Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 23 Sep 1926, p. 14

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I Lctllllu ` Meaford residents have,` It? boil 11 `wafer until furt nan - vv Ivlll LIIU uauuu .l.U-D. While chopping kintiling Woodlastl week, Mrs. N V 0 man Boadway of New- market had th misfortune to chop the end `off her left forefinger. WA. T. Baker of Renfrew. fo [tax rate of 43 millsffor th1sA,vear s `taxes. . ` A horse andAbuggy hired-I over two `vpeks. ago from a Midland livorv ..+.....- ford have been advised! all water further notice is Tests have shown the presence` water of colon bacili Whinh ml - uuuuls opened on Se] slight decrease in mpared. with M ~ ' 'tles, Constable Kell uuauL:l:el5sIUl attempt to_ throw a" the bottles was related and it was fur- ther unfolded that when the car with its occupants was brought to th`e+p.olice .station. _the case in the rear was found. Testing a samplelfrom `one ofthe bot- y'staAt ed that it was _!"_lr;to>.ficating. Serzt. Cox Whn 1'nn.....:..- |l1p?tI'UUWlth the e High School 240 1 in the five public total attendance 0 [es Of (`:mnm..1----A- - ...... uusgy mred 1 Midla-nd livery stable yet been returned. V ` Ldstane hlnnlz in 1|n.u-..:- - ...... u; unarlottetowml appointed to succeed : secretary-of the Mid- . Thurlowdeaves Mid- e_come seeretm-u nc on sauw u-:uVeS 2 secretary of 1 ,,-., \.vLUl.lU' 01 \'\ r.ere re- public schools ance nf 1R`21 ..- up nnu L116 Uest n can put up in Charlottetown. [ted fn cur-nr-I--3' 1 September {Se in n+`+A....= se attend- he previous; , `VDFD A - -. supp ucnu U51`, that Provincial Constable. Kelly, was the `first witness. He told of having follow. ed the; car on the evening of September" 10. with Sergt. Cox, to _uckworth .St.. where it drew up. The story 'of=the' unsuccessful attempt to_ away related - occupgnts brought to thn n.-m-.. the " VJJVI` ' the I Good roads make it possible for you to see not onlyayour own "district Fair, but also those more distant. Take in as many as=yo\_u can, for time so spent will pay you dlVl.- dends` in; health, enjoyment= and better understanding of what s what in Ontario generally; CO-OPERA nozv MEANS CONSERVATION _ Tens of, thousandswill be streaming to the Fairs over Ontario s motor highways. ` These. splendid roads represent a large money investment in which you have? shared. `So do your part in preventirig cost- ' ly repairs: Drive reasonablyj By your example help the trafc patrol Iwhichis rigorously enforcing `speed laws for the` greater protection of everyone. THE` HON. S. HENRY S. L.__SQUIRE F _VOST of t`lieici'op'.are in. Relax,- Visit the Fall Fairs. Here you ll nd olg f-ii"ends,' make new -ones, establish ,valu- able. business connections, prot from the instructive exhibits and `thoroughly enjoy the fun-. ` 9551, L. GULLLI V ONTAMO TIzey r.-3 bettr thdn ever, tfhig year Take in the Fall Fairs % 4aaue'u uy tne_ untario the co-apetatxon of ma abuse of the roads of was stated. to bottles which they `pad of-the coupe. p..,\..x....=--' nu - - Issued `by the Ontario thp. r!n-nnar-24. ..- -1 -A- L1. \JD\J. D. HENRY Minister of Highways rem qt. Phone 1 manna, pm. rio Government to secure motorists in abating the the Province. L. SQUIRE - Deputy Minister ya. you uuupc. Constabl. ifirst He ad than no" A" "` "` Jne (-0n\'ICtl( $2000 bail was According to `the hearing.. th: :1 third man agar was made. had I; vincial police \\ "beer" stowed av rear and with I Pun:-.6 1171. were at hand. a e__-.V.. u.us~'Ut!8 appealed. `$2000 was accepted. v to the ev/ldencet given at the two /mentioned, with against whom no `charge been caught b wt stowed away in the b . 8. the front. When aware that th ' n attempt was made In: thn trin H u..-..- --A-- " ` Vcoupe'in whicr} th_9 police to addd, in police court on Saturday morning. Irraddition to this. t und him 117!) Q nnrh-\...- AI vv as oraem charge whlu jg`; uvhn nt- `j--u You can only get quick, safe and lasting relief by removing the cause ---congestion of. blood in the lower bowel. `Nothing but an internal re- medy can do this--that s why cutting and salves fail. Dr. Leonhardt s Hem-Roid, a harmless tablet, is guar- anteed to quickly and safely banish nyk form. of pile misery or xoney, ac . Wm. Crossland and druggists! everywhere sell it with this g',uar- 3 antee. - Q . ., --.. squwj Act una good ""`" "` `"' attention, he is-once more able to make rpepgliaifagg 1In` Pgoeip s1eino::.3;`,; his appearance in the village, not much temporary relief and do no correct the cause. The best-piece of nears to hand for Stomach acids should be neutralized, daily, and the stomach kept sweet and ofdaggfgcezggdd33;tk31?\1g:f. clean after eating by drinking a glass - _ of pure Magnesia water made from a. had been shipped` and Wm "0 more be ' teaspoontul or four tablets of Bisu'r- gm?de:rt18_t tmheaar ig?v%:yl:e:ngn1 r`::f 3:236*.2:%.2;::;,:`;::::;:e::.::y.::a to away mm ing this plan you may eat almost an?-g giirlicgk c?fu13p3'$L"ng aafxldyitgavtrixsa :1?r"o'3` thing without fear of indigestion. 1401 this that many a good garden was t minus its production in the morning. 5 . Is it any wonder that the news of her C O . . O a departure was so welcome? . t; n n s " -2-\ i"""-" -1-2-n Acids in the stomach irritate and in- flame the delicate stomach lining. sour and ferment the food, prevent proper digestion and lead to nine-tenths of all! Dyspepsia and Indigestion. Pepsin and- _ give only` neutralize/d,, * from Pile Sufferers conviction ha i] urn u on I The Real Cause of Mdigestion ABM] sruwmcu 7 msnnusfnnusl cups: in autumn: olp `Ind sour boxes `of Cutlcure Ointment. (Signed) Min Rm F. Wetren. piligent Rivet, Nova Beetle. Rely on Cuileure-Soap. Olnunem and Teleugn to keep yen: skin clear. I.-n-I- I...I. $__. A_'-'- a all: uuume mptea mtee yearn. \ " I read an advertisement for Cuti-, an Soup and Ointment and sent . fox 3 free sample." I putehued more and I was healedefter using three cake: at Cuticura Sonpnnd four boxes `of Cuticum f)InOunn-no" - breaking out all over my face. _ "My trouble beganwith . ,9! Vweme hard. large and red, and fee- tered and scaled over. The pimples" need to burn, cauafng me to a`crateh_, and my face looked so badly that I was ashamed to go anywhere.-- The trouble lasted thtee l read an ndvprtlnnrnnno fun Fun La;:ea`T`1Ee ' rm. Healed_b_[QIcurqI. . "" i'i"' ""-' ucuz as mu .57.. Tllomn ac???" 5' Cncuu Slnvin Slick 25. Iwbeen v. swung ck pf the I. etc., in the olice! .-_..-3 u mr.I:I [ Wutlvssnnous ACCIDENT -RETURNING FROM-"FAIR 1 (Orillia News`-Letter) ` - I AGED RESIDENT MEETS WITH l:DInI-In - A-- ---ovuvallll LIIU cut` 120 a useless heap. When picked up he was unconscious and remained so .for sever- aihours. It was thought he was fatally lhurt, reports circulating to that effect. ,.but: after a few days` rest and good ' ' .' the uncut u_u.u teu anything about it. Ambrose, youngest son of John_.Ma.r- ,1ey,,had a. -very close call from death one evening last week when the Ford . car he was driving home from the vil- lage turned over smashing the car to unconscious ' afhours. wa_s thpught fatallv lhnnb -A-A-`>- ~ rut-:1puLUn'8 mstory. ' ' ' ' The temperature registered _82 on 'cuu wun relatives. Elections are again past afid it great consolation to know tha1 winners have _a good working In ity in the House. The voting here quiet and peaceful with"a larger ` out than any previous election dz Phelpston's history. he temnm-ntman ma.-..I..s....-.1 n wuu net` sister nere. , ' it Last Friday Mr. and `Mrs. J. P. Mc- ,Ginnis, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. T O'Neill of Craighurst, motored to milton where they spent the week- _en with relatives. ` \ A and it is a that the `winners major- here was quietfand with~a lm-rznr +--we n-:5 u1u.z`- Ian Aralrs; V m' Miss 37. Platt of Brooklyn, N.Y., re-' {turned -after spending a feWV[weeks with her sister here. Lnnf Wrfnxy 1M'.. .....:~'u~- - -- -A ,-_-_ ...,,... ..u vvul auun neon the, road to rcov ry. \ `P. A. Cough! u left on[Monday of this week to judge came. up north at this regular fall fairs; Minn V Dlnu .-.4! `D----'-'r "- sasuuue-'58. . ' Edmund Shaniihan is on the I sincerely hope he will soon ' `P, A. (`nnsrhl n Inn A. at--J ; ozuuuuy v_ntn=re1a,t1ves in the v1lla.~gre'.`M Miss Bertille Hall has gone to attend Normal at .Peterboro. All ` wish her ssuccess. ` \ ' Shanhan is the siclf list. j [I si1_1c_erely soon ham. +1.- ,the Woodbine rads. /' * V I Miss Pat. 7- Hayes spenf a, few days" in Toronto la_et week..~` - Dr. Kearn has returned from his annual fishing trip up north.` Bernard Kennedy of Hamilton spent r 1 Sunday w_rithvrela.tives village. I __ /Mis_B'ertil_le gone tn am:-A ..... 4.uuguws--a dome light in _g_he --roof--a robe rail and a foot rest--all in_the `Chevrolet sedan, '_Ch`evz-olet drives iike an -expehfasiylre -- ; The extra pbwerful `Chevrolet en- gine performs with smooth- ncsd. The standard gear-shi`ft-works9 . '5.`.l.,'..`9.`;`.'?`.l,`!`!it11-99.9. -The. ' anon" 4.4-` -~ - . V . nvvno an Pen \`J.sive car. You will nd the beau- tiful Fisher-lyuilt, closed bodies on Chevroletv-.-- it is the lowest-priced car in the world having Fisher bodies. You 'will see appealing Duco nish in colors on Chevrolet. You will dis- cover luxurious upholstery-hand- ' _ome niekel-silver .interior ttings-.-e s on the oor ilk blinds on tc:y\?i1dows--a clom.-e-slight %,_ti'l_V1e -roof-'--al i -obe `mil 9...: .. 1:.-. ---A 33 2;} .ir,.i Fisher-builf, mil-.*"4 --`A `CHEVROLET look like an epe - _; ,s1v.e will nd :1... mm... .--- -.... uuc yaau has been living in t0'wn with tel`, Mrs. VVm. Smith, Front : with injuries on Wednesday 1 which it is -imnrnhnhln `flu-:6 -- .... uupnuualdl [Hat *ecover. Mr. McCuaig, ~ty-two years old in med 2:. friend in his Idian Fair. and spent e, meeting acquaint- S Darts Of than nnnn, LU .-ucnc ust. ] begon the, ncsc _W.H er turn- I day in. V 82 on shower Ira Hour tea- -.,. zcpatlts. `in the meantime M. D. Cubitt-Nichols notified the no- lice that his property hadbeen damag- 4 ed and -that the culprit had gone off. Presently Constable Kelly arrived on the `sqene and: the Alliston trio. who feet towards t the corner of Mulc the constable inquired their names and addresses. The pair who were with Fountain. gave the requested informa- Fountain gave the requested informa- bout ran speedily up Collier. l . r in a yard be. The trouble all tai '1s`.notmed the petty hadbeen dan gone 0 pY'DDV|" (N ` . - uumeumes a necessity, ` [imposed theminimpm sideration. he said." of : cial condition. bothered by cars coming tl hours. Although he felt that pleat instead ot;}alw,ays being 8. sometimes necessity, Magis `..1f}`!Dosed theminimnm Mn - clean breast of `everything. Chief Stewart thought . the example should be made 0 Numerous comglaints, he ban. ,.,,....a... .1 _ U- --.,... .. uuula.'(I nvery , _- ,. vvaa, ..ue.on1y.wit-Jlzve not yet'been ~ ; ness `called. He told of having met} The Gladstane block in Midland. for- Barnes and Scanlon in "Barrie one thevmerly ow . bu , The `funeral of the late Chas. E (when S roule attemgtedwtlg strgftdlefis cart ance 8' prominent Com `it woulg not go. Wh I . ,Was held from his"h lleerhe was waitlngmember 3_ T `for a garage man to come. the policef ' ` ' arrived, found the purch . ~ he lacrosse season when they defeated . 1935 t0 W119!` 9! tl ham team 8-1 he had` obtained it and on searching round 1o-5_ to win the money which 1, Splgoule had paid over. W He ch opping wooddlast 0 appeared for Mrs. No New-1 .- - kthdth ift`n+....n..~_n-- Scanlon, asked that the minimum fine!n1a:-r e-- ~a m S or `m `was wlthdrawn by the po 4---- .........l I..l_l8 Auxston publi ,.au- ueen `laid against Fred . Barnes, The" Bradford c [ on Monday.ltax :1 September 13. -taxes. A _ A and bu Thos. Sproule to A ,5 Kgeks ago from I sold a bottle for $3 wash the_. only.wit-`,' ave ' bee: bl Barr e on owned by I evenlngiof the thlrtee L. e was made. bdt' ' when Sgroule attempted to nth and of taking! sold to D r. G. E. '1 lace out Elizabeth" funeral of th start his car! rence, prominen . h Id f we" `it woul__ Whllelhe was mean... was 9 '0'" ` milar charge which had` been laid Fred. Barnes.i who was with '.ScanlonE Monday.[ ,September when the sa leetpok place, ; ;w4:Lwjthg_rawn_ the police. ` ' W1 ..,... ...,....=__ auu sentenced to- one ` `month Jn Jail. A at A. ' ` .Ask about ESMAC Plan of Deferred ' . ` _ `Paymen/ts. H 3 ,/RAovadst'I:' $640 Copc $8`l0` 4 {$92 ,_Sport 4`.`* Coach 81041-aluhuShn97 ."r--- . T"Y.iIr 7 _ _, --- vvuu-ill-`III vluuu - `I93 `W715 Utility Express - - 230 ` fridqq at Factory Taxes/Egtra The Smoolhhehst Chevrolet in Chevro- Alet, history is `selling at .the Lowest Price for which Chevrolet has eve? been sold in Canada ` ------.'8 vvnnocl "" Wu snounted spark and `throttle levers amd horn button--handles with big- car smoothness and small-`car facility. almost without: effort. Extra-large," self-equalizing brakes" make V motorin safe and secure. The knurled-grip steering wheel _witl1 centrally mounted SDaI`l( ahrl tk.-nu-I- In-m-m "'"` `l mu paua minimum fine ' sed, in view of the fact that.{ had pleaded guilty and get `everything. ' the re at all, . V _- vvufo -yvav OGUIII ` Q31" _7l5 810 Landau Sedan 970 640 Commercial Claaaia -? 495 . 71 n..m._ 1-; - -_--vu pnwuulll lw,ays virtue, is.. iecessity, Magistrate Jeffs i ninimpm fine. out of com 1 Scanlon s finan-I arage. and com-` ssist in the can- ;` ahing sight of the 9 4 L the. constab1e?s Jnued than ..n...... e I Jstled ` the other; I pleading `guilty :_being Virtue, in. No evidence was put in by the_de- `:`fence and H,..I-1'. Creswicke, who `appear- \ ed for theaccused. argued that as there `a _y until! u I >ught.t5hat a fitting` of Scanlon. nts. he said 1--A cuua WHO Were J: the car to a. the Otifid fha an .-.uan.uu was `om the scene leaving his pleaded not` I ff)! 9 urnnl, .2253: R. COULTER3: pria nnl Ve ....,.......m=;/in tne district 3 Walter Knox, well kn ,3 coach, believes that Ha: ;_ John Broderick and R_. X - Midland track sta ` an athletic meet. , ' -` J. Winston Smith of C P.E.I., has been appointe- E. R . Thurlow-as secretarg land Y.M.C.A. Mr. Thurlo ` T3920 iquor wins intoxicaiting. Chief` Stewart -3180 de "`ki k". evidence *put` the _de+ and\H_..H. G1 -eswicke, ;apg._ea,r- , Qd for the anmmn . n-`mm--' -" ` lared`_the bevgrage to have at V

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