Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 30 Sep 1926, p. 14

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Towhship of Mafchedsh ' --LQvering s house .. . . . 71 -Swift Rapids .. 8 Majorify for Th'ompso_n-38. `Mtjorlty foi' Grant-V-509 :Major1ty for Thompsqn-42gu ' `A `Township of Tiny ` 4 __ . t1'v_-_I'_._:.'I_.- n I09}! Majority `V for N Tl`io_mp`son--332. L Port McN!col1 , V 1'11 --a--- .,`FA_RM ERS Lose H ElA_V| LY Township - of Mdonte lln 1: "In \ Q 1' - ".2 _ ,, cN1ch6l!- ._. i . . gag; ' . '.' .'I'_ e .. '.. iguishene, .`. ` . . `linvuocn I-vuluaugu. ; ; - ., 'abom-'_'.. .. LU]. 1 IIULIILJDUII` _'Advance Polis ` Esummry ;: ' \UU(], ICIUURIIIIUU LU yuu 1'_UUUlB1.loA Many people, the most skeptical of skeptics right inythis town and in the country hereabouts, bless the. day when Wm. Crossland and other drugeists ot- tered Rheuma. to the afflicted at a small price and guaranteed money re- funded if not satisfied. It you have rheumatism get a bottle or Rheuma today. ' 2 ` 2tt. ~ 01' . / 147 ;`m i-:_:1ARntE E.XjAMlNA:EjR. .!.llUl Grant- .L 131 ;. `ass ;. 1003 .. 79 .. 579 .. 996 .f`171s 1 .:\ 276 . 1636 2 715 116 49 > ..-o._._._:. 1003` 494 7655 ' 990 1.. 116. 68 30 - 83 84 ` 80 30 23 ` 54- `1A'7 715 579 no - LB 94 88 87 108. .96 38. OR `It you suffer from [torturing rheum- atic pains, swollen, twlsted.Jo1_nts, and utter intensely because your system is 1:11 of that dangerous poison that "makes thousands helpless and? kills thousands years before their time. then you need Rheuma; .andneedit now. Etna-f faking if fndav, 'Rhnn'mn. nnfn 95 195 310 93 271 39 368` 9: 131 no ~ 4V 29 I) D .32 37' 32 .17 _ 25 39 103 36- 39 305 31 67 170 23 53 21 24. -12 4o 53 72 18 92 , "1`.homp- rant non ,0`-I XIVUU nueuu1u,'.31uu'u\-mu IL llUWc Start taking it today. Rheu' 5!. acts at once o"n kidneys, liver. atom ch and blood, and you can sincerely exclaim: Good riddance to bad-rubbish." `Mann nan:-do H15 rv-inhf nlrariflr-n1 nf 7987] I00, `494 117 658 602 1522 "262 2290 0:0 357] 160 ' 90' 81 50 59 184 68 74 69 31 151 V117| 121 -36 74 69 81 50 .175` 52 e5s| 166 61 ' 63 130 773! Rheumaticsl 273 4I1U 857 160 __ 59 94 923 3:111 273 783 -404 \ AUTO BODY SQUEAKS . A mixture of-kerqsene and lubricat- ing 'oil,'forced between the body crev- ices with a squirt gun, or a brush, wil overeome body squeaks. Rock1ng- the car will permit the mixture to pene=-` trate. Of ourse `it is` necessary `to see` that all bolts are tight. ' . Annfhnr mu-a11nn+ y-my-...a.. 4`. 4,. 1..---- . wsuuugn. [0 make It wet and sappy. Loose smut of ` wheat cannot be ' prevented by treating the seed `with bluestone or- copper carbonate dust. The easiest way otavoiding loss from -this smut is to secure seed from a field _ or district `where loose -smut is not present. Such _seed'wo_uld produce a. crop.free from this smut. If "loose smut is. bad and-` it is impossible to secure seed free from `Infection. it may be necessary to establish 9. seed plot and treat the seed with Jensen's Modified Hot Water Tneatment.'.' I ! ' \' he treated in. a heap` on a.`cle a`n-floor. _ grain. 8 ti `le the`,forinalinusolutionvbveruthe P ` 03.161`. 9116 so as to `mix i..5 .fhru8311YF 9 .then-? sprinkle -andl,,shovel`jas`tin- 'sR0IlB%,t this igonerationg until * every _;gra_J_n. 18 moist'e'ne'd,b y-* the ioliltldng gJ`1istV.;enouA8h- f the solution sho/uld;-_b,.e, .am1 l16d,. 1'-D. ..hb;p,ushly wet. every Stain; `but,-.n't enough to make_ ~ the .. grain wetwangli s0DDY. . In treating `small quantities use : proportional amounts "of the ffbrmalin V solution. `After the grain has been thor- ~ou'ghly. sprinkled"; cdver the? pile` with bags.or, sacking that.have been sprink- M led with or soaked in a formalin solu- tion and `leave for three or_ four ohours. `At ._ the end of this time` spread the grain out thinly to dry.` Shovelit over three or four times to hasten the dry- ing. Forty gallons of the formalin solu'- tion is sufficient to sprinkle between! ne-.Sh0e1i:t.h9..;zrain !!!4t'0 an= I fifty. and six[ybushels of `grain. `- - Avoid Wet, Soppy Grain ` The obJe`ction-to treating with for- malin solution is that there is great danger of injuring the vitality of the seed. It is not wise to use formalin solution stronger than 1 pint to 40` gal- lons. and cage must be taken not to ap- ply too much of it to the grain. To se- cure satisfactory results, just enough of the formalin solution should be ap- p1ied,to moisten every grain, but not enough to make it wet and smut of whnnf nsmnnr 1... Luru. nu IJUILS are ugnt. _ - I , Another excellent remedy is to loosen; Hurt ! c,o - OPERATION MEANS Co N-S EizvAT1oN Years of experience arid , insure to Bachelor smokers an upchanging quality. Issued by the Ontario Department of Highways to secutetbe co-operation of motorists in abating the abuse of the roads of the Province. Wilsqn s . One/ Cigar Blend 7 ` which Nevgg . Chang/_es_ {the body bolts, then back them up with Never advertise, without hfJ.Vim.: `grease. The grease will work over the `something to advertise, and never have bolts when tightening A and prevent- anything to hdvrtisef without adver- , tising. . ` . - . - \. 9 many squeaks from this source." \\.-'-_e. jg, -v':'; -, ,- v _ r_ . ,_ _ "gives you ;-unni"nz; hgt wqter for , tli,ej.vv_`;ole famnly MwLAn#16jA.4'vr.Electric ` -. ,'W:i-eer'Heat puts th'1,uxur _" `and convenience (sf running hot 4... "___!;L.`_'. LL13 at amuse-tr Oiatario is 6b1m{';i{ Splendour 3? 3 dinz you will g1'3."Y'9ssist the traffic pat:ol_ who operate for everyone s~ safety-who have ipstructions _to enforce the law rigorously ~ - 2 \ `Th!-IE pics, 6. s. HENRY; |l:_x-.-.. ..`l.l:-I.-__-___ `Through this'lovely panorama, in every direction; leads Ontario : splendid system of highways. I You arientitledto enjoy them, for they are yours. Keep `Ker, that upon you." will -come the n in mind-, howe expense of mai aining them in proper condition. Speedng eats away,road surfads, `It milks your pocke -hook. for both ,motor. and` road upkeep. Moderate driving is a'r~- more `economical and pleasurable. ` ` ' ` ' - A R; CiI 7I`_Y-DWELLER; where `did yoi: spend your boyhood days? Was yours. the privilege of. wandering through. ' the elds and woodland whereevery tree and `bush had been painted'bythe divine artist?- ,Today/you say tis butythheeticu ame of `a dying year. Then it contained all the mystery of an enchanted palace. . \ 1 Ontario's highways lead you to the land of yest'eryearf-.5over white `roads ecked with fallen 1eav,_ _ patterned here and there by checkeredehadows of trees. Field and hill-; side are g'ay_with ery sumach. Maple` groves".aame,'backed_-a by the darker ever- green. . f llriininter of!-lizhwayl. `Kw 't:TE:?{ % AWATER-HEATER ` Branifbrd mu UL Lululuas snug. " water "within th'e.n"reach of every ' ' h6u'sehol`der`..f` =It prbvides hot water fofithe average fqmyfq: a,` minimum . "/expenditure of cungnt; -- g- > ,. yl.OV|UI-HI kllOkfB_ LGI-lllll vn \lIrAn-] - Write us for free` circular describing this rqnarlrable new hot, water Heater and ~x1..nI.....*.`n.I..-4'.'.-....'. T-mlv (`!m.oi-, ',1'm31'KaDlB new not Watu upsw _. fMC1',\ty`s`Fi1>_r_cforui Tgnk Coyer. . : Mchfy's cdn -be installed qickly without plumbin or expens'i.v_e-,-alteratiqns. It `wil tgsnuglyg on your present hot: vvatr tilnk. Once installed, it makes` pbsdiblc a continuous hot water ~supply `at a turn of the faucet-without previous prepantion or delay. . - 111..--_ .-.. 13.. t_..- .:.-...l... .1-..-o.'t..'.-m tin . 7`.-.mU R'sD' 5?fEMBER`30, I926 1oc` s. L. mums, D.cpiIty,Ilini|t er. ~. I) """ "' . name and fnalityisga in title we have a cq.uired. We are referred to by our patrons as the honest coal ' dealers. `We sell good coal properly weighed and properly priced. Test a ton today. s . - ` O'NE`.ILL'S*- Coal. Wool&Coke Ymi 171 si giaick Rlief for 'sg.:;s": 1; midd1e nnnnn ant` n|In1:+\I : 0 " I was a.truid to eatbecausetl al- ways had stomachtrouble afterwards. Since taking. Adlerlka. I can eat and tee!` fine." (signed) ' Mrs. A. Howard. ONE spoonful Adlerika removes GAS and often brings sur'pr!sin:.=: relief to the stomach. Stops that full, bloated feeling`. Removes old waste matte1- from intestines` and makes you feel happy and cheerful. Excellent for ob- `atlnate constipation. Wm. Crossland. ruggist. b 1-] ` 85 Brulforil St., `Barth _ Phone 74 : Evqgaiuggs 913.3 _A goo.d.thing--Rub it in - on Dunno;-u uoonnz {enacted 1 ifhflianx Planing Mill Co}, Ltd., 1'58! W-"t.-IV` St oI: -~ lhf:rmhfio '!`;;lliIiIhOd' hail ` " on Bflllfblfd [Roong gjondord by _ - "I! "II `I51. 0 I'llII"'.l\' ` ' n _ u _ The qtiick relief for` all Sprains and Bruises Light Weight , L 35 lbs_. 0M%l'E%Tl'l'|VE`/QUALl1'_Y " . Medium Weight .: 4515;. 4 {Hui-:` QUALITY; ~ Heavy % %`S?5lbs.. v { #XTR'A FINQI,IAl.ITY_ % A1b.s; -~%%7UPE|!AFlNMQUAl.lW [ ,,% - In Rolls. Tale surface? QAINED 10% POUNDS ~ H [g__zz.DAYsl ........-w ..-- -u-nun wuu---v1v I There is no class in the citizenship: `of any nation pwhich is entitled to: greater'consideration than the farmer..l I-Ie constitutes the veryvfibre of the` communityin which he dwells; Fromi the earliest tiller of our soil to our- present-d-ay farmer,- he has. exercised habits of thrift and 'fruga1ity.._And_- great as is`the value `of thrift from the: point of ecdnomics, yet its values is not| limited wholly to that field." The train-[ ing afforded by its practice, calls for. _ the exercise of *qua.lities that.'are pre-5 dominantly moral ,in character. It means self-control. It means self-mas-_( tery. Long ago the farmer learned to`: forego immediate pleas'ure- .f.oi" the sakewof more distant good.`Through hardshipxarid toil, on` the frontier and; the prairie, in the valleys and on the` hillsides, he has labored to supply the immediate wants of his household and food for the peoples of thegarth. That, which he has gathered and saved has become the foundation of our Wealth` as a nation. His steadiness, industry ,and sobriety are political vii;-tues which "make for-the stability and, performance of. our government.--Exchange. , I l. Totalivoztcg fr `Rowe ' . . Total vote.for O Elynn . . . Total majority for Ro"we Amaranth . . East Garafraxa East Luther . . . Grand `Valley . . Mono . . : . . . . . . Mulmur Melancthotr . .. Orangeville . She1burn,e- ,. . . . . V Majority for ' 'Essa- Elmgrove . . . . . Braden s'. . . . . Ivy . . . . . . . . . . -Angus . . . . Cookstown . . . . Thornton . . . Baxter . . . . . . . A Majority for Rowego West Gwillim-bur.y--"- Bond Head . . . . . +10 Cou1son s Hill . . 7 Gilford\ - . . . . . . . . . . 5 Middleton . . . . . . . . 10 Cookstown .. ; . . . 13 , 684 Majority for Rowe, 418. Tossorontio-- Everett T . . . . . . . . . . 147 Eisle . . . . . . . . . .L C1\T-1 I o ' u 0 '0 0` 0 1 x. ' \ 871~ ` Majority for `Rowe, V418. .. Tecumsth--.- V Teg'art's . . . . . . . . . 68 Sutton s . . .A . . 129 I-Iammell g . . . . . . `82` 'I-`hompsonville . . ._ . 109' ' T:]nnv m- 1/{R -i'x'ese sugar-coa'ted tasteless tablets for 30 days-- `i.they don't $1918 greatly, get you} money back. I ne woman gained ten uounds in LKIUIIIIJBUILVIILC q Wllcoxfs . . Cookstqyvr; . ---1-4 V- --g - -- 17 Innisl~., _ .. Thornton .; ,`P,inswick . . . . Cnaigvale .- . .. st1`0ud uiiuaoln Bethesda . . Lefroy Churchilf `. . . Big Bay Point Holly . . . . . . . . Cookstown . . . . !0FFIcIAL1=1cuRs I ,1-fox SOUTH smcoa \ ~ _ atmcpe I ` ~. : 1 , , V-=B,9we .O'Flynp Alliston! . ~,~a:.4. '._".4,06 279 , Majority-f1orql{wowe, 127. ' " O1! ` Kl FARMERS ARE BEST CITIZENS n'u--..- 1.. __ -1____ 1-- LI, Maj orjty "718 Majorityx fof Rowe, 428. ` ` -Maj ority for Rowe, UDIIU "ac: gzcauy, gcu _yu}.u. xuuucy uaun. ne woman gained ten pounds in twenty-two days. Sixty tablets, six- .ty cents. Ask any druggist" for Me- f`.n11 n nn Tuition 'W'.v{--unn+ 'Pn'kI'nl-a Dufferin `D . 472 Rowe, 161. '3936 A Rowe, 9117. T353 Rowg, .215. \ -'l_.-..-- * sum; I11 Rowe ~0_ Flynn 433 401 323 188 `225, 1 284 181 . _134 556 319` 636 292 .466 _ v695 788 405 328` 271} 111 77 1oo 1s_e 109 83 72 305 77 57 101 1 3'2 105 34' 25 42 --:"(?'&; c"v.1;d;(-.'5(;y .s",- "" 3ag}Ei.. "(xiii xenuxne." , Stf cr- 145 151 62 96 (574 12: 277* `2o9 It ';2-1_5"' ' 16/1. 250 M 92. .73 . - `- 21.`. V v 73 28' * 47' '57 T .12 46 V 22 T52: _:2o 3034 L290 266 311 139 UCIIDB. I835 lly uL U51DU LUK Ju.\." "6/oy s Cod Liver Extract Tablets. Directions and formula on each box. .1-.. up a. 453 81 46 -16 53 29 40 3107 I79.) 29`_ %. I58 99' 57. no .72 16- 14 21 16 39 53 35 59 50. 30 56 ' 41 5 21 93 26 76 60 `I2 47 .21 91: .WomAan Afraid to 5 " ~ % T Eat An_ythi.n`g :15 apyuuu at uu: rate 01 4 oz. pet: ousnel ofwheat. Place the grain to be treated in a barrel or churn. bout a bushel at a time. Add the req ired amount of copper carbona e dust and then revolve the barrel `or c urn until the dust is. thoroughly mixedrwith the grain. After this treatment the grain, may be bag- ged and sown at once. This method of applying the` dust involves much time and labour if large quagntities of grain are treated. Machines are now_on the market, however, for applying a dust rapidly to large quantities of seed. 7 _, ,Another Method Stix1Vk'ln_ smutjor bunt can also be prevented y sprinkling wltha diluted '-torina in solution. .The directions for sprlnklng [with-fa, formalin solution ,_a.reas .tollows-- . i4 = Mlx' one nlntfdf frirmalin with fni-fu I116 ll3,i0|l0WB-- ' V _ > _ K` "Mix one pint `o'f_tormalin with forty gallons of water, Place. the grain to - U5. . -' f9 gcords of official inspections in -' the Eastern` Division' indicated that over thirty per cent. of the grain had ';been excluded from the Standard Grad- `, ' es, while 'it- \ s expected the percentage ' of the total c op would be larger. The `_l_estlmate was that the presence of `E smut would mean a decreased return Hvto the farmers of the Province of from} v five-cents to fifteen cents a bushel be- vg low- the normal price of No. 2- winter. " wheat. or a total loss as stated above. F An Avoidable Loss , . \ - p Deterioration in the quality of On- ` tario wheat from smut became so pro- ! noun-ced last year that the Grain Stan- dards Board for the'Toronto District of the Easternplnspection Division dir-. ected the attention of the Hon. J. S. Martin, Minister ofAgricu1ture, to the great importance of farmers treating their seed grain for smut if they are to produce crops to yield the largest monetary returns. Such treatment will easily remove the heavy annual loss, and to. indicate what line of procedure must be followed the Ontario Agricul- tral College, which has done some ex- perimentingpalong this line, recently issued a.;sta._tement. ' A Two Kinds of Smut There are two "kinds of wheat smut in` Ontario, namely, Stinkingsmut or Bunt and Loose Smut of Wheat. The stinking {smut `or bunt was `very pre- valent `last yearand I expect to; hear that it,.is prevalent againthis year, judging -by the amount that. has devel- opgli in our. check. plots in our experi- zn ~ ~ . . tal `work. `$wvsnnliir|Ann nruvruuntn `la. 1.]... 1'7- JIIUIILHJ WUFK. _ Experiments. conducted in the Ung ` ited States during the past few yeags and this year in Ontario. demonstrated that copper carbonate dust is the most satisfactory seed` disinfectant for the prlevegitlon of stinking smut or bunt of w ea. . ` u'ru....`.n..`...- 0.... 4!... ....-..._-.. ....._u____L_ `dus wueut. (irections _for the copper carbonate t treatment: The dust should be applied at` the rate of 2 oz. per; bushel togbe in n knuunl A... .-.I-....... ..I......4. .. L_-_I__I Degrading of Wheat by Smut Calls for! Proper Treatment of Seed Grain to _. .Eradicate Evi_|. Ontario Agri- cultural Cbllege Issues Statement Fullv $700,000.00 has been lost to\dn- tario farmers owing to the presence of smut in last season s No. 2 winter wheat. This estimate has been arriv- ed at after an inspection of the samples = of grain collected fl_`01`n all "parts of the ,Province for use in setting` the `Stan- ; dards for Commercial, Grades of Grain ` for the last season, when it was shown` '-that a large percentage of the grain would grade below the Standard Grad- You <. .!-- -. v Auvau 1--Midland". .A .. .. 2---.-Port McNicol1 .Lpwu:uup U` 1-Pine Grove 2- Forest Home . . v3--Ma1-chmont . . . .` 4 -Ardt`rea .. .. .. 6-Washago . . . . 6-Uhthoff .. _ . . ' 7--I-Iavmpshire M'il.1s' . 8-Foxmead '.. .. 9-Ca.rlyon .. A 10-Mount Slaven .. That s gei-pg. some -A--but` skinny` men, women and children just can t help puttihg on good healthy esh when they take McCoy s `Cod Liver Extract Tablets. (LU Majority for Th6mpso.nT--142. Coldwater .. . . . . 116' Majority for ;I;h.o'm.p.soh-44. '1 _1____.-_ 'I1,u__ USU Majority for Thompson-79. Penetanguishene ; . . . . 996 ` Majority for Grant--394 . M1dla.nd- .. .. .. .. 1718 ` Majority for Grant-196. Victoria Harbour .. .. 275 Majority for MGrant-13. Town of Orillia . . . . 1636 Majority for 'rhom'p's6r'a-564. Township of Orillia. 1-'Dinn (-`.rnvn 11!! 000 602 1522. 1 262 2200i ml .5 ,--McAvel1e Schoiol. '. . 1`--Wyebridge... .. .. .. 2 --Marion s house .. 3 ;-Mrs. Brasseats hous 4 -`---Wyevale .. . -6..-.-Dean s house .~. .. l= art McN1chO1!~ Tafy .. ,. .. Tiny .. .. .. .. Matchedash .. Mdonte '. nu ` Pehetangulshene ,` . "Midland .. .. . w Victoria Harbour" ,'.'. vorlllia. Town .`. 0rilIia.`Twp. . . Coldwater ;. .. Advance Polls .. `2 --Ebenezer all. ".. . . *3 --`-Webb's . .. 9--Beckett's .. .. .2 `' K1`'a56r1't y 'ior' 7Tinbzi{psJo'n'-`14' Township` of Tay 1 ---P!.i1llp Denl_'s house . 1A--Ed. .Coombe s hpuse . 4--Shaw s. .. .. .. 5 -0ddfellows Ha,ll .. .. 6 -Cra.ddock s store .. .. 7-Lawson'sV.. .. ._. .. .. 7B---Gouett s; . . .. . . . . . . 8-- School No. 5 ,. .--. . A In snmcoa V The tollowlng ate. the otclal gures tor the c9n`te_s.t _1n East Slmcoe where A. 8. Thompson... Conservative. heat Fred.TW.;Gr9.nt. Liberal, by 32_2._ Majority fdr Thompsdn?-10. J. U W lllllp `U1. 1` L -I-Iillsdale .. .. -_-Gibson's house . . . B, --Cveighton ., .. .. L --Warminste,r . . . . . L --Moonstone .. - .-Eady --Mrs. S -..;-_-Vasey- ~, . . ` . ha.w s 'ho'L'1se. ' Chock full of vitamines-- the kind that are extracted from the livers of the cod- the kind that are a` real `help to frail, run-down, anaemic, skinny men and women. ~ lI!____. .L`-____ __._____. --_1_-.1 .|__AL-I-___

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