FHNPLES. -.UT9`?!4 . Thompsbn M`artinA-of Sunday with Mr. and Aug. 9-Mr. and` Mrs. Thos. Brooks and Mr. and Mrs. White of Alliston vis. ited inshanty Bay on Sunday; Miss M. Crawford nf 'I`hm-nnm annnf .L'u1Iu 1.1. LU .1` ur1.u 111- - . I Agnes I-Iayes--.,'Physiography, Art, Arithmetic, Zoology, Latin, ' French, Geometry, Lit. and Comp. Georgina Kissick- Physiography, Arithmetic, Zoology, Latin, French, Geometry, Lit- erature and Composition. 7 Form I to Form II- Alice Shanahan-Can. History, Arith- imetic, Art, Zoology, French, Algebra, Literature and Composition. Wallace Cockburn-Can. History, Art, Zoology, French, Latin, `Algebra, Literature and Composition. Ernest Ash-Can. Hist- ory, Art, Zoology, French, Algebra.. Literature and Composition. Netta Lees-Arit-hmetic, Art, Zo"9l'ogy, French, Algebra, Literature and Composition. Donald McLean-Can. History, Arith- metic, Art, Zoology, French, Algebra, Literature and Composition. Harry Slessor-Can. History, Arithmetic, Zoo~ logy, Art, Algebra, Latin, French, Lit- erature and Composition. Helen Cock- burn- -Can. History, Art, Zoology, Ar.i'thmetic,, French, Latin, Algebra, Literature and Composition. CI `rs l'1'It'rrlI~r1- . . at. uer uuuxe nere. I Mrs. Angus Morrison and children 013' Midland are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Packard. Mr and 1\/I've (`human 1:o.....1.......: _-.- aux: zu.I.'. r.I.I:ul`y racxaru. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Packard of, Barrie visited the former's neuhew.- Jos. Packard. last week. I T-Tnnvv Danbaud ntnnanz 4.1.... ....... __ uuu at. ctuynel` 18.812 Friday. ! Mr. and Mrs. William Brooks Qf Tor- onto visited the former's sister, Mrs. Henry Packard. vv-v-an -v vwvuvuru I on :1 The Barrie Kiwanis Club held their weekly luncheon last week at the garden party on Mr. Butler's lawn. Hawkestone, under the auspices of St, .Aidan's Church. Kiwanians and their wives and friends to the number of 125 were present, with Vice-President Albert Bryson in charge. Ernie Ryan was chairman at the luncheon and con- ducted the sing-song that preceded the evening's program. Jack Barr's booster prize of a fancy teapot went ; to W. Rusk while Mrs. F. W. Livingston and Mrs. S. J. Fisher received the special ladies prizes givenby P. Bremner. An orchestra composed of E. Hardy (piano), L.` Arnold (violin), V. B. Sim- mons (cornet), J.- Clark (euphonium), J. W. Ness and" J. Rogers (clarinets), ,fnrniBhed music during the evening, and the following Barrie talent also A contributed to the program: `Miss Ross, Mrs. Codiing. Emory Hill, Harry Shan- non and . W. Moore. vocal solos; Miss Hurlburt. readings: W111. Craig. mono- logues; Lorne Arnold. violin solos; E; Hardy was the pianist. Rev. C, R. Spencer. rector, gave .a. heartyiweloome "to the visitors, while 0. R; Dier e_x- . pressed the thanks otthe Kiwanisfclui - to the church officials and o the art- ists who assisted inthe pro rem. Rev. Mr. Walton. e to er `Ungsva. mission- ary. was chdirman. The program was a; -splendid `One. every . artist receiving. well-nierited applause. `It -was s` most - enjoyable evening to everyone ~present~. ucu uxouuuny Day on aunaay; Miss M. Crawford of Thornton spent last week at Henry Packard s. Mi A `RI-hnlrn (If Tnmnnfn ha uvh~lll...... mu ween at `J.-1enry r-acKara's. I Miss A. Brooks of Toronto is visiting lat her home here. Tl/fr: Ana-nu `I/fnnudan-. .;...:I _I.;I3-.__,,, _p uua. ruuuuru, Last week. Henry Packard attended the conven- tion at Stayner last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. William `Ry-nrnm M: m.-..., Thursday 268 Friday 275 Saturday 679 Sunday 654 Monday 715 Tuesday 313 Wednesday 256 na-1 \C"II \ V l I Continuation School Results I Following particulars show the sub- jects in which students at Edgar Con-I tlnuation School passed.~ 1 I Form II to Fonp III-V- u u an I uv vvllutl Acting on instructions from the Dept. of Highways, a traffic census was taken at the junction of`the Minesing road with the fifth concession during the week from Thursday, _July 29, to `Wednesday, August 4th, from 6 a.m. to 10 pm. The work was done by Thos. Roe and Lorne Johnston. n-IL- L_A__. _--.. -..~. .-v..av vvnnnnnvvnlg L The total Tnumbr of vehicles o_ver each road was as follows: I 0v_er.M1nesing Over Elmvale Road - ` Road U I'l'!'I........I..-. nnn --- urn _yvu.u mu`. uuu J.vu's. 1:1. rxowrlgnt. The Orangemen are planning to open their new hall on August 25th. Watch `for further particulars. Wheat cutting is the order of the day in this locality. -Miss Sheard 6: Emo visited Miss Norma Chappel last week. wuu uu: Lunucrs parents 'nere. V Mzf. and Mrs; Clayton Sprott, Carlin and Miss Marjory Moore and Miss Bunker of Badgeros were Sunday visit- ors with `Mr. and Mrs. R. Plowright. The Oramzemen are nlnnnina fn nnnn d UllllBLUllr Mr. and Mrs. McDonald of Toronto are visiting their daughter, `Mrs. W. J. Armstrong. L M and Mn: "Dav 1'11..."-.....-.1 ..-A A---A IIUJLS BIBLUFH. LIN`: JVLIBHUS .LV1U.LJUHlIlJ.|. Rev. B. B. Beynon of Thornton is occupying the pulpit of Burton Ave. church while Rev. G. E. Coulter is on his holidays. Raw H A `Rat-HI: nf Tnnnwnnn n 1, A ug 10_-eFred. `Traer is home from Alberta on a short visit to his :parents. Mr. and MP8. Han--v Smith hf DIIODHQ- :a.1ucl.'u:L U11 a. sum`: V1811 . to rus :parents. Mrs. Harry Smith of Queens- ville are visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Johnston. ' ' ` `LA . .-....I 11.... 1:--I-\-__u,-. _- -n ll`lllI.l'Ul|. ' M1`. and Mrs. Rex Chappel and two children of Toronto visited on Sunday with the formex- s parents `here. Mr. and Mrn' (`Maui-nr'. Q.-mnc-4 r {Ladies}! Save Moneyon /Your ` V S Stpckings, ` WE HAVE A'VERY LARGE VARIETY OF STOCKINGS TO CHOOSE FROM We are mentioning a few of the lines- Ladies Cotton Stockings . .. In black, grey and sand. Ladies Lisle Sfockings . . . . . PenmaI1"s seconds, reg. 50c, 1 in black, grey and sand. Ladio.-Ts Silk over Lisl_Ho|e . . reg. 75c stocking, all. shades. Ladies Rayon Silk Haze . . Extra` special, per pair. U115 1lUHLld_YHa Rev. H. A. Berlls of Tonawanda. 2N.Y., who is summering in Barrie,.Wlll conduct services In Essa St. Presbyter- ian church next Sunday. The ninhnnv fmain whlnh was a fan- Ladies Pure Thread Silk I-Ihose, Regular $1.35, with Rayon . reinforcements, all newet shades. THE LOWEST Aswtrx 53.`? 3160' Traffic Census . 1_._A____,A - { FD?-AR. S. teacher. LUB GENERAL STORE Thursday 151 I Friday 181 Saturday 428 1 Sunday 437 ' Monday 511 Tuesday 179 } Wednesday 146 ' 35 Hiwxsromra vxr v... 2033i 2 "V1 s IN FULL s$LE "19c 79? 4'32 _-8E In girlisln one-strap style, stur- dy dressy "soles, solid leather heels, strongly built counters i"fdt b i12g1s= r3ZT'7 $1.85 In a sport Oxford style, of sblid rubber soles and heels, suitable for any wear, being light and cool on the foot; sizes 3 to 5% orjr. Sale Price . . .` . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TENNIS FOOTWEAR IN MEN S, BOYS , WOMEN S, MISSES AN3 CHILDREN'S ALL GREATLY REDUCED DURING THE SALE Miss-es" Patent Slippers 45" (1`TOTl'l AUOIHBP UUYTBSDUHQBXIL) " /xug. 10--'1`he local .girl\s _- softball. team met with defeat at Guthrie on Friday evening. However, the farm boys team carried off the victories at Mitchell Square on Monday evening. 'l`lrm `Minna: MnI(1nnnn nf nrillln, urn In ne dressy patent,gone and two-strap styles, low or_ Cuban rubber heels, light exible soles-and shoes n- ` ished in light linings, sizes 352' rlgriee. .... .. $2-45 Men's Dressy Oxfords In the popular liglit tan and also `black calf, leathers, full balloon and medium toes, dressy weight leather soles, rubbeli lgeels, sizes 6 to 2 com e e. Sale Price? - o c n u 9 BUY WHEN You CAN-SAVE PATENT STRAPS $2.45 Women's White,C'a1_1vas Oxfords 's'S1;i}ags% Ch_ildren s Stockings Bgys and Girls Rnbbed 22 St$ckin2's' Flannel- ette, yard JZLH UHUFUII HUJLL wuuuuy. , The pioneer train which was a. fea- ture of the Old Home Week at Hunts- ville. puffed into Allandale this morn- ing on its return journey. 'I`T1a unnalrlu hnu!H'nu' fnuivnnrnnnflnnf STRIPED yd. BROADCLOTH PRINCESS 31.195496` I LIATWF Women : Kid O1_1e-Straps 95 |ren (inns $4'.i5f we ARE PROVING ' THAT we CAN AND DO SELL HIGH GRADE MER- CHANDISE AT THE LOWEST PRICES. COME IN AND SEE FOR YOURSELF; FOR THIS WEEK WE ARE MENTION- ING SOME OF THE MANY BARGAINS TO BE. HAD AT THE HUB. COMEIN - ALL SHADES Buuuuy. Irwin McMahon attended the Horse She? and Fall Fair at Sutton last ~wee . mum. ru...1..m'. nIr\r1 "rm. 'lJ`A1In\1vn mm. 13 Chintz yard Liadieg I-JIQV - Bgl. \ Bloomers`? Boys Braces 39 In blonde and light grey l one-strap with Cuban and low heel patterns, fully lined in the light linings, soles that are dressy and exible to the vfot, sizes in the lot throughout at t is clearing price. Sale Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Otir Blondes - Our Greys v------- -v-- .. ~.--_ .- -_.-...., sizes 8 to i0i, salg price.. Bl LHU HUHIU UL (`Jo Di-UIJIIUHBUII. Mrs. J. Conway and Miss E. Hornby are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. R. J. C. Nihols for a couple of weeks; Dov Inhn Tmnnnv and Mrn T.Annn1r Sandals of patent leather one-strap, wide extension soles, rubber heels, in all ranges. MISSES SANDALS, sizes 11 to 2, sale price . . . . .'. . . CHILDREN `S -SANDALS, _ 10%, sale price. . SANDAL CLEAN-UP -In ne box kip leathers, of Blucher "style, solid leather soles "and heels, leather insoles, f`;f";fiV $3.:-.a11_,_- $2-45 -. 6-`;-nu uvvv;u5, MAL sizes 1 to 5. Sale Price `A Men s heavy brown grain, plain toe boots, of solid lea- .ther soles and heels, leather insoles, strong durable coun- ters, that are well nished and a- weight of shoe that is now seasonab1e' . sizes 6 to 10%,-sale CORSETS 39 ` Boys F hie Boots 25 WORK BOOTS $2.45 35 4 IVJUHUIB LU!` u. UUULJIU UL WEEKS. Rev. John Lennox and Mrs. Lennox, of Beamsvllle are visiting Mrs. Len- nox's sisters; the Misses McLennan. Dow 12 R 'Rnvnnn nf Thnrnfnn In 15 $3-95% Novelty Drss 25 In Black patent leather, of one-strap slipper style, full extension sole, low broad rubber heel, fully cotton lined, a real bargain for general ` use; sizes 3 to `7. `Sale Price . . . . . . . . . . er insoles, 1 $2.45 THE HUB SHOE STORE Women's Sa 49c| 35c| IVJJLUHBII DqU.l'U UH 1V1UIlu.,Y UVClHHE- The Misses McKinnon of Orillia. are staying with Miss Cameron. Miss Annie Barnhardt is visiting at her` home -here. . Old friends are glad to see Mrs. Preece (May Adam) and. son Jack holidaying at The Hiawatha. Mignon Nhnvn Paid and `I -Talon Venn Women's Comfort Oxfords, in cushion turn soles, with rubber heels, light dressy kid leathers, in sizes 3 tS(:.1l:. Price . . . . . `. CUSHION OXFORDS ` $2.45 In box`calf, Blucher style, with rubber heels, and also a light black calf leather boot in Balmoral dressy last, Asuhgble to` the younger men, both great values at the `(me price sizes 6 to 11. Sale Price Useful as a school boot, black calf leathers, solid leather soles and heels, leather insoles, fully Ei% c i ; ief2'fSsi%e $1.65 1 35` MEN'S COTTONADE PANTS .... , All sizes. All `MEN'S WORK SHIRTS Lenox, Peabody and Leather Label With or without bib During sale at .89 Regular $2.50. -`}`5`13';",;, 13 ytixs McMurray and Mr. Crawford of Midland visited at I. McMahon's. Sunday. A Irwin `|\/l r-`Mnhnn AH-nndn the T-Tnrma MERINO W UNDERWEAR Men's Fine Boots -a Youths Fine Boots Women : Bqudoir Slippers 3 pairs for: $1.00 '$`2`j5' 75c 69 19c `JVIISB DUHSIU D[J\=lu' I. W. Peacock ans family L of Milton have returned home after a short visit A at the home of E. Stephenson. Mr: I (`nhmnu and Minn T1`. `I -Int-nhv Lll\' \lII.`Ll \l\ .1 of tho runm required Eu.- ph_v.=iqu(- tn bucket \'.`a.< ;1 especially gm scream. In three t(-:1n:.<. each pair hzm Which Simni } to jab tho 1 hole. If the the plank sin water upon t AI E An 11 mvr thrm.-.I` ne r<- In the itff varied gnu: few nu\'('I : tests. Anus: boat rm-u. ; fold . The last nu been (`:1Hwi the obgatrlnw I` .Y font } l " V l\ll last Fr mm] s public thtxllsu` frum 1'nn1rI Ij'..... ; vnx prnvitied 1.... r.`..:.1, CROW! VA Llflfl I K `V And wh m.'-1n:4;_ronun has effectL-\< part pa_vm restorati to par and auuIIUu.`,l \ Whore:1.< ada,as(wn ourabhJ K his cocag years ha< abusive and leader oft his fnrnvo prosperh5'* A...) ...L On rrmti Smith. :1 I dence in animously l'L visit In wmmpeg. , , , Miss Dorothy Buchanan of Stayner is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. James Hedger. Caroline St. Miss Doris Fletcher has returned to her home in Detroit. accompanied, by `Miss Bessie Spear . `W `Dmannnlz an fnrnilxrnf Mlifnn JJUII. 1'4. - . In the various pH ('onden<'c- Pr0g'ro.<. strong m-gr; pr(>te('ti R.(`. \A\'\l(lIK"I l Immr-(Ii dI`eS.~' Mr. the (' position :1 Prr)1zre.< a numbrr c]..<(- of` H7 adon`--U. I Simr.'n;- L. bind and . Hon. E. (I 1 . ll ` !'Cr"H Bn_v.< did if Mr. .\ rr.emh(-r (I d situation de(`]zxr(-d f T.-. Tag Ai M2 "1154 )T1dU]}.'(-1 L1,. 1. ,. 1 1.76. 5.. HM but we t(-('ti()n, expn IIUIJUKLJIIIB LIL LIIU ..|T.l.1l,VVGLl| o eM1sses Myra Reid and Helen Keen and Mr. Keen motored to Toronto th_ls yveek. Tllun llnlnvnnouv nnpl Rfn f`nan7?nwt'I sent prosh :y.... t\h`.; 11 WE S:7m('()c V(`nti()n Monday` to put Te-colul candid- Dr. A. pr(*. em] A< Mr. and v r F1_\`i H gl 11%| \l\ \I 4 Fridu spm n um. CIR` 'wti\?1`s Chelseia. and Lyn Fellows were home over the week-end. Qt AlRnn : artnnrinn novvfxr An Aluannf +r< ALLANDALE >14 IQBL W (21238- Rev. and Mrs. Cruse and Mr. ah Mrs. R. N. Reid spent a day in the north at the beginning of the week. re- turning with their winter's supply of huckleberries. R{un Unlxvann n -On:-mam 4:-.nn1nnn hang IJUIHC UV!!!` IJIU wcyzn-cuu. St. Aidan's garden party on August 4, was a most decided success, $160 be- ing the gatrece1pts. v ' `Minn (lunar vvnhnvnn fn haw hnmn nf 111$ LNG EIILU FUUUJQLH. Miss Guest returned to her home at Big Bay Point last week after visiting Miss Zelma Murray. _ Mme Kiannnk n1 rlln vlnlfarl uyh MISS Zaellfl. lV1UI`I'k1y. Mrs. Kissock of Orlllia visited with Mrs. Fellows and Mrs. T._ H. McMahon last week. T `[3011 out` `Kan (`n\1on nut` `IKVV ant` UUIIUUH Ill L113 Bktllll SLFUEIIII. S. Garside and his rink were the first winners of the W. J. Little Trophy. presented to the Ailandale Lawn-Bowl-' ing Club by W. J. Little, trainmaster, Aliandaie, for competition by club members. Some exciting games were played before Mr. Garside won by playing an extra end with V. E. Knight. Teams were F. J. Sharp. W. B. Webb. 8. Garside (skip). and E. O'Hearn, Bruce Thompson, V. E. Knight (skip). Arueu. M1-s._ F. W. Wells of Lefroy was the guest of Mrs. Albert Stunden. Camp- bell Ave.. recently. . Mina flan `Dnunhnrv and Mrn Marv LIUUIKIC UUl'l'1UBu Miss Hewson. a former teacher` here. was a very welcome visitor in town. She was the guest of Miss C. McKay. oeu AVe.. recenuy. Mrs. Geo. Poucher and_ Mrs. Mar Clark have returned after a. six week visit in Winnipeg. Minn hm-nthu `Rnnhanan nf Stavner mess. M135 Audrey`Ardell of Cochrane ls` Xiliiitllng her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. e 1. `Inc 1:` In 17(ra'l1u nf T.nfrnv~wnn the www&&*w$&wm$wi spent. LIIU VVUUl\ UlllI Ill` .LUlU|II.vn ' Mrs. E. Carson has gone '_to pay a. visit to her son. Roy Carson. Guelph. Mrs. Wm. Gracey. Sn, spent the week-end with friends in Bracebrldze. Wm. N ess of Niagara Falls spent the eek-end with his mother. Mrs. Alex. WUU!\' Ness. Lrhm Miss. Annie Sfunden vapent_a , day in `orima last week. ~ B. Marshall of Detroit is, v1slt1}1'R friends in Allandale. - " 'I`lo'ltnn 11mm. in hnmn nffnr unending- two montns at Wnlteslutg. Uxu. . Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Wlsdom and fam-, ily spent the week-end In Toronto. Mrs 14`. (`Ar-nnn `hm: gone `to nav Irxenas In Aua.nua1e._ Dalton White is home after snendinz two months at Whiteside. Ont. 11.. ant` `Inu 1' 1'1 nrlanm and fnm- VVCFU '(1UUUllll.J'dJllULl uy LUU .lVy Duuu. `VVhile E. Shear and Miss Jean Shear were fishing on Wednesday in a. stream near Co1well,.Miss Shear hooked a speckled trout that weighed two pounds, five ounces. This is an un= usually big trout for local streams. `Two years ago Mr. Shear caught a. trout weighing five -pounds, seven ounces in the same stream. Q (larval:-In nn his vnlr uvnna fhn nu!- DERRY DAY CELEBRATION St. Ai`dan s Garden" Party 'l'l.\..._X.\ T71--.A..l- I`lI_.L I._I.I 4N`.'-`.55.. -._, ...,_.,--.u no-...\o-.y vvavol v-JwIrAJVI|\tL Asauznurao The many Utopia friends of Russell McMaster will be glad _to know he is getting along nicely. 1`/[PH mlhhlnk `Mr: Thnrnnunn RA -a suuuls uxuus uwexy. Mrs. Elphick, Mrs. Thompson, Mrs. Wismire and Mrs. W. J. Miller motored to Toronto on Friday. . Mr nn Mn: Trnrin Mlllau annnl VV dad De.Ul!. . , Miss Frances Berthelotte is spending a few days with Barrie friends.` VIII. _ -..._- ...__._IA___ .__4 _ .-. -y vv .u.~_y-.: u Duo` .I.auIrAbL\.t an Avuu-as The community extends deepest sym- pathy to Tom, Frank andJim Smith in the loss of a kind and loving sister, Mis 'Minnie Smith. Turn-nah `lhf.-.1|,f.-..-L.... ........4. 'n.r.....-1..-- .1_ J.Ul.'UllLU wuu 1113 sun ISUSHUII. `Mr. and Mrs. Fred McCann and fam- ily spent Sunday with Stayner friends. 7111.... ......._-- 'I'TA......l- n_.n-_..-|__ -1: 1-\__,,, ,uu l1U\|_U1lllL.llUU IIUFU ~1u.=u. WUUKu I Mrs. W. E. Banting and family and Mrs. S. McQuay are holidaying for a week with Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Mc- Quay, Elmira. ' The Pond urnnf 1-n'(\uI1Ho An Tkfnu-nun- LIIU l.Ul'll|Ul'5 Ul'ULllUl'. J. Jfllllll. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ellis and family and Mrs. Lorne Ross of Hamilton visited at thehome of Mr. and Mrs. vWilfred McMaster at Baxter on Sun- day. A nnrnhnn fnnrn hvnvvn nnnnf Gnu-.A.(u na- nrxusl-I tr`: tzxttuurvnuwuv Quite a number from here went to Orillia today (Thursday) to attend the Derry Day celebration held there by the Black Knights. The features of the celebration are the parade, for which prizes will be given to the best ladies - lodge, O.Y.B. and R.B.P. lodges, and a. softball tournament between O.Y.B. lodges. Addresses will be delivered by W. A. Boys, K. C., of Barrie, J. I. Hartt and Rev. J. G Robeson of Orlllia and Rev. D. G. Atkinson of Washago. uni` number from her Spent Sunday at Wasaga Beach. ' ' '|\/Hun 'N`v~annn u nnrfkninffln in nnnuinn AVJ.lB LVLIIIXILU EIHILII. * Mark McMaster spent Monday in Toronto with his son Russell. "R/fr ant` lzfnu Tngul Thfnfnvnn and On... LU J.U1'UllLU UH Jsnuuy. Mr. ,and Mrs. Erwin Miller spent Sunday with Alliston friends. Aug. 10-John- 'G;'een of Toronto, John Rutledge of Elmvale and Charles Smith of Magnetewan called. on old acquaintances her'e last week. Mr: TK7 Ti`. Danflna or-`R and quay, .EAlIlIu.'l 1. _ The Band went to Orillia on Wednes- day to furnish music for the firemen s celebration. ' `Dan A (1 non: `ht..- 'Dt..4....1 ......1 4-... 1361' LIIUIU LL6- Mr. and Mrs. 0. Lang. Mrs. S. Mc- Crumb and baby Betty of Detroit and Mrs. John DesJardine- of Brentwood spent Monday at the home of the lat- ter's brother. '1`. `Ber-thelotte. ' Mrs Jnnnnh A 'Ml'n`N|'na+on an.-1 nun ucucurnuuu. . Rev. _A. G. and Mrs. Rintoul and _fam- ily of Forest` called on friends here last week. 1|! and `II-ac: Vanni-6 A0 7I'\1u..-n.-.5 A _ . . -...a. .:.uu1`uua_y UVUIIIIIE Hal. VVc Jo lV1.Ul4UaIl5u Mrs. Kirby and daughter of Shel- burne are visiting with Mr. and Mrs.` Reg. Arnold.- - Mr and Mr: W P Avnn'lt'l ant` `Perv-H111 LU]. UJJULIIUF, .,. JDUULIIUIULLU. Mrs. Joseph A. McMaster and two children spent Sunday with her bro- ther; Thomas Miller at Elmgrove. (`.nnQ'rnfnlnHnn fn Mr and I/l m': Luca`, .L.uUull:l.S J.VJ.ll}Ul' ELL IHHIIKFUVB. Congratulations A, to. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Todd (Anna. Jack of Churchill) .on the arrival of a baby girl. Mr, Rh!` Mrn T3 I`if1'Ir| and `I-n-nfhnn v--`::-- Jack '.I`arBush of Sudbury spent 8. few days at his home here lastweek. Lou\TarBush of Toronto spent the week-end at his home here. A (random nnnfxv `I111I`II1 oIIur\{nnu II, _U11 L116 d.l`l'lVi1l UL H; UH.U,Y girl. Mr. and Mrs. D. Tiffln and brother Harvey of Toronto spent Sunday with the former s brother. J. Tiffln. Mr and R/fret (Inn Tlliu anti low-.Ilu JED L W CUR- Mr. and Mrs.V Scott of Thorntasn spent} Thursday evening at W`. J. McLean's. '|\/I've Virhxr and (1921-ncrhfnn nf ing}- RC5. :u`uu1u.' Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Arnold and family spent the week-e_nd with friends at Washago. ' >'D T r`nnlfnn Inna I-Infuunvnn in `Il'|"l\II uuys`wu.u J.VJ.l`B. W. J. lV1lUeI'. H. Beelby, Miss C1ara.\ Berthelotte and Miss ' Mary DesJa.rd1neV of Barrie Sundayed at the home of Mr. and. Mrs. Berthelotte. ' ` ' mn. rant` um... n -r`........ '1|.r.... m `up- I vv aauugu. R. J. Coulter has returned to Major. Sask.. after being with friends here for a couple of weeks. Pnv Mr and Mr: 'Rnvlz'lnv nf T-Tarn- uuu'uy. - Mr. and Mrs.,Hopkins and two chil- dren and Mrs. Clancey of Toronto spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mark McMaster. T\/I've: T-Tor-any (`onion and nklidunn A` uuu LVLIB. AVLHIICIS 1V1.U1Vl..H|.UI'o Mrs. Harry Carter and children of Colborne are spending a week's holi- I daTTsAw1th Mrs. W. J. Miller. ` nnalhvr Rlflbn Flown 'Dnn6'lnn'l4-.&6A' .lV.ll'. lJ|=Wo Guy `McLean and some friends of Toronto. called on Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McLean last Sunday. A frlanlv crnrnn nf hall xiyna lniral ;uuu\:uu Luau. auuuuy. ` . A friendly game of ball was played between the Thornton and Ivy girls on Thursday evening; score 23-5, in favor of the visitors. `Iv av-IR `Hun T DInl\!Ivv\ IIUII` 'IKn nap` a UUUHIU UL V\rUUI\Bo ' Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Barkley of Ham- ilton spent a day with Rev. T. J. and Mrs. Dew. ' ' IV`... -`KAT An... .-.....1 ..A._.- ..l....J._ -1 " IIITVVIDEXDTOL .".-V'(From Andther Correspondent) I\-.... 1n mu..- 1---: ...x...t ....au.. LGVUI.` UL L116 Vll|.Ul'E- ' Mr. and Mrs. J. Brown and Mr. and Mrs. N. Brown of Sunnidale spent Sunday with friends here. T Mr and Mr: Ynnnmnr nn Mm: 117 u2?\`I11'ls':'c\'?Vm. Reid and her "son Earl motored to Toronto on Sunday to spend a holiday with friends. Thn TTn{n'n nlnnin fnv--hn Gnu-nilnu uuxupauar. Jack Ellis and David 'Gai;le,v visited .friends -In Toronto, Sunday. Minn Marla ` (.nm-nthnm: nf vnnhoma -LLWUIIKIH `III LUIKUIILU, aunuay. Miss Mar1e`Can{uthers of Oshawa is visiting her aunt, Mrs. `J. Robinson. Mrs. D. J. Miller. spent Monday in Lefroy. ` Mr and Mr: T-Tnnlzlna and fun; n1r|'l1,, Duuuay VVILH LFIUUUB !=l'Uo Mr. and Mrs. Kennmer and Mrs. W. Robertson of Toronto spent the week- end here. ' `rm ..- 117.... 13.1.: ......n 1...... '~...... 131-..! cl. uuuuuy WILH 11181108. The Union ,picnic for the Sunday Schools was held on Friday afternoon in the park. There was a good turn out of children and all seemed` to enjoy themselves lnrunning races and play- ing ball. It was also a good day for selling ice cream. A The Rand man! fn `Dar-v-In nn m\IIB_ ner on Friday. ., .- ` The. heavy motor traffic of late is` mziking the roads much in need 01 re-. pa. 1'. K . ` ' n_I.u.yuI week. `IA ... . W665. _ ` Mr. and Mrs. Nell Dgmpster and fam- ily and_Miss Bonner have re,tu_rned to Chicago after a pleasant three weeks with the" former-'5 mother. .Mrs.[ W. Dempster. . ' TI _Tn('II..r mill: and `David flonlnu ulahvn.-I puns. ` Mr. and Mrs. Bradford spent Mrs. W. Martin. D:\un~. ulnlol turn I 1115 UN ILB l'ULLll'll JUI-ll'llUyo The weekly bowling tournamentlast Friday night was won by C. W. Pou- chews rink. composed of himself, S. Mc-.Causland and K. McLennan. A kn:-6 1l\l\ uvunvnlnnnen 'nC -blur. Dnuv` It SUUU U!'Up 15 repuru-:u. . The trustees . are improving the school gr9und_s by putting a. new fence in frong and cement walks`. I LWU WUUl\ wuu .u'usuuu. > Dr. Dodds has gone to` Port Ferry to take charge` of the services there for three weeks while the minister is on his vacation. Auraunn` Cu-tars: (`nu-\4IIAa 0|-l\b\l`A\` 1-4: w:\L":r'l$.'l from Cundles attended the Conserva.tive'convent1on held at Stay-. on Friday. . - 'I"hA hnnvv vnnfnv O`:-nffll`-9 ful Ind-A {n" VV cuucauuy .LLUl'IlUUIl- Misses Olive and Amy Miller visited Stayner friends for a. few. days last week. * ' . ` 56111115 111%`: UTUIIIII. - The Band went to Barrie on Thurs- 'day evening and gave 9. concert In the park. ` Mr and Mrs Thnvnnnnn `IKE:--Mn -nf AVLFB. VV. lVJ.tl.l'LlIl. `. _ Berry picking is the order of the day. A good crop is reported. 'l`hn hvnnfnpsl nrn lnnnv-nvina H1.-z 7%. Ijj Aug. 9-,)` as. Ferguson of Toronto has been, visiting his sister, Mrs. Wallace Brown. R/In and `Inn Dlnhnn ' `ll'nOnIv6 -.O UUIII-ly VIBILIIJE lV.l..l'Bu u 1'l'a-`Ll. ` ' am Houghton of Alliston visited his cousin. S. Pratt, last Week. 'l4`1nvr1 Dnnff nf Tnnnnvnfnu ha Qunnninn JIUUEIILUII. an, uuuu: _I.u uulluuu In 1.611. . Mrs. C. L. Burton and family have returnedto North Bay after spending two weeks with friends. In TIARRQ Inna n-n-an {of Dan` Dina`.-. Ln ball]! IGIBL WUUKo The Ladies Aid of the United Church held a very well attended`meet1ng at the home of Mrs. Wilfred Parr last VVednesday afternoon. _ Minna: nlhyn and Aw-ny 1\.nn... uial+nA JVl.L'-LJLUBHIIIU KLHLI IX. 1V1UJ..Jl':HlIt!.ll. About 100 members 'of. the Royal Black Preceptory, Orange Young Bri- tons and L.O.B.A. left Allandale this (Thursday) morning to attend the Der. ry Day celebration in Orlllia. -They were accompanied by the Ivy Band. "\Uhiln 14`. Qhnnr and `Miss: Jnnn Rhnar mi IV1Y.'and Mis. Richard'Moffatt at Toronto were guests at Mr. and Mrs. C. Shaw's last week. ' A Ema 1`I'lV\EV\f\VIl\ nf 'I`nvui\-61` -nun:-n una Ln Duuw D [GEL WUUK. - M_rs. Dunsmore of Toronto was re- cently visiting Mrs. S. Pratt. ` innn T-Tnncrkfnn nf A`lHaO-nu 17`uIfn klai UUUHIII, n L'l'H.LL, [ESL WUUK. Floyd Pratt of Teeswater is spending `his holidays with his `grandmother at Cundles. and his aunt. Mrs. .J. H. Knapp at Barrie. V T31-, and Mr: Aflzhnnnn nf ,'l`nv-nn'+n Lumpy an .Dur1`1e. - Dr. -and Mrs. Atkinson of Toronto were visitingat the home `of Mr. and Mrs. Malkoin lastuweek. ` ' "Kn circa `Ken: `Doun66 nl-Goun;Ia.A `Ln irts. J.uuuu.u ldl. WUUK. `Mr. and Mrs. S. Pratt attended the Houghton Reunion last week.` Samuel Houghton; Sr.. came to Canada in 1871; Mr: I`, T. 'Rnrfnn urn-`I foinllu Ivvntvn - Staynerg. Walter Ke s and da.ugh"ter" of Or- illia visited r. and Mrs. Watsqn Mc- Cann last week. Fnlnn 'r.nAI.-mi A4`! not H... `I"r...u...;a n1.......1.. Stayner. UH. WLLII REV. uuu .LVl.I'5o VV} \ I-l'WII1o Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Miller`. Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Mccann spent Sunday in falter Tlnawnu and (`Inna-I-u'1>nu-`-nf n- Aug. 1o-M'r'. and Mn; D. J. Miller spentga day with Orangeville friends, last week. ` . 1' `LT `Roll and Izfrn `Dinkon `Doll wuuuuycu Ill \.cUUI\3LUWl1. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Jennett motor I ed to Mono Mills to spend the week- end wlth Rev. and Mrs. W. S\ Irwin.` Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Millnw Mr and 1115!. WUU o `J. H. "Ben and Mrs. Richafd Bell Sundayed in Cookstown. `Mr And Mrs Jnl-in TU _TnnnnH> rnnfnvv VVCt.`!\'l'.7HLl ttl. I115 IJUXIIC IIUIC. , A garden party under auspices of the Ladies Aid of Angus United Church will he held on the church lawn on Thursday. August 19. Angus and New Lowell men and Baxter and Ivy ladies will play softball. Program will be furnished by Camp Borden, Barrie and Angus talent and Mrs. Sid- ney Banks. Progressive nominee for Dufferin-Simcoe. will give a short non- political address. ` 32x