ne piee" of? my at this_ .l.lAUu On` Wednesday eveningtthe 7 ., _ uycxunug Iron! L6!) to 3.5 Students;_'are requested to register on Tuesday ~ T the school between 7.30 nd 9 o c Regular classes will begin on riday eve1 `in Instruction will be given in the `followin Mbto_|-` Telegraph! . Dreuma ' - English, Writing, Spelling and Arit : The ACo`m'mittee".will arange for a c'l-ass in carpe are sufficient students who will take th he classes were well attended last `year and an y~is- given` this year to those who would like 1 _subjects of the course. - REGISTRA . For` further particulars apply to the I C. C. `Hinds, Chairman of Committee.` J. E. I ` . In)ilustr'al Evening Classes `will meet in`the .P'rin9 of.Wal School Evry Tuesday andTriday . _ Evening from 7.30 to 9.30. `n.l.. ..4...` '...... .".'....._-_L-: 1 ' - 3303030 Va:-oiiiue or` , Innusrnlnt EVElllG'0|.A8sES~ Hours: 9 to. 12; 1 to 6 Sa'turday til] 10 pm. DR ht! I\V\n:1| ~nn an L aaturday till 10 Evenings by appointment Then you will probably never have serious eye-strain-- `because yve will nd -any tendency towards trouble before it has time to develop to the point where it may be serious. Better have a dozen examinations and each time nd that your eyes are doing all right than to be even a few months late in gettingthe help you need. ` Your Eyes Should Be Examined Evefy ` Yfars At Least 7'I\`I_,, `Hanan can `Iv: ROBERT H. SMITH Iiiinnuluuu-- 4.-- -_ _ T. 2"yf;ci ` No, , Th_e Industrf'al will in`t _-:nr-n an --- - - - 1-:YEsidH"r SPECIALIS? _ SUCCESSOR TO 0. R. RUSK .. uuus a 1.15111. yuan I gttingite l`1`elP need Consult NOW MRIMGIES open- vcuuqu Last. year and excellent opp to take `any 4 REGISTRATION FEE, n~Hr-1119-ma onvJ..`;.. LL. 1-: - - the best from ylet-T ` Tha will be no services at Sf. on. Sunday next on account of 2 services at St; Peter's. . 4 W. A. Boys, K.C., has served notice of action under the Libel and Slander Act on the Toronto Daily Star for re- ferences to him which anneared in an editorial on September 7. Particulars of the complaint made by Mr. Boys were given in The Examiner two weeks ago. Mr. Boys states that the case will certainly go to tria.I'unl,ess the Star makesua complete retraction. Th Qnnnni-I nnfinn any--nod 8.-. ..__.. ru- un1.nes.a com The second 1 J. 0 F1ynn in ,c ence made to I advertisement.` A bumper meeting of L.0.L. No.452 was held on Monday evening, Sept. 27. when'VV.- Bro. Fred Steele of Cree- lmore, County Master for West Slmcoe. and W. Bro. J. Case,,Dist. Master, Bar- rie District, paid their official visit. The local degree team exemplified the first degree. Among the visitors from out-of-town were: W. Bro. Gray of Elmvale, C. M. of East Simcoe; P. C. M. Bro. VV/Forewarker of Midland: `Bro. s. Black, County Fin. Sec y., or Midland; Bro. H. LaRose. D.C.M. of Orillia; Bro. G. Stunden. P.C.M. of South Simcoe; P.C.M. Bro. John Mac- kay; and about fifty visitors represent- ing the lodges at Midland, Penetang, Elmvale. Vasey, Orillia, Tory Hfll, Min. esing, All ndale and Thornton. ~After lodge clo d all sat down to a. banquet prepared by the local committee after: which about an hour and a h-alf was "spent in speaking and singing. W. A. BOYE SERVES NOTICE OF TWO ACTIONS FOR SLANDER :30}. I11 V ax. \ A party of twenty-`seven from Owen Sound--Kiwanians and their ._wires-were present on Wednesday .night, as Well -as a number from the Orillia_ Kiwanis Club. guig auuress was made by Arthur W . `Smith, who spoke of Kiwanis ideals `and the work ofthe local c1u)). He paid"a wellvdeserved tribute to Frank Livingston for erecting such a ne building to replace the 1'uins th-at had long been an eyesore `and also for his generosity in giving it free for the Karnival. i ._ __L__ 1| . - ' - uuu a -vu:LU1`y. , Mel Ferrier pitched for Knock and struck out fourteen batters. Jim .Durm, who_-pitched for Alliston, was !knocked out of the box in the seventh 1`and:.A;nby Small `nished the game, , a real `edge, 5313 Alliston defeated Knock by 11-10 on Wednesday in the. first game of _-the play-offs between the champions `of the two groups in the South Sim- lcoe League. .- , - ' The Knock team surprised evfery-. body by giving the strong Alliston aggregation the toughest -argument ' hey have had this year and the In- lnisl team- pretty nearly walked 0!?` with the game. They led at the end of the seventh innings by 10-5, but ithey weakened and Alliston pounded gout a victory.` I Mal F`m-a-:m. ..;4.1.....: 4:... 'rr- - I - `MANY VISITORS PRESENT. SPECIAL MEETING. BARRIE L KNOCK: c;1vE Z1-.l.-lSTON" `CLOSE CALL, scone 11.1o ` lass carpenter work if there. W110 take H19 t-nrn-cm er cn Tuesd'-ay eveningg Oct. 5, at 1 nd_9 o'clock. ' riday,e.veni-ng, `Oct. 8. in `following subjects: y Dreumaking , Baslxetry Ilnnn Anal A ..a.L__-n-Z- Phone 80, BARRIE 39 Elizabeth Street . |p.".:Lc nuruuuon. - notice served is upon '1`. connection with g refer- ~tMzf. Boys in a published Lycuu-:.l.` WOI'l( ]I were. the course. In excellent opportun :8 to talrn :nn11 nf -VF-A c sq. ycf; c sq. _ _ _ _ _ . . w .- A Adld, -vlnllv Principal. Morrison, Principal. SECTION 2. PAGES 9 To is ervices Pau1 a special :r s. yvx unu- of the ' n An BP'l'EMBER_ ; of wa.1jm%_ Sib ova! A- 4- IIS I'll`. '1VIlBlKB!!v U of the: I-Io.u_sAe._ ~ '."F..*'<*r > u - W. A. Boys,K.C., an,nour`:ces%thgt., }ve_is resi ing `from; the posgtiompfl Chzef Wk p`o the Conservatxve par-L _.v, ~His reaignationfwas tend.e`red to Mr. 'MeiIzhen~ `du1`ingthe last -session. 4' `Gina `Inning -. l'\I.Dl4I_n lull-ll`:-any u lli-v There 'W33:.- very {little `Business. at the monthly meeting of the. `Public Library `Board. -Accounts, most y.-for books. were passed to theext ntlof $712.10. An issue "of 3004 was -re-_ I">vted b,v the`Librarian for `Augqst. ' Of this 2.462"wasi ction,including_ 69_0 juvenile. `The `Property. Com- mittee reported that the contract \for` coal (anthracite), had -beenaw rded to the Barrie Fueli;&_>Supjily` 0. at U $1/l.70 a ton."j-'5 aratea pomts. z .- _ , I Some have been `received .w1thout-, any name attached, others have ex-` ceeded the minimuni `ofv:200 words 1 and there have been one are two on 1 stores not ad,vertise_d on the Contest` age. 4 ' = -. , _ Originality and advertising effect- Iveness are two of the imain consider- ations in placing the awards. Where two essays are near the samej_-value preference is given to the One which treats `of a business that has not `pre -- A v%ous1y"~been the subject 9fj_a win- ning essay---though therein `no limit t to the number of times any store may be in the.vprizej1ist. _, 2 V. '_ ihe ",c3Qet'i{i3}'{ '15" ;:<'>x-1'11ecti' with The Exam_ine_r`_s Essa) , `P3891. 15 creating a deal of interest ,a_nd essays are -being received from `W1de1Y"8P-_ arated points. / ' Qnvnn `auxin hnhn YR-(`!i'\7-Gd . % cIRcuLA1'I0wN! -I-tfjuxr iilllfl-7 . $'i.63'}. Serge, 2 9.50 suit , _ . _ _r---y-..-- .a vvl-IIIIVI-OIJIIEI I` \ _ - . x. ._ - '_, L. ~ ` .. A gripping ,-dnfama pf innocent love iinpalecl on the cruel prongs of, another woman : viudi c|:iveneu--`A pulsating humnn.'itory for" all . , . ,, . e - Jnenend ell`-`women. __punu__c. QBRARY spun" - ____ `.u.u.I _ ,Lr............. A COMINGmAlice Terry `nd _Antoni6 Mbreno iri ~ T REX ENGR A '5 N95I.RUM.i `' 5`) ESSAY "COMPETITION u --vww---} ---- _-_._ `____ Frdm thg F;mous-I"\I;r;l` Blas::;'-lbahez, in ' connection To wind_up the lawn bowling sea- : EssayVPag'e:_1s -son for this year,|t.7he ladies of the erestvand local` club held a tournament atthe rom `widely 'sep- greensp on Wednesday afternoon. A: ; P, f Two ga~xr_xes-of .14 ends were played, eceived without. after which a most, deli htfulsupper ex- was.serve on the veran a_of the club I Of 1200 words 711 u_se. IA Winners of the prizes for the One 0,r'two a_ ternoon- we_re:-- First,~ "Miss Par- Contest r1sh s.r_ink,. with two wins and a plus [pf 20 _her assistants being Mrs. Hew- vertisiing effect-'-itt, Miss Grace:Luck and Miss Annie aimain consider- M`cCulloug'h; second,` Mrs. C. -M G. awards. Smith; Miss Elsie Cowie, Mrs: R. . the same`-value Dawson;~`Miss-M. Kennedy and Mrs. > W. .A., Turner, skip _with.two. wins mat pre'-- and a_ plus of 19: third, Miss Grace 3 O __-1. - .. nun llnuvhnd-` Mk: V Vnnnauv Minn T\n-I-nu n and Elizabeth te attention. T. as` the `donor. es shown were ahawk, ewter. , old-fas ioned of the Barrie 1866. \ , ION WIND-,UP BO connection wind up 1 1y Pagegis ye and videly'sep- W V. . games of 1 ad .without- which n gopggg. Saturday s_ Globe garried a. picture u_ 1 a gr_o1;p_o .y::1ngt* engiineex-a-}vho aveogon m 0;, e eac_ ng pro es- `-ion- and .-took a, special "summer course in` first-year honor physics. thofm was shown Miss Quinlan, daughter: ` of Andrew Quinlan`, who `was, demonstrator for the clags. \~ v-:- ----cw-- at. -'C 3 ~Ahout 8.80 last Safurda nig-'17:. at the cornerof Elizabeth an Bradford Ste., a buggy in which-Mr. and Mrs.` Harold Knowles were driving home ,mm town was struck by .a motor car .driven by John'McBride. R. R. No. 1, Barrie. B_o'th "Mr. and Mrs. Knowles -were -throw . out -"of the buggy` and ..Mrs. "Kn_o es was rather severely shaken up_,; She "was? attended by-Dr.` 'T7urhbull and was able Itohgo home. ` Gill 5 yiua w. LU] uuru, ivuss urace Goring Miss K. Kennedy, Mrs.,.Doug- las ah Mrs. Goring,` skip; `with one win and the highest plus. _` `Six rinks `took part_ in the play, _'w1ND.,uP Bp'\3vL;Nc TAOURNEY` 1 BUGGY STRUCK_ BY. AUTO .4 -unni . yaui quluzuy, IHVUIVIIIS uI.I.u-.1 unuuuvqnzence. 'I`he'p_icturesNmuet not be forgotten. Whenever- you pass the window you cannot fa11'to.s'ee some very handsome ones on displagy.-If you enter.oa host of pretty" on_e_s greet your eye,=reproduc- tions fro!__n' the oldgmasters; very ar- ti_tii:ally hframed, landscapes, modern gs. t, etchings of `English houses and. `etreetrs. everything that M the; bride or the experienced matron would desire to` "a:dorn their vkalla. vbictures `that stock. The main lines are wallpaper and paint but until Christmas pictures are to be prominently featured. There are attr designs in wallp pers that will not grow monotonous. here pa- pers.are selling at low cost. A very noticeable feature in every home is the degree of good taste manifested `in selecting wallpapers. ' urchasers` at Harley's will have the c oice ofa most caretuny , chosen _sto`ck. * Than H-any-A nun nhrxrlnnhln nnlnh: nf UIIPULUIIJ, UHUBUII H|.UUKa n Then there are serviceable. paints of all shades and for all purposes at mini- mum` cost, which will insure \sa.tisfac- tion. The varnishes sold here dry very qnlckly. involving little inconvenience. ']`he'nicturen must nnt hA'fnrI?nH'nn J11 LDC l stock. The T. E. -HARLEY . . (By Constance Hardy, Barrie) On entering Harley's store one is struck .with the artistic taste` displayed in "the choice and arrangement of the monk, ' ' _ .v...._ .. v- V. --u 2.40. Class-- : v The Limit (Leadlay) 1 2 1 1 . Ideal.-Grattan (Rowe) ..-,2 ~1 2' 2 " Mont Lou (Ellis Lee). . 3 3 3 3 V . Best time, 2.39%. 2.20 Class-- . - . ' .,- ` Barney` L. (Lawrence) 7. . 31 1 1 Joe McKinney. (J. Connors) 2 3 2 Tom Brown (W. Nash) . 3 2 3 _ Best time, 2.19%.. 1 '~ 3 2.25 Class-- `The Limit. (Leadlay) .-. . . 1 1 1 Justice,Grafttan (Rowe) .. 2 2 2 Mont Lou (Lee) . . . . . . . .. 3 3 ' 3 3 V ' Best time, 2.24%.. , ; . Free-.-For-All-.--, ` - \ Barnev L. (Lawrence) '.. . 1 1 .1 ,Tom Brown (Nash),..-..'.. 3' 2 _2 T Joe McKinney (Connors) .. 2 3 '3 .` Bes-t `time, 2.1914. ` Farmers Green Race-,- . . 2' ` . `Justice Grattan (Rowe) . . 1 1 1 May Todd`-(W. Hussey) . . 2 2 _2 The_ Softball ' Toronto Ladies Athletic Club were victorio`us over `Knock ladies in-an in- teresting softball match, which, after .hay,ing b_een postponed on ac_coun_t- of rain, nally wa-s proceeded with on an improvised diamond. The contest was started on the big baseball dia- ,.mond, bu_t hardly had the, rst ball `been,-pitched when rain began t_o fall. ,While the crowd" hoisted umbrellas and pulled up coat collars, the girls played on in `the rain till a foul tip . struck the umpire in the nose, ren- dering him momentarily hors de cprn- . bat. With, the game thus halted, it . was.decid`ed, to-delay` proceedings un- 3 til` the weather was more favorable. I Ina few minutes the rain -cleared ` and a diamond was `measured out on_ ` `the grass. `The game was` then start-. `ed afreshz. _ . Iv] . Playinguon a wet diamond before a huge crowd against an experienced ~l team,/the` Knbck girls w.,ere`onfront- ` ed with a stiff pro osition._ - or three -. innings` they playe yfi_r-st-rate ball and the fans, were Asettling_back..prepared 1 to see-.a stii argument between two ` _ good teams. : `In the fourth innings,` howeve1",_,the`Toronto ladies beg n to I hit the offerings of the Knock p tch- 1 ers with-. much gusto. `. Good elding _ was an impossibility on such a dia-.1 lmond and the result was that awhole 2E brigade of Toronto runners crossed `t the plate. - In this innings Knock used .1 three `heavers. 'L. Westlake was the l ` rst. She `retired in. favor of Verna ' ,Mi nikin, who,-, after experiencing litte success,,was replaced by'Jean; Sutherland, `who was able to force the retirement of the side. In the remaining innings the Knock girls showed to advantage and scored run for run with their opponents, `but the lead whichhad been piled up in the -early innings` was (insurmountable. The. Toronto ladies proved themselves a hard-hitting crew. Pat Wood` and Phyllis Griffiths had a batting aver- age of one hundred per cent. Connie I 1` CONSTANCE HARDY, ;;GRETA FINLEY AM) ERNEST RIVARD, wnz K . `More `Prizaes Next Week; ` Essays Must Be In Monday Noon; Not Oer00we5lI\:>I`|{cll-:`sRs I V lst Pgize .--7 $5.1`/alue _.' A I `. Pfize... $3 Velue _ _ 311-d Prize _} $2 vane. u--.-..-- Due `to the 'weather., - the contest- : ants in "the speeding events were ,_less - numerous. than last \year. Tlie `Limit; owned by Harry Leadlay of Cooks-' ;town, won the 2.40 on Thursday and T "the -2.25; on Friday. 2 Barney L., the . property of .H. Lawrence of Colling'-1 wood, led \the eld in the 2.20 andin] ~-the free-for-all. * Earl Rowe s'_'Justice ' lGra'ttan `was best in the farmers ; g`reen race. All the events with th'e straight heats. ' Ideal VGrattan,sown-; ed. by-`Earl `Rowe, gave The `Limit an , exception of the 2.40" were won,in argument -for the 2.40 crown. The results were as follows :- I uuuvu . 1 tan; urauu several. guuu races vyerel een. ,Ladi es softball, which has recently come into gre'at-popular- , ity in this `province, was on the pro-j gramme for the nal day. In 'a stren-V ' _uous contest played on a slippery dia-` mond, Knock `girls were` subdued big: the Toronto Ladies . Athletic ;Clu . nine. On the last day _here were: al_so_`a number of foot races. , . g $p'ecial attra`fions' vfhih have `an `appeal to followers of sprt were- numerous at` Barrie s.Fair. S.peed4in'g Linv the ring,` which `always draws. a large. crowtai was again on the pro- ` gramme an des ite -the muddy con - dition ;of the frac everal `good races worn in... ' I...n'..v ..`..4-nun ...1..:..x. SOFIBALL AT FAIR Beat` Ktiock ` }3.f0T.C% Lafge V CT0,VVd_; A % . Othr,$p0r t`S;: } f ' . 1 : Hennessy, the team -s backstop, gene-, ' , erally managed to get on bases. ,. Knock was none too, successful in , getting hits. B. Connell, L. West- . lake and Verna Minnikin were the . most successful batters. ` In the out- '.;field the Knock team looked -just as , }good as the Toronto ladies. Any `y . [ Ithat was catchable was caught. Vera [`Minnikin and R._ Wice had brilliant . , I catches to their credit. " ~. Vnnnb T Tl7....4.`l-I_`_ .5. `I14 I` wuuxu plelise _tne /!n0St Iastldloll. - Finally here one encounters "friend- linens p.nd`court'esy. Everything aeemq designed to` givg general aaglsfaction." I V` f.' ` . ' would please `the /most mstidious. Finallv here nrln nnnnnnfnrnrfv-hn _. any nun nvuucnn apwu UL l5ul.lLUSE|. '.[he colour /scheme in your living`- room may not be a. restful one. Nippy ` Jack Frost is on his way and with a glowing fire-place we need`-` cosy de- corations._Mr. Harper has chojpe wall- papers, at. reasomble pricesg-`.-prices to please everyone. ` Mr ' T-Tn!-`non "Tani. he n11 rn.....a..... n pwuue everyone. .Mr. Harper-,_ Jck [of all Trades. not only a, mag er of walls and ceilings, ~ but also famds with paints and varn- ishes...No ceiling is too steep for Gol- die, no oor} too hopelessly worn. Rnnnnflfnul `Du.-wig! 71.4 H- A.-. ..... ....A `Jaw, nu axuut LUU nxupcwauly WUTH. Beautiful Barrie! Let us do ourpart and keep our homes artistic. D Hand Goldie some paint v ` And `your worries just ,``ain t," $ 1 GOLDIE HARPER DECORATOR e(By Greta` L. Finley, Toronto)" Gloomy fall days, are here! "How shall we- proceed to make our homes more bright and cheery? The living- room paper.is_ very bleakiand the din-_ ing-room paper is sadly faded. where old Mr. Sun has, been shining upon it. Who will best` help. us.? Why, G-O-L- DA-I-E-the six letters spell brightness. ` "I"Inn nninuuu nu.-d.A_... 1.. _-_--_ `I--'-- m1nn1x_1n, r1; J. Sutherland, .p. Tordnto--~L'. Porter, p: M.. Dawes,` 2b: `C; Henne'ssy, c; P. Wood; 3`b; P. "Griffiths, lb; A. Wesley. ss; D. ~O - Neill,cf; IJ. Davies, rf; M. Murray, lf.1 A number of trackevents-were held, embracing classes for children, ladies and men. Most-of the races wereefairly well lled _and keen com- -petition was provided.. uauullcs no men cream. A 4 . Knock--L. W_egt1ake. p; B, Con: !nell', 3b; R. Wic.e, cf; H. Snyder, '11); V '.F. Coughlin. c; `T. Jermey,- ss; `Reid, 2h; Vera *Minnikin~,-"lf_;"Verna ` lminnikjn, rf; J. Sutherland, - .'I`nwin+n_._ T. 1)nv|4-nun .... `Mr n..-..-_ l av mum. cueuuve s'eDElIlg'. For _Wednesday night s style show, dresses and wraps were provided by S. W: Moore,` furcoats by Simmons ._& Co. and shoes by the Carey-Hu'rl- burt Co. The same young ladies served as models , except that Miss McBride, who was placed third in the recent beauty contest in Toronto, ap- peared instead -of Miss Tolmie; As a contrast to the display of beauty, Bill Craigappeared each night in a comic burlesque` that brought down the `house. , ` "$1.. .1... , [5 com "Jill LIEU. , The_ drssgs and wfaps for to- ,nig'ht s style show will be supplied by Geo. Vickers and Powell & -Co. M `night consisted of a disp1a"of dress - uu"c uy one nxwanls Ul.11D'1-:_."-,'*, . The fashion revue on,aeTuesday ` es and wraps ,-by Sarjeant &' King. Miss Toronto made several appear- fances in garments from this store and she. as greeted with loud ap- plause odweabh `entry. Four Barrie ggirls, Misses.Anne Noden, Eleanor Young. Mabel Hook and Grace-Gor- ing. also acted as mannequins and I` i received their sh-are of annlause. The` stage was nicely decorated and the` models, just before they `entered, stood against a black "background in , a doorwav framed with gold, making an most effective setting. , F`m~ Wndmmdgu m'..1..+r.. ..o..1.. -L--- - - uguuua` Ill one uuuumg. _ V V` 1 The _KarnivaI: was the. rst `affair 2 [of its kind s'tag"ed in Barrie and, its ' -success is largely due to the untiring :`Ve`forts- of Chairman J. R. Dier and Lrhis committee, who spared noeffort - ; to put it across. Every Kiwanianv 1 ,was on a committee and each one did 2 ihis work with a will. The entire net ' proceeds go to the Barrie Club's fund for underprivileged children. Thu afnon An n.1.:..`I.. 4.1.... ..-...._A r i5z::au_y vcuxngauceu .'Dy me appearance Mon Tuesday night of `Miss Jean Ford Tolmie (Miss Toronto), -attracted [the attention and admiration`-of ev-. : ery one who entered the building, .' there was no lack of patronage of the -` midway and an appreciative interest . `-was-shown in the displays of the dozen or so merchants who had -ibooths in the building. ~ l"hn K91-nivnl-mag 4-1...':....L ..a.-..:.. -;u_1. uuucL'pl.'lV1_.lEg'(l cnuaren. i The stage on which the manne- quins paraded for the Fashion " Show was erected at the southwest corner a of the- garage. `There were 500 re-1 served seats in a semi-circle in front 901; the stage, but these did not begin to accommodate the crowd. `who ;stood several tiersdeep .and.'climbed `on nearby booths to get`a view of the proceedings. It was noticed that ' `almost asmany men as women evinc- ed an interest in femlnlne fashlon. The show was officially opened on ;. Tuesdav night b,v~'Majvor __(,3raig, who paid tribute` to` the ne-_.,1__v9`rl_ being, done by the Kiwanis Clu o`:~.-.,' l I Tho `guukdnn ununcn. ~ n'`-- - ~ 5 - ` `tackle, the Karniv-al and Fall Fashion` Show, `vvhichtopened in F. _W_. ,Livi ng- stonfs new garage on_ Tuesday even- .; ing"\andclose`s this (Thursday) night, . has/been an `unqualied success. On Tuesday night the paid admissions n um'berede-about 1800, while Wednesr ,day night's crowd was _around the gthousand mark, and there . is every ,re'ason*=to t. believe that there will be , Liks '-slewrlerdsiithinvgl thet: Kiwanians' another big crowd tonight. While 1 the style sgow, iltgrestil in which was` ,g'reaty e a_nce .= y t e` appearance .on Tuesdgv night nf`Miu .1p'g+. Wnv :Gorgeous`*.Gc'ivrns, iwraps, Eur % Seen`-in Fashion Revue; ' Busy Midway.` ' 'KIWANIs `S %-CROWDS rear, sale 8.95 suit --... \/ navvl-I up IA; IL; In the latter class must be placed . Wm. L. Brennan, operating the Auth- orized Electrical Service Station for this district.` Why? Because he uses only genuine parts. When you drive your car into Brennan's you do not` need to fear that he will put fake parts "Ito your car, which would only cause more trouble in the future. You are as- sured that every part installed is the direct product of the manufacturer who supplies .the electrical equipment on your car. So much for the quality. .. ' -r:-r'I...;` .13.: --r ,-_ ____ .,_.....--._yo Whaf ab"out the service obtained there? Mr. Brennan has installed every machine necessary for the ,turning out ' of satisfactory work. He hires none but experts to do his`w_ork--men who have had years~of experience. `Surely, then, he has the means of giving service! `And .wha.t is moi-e,,_he does so. - w.` |.._ BRENNAN (By Ernest Rivard. Barrie) Two of the most widely used and also the most widely abused words in the English language today are Qual- _ 1tyAand Service". How many business firms use them as a bait to lure cus- tomers into buying their products. But then, too,- how many firms have .taken these two words as their motto and have lived up to it! Tun J-L- I-44-__ -17 - * ` _`.----..... unlvwll UIICIL wan-:5`. Dancing, carried on in the main showroom, was greatly enjoyed as both the oor and the music, provid- | ed by Ken Walls orchestra, were ex- cellent. Tuesday night, a number -members of the committee had the pleasure of dancing with Miss`Tor- onto.v i c t\..` 117. ,1 I -V U` I `V1. out: uursulg start attracted, much! _attent1on. , The midway, with it's_, various. games; hnt-dno- afona :.... M.----I The merchants who had bootlisi vied with each other in making their I displays attractive and many com- ments in appreciation of their beau- tiful exhibits were heard. Those who had booths were: Barrie Radio and. Electric Co., Ltd.,.radios, pianos and I oor lamps; F. W; Livingston, Dodge". and Rec cars; Sarjeant &' King,,knit- I ted outer wear; G.-. G.` mith & Co.,- ifurniture; -Carey-Hurlburt Shoe Co., lshoes; S. W. Moore, dresses and lin- gerie; E.` B._ Sutclilfe, dry goods;I .Walter Urry, electrical appliances;i C. & W. `Motors, Ford cars; Hub- bard's Hardware, hardware `and chi- na; J. Twiss, men s clothing and v `furnishings; Geo. Vickers, ladies i wear; Powell & Co., ladies garmen'_ts and millinery; Alex. Milke & Sons, men s clothing, and furnis ings; E. A. Harris, owers; Fisher Flour Mills;-!j Barrie Business College. A rst aid F. booth equipped by the Royal Victoria}. Hospital and in charge of members ` of the nursing staff attracted, much [2 attention. gnu: uuuway, Wlli HIS` 1' V81'l0uS i games, hot-dog stands, ice cream ' booths," etc., did a rushing business. _In fact, it was it perfect jam -most `of the time, soenergetically did the :SD`ie'leI's Shout their tun:-an Iv; put: ume, so energencal isplelers shout thelr wares,` 'l\.-'.......... AA pr X31ue%a;