vsnuov A \l\A ur--`yw VV`"".' . ` . use Plctorlal Review `Printed "Patterns you will want them always; so to" prove to you that they are the easiest, simplest patterns ! to use we want to give you, absolutely free, a pattern for this charming girl s `dress, with a pattern for the embroi- dery. Simply call at th V pattern counter. .You"w[ll be .rurprZ.red and delighted _. when you wee /zow eamily you `can make t/ulr drew` . with a FREE! This AW'eek JULY SALES AT `THIS STORE MEANS BIG SAVINGS WE know that if you o_nce net: p:r\fn1~;n] P pvipxxr lT"S "AN ADVANTAGE TO DO. YOUR SHOPPING EARLY IF YOU CAN. PICTORIAL REVIEW PATTERN ` ` A `Pictorial `Review `Printed Pattern for t} Child : Frock The only Perfect" Printed Patterns in the World 01 N11". ,Lal`IpyB usvuuvan, llvwvpnn V.-,.,.-ua Dr. and Mrs. Chas. C. Glbson ot Lel- cester, England. `are Avlsltlng at the home of the former's mother. Mrs. H. A. Gibson. 90 William St. _ n Wndnandav a sneclal train of ve` of a year ago had vanished and that the actual situation in the United Church today revealed a shortage of men to man the eld of labor. The c Church, evening I officers: T31 A Ann Ull.1UUl`5.`- - V \ E1ders-John Cprrigan, Thos. Patter- son. VV. J. Fin1ay,\M. McFadden, Hen- ry Couse. A Qtnxxrcn-a_A1nv Pdhinenn _T h P ' Iy puuats. Stewards-A1ex. Robinson. J." R? Couse, D. F. Kidd, VVm. Patterson, VV. L. Kell. Church '_I`reasurr-VV. J. Finlay. _Maintenance and Extension Fund Committee-W. L. Ke1l,`Fred Apperley. Frg. Kidd, Mrs. Corrigan and Miss Spence. ` '1`hm-A umrn algn `Added fn the (Thnrr-.h npenue. ; There were also added to the Clgurchl , Trustee Board, Henry Couse and John` Corrigan; `to the Pa;-sonage Board, Dr.| Scott and `Willis Corriga . ' Ikn nlane u1H'| 1-so nr-ninn ah!` the acou anu W 11115 purnguu. The elders will be ordained and the sacrament of the Lord's Supper ad- ministered on Aug. 1st at the morning | service. * | MINING STQC_l_(_S~ -week's winners on Tuesday night were 118111115 gruuuua su unw \.lV\lIaouun ._-....,,. I A. Appieton's rink"won the Currie. Cup and first prize atthe Colling'wobd,, bowling tournament on Wednesday. de- feating P. T. Clark of Barrie in the nal game. Clark's rink won second rize. The rinks were: A. Massey. G. ebb, A. G. Wallcer A. Appleton. skip; - A. Sinclair. Alex. Clark,` C. H. Beelby, P. '1`. Clark. ckip. .. Tom. Sutc1ii_'re.Ave-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Sutclifte. nearly met death at Ailandale wharf. Tuesday noon, when he fell in twelve feet of water. He struggled out to ten feet from the dock and was going down for the third time when Jos. Looker and Morris Montcrieff dived at the same instant and pulled him of! the bottom and thence to the dock. . , Lawn Bowling Last week's tournament held on Fri- day night was won by K. McLennan. A. Hook and V. E. Knight, skip. This Jas. Brunton. F. R. Johnson and S.| lloraln nlzln T Orange ChuI:cH Service | -Sisters of the L.O.B.A_._'a.nd brethren Phone 1010. Box 287, Barrio. U nitd Church Officers ongrvegation of the United ., Cookstown, met - on Monday_ ;` last and elected the following; . - y `Butterfly Crepe for lingerie purposes, wide width, pretty designs in rose, helio, canary, peach and white, reg- ular 45c, sale .A . . . . . , . . . . . 35 Dress Linens of the finest quality, plain colors with over-check in helio, mel- on, green, beech, powder blue, light- , V blue, brown, rose, grey and white, regular $1.35, sale . . . . . . 93 Fine Irish Dimity, 24 inches wide, in helio, maize, rose, blue and green, regular 60c, sale . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 WOMEN S LISLE HOSE, 59 Rib` Lisle Hose of fine mercerized threads, splendid wearing, in white; tan, grey_ and black, regular $1.00, sale" . . .- . . . . . . . . .' . . . . . . . . . .. 59 `Fibre Silk Hose, with lisle top, heel and toe, "good tting, in black, grey and white, regular value, sale L.. . 69 .Worr1en_ s Cotton Hose in White, black, `sunburn and beige, sizes 8 V2 to 10, ten dozen only to sell, our special 29: line, sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Rosseau and Burkis r`au. , , E. L, Dllworth. agent for the London`; Life Insurance Co.. has moved "to his; new home at 94,Soph1a. St. 1 Mr; and Mrs. A-llen Brunton and, children of Toronto are vilt1nz_ his. parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S; Brunton. I mm Presbvterians defeated the Smld- , Women's Poroils Knit Combinations,` knee length, short sleeves, all sizes, . regular $1.00, sale . . . .' . . . . . . 45 Draw Linens for fancy WOI'i(; this is a snap; three grades, 36 inches wide. ne even threads, former price $2.25. $2.50 ad $2.75, to clear at $125 l 35 Hats,` all in this spring and sum- mer styles, priced at from $2.50 up .to $8.75, black and all colors, to sell at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 .There ll be a rush -- Come early. ,Dish Cloths, 15c quality, 3 for 15 Cotton Batts . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16c Mercerized Crochet Cotton . . 8c Silk Spools, black, white, colors 6c Hair Nets, 10-15c grades, 2 for 15 '_.White Crochet Cotton . . . . t 6c Brilliant, black and colors . . . 5c Mending Yarn for silk and lisle 1--.... 1-..11r 1'! hose, ball '. . . . . . . . . . . . .. a .Black Elastic, 8c-10c quality .. Safety Pins` on_card . . . . 2 for K36-in. Butter Cloth in 5-yard package . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 MILLINERY SALE ITEMS IN BRIEF _..Full information furnished on any of the operating mines. Halli-nger. : ` Mclntyre : Castle A Dome : Capital : Teck-Hughes ` Some of Best companies represented. Yielding from_4-% % to 7%. J EB. .Dl'U!l LU l1p Garsjde. skip. A Il-....| GORDON STEVENSON of the L.O.L. to the number of :54) joined with the sisters and brethren at Co_okstown in their annual church ser- vice on July 18. Headed by Tlu)rnLm: band, the procession marched to the Presbyterian church. where they were welcomed by the minister, Rev. D. A. Ferp.`uson. The sermzm was pre:.1chml ,by Rev. Jos. Vvasson, M.A.. B.D., ntk 3 Calvin Church, Toronto. Taking as his text, Remember the days of old; con- sider the years of many generations" l (Deut. 32:7,), the speaker briei"Iy- H-- : viewed the,struggle for religious free- U dom and the open Bible from the c1`i.\'s of Martin Luther. He urged on his hearers the necessity of remembering the days of old and advised all to stand fast in the faith; quit you like men: be stronrr." At the conclusion A of -the service the procession reformed and returned to the lodge room. Fol~ lowing this, there was a. short band concert which was very much appre- ciated. '--.. ..-- .v-au- vv----u\ I , Owing to lack of space, several col- umns o_1 correspondence has been held over till next week. 31`!-IURSDAY, JULY 22, ink. `\Bu.vT Advertised Things. HELD OVER TILL NEXT WEEK 8c suitable and pleasing address Was, JVJFB. VV U1. JJUUKEF Illllut LHU luL'I\,Y UFCLVV. The unfurllng was a very impresslve ceremony. Sister Wilson and Sister Hooper carried the banner. concealed, under a white robe. from` the back of` the hall to the platform, where a. very! given by W.M. Sister Doyle, followed; by a prayer to suit the occasion by? "Sister Reynolds. - A? #111: nfnon nf fha nvnnmnrnrnn `Rt-n At this stage of the programme. Bro. Ellis presented W.M. Sister Doyle with; a beautiful sheaf of roses. which ,wasI placed in her arms byfsister Phyllis Wilson. Sister'Doyle replied in a few well chosen words. Sister Burkhead. QIBLUF ru:yuu1ua'. ' I ,`W.M. of L.'.I`.B. Lodge. gave a very timely address on good and welfare.` after which a. very interesting pro- riamme was closed by God-Save the ng'n ' _ A v-1j-I12 THU $11` I Dunlop andvlziulvcaster Stu. ~ Phone 31 : BARRIE : Box 5954 FOR SALE--Fafms, Summer Pr`o'p- erties, Town Houses, Lake Fronts. FOR RENT - Summer Cottages, Town-Houses, furnished and un- _furnished. . ` '17t.fc gum & cow_A1v ` 5.-P_iVdj,V'l-'\vu|vo gaiwwwiiiiwwxwgl A`-D nnvlsmili` Allanda'le's senior softball team our`- `neyed to Angus'last Thursday night and won by 10 to 7. Binnie. the Allan- dale pitcher, had the h_ome, team puz-i zled throughout, striking out seven bat- ters. while Montcrieff behind the bat; caught a- perfect game. ' The heavy sluggers were elcey, Hedger and J. Plant. On Tue day night, Angus play-I ed the return me at the I-Iolgate St.A park before the biggest. crowd to wit- ness a softball game here this season . The final score was 13-1 for Allandale. Binnie was a bit wild but held the vis- itors to ,a lone tally. For Allandale J. Plant, F. Plant and Kelcey were best defensively, while F. Plant. Binnie -and _` Montcrieff hit the ball hard. Allandale goes to Angusgon Friday night again, with the return here on Tuesday.` , New Banner Unfurled ' L.0.B.A. No. 551 Allandale. unfurled a new banner on July 1 in the pres- ence of a large crowd of L.O.B.A. members, Orange Young Britons and members. of L.O.L. No. 432. Ailandale. L.O.L. No. 452, Barrie. and members FIIIGIIUUIU Iviiuuw-run-wu ' 1 I ` of L.T.B., Barrie. A good programme was given, consisting of singing, in-. strumental music and speaking. The following visitors assisted: Arthur Jay and` Miss Jay, Mrs. J._ W. Gracey and Miss Dobson. A recitation was given by'C.' Chapman, entitled, When Fa- ther Rode the Goat." and Miss Phyllis Wilson recited How to Knock Your Lodge" and The Faithful Few." .P.C. M`. Bro. Geo. Stunden gavea short ad- dress on faithful membership `and the growth of the Order. _P.C.M. Bro, S. N. Hurst reviewed the history of the Or- ange Order for the past. fifty years and its connection_ with Confederation. P. M. Bro. Geo, Wilson spoke along the lines of juvenile work and the growth of lodges in Ontario West. Bro. W. Reynolds of 605 Craigvale. gave a very , interesting talk. ,Bro. Cecil Wilson.` VV.M. of .0.Y.B.' No. 360. jumbled the tickets for a draw on a cushion. Sister Mrs. Wm. Looker made the lucky draw. Tho nnfnnnrr tuna a- want: hrnnvununlvn 1:v:m_r__'1'HIN"G ;..Li N; " REAL ESTATE CHICKS GROWING DURING. ; nor WEATHER` V % Blatchford s Chick Mash '-:31!-: \-._`_ BRO V WN n. ` N .. A Q" $"`m~N 3 (A starting and growing mush) Promotes early, sturdy matur- ity, even feathering, rugged . `health. V `ORDER T.ODA_Y~ FROM KvII'I`I Q 31'` I. II 0 nnap Al|an'c|alo Beats.Angus ., ...-lJ..-II 1...;-nu V uunsjunuu. vI0I0X _>x , _,n_L:A 'grlends at_1-Iurnner ueacn, '1`0I'O!ll'.O. 5 There will be no meeting next week or Trinity United Young People's Circle. _ Thornton Bandplayed at the Orange Vservlce in Cookstown on Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Fletcherot Bar- ,rie spent Tuesday at Vernon Fletcher's. : `Mrs: MnHhnw`.Ni3mn and Miss Lettie g&iigw&*ii%&am Ida. s. 1n,'.l`O!'0ntO. r .and- Mrs. W. C. Henry are visit- 1 has with Mrs. J. W. Henry. . - ` 1 `Min: mu-1.: `Rnurne of Toronto is vls-.-. MP8; "L Stewart is spending a few da. infroronto. I .. out`. Mr: W ('2. `Hem-v are visit- mug Mia: uorla WBD8tG!'. : Mrs. Northc'ote' of Toronto is. visitlntr hersister, Mrs. George Hill. Man. nnmn Mnmzn.n1'n visiting` with i 1118 With MP8. 3. W. nenry. Miss B'el le* Bourne of Toronto `V18-3 ltlng Miss Doria Webster. . Mn "l\Tn1-I-,hnhte' of Toronto is visitlmr her sister, Mrs. George nun. Miss Stella Milllgan `fa visiting with grlends at Humber Beach, Toronto. Tharp wm he nn meetinz nex't `man or Auanueue. ` A Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hal-bert; Miss N ellie and Mastev Harold spent Sunday i lth friendszin Palgrave. , .,M'.. and IE1: `W A ' Thnmnnnn and day at 5.4!. Avxacuonuxus. , . Miss Gamble. Mrs. C. R. Martin and _.Mr. and Mrs. R. C. I-Ioullhan of Barrie] lspent Thursday at Jas. A. Jamiesorrs. Mrs, rzmmadv has returned to her lug his sister. Mrs. E. Kohlmeyer. 7 Mn. '1`.'._B'. Plantlqnd daughter Flor- ence areholldaylnz in I`oront`o.` ' . . Mr. Anderson of Galt spent; the week- end with Mrs. J. R. Bell. Bradford St. Mrs. C, L. Burton or North Bay ls- Frank Hamlin of Chaplu.`lb vldlt-V] I I LNG spent Tuesaay at Vernon .I.wu.:uur 9. Mrs. Matthew Nixon and Miss Lettie of Toronto are visiting Mrs. S. R. xBrown.` _ I ' . I -M... 1' 1: r~_.~.:m In unending` A week ilsrown. r `Mrs. J. R. Grey is spending 9. week iin -Alliston with her daughter, Mrs. ,Geo. Wilson. ` Iflaa Envy If-nun nf"I`| R.` HOS- jGeo. Wilson. . . 3` , I Miss May Mason of t e R. V. Hos- pital,` Barrie, 13' spending a `few days `at her home here, _ A I `Allan '\ nnnnn flnhin hf 'I`0Y'0YltO 13 `at her home nere_.. I Miss Yvonne Gilpin of Toronto is spending her holidays with her; a_unt, |Mrs. R. D. "Henry. ` - rn..a..+u TTnN'A Qnndnv School will `Mrs. R. Dghlenry. , Trinity United Sunday School will tho1d'their picnic at Innlafll Park or; `Thursday. July 29. -4 _ 'l\Il'lm': _Tnnn nnhrnne nnent '8. week `Thursday. July 29. Miss Jean Cochrane spent `a. week with her cousin. Mrs, Floyd Ba._nne- iman of Allandale. M... and ~1\ll'm: AM-hnr T-Ta.l.hert.- Miss ' Wltn Irlenasun ralgrave. -Mr. and Mrs. A. Thomnson anli Mrs. Cecil Ma,cDona. ld visited on Sun- day at S.vJ. MacDonald's. Minn mamhla Mrs. C. R. Martin | Lunau. spent Inursuay an aux. 11. duuuuuuu 5. Mrs. Kennedy has returned to home in Toronto tter spending a cou- ple of weeks with her da.ughter,Mrs. ' IIVK.-. Tnlu vvunnflna nf fhn \X7nmAvi'n nau. - The July meeting of the Women's Inst1tute`w1ll be held on the 28th at. the home of the president, Mrs. David Adams. 'Ml'h:n 13"}!-1 Qlrnnunn nf `Rat-rln anti aams. Miss `Ruth Simpson 0!. Barrie -and Miss Mary and Donald Currieof Elm- valeiare visiting their aunt, Mrs. John` A; Corbett. - 'In1\ A 'VD`A nf Qt 'l'nn a nnfnr- T in Swords. Dr. Florence Mccoimey andch1ldrex_1g of Toronto were guests of Mr. and Mre; T. C. Royce. . _ , , Mr. and Mrs. T. Pearce are home af- ter spending six weeks h'ol1da.y,lni and Burkfs Falls. 12-. .1. 'hllurnv-flu. agent for London: nay at ulmum runs. I Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Mccutcheon and grandchildren. Gertie. Bertha. and Rob- I art, of Lion's Head spentdthe-week-end I with friends in this vicinity. `rm... and 1\Il'uu 1.2` 1'4". Tlfnhufnn vnnfnv-A11 on rrluuy wu-JL. Trinity W.M.S. met. in the basement of the church on Wednesday afternoon. The devotional leaet was read by Miss.` Dean and a. .very interesting report of the Slmcoe W.M.S. picnic, which was .held at Tent City, was given by Mrs. iLunau. . ` -- ' FIVLA uvnnnnn nnnnln AP ihlnla nnvnrnuinffw A; UOTOBIE. ` - " The A.-Y.P.A. of St.. Jude's enter- tained the Young People s Circle `of. Trinity United at a picnic last Satur- day at Innisl Park. 'I\/fr and Mn: "Rnhf. 1Wn(`?utr~_henn and Wltn Irlenus 1n Hus vwuluy. I Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Webster; motored to Ottersville on Sunday to attend the funeral of the forr_ner s uncle. L. W. Hilliker. who was, a,ccldenta.lly' killed on Friday last. 'I`rlv-nifv WM,, mat in the basement .|.JllYl8.U. ' ` The young people of this community held a miscellaneous shower for Mr. land Mrs. Willis Smith atvthe home of Mr. and Mrs. John` Patton on Saturdava night. Many beautiful and useful gifts '. testled to the `high esteem in which the young couple are held. ,'M'v- anr1'1\/Iv-ca .Tnhn(1v'nQa and smn W16 yuung UUUp1B u.1'e.uc`1u. - M (Mr. andMMrs. John- Grose and son Earl and_Mr. and Mrs. Fred King of Toronto. Fred Ayerst and Miss Fledda |`~_Ayerst of Owen Sound motored. here to spend Sunday with Mrs. A. E. Ay- erst,_.Mrs. King and Mrs. `Ayerst re- malning for a,week s visit. 'l`hn loaf n4 in saving nf r-nnnnnHHnnn' a The last of a series of competitions was held on July 10 by pupils of Miss. Milligan, for which prizes were don-, atedfor technical ability and accuracy. ininterpretation. Results were as fol- lows:- First prize ($5), Helen Boake. Thornton; second prize ($3), Isobel Davis, eIv_y; third` prize ($2), Lillianl Thom son, Thornton, and Lorna Flet- cher. vy; fourth prize ($1), Bert HOP-. ton. Thornton, and Jack Stewart. Thornton. The prizes donated by Miss Milligan were presented by the secre- tary of the club, Miss Birnie Speers. A Presentation A very pleasant evening was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Pat- ton on the 16th inst., theoccasion be- in! a presentation to`Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Smith by the members ofeTrinityi,, United Church choir. After a few in-I trodiictory remarks by the ~chairman,| Gordon`Henry.sa'ng a solo and the fol- I lowing address was read by R. D. I-Ien- 1 ry, the presentation being made by Mrs, S. Carr:-- ' V - mp. 1|/r.. ......a 1ur..... 13. 117 'd......an., `n...-... IHKUIIIIIE .lUI' 3., WEEKS VIHIL. } .lVJ.l'D, D. \/(141.1 . '. To Mr. and Mrs. R: W. Smith.-Dear friends, we, the `members of Trinity United Church choir, have met togeth- er tonight to extend ;to you our hearty] congratulations and touexpress our best l Wishes `for a. bright and V prosperous. married life. We,felt that this would` 1 be an opportune time to express to you,` 3 Mr, Sm-ith. our appreciation of the ser-_ 1 vices you have so cheerfully rendered. | As leader of the choir. you have given of your time and talents in no stinted; way.` so that the gospel in-~ song might. `be an` inspiration bothto minister and members `of our congregation and stim- E ulate them to greater effort so that the! cause of God might grow and prosper! in this part of His moral vineyard.| Mrs. Smith. by her _kind. and cheerful- disposition and her willingness to help` `at all times`, has endeared herself to us` all. We would express the hope that we may still be privileged. to hear her sweet voice` in the service of song. As a slight.t'oken~ of our affection.-we ask you to \.;accept.this clock, and as it sounds the hours of the day may it re- call to your minds sweet recollections` of days, gone by.---Signed on behalfof 3 the choir, Mrs. Thompson, Mrs. W. J. C. Boake,. Mrs. `S. Carr, R." D. Henry, '1`. Barlow, Matthew McLean. `Mfr-' 'rnH-11. maa-n a-nifnh'ln rnrflv A 1-lUUl.'_Y, .1. lD?J.l'1UW, $V.I.ltl.LLllCW LVLUJJUEJI-` Mr; Smith madea. suitable reply. A programme of community singing was carried out.~'afte2'~ which. a dainty lunch was served by the ladies of the` choir. The singing of Auld Lang Synebrought a very enjoyable evening to a close.` July 21.---Congratulations to Miss Bessie Hunter and Miss Mina Consta- ble,.pupils of Miss Enid Partridge.` on successfully passing `the elementary . piano examination of the Toronto Con- Iservatory of Music. _ Qni-nn/vvlnlfnv-5 in thin vininlfv (hiring J. R. Bell. Braatoru _t. Mrs. C-. L. Burton 0! Bay visiting with Mr. and 'Mrs. H. Knapp. Brock St. 1;... n Rldwell and children have. 5Ul.'Vl!LLUl'y UL AVLUBIU. Some, visitors in this vicinity during the wek were: -Mrs. Wm. Leonard of Stouffville and Mr. and Mrs. Jarvis of Markham at- W. J; Leonard's: Miss Mabel Jacks and Mrs. Allen of Toron- to at John Jacks ; Mr. and Mrs. Hunt. Misses Maynard and Mr. Clark of Tor- onto at Fred Green's; C. L. Davieot the Bank of Toronto start. Hamilton; and Mrs. Davie, at Boadway Bros.` ` TEA vnlrla hf "Mfinu Dnrfrign whn ana LVLPS. uuvle, at Duuuwuy nruu. V The pupils of Miss Partridge. who assisted in the recital referred to on page 10 were Misses (iera-ldine R_ey- ` nolds, Ruth Smith, Elsie Webb, Helen Constable, Olive Broley. Eleanor Smith. Mina Constable and Bessie Hunter and Master Campbell Hughes. vAter the *concert the members of the community cho r were treated to a. sumptuous ban- q_ue by the Women's Institute. TD`? 1 - n - - --v . The Oro Co-Operative cmb will hold -a. turnip hoeing contest on the farm of John H. Crawford. con. 5. on'Monda.y evening, July 26, at 7.15. There will be three classes, one for. men over sixty years of age, one for boys of fourteen years and under'~and one open to the world. No.-entrace tee win he charged and suitable prizes willbe given. Bring the._iadies and enjoy an _evpning s en- terta`inment.A - . . 4 ` EA" -fniem-on .iiIOIOIOIOI03 E014 vlolvivlololfvli .o3QsIenoN' _- I-I_'_I_ _ STROUD Brock St. ` T Mrs. R. Bidwell and children have gone to spend two weeks with relatives in Swords. - ~ 11-: `lnrnnnn Mnnnnev and children ' \I\J \II\LJ I \l V-V L) l$$w$$m&w&&$maam i -__..__ town last week. . - . Master Fred Coleman is holidaying in Victoria Harbor. A Miss Bessie Sutherland of Toronto is visiting Cookstown friends. . Frank Baker had his tonsils removed on Wednesday of_ last week. ` e j '_Born, to Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Wright, on July 18, 1926, :a daughter. a Misses Lynn and Mary Coleman" are- visiting with friends in_Toronto. .1un~u (lav mm daughter Margaret of W. Mackay_ of T-orontoA`was in; frgenas 1n_'1`0r0m:u. , ~Mrs. Gay and daughter Margaret of` Torontoare visiting friends here. Mrs. Wm, Leeson` of Toronto is vis-9 lung with her sister. Mrs. V. Beatty. I Born; to Mr; and Mrs. Thos. Wil- liams, Clover I-Iill._on `July .17, a son. -I-.,- \k_'\Y.......\.&. A0 'l`n'unv-ufn Inn:-\g`x1;|" Tom McNe.ught of "I`o'1-onto renewed old acquaintanceln town '_last week 113.1115, K/IUVUL A1111./_vnn uni-.7 ""7 "` """' | an... -:-s_.'_ 117:1...-... Inna`-nl-n-n-nail knnnnu Ulu auqualznuunavv uu \uv.vv ..` ........- -_-.. Mrs. Dan Wilson has iret.urned"home after spending a. few weeks in Toronto. Thos. Bailey of Egbert is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Copeland, Sr. - -.-,,_ n-u-__1_._ `.1 1'1'r....1..I....-.4`...-. nn 8;. w 1;. 0 nvuu .-... pa. --- r '-*-----r -- v V` Mrs, Taylor of W:'a'ah1.n;t'von, D.C., as holidaying, with her sister./`Miss M. Spence. ' Mm: R Hamilton snent -a few days Spence. `Miss R. Hamilton spent days this week with Mr. and;Mrs.7 H. L. Dunning. 2 Mn `Ram-A nf A'l'linfnn was in lmwn uunmng. - T Mr. Beard of Alliston was in town last week visiting his daughter . `Mrs. H. Jebb. "mu "lKIfn`|1n1I and inn T.nv-ha nf "l"nv-. .l A. Gibson. 80 wuuam 5:. . On Wednesday a. special-train cars passed through Allandale carry-v' mg the members of the Iron City Fish- ing Club `on their annual trip to their shing grounds in the Georgian Bay. ..._u..4.....v.. ..x...1.-vunua. lrkn nvmin. M rs.'iII1tchell and Son Lorne of Tor- o to are visiting the former s `father. ohn King. ` ~ Mr. _ and Mrs; Reid and family of -Thornton spent _Sunday with Mr. and Mrs; A. Riley. V . . Miss Grace Robinson of Newmarket was the guest" of Miss Mary McMillan ovr the week-end._ . , Illnuga IQIIJQII-uah and Yofhlnn 'nn`IInI" `V51 EH8 ween-emu, Misses Elizabeth and Kathle_en Baker ABudg`etofBargainsatVickers % These on Sale beginning on Friday, July 23 Best` British Broadcloths,ffull 36 inches , f wide, in 20 new designs and color- Vings, the finest quality and reliable" dyes, most attractive for summer use, regular $1.00, special . . . . . .. 75 15 pieces of Voile: and Fancy Colored r Cotton Dress Goods, 34 to 38 inches wide, in many colors and varied de- signs, ranging in value up to $1.00, special ` . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Fine Bedora Voile; for dresses, in helio, taupe,- rose, grey, melon, etc.,' re - ular $1.35, sale . . . . . .. Q C I-_l,OUSE DRESSES TO CLEAR, $1.29 These are made `up of.p1ain zephyrs, checks and stripes, pinks, blues and greens, regular value $1.65,$1.75 and $2.00, special . . . . . . . . .' VULYsA1_[;5.\coN'I;NUE TO CREATE MUCH gN'rH1s STORE S'ACTIVl1'IES, AND THIS WEEK'S PROGRAMME AFFORDS YOU SUBSTANTIAL SAVINGS on MANY or THE NEEDED %'I'HlNGSFORSUMMERWEARANDUSE. E g ,Our entire stock of_ Blouses is of- fered-at a sacrice price to clear in .two days, silk, crepe, ninon, broad- ,cloth and printed cotton" selling re- .gularly up to $6.50, sale . . $1.98 GEO. VICKERS LIMITED `run BARl l.ll-.x_AMl!I EI parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. nruuuuu. ileys 5-4 in tendnnings In azlocal soft- The Presbyterians the 5 ball league. game on Wednesday night! It. .....a Ll-m (1 (`vinnn warn |n 'NUd- BLOUSEST of Newmarket visited with their pars: i ents here last week. . I l Dnxv A T. Affrvn and gnnq T\/fnrhav ents nere 18.81 . VVEEBK. w l Rev. A. L. Atton and sons Morley [and Carmen of Coldwaterealled on friends here on Tuesday. , ,} txr D 'Dn+h:.n kna -I-ho uvrnnafhxr n1 Irlenas nere on luesuuy. ,1- W. R. Potter has the sympathy of the community in the loss of his father, l Robert Potter of Tottenham. I 1\,r.. nun 1\/ram (Inn `I2-;nnHna nn Mr 1'iODeI`T. 1 ULu-:1` UL 1'Ul.u-:uu'cuu. - Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Banting and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Banting of Ivy -called on Dr. and Mrs. Miller last Sunday. Aeonu. nn -Hlnnau nf -Pnnu vnnnl-he "n\/I've ' on .lJI'. uuu. milks. Avxulcx` luau. :ouuua._y. After an illness of four months, Mrs.` Jacob Wilcox passed away on Thurs- day, July 8, at her home on Melrose Ave., Leamington, Ont.. in" her 72nd year. Besides her huseband, one _daughter survives, Mrs. W D. Mitchell `of Leamington. Deceased left with her husband from Cookstown six years ago and moved to Leamington. -Gookstown friends extend- their sympathy to the |bereaved. ' , . . St. John's Anglican I `School and church were well represented in [one of the most enjoyable Sunday School picnics ever held at Killarney Beach, on Wednesday afternoon, July 14. The weather was ideal and the boating and games were enjoyed by all. A softball` match was a. great attrac- tion on account of the staging of many new star plays. This picnic trip is be- ing looked forward to as one of the really enjoyable events of the year. No Change in Cpokstown charge A meeting of Simcoe Presbytery was held in the Cookstown United Church. on Tuesday, July 20, for the '_ urpose` of adjusting the work on the Cooks- town charge`. It was decided `to leave the charge as at present constituted `and the circuit boundary commission were requested. tocontinue -their work of inquiry and'report_`a.t the next reg- _ ular session `o_1.' Presbytery. A pleas- ing` feature.` ot the" discussion-was `the. ~d_iscoye`_'ry that theisurplus of ministers S. 3; Picnic at Killarney nan leusuu. 5cuuu uu vv U\III\vI-3\-an-erg `...\,,..-. Mr. and Mrs. G. Crlpps were in M1d-` land this week, attending the funeral` of Mr; ,Cr!pps' brother, Joseph Crlpps. -r-._ ......1 'u ..... (`Inna (V lllhunn nf .'f.Al..