Someone has estimated the total `cost of the present Federal election -"at approximately six million dollars, `which includes money spent by can- 'didates. This _is a large sum. Elec- `tions come high. All the more rea-- son that every elector should vote and make the result a real "represent- ation of ublic opinion. V 528 candidates have been nominate ed for `244 seats in the Federal par- liament. A. L. Beaubien, Liberal- Progressiye of Provencheri, Manitoba, was elected by acclamation. If the party predictions are to be fullled, th'ere will be at least twice as many candidates -elected as there are seats. . A , , Three important duties are before_ the people of Barrie in the next two" Weeks--to vote, to attend Barrie s Big Fair, and to pay the second in- stalment of taxes. Probably we'll all feel better when they -have been pro- perly attendedto. I James Simpson is the Labor can- didate in Toronto Northwest. Jimmy. must like running for exercise, for he is a c-andide-te at every opportun- ity and never gets anywhere. o ! The ldst day forpa$In;e- I1-t_v:ithquf_ additional osdts-bedivng added. After. above dateathe; Collecton will proceed -to: ~ V forcedpa?_yment%of all unpaid taxes*._j ~ :4 ________.__..:.j___ _ A After Tueday next evenithe most I extreme partisans will be willingto admit `that there are a lot of inighty decent `fellows in the ranks of their opponents. A. _ _ I - Capitalize your rental and you? hav your actual value is the meth-_ od suggested by the Municipal World 3 for arriving at an "equitable assess-,' ment. - A _ ' L . ~ V ' __ 5 The manor wgmari elector whdisl too lazy or_ indifferent to use the franchise is unworthy of such a. ne copntry as Canada- ' ' I 'Toronto` is not without `its optim- ists. Notice the humber Qf Liber'a_l candidates. ' V V . " ' Both sides can t win, TbutT tis bet`:-;! te_r to have voted -and lost than never,` to have vvotgd at all. _: . I mus at BAl1l{0`F rqnomo #1 whefore VO 1`Ew=<>n=Tues,i`ay next. uncut pa xunpuuaxuumy. iswaze responsibility I of `the $FPTEMBfE,f24`TH `no NOTWAIT bAY;[ -......\. LU u vvuuxc xuu u1. pcupw W110: `do not show anything because it.` would inconvenience them and- they` _ have the nerve to say when inspect-I ;, ing exhibits,J`I have . something in , that same classiand section at home 3 that would beat the head off the ex-; , , hibit_s that have taken` the prizes. If 3 ,'every-body talked that way the fair` ,would soon die a natural death. `All ,!honor to the exhibitors but none for glthe critic. . . . . . . There `are a `lot of ,:people who do not even-put in an ap- mnearannn Hanmunlune mu! LL. .1........ .- - cry`-- Zj$3 XXX I Vital statistics for August show that the stark made ei-ghtj fewer trips Ito Barrie during the month than he did in the same month in 1925. Dur- ing the month recently past thirteen births were registered in the office of the Town Clerk as compared with twenty-one in August 1925. '3 Five marriages "were celebrated, two more than a year ago, and ten deaths were recorded as against eleven. A com-` parison of theAg'ures for the year to date with those of the first eight months of -1925 show anincrease in - births and a decrease` in marriages and deaths; Thegures since Jan. 1 mm: 192 1\{vvI~Lu on ..........a....... _...I` Iuuu ueauns. "rue ngures since Jan. 1 are: 133 births, 30Vmarriages and 81 deaths, while during the same period ofW1 925` there- were 125 .b_irths,' 40 `marriages and 82 deaths. & Phone $ <)4ur news items to The Examiner. r Iunnv u c.uuu.uGu.,. Uuv Ll. uucy HHVB IV {exhibit there will not be Vmuch Yikelihood that they will fail to attend lthemselves. ~ ~ I ; 1 '""' - - ' . _ I A farmer in `Bruce County recently ! suggested to his home paperethat the active adoption of the slogan, Show Something," would be a great builder ' `for the fall fairs. Commenting on -. this, the-newspaper says: This far-.1 mer says he never took much interest `5 in a'fair until he:showe`d something. -There are a whole lot of people who; A akntiv I'|U|Iv`1p\:vu4un L A . _ . - ..- V 7 ~ ~-~------~-'.- . 1 1 The Board, of `Barrie s Big Fair is j planning fora [record show on the} 22nd, 23rd and 24th of this` month. To this end it is seeking the co-oper- I I ation of thepeople of town and dis-! I trict. ] t '1' The 'elect,ionjcampaign' draws tea ? `close. , -on Tuesday nextjthe people? V of Canada go to the polls to choosef i " the men who are- to \direct"th' coun- ' try-`s affairs for the next parliament-p iary term. Although the campaign has ' been short, the electors have had, ' 1 ample opportunity to acquaint them- } ' selves with the issues, large and small pi ' -too many of the latter, unfortun-f , ate1y._.The leaders of the parties have beeIL heard from coast to `coast and` lesser lights have appearedvnightly. on In ` the hustings throughout Canada. By ` advertisements and by reports of`3 i meetings, the views of the parties? and individual candidates have been; brovadcasted through the newspapers. ! There is no excuse for any elector` V not being informed." The peopleare ; the jury. Both sides of the case hav- 3 ing been fully presented, it is forl each elector, actingas a` juror, to; weigh the evidence pro and con, and L cast his-ballot as he thinks in the -' best interests of this'fair Dominion. 3 In reaching a conclusion it is well to remember` that past performances; and accomplished facts are a much, safer guide than theories and prom-E ises. A judgment from an unbiased j electorate would be an ideal con-di- i tion. We cannot hope for that, as.` party feeling is still strong with al majority of thevoters and even the- most independent are unconsciously} `inuenced one way or' another. But we can at least try to weigh the .ar- . guments advanced before reaching a conclusion. - Each elector should do his own thinking and vote as his hon- est judgment tells him to do. .51|;ud,.elptf to, see] that ,l1`e l--imprbves gthe" V ' opportunity" vgiven Chirp, , -`often 2; at i great sacri1ie.'t0'tbbtain -an eductii>`n~. andj -th'er`e: is also the rsponsi-bility `of the parents to. `see that `the. child has proper ., home `environment to enable`. ; him to develop to best advantage. . .`!T.oo i-often, says _;the Telescope, F parents thank heaven` for theiend `of vacation in ..the ;mistaken idea that ; ' the school teacher will take their` children in hand and make little gen-T tlemen and /ladies ,`out of them with-~ out `any assistance from the home.- !There is more to homework than just ,the preparation oflessons, and Wise ! parents realize this. If more of them 2 jdid, they would _be laying up a small- f ger quantity of future tears for them- 5 selves than many are doing. _ ` . \ STORK 'LES_BTiSY SHOWEOMETHING IJV]l|II' 'J.U.'* IV 030 \1vv1uuuuu.l.'_y, ab Bradford. T - Sept. _1,6-'--Essa; at Ivy. V . '* Sept. 17-Innisl, at Stroud. V _ `Sept. A20--North ' Nottawasaga, ` at 4-54 Dl1ntl'00h. f Sept. 21_-`South Nottawasaga, V at,-._ ' Creemore. . Sept. 22-. \djala, at-.Loretto. . % Sept. ` 24-Tossoronti6, at? Everett. `, 0. 9llVI\v\ll'a I)\ol'I\I\IIn l'AIl\ I The following are the_dates sebfor the school fairs to, be held in South 'Simco`e:--- , Sept. 13.--s-Tecumseth, at 'Beeton. Sept; I155-West Gwillimbury, ' at I Rrnfnv vuuuluubcco . / _ A report was received from`t-lriei Fire Underwriters Association on the inspection of local `fire protection facilities some time ago. The report` contained a number of `criticisms and suggestions, which, the writer stated, - mi'<:E`{~.-nutr`--That the question of additional lights in .W-ards 4, 5 nd 6 be re-opeiied and considered byVthe corrgmittee, / _-_____L ____ _.__,!-_,1 A |.`.1 - property. unuuuu, uauug Lrulu duly 1. I R`oger&--Lowe-That Council ac- cept the .o`er of A. :Paddison- of $40 for the oat on the carriage `factory Dnnnun, ,,,T\I1Q-V ."I".L'nL 51... . ....-..J.:..... 5aLa5U- ` I The request` of W. A. 4Grose to erect a sign at his place of `business, .10 Owen St., and of E. A. Hills for permissionto trim trees at his home, 172 _Owen' St., were granted. Motions ,L - That V the town foreman be paid'a* salary of $110 per month, dating from" July 1. 'Q`\ll>nIIu:T.n1na___"FInn4- r`AI|U|ol:' .. I nvy Lila. IJU ULIIIIIIIUIIUI-lo A. B. Thomas asked permission to install `one or more gasoline pumps- at the side of `Bradford St. at his-* garage. \ 4 I fl... ..............a.. .1 hr A n__-__ .L-' -vuc- W J UIIUI. uu5Iu.a1. Us the approaches to his garage on Dun- F. W. Livingston wrote 'asking that Iop St. be completed. ' A D mknvnna na`rA;-I .-u-.......'......:._ A... l wuaucz a uucuac uu uu: uuanea./~ V l ! Bro<`:k.Bros. wrote, stating that the town by-law makes no distinction in` the matter hf license fees between a I ton truck and a half-ton truck. They , operate one of the latter and they] askedthat the by-law be amended t lproqvidei `a`fe'e of $25. a I 11 nnnnn nvuvlnvulu `IT 141 `!Y-_..__. -1! yJ.uv1uU G LOG UL IP00): . Superintendent W. E. Weegar of ! the.C. N-. R. suggested that Council 5 consider making the Station drive af .one-way thoroughfare. t F` W T.:In'nr:-1:4-nu up-nnl-nvn.~1-Inn. .L'I.n`J. (Continued from page 1) / $100 -paid by Stevens -as ansient `trader's license on the taxes. / Du.\A`- Du-.. --._AJ.- _L..J....4 L1- -1. A1, , imam` SI-`.SSlOli.~(G or TOWN councu. In an editorial entitled Three R's and a Fourth," the Walkerton -Tele- scope points out that in addition to readin', ritin and rithmetic there is a fourth TR` that is too often over- looked and that _is responsibility. There is the of s.` smcoz SCHOOL nuns kn nan I-Jun 11:14-an .-.`.J..J _ -_ `- gr c-anb L1 & The full-vision, all-steel body is as rigid as a steel building. . It presents new lines of beauty, greater comfort,inew uphol- Hudson Coach . . . . $1825 stery, ner seating arrangement, and front seats that can be ` Hudson Brougham . . $2225 easily adjusted to suit any. position "desired. \ ` Hudson 7 Pas-' Sedam $2350 With the new Brougham and the new Sedan, it ,scores AT YOUR DOOR - Hudson s highest value achievement. Each is more striking ' t5O*;':i*:'d wEi::Il"i';f;* R':;' and distinctive. Each is a triumph of body quality and View Mirror, Transmission Lock comfort} Each is mechanically the nest expression of Super- dM:`i f Six d_esig'n, withichassis advancements substantially increasing . Is-ight. irlfront .laIr: .Rear Bumpers. gasoline mileage, and giving even greater performance and Pare me an meme reliability. As Rigid as a Steel Building and ae COlO1flf11`lA`aS You Could Desire Phone 345, Barrie. ASSOCIATE DEALERS: ~ 31.33 Bradford smsec. J..S. POTTER, Alliston f ALLAN mxon, Collingwood WALKER BROS, Creemore J. W. ROWE, Beeton H. MCCURDY, Tottenham have appeared in former re-ports biitjper cent of the have not received from the munici- the report, are i pality the attention which they de- diameter, which, served. T-he report referred espec-`small for re pri ially to the proportion of small mains` was.` also made t in the waterworks system. Over fty ditiqnal fully `pa Those directing the affairs of the Canadian National Exhibition are men of _vision. Already they have plans made ahead for twenty years. Ever onward" has been the motto from the Fair's establishment almost a half century ago. In the last de-` cade the progress has been partic- ularly rapid and continued -advance- ment will be seen as the years go by, until it is not -only national and_ inter- national -but empire-wide in its scope. Not only Toronto and Ontario but all Canada has reason to be proud of the success attained by this, . the world's greatest annual exhibition. `ONCE AGAIN i Mr. T.-H, Binnie Attempts! ` f H ` Theeyellpw C_il`C_l.`l12l1'AiS' being`.ex_hibited on every `platform on which Hon. C. Drury speal ;_;, "__'~ i- -' % ` ` % V % % Avon: Dkimv, MWMMON MAN'S cANDiDm: , ` They arepcareffullyworded to attra_ct support for Tory canclidates and to cause confusion in theminds of U.F.O. voters. Be prepared to nail down this Tory attempt. ` e V ' ' ` Hisaction was severely'criticized_by the 1925 U.F.O. Convention. Also, he, was displaced on the board of the Farmers Sun. V "On Sept. 1st, 1926, further letters were released by Liberal-Conservative Victory Committee with the following note:- - e "Two uxina.` `or . H-o;v Lower Fr-e-ight a..`.. --s;..:. the U.l-`.0. 3. Ma. . `Friendship "for Farmers' . [Will Help to Unite Canada" - * Adjunct uf Libu.`.m?n . V V During the campaign of 1925,`Mr. `Binnie wrote a letter directed against the `Hon. E. C. Drury which was broadcasted throughout the riding Just prior to `elec- tion day. ' t ,Note to Editor:-- The following are all contributions from T. H. Binnie, at one time an inuential member of the U.F.O.~-~The rst two may berunas straight editorials, if youso prefer. Our suggestion, however, is that they be run as letters, to be signed by a pseudonym if you wish, but preferably by some prominent Con- servative farmer in your riding, with his consent, of course. Mr. Binnie particularly requests that his name be not used in connection with the first two, but only with the third, which is held for. release until fS.ept.1st. _ ' l ' J. J. Gi-bl/>ons, Chairman Publicity Committee. These letters wilt appear shortly and are nE1med:+ `and eighty per cent. H luu` um. suuw anyuung oecause It In addressing `the simcoe andiwould and-they North York `Press Association at Wa- 583 inspect` saga Beach recemgy, M,` p, `By!-neg, exhibits,p.I in formerly manager ofthe T_ Long Co" class and Collingwood, declared that he was a ex- frmbeliever in advertising. ,He had, taken he `said, very carefully watched lthe:eVe1'Y'bdY fair effects of his advertising while in the 5Wu1d death.` retail business and had come to the ! honor to none conclusion that between seventy-ve : the -- Thereare allot 'of-the customers I people of his storewere acquainted with'the\Pe31`3ce themselves and the 5108311 advertisements-inserted in the Coi1.|so far as they are concerned. would: ingwood papers, in which he hadfbe Show Yourself, . but if they have ' maria xrnnnrnua nun A-F nnnnn inn nvll-u'+ H-mm-. ...:`II ....a. I... ...--_1_.n A -L,` -=--PROGRESSIVE CAM-P)_;IGN COMMITTEE. Standzird Equipment Includes: Au- tomatic Windshield Cleaner, Rear (built-in), Radiator `Shutters, Moto- Meter, Combination Stop and Tail Light, .Front .and Spare Tire and License. THU? The 4al'1V uuu yuyusn, Ill WIIIUII ll. made generous use of space. Half F011 m F1; E71704 {:04 Word comes from Ottawa that a] new spring wheat has been developed 1 whichpromises to be superior to the Garnet, a variety that ripens ten days earlier than the famous Marquis. This new variety, ' named Reward, while ithas the early maturing` qual- ` ity of the "Garnet, is superior for mill- ing purposes. If the Reward proves up to expectations it will mean mil- lions to Canada. ' The monthly letterof the Royal of business in Canada so far this year has been very satisfactory in practic- zally all branches and gives much as- surance as to the ubstantial sound- "ness of its foundations. The `review of conditions in Canada is decidedly \Bank reports that the general course I -optimistic in tone.