jfi ZS T.ITID W? ' TDD? IJUKIIX I\I '7 II KIODI KIIEIT `I I . inches wide, regular $11.65, at .` . . . . . . . . . 98:: yard" Lovely Rayon Crepe, rfancy designs in powder blue, rose .._..x ......1. an 2.. ...s .. _.-... om ....... 1... ....'1,.I -4. n'o.~ uiw vvu - -wlvv ;--v--w-, v vuvu my---V, - 7'- and ;3ZcB,'39 in. wide,- be sold at 98:: Plain Crystal Crepes in sand `and gr_ey,'_ 39 inches, at 98c" Plain Ratines, 39 in., powder blue, saxe blue, sa1e49c. Plain Rayon Crepes in sandand grey . . . . .- . . . . . 98 Beautiful Beadora Voile, in many new shades and pat- --- 1.1.2- _--...-..!...1..L-..J. ....I.. ....2..-., l'I-. ,--wvuw-o-u-- jwuvl-7 -- __- __-'...-- --_-.. r--- r terns, this seascn-"s"1a't'est, -s_ale_Jpr-i_ce". . . .. . . . . 69` Plain Voiles, all imported. qualities andfast colors, grey, green, peach, salmon, sand, paddy, new blue, brown_, navy and black, 40 inches wide, sale price . . 39c. 56-in. Black Poiret Twill, the very`best quality, regular .aa .1: Q1 no __;__'_I Q II$i Q IVIQD inn? V VCJ Ivwuav jirvvv--VJ , ow uw$"3.:2-S':sja.ie price _. . ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.983;a;;{l 56-in. Navy Poiret Twill, best grade, same price, $1.98` 40-in. Nayy Serge for-skirts and children's dresses, our - sun. ......I 'I'\I"lllo IVGVJ BED`? nut 'uL\L_n LU unau vlnnnusnvvnn \I VI-irvvvv, \.-.... sale price .......'........;4:.;.....;.`98;yard 39-in; Blgck Serge, used for` same purpose, great-va1u e, Ell- - _-- .3.` Imported sliings, withblack and blue hair1i.neMistripe.i great for men s and boys wear . . . . 29 yard, Men s Shirtin'gs, in plain or hairline stripe, good weight ~ -and fast dye, 27vinhes. wide, sale price. ; . . 23c yard 32-in. Imported English Prints, guaranteed fast cglors, sale price . . . . . . . . . . . .. 23 yard. 32-in. Ginghams, also Plain Charnbrnys, great for house , . _ . . - -....I I..!.l..f2-..9 `nuance nnin nvhvn 9Q`. ugpgl 32-in. umgnams, 3,180 rum \ollIIII\Dl'GyO,'SlC`cll. nun uuuasw dresses and kxddies wear,.sale pnce . . . . 23; y~ard_ 42-in. Pillow Cotton, Circulgir, English make . . 39 yard 72-iq. %an%_l 78-in. Sheeting, 2 pieces only, while they last, an. .......I !`-llnt IJIIUWLIIIQ Q IJIUVUO MVLAIJ, VV nanny puny. gypsy, . sale price . . ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4. . . 59c.yard Heavy Weight Natural Color Flannelette, sale `29_c yard. 27-in. Grey Flannelette, sale price . ._ . . . ; . . . 21 y.ard ` 30-in. Unbleached Canton V . . . . . . V. .. . . . . . . ; 23 "yard 25-in. Bleached Centom. A . . . . . . . . . . . . .` . 23 ygrd 27-in. White Flannelette, Sale_ price . . . . . ._ . .11/9c yard 34-in.lWhite Flunnelette, sale price . . . .. .`. . . 27c yqitdj 34-in. Colored Flumelette, Sale price . . . . . .t . 2lc yard 16-in. Crash Towelling, lihen,`;`g'reat vlue for roller or ' tea towelsp . . . . . . . . . . -. . .- . . . . . . . . . . . .` . 15 yard 15.1.. c.nay-`snap. ;lR'oller 'l_'owelling, sale 15: - Turkish Towels with candy stripe, 36x1 ? in., 23:cpen_ch ` ` `A ' ' - 4- null- UQIIKIJ 9$|l J\1, I\l\DCv u.-. _.-_ v_____ -01` .;........'.....H.....,., . . . . . ..,.`L..'.. 69`-in. Bleached lableLinen, "sale price . . . . . .. 89:: yard ' ; 35-in. White Longclotly real `good qixality, sale 19 yard Wool Blu'1ke`ts in gljey` and white ma all Flan'nl`e"tte" `Blankets to go` at`.their'cost pr-lice. _*` . I r - -------- .-`.. sale. price . . . Evefythingwill Be `out ; at this {A cleu3_;w`eep . - ` of-I.-.y_-'.tytliin`g. = A V; J` I `VITA -- :-?:._ ? READ BELOW sOME OF 'FHE MANY EAROA-1-1;:-sPP1A-1wPI_LLVs1~J1z_ELY APPEAL TO YOU As A MONEY-SAVING PROPOSITION. PEOPLE, HERE1s YOUR CHANCE TO BUY AT A GOOD STORE RE_'ruuNO FROM 1;us1NEss WHERE You WILL SAVE DOLLARS. smts DEPARIMENTJ gvunnnv r .-rvgv, O- . u u o n". . 0 . 0 STORE WILL BECLOSED% ALL DAY FRIDAY 54'-in. Blagk Serge, allewool quality, sale price, 98c yard Children's" All WqblTa1_'tans in many-of the newest used -1_--I_- __1- _.,._-- g(`_ _____j 'mpgtsoA\_'. `IiAv.L?1.1*` Illl:\Il\IlI U (Dbl V! D nvvavunnnur nan annu- IJ \Jl `now In nan oovvwu checks, sale price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . yard _54-in.'Plain Dress Flannels, in all the new and latest shades, sale price .; . . . . . . ..- . . . . . . .. $1.39 yard t 1 only piece of extra line quality in the "new gold shade v Dress Flannel for sport fhiddies, dresses, etc., regular; $'2.,25A,- sale price ,. . . . . . O $1.50yard '38-in. Plain Wool Crepes 'f.o.r.dr.e.ss.es, 'etc., fastcolors, new shades of, cinnamon, brown, cocoa, zinc, midnight blue, navy and black, regular $1.75,'sale price $1.19 39-in. San Toy Cloths, the real beauties in all wool, in shades of brown, sand, cocoa, grey, toast, rosewood, l _ black and navy, sale price . . . . . . . . . . $1-`.10 yard Dress Linens, 36 inches wide, beautiful shades/and fast dyes, sale.price . . ., . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . -69c yard Sunfast `Reps, the real cloth for making `kiddies gar-_ y-ments, rose, sand,` blue, navy, rust, peachand gold, 36 inches wide, sale price . . . . . .' . . . . . . . . 29 yard, -1-`.?11as'yc.sx3..L;qf.T:1?..s:-.: m` :4 3.; mess Lafiig Whife Cotf9n;1.a._nd Navinsool-I Gowns, short and I At. f\F' -1, $1 III` C--.3 TWIC elf Q `KICKTTID T3 WV l slveveves, neatly trimmed, values to $2.595"-at-$1: Ladies Plain White Underskirts, with lace and embroid- erytrimming, sale price . . . . . . . . . . . 98 each Ladies Flannelette Pyjarnn, twoipiecercoatmstyle, sale i g a price . . . . . . . . . .* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .r. . . $1.98 `suit .Children s F lannlette. iGowx'1s4,/ ` white, blue, rose and p" `mauve, ages,.6, 8, 10 and 14 years, sale price 89 ea. Children ; Flarmelette Pyjamas, two-piece." coat` style, neatly trimmed, 6 to -16, years A. . . . . . . ."$1.39 suit Child:-en s Cotton, Drawers, `made with strong `waist-__ .. i band, laceat knees, sale price . . . . 1'96 ,.'--I:-)-a:'1la,V laee ra g`knees,'s'zl1'e-}3ri_c_V_e": .' . . . `i'9c" f Lgdies White Cdttorn Drawers, 100SeJknee,lsale 59 pair `L'adi`es"White. Qotton Vests, ppera 1 tops and sleeveless J 09- --..L _1__1- --1; _-_._-- _v__ . V--- -r-_-_ _-- - .. , ',"t'ie, 's;1'1"f;riEE '. . . . . . . ............ ..;e. 23.: each Ladies Corsets, black laced, ~pink and white coutil; some Rayon stripes, low tops, wide, section of elastic and a hose supporters,sale price . . . . . . . . . ; $1.39 pair .Af~l;Lrge-assortment of Ladies Slipgbroadcloth and sat- `a ' s inettes with opera tops, saleprice . . . . . . . . . . $1.49 Ladies Satinette.?.Bloomers in many fancy stripes and new`shadst, sale price . . . . . . . . . . . . . -. . . 1. 98. pair Ladies Luxite Hose, garter or"hem tops, leading shades, F-rien`ch4,l nude, boise de rose,` haze, zinc, a black, `cloud, airedale,` blush and white, sale price, _. . . ;~69c pair ANDCHlLDREN S WEAR F % s'11oR%E."roR$RN'r%i .. 1 k, , 1 d : .1v|ensru.uu `snug uq.'........., .... ..J r......__., ,_ , _ _ _ __ _ H iii, Men : Bracgs, sa1e_ pr1c_e_ . . . . '. ._ . . . . . . . . . . . 39 pair ` ` `A few Men's Suits left 1n grey tweeds, odd sizes, sale? - epric'e......-......~. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$9.95 r" . Men : Belts in black 9); tan, sale price . . . . 39 each X. 34-in. Pongee` Silk, real quality, don t,over1obk this . value . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ._ . . . . . . . . . . 47 yard 36-in. Duchess Satin, ally shades we have in stock in- eluding black, guaranteed quality , . . . . . . $1.69 yard `Colored Sziteens and Fancy Chintzes, many, plain shades and others with lqraldesigns, 29 in.,.wide, sale 29c Plain Broadcloths, shades of-mauve, rose, peach, pink, green, sand`, navy and white, 36 in. wide, sa1eV39c yd. New Imported Broadcloths with beautiful oral designs, __ .1u-........ -..1.. .....,... an- _____] IIVVV lIIIlI\III-\/II Lalvuuvnvunu vv A I~.I\rv\-uounl. so: ..u.. ....v-o--.., ,will make lovely dresses, sal`e price . . . . . . -69 yard 37-in. Kimona Cloths, Oriental designs, beautiful at 29c 36-in. Kimona Cloths, Japanese patterns, .in good heavy `crepe, sale price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 yard u IFIIFIII In nrsrltllt (1 l'_'l"7 ' I _ . .. LITTLE SPECIALS . Domes and Hookshnd Eyes, black or white, sale lc card Pearl Buttons, dozen on Card . . . . . . . . 2 cards for 5c Bias Tape, black or white . . . .' . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 for 5c 200-yard Coates - Spool Cohan, black or white, 3 for 25 Fancy Dress `Braids of many kind at . . . . . . . .p 3c yard Meri- s Balbi'iggai1Combiqations, .lbi`lg sleeves and ankle length, sizes 34 to 40,_ sale price . V. . . . . $1.19 suit Me:-n s Balbiiggan Combinationg, short sleeves and knee ' -- -----VA _Iu:I- IVICII B laulwllgsuln \tIlllll|llI.IIpJ.\r|aw, gnu. .. U-vv . V- ...--.. - length, size 40 only, sale price . . . . 31.39153 Men s Athletic Coinbinationgsizes 34 t0 40, sale . 98 Boys Combinations, short__sleeves and knee length, in ' ` - Q0. 1I;I' ,,_; -1 ;_ -3.4 -..1- ....:-.. ' .DUyB vvguuulutlunlu, ouuu. olvvvvu us... .....,., --.- -` sizes 24 to 34,. sale price`. . ; . . . . . . . . .- . . . . Men s Bdlbriggan Shirts and Drawers, sale price 59 ea. AMe1:s Fi`ne l?.oalbriggan Shirts and Drawers, sizes- 34 to g- L- .nnu:` IVICII B I Ills laulul 15513:: gun: to gun. .' .. .. V- -, ...._-., _, 42,- sale prices . . . . . . . . . . . . . .l. . 65c to $1.25 suit Boys Jerseys, sizes 22 to 32, assorted colors, sale 39c Men's Khaki Work Shirts, sizes 14% to 17, sale 79c ea. Men s Blue Chambray Shirts, sizes 15 to 16%, at $1.19 Men -s4Blue..,Chambray Shirts, sizes 15 to 16%, 59c ea. Men syBlack Bib Overalls, `sizes 36 - 46, sale price $1.59 ' Men s_~Pants, sizes 36 to 40, sale price $1.29 pair Boys"Khaki"-Pants, sizes 24 to 31, good quality, at $1.39 Men s._Grey Work Socks, limited quantity at .. 19 pair `Men : Heavy Grey` Wool Socks, a, great sock for ser- vice, -sale price .' . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 45 pair Men.s_ Black Cashmere H red heel and toe, 39 pair Men ;-Elumelette Nighfgowns, good roomy gown`, all Q1 `In ......L I5Hs-IJVVIIC, I\I\InAaJ bv n 5- \ -sizeas,.sa1eaprice . . .; . . . . . . . $1.39 eagia AMn, ,sPy_iamas,-very best quality pyjama cloth, at $2.29 Me , '3 .White Handkerchiefs, good full range, 3 for 25 Men s Fancy Silk Negkties, many patterns, -at . . . . 39 fM_en s"_.Braces(, prlce ._ . . pair 1-`.L'":.. ......-...`&..`uu:mIc- AAA C:'1AC cq1p{' Ml5.N SAND Bovsi WEAR Everything Amust go, as weinte nd closing out our etire bu`s- inessafter forty years service to `the buying public of Barrie. THIS WILL BEA RARETCHANCE AFORDTHE lfE0l{l.E or BARRIE AND THE SURR0 UNDlNGDC0UN'l`RYT0 TAKE ADVANTAGE "or ONE OF THE BlGCEST.SALES PUT ON IN THE TOWN on DDlS'l'RlCT.~ Tmcss wlu. BE CUT AND SLASHEDlNEVlj1RY DEPARTMENT AND wu.LsuRELTAsToUND YOU. This Big sale Begins onsaturday, May29th, 9a.m.J DRESS Goons DEPARTMENT EVERYTHING T0 CLEARAE 1'nEsERR1cEs Beautiful Ch ck ~Crep' Voile, sand, brown and blue, 3`; !-_ -I--._ ___!_I A - R3, _ _