Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 8 Jul 1926, p. 16

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aruauu. ~ I.` U-llUu:1J Arcy U'lV 9111. JR. III T0 SR. III-Flrst Class Hon- . ors-Norman Moore. Angus Cameron, William Moore. ED `'1' 'I`!\ 'I"D 1'71 1:u.....4. ('11-..- 71--.. ura--4v:.u..r5u.1'uL DUyLIIC, ucnms Moran. SR. III TO JR. IV--Second Class Hon_ors-Margaret Cook. Melvin Rich- e.rdson.i Fa1led-D Arcy O'Neill. T`l T_'l?`hvc+ Iiona 'I'J'nn_ No.4 AND 3 FLOS AND VESPRA JR. IV TO SR. IV-First Class Hon- ors-Willie Moore. Second Class Hon- ors-Margaret Scythes, Dennis Moran. QR. TIT Tm _T'R TV_QnnnnR (`Inga uwuu, Juan JUIHISEOII. PRIMER---Mattie Maw, Murray*Ford, Gordon Ferguson. `OLIVE M. PEACOCK. teacher IXUFXIHJI. ' JR. II-Wili$ur Walton. Victor How-I ard. [Percy Ford, Phyllis Saunders. 'l'-Tar:-in r'1no.i-11: 1.)n'ln_ aru. ruruy Ispru, rnyuls saunaers. -JR. I-Clifford Harris, Claetus Rob- inson, Jack Johnston. I DDT1\/r1i`.`D._.'M'o++a.. 1m.-.... 1m........-. -m.....a .LVLUx\I':l'Hi:ul, violet; uonneuy v ` SR. III-Jack Murphy, Jean Howard. (H), Russell Robinson. Billie Maw,` Jean _McLeod, Billie Johnston, Wilma Brown. Lillian Ford. . . ` JR. III-Will1e Saunders.` SR. II--Helene Donnelly, Mary Mc-- Krnan. -. I 1"!) TT `I"l'r.nL..._ -rrr_14_._ 171 A , `.- Elsie Howard, Flora YounE (H), Mir- uvvn v.n-IaI III`! I SR. IV-:1'\&ary Stranaghan. JR.- IV-Rita Murphy, Clifford Ford, iarn Coupland, Agnes McKernan, Mick McKernan, Violet Donnelly SR. ITI:.TQl`l( Milrnhir Tdnn IJ nuvn~n-`I .Lu.u.v1a lJl.'e6!HU.W, Alex. rlmay. I JR. III TO SR III--Mar,v Dwyer, Marion - Craig, Bert Smith, Arnold! Rummerfleld, Wilfred Herman. ` QR, IT Tn 112 n r_.`M..-.1m1 run hm. n,uxuun:1'1.u-nu, wuzrea nerman. SR. II TO JR. III--Mabel Gill. Dor- othy Poole, Vera. Poole, Charles W-attie. Charles Greenlaw, V Leona O Rei11y. WEEK: ' Jonos-Braithwaite On June 24 a quiet wedding was solemnlzed at Cralghurst, by the Rev. Mr. Herman. when Muriel Frances, `eld- _ est daughter of John Braithwadte. be- came the bride of Mr. Leonard Jones. Elmvale. The following Monday evening a few ne1ghbors-and friends: Qnfhnwnd 95.3. No; 6, vE'spnA JR. iV'T0 SR. IV--Isabel Story. Har-' old Frankcom, Cecil Frankcom, How- ard`-Gill, Lynn Russell. ` QR Tn T13 T`7_'I4nuannn Duunnnil - axu u'u1,,.uyuu nusseu. 1 SR. III TO JR. IV-Florence Russell,i' D Mavis Greenlaw. Alex. Finlay. .TR. T0 gp TTT.._T\/Tarn hnrxrnn ;uu.mu.uucru. Dunne npeers (rt).- sn. III-Muriel Reed, May Neweu %\g1)rJprt_e,,McEachern, Harry Knupp' J1'z..III--n-ene Fishr. II--I-Ielen Thompson, Jean Readman, Muriel Thompson, Audrey `Mlilligan, Roy Speers, Velma Smith, Wilbur Anderson. TE` A"\1' l`I`l"I' l'IT`I"l`|'l'l-`>1!!! A.-- _I__._! s. s. NO. 15; ESSA SR. IV-Arthur Grose. Sterling Carr. Charles Newell, Doris` McEachern. Sagge Smith. - `I"IT. ,n`CvIt\t\A' A ...'l......-.. W A ....x-{ EGUIU Qllll LII- JR. IV--Ellwood` Anderson." Annie McEachern. Blrnie Speers (R).-* .q'R, TTT-TM'nv-Inl Dead Man 'KTnnrn`l1 ! lxuuuuun. 1-uuue uenney. . I TO III--Pass-Donald McMaster.' liecommended -Irene Mills. Recom-1 mendationg all for spelling, * l lV.l.U\4l.ll`, JJIIH: .l.'UWo' 1 T0 JR. IV-Da.v1d Denney, Evelyn! Mccann. Annie Denney. Tn 'n'T---`P9 s.1n-'nnnnlr1 TM:-'Nl'nnfnr u~o"s'z."f{rZ_z?;.;11a}.Zis" ie.-3.- elotte, Ethel McMaster, Donald Griffin. Recbm~mended-Victor McMaster. Jack! Mccann, Lila. Pew.- . TI` TD nT_1\n11'A 1`AV\UIt\II 'E`cvn'l1yr| I 5'r`i PR`. .--.Marjor1e Wiley, Helen! Johnston. V . 'i71:1'D'MA rs 1-rrrn-an 4......I..m.| \n.).,.:*reu uuuuwuy 11'}. II TO} JR. III.--Winnie, Galloway (H)_. Cecil" Spears` (R., illness). _SR. I TO II-'Bob Elliott. " "JR. I TO SR I--Marie Sneers. Elva McKnight. _ A . RP `DD 115131-Inn Rnonm: `PAM: Mn-| uorc uus WBGK. Mrs. Babcock and Mrs. Watson of Hillsdale, called on friends here last ~ week. Mrs. , E. McLaughlin visited `with friends in Penetang and Midland last week. , I I-..-_ n.._u-I nuuxxuxgub. V SR. PR.-Marlon Sgeers, `Reta. Mc- K-night, Milton Galloway, Miller John- 3t0n.` - YD nu` _It.....a...... trrn.-... 1.1-1 .... I I PROMOTION EXAMS. O IN RURAL scHOOLs s.s'. NO. 3 EsA SR. in T0 JR. IV-Pa3s-Frank. Griffin. Lawrence McWa.ters. JD l"l"l' 'l`(`| RP .T`l'1 _.-..`M'nh-Ila IKnT(nIa'-`hf rQl'ILI.lLI, l.R1aVVl'UlIUU LVLU VY H-LCl'Bu JR. III TO SR. ~III-`--Maidie McKnight (H)._ Fred Galloway (P). `[1 mn .T`P `l`l"l'_'\XTiv-nnin llnllnurnu (T-T\ MINESTING PUBLIC SCHOOL `l:`.1\Y'rn'D 'Dnn1u-- -r-n -rvv ..... ..._ -- 015.9 I=4oM.~_c U-N-SHOT -nan-rm `Dnnl ..&'a.I.- ._-7- uaun .uuuu'cu1, Jean Martin `MILDRED J. DUN LOP. teacher dl.Ul\ \J n.uuUra.n. V CECILIA E. MQBRIDE. teacher s. s. NO. 9 ESSA T17 15-..... 'l..__.-1_ 11- s.s. N3. 8, Iwmsru. n nn...n........1 1-- uwycuwvu U1'UlJlUI'o ' ' ' Among the floral messages of sym- pathy were: a. pillow from Minerva lLodge, A.F. & A.M., 234: a -wreath from Orange Lodge No. 304: a wreath from the Scottish Rite Lodges, Barrie; `wreath from the Liberal-Conservative. Association of South Simcoe: anchor from the Stroud Telephone Co.; wreath` -4rom the Innisfil Municipal Council; spray from Eastern Star ohapter. Bay- view 105; from St. James United Church of Stroud: Official Board .a' bnoken circle; Sabbath School and Young Men's Bible Class. a cross: Ladies Aid, a spray; Young Women's Adult Bible Class. a spray, besides] other wreaths and sprays from the family and private individuals. I s.s. NO. 7 v.Es{='nA [JEAN G1LcHR~I's'r. teacher} VERNA `G. WICE. teacher -.DuuU ncuuulll (111). K. MURPHY. teacher `ran 3A'niu axAu`xm.-:3 an Zl.uUl'CH The regular meeting of the Mission Band of Trinity United Church was held on Thursday evening, July 1, at the home of the president, Miss `Gene- vieve Jamieson. Mrs. Lunau gave a. splendid report of the Presbyterial meeting held at the summer home of Mrs. Abernethy, Big Cedar Point, Lake Simcoe..The study chapter was review- ed by Miss Charlotte'Mason. . -nu "null FUDIUI" VVIH` Six members of the WBmen's Insti-. *tute, Mesdames Adams, West, Mc-V - auuuuul: course at the University. Mrs. Harry Lynn enjoyed a short holiday with her sister, `Mrs. Wm. Wil- son in Parry Sound last week. Her mo- ther, Mrs. Jas. Sproule, who has been in "Parry Sound the past month and her niece, Miss Helen Wilson, returned with. her. ' Rev. and Mrs `A. E, Lunau and Madeline were in Toronto a couple of days this week. Mrs. Lunau's mother, Mrs. Kennedy. accompanied them home for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Lunau while away, `attended. the re-union of ex- pastors and members held on the 123rd anniversary of Washington United Church, Scarboro, and Mr; Lunau gave an address _ I VI`!-un -uxn-uh`... ......-a.:.__. -0 .u- --- |.. 5 no vvwvlx vvzun ucl..UUuSl-`J. '1i}s Mary Spencer and Charlotte Mason are delegates from Trinity Young People's Circle to the summer school at Lake Couchiching this week. Mr. and Mia. `Albert Bone and El-' wood and Mr. and Mrs. `Jos. Cochrane motored up to Owen So1_1nd'and Lion's Head and spent a few days with friends` there. V . Miss V. M. Burrows, a former teacher lof S.S.` `No. 9, Innisfil, was. with Miss Genevieve Jamieson over` the week-end. before going to Toronto to attend a summer course at the University. Harrv LVHH oninvn an clan-mi sun uvcr Luv WEEK`-BIN]. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Muir and Ed. Wil- go? spent the week-end in the Queen Y-A T Mr. and Mrs. Len. Tilly of Detroit are visitors at '1`. Moore's and are re- newing old acquaintance with friends here this week. MPG naknnnlr nu}! `IR-.. -rIr_;_-,. A my on. 11. . .IT.l'tl..lUUl'L'S. U Mr. and Mrs. Arthur 1Halbert visited In Shelburne on Sunday..Miss Jean. Halbert returned with them and "is [spending a week with her. cousins. l I _ . 1\lI'annn `l|1l'....-. t'1------~- ` " Dominion Day at A. . a1bert s. auu, June Z5. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Halbert and family of Toronto and Mr and Mrs. Frank Halbent `and family of Shelburne spent Thfuo hung` `III ... A __41.._,, ' :L_yUl'5L. Mr. and Mrs. John Patton and Mr. and .Mrs. Willis Smith attended the Nellly family re-union held at Gilf_or.d on Tuesday. ` Congratulations to vMr. and Mlrs. Watson Dunn (nee Florence Cochrane) [of Russell, Man`, on the arrival of a lson.'June 23. Mr av-`A lm 15.: 'r'r_1L-..L 7 I A -- '...c .v..... 47.54:). 71 ul. \;uHH1ll5a.IIl. Mr. and Mrs. Fred King of Toronto and Miss Fledda Ayerst of Owen S`ound spent the w_eek-end with Mrs. A. E. Aynclerrst. ' and `Mr... 1-..n___ 1-5 .. - -- aunt, mr. anu Mrs. wm. Grose. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Artley and son Edison and Eldon Kelly of Toronto spent July 1st at David Clark's. ltlnn `D.-......x.. -In---r -u, A - ._,.-.... ......_, ....u. uh uavtu \Jld1`K 8. Miss Bessie McLel1an of Toronto. a. former teacher at Cherry Hill, is visit-, `ing with Mrs. Wm. Cunningham. ! Mr and 1/ran 'm....,: 1-;-:.... ,n vv . 11. uaxuu-mun last. ziunaay. _ Congratulations V to Mr. and Mrs. J Frank Fell on the arrival of a daughter on July 1. (Kathleen Isabel). Miss Marmmritn flrnun an m..mA:--- uu auzy 1.4 uxatmeen lsabel). Miss Marguerite Grose is spending a holiday in Barrie with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Grose. MI`. B!!!` Nrr Tvnrvnl-+ Ami-1.-.-. an: --A-- nus. unu M.I`s. Amer: Bone. Mrs J. Powley and Harry and Miss Vera Wise of Toronto called on Mrs.` W. A. Jamieson last Sunday. Congratulations: fn M 0...: M..- cu. puns. nerlry 3 recently. . Mrs. Floyd Bannerman and children of Allandale are spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bone. Mrs: J pnnrlnxr and 1'.1'......-. .._.a an-s--- vvuu uueuus at Fort McNlcoll. Jos. Crlpps, who has been ill for some time, has gone to Midland to live with his son Jos. . Mn and Mina A 'DnL.... .....I --A-- N- ' 1115111., duly 31. Cecil Ferrier of Toronto spent a few I days recently withhis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ferrier. Miss Ethel Cochrane spent a couple of weeks with her sister, Mrs. Arthur -Hubbert, Allandale. 1|/I'v onn 1|/I -ca `l:1....-...4..-.... `ll'_`r --., - v- :1 uuuel`L, Auanuale. Mr. and Mrs. Egerton McLean and daughter Edith of Crown Hill visited at Chas. Henry's recently. | Mrs. Flnvd Rnnnnrman an.-I n1.n.:....... :ku.Y.P.A. will be held in the base- ment of St. Jude's Church on Friday night, July 9. I (`Orin Warrior AP 'l"n-u\n&.. .....-...`4. .. A__- LUFUHLU are at tnelr home here. Miss Verna Reid of Alliston is spend- irixg a week with Miss Eleanor McKen- z e. Misses Janet and Frances Campbell are attending summer schoolein Hamil- ton. 7 Miss Anna Graef left last week to spend the holidays at her home in Clif- ford. spent ford. I A `J uuu. are an 1.1181!` names nere. 1 Mrs. J. D.`Smith and son Dolby of: Toronto are at their home here. - Minn Vnrnn `Dam na An:..+,.... 1.. ......-...= i i&$wmm$&$m&$%mm1 ! Elliott Terry of Detroit was with his mother here last week. 3 T.nn1 Qfnuron nvul `IT...-...I t`1.....4.a... -n `r\_ unuuucr uurc last. WBBK. a Lew Stewart and.Vearl Coutts of De- troit are at their homes here. MFR. J, `D Qrnifh Q71!` ann T\nIIr-up A6 wuu xua BUD -108. Mr. and Mrs. A. Potter and son Gor- don. also Mrs. Tennant and son Jack. of Toronto were guests of Mrs. Willis- ton over the week-end. Mr and 1\/Thu Tan `Minn. ......a `ma -rrvn _ Full_Forc-Fe ` Lubrication Five Disc Whe F T: Taxes mun Kmm Thorriton Poster Wins QlVl"`\n`nn D\` 4.1.- -I1'v"- we LOOK AFTER YOUR mag L AND `BATTERY. ` Should the part ca_Vu's_e-c-lelavy, be able to make it I Four am pm}; Automaacspark Control Atitofnatic Six"-Cylinder Motor I Nash Type Four-Wheel ` WI: Seven-Bearing Crankshaft __ _ ,` __ _ 3 ANASH 6 SEDAN FOUR KINDS OF GASOLINE THORNTON my Us 0N REPAIRING 'axes Paid $1375 at Barrie uuu uuu 13310011 1 - George Miles and daughter Ada. of Aiiandale and-Miss Blanche Miles 0! Desmoines. Iowa, Sundayed with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Binnie. _ Misses Velma and Evelyn N ey of Mid- land are visiting their brother. .Wm.` N ey, this week. Mr/and Mrs. Ney spent the week-end with friends at Port McNicoll. J08. Crinnsz whn Baa Baa`: an .9-.. NASH SALES, REPAIR suo P AND SERVICE STATION ter he Misses ` ~. u awn uuu-: xsmucn r recent` illness.- Imnroved af- .. --.- .4... cu.-4ua nume nen Mr. and Mrs. Will. Mil visited with their cousins. uaa; muuguay. ' Mrs. Jack Buie is-1 her recent_i_l_1ne: mr:......... may mu. vvanless, Pembroke. " Norman` Spicher; Detroit, week-end atghis home here. My gn titan 117:`: s---- July 5-Mrs.VBen I home after Visiting. | M111. Wanesg, _P_embr lib` l sick 1 I\l\C1u-n` . Ia vusmng ner aunt, Mrs. T. Binnie. Miss Jean Dickey of Toronto is holl- daying with her cousins, Florence W11- aon and Eldon Knapp.. GGOPEB Mii and anahfnn Ada Al uuuul--l'atIOl I The home of Mr. and Mrs. John Pat- ton, Thornton, Was beautifully decor- ated with pink and white flowers and streamers on Wednesday, June 30, for the marriagelof their elder daughter, Alma Isabel, to Mr. Robt. iWilli s V Wedding March from Lohengrin, play- ed by Miss Genevieve Jamieson, who also played softly through the cere- mony and accompanied the soloist. Miss Mayme Henry, B.A., who sang At Dawning" during the signing of- the register. The ceremony was per- formed by Rev, R. W. Beveridge of Cookstown, assisted" by Rev. A. E. Lu- nau of Trinity United Church, Thorn- ton, and took place beneath a. large white wedding bell suspended from an arch of snowballs, bridal `Wreath and evergreen. bride looked very charming in a gown of white crepe Romaine with embroidered white silk net veil arranged in fan-shape at the back and caught by a bandeau of or- ange blossoms, and carried Premier roses. Miss Annie Patton was her sis- ter's bridesmaid and wore a frock of Ashes of Roses flat crepe trimmed with godets of `embroidered cream lace. bouquet was of Sunset roses. Neville Jamieson supported the groom; The beautiful grounds made a. very I '- was I I 2 Kenzie, Jamieson, Halbert and 1\&2E;l.`I attended the South Simcoe District Annual held at Tottenham. July 2. It was a fine day and there was a large attendance, the town hall auditorium being nearly filled at the afternoon session. The cash prize offered_ for the best poster illustrating the year's work was won by the Thornton branch; it made by Mrs. J. A. Jamieson. The judges made special mention of the original couplets and verses which ac- gcompanied each picture on this poster ' , explaining the meaning. There was also an exhibit of things of historical value,. old documents and books. old china, fine needlework, ancient articles of clothing. etc. A short talk on each piece was given by the owner. This was a new feature on the program and proved very interesting. Thornton branch sent four of these curiosities. viz., a. velvet table cover madein India. embroidered by hand in almost every shade of silk, in silver and gilt: a piece of very fine needlework, two verses from the bible done in silk cross stitch on linen, worked in 1.849 by a girl of 13; a doll s fancy bonnet made in splendid luncheon and supper to the visitors from the other branches and a very enjoyable day was spent. I . I I I l Wanless, Pembfoke. '0I`Ina1`l`Snir\hm~- n.....-u /, `we may , _--__ _ J --v tuna I V IIVVI 3,3119, : V Cowl Ventilator Nickelleci Radiator ` T C.wl Parking_ Light` . Handsome Duco Finish Dome Light V _ .d ., smooth Mohair Upholsery Ins: e and Lb(:ll::8lJe Door Transmission Lock [Rear-Vision_ Mirror Heavily Crowned Fenders ' Silken Curtains -lNCLUDING- Smith-Patton . 1`: 11,. 7 ~ -- ,,.__-vu.n A LCILILCI I mie Lid ges embroidered Slihnf manna LIHUU LU U30 Miss Belle. Binnie of Detroit. Mrs. Mcaarity and daughter Kathleen and Mrs. T. Reynolds of Toronto we're s week-end visitors at Jas. Binnie . Minn Thelma T-Tanvvnll no AIIn....u..I.. her; Dffoit, spent `the 1 Miller of Barri Er cousins. Mr and 1u'-n I` much improved SSS.- . Petch has returned gtwith hm nnnkm-r ah Raymer and soul 3. Buie are Avisiting until` UI Jsarrle s. Mr. and Mrs. LET US AWASH AND GREASE ' YOUR CAR - _.___v- --- `gun vv ' Ne renewiy- wheE`:1 ring gears also A Suitable on re} `lv_ery'I:.'-1:gine AWE D0 MACH_ll`{E WORK _SlXKlNDS or on. ween-uI1u.v1Bn:0!'S at Jas. B1nn1e's. ' Miss Thelma Herrell of Allandale is visiting her aunt, Mrs. T. Binnie. MISS Jean Dinknv nf 'Fm~nn+n I. knit, GTISIVTEE U-l'oU- The monthly meeting ot U.F.O. Club ,met at the homeTj.o!e_ Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bishop on Jul 16, with about sixty persons; present. '1' e_:j:_upm-_ If ybu want. wedding cake boxes, You `can get th in t Th E miner office. e a g xa 20tf Buy Advertised Things. -......., gown uuuu-: LU _|UlH In the celeration were Mr and \Ix'~` F` 3-I:sB%1`1r`-'%,nd Ed. Bell of Owen Sound. Mrs` Jv V`-7.3!`-eV_Vart of Buffalo. Mr. and Beai i: - Wlggins'of Beetun. Mxgs 1' 06 Wiggins of Toronto, I1'\'1n Jackman f Midland. Mrs. D. Mrrtners. and Ed. Schen nf A`ll:u+..... n......-. `I"\.\t/xn ......uuau 01: Mlcuand, Ed. Schell of Alliston. Oscar RN99 f o Ivy, James McMurray of Bm-vie. {Mrs. Susan McEachern of Toronto. Mrs. Chas. Carruthers and dzlughters or Barrie. I-1 Auac, uuux CD01 Re D0T131d'McKay. Bolton, who was b0I`_n and raised at Sunnidale Corners and as far as is known. the only young man going into the ministry from Zion Congregatxon. Stayner Orchestra then closed the.eVeT1ing'S entertzlinnxxmxts. Some of Sunnidale Corners boys and girls Who came back home to join in Mr. Mrs. F. D.-Bell and Mrs- W.- P. _St__vyar_t and um `I 1'1-7 __--n.-gnnhhlll pnu " U the entertainment.The program xms as follows: selections. Stayner 01'('l1v.~t1'.'1: , address, Rev. Kennth McLean. (ow'x""- town; quartette, Mesdames .\Iur1vh_v, Cross and Misses M. and J. Mzlno; recitation, Miss Partridge, Barrrie; ad- dress, Rev. Neil Campbell. M.A., Hur- rie;' solo. Mrs. Jack Mathers. Stztyhex`: 3-dd!'SS. Rev. J. A. McMahon, B.A., D1mt!`00I1: V piano duet, Mrs. Shaver and Miss Florence Schell: solo, Jack Coop` er, Barrie; address. mm Mam.-n.... M - .iuu1d team being victorious by 8;`). It was- almost six o'clock when the men's baseball teams from lwlinesing and Clearview lined up against what each. player knew to be worthy coiitestmts. Minesing, however. went down to de- feat by 7-12. Then came the >'unpel' which was provided by the ladies of the congregation. Table after table was filled at the community hall a score of times and it was a tired bunch of waiters that lay down to rest rhat night. The program, which closed at eleven-thirty o'clock, was given in the cement driving sheds which are hniz`-.; constructed on the church ::rwndS- a structure of 46 by 80 ft. Tlimigh rill unroofed it made a delightful place for the entertainment. The follows: Rnlnntinnu a....-.__- n . A ..u..b;g:5auu1l uaaea much to the even- ing service of praise. On Monday afternoon Cal`lOi1dH of` people of all ages from far and near- met to renew old acquaintancesllips and share in the pleasure pmvided. Games of softball between StzL\'nez* and Edenvale took place, Stayner :0- ing down to the score of 8-15. Second. Line girls lost to Sunnidale Corners team'by a score of 28-8. Then 0-we `the final between the VACLUFS. me [team being vinl>nn:r..... 1.-. n .. -. mmuers and a. ladies quarfette by A18, Cross, Mrs. Murphy, St-ayner, and M155- es Muriel and Jessie Milne of the Zmn congregation added much service nraism, A beautiful hymn board was pre- sented by Mrs. Patterson, wife of the present minister, to mark the ocm.-inn. The spirit of the giver and the vuiue of the gift is appreciated by the con- gregation. The subject for the evemng sermon was founded on Gen. ; 6:18... The present need to protect and pre- serve our spiritual heritage." An .m- them by the choir, The King of Love My Shepherd Is, a solo by Mrs. Jack Mathers and ladies quartette Mrs, Murnhv, Rfnvncns l\~r\.>` vr. LCI. 1 Zion Chuch Semi-Centennial Sunday, June 27, 1926, will long; he remembered by both old and }'uur1:;,. it being the 50th anniversary of Zion Presbyterian church. Beautiful weather brought huge crowds to greet the Rev. Lachlan McLean of Toronto. :1 very great friend of the congregation. He delivered excellent sermons both after- I `NevertheYess, I have somewhat il- gainst thee because thou hast left my first love." The choir sang Oh Day of Rest and Gladness. a solo by` Mrs. L. Doner. Dear Lord Forgive and a male quartette composed of Messrs.aGeo. Hutton, Norman <>liver,. Robt. Allan and H. J. Schell sang Pil- ot of Galilee." At the opening of the afternoon service,` those present who attended the services 50 years ago were asked to_ rise and there were just nine of these namely: Mrs. Dun- can Mclntyrre, Mrs. J. Brown llld` Robt. McMurray of Sunnidale; Mrs G... Crawford of Mineslng: Mrs. Currie- . -A!WE_N Mu-Ls THURSDIAY, JULY 3, 1926 ` `-5 Opposite Collegiate on Bradford St. BARRIE `t_i'c_ . Windshield ...u.. ucLwt:e1l mzwner Ook e of re -1 . th.. Jas. Little. Tees wax- John M. of the var that ho gm Russell K other on` Maf'th(~w on Bluko the King` Keenan Ln wheel. K seat. )1: drove w(-< east of 8. out to pa. the r0ad. this point ing from 1 rst it wa. distance f they were the road. teen feet (-mild hum them (`no Binnoj: dz` the tar wi on Essa F on Baldwi July 6-ias; Binnie, Sr.. has been ailing for some time and is now con- fined to bed. `Klan `Dnlln `I31-....l.. -1 'I\-L---lA `- .... ...` . ;:u: he Hm\'.'!rtl and um- Mr. Fm` 111 Jwr (121.0. Binn the pros and thv week at ice Stov thcr av? T7 1`! IN aT`n()1ln('L` At Hu- cution bu Cannot . tho :uI_fn (`hiVcf' Str- II (>}': out th \l\:A uxu tPY`nH(r' 1`G<'I:](-.<.< Costs`. n~' the nigh dri\'(*n }_\ I`. 1nL'(* Hu L. . A . ` Pr: vs ) Lx FINE] The funeral on Saturday attracted `a. very large gathering from all over In- nisfil, adjacent townships and Barrie. After `a short service at the house._ the body was taken to Stroudy United Church which was not large enough to contain those w-ho attended. Rev. R. B. Beynon read the 91st Psalm and Rev. Jas. Brown preached from the text. Let me die the death oi! the righteous, let my last end be like his" (Num 23:10). Lloyd Boothsang an ap- propriate solo. The City Foursquare". From the church the body was carried across the road to the cemetery by 0. R. Black. Lennox Black. J. S. Leonard. A. W. Green W. H. Martin and F.. W. Peacock. At the grave the Masonic ,bur- uuuu. uuu vvm. Albert OI J.V1l!1IlQa.D0llS.l I ial service was read by Roy Allen, ` M., of Minerva Lodge, and over eighty members"of the Craft participated and` paid their last tribute of respect to the departed brother. Amnna hhn fining` vnoannnnnn AF nun... 1 V`; l.`L\' (`(1 fun whwh Mesh: the1@g hmdrw manhn PM l\`\ l V.'. Indian By txu train ` I J\'l Ill and spew run I ll! form. , I (`loud ~ prm':1i Th( Pain`. throat L('IIllI TVJI i } (I (NI .` Loca` celeb ent a comp day. repro Be:-n from atten vill.-. from) tarin TTYI, -1 N( a CH ther celeb bx` t Ther the _ pass post n ha ll. ,. Mrs. Black, whose maiden name was Laura Kneeshaw. survives with two sons and -two daughters, Wm. R.. Elmer W.. Hester (Mrs. E. D. Beynon of Detroit) and Marjorie Laura! also `by two brothers, George E. of Mankato. Minn. and Wm. Albert of "Minneapolis. Tho fnnmv-nl rm Qnfnncny nfflnonl-All -.3 :"'1a1'y_ wt 1 3511`. JUN ed. `I UPI H3 llll'IU5w Mr. Black was born on .Nov. 20. 1869. on the farm where he died. He attend- ed Barrie High School. taught school at Lefrby and lived in Minnesota for a year before taking up work on the farm again. He took an -intelligent and active interest in the affairs of -his community and his voice and influence were always on the `side of right and public betterment. He was a director of the Stroud Telephone Co. and had held the office of president. He was a `member of Minerva. Masonic Lodge. - Barrie Lodge of Perfection and Rose Croix, and L.O.L.-No. 804. For many years he was secretary of Minerva Lodge and had attained the office of Senior Warden when hlsillness com- pelled him to relinquish active lodge duties. He was appointed Clerk of In- nisfil Township as, successor to the late R. HM. Mcconkey. In the Stroud Methodist church he was for ' many years `a very faithful worker whose counsel and assistance were always highly valued. He held the offices of steward and trustee and taught the Young Men's Bible Class. Inthe United . Church he was honored with the _of- fice of elder. "Iv `Dinah uvnn n Cunlhnn l\` 1.1.. II_l..I._...a. uuu U1 eluer. . _ Mr. Black was a. man of the highest lntegrlty. respected by all who knew him for his kindness of heart and many other tlne qualities. The influence for good which he exerted will long be 131: in the community in which he liv- G . SIXTH um-:, v1-zspmx 'nIv MM out` `In... -Itv..n_-_, A, & I'\`II'I`I `I 1 hi} ,. i OBITUARY 3 xm$a&w%%m%$&&&& and Mrs. Reynolds and Mrs} and Mrs. F. Gracey of Barrie Sundayed at Wasaga Beach. - - Mr. and Mrs. A. McDougallv and mm- `lly vl'sitedVw!th Jae. Torpey, Mlnesing Station. J. wiLsoN4 BLACK Mourned vby the whole towiishlp, James Wilson Black-. Cle'rk.p1.' Innlsl, passed away on June 80 after a. Jing- ering Illness. Mr 1311301! ma: hnrn an `KT;-up on `IQRO ------:-jxjn GBEN FEL U.F.OL CLUB Winhfhlir nnan6(__ -1 40., '- I Flavors are more "delicious when nbt boiled in candy but added afterward, Luv evutung was spent In games and a social chat after which refreshments and ice-cream were served. A hearty vote of .tha.nks was tendered` Mr. and Mrs. `Bishop for the use of their home. All report `a good time. Next meeting -is to be held at theehome of Mr. and Mrs. T. Smith on August 3. ueruzup 13 mcreaslng. The Club intend. holding` a. garden party in the near .fu- ture. After the meeting was adjourned the evening was spent in and which rnfrnnl-nun.-.o.. jberhip is inc'ras 1ng.7'i`he Club infe'r1d'. garden nartv in the. ma... o.._ auu l..lIlUI'n > -The township haveT Sustained a grelt loss in the death of J. W. Black..who was a. valued citizen and .3. very ef-` cient clerk. r`l\III\lI" noilnu-'.......I 4.- ._-_-A - - -- -k UIUII I: UlUl'Ko Council adjourned to meet at Stroud on Monday, August 2. `at 1 o'clock p.m. " W. LENNOX BLACK. Annmz lanb Special meeting` or Innisfil Counci'l was held in Township Park on Mon.-ev- ening, July 5. The purpose of meeting . wasto pass at by-law authorizing the issue of debentures for the erection and equipment ofa, school house for S. S. No. 4` Lerroy. The by-law was intro- duced. read. a, first. second and third time, passed, signed-, sealed by the Reeve and Clerk. R. J. Lillico appeared before the Council asking-for an ap- proval of plan for sub division Belleair Beaches" part lots 24 and 25, con. 5. This wasidone with the understanding thatthe township assumes no liability L- regarding streets as shown on the `plan. The Clerk was asked to ,write a letter or condolence to `Mrs. J. W. Black. and family in the. lose they have sus- tained in the death of a loving husband and father. a r . .'lVIn 4-nnnaakl... 1...-.- ..--..L-I__ - ~ uy VIHIIG Wu] mm: possession in me near ruture. Severabnew families are moving to Cundles which will mean an increase in nonulat-ion. 1.` E1115. Fred. Havrson has. sold his` new house and proper-tyuto Mr. Smith, who will `take possession in the future. Severalxnew fnrnlnn urn m-nut..- 4... LI UIIUIUU W 11]` population. uu uu: .Lvuu noan. Mr. and Mrs. Carver and family who have been visiting the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dodds, for some time. re- turned home to Rochester, .N.Y., on Monday. ' Mr and "Elva 'Donbl-uisnan ll`. `rIl.........|.-... uzuuuuy. ` . Mr. and Mrs. Parkhguse of Kingston` are at present visiting` the -latter's par- ents and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ferris. -. . L `I71-.A 'I _'I' nnnn ..).L... L--- -4-!!! Lncuuu nl. UWUI1 501.1110. ` Miss Greta Daley` of Toronto is spending the holidays with her parents, on the Mill Road. 'l\lhn ant` `IA -an l'1`........... ..._.1 A__._n__ __,u, Avuran, VJJUUIIIB. Mr. and Mrs. Dodds and Mr. and Mrs. Carver spenhthe week-end with friends at Owen sound. Minn (lanai-n `l"\alu no m.-........a... :- July 6-Mr. and Mrs. Irwin of Big Bay Point were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Shaw last week. winh (if Mn f`nnv\nn `vIl\|nnV V'l1o.......4... `H156 Uxl. La uuuxes. Mrs. Wm. Carson of` Toronto was al guest of Mrs. S. Pratt last week- v I MY`. .TnVQ nf Miirn urn: Manoniuu vxauuls novel`: uameron. . Mrs. Kramen of Bur1in:ton spent over Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robins. mu. .-....-1 11.... 'n-.-1.1- -...- --,7 - - puuruu were VISIIOFS 8.! G. W1ngr ove"s. ' Mrs. Dalton Dunsmore and Miss Hay. of. Yellow Grass, Sask.. were visitors at Mr. and Mrs. E: Caldwel-1's. ' W. Brown and Earl motored to Mon- trenl. ` ' - ;v.|.1.'a. Duuw mat. WEEK. . Friends of Mr. Cooper from Toronto spent several days at hlssurnmer cot- tage at Candles. I/rr `KYVV: nnnnn n- Flt`.-....n..4.. u... . sun-nu UL 1V1I'. 5. .r'!'aEl: last week.` Mr. Joyce of Midland was recentl visiting Robert Cameron. Rlfr Tfwnvv-nan All 'Dn..1h..-..d;,.... ........:. vv D. vveuu.z.I.; V. 19. nmgnt Z0. 21; E.. Shear, V. E. Knight 25; W. B. Webb, A. Hook 21; S. Garside, A. G. Walker 29.; S. Mccausland. F. John- ston 17; B. Thompson, C. W. Poucher 17; `G. E. Webb,-H. P. Appleton 17; W. .Peck. J. LeGear 13. ~ - i)oubles- . Kohlmeyer, A Massey, '.u; VVBUU,-1'.l..l I U1. 1. eck, J. LeGear 13. on. Do rmxs competea. A The Dominion Lawn Bowling Elimin- ation Championship games on the Al- landale green this week were as fol- lnwn: luuuu. lows: ' Cvm IUWHE "singles--F. Johnson 21; F. Whitney ' 12; A. G. Walker 21: S. Garside .13; W. B.v Webb.21; V.'E. Knight 20. Doubles--E_ Knhlmavnr A llacunu V. 13. .nxu5'nL UJBU ptayeu. - ` A rink of Allandale bowlers com- posed of J. Little, E. Shear, B. Thomp- I son and S. Garside (skip), attended the West Toronto tournament on July 1st and wer_e successful infwinning the prize for the highest aggregate score for out-of-town rinks. Each received a beautiful flower vase. 12 inches high. They won 8 games and tied one. They had an aggregate score of 57 andsthe highest score in the tournament was 62. 56 rinks competed. The Tlnrnlninn 'l'.onrn `llnnilina 1`.1H.~.l... V... .--.-..v, -oo-n\loI\aI-`ill `Antan- | On `Thursday, July 1st,.the Allandale lsoftball team entered the tournament at Klllarney Beach and won second place, being defeated by Lakesides, 7-3, in the final after beating Bradford v14_-0 and Ux-bridge 1642. The sluggers were Penelton, Cotter and'Montcrief. The fielding features were made by Homer, Henry and Spooner. The line- `up was--French p; Montcrlef c; Cot- ter- 2b; Spooner 1b; Henryss: Horner 3b: Binnie rf; Peneliton cf; Desourdie if; Meredith p, D. Hedger, manager. V" Bowling Items _ A. Massey, Geo. Webb, E. Kohlrneyer and A. Appleton played in the Meaford bowling tournament on Wednesday. They won; five straightvgames but were beaten in the final of the second series. B. Webb, F. Sharpe. E. Shear and V. E. Knight also played. A rink nf Allnnnln hnnrlcunn nnvn, `ll... 1 Monday, August p;{.' BLACK, Acting Clerk. l`&Vl.lDn VV IJ. .IJllaLlU- '1`aylo'r Statten's special consisting of twelve sleepers and two sba.gga.g'e_- cars went over this division. Friday night, taking the boys and girls to Camp.,Ahmek and Camp Wapomeo, at CanoeiLake, Algonquin Park. 'n._ -ilII_--_._.'!_'__ -r__u_, .,. . LIJU uuauu 1JUU1JlUo Mr.- and Mrs. J. S. Bruntdn and daughter, Clarence Riddell, Mrs. `Rose- veariand two children. C. W. Poucher and family motored to -Gravenhurst and spent Dominion Day with Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Little. \ ` I rnnivlnn GI-nlrl-nunhu auunnnlni .......'.-..l..J..|.... VJUU UIUULHIH MUTE. I, _ Chas. C. bbott, Sr., of Toronto and members of his family celebrated his_ 82nd birthday at the home of his sister, lyre. H. A. Gibson; Allandale. on July: Specials v!l'I.be run tQ4,B8.I'!'1e by C. N.R. on the twelfth of July from Mea- ford, Victoria. Harbor and Midland. It. is expected that they .w1ll _bring a. thousand people. . l MP. and MFG ,1 Dnuunfnn and IJUWIHI5 unuu. . ` Mr. band-Mrs. E. McFadden left on Monday night for Winnipeg. Mr. Mc- Fadden ls attending the C.N.R. car ger- vice meeting here. } (Than I` Ahhnff Ev! nf "I`n-vnnlvn and vouuugunuvn nos `ac-v-~v.u-y -.---5..-uoovou The C.N.R. is converting a former car department building into 8. club house which will be rented by the bowling club. Mr and-1|/I'vva `IE 1|/I n'l`ndr'In-n Inf! nan -..-- ----~ - -- ----.--- ..... Mrs. -`;Vx:i-ght has returned home after spending six months with her daughter in Gravesend, England. nu... ruxvn 1.. ......-.....;x__ - n-__..`_-_. ll: UIIUFUKI Ill DI18SrLUUlh ' '. Mr. and Mrs. R. Langdon and child- ren_of Toronto are holidaying at Mr. and Mrs. E. McFadden's.. 41. st". muuuzre, aumzuu. , 1 _Rev. Roy Melville is leaving .St. George's Church in September to take a. church in Saskatoon. . `In l`lU\l` `Inn 13 T.nnnI:`nv| ant` n`I|II11_ -----an -spawn-I, VA-All l\l'I Ju-Ivy 6-Mr. and Mrs. Walker Cald- well of Guthrie spent Sunday at Elmer Caldwell's. Kn and "ma Dawn L1l-1_u..._ , - -- uuurgucuwu. . ' Mr`. and Mrs. Roy. Hutchinson spent last weekwith the latter's sister. Mrs. A. F. McGuire, Sarnla. Rev `Rnv 1\/falvllln in Innvlrur Rf UL \l'll'l UNIQUE {.0 camp HE Ifllly P981511 this week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hill and children spent the wek-end with relatives in Georgetown. `~ I Mr? and `Mfr-n `Pnv `I -'I'n1*nhinnnn annnf un uuurge. ~ v , `Mrs. A. E. Patterson took 9. number of Girl Guides to'camp at Tiny Beach this weak, - o-v uavuun on us say vv -uysaaauu m(;:'a`<.:'eyv1'3ros. are duttlng a big stock (tat logs__ that accumulated in the win- er. ` - A ....-....I...... -0 .L..I'.....1 ...a..I.. ...... ......... WK number of chool girls are camp- ing at Alcona Park with` Mrs. E. Shear in charge. . "Elva A Ti`. Dnffnnnnn Onnlr n nn/nnhar -v vvan u-cusp vow on-w Qnnaounit an-n Irv Mrs. C. Danvers spent 3. short holl- day with friends in Toronto. ` `Cr--. 3": - &'<';;.a;1;1;`"..;" T`..;'.,'.;;:." has chased C. A. Clarkfs newstand. In..- ___, v\,,, I I Summer usina on theVC.N.R. is. reported as very good. YR I).-A.I__ `I IV ____ -..I_--.`..;A. _...-_L LL- curvy wvvn an-u vvog gv-any F. Reader or Gravenhuret spent the Iweek-end at his home here. .T K 1% M 1 ALLANDALE &%%%&$%%%%$$% wxm trlenas In Orlllla; '1' ` Mrs. Black and gaughtetr Olive V6! Sharon were visitors at G. W1ngr`ove"s. Dunsmom and 1m.. u-.... 'g$$$$wm&ia$wm&$g INNISFIL councu. iuwnye` . _,.___- - -.vvuur--_\av'I1-DI"l\ll Norman Pratt of`the .'S9V'8nvth con- cession of Vespra died from gunshot wounds on Tuesday night at his home. How it happened is not definitely known as he was alone at the time.` He was 41- years otage and unmarried. lnh ' -- JR. III TO SR. `IIlvI--D ld*B V m). May Ferguson (H). `x La?1a3f1' -1121 (H). Marguerite Simpkins. ' sn`-.-111 '1`O-JR.`II-I--Mild'red Ferguso I`Ll`\ 1'14-u......4.I.. 'n..'I..4.-_. /1--.-\ 1 \._x.4,;, Lg.l.d.luUl.`l|e DIIIIDKIDS. """sR:-111 '1O- JR.` II-I--Mild'red Fergusori (H)..TKenneth Ra'lston (H); Lizzie Cor- by (H). Ru.th'Spring (H). Margaret Spring (H), Gordon Emrick. Mayland Corby, Jack Duncan, Jean Martin (R). `MILDRED DUNLOP. taunt... wuwu uvvu up Il`l`l\JI"III ' Names arranged in order of rnerlt. ( I512. IV TO `SR. IV--Cha.rl1e Nichols SR. III T0 JR. `IV--'Murwoo'd*L'a.mb (H). Hazel Robinson (H). Albert Per- ry, ,Raymon_d Guest, Reuben Spring_ (R). * a.u.v-..v:.uAucnucI.lF"'d' rarxer. _. I M. BLYTI-IE. teacher [JUNIOR ROOM-II TO JR. 111- Honors-E. Armstrong,uV. Chappel, E. Johnston, G. Hiltz. C. Roe. Pass-J. Keas t, H. Johnston, C. I-Ierrell. H. M. FERRIS. teacher K aru. _ .ra.xsa-Ame1't ram. U R. III T0 SR. III--Second-Class _I-Ionors-Veron1ca Cavanagh, Thelma. Binnie. Pass-Enld Knapp. Recom- I . mended-Roy Tracy. ` 11 TO JR. 111- First-Class` Honors- ` Jean Johnston, Ross McKee. Second- Class Honors--Cec1l Bishop.` Florence Jones. Recommended-Edwin Ca.van- lgagh, Muriel Davis.. ' I TO II--Nnrma Trnnv Mrs.-Sn... 13-1.. pzuuwuuys. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hlckling and Mr, and Mrs} E. Mowbray spent July 1st at Wasaga Beach. `Miss Agnes Murphy spent a few day}; with friends in Orlllia. . MPH n"l\lI nut`, auunnI.d.-.. 1\In__, "- `.-vuuvvu r VIJI-IV UUTIUUL SENIOR ROOM:--JR. IV TO SR. IV-- H_o'nors-A. Adams. Pass-S. Muir. H. Armstrong. 'Recommended- -C. Roe. SR. III T0 JR . IV-Honors--E. John- ston, F. Pearson, L. .Graves, G. Keast; R. Parker, V. Luck, 0. Livingston. Pass I ---J. Muir. 7', TD 'I"r`I' run an 771- ` --a . nu uu'. ` JR. III T0 sh. III-Honors-L. John- "ston, `E. Livingston. T. Campbell, J. Armstrong, M. Murphy. Pass--I-I. Col- es, G. Ronald. M. Roe. VE; Courtney. Recommended:--Jr. Parker. I M `m 1:n',vm-r_1-1:1 4.....----~ uuusu, da.UK.J.V.lC1&6e.' C.- Bobbie Martin, Murray Pratt. Hilda 'l`_racy. B- Marie Curtin, Gladys Bishop, Mildred Knapp. " E. CLOUGHLEY. teacher I `31511, Luurlel uav1s.. I TO II--Norma Tracy. Marion Pain. lice Ayres, Edna Bishop, Sandy Mc- ee. . T SR. `I---Alymer Kavanagh. . JR. I-Tommy Bishop, Ena Tracy,` Harry Davis, Alex. Johnston, Edwardl McLean, Madeline Kavanagh, Leo Cav- anagh, Jack.McKee.- (`._. 'Rn'I-s-I-n `AA .-\...4.a... `If _____ _- -- l;'a.""$VJ.dUl'1UU dunes. SR. III TO JR. IV-First-Class Hon- os-Gordon Johnston, Eleanor Tracy. Second-Class Honors-Audrey Orch- : ard. _Pasa--Alb'ert Pain. _'I"D `l'1'T run GD 1"l'T :u.........s n--~_1 S.S. NO. 15. VESPRA JR. IV T0 SR. IV---First-Class Hon- ors -Mae Davis. Isabel Kavariagh. Pass-Maurice Jones. Qp TTT 'I`f\ T'D T17 `lin.-.L (NI--- 1'1 -.- 8.8. NO. 13. SUNNIDALE, AND 14, * VESPRA ` SR. III TO JR. IV-Joseph Shangh- nessy (I-I), Verda. Orr. S JR. III TO SR. III--Muriel David- "5011. II TO JR. III-E1sie Orr (H). SR. I TO II-Bi1lie Rednath (H). > MITPDHV fnonhan eron. aruauu, xxuuueeu 1V1UI'8.Il. ' SR. I-Jean Freek. Geo. Moore. Bert Hamilton, Beatrice Richardson, Grace Richardson, Allan Carson, Mary Hayes. .JR. I-Bobbie Collier. Lillian Cam- PR.- Marjorie Richardson. Allan Cameron, Florence Moore, Margaret Hayes. Florence Ward. Billie O'Hol-, 'loran, Jack 'O'Holloran. fE`.(`lTT.TA `I3 1\lI n13`D'I"l'\'I:V 4......1..-.. , uuvxu uameron. II-Bert Loftus, Chester Rich- ardson, Kathleen Moran. gp T*Tu:|v| Tuna`: flan `IA .-....... 15-..; VV lllldlll 1V1.UUl.'Uo SR. II T.O JR. III_--Flrst Class Hon- ors--Lucy Cameron; Second Class I-Ionors- J. J. Hayes,. Pass,--nMa.m1e Antonia. Recommended - Kenneth Tracy, David Cameron. ER `I"l'_'RnM- T.n>u-.3 nhnmogn 1:n..I.. aauuvtuc. `rue wuowxng Monday evening neighbors-and friends gathered at the bride's home and gave a mis- cellaneous shower. A very pleaTsant.ev- ening was enjoyed by all. Mr. and Mrs. Jones will reside in Hamilton. Little Child Drowned . On July 1st a sad accident happened at the home of Mrs. P. Hayes. 2nd line, when Lloyd Braithwaite, one and a half years old, son of Joe. Braithwaite. Midland, fell in the cistern and lost his life. Mrs. Hayes, aunt of the child. has been caring for him since his .mo- ther's death a year ago.:Llttle Lloyd had been playing with a. kitten. Evi-4 dence showed the kitten had` been on the cistern top. The child had crept up after it and a loose boardlhad let both fall through as the. kitten was drdwned also. Lloyd was `a -very bright and cheerful little fellow and was `loved . by all who knew him. Interment took a place at Elmvaie. Sympathy is extend- ed to Mrs. Hayes and family.` A

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