Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 24 Jun 1926, p. 13

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LC VUIG UQUII can UV 1. UNIILIUU Ullly endeavoring to `make others happy. 11, ,, _1,, 1- , , 91 1,1, 1 1,1, , \Jlll.'l_Bll B IUVUIGDIIJII UL \J'U\l AD IIIIGII LLU wanted man to be happy and that revelation can be fullled only `by n'v|I'1\nI!o\In:1no- Ln nnnbn l\"l\I Luann `(coniinueidi page 1) . _ In addition to matrial wealth, izhere is a` wonderful intellectual leg- acy -from` the past. "The lore of then uiian nnnn I-ha n`|nnnn'hn'ws A-F flrngnn 1. o.%o.F.{0BSER%VFs LDECORAIION DAY , I3` B.A.RR.lE IE[xi&wN-8-st uruluu Ln-uvva vs -avw......., .274 College St., Toronto. Tbihity 9216 T 24-2708 `.-v.,-__ _-- v...v- ---.u-vu Fairview Lodge`, I.0.0.F.," Toron- to, will exemplify the rst,__ degree in the I.0.0.F. Temple next `Tuesday night. - IIIU, are auapucu bu popular auulences. This banquet of entertainment and inspiration offered.-by the 1926 Chau- taluqua programme is packed with distinctive treats and appearances of fa~mous_men and women. %Season tic- kets,"_$2.00 and $1.00, plus,-tax. i IA.lJ.L\ ----.., Y...vv an... .y...vu, yAuo'va.A. ' . - \ ~ ~ (Advt.) Rev. J. S. Shortt will conduct an- niversary services in Victoria Harbor next Sunday and Rev. G. I. Craw will preach in ISt. Andrew s. an Iungucauqua. .` V I Thelr appeal-ance here. will bring the $5000 Vprize Chautauqua`: _pIay, Across the Stret, which is to be played by the scintillating cast ofi Carlton KaDel players. `TBA 145+ A` gunnnlrnun 3.-4 L k_:II2-.;L. UGLLBUII Lxaucl piayers. ` " `, .The li'st of speakers is a brilliant` one. Fred E. Gates is a real_ dad and presents his masterpiece, Boy; Dad andCompany, and his memor- able address `on Community Aches` and Pains," Big Rich, the Hoosier poet, sometimes -known as Emory Aaron Richardson, delights with his nonsense and all gator grin.; THO v'l'VI1`lG;l` 1.11011-Ana `P113149-nvn1u'n Luv: uuuacuac` auu a1_ gator gr1n."; tThe -"music includes fun-`frolic by the charming girls of the Music` Box Revue, all the featurhs of a ..Broad- way musical in Chautauqua styles. The Alice Campbell Players in A Night in Wonderland are captivat- ing; The singers and players from the shores of the Adriatic. The Ven- etian Stroller's, with Pietro `Centau- ino, are adapted to -popular audiences. Thia l'\nnni1a+ A4-' Av n-ml-u-..'.'....Q.......4. .....1 - The `all-stdi` 'p'rogr'amme. for. tlie 1926 . Dominion Chautauqua` Circuit include's an array of ce1_ebrities ~that it will be an honor to have - in the community, and a never-to-be-forgot texi` del-ig'ht_to hear and `see and meet at Chgutauquaf ` ' I 'l`Hn~:1I unnnounnn LA..- ..-:'II _ ---.-w -"II, in an`. `Oil . namonsnmlon Ah. NEXT WEEK - JUNE 28 T0 JULY 3 %_cHAUT1g,IgUA1926% Mr. Graham says: It costs nothing to try. 7 4 ~ A small deposit, a desire to - learn. and a v/vritten guarantee is given that all money will be returned if you do not like the work or method. If you have good taste in dress I canedo the rest to make you a. successful designer qummmv nlnnnm: `now forming. In-l` EIen1en'`4-" v Hotp6in.Range R-27-C, Cash Price V ' THE \ wrn-I THEIINDESTINCTIBLE ELEMENT Tlie -Hotpoint Calrod Element, on which the performance of the range `depends, is an exclusive Hotpoint feature, holding an evenheatthat ensures better cooking and greater economy. This element is practically indestructib1e--protected against . i the harmful effects of the air and of foreign substances which may accidentally be brought into contact with it. --w-:w -1-ves-5 `U8.-min? 5] QUULI. I.I\J &\tLLl-\I` T The Hotpoint Range is steel throughouz It is nished-in `snow-white enamel, beautiful in its sim- plicity and is the most practical and economical of cooking appliances. -.` V you take pride in your kitchen and cooking,` the Hotpoint Range deserves a place in your home. _ The Hotpoint Range is neat and clean. Its famous Calrod (Sheathed Wire) Elements are as easily cleaned as a dinner-plate, ush with the cooking surface, presenting no cracks or crevices to collect grease or dirt. The oven element, of thessame indestructible type, can be removed no-or` noocctuisaj TL- 'I'T-1._.-3._.L 'I'\_ ,-, J Th`vol9_,oHothdtRnngoof;tylo nnddafocuerynod. " % 5.1bJ' ` % rest make a. Succesmun uezusucr 1 Summer classes now forming. In-' structlon is lndivldul (not mail order)` rseven pupils are taught at a time Write today for further inf rmation.` 1\n'I1 1..-.11 mvpning axcent We nesday. Pilgne your news -items` to The Examiner. _-- SPECIAL SIMMONS & co. FRIDAY, SATURDAY `AND MONDAY %% JUNE 25, 26 AND 284 HATS REGULARLY UPTO $6.50 ON SALE $2.95 .S:lz'gl2t additional charge for deferred paymentt; TY The outstanding advantages `of. Duco: 1.--Greater dura-bility. 2.-~Car tied up a shorter time. 3.---Reasonable price. I Cars enameled from $13.00 (up I` I7`. (`I _,_ WQNDERF UL BARGAINS HATS 36 Bayeld `Street Phone 453, BARRIE COATS [SALE of ' $1403 Page Thirteen V pars ullanunvnwu g .. .,--.-- ..r Partridge s Ant: Painit Sho an D_-.C..`A QOIIAQI I 7 ..__ Earn rnoney--and get it every week. Sell fruit trees, flowering -shrubs. shade trees, T hedglngs, roses and evergreens. Outfit tarnished; Old. established firm has an attractive proposition for man, or woman of good standing and energetic. 25-2703 Ont. E: De G. sf!.. Ltduy Sunday, June 27, 1928 SERVICES: .'Rev. s. H. Grenslade; .B.AT.`, will cm- elude` his ministry in `Barrie. Music -- Selcted _ ,1 V 3 p.m.-Sunday"' School," Bible Classes ' Organist and Cho!r`Le_ader Horace Wilson, A.R.C.O. Collier Street Unitd Churiyh 'Il'!_.3..L-_ . A ~ S||dIYa June 2'A .o "1923 L Public Worship at 11 'a._;'a..a"nd 7 ma. SUBJECT*S -.-- The Cause of Peter's "Fall"; Can I Know thgfl Am Saved ! Sunday `School at 10.15 a.m'. Colin 8. Farmer. Choirmaiqtcr. Mrs. Edith Rowe. Organist. ._ ` spun:-run-n m 1111:? nnllh 3ARR1i:%%BA1>:`r:1sT_cHURc14;% LVII Do I-alluuuw v v Aswan..- Contralto Vocalist, Entertainer and ' Elocutionist ' Siriglng, Speaking, TPublicV (iratory and Dramatic Expression. - _ For `interview and terms, apply at 62 Ross Sty: BARRIE :Phone 249 _A Busineuof Your --wuv-wv O` Organist and Ctroirmaster Collier Street United Church .All grades of ORGAN, I5IAN0 and THEORY; VOICE PRODUCTION and SINGING (all examinations), ALSO h'IIlII$$ v---- --, _-__ Preacher:"'Rev. Ged. I. Craw, ` Victoria Harbor. s. s. and Bible -Class at 10: a.m. ERNIEBRUCE s1*..ND1u':w's Presbyterian Church Rev. J. S. Shortt, M.A., Minister Edmund Hardy, Mu. Bac., F.'1`.'C.M. Organist and Cqplrmaster coMME1Ic1"~NG .WITI-Ii A Special Holiday Dance R Thursday, `July. 1st _ CLIFF YOUNG S TOR-' ONTO ORCHESTRA FEATURING % L - Belleliwart Pavilion ----- DANCING ----- TUES. THURS. sA1'. 'sund.y, .h\`n_. 27.1926 10 a.m.-Sa'Bbath School. ` " Patriotic Service: . V 11 am. and 7 pm, V--- The Pastor. ' " LEAR1_ DESTGN[N'G Rev. "A'.'3.". 6;;;;;aae;;*mm. ` MIR E. Riqhardsdn, Organist Harry `Barron, Choir Legder H6r;;e_Wilsp1_1, _A.R.C.O. Tl-!:lJR.S`DA/ Y... Jn -24151926. . , , . <=e-t'n! l'!nit=`!_C*-:'.!#. `Minister: Rev. S. H.,-Greenslade, ,B.A. Canada"s Versatile Musical Entertainer (144I~J\/ _Nl_I_'s._'Emmie -Wilsonz I'_L l2..A.-...I.-:....- a I-I llru Jvvvvwg \IIaI~o9--u "`i7i%si'3oRs WELCOMED COME AND WORSHIP nay U n --.-w _ W... 38 Bayeld Street wELcmME WELCOME Duco , 1...... n.-Innnlvonnz C311` Ill-U B V Illa! Mr. and Mrs. W. A. ucraick at Tore onto and Hugh Savage of Duncan, B.'C., were i visitors in Barrie last. week. Mr. Isavage is a directoref the Canadian Weekly Newspapers `Association and the article qn Down. Under which recently` ap. neared in The Examiner were from his pen; He was delighted with the motor trip from 'I`.oronto and thought Barrie ~.a_ H very upato-date-looking K . ronto. V _ _ /Miss Ruth Saryeant of Barrie was :presented with the .senate prize for progress in `junior piano at the 18.11- nual convocation at Alma `College, St. Thomas; last week.- Miss Sarjeant recently won the silver medal given by. the Royal:.Life Saving Society of` Canada for prociency in swimming gm; life" saving. , ,,__III___' 111 A .r1____-1- T...-...` , ween. 4 ~ . ' - . I` Misses" Helen Dougall, May Liv- ingston, Marguerite Gallagher and Rhoda Young, members of the pub: lic `school teaching staff. have ob- tained standing in a number `of sub.- jects in the secqnd year of the teach- iers course at the University of __To- ronto. ' an-.. tI..a.1. .a.....:.......s -1! D......:.. ....... ` grass. J._A. Ma'c~Laren, who has been acting president of the Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association since last September, was unanimously el- ected to the presidency at the. an- nual convention held in Quebec last _week. ' "3_~-~- `!.'l'..`1.u. nnnimn Maui T .1.I7_` [ gress. -l61"1 a`1;'l'cz'swi\7I.c-.I;'r`i~ci'3'_ ABE ';rI"Misses Agnes and Zella McBride, accompan-' ied by `Matthew Dowling of Stayner, lef-t last Friday morning for Chicago, III.', to attend the Eucharistic `Con- _T A Mn-ncT.nrnn. whn `H1'an hm=_n &IGUl|wA- an wow u ow--v -au- Mrs.-"Leda'b;a.r.,v1\.d"r..'21'nd Mrs. Wil1 Philip and daughter Edith, of Brad- ford,-Penn-sylvania, and Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Neilly of Gilford visited Mrs, lFo`ster,' Victoria :St., this week. \ ,'nr_r\_.:_1- ____| LL`- `IK.'.....-_ 1'86! 'Dbu Thos. Johnson and Mrs. Cam-pbiell ?of' Manitoulin Island are visiting Mrs. J. 'S.Johnst`on, -C. N. Holds- worth, Mrs. W. T. H. Gilroy and oth- .er relatives in Barrie. ` `\_ ......I In... `IT A A`v`r:'|n1-ant` inn!` 61` rexumves 111 Du1'1'1u. Dr. and Mrs. `W. A. Atkinson and daughter Thelma, of Edmonton, Al- berta , and Dr. E. '1`. Atkinson of Port Dalhousie are holidaying with their father and sisters in Blake St." 4 up CYVOII Mrs.` W. H. Ford of Philadelphia, Pa., and grandson,AJames Moriarty, `of Boston, Mass., are visiting the for- ..mer. s daughter, Mrs._ -(Dr.) T W. C. |Little.. ` IE... ..nJ` 1\'u;u-.- and-\Q1l\`II Mu nnvrl L.1tt1e.. . . * ~ Mr."and Mrs.` Scavey and Mr.. and Mrs. Geo. Miller of Ottawa spent a short .time on Thursday with Mr. Miller's uncle,- Wm. -Canfkron, 13 Peel St. ' ' ' rm.-- 1'...L......... ......a M... n.........1{..11 v In-an \.---v---.--.--.--. ` Mr. and Mrs- J. H. Hami-Iton, with their son Jim, of Winnipeg, attended lspeech day at Ovenden, where their `daughter is attending school; ' . Mr. and Mrs.'J. _R. Hubbert, Mary St., arrived home yesterdayafter a two weeks visit with Shelburne, Al- liston and Cookstown friends. * ` Mrs. Tanton and Miss Ross were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W.eA. Cameron, Peel St. Mrs. Tanton is in her summer cottage at Shanty Bay. Ir ` -ivy 1-1 '1': ,,,1 ,p'~n1_:|_`_1-L-1-_'_ $VLl.3o VVo U0 LJ|IGlIll\Ilh Mrs..Adamson of Ottawa spent `a few days this week with her nephew, N'eil T. MacDonald, while on her way to visit in Grgvenhurst. -- -up -vv or. 9 . -I U1USlIlg {HEB WUUSM. _ Mr. and" Mrs. Morgan and Mr. and Mrs. Simpson from Carleton Place were .recent visitorswith -Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Shannon.` 1ur__- A.1_._-_-,- -2 r\.n.1...--... ........_L -.. UIIC ; Jv\lI III\rIu S III I V V J I 95., . Avatar Iau -duuaouvau Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Hart of Flint, Mich., are spending two weeks with the former's mother, Mrs. Hart; 70 Worsley St; . Mm. G" T. Rnpvn and .dmm-'hf.=_r- J.V.l1'u VV llllllo Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Findlay `and elder daughter, of Toronto, were` among the visitors `at the-'Ovenden "closing last week. j ' My ant" Mrs Mnvnnn and Mr nn L\.lI I-voav vv nan-rug -cw.--.- --- -. .v_... I Mr. McKinlsey and Mr.` and 1\/I'rs.V -Lovelace of Huntsville spent Sunday -with the fo;jmer s family in Peel S't. M1,.` -.E `U _VV Ul.'5lUy 531:: Mrs. G.` L. Reeve and daughter, Edna.Ma`e,* Tof-Windsor, are visiting her parents, Rev. W. E. Wallace and Mrs. Wallace. .1ur.. ..._-.: 1ur..... nr... 'I:\:'...:I....'.....A `AI-l;a.nA QuinvIan_, Son `of Mr: and `Mrs. D. J. Quinlan, is attending the Eu- - .v__, ..-V .-_ ._ `charistic Congress in Chicago. 1|: . , J 1|A'_,__- AL1_:_-_-__ Mi's `I;/.68.-!`a1V}i1-El`-`at-1-(-1 lgrytkinson have returned home after a very pleagant winter hbliday in Florida. TIE T\Kn1T1'v\sn1v on?` Mn` Mr: ' .af(i.\:vi;1vT`i3:i1e*yx;;;Ed syn _ 'i`ve,-d ~ sf Stratxford spent the week-end with the formerks mobher, Mrs. J. Bailey. 1"! Do WHILE) , LJUIIIUII Db- he Elmsley family of .TorontoT have taken the Law-son house, Blake St., for July and August. ` , Mu nun!` IE5 `7;v1nnn" T.1n:|l'I`1 nn . lug w'u.u Lu.L':s. r. u. uyucu. Mr. and Mrs._Wm. Whyte and son Billy of Detroit are, visiting at the Home of W_. A. 0ve'rs_, Small St. _ .1 min.` -;..1 `ll..- LV.l.l.'Bu LV1.` 1'4. JJI.||:5'pIu 3 Mrs. `C.. Burkholder ,`and daughter" of New Liskeard are visiting Mrs.` A. B,' Carley, Co1lie'r St. ` The Filmalev familv of Toronto Ir 0 DVTV ` ` ' V, The annual clean up day Strand com-A etery. Tuesday afternoon. June` 39th.` Everybody Interested please com_e.25p_ vruuu. J.` Montagu Leeds returned last week` after spending six monthsin England. Mn: ITnn1t1n AF Tnrnnfn .I`nn+ +11: vvcguwuay. ' , V * Miss .Marjorie Hirlehey of Toronto visited Miss Alice Overs for a few days this week. ` ' TM... and Mn- ('iIn..-. .`D`l.-.3113-.uu .\-I- ma. lI,Y D1115 WUU3o `_ ' Mr. ..and Mrs. Chas,=;;Phi1lips of To- ronto are now atvtheu` summer home ' K f ldt ` St.,~:~"; - In Muengslnlgva Aha` "`h1fnhnr Rrn- . Ill IXUIQIIICIIJUIU In `ID|M".`~` Mr. and Mrs. Alp! ford, were weekwjen Mrs. M.` E. "Du'tclig1'. `II... `F `Du-nlilnnloh bu, Ior Juxy Vanu August", , 2 Mr. and -Mi's. Vincent J.. Lynch and children of Montreal have been visit- ing with Mrs. P. J. Lynch. Min and MM: Wm Whxy+a and ann nugxuuu. _ Mrs. Huckle of Toronto spent the week-end . with Mrs. Jas. McMartin, Small St. ~ .`Il :__ `ll_`L_`I 'l)-..I-2._- _:B .l'!L2......- ....... Duilssgltiiabel Rangn` ofgchicago was the guest of Miss aisie. Kennedy on Wednesday. mun Mnv;Au:a u:w1nLn17 A, "`nr;\r`+n -an-vs av I-LIV aaasuuuauws vvuugc 'I`ed jamieson of Toronto is spend-F ing his holidays at his hbme hero. -.-._LA__..I _.. -_). v-- --- ----u-vu vwv no-Iv ._v__,.- -..-..- Leighton E12511: of Bmntfofd sent the week-end at his game in_ town. , '1: ,7 I .11.`! 1'1__`I_ __ we wees-can an ms -noun: nu wwu. `John `McLepd of drenfel,' Sask., is visiting friends in Barrie and dis-' 2 - ` V 11.... `-r_-._:...'...;.... .-n---1 tn. :. Ln`: A JOB Eon. You-+35 T0 siomany _-_.. _..'....d...J `Y. :....._..I____. -....__._ "Wrs. `Livingston, Pe el St., is hoii- daying with-friends' at Coulson and Orirllia. ` x `IA'..._A.-.... T --.I.. qnl-nu-.A`.I Tnnln Mr. and Mrs. Watson W,re in Mon- treal oyer the week-end.` h . I Mr: noun uxcl. `yuc wuclt-6|-|.-- V Mrs. Btuce 'St9ph'ens_ 'of tW1I_1ds.01` is visiting relatives in town. V ' up I .-It ---'A`-- 4 --3-"- ' i&;2';';`a`ii:;: :;;e';;;";me visit- ors "at Inglewood qver Sunday. ' its, 1 n ,3 nI;___~;__ 2- "3:;s,'3ZI%S'E_m3i7 o?E3}'o'nto is the guest of_. Mrs. Andrew Hay.y `~ 1 II :1: _'L-_.- .__-._ - Ilfll-I GIQVDII VA - `ILLS; JIIIHLFVV C"U'J'._ | " Dr. -Cam Bell of Tottenham was a `:'aller at T e Examiner today ' Ed ` I Q T . A I , _____.I` 3; rnnauxvnl. % V; .-..-.._....._..___..T..._.......'T_.. .. fgii5%i$w$$iiii - ----- _ _..- _ _ vv -v 7-: ----, 50 men 'w'af1te;. Nebrevlous exer- ience necessary. Write for 40 page" free bookwhich explains how you can. earn while learning Garage Work,~ Barbering, and Beauty Culture. Free employment _service from coast to coast. Act now! Time means money.1 I-Iem-phil1's Ltd. Toronto.` .25cstw &; D`ut_<,:her,. Brad- iend fvsitors. with This (Thursday) morning a test of the local treughting equipment and the town water pressure was made by -an inspector representing the re underwriters. ` Mrs.. James Simpson of Thornton is visiting her son, _Dr. L. J. Simpson. Mrs: Simpson `hasalmosjt fully recov- ered trom an, accident last fall `when she sustained a fractured hip. JVLIIIUIIUII auu Db; LIIUIIIQS. The br1deg'room s. glfts to the bridesmaids were pearl necklaces; `to the best man and ushers; pearl cuff` links; and to the ring-bearer,ea signet ring. Among the r resents received were handsome gi ts _of silverware from the Mitchell High `School ,.staff and pupils and from the staff of the Barrie Collegiate Institute. tJGl~ClIII3 VVLIIUH. WGD LJLCI/lrlly UUUUl'aUUU 9 in pink and white with sweet peas and bridal wreath used in profusion. The bride s mother wore a lovely gown of grey vgeorgette with orchid trimmings and grey hat. Her corsage bouquet was Sweetheart roses. Later` Mr. and Mrs. Farmer left on . a trip` to Otty Lake and Algonquin Park, where they will spend a few weeks. The bride travelled in an en- semble suit of navy and,grey with grey fur trimming-, and velv'et-tr_jm- med leghorn hat. -Guests were pres- entat the wedding from Perth. Tor- onto, Hamilton,f Hanover, Brace- bridge, Ste. Anne de Pocatiere,'-.,Que., Mitchell `and St. Thomas. ..3.1-.._.-_-._-!_ ;1!L_, 1., Li, . FIVL. ' FARMER--I-!ESS_ (Stratford Beacon-Herald) . With an attractive arrangement of 1 palms, ferns, snowballs and bridal l wreath, .Ontario St. Baptist Church ' was the scene of a charming early summer wedding this (Wednesday, June 23) afternoon at two o'clock, . when Mary Leonora, daughter of Mr. - and Mrs. J. L. Hess, 156 Birmingham St., became the. bride of Colin S. Far-j _ mer of the Barrie Collegiate Instit- ute teachingvstaff, son of `Geo. Far- mer of Perth. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Hugh McDiarmid,' `uncle of thebride; The wedding mu-I sic was played by Henry A. Clark, or- ganist of~the church, and during the signing of the register Miss Louise Seiling of Toronto sang very sweetly. The bride, who was give`ll"i'n marriage by her father, made a lovely picture in `her exquisite `gown of ivory Duch- ess satinvwith overdress trimmed witn Carrickmacross lace and embroidered veil caught with pearls and orange , blossoms. She carried Ophelia roses and lily-of-the-valley. The -bride was attended by ' Miss Dorothy What- mough, `wearing a rose shot with sil- ver taffeta dress, rose `picture hat and carrying sweet peas, and Miss Lillian Richards of Toronto, who wore a frock of powder -blue shot with silver taffeta, and `blue pic-ture hat. She also _ carried sweet peas. George Farmer of Perth, brother of the bridegroom, was best man and I. -Cutler of Brace- bridge and Hubert McDiarmid were ushers. Ross Ingram, dressed in a` black velvet Lord Fauntleroy suit, was ring-bearer. _' 1 Immediately after the ceremony a reception and wedding breakfast were held at the home of the bride s - parents, which was prettily decorated in ninlr and 1:711-H-A uy-L auynmln noun Last Friday afternoon, Miss M. A. Train, who has resigned her position as school nurse, was presented by the members of the teaching staff of the public schools with a handsome man- tel clock. The presentation took place in the'Prince of_ Wales school. Most of the teachers were present and also a number of teachers from the Coll`- egiate and Inspector J.~L. Garvin and Mrs. Garvin. Many of those present spoke in high f:erms-of Miss {I`rain s services as nurse." The presentation was made by J. E. Morrison and a- highly appreciative address was read by James Marlin. CLOCK TO MISS TRAIN, RETIRING SCHOOL NURSE v---`- v ---- vv --.-u.. -.v_ ---. L 'Conc'l.u'd_i:1g, he said',tha-t there` is only one true state of happiness and that -may be gained by putting self behind and striving` to bring Joy. to others. That, he said-, is thechallenge of the present day, `and, with the trtie observance. of its precepts, . 0ddfel- -lowship _ should `contribute much of the happiness of -mankindwand the world. " [As an Oddfellow of many years `standing, Rev. .Wm. Hipkin stated that the organization had always stood for the higher and better things of life.. The outstanding feature of the decoration service, he stated, `is that it is the tangible expression of belief in immortality. Onpthis `an- nual occasion of remembrance of the dead, gifts of owers are laid on the last -res.ting\-places of those ivho are gone and these owers will addto the fragrance V of the earth in days to come ,as -did the kind deeds and thoughts in the` past of the departed. While their physical bodies -have pass- ed on, their memories still live, synd- bols of all "they stood for, and it is the dut,v\of those who remain to care ry on those standards of life which they upheld. 2, and? `Rome, has been handed down- GU `J-III!-ll UIIU yo Luv `U13 UL 0513 wise men, the philosophers of Greece and added to through successive` gen- erations, and medical and scientic research `are `-based on knowledge a investigation in the years gone by. Our conception of integrity and de:. c,ency had its` foundation at our mo-, Ithets knee. Everything, material, intellectual and spiritual, is- a herit- age from those who have gone. TR` Ania nonvv I-A nn1rv\nI-n1n:`n-nn 1|-`en Q55 LIUIII IIIIUSC WIIU EVE `V115. The only way to acknowledge the debt owed to our ancestors and to do full honor to them", said Mr. `Ander- son, is to rededicate ourselves to life and the duties of life, so he urged his hearers to coirsider the influences they will leave to\_ posterity and `to; guard i that they are only those that will make -the `world brighter and better. Christ's revelation of God is that He Iurnvud-A1` Illlil `-l\ kn kl)V\V\19 n-rut] I-`nu-u` VVI'l1'.8 tuuuy |.U1' LLILLIIUI. uu. - ........ .. Day and Evening except Wghnesday. Graham School of Designing` an-A A_lI-.._ Q5 'l"n-nnnbn 'r`Oi`I\'\I

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