Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 23 Sep 1926, p. 6

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IIITOB uuyu lu,'Ulll]JBl.I'.$|.l LU!` Ul'.`Ul`y_ nun- ora. 'l`hree.g1rls and five boys were my `the hitching contests which Acreateds rmuch interest as; did also the. stock judging. - a. ` 'l"hp Wlnnnra .,..'x ; b V W X The Winners . l T ' . ` Oats. (1`qt.). Jack Banting,` 7; II-Iarbld: Zalbert. 9 Innlsl. Oats. (sheaf), Har- old Halbert, 9 Innlsfil. Barley (1 qt.), Maidle McKnight,.8; ,0 5.16 McKenzie. `9 Innisfil; Percy Be . 7. Barley (sheaf), Percy Berry, 7. Field Corn. -(husked). Robert Dutton, 14. Field Corn (sheaf), Robert Dutton. 14.-Sweet Corn (husked), Mildred P_erry,.10; I-Ia.rve_y| Cochrane, 6; Elmer Dungey,.6; Eileen Duckworth, 10?` Joe Lennox. 6. A I Dnfnfnnn hnnlnv `M'anHI-In Tmnnnl Though in sorne respects (`not up to `iormer .year_a,* the Essa ::'1`0wnehij); Bohool Fair held at .Ivy_last Friday,-, Vine quite successful.` -?1`here\..1;vaLs_-,a. .'_ y y number present and the work ahthe young exhibitors received much guise. Baxter tool: first `place itox-"urn-. ' aded schools in the` parade, with xngrove second; the two Ivy rooms cat the graded prizes. Two girls and three boys competed for oratory hon- nr-n_ Three girls and five hovs were in` c e Six scHqoL FAIR AT Real Dry Cleaning IHAVETHI-1ON'LY DRY-CLEANlNG%PLANT` wrmm YOUR REACH. OUTSIDE THE cm Good called for and delivered. PRICES REASONABLE may be EINSURED against fire and Ilightning at MODERATE COS'l`Lby our `SHORT DATE POLICIES} ' \r-__ --_._..'; -n:-_..1 L- J.-I_- -.- -'I..."_.-- BARRlE,' ONT. 1 AM A PRACTICAL TAILOR AND READY "ro, ATTEND to REPAIRS on CLOTHES STAN DARE. `BAN K Aucng [BANKING] YEARS We represent ALL STEAMSHIP LINES. Passports arranged for. 1 e ` V CANADIAN NATIONAL RAlLW;AYS.\. :TUBBY :-.------ :--.--v-__ --- --- vvu--wv, av--uuvwn Branches at Bradford, Bondhend. Cralghurst, I-Iawkuvtono, _a Lofroy. Koswlck. Stroud, Hlllsdale and E_lmvalo VV. '.F*`lRTH A. FLA. MALCOMSON "Y'oE Ea'nB:t5B& 't{E1ie' aF13tHc'e.' - _ ` 7313' E_AN'-XD;- -5 BARRIE BRANCH--R. R. White, Manager .-__|._- _. n.._.I:-...I n-...n_-_.| r~_-:_|..-.._.. u-_._u_-;._ FARM PRODUCE A SAFE REPOSITORY FOR Bonus on OTHER VALUABLE` PAPERS A SAFETY Deposit` Box .i . . A . . . _ A A _ Ant I.........1. . SAFETY Deposit`Box -in your nearest branch of the Standard Bank is the logi- cal place to keep your. valu- ables for sec_urity and conven- ience. It We shall be pleased to furnish you with space for your requirements at mini- 1 mum rates. 1 Iv Janna. ovaumvunv ow-Va-..-5..-, \a Loaf Cake, Myrtie Cunningham, 7; Margaret'Arno1d'. 7 ; Madellene Lunau. 6: Irene Coxworth`. 7 : Kathleen Smith, liene Lunau. 6: [Kathleen Davis. 7: Muffin_s.`Em1ly Meredith, 9 Innisfil; 10. Breakfast for School Child. Made-' Margaret Martin. 7: Constance Arug- old. 7; Norene Broley. 4. `% Doz. Bran"? JB3'1. LSGJJUL yavna, |.v agunuuu wyvvou, 15. _ . ' . _ ColTt.4Draft, Morris Miller. -9 Essa; Weldon Elliott. 8;__ Kenneth Elliott, 8._' Cadt. Be_ef. Type; -pure `bred, Harvey l Cochrane, ' 6. Calf, Beef Type, Grade T Heifer or_ Steer, Ja.ck'Banting, 7.Lamb. |(long wool), Alice Hopkins,;_`9 Innis-i til: Jack`Banting, 7. Handlingand Ex-g hlbltlng a` Lamb. `Alic'e~Hopk1ns, 9 In-I nistil, Lamb (short wool), Oswald Mc- Kenz. 9_"Inn1sfi1: Davis Arnold,'27;| ~Haze!;Hopkns. 9 -Inriisl; Geo. Davis, - 7;` Morris lller. 9 Essa. Exhibiting al Colt, Kenneth Elliott. 8.` Exhibiting. a. `Calf, Harvey. Cochrane. 6. .. - .m__.-........ 'r..`...;..`*r_f..iI..._o o r.....a..n1. | Unix, .I.1al.'vu_v \ \aI-JUIIIGIIIU. v. "Tomatoes. La.ut`a`I-Ialbert. 9 Innishl Elmer Meredith. 9 Innis 1; Kenneth Broley. 4: Eva Walkom. ~1_; Margaret, Arnold, 7. ' Annhm Nfnrfhnr-n Qnv Jnnlr Rnnnml, Arnom. '1. . Apples, Northern Spy, Jack Speer, 15; Everard Wingavte. 7. Snow, Winnie fred MacDonald 15: Everand Wingate, 7: Willie Gilpin, 6; Kenneth Elliott. '8; Kathleen Mason, 11.. Golden Russet. Borden_Elliott, 8; [Jack Banting, 7; Myrtle McKnight, ,7; Evelyn. Mccann,` 9'Essa; Maidie McKnight, 8. _, ' H 1---n 1-1-1-- '|t--..a.i- t'(.-..._:.....L..... H. `M1ller, 9 Essa; Dorothy Maiel, 6; .Ka.th-` Ileen Davis, 7: Elliott Bush. 10. `Pinks. (12: bloo_nfs),- Wilmer/Wilson, 7; Harry Knupp, 15;l Norene Broley, "4;. Isabel.- Davls. 7; _Ha.rvey Blackwell, 11_. Any` Flowers. not more `than 3 colors. for dining room 't`a.ble..%Donald- Grlften. 9 Esau; Oswald] Ma.cI_{enzle ._ 9 Inmsl: Mervyn Mama. 1,; Mgdeuene Lunau.l 6: Laura. I-Ia-lbert; .9 Innlsl. Any Flow-5 011. not more `than ! 'colors.'tor llvlngi-.;b room; table, Margaret Martin, 7; Bernie; Spears. 15: Dorothy Maiel, 6; . Carl Jennett-, 7: Marion Beynon, 6. . . | Cnckerel. Reaford McDonald. 72 ' Jennem 1; Marlon neyuuu, u. Cockerel. .Rea.tord` McDonald. 7:` ` Laurene McDonald. 7: Claude Banting,` 7; Wesley Galllnger. 7 :. R0ss~Arnold, 2.- Puller. Reatord `McDonald. 7: Carl Jen -! 'nett,- 7; Elmer'Dungey. 6; Ross At-nold.1 ' 2; Roy Speers..15. Pen, 1 Cockerel_ and! 2 Pullets, Wmnifred McDonald. 15;! .Kenneth~El1iott, ;8; Evelyn Mccann, 9 `Essa; Isabel Davis. 7;` Binnie Speers. Phone 447w. a uuuauz, aux: ucuuuzs. 11., Collection of 15 Most Troublesome Weeds, Pressed, Mounted and Named. Winnifred MacDonald. 15; Emily Mere- dith, 9 Innisfil; Laura Halbert, 9 In- nisfil. Collection of 25 Most Harmful Weed Seeds, Mounted and Named. Harry Knupp, 15; Winnifred Mac- Donald, 15; Laura Halbert, 9 Innisfil. Collection o Insects. Mounted and Named. 20 Harmful and 5 Beneficial. Vvinnifred MacDonald. 15.` Collection of Plant Diseases Affecting Field and Garden Crop, Harry Knup p, 15. C01- lection of Cuts Showing Common Breeds of Livestock. Mounted and Named, Elliott E. Bush. 10; Bessie `Halbert, 9 Innisfil; `Elmer Meredith. 9 Innisfil; Harry Knupp, 15. Collection of Wood in Pieces3 Inches Long. Win- gnifred MacDonald. 15: `Harvey! Coch- rane, 6; Fred. Galloway, 8. ' Flaunt; l\/hr Wnxrnrifn Qfnrv" Winn- VV lHl.l.l.l.l,'ULl lV1.H;UlJUllU.lu. .10: / V Window Stick, Milton Galloway, 8; Claude Banting, 7: Robert,Dutton, 14. Milk Stool, Joe Lennox: 6; Allen Booth. 9 Innlsfll; Harvey Brockwell, 11. Model Dog _Kennel, Weldon El1lott,d8; Joe -Lennox, 6. 'Model'Feed Hopper for Chickens. Denis Sheard, 7; Allen Booth, 9 Innlsfll; Joe Lennox. 6., . nllnnflnn nf 15 Mnnt 'I`v-nn'h'|nunrnn GU55 1.1:: IIGKLJAIUII Bbcppcu LU`-*|:llU gwiy to" gross to the west side when he was struck by the -car drivgn lby Card,jw-ho did not see him. " i I V James H. .o.if.T3arrie wascom-l fletely. exonerated` at; -the inquest I eld in Toronto last week on the ,death .o'fiJos e ph D5 Tunney \of New-_- Lmarket, knocked down and fatally in` giuired when hit.,by 'Mr.~~Card s car on 'Yonge pSt.,`i-Sept. '6. '-.'l`-he ju[ry~ also accepted the suggestion of `Coroner g. McC)n;1ell and '9.ttac};;eed a rider 1 o 1 s ver ic expressing t opinion !that_ provision should be made for ]pedesttz;'}i`ans..;%/th`icgIIy popu_late.d rural Iareas roug on _e prov: c_e on acg 7count of the number 0 ccidents `taking place on the public highways. Thu `:11:-1 (you antnuaf-~inn 4-Inn Illlllls PLGDU Ull I111]: RUUIIQ lll5`lI.WGyo The jury -[was investigating the _' General Hospital following injuries received when he was struck by`a mo- [tor car while crossing Yo'nge St. at Willowdale, after leaving a north- `bound. radial car. - - ! `l.1...:.'l..`.-.. ._I_-`_--.! u_-;_ n_-_-- _______ death of Mr. Tunney, who died in the` ', Evidence shgyed that `there were lno vsidewalks at_ this section of the [highway and that Tunney `had walked I one hundred `and fty yards along the `tracks. He had then stepped to the `l;i!"I1|Y i-n'nvnan (-4-: +1.... nuns! shin .Luauuux:uu_ uuuuu, 0; Juan n.eu.uxuu.n, .I.D.| L undry Bag, Winnlfred MacDonald. 16; sabel Davis, '_7; Madeliene Lunau, L ; Dorothy Moore, 6; Dorothy4Maiel, 6.} uest' Towel, Myrtle Perry, 10; Wlnnle' Galloway, 8; Mildred Perry, 10; Con- stance Arnold, 7; Lillian Thompson, 6. Holder for Pots and Pans. Betty` Arn- old, 7; Belle Stewart, 6: Kathleen Dav- is, 7; Kathleen Smith, 10: Marian Bey- -non, 6. ,Tea Towel, Betty Arnold, 7: -Margaret` Robertson.- 7. Neatest Darned Sock or Stocking, Winnie Galloway, 8; `Myrtle Cunningham, 7;- Emily Mere- dlth, 9 Innlsfil; -Margaret Arnold, 7; Winnifred MacDonald. 15. `XTIn.'nu7 Qfinlz '|\/Hlfnn linnnuroir Q- "tie A Nut, `croft,`10; Erma Ross. 10: Lema. Wil- `in- a Basket, Eileen Duckworth. 10; =.Jer'mett, '7; une, 0; rreu. uauuwuy, o. ,Essay, My Favorite Story", Flor- ence Marling. 5; Irene Graham, 5: Cecil Speers, 8; Madeline Baker. 5: Isle. Banting, 7. Essay, Why.I Like the Farm, Lorna Fletcher. 7.: Evelyn Miscampbel-l, 10; Robert Miller, 5; Blanche Banting, 7;_ Isabel Davis, 7., Essay, Outdoor Home Beautification." Lollie Wilson,'7;A Helen Davis, 7; Betty Sheard, 7; Muriel McEachern. 15: Ei- leen Duckworth, 10; A Humorous Tele- gram, Winnifred MacDonald, 15: Lorna Fletcher, 7. VVriting Alphabet, Keen- an,Willoughby, '10; Dorothy, Gibson, 10; Jean Cripps, 10; Reta McKnight, 8: Milton Galloway, 8. Writing The Lit- Kathleen Smith, 10; Doris Carson, 10; Kathleen Davis, 7: Celia Miles, 4; Elva McKnight, 8. Writing The Fox and the Grapes, Grace Bee- loughby, 10; Isla Banting, 7; Jean Coxworth, 7. Writing Soldier Rest", Mildred Perry, 10; Gladys Nixon, 5: Gladys Arnem, 10: Viola Fisher, 5; Evelyn Miscampbell, 10. v`Writing In- struction, Lollie Wilson, 7; Mary Ward, 6; Berta Blanchard. 2: Eileen Duckworth, 10:`Edith Elson. 9 Innisfil. Drawing, Tulip, Kathleen Smith, 10; Doris Carson, 10; Bethe Fletcher. 6: Victoria Horton, 6: Maudie Fletcher, '6. Drawing Union Jack". Grace Beecroft, 10;- Erma Ross, 10; John Begg,- 10: Maidie McKnight, 8': Elmer Meredith, 9,Innis!il. Collectionvof Three Fruits Helen Davis, 7 ; Lollie Wilson, 7; Edna A Dorothy Moore, 6. Girls Public Speaking Contet, Ella Haugh, 11; Emily Meredith, 9 Innisfll. Boys Public, Speaking Contest,_Dona`ld Grif- fin,` 9; Elmer Meredith. 9 Innisfil; Arthur Worral, 11. A Etna]: 1\Tnrv-ulna nmnntlflnn /`nnnnl .Wlhnifred~ Macbonald. 15$` Ethel Mc- Master. 9 Essa; Margm-etMar4tin, 7; Mervyn Martin, 7. School Lunch. Isa- -bel Davis, 7; Margaret-Meirtin, 7+ Ma.r- / garet Arnold, 7; Elmer Meredith, 9 In- . nisfil. Candy Box; 2 kinds -Homemade. ~Candy, E 1b.`, Lillian Thompson, 96; Jean` Coxworth. 7; Marian Beynon, 6; Madeliene Lunau, 6; Jean Readman, 15. T.ann|~v Poor Xlflnnifr-ad Mnnhnnnl I `JUVRYVEXONERATES CARD! or DEATH: O1-V`;...Tl_.-INNEY] AELIIUF VVUl`l'al, 11. , Stock Naming Competition, 'Donald Griffin. 9; Maurice Miller, 9; Laura Halbert. 9 Innlsfll: Arthur Grose. 15; Harry Knupp. 1'5. Harnessing and Hitching Contest for Girls. Irene Cleary, 7; Evelyn McMa.cl-ton, 10; Ella Hall. 11. I-Iarnesslng~ and Hltchlng Contest for Boys. Ha;rv'ey`Walkom, 11; Jack Keeler. 9 Innlsfil: =Wlllle Gauley. 11: Donald McMaster. 9 Essa; Donald Adams 11. ' l - Alana.` `Inna-main Innoucrunn nsnHnn`n\ tludl 11. , School Parade (ungraded schools). Section 11;` Section 2.TScho,ol Parade. (graded schools), _Sr. Room, Ivy; Jr. Room. Ivy. - V ' V HUHQIIEIIC Tllll, wuuu'uv;_uuuau.1'y U) ['6' place alamp or clean a reflector. This .ca.'n be avoided easily if a little grease is rubbed on the. rims. the next time they are removed. . A I Quite often a. headlight lens is brok- en, `or 8. cold chisel and hammer be- onjxe necessary to. remove, the rusted headlight rim, whenlnecessary to re- nlnnn n lnmn nr nlnnn n`rnflt-mtnr This GPOIIO the` Headliht Rims _ -1..- -n1_.. - :......1u...I.4. 1-..- 1- I. .1-uh inglzqgxlgulu Havin F If you do not see the article you need advertised on the Classied page today, read -it next week and the week following, Your chance will surely come, and it might be well worth waiting -for. `Remember, too, that when you wantto sell, as well as buy, The Examiner Classied Ads. offer a cheap and satisfactory way. They are read every; week in over 4,5,00jhomes.g - V .' The Barrie Examiner 'VVl{atde`p{endable" V really rneans % FRANK w. LIVINGSTON Phone 291 , ` V Barrie, Ont. DcI 1:IEE- Bm:m-lens MOTOR lf.'ARS` Ponder the basici elements underlying Dodge .Broth_ers remarkable success and one simple fact stands boldly out: The public not%only believe in te goodness of Dodge Brothers lMot_or Car, they believe in themen who `bu'ild_ it and the men who sell it. A ` V ' I . That is Why the Word DEPENDABLE is associated the world over with Dodge Brothers name. It goestbeyond the product and embracesevery department in Dodge Brothers great organization. .Read The . Classified Ads. 3 w Regularly ' Tburing cg... ..... .. `Coupe . . . . . . JJ % (`I.'e}{tI'..1.:')'A '. '. 1' Sport Roadster . . .". . D;`li_vered with spare tire am`! tube; PHONE 222 $1122 $1189 $1309 l236 _`___1_;_,~ WINNER Cleaner, Presser `gjand Dyeir A 109 DUNLOP s'r. Pl-IONEZZ9. .'r_mmsnAv, mirzMnR 23. 1923 {:11 THURS IKE-flail .DUyllUll, Ui JNLIILUII uulluway. 01' Asters, Giant Comet (mixed), Marian `Beynon, 6: -Marian Dunn. 2:, Aileen Malel, 6; Lollle Wilson. 7. -Marigvolds, I12 blooms), Glen Knupp, -15; Amy JJEJCKWUTLII, LU; UUU JJUILHUJI`. 0. I Potatoes, ' Dooley, `Madeline Lunau. B; Maurice Foster. 11; Charlie Mills, :9 Essa; Myrtle Perry, 10; Gertrude Coulter, 9 Innistil: Potatoes, Irish Cob- 'blers, Dorothy, Moore,` 6;. _Kenneth `Whiteside, 2; Ella. :I-Iaugh, 11; Arthur Worral, 11; Florence Broley, 7. Mane gels, Robt. Dutton. 14: Winnitred Mac- Donald, 15:` Austin Cunningham, 7; A Knupp, 15; Claude Banting. 7. Turnips, Harvey Cocbrane. 6;, Errol Banting. 7 ; Joe Lennox. 6. Beets; Geo. Perry. 10; Clara I-Ialbert. 9 Innistil; `Winnie lloway, 8; Madeliene Lunau. Y8;-Allan Robson, 11. Carrots, Marjorie `Whiteside, 2; Man ce `Millet-.,9 Essa; Weldon Elliott, 8; ernice McMackon. `10 Essa; Eileen Duckworth. 10. Pars- mips. Wilmer Wilson.` 7; Kenneth Banting, 7; . Mervin Martin, 7; Lillian `Thompson, 6; Emi1y,Meredith. 9 In- nisfll. Onions, Stephella Gallinger, 7; Jack Wilson, 7: Kenneth Banting, 7; Marian Beynon, 6; Milton Galloway. 8. Aufnvvn (1h:n+ nrnnf (mIvn(1\ Marian

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