Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 23 Sep 1926, p. 21

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uame. _ Financial Statement: Contributed in cash to Boys` _Home at `Bowmanville ..$ 300.00 Tdvnnndnd in mm}: fmv Christ. I--2---1: Phone your news items to The Examiner.` rusceuaneous exp. m connec- tion with underprivileged `.'711o5.92 . -382.69 143.24 3 -138.00 3 . ~. : 255.50 us 434.75 BC $2280.98 d ' 140.86" ALONZO c. M.`cLnI.LAN `. nt...:......._ 13.... 111-..`. n........: l'IIa\llV `VJ U: XIII}!-Ililnlullli dhairman Boys' Work. Committee, Barrie Kiwanis Club, 1922-1925. :n..'.o.. 1... r....1...~... n......la\ proauotion was perreotea. - Too many newly organized-Kiwanis clubs have rushed rush!!! into civic matters or real importance baton they perfected themselves in Kiwanis. - Kiwanis educ'ation.'a thdrouxh know- perteotea tnemselvesm Luwama. Kiwanis education.-a thdrough know- ledge of the policies and ideals of K!- wanis, are needed to pertest the local Klwanls- machine. The new club must first nertect its machine before It can hope properly and creditubly to er- V form the work tor which that mac me 1 was Intended. , u . Sn lnmpaa the machine is cruda and. A DR. L. J. sump ON` . President of the Barrie iwania Club for the your 1925. ` * ;- wont: FOR unnmkwucm cH1Ln1;`|aN] = 'PEn'I-'e`c'r voun MAcI-nus You `can never turn out aooredltable product with an Jmpertect machine. Many a good article has had its repu- ` tatlon ruined by being `rushed on the market before the machinery 101- its production perfected. I many newly orxanlzedklwanls intended. 5 So iong=aa the maohiue in crude and unpertected, its various parts not pon- perly meshed and ill oiled. it can never hope to turn out aproduot which will I be a credit. Spend the first few months or a year in an intensive campaign of education of membersruntil each knows Kiwanis and the part he as an individual is expected to pin. `in its work in the ,co_mmunity.- lwania Magazine. * ' ' ` , IF THE WIVES KNEJD Someone remarked: It wives only knew what etenographere really think or their husbands; they would cease to worry." ' ' l EVEN AS YOU AND I .. ; When Noah sailed the well-known blue. He had his troubles as W9lI.8.8 you. ` For days and days he drove the ark Before he tound 8. placeto park. or their m worry." ` EVEN AS YOU AND I" Noah sailed the wall-know THE WIVES KNEW xe_ r9mar}:ed:_ _"It v_v1y_ea `wams uxun, wzz-wzo. (Photo by Jackson. name)!" mu: anal: axauiuzlt j Pun Twain COATS -1 COATS -- COATS 'Kiwun'in Viv. Siuunoml 1 Cement 13- harden- ing; Telescope; are looking up; -nhj- phmh` c 0"ll| i: ngj. _ddw_n. .1e1iiea'aii-3 stiffening, but no- _th'in stirring in`? ceragls, Coee `$55 1 gtrdng. Hatr ate . off. main; jtbend- _ency in yagts 119325? "broken badly. Kiwnuinn Jack Rodori LL`J.MI3ER-t:::Vii/e1i,`,in/hen it cotnes to'lumber,- whether you want _a. new" hardwood =oor or only a picket on the `back fence, whether you want .a carload of material or a piece of quarter round, you willv get the latest and_best quotations by giving .us ca1I. Ball Planing Mill Ltd; Office. Phone 109 ` :_ J. H. Boglgrs Res. 390.}... carry I Dig ntocx or l'.I|l(1I0ll we ,4 Seal, Persian Lamb, Electric, . n.~.-.-_-- |l..-l....;- -5- -5- EVERYTHING IN LUMBER During the past three years the Barrie Kiwanis Club has done considr - erablein a nancial way to. assist the underprivileged children of the com-. munity. An account of this is given below in" dollars and cents. But` a great deal of work for the underpriv- ileged has been done that cannot lie - measured in a -monetary way. This includes personal work done by in- dividual members of the Club. such as acting as `Kiwanian daddies." roviding free medical and dental at- ention, furnishing cars to transport boys to and from summer camps, providing entertainment f9r fresh air camps, arranging outings for Shel- ter" kiddies, etc. ` \. Q. The nlmivman of the Boys Work (K ' SlMMONS%& co. f;";A; Latgst 7Mark%t .., :1?eports Delightfully -.v__aried u'e the styles uni colon in the ' ` ` HI]; IIIIIIIIUBII III\ A VICKI ' .and\'colon.in ~ Maw wmmz cons carry the large_s't stock of Coats in Barrie. : `: Children : ~_-y-: w _-- .-- v_i Hundreds bf sfyle to selet from, as we \ largest stock Barrie. 1 1--: ,9 _ |lg_-__m .- _ r'L:l.I..-._!- %1=uR.coA1s--Em; com -wu-.ww----w _'__ v---_._ - Ask or wiite about our Easy Payment Plnri. You can purchase 3 Fur Coat at lowest. n1-ices and eniov it while nayinz. ' You purchase Fur 1108.12 at Iowean. pricea- and enjoy. it while paying. carry a big stocl of Hudson: __r `n-...:-_ I -_.L n|-..;..:.. you will nd the`-Borsalino, Brok, Biltmore and many other . famous makers._\ -Mpul Buy yqu_r.l-`all Hat or Cup here \ . 5 ` ed the following unsolicited letter ~ ter"' kiddies, etc. The chairman of the Boys Committee a few months ago receiv- V from the"widowed mother of a bright young 'girl whom the Kiwanis Club .- sent to Toronto for -an operation :-- Dear Sir:--Words `fail me to ex- press my sincere apfzreciation of the great snd kind serv ce you and your committee have rendered `to my A butm dsughterin restoring to herthe "bet-A ter;use of her limb. I assure you and your associates that not only do` I appreciate your unstinted kindness, daughter will ever remember with t enkfulness the grestblessin . s that has been brought to her throug your generosity. Manv other words of thsnkfulness I Dtuuun, \. HATS , ; FU\RS 'fhe, sELEc13 yam, COAT AAT _%T_1*'5_`9`_ 5T93E_ BUG! I_ GICIEII IJIAIII, nauvvupuu Beaver_I,' Musknts, etc., etc. , IN OUR MEN'S HM` , ; DEPARTMENT _ _Tl-IURSDAY. snruimngn 23. me '1`T11`era2fq `i oyo k a brighter. Shoes are ` `peggedxshipping is buoyant. Coel pre- .ae'nts a block as- ~-pect". Toy balloons indicate, ination '7 Soft spots ir.1 `fruit. __ .. Whiskey is still. (Pocketbooks show no. char;e.A V Elevators ~ going up and down. . om". coxrs. generosity." Many other have been received by members of the Club in up recitation of work done for the un erprivileged. With the `Kiwanis Kernival an assured suc- cess. the Club will be able to do'eyen better `and bigger things for many who would not otherwise be helped. In this: nnnnnntinn the committee E. 113811]! Illa Ill 5UCll:3Ly. , ' No boy is admitted to the Training School without a careful psychiatric - examination, and an intelligent quot- ; ient of 80 is asked for. although not I always insisted upon. The system gov-' erning the whole conduct of the school . is sensibly elastic, and those in charge `are desirous that no standard set un should" prevent from entering any boy who would benefit by the institution. Patents are supposed to pay something toward, the sustenance of their child- ren. and at present a good percentage are contributing according to their means. When Dr. Elmore Reaman. well known throughout Canada. as an ex- pert_educatlonist, was appointed S_up- ` erlntendent of the B0 3 Training " School at Bowmanville, e undertook in another `form .hls fa orite task of Canadianlzationh In pre ious years he had given much time. strength and in- telligence to the problem or fitting be- wildered immigrants for their duties 0! Canadian citizenship, and in his new sphere or usefulness he is applying himself to the eauallv difficult under- sphere or usefulness he is applymg himself to the equally taklnggot helping unadjusted lads of! Ontario to find themselves. and ultim-` ately to fit Into th national scheme `or things. - 'l"n ulalf fl-an Trulnlnw. r-hnn]-.nn| I.l`Uu.l.lncn|. UL ulcau vvlac Luancl pasuuua. -The -work phase is strongly empha- sized, because it is felt the boys must be`ma.de to realize that they should make their contribution toward the upkeep of their home. Each boy has THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1926 At BoyI \TI-aini.ng Suhool Unadjust- ed Lads Ljvo i_n Atmosphere of 9rdi- nu-y_Homo and Find Outlet for` En- ihgie: in Carefully Directid Work, Study and -Play. One of the Barrie Kiwanis Club : Activities. . Bylupuuny DI:LUl'I: uULLc\.`uuu Social workers. face to nice with the problem of the so-called delinquent boy, long ago realized that sympfathetic understanding and intelligent direction were more needed lniits soiution- than drastic correction. In order to provide these,-Premier Ferguson and his'Cab- inet. about two years ago, decided to , establish a. home to which boys` with- , out mental detect, `under 16 years or. - age. might go without commitment, and where theymight be adjusted for a useful life in society. -` ` A Inn: in at-Irnlttn tn {ha Vnulnlna IIIHIEB. ` ' ` To visit the Training. Schooi-so beautitully situated on :1 300-acre_fa.rm '-and`to hear its inner story from the enthusiastic Superintendent, is to- rea- lize that this "new social experiment" has eme/rged from the wavering stage of infancy, and has become a strong. virile concern--bo\_md to succeed, and to react beneficaiiy on he life of the Province. Guam-nu Ohu} 'DAfnw-A (`nun-nntlnn xuvcry Luuluclu. IS 1'Au.uu_\:u Contending that there are four phas-' es of a. boy's controlled environment. Dr. Beaman and his helpers have pro- vided for the home. school. work and play llteuot their charges. Every minute i of the day i planned for and if there are unorganized moments it is be- cause they have been definitely ar- ranged. The home lite of the boys is taken care of by cottage fathers and mothers,who simulate the atmosphere of an ordinary home and many troubles melt away beneath the understanding treatment of these wise foster parents. ihj. Innnlt -`Mann in uh-nnolu Ar-nuke- who would not otherwise be neipeu. In this connection the committee in charge of this deartment of the Club's activities wis es to acknow- ledge with most sincere thanks the var kind co-operation of Dr. W. E. Gal ie. Wivmm-in! Rtnitnmnnts wan vvo (`II ----vu- District Trustee, 1925,.-26; President % Barrie Kiwanis Club, 1924. boys EQUIPPED FOR LlFE S ARENA ` BY SYMPATHETIC AND A311; MENTORS VIHUC. Sympathy Before Cqrrectlon at-In] wnrlnama fnma tn fxir-A with Every Moment". Is Planngd nfnna-`llnur Qhnf Hun-A an-A fnur n regular "chores." such as kitchen. din- ing room andcottage duties to perform ` and he is also encouraged to take a f definite responsibility for certain work i such-,ns.stabie duty and farm occupa- ` tiona. An effort is made to intyrest the mag in animals by having pure-bred! stock and also by developing pet atock.| For any definite work undertaken a boy is paid'10_cents an hour, which, in turn. provides`him with pin money ,and creates within him a feeling of} seif-respect and independence\. I - .n_....____. -'. 7-7, -- l'I\l'Il`l\ vv - nun v |AV\.||a n `.111 Enthusiastic Kiwanian who is giving the use of his new showrooms and` garage to the `Barrie Club for the: Kiwanis Karnival. i (Photo hv .1 nt~1n:nn, Ran-in)! VI-`RAINK w. LIVINGSTON __L .apu\.u uuu unucpcuuclr (Continued, on past? I LBl'IllV8.l. | (Photo by Jackson, Banjle) &Q`QZ&-I jchiu V. /Bakery_ Phone, 26. BAKERS Tea Room Phoine, 56. _nome at uowmanvxue .. Efpended in cash for Christ- mas Cheer to 'unde;'priv- ilegod children . . . . . . . .' 1 Milk for children . . . . . . . ' Clothing for children . . Expanded for hospital fees and funeral exnenses . Quality has always been our tirst consideration, so we have used the best materials, have kept our plant equipped with the most up-to- date machinery, and have had it` operated by skilled workmen under conditions that ensure purity and cleanliness. y I *Ait_tentive'drivers will deliver to your house or you may secure requirements at our Confectionery and Tea Room, Elizabeth Street. To our many customers we wish to express our cordial appreci- ation of the patronage given us during thepast twenty-seven years. We trust we may have it in even large: measure in the years to come. For twenty-seven years we have been catering to the needs of Barrie and district in bread, cakes and pastry. That the quality of our products has bepnsuch as to stand the test of time and competition is shown by the steady growth of our business through all these years. _ ` In {he coming years it will be our earnest endeavor to continue to` merit patronage by turning out oven products of the same high qualitywholesome, tasty cakes and pastry and nourishing bread. TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS OF SERVICE TO THE PEOPLE OF BARRIE AND DISTRICT 1 THE BARRIE EXAMINER \__1vs) BRYSON BROS. Kiwanis is doing muchto help in this great work. We appreciate the wonder- ful support that has been given us. `We ask for your continued co-operation by patronizing our Karnival. Many families have been made happy by our work. May we have the pleasure of greeting you at KIWANIS KARNIVAL ON SEPTEM- BER 28, 29 AND 30. Yours very truly, , - _ FRED W.`OTTON, KIWANJS Stands `For SERVICE nsxpenaea I0!` npspmn was and funeral expenses Expenses sending boys to summqr camp: gecial help to poor families sceliannous exp. in connec- tion with underprivileged To those in this community- May I appeal {to you in the interests of the UNDERPRIVILEGED CHILD? President. Page Five ` WALTER. N. nun-`P ` Who is in pharze of a very interest- , ins future--the Hope Chest.

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