NIN;'Ii'li-l VESPRA MINESING UTOPIA A WONi)ERI-`UL PROGRAMME`. lJ='(%)R I-'.VA'I:`.RY DAY. Wri_te the Secretary for detailed copy. RNITURE WM. SALE "REM _-- L11 &Q- --: - _._. , Long, Hard Sefvice - A_ Selid, Strong and Durable H V A liberal allowance on your qlcl`battery a On Anu'guSt ist It am moving my new stock of__Furniture and Stoves into the premises previously occupied by W. A. McConkey_ . and Smith` Kain s Harness Store (opposite Livingston s New Garage), and for the ba1af1.Qe of July am offering my entire stock of High-class Furniture, Rugs, Lino- leum and Congoleum, Oilcloth, Chester- field Suites, Floor Lamps, Beds, Mattress- es and_ \Spri_ngs, etc. i AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES Turfon s Garage As it takes time and money to move 3. large stock of Furniture, 1. am clearing out as much as possible before August 1st. If you are thinkingof anything in Furniture it _wi1 r.` pay you to secure it this month at A. E. SMlTH S SPECIALIZE IN WELDING BRAKE `SERVICE AND RAIJIATOR REPAIRING Moore Treasure `Range, new . 2 Kitchen Tables _ Kitchen Chairs Cupboard Clock - Linoleum Electric Washer, new Sealers 3-Burner Oil Stove, new Large Quantity Kitchen Utensils Garden Tools 75 feet of Hose Brooks S____m Motor FOR AUTOMOBILES AND RADIO s'r`ocKs E;()-I\I]3`V 7GRAIN Head Office, Refdrd Bldg., Toronto. Phoneyou1"` news items` to The Examiner. ` fuN1'rs _ Bougt - Sold e Quoted UNLISFTED DEPARTMENT sTo13;;, FORLONG & CO. ~-*- run A -nvr 2o MULCASTER s1`. Clapperton St. Parking provisions made; ~ ' Mayor R. G. Dinsmore, ' * Chairman,.. Sale at 1 pm. FREE kn, AT 63 ECCLES 51., B`ARRl _ NEAR smug DAIRY . to sell by Public Axuction on Don t Throw Away Your imiil yea learn if we ean- not repair them; You lvv_oql_d be amazed if you. sain; KifcTIoNAsAL of High Class Housihgld Ft/uniture om`. BIG WEEK 0F%:FRlENDSvHlP%,; L %FROLlC, FIREWORKS AND 1=UN.. The undersigned has received instructions from 4.441.: 4.1: j:Aj1 THE 'LATC'l-lSTRlNG% Is our TO ALL '-'-'-" I 144 Comm s11; (con. o1?BmczY sf.) OLD SHOES PARLOR "JULY 31;: us AUGUST 7:1.` HUNTSVlLl.l-; S' THE FOLI Dlnuavvvava. .n V. .. Large Mahogany Dresser and Wash- Chair,` curtains, blinds, pole (stand `Blue Enamel Bedstead with Simmons` Small Oak Stand (mattress vsvw-I\'I'|(\I\`If xvn '0 DUIIICILL \ll`& KIWI-Ivnl_.\A . BEDROOM NO. Wlnut Dresser and Stand Bedstead, Mattress and Springs Rug, Pictures, -Curtains, etc. nmnnnnrmr Mn {.1 U5, l.l\-Uusvw, \Ivu- v--.-_ - BEDROOM N6. 5' Walnut Dresser and Stand. White Enamel Bedstead, and Springs Pictures, Curtains, etc; ' _ -n-nv'\~nnr\1\Ir -urn A .OWiNG:' ITIUUHLUD wunvug--u, V--. BEDROOM NO/. 4 Mahogany` Dre s,ser and Stand .White Enamel Bedstead and Springs Curtains ` Rug Wicker Chair Singer Sewing Machine Pictures BEDROOM NO{ 5 . lJI'JJJIrV\ \loI- .1 Maiiogany Dresser and `S"ta;1d Bedstead, Mattress and Springs Chair, Pibtures, Curtains, etc. Writing '1/`able ju-j Also a--large `quantity of bther ar- tbicles t0o.numero1_1s to "mention. "The above furniture is all high class and nearly new. Anyone want- ing real good furniture will do wll to attend this sale. % , A. M.:CONl'EY,AActi61ieer. McK{ Mathi-son,` } Acting Asecretary. l;Isi:DRO0M NO. 1 L "July: 19.-Mrs, (Rev.) Dew, who has been serious_ly'il1.,1s now making fa- vorable progress towards recovery, uni _ 1-11 at C1 .4! 4-kn -`Dnoahxyi-no-inn vu1'u.1.q_nc ylvstcoa .,unu...... ...-...--_,. `x The W.M .S. of the Presb.vte1'ian Church met at the home of Mrs. W. H. Hatton on Thursday afternoon, July 15. There was an enjoyable meeting, after which Mrs.'I-Iatton served `dainty refreshments, assisted by Mrs. W. Hat- ton. A very pleasant time was enjoy- ed by all. . . rmr nvfnna ne-nest svmnathy to ed by an. Ivy` extends deepest sympathy Mrs. Bert McQuay in the sad loss of her mother. Mrs. Srigley of Holly. - -"wt A 11:11..-. and Anna-Inlrnu HUI IIIULLLUL. 4.71.19. was-Bud, .... ..-..--_,. `Mrs. W. A. Miller and daughter -Bella. of Barrie spent a few day`sVwi'th friends here last week. Mrs. '1`. Dempster `was `called to `Whitby last week to see her mother. Who`-ls very ill. - M... and Mr: W 1-1 .1-Iatton "and-`Mr. Saturday; Juqy 24 th\ W110 '18 Very 111. 3 Mr. and Mrs. W. and Mrs. VV`1lfred Guelph and spent friends. _ Mun ..'lVl'n(`n1lnn ah friends. ` V _ ' Mrs; -McCullough of Barrie is visit- ing freinds here. 'f\Ynv-vnnn (`fnszworth and" his mother frelnds here. Norman Coxworth and" are spending a fewodays in Toronto. A number from` here attended the spending Ieweuays In `.I.`u1`Um.u. A number from funeral of Mrs. Srigley on Saturday to Barrie cemetery.` _ _ _ `Herb Maw and, son of Collingwood old acquaintance here. _ . va..a..... rm-..m++ nf Weston sment the Olcl acqua.1nw.uu-e uuru. Vivian Jennett of Weston spent the week-end, at his home here. r-<.....m..=+m;mnn.s: tn `Kenneth Banting. Week-en.d,a.t his name nere. Congratulations to Kenneth Banting. `Louie Wilson and Isabel .Davis on passing their Entrance exams. Uatrl ul vvuuquu -_u.u.-V There passed away here on Saturday morning, July 19, one of the most be- loved residents of this commuri the personof William Reid. `e had \ [been ill for some timewith that dread disease. cancer, but the end `came un- expectediy `at the last. Mr. Reid was born on Mar. 22, 1850, and so was in his -7-7th year. He was married to Mary Ellen Brown of Ivy in 1877. She pre- deceased him in 1896. vTo this`union were born Wightman, Mary Jane, John Wilfred and Hugh Burton. Mary Jane passed onto the life beyond on June 12, 1897,. and Wightman died on Nov. -1 um: Inhn `lives. in Wainwright. by his wife and three sons. John`, Burt ' He based his remarks on John 1_1:25 I in the Presbyterian Church, also sun- ` his church. Many now grown to man- 1897,.and Wightman men on Nov. 7, 1905. John lives- in Wainwright. Alberta and Hugh Burton in Iowa. On July 6. 1898, Mr. Reid was wedded to Caroline Beckerton. To them was born oneson. Earl. who resides at the pres- ent home in Ivy. Mr. Reid is survived and Earl. The funeral was held on Monday afternoon to the Presbyterian Church; service was .conducted by Rev. G. I. Craw of Victoria Harbor. and spoke very highly of the deceased. It was Mr. Reid's request that Mr. Craw should conduct the service. The church was filled to the doors and there wereas manyoutside as inside. as Mr Reid was widely known. He had been : central operator for the Ivy-Thornton Telephone Co. for a number of years and was always kind and obliging no matter `what hour. he was called to answer. As Mr. Craw said in the ser- vice, to know;Mr. Reid was to love him. He was a man very fond of children: .~ Grandad." It can be said of few that they. had not an enemy, but Mr. Reid was such a man. He had been an elder erintendent of the Sunday School for ye,ars and he was loyal to the work of hood and womanhood owe Mr. Reid a great dealbof thankfulness for their early training in the Sunday School. Interment was made -in the Presby- - ~--- -.............. uyhcn-o Han vvnmaying uvunog . . . . . _ . . _ ,_ terian _ cemetery, Where the remains were laid beside those of his [loved ones who were gone before. The members of L.O.L; 450 officiated. as deceased was an` honorary member, and the band played very.soft1y Abide With Me." The many owers `showed the high es- teem in which deceased was held by all who knew him. Among the many were .. fr-nvn Hm Church With sym- knew him. Among me ulauy were a..wreath from the Church sym- pathy for a, beloved `elder. a wreath` trom the Te1ephoneeCo.. one from L.O. L. 450. one from the Band. a` [spray from the C.0.F.. one `from the Barrie telephone central staff. besides many others from sympathizing friends. The pall-bearers were A. Corbett. I. Speers, J. McLean. J. Gordon. W. `A. Miller and S. McQuay. . ---1------'.----- I nxvuu J.\v Piano, Everson cabinet grand, nearly "Quarter-Cut Oak Armfchair _ (new 2 Quarter-`Cut Oak Sectional Book- Mahogany Parlor Table; (cases Large Arm Chair, upholstered _ Morris: Chair. mahogany frame, solid 1-..;-Lu-m nnalninna . July 20.--Quite a. severe storm passed over this vicinityiast Saturday, caus- ing considerable damage. . - Mrs. Von of Capreol is spending a few days with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Parr. Fred Dougherty and Mr. VHo11is mo- tored to Toronto on Sunday to spend theday with city friends. Mr. and Mrs-. Hunt and family of A1- liston were with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Howard for Sunday. mu... Nfnv-in] and Louise Pringle are is extended to the sorrowing friends. Howard for Sunday. Misses. Muriel and Louise sspeniing ayweek with Mr. and Mrs. co . . Miss Annie Barrett of Detroit is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Frank Travers. Wm. Bishop is sporting a. new Dodge car. . The Ladies Aid met at the home `of Mrs. Wm. Parr on July 14 with quite a < number present. M - Miss Eva Mason, who was hit in the eye with _a. ball, has a very sore. optic. Mrs. Ben Parr iand,daughter Ruby are spending a, few weeks with her arents, Mr. and Mrs. Aitchison of eeton. . . ' .Quite a. number from around here at- tendedethefuneral of George Ritchieof Penetang on Sunday, July 18. Mr. Ritchie` lived in this neighborhood for a great many years. Much sympathy. n.\.......=+.n;.+xnn.= to Miss- Jessie Bish- is the sorrowmg I1`1cuua._ Congratulations to Miss Jessie op,'who passed her exams. at Toronto Normal and intends teaching this year. ' Miss Emma Cloughley is spendinga couple of weeks,.with her sister; Mrs`. _Brooks of Blind Riiver. -Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hyde of Baxter were Sunday visitorfs with_Mr. and Mrs. Eb. I-VI;1rri's. `T July 20.-Mrs. Wm; Dash and Bert spent a few days in Toronto last week. ,Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Travis were Sun- day visitors at Chas. `McCarthy's. V Miss Margaret 'McCarthy"is holiday-_ `mg in Grenfel. Mrn, T-T. Desiaiins of`I:Barrie. called ing Grenfel. , Mrs. H. Desjardins of Barrie I on her father. B. Foisie. last week. '1 Mr._ -and Mrs. Noonan of Mount For- st `are visiting their son, Vincent.` . A` motor load of Utopia, and'Baxter `friends and Penetang relatives spent Sunday at J. Desjarc1ine's. ,Wm. Dash has moved in w1th.'1`; `Hinds; _. T .3 _ . `Misses Minerva McCarthy._andrCora Iafrdjne attended the garden party at * Angus o rr.--]`ri<`1a.-yxni,gh1;:;,r,~1;; s Deth of William Reid? -4__-,, 1.-.`... A... G.- BRENTWOQD .1V1OI'I'." \I"P1'1. u:nuug,u.-.3 ...-......-, ._-_, leather cushions Morris Chair; oak frame,"so1`id leather Axminster Parlor Rug _ (cushions_' `Quarter-Cut Oak Rocking Chair Large Upholstered Rocking Chair `Pair Blue Velour Arch Curtains and side windowsfco match. . Pictures GRENFEL W IVY f . I-I. -I-Iat_ton and -`Mr. Hutton` motored to` the {veek-end with: run; smlglz "EXAMINER ? T JY1ly'20.--Mrs. Geo. Kester aAnd'herb "daughter Annie; of Moore Pagk, Man.. are visiting at the home of Thomas Stokes. . _ `kl;-an Turaru and fhree children Of Stokes. Mrs. Edwards and three children ` Toronto are visiting Mr. and Mrs._A. Armstrong, Jr; >V V I Thfrc 1x7 T-Tnm.nhrev -and two child- Jr; 1 g 1 Mrs. W. I-Iumphrey `and two ` ren of Barrie visited at Thos,. Pagan- ` den'Vs last week. . . -nun-.. '!\Tnvnnn Mnwinlnv nf Midland is THURSDAY,` JULY 22, 1926} den's last week. w. - Miss Norma McKinley of Midland is 1 holidaying at her home here.` . \ `Mfr: In: (manual is .visitin2: friends holidaying at her nome nere Mrs. Jos. Chappel is visiting `friends at Allnwood, _. A ' Ilia Vnuund-{Q visiting` in Tronto Aallenwooa, . Mrs. Young is visiting in Togonto ` and Aurora. A Miss Perrent of Elmvale is visiting her sister. Mrs. J. E. Crawford. , _ .-:ur.. .-....I M: if `W Or-nhnr nd son her sister. Mrs. .1. 1:1. UI`a.wLU1'u. "Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Orcha._rd arid Son Andrew motored to `-Binbrook for the week-_eAnd. ' T 9 mt... xn .'MI'va `Russell T-Tn`nt of Beth- week-end. 2 Mr.`and Mrs. Russell Hunt of Beth-I esda, Russell\Graham and -Misses Olive` and Esther Graham of Vandort were week-end: visitors with Mr. `and Mrs. M R. Plowright. - r . New windows were placed -in the United Church last week by Prirrgle & London of Toronto and should prove a great saving of .heat during the cold weather and provide a, more even ven-_ tilation "during the .warm weather. The . pattern, though not having so much coloring as the old windows. appears to meet with the approval of .the ma- jority. A Mr. and Mrs`. Keast `and fame ily visited the former s sister. Mrs. Mc-`J Master, at Maxwell on Sunday. ` July 20.----Miss Ethel Rankin and bro- ther Thomas, Miss Pearl Bowman and brother. VVy1ie and R. Oliver. all of Stayner. visited at the home of An- drew Miller on Sunday. . , 1.1.. .-..-\i N1 :-e TIN-ea T\n*nL'19v nf 17.2`-`I `V1 lic sptilll. Dulluay vv Ll-Al 1.1:.-.5 4. Au ;;;;;;; Iv: I A number `from here attended the;.. funeral of the late George Ritchie, a. fo mer resident of this place, held at; B rrie on Sunday afternoon. g Mr. and Mrs. John McKnight and: baby Ernest of Baxter spent Sunday` with the latter s parents here. Mr. and Mr T W. J. Miller spent Sun- day at the h me of Mr. and Mrs. `I, Jennett at Thornton. . \ I Mr. and Mrs. Spring of London, Eng-` land, are spending a. few weeks holiday with their son, Walter Spring. | an. -.__._ tau... 1\........... vvJ.Lu. uuvu. nun, vvv ....,..-.-g. Mrs. Charlotte Degear, Chas. Degear and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bow-yer` visited Mrs. Geo. Calder of Sunnidale on Sun- day, July 4. .- `|\II v- and 1\/[PE 'VVm. Nhitt and 1`/ITS. day, Juxy 4. Mr. and Mrs. "Wm. Nesbitt and Mrs. _.,Caloway of Stouffville spent a few days with Mrs. Charlotte Degear. Thu main nvqm nnnnh nr\n1`33l"i9fD.l'1 in tms mstnct. . The haymakers are~very busy at the time, of writing. _ A qnma onnrl nntr-ha: nf `wild stra_W- Wltn Mrs. Unarluue .ue,`5ea.r. The rain was much appreciated in this district. mun Im-nwnalznru an-n-vnrv himv at the ume,oI: \VI1L.lllf5',. Some good patches of `wild straw- 'berries`a re stil} to be seen here. e `Quick Pile Relief Dr. Leonhardt s Hem-Roid is guar- anteed to banish a?1y form of \_Pi1e misery, or money-back. It gives quick action even in old, stubborn cases._ Hem-Roid is a harmless tablet that removes blood congestion in the `low- er bowel - the cause of piles. It brings joyful `relief quickly and safe- In An nna+u nn-nd Wm` Crngs]and_ Drmgs JOYIUI E81161 quuznuy uuu aauc-| ly or costs nothing. Wm. Crossland and- druggists gverywhere sell it with this guarante. . 2 ' I - CHEVROLET PROVIDES A FINE APPEAR- ANCE -.- CONSTRUCTION TYPICAL OF THE HIGHEST PRICED CARS-DURABLE DUCO FINISH - LATEST IMPROVE- MENTS IN DESIGN AND EQUIPMENT. `HERE QUALITY AND COMFORT COM- ` . Isms wrm GREAT ECONOMY. A ' A I OakIantIAandAICI_|ev1V'qIetDaIr. I . . . T ` IA.` I A I I A TBARRlEIaIndAL1_.lSTON" * DINING-ROOM `Quarter-Cut Oak China, Cabinet . `Quarter-Cut Oak Buffet, new style` Quarter-JCut Oak Dining Table, ex- 46 Dining Chairs 9 (tension Couch, niahogany frame Pictures Columbia Graphonola Brussells Rug; curtains,iside curtains Dishes, cutlery and fancy ching. . KITCHEN