Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 23 Sep 1926, p. 9

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ice Nights: 15"-359. 7.15 and 9.15 A . . 3 T- Sat. Matinee at 2.30 Chapter. 5, Green Archer. T,he'A"air ht -the River ` AE5.Q?'5_F53EE99MDY . y " HAROLD 1jIO Y'I5win FOR HEAVEN SSAKE EVERYONE mgws 1; The Studebaker Custom Car 'CARAVANC `A Snappy Love.C6ckta.il with a Real Parisian Flavor ,__`:~4 _ __r___ r--- -- - ._v McL-EAN` the address those taking y, J. Morri- red Arnold, am and Mr. MONBAY-TllESDM-WEDNESDM "7'.'i &"9.'i " 1! 1*]! I ; p, \ ALICE DAY IN `A MACK `sauna LCOMEDY A SPANKING BREEZE - % Now, if you ca -tliirik 6f~anything'that,wou1d be `funni'er,_,For H ea:ven s Sake 1et s kno'w`- . T ~ Revel ation4`;5f}.Custori;% Bauty + A jRe\'rol(it,ion.of-V CuVsto__nA Yalue . Cars that wili` take you Qffyour feet at ' * prices that wont, % A Will be in B1rriethree hou'%rs,onlyoxi ----:..-` 4.-- g---"nu-I. alnannuuu Ci P1,ase phone '2 ifVi1;%te_rested V15uvE7sI'5AY.-sE1f1f.; 28' 1'H "rhe.;1_g'1y Duckl?.i7 .a.;gg3a1;;s;.'o1X.'.i choice style, at C Saturday. Matinee: 10-25 EVERYONE cot-:s:" 77 Jug ule \.;uu1u,_y_u1 ouuuuc. g ` Mayor Arthur of Collingwood had i1 a good-word for Supt. Weegar on be- H half of his townspeople, who had :5 learned to appreciate his many ne i` qualities. The record of the C.N.R.- ` ` was one of the wonders 0 transport- .` j ation. At its _inception t wasvery 1 I dubiously regar d, but today people !` 1 are not incredu ous when optimists lppredict that the road will some day tpay the national debt. A large fac- I.` ` tor in the C.N.R. success was the! courtesy of employees in meeting` the L: public. After referring briefly to!` conditions in` ,Col1ingwood, Dr. Ar-11 thur bespoke the co-operation of the ;` 'C.N.R. in the town s_ development. ' I `IT A 13...... Abualnun-`AA quylnn Motrnwl i . 1 1 x > x - S .ClllZ.Ull. -. WardeniG. L. -Davisspoke of the`! competition of motor busses and trucks taking business from the rail- I- lways and at the same time causing! heavjy wear on the highways. It was not fair to let these take the cream of the traffic at the season of the year when operating costs are light- -,l ler, while the railways are compelled. [to give a twelve-month service and` also to meet heavy overhead charges. When feed is short a farmer can cut |down his rations to stock-a bit, but, [it was difficult for railways topdo this ' .where servzes have to be maintain-i ed. .The C.N.R..management showed ' great ability"~'by increasing its returns I inthe face of such opposition and its I prosperity was a matter of gratica- 1 tion to the people of Canada. The] Warden concluded by giving the vis-" itors a few_ outstanding facts reg_ard- ` ing the Countyof 'Simcoe. A I Mnxvnn A-II`-`\'|'IvI A`? `\J..I.V.I\. 111 hue uuwua ucvcxuyuucuu. I W A. Boy's endorsed what .Ma_vor' Art1{ur had said of Collingvvood and , denounced the `Chicago water steal: that had lowered the water in lake ports. He admitted_that his own par- ty might have `shown greater activity in .-the "early stages of the protest` against this steal but hopedfthat Ot- t wa would prosecute the matter vig- ogously, carrying it to the Imperial .Go:erm1h_ent if necessary.` ` ! Inna` 3v-uA11n-n:na uuuressca. I - . Mr. Devenish, who presided, ex-! pressed the pleasure felt at holding: their first conference of the Northern Ontario district, as at present con-; stituted, in such a beautiful location `l as Allandafle. The conference was to`; discuss common problems, to get to; know each other so that the fullest` co-operation might be achieved for: theeadvancement of the-interests of 2 "the Canad1an_National Railways. . `II'........ I" n . m u v ninnl-I 4-`inn `nvxnv-n/'n'o_' um uuuuuiuu LVauUua1. Lwauvvaya. 1 I Mayor Craig voiced the apprecia-,' tion of the citizens at Allandale hav-1 'inglbeen chosen for this conference._ He expressed gratication at the splendid progress of the C.N.R. and: predicted even greaterthings. In? the development he hoped to see re- stored to Allandale its old-time pay-; roll. His Worship paid a tribute to" Supt. Weegar, who while faithfully. discharging `his duties to the C.N.R;i found timeeto help along the town in various ways as a public-spirited.` citizen. 117...)... .1`! T 'n.'...:... .......`l... -3? 4-1... ggestions to ation of ru- nship board hether the edies or not, tion-s as des- or to nd 9. 1 LIJCI: were present. ; - Asked after the meeting if any de- : cis_ion affecting the 'A1landa division had been -reached, Supt. . E. Wee-_ ' gar stated that as ye there was no-1 thing for publication ' . At Lunchebn ~5 ' In connection with the conference_ a luncheon was held in the Allandale 1 restaurant. After the party`~had done ; full justice to ones of Caterer; -Knight's famous chicken dinners, and ; had enjoyed a sing-song directed by? Walter Duff, with Reg. _Godden at the piano, there were a few short `addresses. / ' ' -n-___.-:_1_ _--I._ .........:.:l...:l .... UUVEIIIIIIEIIL u uccca:scu._y. . - Touching upon local industries, I? Mr. Boys reminded the officials pres- ] ent that there was a splendid oppor- 3 tunity to use the Allandale plant to greater extent. While no M.P. 1 "should interfere with essential econ- g omies, he thought more use could be`; made -of the Allamlale plant. Barrie = 5 gave a special assessment to the rail- `f way, which was ~to.gfive certain.,den- i 1 ite things" in_return.` This 2,5-year!] agreement, is soon to expire and he)` -hoped that negotiations would lead 1 to a new agreement upon terms mu-i tually satisfactory. He agreed with,1 {Warden Davis on the motor compet- 5 ition and thought the Ontario Gov- l ernment should...consider heavier li--:1 censes. In the recent` election, he 1 said, an effort, had been made. to." show that he was against the C._N.R. -1 Never in his life had he said Ia .wor,dA j: `against itbut -`had always supported 5 to do their Vdutyandto please the. ..public. ` ' it. In conclusion, he complimented} the,l'C.N.R.,.upon the 'ne_ esprit de"{`] corps of its employees,` always alerti Dn-Pa-nun-inn -I-n urlnn ,'Mv 'Rn17GV1'l!Il1.-:v-1 7 (ifficials of the Northern Ontarid "district of the C.N.R.. met in a. dis- V trict staff meeting in Allandale onl Tuesday. Among those present were ` W. R. Devenish, genera]. superintend- ent, North Bay; J. J. Napier, uper- intendet at Hornepayne; A. . Gav"- anagh, assistant superintendent, Cap- reol;`,W. E. Weegar, superintendent, and. W. J. Little, assistant superin- tendent, Allandale;-G. N. Good, sup-I erintendent, Capreol; C. H. N. Con-i nell, -district engineer, and Major Be-` svan, assistant district engineer. In addition to these, the heads of prac-' tically every department in the dis- trict were present. g I Anbnol n-N-an Han vnnni-inc it onv HA. ` public. __.`.---_ ..`, v.. ... .--v-_..___ ..-v--` - liiteferrindg tot}i1vvha:n~M1;i iBorsV h_ad.;.hj.S irkut camera. sai regar in e an a e ermm- ` \, 111,: Mr. Devengish said that. this pro'b- a _ `NOTICE 16111 3PP1iedft0 Other termmals 85'. \ Certain `rumors circulated stating well and Wasconstantlyp before them. ;that.H, R, Tomlinson had been placed -If the STOW! keeps 11P he added, I under arrest on a charge of ~boot`- I-believethat we will ultimately be legging are absolutely untrue. He using not: only the present Allandale ! appeared in court on that charge `but `plant one hundred per cent. but-will the case "was dismissed from court- reuuire -additional tracks and yards." , for lack` ofevidence. He was not at lD'n1nn nor]-:nI v.-Qnm 4-Ln \Ya+s'nn.'o' An nvfulfdvnn. -nlannn-I run;-Inn nuunai any 1-nae. I LVCUUJLC 'GuU1hlUllGl u._a\:na auu JG `Before calling for the Nation'alX;1- them, Mr. Devenish spoke a few C.N.R.< omcms % How CONFERENCE 1 Local `Spea1;c;s/Presnt M Plea 3 for Allandale` Terminal . I, at Luncheon. . :2 -Lastyear was a record-breaker in l the number of entries received, but - ; the 1926 Fair has it `beaten. Actual i ujgures are not yet available. but G. i >`;0. `Cameron, `secretary of the Fair, rgstates that there is a _noticeable in- ;'crease. In the ne arts and vege- ntable sections there are twice as ;';many entries as last year and there` {is a big increase in the numberofl .|'flowers shown. The poultry show} . I compares favorably with that of 1925 i , but the display of ladie`s work, cat-i ,'tle and sheep is below the previous [,record. The decrease in the latteri .Etwo departments is largely due to! .lack of accommodation for the stock ,}at the Fair grounds. Much of the. ,"available accommodation is being| ,,taken up for the showing of-horses,l .;.of which there is a large entry. ` 5 !:rv'Inna- +hI xyasn-int-|n 1 -;y1.u1.caa. I J .,, -Barrie Fair .is once -againin full swing and as` The Eifamhier goes to 1| ress indications are that the \1926 2 `gair,-' like that of the previous years, -' will be `a record-breaker in many `re-' - spects. Undau'nted'by the overcast - skies, townsfolk and countryfolk are - turning out in large numbers to see , the numerous exhibits which have . been placed and tobenjoy the midway : . and other entertainments which have I . i been provided. As early as two o -, .`clock this afternoon the main build-` L ing and the midway was a moving, .' mass of humanity, while all roadsl . leading to the Agricultural Park were ;crowded with the Fair-going` public. .TChief interest today centres in the 1 exhibits and the midway. Only two , speeding` events, the two-twenty and ,;the two-forty, are carded. In the: Tevening there will be a special en- itertainment arranged by the Fair `! management in. the opera `house! 5 .Friday. will be given over to speeding } = {in the ring chieflv. Of late years the i Mattendance on the third day of thel ';Fair_ has been greatly increased and} Hit i expected .that this year will be` 5no . exception. Officially. the Fair 3 obened on Wednesday.` The general ;l'public, however, were not admitted,| `as the placing of the exhibits was in I -`progress. T.ua+>1vnn-n vvvnn n u...n.-....J L..-_I_-,_ 2,- * ph3`%r*a;`1`e I1 L_:_hi,s irkut {were In urea. V - ` The edan, driven by A. E. Smith,` was proceeding east on Ross St, when Ibro`adsided by a truck which was go- ging south on Maple Ave. The truck [is owned by W.` J. Burtch and was] |d_r.iveny by Pyette Burtch. The left] side of the Smith car was struck ini the middle by the right fender of the I 'truck and the force of the impactl, caused both vehicles to topple over` on their sides. Before turning over, g }the sedan skidded spine distance till; !the wheels on the right side were! lsmashgd: Both the truck land the ca i .Were emg driven at a sVow_ rateuo ; `speed. Mr. Smith's rst 1ntent1on' after seeing the truck was to avoid the accident by turning down Maple l::::;;"::it?. `:':,*:;,`yW::rr%:;:i}%e::*;:= Ithere was no alternative but to drive istraight on. _4 . _' , 1' A crowd soon gathered and assist-l led in the rightingof the cars. The; -.-_l`l_ _-___ .0- __-_-_._.`I .E-___`I___ . FL LLUWVU DUU}l GIIIICLCLL Gill.` qaoxav`! 5 ged zjightingof The: [truck, save for a damaged fender,' `was practically none the worse, but the sedan.-w-as badly smashed on the iside which had borne the brunt of I the attack. I i-u; vvxuuu uuc.!: la 21 l>1l.'gB enbry. ` 3 Outstanding among the various) isections with regard to the auality-I `of the exhibits is the ower depart-: ment. Seldom has a more beautifuli ` (Continued on page 13.)` I I In a motor accident which occur-I -,red on`Tuesday afternoon at the cor- .ner of Maple Ave. and Ross St}, a, `sedan and a cartage truck were .over- turned, but none of the occupants; were injured. ' fl'\`l.- _J,__ _`I__3___,, L, 15 ha -.1 1` EBARRIEITES PUT ON STUNT l, ATKIWANIS CONVENTION [SEDAN AND TRUCK COLLIDE - l AND BOTH ARE TURNED OVER, I A septette (of V Barrie Kiwaniansi ~made quite a hit on `-`stunt night on 9 vention in Toronto, when they pre-3 sented Johnny Canuck Inspects Hisl |Treas res. The parts were taken |_as fo1ows:- Agriculture, Frank H. 4Hurlburt; Industry, Dr. Randal} Richardson; Mining, J. R. Dier; Transportation, S. W. Moore; Ki- wanis, Dr. W. A." Lewis; Johnny Ca-.` nuck, Harry Barron; pianist, Horace, =,Wilson. The main feature'was.the; is'peech by Dr. Lewis. Two kiddies! drew` on the stagea, wag\on contain- :ing some miniature pine trees andl l_Dr. Lewis madea strong plea on be- Vnhalf of saving the children and the `forests. ` - . ` ' * __.I,,,, ,h 1-: -, 1-r9,___,,s_,,, i Tu'esday at, the District Kiwanis-Com 5` I A number of Barrie Kiwaniansl !attended. ' `Dr. Lewis, after being strongly urged, allowed his name. to '|` go before the convention for the of- ._-c_e of Governor and failed of elec- `tion by only ve. votes. George Guy J of Orillia w'as elected lieutenant- -governor for this district. FINE Exunsrrs A MAT BARRIE FAIR `words? of well-dserved`praise `of -5.Knight and hisstaif for the excellent ; luncheon provid` d. ` . A.l.u.-,- _.i:____:.. (L - -1, A -_-..1___ __-,. `Lug. gaiun UL cv1ucu,cc. 1.1!: was nub uh/E {any txme placed _under arrestenor. was there any conv1ct1on. (Advt.)| {Good Alttendance To(la11y ,, S`pi-te_ of Unfavorable e Weather. mcheon provided. , After adjourhment the party` was? hn+nlIin1\1\nt' `:17 Q T Ta`1aIrnnv-u-1Iy:4-mu _in Herbalist Herb FRIDAY, OCTOBER 1st Asthma, Piles, Dropsy, Bedwetting, Skin Diseases, Nervous Diseases, `Rheumatism, Bladder Trouble, Dia- betes, Bright s Disease, Stomach, Liver`, Kidney, _Blood Pressure, Neuritis, Heart Troubles, Constipation, Lung and Bronchial Troubles, and all diseases.` _ Gall Stones remox/zed, no operation necessary. Goitre removed, no operation. IRIDAY; OCTOBER 1st 1133 IVE.` ""1" ` IEKBEN, om. _ WE /tlge HERBS the; .IUI_CE:6rr'1es from. ARE YOU SUFFERING FROM ANY DISEASE? anvrcz . 'sHoP V Mr. Murn, the proprietor of the Canadian Herb Gardens, expert in herbs, will be at the K. QUEEN S HOTEL, BARRIE ONE DAY QNLY, ALL DAY AND EVENING Hours: 9 to_ 12; 1 to 6 "Saturday till 10 p.m. Evenings by appointment - % V{.. cANAI)_1_A_x_N HERB GARDENS _ g'-5-n--U--_ - 4L--3 4'1- THERE IS A HERB FOR EVERY DISEASE Refnember the Date See Us Today See Better Tomorrow ROBERT H.` SMITH "We `assert this to be true because those who saw us yes- terday are seeing better today. Being right, our glasses - enable you to see right. are CONSULTATION FREE EYESIGHT SPECIALIST SUCCESS03 TO 0. R. RUSK Phone 80, BARRIE 39 Elizabeth Street it III E the 20tf

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