Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 8 Jul 1926, p. 12

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`= COTTAGE FOR RENT. inside conven- ; iences, sewer ' conqectlon. electric _ flight. corner Maple Ave`. and Dalton St. ) klxaply 190 ABa.yfield St. or. telephone I 27c. `EIGHT-ROOMED nous}; gm. With all convenlnm-an a-om-Imp ......: ` `FARM FOR SALE on RENT. In nisfil, `200 acres, soil good loam. 1 further particulars apply to J1 Walt, Thornton, R.R.1. 25-: ' (HID x 1 D111 v 7-ROOMED BRICK HOUSE for sale. central, `garage and garden. Apply at 79 Owen St., phone 293.1. ' 27-32c : : FARM of about 70 acres for sale, brick house. large barns. silo. etc., touching`: Lake Simcoe. S. V. Jones, Oro Station.' On 5 _ l HOUSE TO REN'1"-Six-r all convnninnnna ma..- ..... - sprinkler, `I Hhrihblnn -uuuam 1'0 1-u::NT-99 Mulcaster St. [Apply Mrs. Shanacy. 43 Owen Street. ` Phone 1221J. M -. ' 27c I - . {FURNISHED COTTAGE to. rent Big Bay Point for August. Apply 1 [A. Henry, Box 421, Banrie. Phone 1 . Z FOX HOUNDS FOR SALE--Fox hound puppies. The kindthat always make good on fox anddeer. Apply A. Morren, V.S., 70' Collier St.. Barrie. . - 27-28n -r-i.`- ` iencs. HO`!-TD!` nnnnnn "GARAGE TO RENT-CentraI. Apply to Lewis & Co., phone 91. 271) -1 USED PARTS f0 Ch A I t } Studebaker four. I1`\/IaI.:Y:_rh?}# EH: `*'-1-T-T? ` HOUSE T0 REN'I`-9: Annlv MOVE Qhannncu A ,,`_| 3} FRESH STRAWBERRIES--just the` 1. kind you like--and crisp head lettuce, ;' grgen peas, beets and carrots for sa.le.r 2. Apply H. A. Jarvis. Phone 7}0J. 27c vvpu---. -' . _ __ _. n STRAWBERRIES, the season is late. |Place your order now and make arr- Vrangements for strawberry festivals? `and garden parties. The crop -will not be taken off until July and August. W. W. Boyce, Midhurat, phone 602r14. -97-09.` ,.-an .3.-.uu--uue ua.naa1a.n-spr1nkler,` .50 cent; one California sprinkler, $1.50; 55 feet garden hose with nozzle,i $1.00. Apply J. Hutchings, 38 Tiffin. St., Allandale. 27c` r=_----------------` ] umuu 1"Al:t'J.`b' tor Chevrolet, Maxwell. four, McLaughlin light six. {and Fords; Apply Roy S1ack s ga.rage,$ Craighurst, Vor Harold Hill. Barrie. 27p - ..,.-. _..__ vi 132_ Bradford st. Phone 914J. ' 27:: 1 I ` ` "`I' FOR SALE-I Yorkshire `sow with eleven pigs, two weeks old. Good bacon t-ype.. Apply to Albert Bowen, -Thornton R0. or-call Ivy. 27 : . . - `-' | ] L HAY FOR SALE by acre or `in block, ;` quantity of hay in the field. Apply J. N. Willing, lot 6, con. 3, 01-0, Shanty. kBay P.O. - V ' - ._ _ V 27-zsp; j:: ; was-.--.~...- ----- curt mxum-1-1awa.11_a.n'gu1tar in good ` condition. with correspondence course,$V ,cheap. Apply 73 Pene_ta.ng St. or Box`: 51. ,, . ' 27p, | ht! nninn I-In 3-- `-- -----} _ TI FOR SALE--Hawa1i4an' guitar cpnditlon, corresnondence cnln-an : ` BUGGY FOR SALE-Good s `top-buggy. Apply to 22 Sam . or write Box 664, Barrie P.O. | - uuumnlun 6-UUTAVE PIANO CASE: 1'or'sale,also_house and lot. Mrs. C. A. Luck, 210 Elizabeth St, I . `L . 27p F I ! uumnet gran Stu`, Barrie; GODERICH 6-OCTAVE PIANO CASP! torsale. also house and Inf M... n FOR SALE-Ma.hoga.ny piano, Everson cabinet grand, splendid tone. 68 Ecclesf Stu`. - ' ' I ""0 V HAY, standing, for sale or.on shares. Apply (8. V. Jones, oro Station. 27p ` V -i ,POSTS AND POLES FOR SALE Ap- ply W. J. Leonard, Stroud. 26-280 j -uvuu. mum-vx DRAUGHT so none for sale, rising 8 years old. Zlhxvid` Cairns, Mill Road, `phone > FOR _sALE-Two olq furnaces . scran. W. Crnm:lnntl a.-Va. 94-Lulu--'..I.`V,V0 O V. gucrap, W. Croasland. uavuuuus 6108])! W8dn08d3.Y. School of -Designing I St.,' Tpronto Trinigy 9_215 Property For Sa; Property` 1'; Let F... -99 . Oman gn1\AIv . uuuuuns auu 118851111 _=G.,od st.,e,,t,,ed!214. `ff. `.3. Neelands, 48 Bla Sampson St., : Prompt attention to repairs. 3'19 271 ! .--4-Neil Yellowlees, expert - . . . - mu. 30 tuner 1s expected In Barrxe 3o3ence co_urseEwek., Leave -orders at J. G. epang or Box'an s. T _ 2711 I `li---- - -roamed house, zentral lonann _ at Ahhlu 'l|'nn luau]. 1` U!` John 25-30p L` I-ll'BBHu 26-29c UU6l'J.`io '27-28c l 111' For Tnln-. lib ill. Mrs. 3 572. 0'7.` TERMS OF SAEIJE-,-.--`Al-1 sumsr of $10.00 and under, vcash; over that amaunt 6 months credit will be given to parties furnishing app"rovedV joint notes. 6% per annum off for cash, , _ Sale at-1 p`.m.V .- p L 0 W. A. M-CONKEY, Auctioneer. l.lUllu 27p I run. uauni--A' good driver. 7 years old, sound. Apply 22 Sampson St.:. or write Box 684, Barrie P.O. 27p forks arid other articles as Jan 1101568111 . ' IMPLEMEN"DS-- Single plow; set heavy single harness, 2 sets single. harness; set bdb sleig'hs;' one-horse wagon; buggy; cutter; robe, nearly new; set doubletrees;.,also shovels, All will be sold without reserve. ' rm Q the following: I-I'ORJS:EIS-BVa?y horse, aged. CA'I"DL E--Holstein cow, 1 old; grey cow, 8 yrs. old; red 1 1 yr. old; Holstein calf, veal. T'MDT.`!M'mxwna N ' - 0|-flu 27c -jj- The undersighed has received structions from the Administra of the Estate pf the Late Henry Gallagher to sell by public auction at Lot 23, Con. 4, Innigl DI,` I` I` III`. e -__ vvvo , nearly 27D - --1-:--- The undersigned has -received . structlons from __________..____-----'--__._.__----__._.--_-=-._` Now G_etting $7.00 Per Day He was just an ordinary laborer be- fpre learning his trade. vnn nan ......... . ___.-..--9 VIO\ \ I Cf Uay fore trade. You can earn the same money by learning Garage .Work, l Battery or Barbering, . Special rate now on. Learn and earn. Act now! Call or write, Hemphill s Ltd.. 163 `Kingvst. W., Toronto. ` --J YOUNG YORKSHIRE SOWS for sale. 7.`, ue in October and November. '1`ho's. Smith & Sons. Utonia_ nm 90-00- puun. UUUU ROOM: The Standard Bank, lences. ` . HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT at 34 Mary St.; also lots for sale. Apply to John McGill, Box 1009.TBarrie; 25-30p pzj i 7-ROOMED HOUSE, 83 Mary St. for sale or rent; an conveniences: nice ~Ioca.tion,_Apply[A.V Rayner, 49 Mary st. . - 27 do - .. -.... uuc u; mus1ca1_,supp'l1es.` 1" Miss Dorothy M. Shannon of ` _e Smith's Falls has been engaged to ll ,.the vacancy on the 'B.'C.I. staff caus- .led by the resignation of [Miss M. E. I R0-b'bins.. . "`L_ _V_ 1 _ vuuu wm conduct services oh the charge of Townlme, Ivy and Baxter . . , - _ .r.. ....a nu uuuauuo ' . 27 Last Saturday night two "cars driv-\ en by J. sS_urrell, Toronto, and D. Cul- ham, Stayner, collided at the corner of Elizabeth and Toronto Sts; Nei- ther car was hurt` much. ' Dan A '3 -'~ "' e m ucwuer and November. Th4 gnith Sons, Utopia, Ont. 27.-2 - 1! no It `A. E. d onto will cond Dunk. Tvu on!` `D-`--"` U 1' e St; Dlmas of Tor- uct on . J-vvuulbo - -_-The annual Lennox-Svprc union pic'nic.will be held at K Beach. on Saturday,,July 10. `invitations are being issued, accept this intimation. T ....A. 6-:-'---r J E] 9-`-Neil piano (1 tuner, is in Barrie next ;,week. Leave Keen- x'an's. . ` ` , 27c 9] -Buy Staunton s semi-trimmed Hwallpaper -- 22 in. wide instead of `I old 18-in. For sale by W. A. Lowe z.& Son, Elizabeth St. tfc 1; The Ocean Blend Tea Co., which ',!was n_ed in Bzarrie for'sel1iI_1g with- .. .--uuupvc VI 10 . Earn mdney-and get it 4 Sell fruit treats: _fl_oweri hnn 6..--.. ...... .... :,.uv p.I. terms cash.`-" W. A. McCONKEY, Auctioneer. - J. `G. Keenan is moving to his new store next the Bank of Toronto this week and will be open on Saturday [with a full line of musical "supplies. j Falls has 1...... ......,.-.= r. an I AIL? [ :wallpaper .& ; which %was ned Barrie for'se1ling out alicense, has been taxed $25 in" ,B1fampton on a similar charge. .T_ `(coach 3:: -----'--~ ` A Business of Y ur Own_ Earn mnnnm_a-ma .....4 u _---___ _ AUCTION SALE very neaunnu Just now. . L ` -All sizes linoleum mugs at . A. Lowe & Son's, Elizabeth St. tfc Dr. .Stenho'use of .i Toronto. will preach in St. Andrew's next Sunday. ; I Tourist traffic from the United_ States was very heavy over the week- en . ` --For ptlurpvbirig and heating; ring 01.4 7 TWO YOUNG DURHAM COWS sale, due by July 10. Apply`Geo`; W Thornton, T Ont. /rt 26- --For plumbing and heatmg, ring! _`21 . J. J. Blake st} !Promnt attention tn rnn... 1 nu`- _..-- u-v VIUIIIJ LL Ulll MRS. NEWMAN 107 Bayeld st., Barrie tn call in: nu-.'k1:.. ...--L:L-- I Next Monday is The Glorious Twelft ." - V,;_ A go. The peonies in local gardens are- very beautiful just ' L --A" aum} In..l....... ..------ - "" ` l ...... vvuaaaullls unu energetic. 25-274 E. D. SMITH &. SONS LTD.. Winona. Ont ___- . .-.-J nuuni-I mite, I-fa-IV] go sell by public auction ` ' c;.,-,, I ' I - A I. *` ' 7` `*` pf Readers, .80 word: minimum 50. p 4!.-rm SA? , -- -'5' I-`OR 8ALE--A` good driver. old, Apply Samnson aw .. SE: "-7 r"--I4-v auuuuu (; urday. J_uly 1o `FHA ~l~'.-.11.. Rooms ;..a Board- F or Sale or To Let uumwuna COW, 5 yrs. heifer,I stein calf. veal vlvll I H G 50W Winona. Ont. plumbing ring, Neelands. 48 main + I 'deisE.TlI':i;"y"io`.Z{,`2 , ' Issued, please ` nation. on. I Lennox-Sproule re- hp hold ..4- T(.n......-_- received In- Administratrix I 3-'.uums'1'1:11-H151) BULL, dark red Short- horn, two years old July '30, quiet to handle. _ 27-28c --_`_` _ MS TO RENT over k, modern conv3r71- c ` bow 8 ,. my $1,311 :.'..:-fff recei 0 yed T \d`lh`InI<|-unb-8-. . auuuzt-D'p1'UlU.e re- held Killarney .-Julv 10 Au -M-' 1 every week. ring HI-ulna THE J yuum-: .1-,:'xA'u1N1't bath flat. 27- 29c c... wxsn 1'.0>tIl8.IlK all their fr neighbors for kindness and extended to- them in the los: little daughter Elma. nr 1' II --"~~*' 7:-:---: REGISTERED BULL, dark porn. years old Julv an, nninf on Mr. and M55. J.` St. wish tqthank neighlgogs _forA kind __L_ _..- ..... um.uuaau1'. 27X Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Mccorkindale wish to` thank their kind friends and the firemen for their efforts in saving their goods from fire on July 1. 27c Mr`. and Mrs. H. Pratt and family wish to thank their friends and relat- ives for their sympathy and floral tributes `in their recent bereavement. 27p _ 1\_4[_rs. 7Wi1son Black and ra'mn.. ...-L BU L300 ' 13tfc LGGIBG 2 27cV S%.;1W-In AER Uluixnx 27D .51 \.I.l.\v OJ yrs. old. 17r28. .. `.4 LUCAS-In loving memory dear little boy. Lelin mm _ _...v. . ualalllya HILL---In lovin moth 1_925. er.wh g memory of_ our dear o , passed away `July 5, -Sadly fnissed by Son William and Wife father, And our hearts are filled with 1 Oh. this world would be heaven Could we see your `face again. The flowers We place upon his ' May wither and decay. `i-Jlawkestone, July 5, V 2:11-:.VV-111 loving remembrance of ' dear papa, John W. Shaw, who left us_July 6, 1909, and of dear grand- ma Adam, who left us July 5. 1924. 7p ' T ` Thursday, July 1, 1926, Jane Mooney, Cemetery. f RICHARDSON-At Pickering. 0nt.. on Monday, July .6, 1926, Mrs. J. F. Richardson, aged 56 years. Funeral I from the resdence of her brother- in-law, Robert Tribble, Stroud. on JULJJ-3"--In loving ( boy, Leslie, who away July 7, 1922. . . can. a.. u- .1.l.`Jll1V1 Ur` HORSES FOR ' SALE. heavy drpght. J. F. Leonard. Craig- vale. .26-28c - Harold Cooper, 46 Sanford.St., a son:; LONGHURST--0n Saturday. July 3.; 1926, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Long- hurst, Bradford St., a daughter. . ROBSON-On Saturday, July 3, 1926, to Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Robson. C . 1926. to Mr. and Mrs. Fred. son, Shanty Bay, a daughter. SLAVEN-At the R. V. Hospital on, Tuesday, July 6, 1926, to Mr. and Mrs. 9 James Slaven, 51 Grove St., lADAIR--On Tuesday, June 23, 1926, to a son. [of $261,209 werEe""B1c'1V ":5? Q1151? brought from $369 to $505 and 719` from $100 to $200. Mr. Gossling s- were in the latter clss, his pair bringing him $315, although he did, not consider them quite up to the} mar]: +1-nu -I-~=-- -- ' ,--, .,....; m _uu11aOn, England, sprmg when fox sklns to the 1 of were sold. 86: to Gossl bringing him $21: ..I+1........1. L- vv euuesaa: Cemetery. CARDS or THANKS ..-~,; Kauai. I, J Safe in the cu DC]. IUU The the. B en over Mr. Tho Nash in con and sew: rm. .. gasoline service station near: radford St. gore, ducted by S. Shierlock, n-In 50 : I recently c0n- has been tak- : by A.` B.` Thomas & Sons.! mas has also secured the agency, which will be conducted M ction wi ce s'tati an... .3... th the machine shcp on. , ,1 ` in: mm: composed of Alex. Sinclair, J. O. Scythes, L.. O. AVair and C. H. - eelby (skip) won second p1ace,! bringing home cut-glass water sets 'as prizes. - . i _. Thos.' Mathison of Toronto paid ; `$14.50 in police court on Wednesday; llfor being intoxicated. ' Mathison ac-_: l quired his jag in the city and was: put in a car and brought north. He i did not know-what town `he was in` when arrested. A little -girl named Townsend, liv- ing at Shanty Bay, was accidentally hit in the forehead by a golf club in the hands of another child one day; last week. It was feared that her skull was fractured, but" xamina-, tion showed that her injury was not: SO Sel`lO'l1S. 3 mm... --_--- ` V - * l Auv V GIL eAt_. t.;he men s bowling tournament. at `Tottenham on Wednesday, a Bar- rie rink composed of Alex. Sinclair -,| Scythes. L- 0. Vnir gm: (1 U : FOR SALE-Brown mare. Clyde, 5 CPHJQIIRIA Dhnnn v;I`hy wiil be done. uaaucr III one evening. - On Wednesday night a touring car owned by R. H.- Parr, Colwell, was stolen from Mulcaster St., where he had parked it. The following momy ing the bar was found near Ivy, strip- ped of everything that could be imoved. " , AJ_.L1_, I ' "" ugduo ouuuuy. I13 W1 the .L.O.L. at.~Ivy in the morning and at Baxter in the evening. On Wndnnednu nu`;-.-'h+ .. L-...:...... ...-- next Sunday. He at:-Ivv in thl-`I mnrnino mm! 13+ will. `address. the IN Ml-ZMORlA Ill arms of Jesus. -Mother and Daddir _ -'----as v4- Ut: vcspra .lllI[ " SVe1` fox pelts in thei 13,? `i`L . :.. + 1g +`;."." ...t. .`.i 1' .!s<.>R~` TEAM OF HORSES SALE} draught. J. F`. T.Annnr:1 (`unalt-'- IEDL father: who sleeps M uu 1.nuI's(la._V. July 1.! nd Sander- Bay, he R on 192's, _? , Gram: m o M- "-:S'adly missed by Wife and Family. i ___.__________ 1926. nun, mngland, this value .rn anl on ..1-:_.. and ' his` bio- to thank the wmy, the Ball other friends shown In H--=- -Husband .-----.Z--- I : of you dear` ' -'-'B;rvc;i; YOUNG COW FOR SALE. due to reshen. Edgar Rennlck, phqne 612r2.[ 279- I of our > passed ; awuu their 270 _.-.vu -u.n. u. t., Dain I grave be- ' unuxc wuulu. can a man soon. Rev. D. C. Ferguson asked to be relieved of one of the interim moder- atox-ships which he. holds, and he was permitted to resign from'Tov_vn1ine, Ivy and Baxter, Rev. D. G. Hill] being appointed -in his place. Rev. J. S. Shortt resignedthe moderatorship of Oro and was succeeded by Rev. Neil Campbell. ' A letter was received from Rev. 5 uuullo The Alliston delegates notied ; Presbytery that the congregation has ' purchased the old Elmgrove Method- ` ist church, which is being moved into the town and repaired and remod- elred. - `The Clerk notied Presbytery that Rev. Dr. Woodside _of Winnipeg has declined the call to Elmvale and he stated that this congregation would probably call another man soon. Mr. Campbell also expected that Cree-V more would. call `Pan T\ I" "-`~-" ` Little business of importance came before the Barr regular meeting St. Andrew's ch sentations were 1 by members of Alliston, Baxter, . who asked that these ch ie Presbytery at the held on Tuesday in urch. Strong repre- made to Presbytery the congregations of Townline and Ivy, arges be left as at present constituted. Although . areadjustment of these a`been contemplat I order to bring associated with touch, the deleg charges had ed by Presbytery, in Angus, which is now Ailliston, into closer ations were so earn- [ est in their reqests that it was de- cided to leave .now exist. th ese charges as they Rev. J. S. .Shortt expressed the op- inion that negotiations `be entered into with Angus, distance, with the arrange grouped with Alliston, to settling a minister. ther . matter was left has never which, because of been satised ment whereby it was with The in the hands of the interim `moderator, Rev. D. -C. Fer- guson. fl... A`1!_L, a view : 2 P .-puV1JmrC-'.l.`WlNl!4` 's'1`OLEN--0n Sat- urday morning. July 3, fifty pounds of binder-twine, the property of Seventh Line, Vespra U.F.0. Club, was stolen from the freight sheds at Barrie. The guilty party is known and if they re- turn the twine to the shed or the sec- :etary's home, there will be no ex-V sure. If not, 9. warrant will be issued r their arrest. ' ` V 27c] v I I AS NOW CONSTITUTED `ESSA CHARGES TO STAY Two Shows, 7.15 -{ES Regular Prices Adults 23c, tax 2c. Children 9c, tax 1c. . Matinee Every Saturday at 2.30 The brilliant svuccessoriio `Why Girls Leave Home .. Wt 1| WARNER 31103.9 PRODUCTION AND soon a Mademoiselle Modiste with Corirme Griffith A stirring drama pf white lights and hearth fires and of the kind of man who loves em and leaves em. Capi!9!.% is/iI'I.1'.i=.'1>Z'-' CLIVE BROOK , 1 IBINDER-TWINE STOLEN- urd-av morning Julu Q 0414.. . TONIGHT { FRIDAY . SATURDAY _ ..-.-... .. man suuu. Mr (a`zl`so ex1.)ected Cree: d. Ferguson vhich be, home am: 1.- ----- PATSY RUTH with THE`!-IOMAE `OF PICTURES. m A2 j:_._. A Phone .1133, mp mus 1--uuwu--1setween Cook-[ slown and Barrie. Owner may have same by proving contents and paylngi Ior this adlet. Enquire at Examiner.| VOV1-s : - --_.,..b.g su .I.aVU1' OI Ge` mandmg a proper share of the en- dowment fund of Queen s Theolog- ical College on behalf of the Presby- terian Church and continuing to car- ry on the college at Kingston in co- opeljation with Knox College and the Preshyterian College in Montreal. , D r. Grant asking Presbytery to go carefully into the matter of building and asking to be notied of what as- - sistance is to be asked from the de- partment. -It was stated" that Al-lis- ton, Guthrie and Bala were the only congregations known to be building. Rev._J. S. Shortt introduced the question of the`Queen s Theological College, and after explaining the sit- uation a motion was passed that Pres- bytery is strongly in favor of de- Queen ical on behalf of the tnrinn (`J1---A best soft coal coal to be del pital, Barrie. ' 270 puu. 27c \an\A-IIIII. Q `Saturday, July 10--Mrs. Newma Bayfield St., Barrie-househol .niture. Sale at 1.30 p.m. W. A 7, con 9, Vespra, near Mine will hold a credit sale of farm and implements. Sale at 1 p.m. Mcconkey, Auct. Friday, July 16--Mrs. Henry Gali at lot 23, con. 4, Innisfil I l1Uf`iUI\Y VVH( No. 2 Fall Wheat . Barley Rye Peas........ . . . . .. Buckwheat Butter, per pOt.l;l;iH Eggs, ped doz. . . . . Potatoes, per bag .. THURSDAY WHOLESALE PRICES _1:Io.72 ....... _ 21 2:41 9 , (Belle Ew`a.rt)f,~--sale of farm stlocln and lmplementaof the estate of the late Henry Gallagher. Sale at 1 p.m. W. A. Mcconkey, Auct. ` 27x \/n\LIL_4l` Sweet Daddies 7.15 to I Part Time Wife 8.40 to Sweet Daddies again at .uuo1--L:lGeSe plate No. 57-947 be- tween Stroud and Churchill. Phone `-.1t:2'z'.21, Stroud. , 27p 4 - I An intense drama of love and hate, aboard the ad- venture ship, Marriage A riot of laughter, thrills and real entertainment. It s too sweet to be missed Part Time Wife RUNNING ORDER: 2 Features fol? Price of 1. SWEET COOKIE! What a Sweet Show! And what a Comedy Cast 'Another LGrea't Bargain! 3.3 3 A-`u:- -- ` Regular P;icesM 1 Adults 23c, tax 2c. Children 9c, tax 1c. MON.-TUES.-WED. STRAYED from lot 9, con. 8, Inn1fil~,A on or about the 25th of June, one red and white, year old heifer. Finder no-3 'kify Levi Mayes. or phone 27-3. 27p I mmvu--um -.... ._i- CREDIT SALES V In I n It ma DOUBLE [EATURE snow THURSDAY, JULY 3, 1926 Theatre jvwu =\r nJl\lll\v Vera Gordon Charlie Murray Jobyna Ralston and Jack Mulhall _ _ _. -1- -JI-JIJ ` Newman, 107 Barrie--household fur- A. Mc- ef, "" __1N__ --IN--f z7x 4,-Bert Keast, lot near MihAanm, I u _ ( . ' .` f/`LUB BAG FOUND--Between COOR- and Barrie. OWIYIAF IVIDII Innuuu WM. GALLIE - )Gl.l- Ream, ear Minesing- stock at 1 mm W A 1 (u; to July - 140 tons of of hard nut ,3 `RV `KIA- `I 25-27c '$iJ5-szoo E rI'\IUI:. $1.35-$1.38 . . . . . . . . 60c . . . . 75-80c 31.10-31.15 . . . . . . . Soc `)0, 9:- 7- 27$ mi-`A- 1']. U ` 27x For int 62 Ross Cont:-Ia-I] ' "Z '`OUND-Wx'ist watch.Loser may have same by paying for this adlet, reward of $1 and proving property. Apply J ebb, ` Jeweler. p 27p ` ` I Singing] on All -g:-rV: TH Ij( >1 A-`,1 LVY l1Il'4" at Hora D1 1:: `I Rev. c`_1_1 fhOST-_Girl s sand colored straw between R.V. Hospital and Mines nder" kindly leave at Examiner ce. 4 . 10. 11 trm T8111 Spe-1 --n c. 1 Eng `law. Mn 0V(,` 1\ the 'Iv1 y Spr Fn+ 051:1 ..___._.__._..._...______ IuOS'I`-License pla te No. Strnnd mm rwm-m _-unux D` .tSLaAU1 COAT 1081 rie. July 7. Finder leave at Office. t 1:ADY'S BLACI{ COAT , July 7. Finder lnavn 2-stingy`- X `USED CARS-1924 Star touring. bal- Iloon tires. disc wheels, guaranteed: 1924 Star touring, good condition, re`-* painted and guaranteed: 1923 Star: touring. In good condition, repainted and guaranteed; 1923 Star half-ton truck; 1922 Chevrolet 4-door sedan: 1919 Chevrolet touring; 1921 Gray- `Dort turing; 1919 Gray-Dort speoiah. 1918 Ford roadster; also rubber-tired_ top buggy, good driver and one heavy,` mare.-~Harold Hill, 16 Bayfield St.. Barrie. ' 271)- I ` .3925 SPECIAL DODGE TOURING` CAR for aale-I-Ias run about 900 mil-| es, five balloon tires, cowl lights, nickle radiator, solid leather uphoisteringp special equipment throughout. This! car ha_s never been run -over muddy or. bad roads nor driven at excessive speed. Price $1,000.00 which will in- clude licene and delivery. Apply at Examiner Office. 26-270` CARS` FOR SA.LE~--Chevrolet 001109;"! Chevrolet touring, Dodge touring, Mc- Laughlin touring. at I. Bolton's Overland. Show Rooms. 27c j j FOR SALE:-One Studebaker special` 6t car in first class condition in every respect, has run 8,000 miles. Apply, to J . w. '1`. Elliott. Phone 269 or 845 Ban! 3:! . 27-82p . . 0 FORD `SEDAN for sale, in good cond-1-` non. Apply 137 Bradford s,t. Phone 1321 90:: l mrnished rooms. bed sitting-room and Ikitchen. i by middle aged couple. Apply Box A" Examiner Office. 271) ._._._.__._.__..__.._._.__..___..-__. . I 7 ' - LIVE POULTRY WANTED. Highest 1-ices paid. Call mornings or evenings. bone or write M. A1exa.nder, phone; 822. 142 Bradford St. -28ti!c.l _----------------- -'u WANTED-Storage for small amount of household furniture for. 2 or 8 months. Apply George Spearn, Oakley Park Farm, Berczy St . _. 27c` #- ---------------------[ '.' I TENDERS WANTED FOR PAINTING Evy schoolhouse. both inside and out-. side. F. R. Arnold, secretary. vS.S. No." 7. Utopia. P.O. '. 27-280' _ 30U.SE WANTED, 6 M`? rooms, with. all Improvements: went nf mm..n....... . [ ;_ 'lVAN'_1`ED-Two to tour `or this year : :u;ccoqns..Ap`ply Drawer 96, Midland.- . 270, ..____.__.___._.______.__._. , I ! ELDERLY WOMAN wishes general work, no washing. Apply 214 Blake St.` 909` , _ WANTED -A1` ONCE-Young girl to! help look` after two children at sum-] mer home, six miles from Barrie; Write` Mrs." W. A. Cameron, Allandale P.O. ' Qn WANTED`--An experienced farm hand. I V! Apply Walter Forbes, phone 601r3. 27p! n One cent e. word, can. each inlets- bn (minimum chug-go, 85): six in- uertione tor .the price .0! four. 10 cents extra when chgrged; also 1:0 eente extra. when replies are [directed to Examiner Ottice. . Live Stock 115511: Pan fivlvo `II III refs. Min .. aAuuz-1srown Clyde. :1. Ward Webb, Cralgvale. Phone 23-28p 1' 1c per word uh; mlmmum lie; q iiI1IlIIlIIl0l0II|lI_IIIIIOIOIOIOIIIIIi gIIai%iI$iIiluIg LADLET co1.uM1~I~E _A3;omobi1e. 'i1Wv?IT;TeIi' 5 a years 010. Apply 6061-2 . 27p ;Wanted bred Ayrshire` fnnf nun . f at nu .\4\I "9 LU!` vply Geo"; Wice, jj uuu ausuw nan! Minesingng 013- Q 011-` I --On I nf Qnunnihl .---------2 ' hill -Dun..- at in Bar- Examiner i 270 IUHI I .-28]) l.llUl'- 27n hat, aincr . _..... pun: Ur-'Ue8l`gl1lng I274 Gomez: Toronto: Trinia 3515' o ` V ` `V _ 1- _ cl Day and Evening except Wednesday. `P.-..l.V..... e.L--I -t n >- - AS A BUSINESS, LIFE INSURANCE is the largest on the continent; as a service, it enables its representatives to accomplish untold, good for business and family life; for financial advance- ment it offers big scope; as a career it is lite.-long, healthful. independent. and affords a broad mentalt develop- ment; instruction given; confidential. IF YOU ARE INTERESTED WRITE. giving full particulars. to Fred G. Butt. District Manager (ordinary branch), London `Life Insurance Company. 530 Bloor West. Toronto. 26- 28`c' ; - Did You Ever Consider Life- Underwriting as a Career? I uuuu `unions: 0 l\lVCIUIIuIe I-Cochran" Training School for Nurses Yonkers, N.Y., % hour from N.Y. city Registered School. Two and one half years course for young women. Full maintenance and liberal monthly al-` 1owance._One~full year of High School required. Class admitted Sept. 15th. Address Superintendent of Nurses. 9R_0n.. - :4 PHONE 1109.! FORM PROMPT DE- - LIVERY. We handle trunks and bag`- , gage, light moving. Ashes and m..;....... 'St. John : Rivetside Hospital ;Cocln-an" Tninina s..I.....| e... um... y 1 1, GOITRE,. so harmful to the general - 1 health. can be corrected by Chiroprac- " tic; especially If taken early.eDr Burns. ' Chiropractor, Drugless Therapist. 60' ; Elizabeth St. 25-301)` 7 _\ FOR SALE--One -well now. 6 vrn, nhi min. ....4 _._ 'PHONE`1109'J and have those leaky kitchen utensils mended. We do all kinds of soldering and repair` Wqrk. We also sharpen anything `that gets dull. Lawn mowers` a specialty, um- brellas made to -look like new. Goods called for and delivered. Brock Bros. I 26.-310 ---T- 5 Sin" 2713 A v., ugn mu.uu--r'urn1sned 1% story cot- . tage, 20 ft. by 24 ft;, on Doe Lake. good y bathing, bass and pickerel fishing, good motor roads or Katrine Station. 5 C.N.R. and boat. Mrs. J. `C. Marshall. I Box 1038, Barrie, Ont.` W 22-27:: I n ,...uun;. we nanale trunks bag-' gage, moving. Ashes and garbage.- Our prices are reasonable. Local and long distance. Brock Bros., 147 Owen! St. 25-290 - ~'r ` HOUSE FOR SALE-Bz-ick house. 1'; seven rooms, every convenience, fac- J ing-Queen's Park; price is right for `quick sale. See Bob Binning or call E, at house, 121 Toronto St; ` _ 24tfc. V {PHONE FOR We handln fvillhbu nun-3 EIGHT-ROOMED sale. conveniences, gardexf and gar- age. wired for electric stove. corner Maple Ave. and Sophia. St.~Apply to '92 Maple Ave., phone 669.1. ' 23tfc. `I FQR` ALE--Furnished 1% story dot- ` by 11:.-. on T)nA 1'.nIm on-~= _ n.U..u an `ru nmN1`-s1x-roomed all conveniences. Fine central location, 3` paved street. possession immediately. ti Adults preferred, rent moderate. 65' ;= Mary St. _ . . 1sttc| W run mu..m---one well bred Ayrshire cow, 6 yrs. old, noun cows 7 yrs. y 3 1.'ew.day'a. These cows are both young and excellent makers, Phone 420' or with calf at toot. Ono apply Robt. Wilson, 204Bradtord `St ; Burr M V \` . s . 27p .- 10. _old due to treshenin.

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