Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 23 Sep 1926, p. 2

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EEE:dCinl'l!;'iE(l:Slg:E>isa ;:: mscuns 2; 25] MXi`5iiEs 21: 17c `CHERRIES 29;, :d in British Columbia I N/EW Baycidc Brand Dominion ' Brand Choice Quality 3"i-T14 TQMATPES PEAS \ . 1e rs: -st Teacher-Wi1lie, thel nrnmnfpd vnn9 who was T iefinr-flu it , Finest . _ TCg_nadian New 21 A .'.ra.u, as an uuenu 120 go. ' " Rev. Dr. Dodds returned op Monday` iitham Bobcaygeon where he supplied the] '3!'resbyt(--1`ia.n church [last Sunday.` i WT!-u T\nrL-in Inns; ..;..;........,: 9..-..- rs- DOMINO CATSUP 1 9c LIBBY'S MUSTARD` 1 3c 20 oz. QUEEN OUVES 39 OLIVE OIL 25 1 flb. `reg price 32 `J... Bu. OATS 5 lbs. Fresh Milled % ROLLED z9c4 144-C _. ->.-v\-J .\ . ...... vuux nu nan ucuuuuy. ` Mrs. Dodds has returned ,from Ro- azhester where she visited her daugh-I faer. Mrs. Carver. `Tyre Q!-nnlnuy (`4n.....:... ._---.-l -- ' I un Alla onbxlc UL LUL. .,.. 1 Business will_ be almost" suspended this week on account of Barrie s Big! 2Fa.'1`r, as all intend to `I D)`, nnu rofnvvnnrl An YUI .-.uAn..' ounuru 1V1l'. buys. Some peopie are digging their pota- ioes-. On account of the heavy. rains the crop is showing signs of rot. "Ill-qn.'.-......- ---:n L- -LH- ! v I G VVUCIX. 9 Election day weather was-all that? muld be desired: The fine day with` `lling workers brought out `a. large `vote. Th poll was in charge o`t'Wa1-F A Slice Brown, D.R.O., with Jean McKever! :12: Clerk. G. Wingrove and C. Millerl looked after the interests .of- Mr. Druryl and Will. Storey and S. Pratt repre- sented Mr. Boys. I gnmn nnnrfn awn Azn-n:.... u.-.-.. ...-4... . ' W I Sept. 20--Miss Greta Daley motored! '.'om Toronto to spend a `day with her `gaarents. Mrs. Calhou_n returned to , Toronto with her to visit fgiends for; a week. ' 7 iv Ilm-.+."n.. ,a....'. ...._..u_._. __._, ew- YOU can't go wiong buying our coal or cake anv mm-p` : pcxmuul . recent wet snell has.de1a`yed a ` the farmers with their[harvest. frosts of last week have put a look on the gardens.binVthiq lo- For Prize Lietsn and infermation write or phone "JAMES McDERMOT l`,'Sec'retary Phone 29. Box 145`, Elmvale, Ont. 2ND PRIZE B.l;li)li`}_EZ-LASS+ -;)_.A-T-'A'l:Oli(-SNTO I-:x. ~ WILL 131-: PRESENT TWO DAYS THE BEST LIVESTOCK snow IN THE COUNTY FAST IAc1=.s#91~{ A I-'A\ST TRACK 32:`: -u- ;-__... MON. TUES. -.RWED.A cow: AND sun-: HEAR FOR YOURSELF YOU WILL `NOT REGRET ._lT CUNDLES GREAT CHILDRI-:"N*"i>}.I2Ix13-b*.T 3\N-D--s-F61-2'1's THEIICENTR/E SIMCOE EXHIBITION * BAXTER` ,,.;___j- `GRAND CONCERT. ON THE EVENII/`JG or THE LAST DAY _nua _A|;'1;m CADET BAND uuu WBUK. Mr. and Mrs. J.`VI-If Bell and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bell visited Creemore `friends. Sunday. ' The congregation of the Anglican` church held verysuccessful anniver- sary services on Sunday, when` a- large number of `visiting friends from far and near turned out to_ enjoy the ser- vices with them. I! o/I-La` Ila": 'I'_`l'....---__ IIIIA-0 - - Sept. 21-Mr. {and Mrs. Ivan Grose of _Lefroy visited Mr.. and Mrs. D. J.- Miller, `Sunday. * Mrs. Rlanhnnon 'nvu;I ..:....._u...._. L ? AVLIIIUF, aunaay. Mrs. Buchanan `and -daughter are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Dobson this week. - , ` ' Mn nun: II-..` T '1-1-' -in u. - -- `at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m; The Rev. C. R.` `preac_her'- and there will be special 1115. was at name on Sunday. [ Mr. Godwin of Toronto is the guest: of Wesley Rix. ' ~ ' Next Sunday: Harvest Home ser- vices will be held in St. James Church` Spencer of Shanty Bay will be the music. LIUIII V1ULUI'la. bquare. l Irwin Luck is confined to`the houe. 'owing to a fall from an 'apple trel when the ladder slipped throwing Mr. I Lupk heavily to the ground. 1 Mrs. Dunsmore was in Hamilton last- week with her `sister who is seriously ill. ; ' .~ Mis\s.Hazel Chappell, nurse-in-train- ing. was at home on Sunday. . MI`. Godwin of Tnrnnfn Ia lna n.-.....-L J" Sept. 22--The anniversary services! were held ,in the Sunday morn'ing._and evening. Rev.; Alex. Craw of Guthrieypreached very acceptably and earnestly to large con- gregations at both services. The church was. beautifully decorated with flow-.5 Iers and special music Was rendered. The choir was assisted by Mr. '-Godwin; of Toronto and at the evening service: Messrs. E. C. Drury, Fred and Will." `Partridge and -Godwin sang Steal AWay,_ ' . ` Elmer Partridge has returned` home` from Victoria Square. Ir-wih T.'nnL- in nnnmnna 4.-`LL- I------ United Church on l= . . . . . I` golng treatment` in Toronto, 1s 1mpr0v- : -out us: L V. -4-. u.v you ou_y 313 1&5 L;_WeeK. NI-2`. and Mrs. Bishop of Barrie called I `Jpn relatives here on Monday. Mrs. M. Wiggins of Staynet spent Ihe week-end at H. Matthews ; ' Mrs. W. P. Stainton is visiting at her old home in Newmarket; g H. Stainton, S12, ling his sons here. Mrs; R. G. I-Ialbert, who is under-` _ ing. 3 'Y\/rva 1-\ T 1ul"...._,..L._.~:_._ .of Tor0nto_is visit | I J I I I 9 Ill R ing at J. Paddison's. Non! T.nnro1I TY.-.u....a ru.__...L , --- - -- rs. L. Mansbridge, Bartjie, is visit-. 1115 o'cl.L U. 1-'au(11s0n'S. , - ` - ' New `Lowell United Chu_rch will hold Harvest Home services on Sunday. Oc- l- tober 3. Rev. D. Roy Gray will preach. vuxusuub` a.u.en(11ng Normal school. ; I Misses Edna and Zelma Mumbersonf of Toronto are s sending a few days at home here thig Week. . . 1 Mr. and Mrs. Frank I-Iooey and fam-`v ily 'attended.the funeral of A. Hooey,-' [Sr.. of Waverley, who died very sud-. ldenly of a stroke of paralysis last,week. M!` Qh 1\/Tvvu 123:-Inna n8 T)-----`A -A`` " .Dfl`l'\1r iyfuil-AA I uuzsy Lune. I I Misses A. and F. Gordon went to` ;Toronto` on Tuesday where the latter: lintends attending Normal school. I Misses Edna nn Znlma `r\/I .m..k.-....-..-...' E rsept. 22-Thefifth annual school fair I was held here last Monday and was, as usual, a big success. The weather which promised to be dull and Wet in the ,morning turned out warm and bright fin the afternoon and brought out a. large number of people in spite of the, I i busy time. 1\/Fianna A .....a 171 r\-..:I- m-:w LOWELL pzgown `HILL TUTOPIA . gucal. 01 ner slster, Miss J. Smith. _ ~The local store _was entered by. thieves on Sunday night. Fortunately they were heard by Mr. Morrison in ample time totprevent them carrying away the goods -which they had done up. It is presumed they entered by a, -rear door and in getting away had} Ipreviouslytaken out glass in the front, window. The gasoline tank was broken. into and their car filled before leaving`! ` Lresnlnents served. `Miss S. Smith of Lefroy is the guest of her sister, Miss J. local store W9: cm+n..m: 1. I .3. ouuul on aunaay. , - _ I The September meeting of Women's `Institute was held on Tuesday, 14ml i'inst., when about forty members andl friends met at the home of Mrs. Will. VYarnica. Annual Flowers was thel subject of discussion by Mrs. D. M. Stewart of Barrie and quite a. number {of new varieties were shown. Com-I 'munity' singing followed a 5 solo by ) Mrs. B. Warnica. A vote of thanks was tendered Mrs. Stewart after which a {social half hour was enjoyed and re-I 'freshments served. I `Mine Q Q.-.-.:n.. .0 1'-A--- - -` auuuuy acnoon service. K [ Mr. and Mrs. Hillock and family. J with `Mr. and Mrs. J.. Sturgeon visited } S. Smith on Sunday. The 'S=.nI-nrnhnm rung!-!n.v- ..: 1-rr.`- W- v uoh I isept. 21-Than)-tsglvlng services*wi1i be held at St. Paul's on Sunday. Sent. Sunday School service. Mr. and Mrs V-uunnnlvnv nnnvuvzvu LU .l'JllIlVa.le On `Sun- Eay and spent the day' with friends. ` Mr. and Mrs. G; L. Davis and `fam- ily spent` t Sunday at Waverley. Mr._and- s.-T Mrs. J. T. Jennett `visited friends in Vasey` on" Sunday. . . I Mr. and Mrs, I-T n n....n...... ....: A- . Banting and Mr. and" vaauy uu aunuay. Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Banting and fam- ily and Mr. and Mrs. Young of Elmvale Igpent a day with friends here. I wuau uuu uwpxa Angucan churches. Mr. and Mrs. W.` E. Banting. Mgs. J. Banting and Wm. Banting v1sited' friends in Mlnesing on Sunday. ] Mr. and'Mrs.'.W. E. Lennox and son Lambert motored to Elmvale on `Sun- day ay' fehgs. Mr, and Man 11' 1' ~n-.-_.s_ - A number frofn hre attended the an- niversary servlce at Townlirie Presby- terian and Utopia An 11 Mrs. W: 12c.:a:.lnc..}:.ur1?:`..`?.S' `I I 3 ,Sept. 20 --There was not the crowd at! `the. school fair this year that usually, attends. The morning being wet kept those~at-a_ distance from `coming. The exhibits were good reflecting credit on the boys and. girls. Baking was. extra, good..;~Ivy` "has" always been noted` for good bakers andthe,girls are going to be as good as their"'mothers,or better as there were no school fairs in their .mothers day.` Ivy senior room took first prize for marching and the junior room second; There wasa demonstra- tion of horseshoe game, H. Lynn and H. Thompson being the prize `winners. Mr. and Mrs. R. I-I. Jennett and son `Herman spent the Week-end in Toron- to.` = ' ii.I&".3{ 7'15;'.';I s}'aa}.'. $23336 AT YOUR noon Hudsn Brougfnam _'I"!u!aon _C_gach _. ._ Sept . 20-There was no service in the, Presbyterian church here on Sunday -wwing: to the anniversary, service which was held in Thornton. Next Sunday there will be none. either, as the ser-~ `nice will ibein Ivy. The special speaker will he the Rev. R. H. Sornerville. a. sibrnier pastor. _ _ The list of The lastweek sickly gardens. in this cality. _ BIG POINT OF) VIWL- _ mmswncx T. . `$2225 .. $1825 A4u-n4 I 3t3B1B0!y. Fin}-a'Performance' ` _a}d New Lmes o/Beauty %Co]o1-3 VISIEOI` at ms home here. Rev. J. Brown of Stroud, 1 a very inspiring sermon here [day morning. His text was \8:17. Miss Boyle, .who is vis Fred. Rirnin'e emna n bll\'1\ extended to Mrs. Fred, VWebb in th ' ,loss of her mother. 1\/Tru p...mu,.. M [x:AI.cuut:u LU Mrs. 1`x'ed,_ VWebb the loss mother. Mrs. Brooks, at, Ilvy. last Tuesday. V Qnifn 5: Inf n{-` .-...+ .-.....:- -'~ --'-- ` ..u_y umteu unurcn w.M.S. at the sum- 1/ner _.home of Mrs. T. Bateman last` week;`- Mrs. Robert Sawyer of Niagara. lF`aIls, Mrs. Speck, Mrs. Chester, Mrs. Mathers and Miss Brown from New Lowell. It is understood the birthday contributions amounted to nearly forty dollars. - pure! . ' , ' ' I The followingfrom a distance at- ] tended the birthday party held by Le- f/roy United Church W.M.S. rner `home of Nfrgr 'I` `Rah:-nan `In-.a.` -.;.nu.ul`,; 11'1t'.HUS at J1i_lI1'lVa.le. _ A'rt'hur' Pntchell of Beaverton was m=oent.1_y visiting friend at Cundles. I 0.10. All. on: and young, are invited. e The Reeve and Mrs. Allan celebrated [the twenty-fifth anniversary of their ' wedding: on Saturday last. Misses Mar- Igaret, Bessie and Agnes Allan came home and spent the day with their` I parents. 'lhn fan.-....:.....'c.----4 - -- - uuuay. . . ` Miss Mildred Henry, R. N., of the Wellesley Hospital staff, Toronto, spent the week-end with Miss Agnes C. AI- lan. R.N. .It is understood Mr. Hart of the Standard Bank is being promoted in the service and will shortly leave for. another point.` ' ` Week-end `visitors from Toronto were: Miss Eleanor and Ewart Ralston, Percy DousepMiss Mary Brown, Mrs.` and the Misses Jarritt. - ` Lefroy United Church Sunday Schoo `will have special Rally Day service next Sunday morning commencing at 9.45. All. old and `young, Reeve and Mrs Allan ....:..;.....i...a ul .D21.l'l`1e. Rev. Jas. Brown of the Stroud cir- cuit and Rev. Mr. Brown of Belle Ewart Baptist church exchanged pulpits last Sunday. ' Mina 1\/HI.-1...: `u-....._-_ 1-. -. - -- Roblin Milne of Toronto spent tl1e_ Week-end at` home.- - H. R. Sheldon has gone to Larder Lake on a Business trip. . 9 V Mrs. Heath of Toronto has been vis- iting with Mrs. T. Batchelor. Supt, Weegar of the C. N. R.. Allandale. was_ in town on_Monday last. Jack Reid is home spendl/ng a-holiday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Reid. ' Tom Barry has returned to Chioago after spending a holiday with relatives in town. i "\/Tn nun In-_.__ -. - ~- | An LUWII. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Clarkson of Cookstown were visiting in town last I Sunday. , I _ Mdss Kidd,of the contirfuation school {staff spent the week-end with friends `in Barrie. `Dan 1 .-... ~n...____._ ,. .. .-.. - gmwmwwwigmwmimg - __ , K` >x>x<>x<>x<>x<>x<>x<>x<>x<>x<>xox<>x<>x<>x< Gasoline mileage is greatly improved. Added to the more important factors of Hudson economy, It gives lower operating costs than any previous Hudson, or any car of comparable quality. Gasoline, cleaned and strained, ltered air, _ _ and motor protected from dust and dirt are all taken care of in Hudson design without the f\(\. lIC\l'J ``` ``````I:`'`! 7 fl . . tthc .JuuLulh'. 116115 Mr. and Mrs. D. Pxtchell and Mrs. John Patchll of `Midland and Robert ZPatc-.1191] of Carleton Place were Week- _:md visitors at the home of Mr. and Efrs. Roe. ` IL!" .\...:I `an ... r~4L-n- v - -` " With la` n`eW steel body in new lines and color, and is rigid as a steel building, the New Hudson Coach brings even greater improvements in thenest Super-Six chassis ever built. ~ ' ~* LEFRIOYAA . uuu, pl. ca.Uul':u' 1 on Sun,-I V Romans` visiting at In. ' When I put the coat on forut ime and h'IIffnnoR .-+ .m T L- BRASSO 1`4c&23c sANn=LuH 29 CHIPSO Quicksuds 23 srummmonm 3 for 25 `$1 . _ -:-----wnv.a- Va j for Pots and Fags 1 50 i [Domino Blendl I CHEESE .-.151. nub. k;?Ll'\/_l'.'-1'. I Mrs. ,Stz1nIe_V Ggarvin, accompanie dg' a friend. Miss Clark, both of R0-] .:he-ster, N.Y.. are at present visiting; me f0rmer`s parents, Mr. and Mrs.| Eodds. here. . I/Tn nvul 1\Ir..... 'I\ -n-;_#u,,n .. -- Tlluo Prices in eEe`ct for one week from dnte of this paper '(:'E)'(`5`I7:"'-s--I- FRIEND V lb. ' V` regfprice 19 in Light Globe Brand Special Introductory Offer lVt\t\Il'9 1 4 _--_-4- `-51% CHOICE CALIFORNIA LEMONS 15c doz. 2 doz. 29c -7: i - 'T Gun:-anteea Quality--Cl'|"*i` N Alum `i s`}e"x"1'&`i Ei (;'MAi5'<")w1:;Ia:_R uux .3. run-:. ' - I Mr. and Mrs. Storey `spent Sunday 1:i.s1'ting' friends at Elmvale. M A'rf'hur- `D--+nk.:.11 an 1:>......-..L-.. ---~r

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