1shed over to ' Clement and caught him by the lapel -' ot`. his coat. No! no! no!" he cried.` ; Please,do understand. It-is this hurry , that has` made everything so complicat- . ed. She. is going to Canada. .to marry `Henry Gunning. But she_ must not marry him. She tust be prevented. -That's what I wa you to do. I"want you to make~ her marry you`; in order `that she` won't marry.Gunning. 5 , And .`why shouldn't she marry the man she wants to?" Clement demanded. ! I I Because." said the lawyer, speaking} -earnestly and impressively, becausei .ii,t s a swindle. She's got into, the hands` of rogues, of swlnd-lers. of criminals. iof that I am sure. The whole thing is terribly evil. And she must be saved.j `You must save her. | l I lnrnnnf urea nu.-...4. 4- _. -- .l.Ul.l unusl. save ner." I Clement was about to answer. There. (was a knock o the cabin door. Clem-I I ent called, Co e in." Thb rinr nnnnn nl-....-a. - n, A - -- Her Interesting Experience

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