xcmucuuc LU!` Lnelr mu: Stel`. As a result of recent robberies end entries in Orillia a second nght con- stable has beeri appointed. `Tm;-tv-nins-. nnndinfau ' vnnnn ...... Ly ruuue UUUXT. .. . . I Fire caused by an exploding oil stove of Orillia, and contents. . Tnnfana-I nf kuullalnn .. .............. n-Iu.._ destroyed the home of Anson Dilworth. UL uruua, and contents. Instead of building a. manse, Calling- wood Presbyterians have purchased a I residence for their mlnjster. ' \ An 1: rnunlf n-9 niannno ....-.1.1......:__ ._..-u Lwu uuus. _ ` - ' - ' Chas. Collett, -an old and respected r__esident..of Beeton, d}ed recently at the age of 88 years. - ' R N7 "I1:-`Irnann '1-ml` `KT--...........I--A 1.-.. use u; no years. R. N. Brimson `of Newmarket has been appointed clerk of the York Coun- ty Pol1ce'Court. T Winn nan.-ma Kn an -.`.;..1..,:x_'.. _.n ._A._, Orillia P1-_esby.terians celebrated. their seventy-fifth anniversary on Max 16. ' Midland : fov -oh.-. n... 1nm-3 1...- I.--- v....,, ...-.u unananvygaaxy UH Max 1.0 ""1;Iid1and s tax rate for 1926 has beer; set at 43 mills. This isvan increase of two mills. - (`hug Dalia`; ...;. -1- -_-- - - '- * II 1! man; aucxcu Iuu uucr, C1581" [Hall Bachelox-,-no ner week `end ` package than the Bachelor. Pocket` Packaof S gr 10. There's no ner, The first day you take Rheuma. the. doctor's remedy that is selling so rap- idly, you'll realize that when Rheuma. 'goes in Rheumatism goes out. - If mnffnru nnf urlnnfhnvu vnn nun fnn_ CUNDLEE __Slf[ANTY BAY` For V Week End Wsdh s . Examin'er Adlets are j 2 Tj1 awva rm-: aasru-:33 connrriou anouerrr on av THE PRESENCE or _wonuI' AND ngsroaa `rue CHILD TO NORMAL HEALTH. NO NARCOTlCS-PLEASAN`f AS SUGAR 22 calls sold $22,260 --and cost only $8.15 & ---, ......----.... ..-....., . `No one but you or your deputy `is given access to your Box. It remains alisolutely under your control, and the annua cost is very moderate. '- 1 A. Safety Deposit Box . A Is Indispensablel It provides the best known method of caring for all valuable documents, and its contents `can bereferred to at any time dur- ing -business hours, ` "i`:; `ilzll;-";`sev:uva"1"-`;:`:)`af1'ted tastelenss tablets for 80 days- if they don't, helg greatly, get your money `back. Y1 a woman gained ten nounds` in `Apply to` the Manager of any of our Branches. ' ~ `BAHKIoRoNIO \.{.)wn er4s of bonds", deeds and other important papers now recognize that . Your Securities ammcuesl: Capital ss`,`ooo,o'cx5- 3gpRM_ POWDERS gr;a(tfs;.l:s:men and they` work for little pay-- `H The same courtesy extended by our Manager to this sales- -man will be extended to you in whatever territory you may `L be looking for business. If you haven't tried this method of selling you ll be surprised. __ - Many customers prefer tele- ' phone `calls to personal visits. 66' That's going some - but skinny men, women `and children {ust`can t help putting on good heath esh" when they take McCoy's co `Liver Extract Tablets. . V V nLl\lh`- 0"!` A8 -uH.nu..n.u- LL- I-inn! w." E._ BREWSTER, , .. Manager. BARBIE-T-H. A. Sims, Man: - A.LI4ANDALE ELMVALI}-l -I. R. Warren. U Manager s oice to call up customers in surrounding territory, with 22 Long Distance calls costing $8.15, I sold 17 =1: carloads of our and feed--$22,260-Writes avsalesman for a Millin Company. i )0 - Reserves $7,000,000 Incorporated 1855 `USING the Telepnone Man mrm- g am... +4: I00 n. Manager 113 173 GAINED 1o POUNDS IN 22 DAYS, 0TTON- HUBBAR 532) `< ""4 Sun I5} MADE IN 0| 3.5 PG "`J .--., .- ::.w. "u. TORO fiiunsm Quick Pile Relief! See the ne next time They are m ity. high large dairy, with larg ush. 1()( out this ad it to your has our an a special I of these n A New at a P0 Whe: rod .Gl TOR Can ' only come _by ztemoving the cause--bad clrculatron in the `lower bowel. Nothing but an internal remedy can bring quick; and sure relief. Thatfs why ointmenta and operations tall. Dr. Leonhardfa HEM-ROID banishes piles by removing the cause. Money. refunded if not satisfied by` Wm. Oroasland any druggists everywhexie. ~ :2. wwttew stars IIJUUIIIUIIB GIIU LULTIIHIM Ull CBUH UUJSu Get McCoy's, the original 'andl nrnnn TN--I Leave 'r_oRoN'ro..';"....,. Q1130 pxh;22aizf? A Jirrivo WINNIPEG. . . . . . . -. . . . 10.45 "am. Seoohd Doy kirrive CALGARY , . . . . . . . . . 9.25 a.m_._Third Dav '.4r`riva COUVER. . . A. . . . 9.00 a._m. Fourth Don vs. . csrgxpnnp nun) . _ . > _ Saves a busingss `day to . Winnipeg Dim-, C _and oWe_st%rn .Po`'nt(.: ' J ` ` 7 ar 4 partm t . "\ Standgrd Sl\eeping.Cars Ob?owaon- . Opbn top observation` cars through the Cdnadian Rockies between Calgary and Revelstokee, Oileburning '_looomotiveao,/In ` \ V . . I ` 1 ' . _ \ the mountains. Important cpmmorclal` and `ton!-h't /I ' V A` ' ~ oaotvconyonloht hours. A . : Ivor.tickotaVqou;lJu(:IautInJonnlI_oIi 4 . ` I ljt 14- u;:-- ndav Max, 14% . _ - ll1l'\'I\ l'\\fllIl\ Agent s;.r.u.,- umce King Block. Bun-io. % CANADIANPACIPIC Sleeping cars); only --lv.--4 -v ----.---v-- I `I V-, I19 Ifllyly . 4 Agent C.P.R.`.` Office King Block. -Barrio. -cu ouvlv Iujllrlllill ' ` App1y"JiiXiE5ToN% E: Jonjv, Loan! hg V!_L. lIl`--l.."' 'I)-__.2- `gii I JUDL UUIIUIU. net? SHQUICIBI`. _ No. not` yet." she said. apd glanced] A round the enbankment of fountain and ;f`rns wh1c_h scneened the1r.ta.b1e from .the rest "of the room. She" wondered ' LU Ldllh ' ' , lda`Y'nS`131_;1 }l I bring the entree now. ma- ! Mofly started as thewaltez". spoke I Just behind her: shoulder. T\Yn nnf'1rn+ 9' ch}; nah! .. ....i ...!....'.- .1 I I Cul Hull! 01.]. WlC0UI,a. cent. ` - On the occasion of the -New York `premiere of Molly s,sec,on_d play. Myron Eldredge, who had been across again on special correspondence duty, chanc- ed to be at home on leave. He had been in 0. training camp abroad,`and ex- pected to turn so'on to the front with P1. machin -gun battalion. After `the performance they slipped into a quiet, downtown restaurant forsupper. EI- dredge saw some people he knew`a.nd excused himself to go over` and speak 0 t em. - HQ!-`II T I....l..... LL- -__L___- ,,_,,, 81110 In [I16 0UU'l. A - -In the press, the t_t'.agedy' of Coch-`V ran's e rlier marriage was dwelt on` affectin iy--for the benefit of a sen- . timental public. always more curiou - about a. great man intimate persona life than about his theoriestouching the advancement of the universe. Anfhllvu 'I1nnnunF6 n nnnng Olnnnun Jun Arthur Bancroft s name figured fre- quently in the city papers. as a prom- inent club man, politician. financier. From the home sheets, Mo1ly-had,ga.th- ered occasional items about Stephen. Old Jim" Dilworth's stroke,- "so long overdue," proved no boon to his son- in-la.w. He had tied up his money so hard and fast in `trust for Susan that Renfro could not touch a son oi. it without her cons-ent.~Whethe`r this the casus belli,` orewhether--as was inti- mated in the final grounds for action" ---drink and a weakness for younger and slenderer ladies had been his twin. offenses:. at _all events,, Mrs. `Susan had sloughed him off, The alffair had `gone pretty hard with him- She had cut hlmn off without ,9. cent. n (M1 fhn nnhnulnn n-F Han .1\Y.-nu vain`: Iuiv uuvuuuuuusul. UL NIB universe. I . vwwoonuag uuwo n away 34-4: and uvuu ` "'3'!" The lady--Molly saw_ her picture of- ten in-- the p`apers--was both a product - and leader of Washington circles; daughter of a Senator. youthful widow of a former Cabinet Minister. Rich, beautiful. admired--she had. it seem- ed. refused more than one brilliant of- fer. She was a frequent guest at the Cochran home, both- `in Washington and in the South. In Ir`-no vnnann II\` Onnn-nalum Ac n....I. " on. v v-uvup now: uuwvuo The facts were too simple and ob- vlo-us to be believed, and a. thousangi absurd and'fa.ntast!c stories were 8.: broad, Among these the rumor of his approaching marrlage_pere1sted. nu... Ina" -u,.n.. ....... 1.... ._n........ ..a'. . trance into the war. . V _ u the amazing recessions,.a'nd `emergencies of that - amazing period. nothing was more remarkable than the part played-by a- certain quiet man from the._wilds oi the Southwest." lAbroad, no one :was listened to with more respect, both for himself Landfor- .what he unofficially represented. At home, no one, with the exception of the Executive himself. was more be- sieged. invoked, `harassed. Nil... 1-..`- ..-.'.... 4.-.. ....I.._..I- ._.._u 41. ` wm. sp'ri.Z;" .3a'.{;.; '1i}.';m.;'s_ `en. trance into the war. LIV: a 0111: nvi|nnCna nnnnnnlnvfu 1:513 at.once--near, oh so dangerously near in Washington. She would tell, him everything, implore him` for some lite in common, even though it were secret. Tlrat other woman-'wha:t was she? But reason stepped in coldly to inter-` avene. She knew he would ,never con- sent to such an arrangement and be- sides-there would be still a? twofold ldangenof, exposure; a danger all the more critical now that.he was getting to be not merely a national but an in- ternational figure. Mn nhn rnnnf nhln hu ham anldlnn 4 Ul'H.lylUlll'-ll LlI.ll'Uo - No, she,-must abide by her decision. iconilgaued trdm page 10) `cHAP'rEn_ XXIX 7 she 'could.`,be_ brief-verboseness would not help her with` Mr Cochran any- way; -This with atsmile. as, one who`! uay HUU wu.u.Uu--uu~ yne next. - At _. a few] min_utes_ubefore closing time on the second day the secretary beckoned to her. some official had been unable to keep his appointment; If gives "a. friendly tip. Perhaps he felt sorry fort\.her because she had waited . _ . ,_.- [ .*- _` 4 go long. , ~ . V 1 v..' l'I"n kn `l`II|II`1;`IlII`Ql'\ :' QUICKLY DRIVES V our ALL ` `RHEUMATIC POISON I open. vv snval pug" ng;ucuxnlqUnplace. S118 W8:S going to Was ington. going to Greg. ,5 . She ~ kept an lag the wpriis over `and over. `to herelf, trying to "realize thwelr mean- gng. Going .to Wg.shingto,n`--going to tag: . . -- 0 ~ ` ` `Elna nu -v-Iunrl In!-kn aQm`Qu ..........l..... 111.. `open. ' Whemshe entered the modest waitq lng-room-Cochran'Is office was not in one of the official buildinzs-'she found it filled already to overflowing. A .courteouss.but firm secretary Rd- vised hezr thabher turn would not come ilhtil the day after tomorrow. Molly ~sa.1d` she would wait. All that day she` walted'--and the next. A1` 1: four ' *rninI1na,' ' I\a .-J...-.h..... and thvetpubllc buildings until the hour "" r'i` :irx:l\'r.ed.lx'1\the,early morning. Shel strolled incuriously around the Capitol when she. thought his office might be `ODGYL `\ up. snewas z.g_o1ng`to Greg. - .1-Iow many times she had been` on the verge of it before.fhow sorely she . had bee tempted; Nowthat she was actually oing It seemed absurdly sim- ple: apd:comm_onplace. She going! Washington. train]: fn Gran . Rho vluru` I can l\I\ When he had `gone, she telephoned at once` to the rail:-.?d station. The next `train for Vwashi` gton_ Ieft within` the hour. Then she changed her dress,` put a few things into a. bag-oz-dered .3. -taxi. Her mind had behene already made She". `going to T HOW t`H'lB` Ih hurl hann ' nn . _._._- -..av u. where ingfthe rdom. c. . Eldredge, who was in the midst of explaining what had kept him, broke ' ptf - abruptly. What's up? Seen "a. ghost? \ 'NI'nl`l-u mnr'h:J.- T,nI~ n ..... 1...---)-`_I._ 5uuaL.' ' ' \. agony -nodded; Let's go home, she Vsa . . . ` . ` ` . awry. vvnxaxy was nara to get. I. . She glanced around the ferns to make sure Eldredge was not yet in siig'ht."Then she said: "Stenhen, I'm sorry. I haven't a great deal of money. but I'd doanything I could to help_you -not because"of your `threats. but for the memory of an old and once beauti- ful 11-lusion. For the rest. you ` don -t imagine anybody would publish such a story `on the mere word of a waiter `In a restauran.t,~a"-she made a slight pause-o-drug addict. V 'l`hn h-main hnnn ac 1.1.. 1:- ..I...;...'..1 I- think 'y6u'd`better go msw," Molly, `suggested. as she.sawE1dredge cross- ing . the room. e,, - 17`.1t1nn:Ia-n nylnn iivnn I}. 4.1.; __-n_-n._; -3 chronic neuralgia. 4, - Rheumatism is a dangerous disease. It often affects the heart and causes sudden death. If you have it; in the slightest degree get a bottle-of Rheuma from Wm. Crossland or any druggist. today and drive it from your: system at` once. . 4tfcf pausu--"urug lM1(1lC1'.." 4 ' The ironic droop at his lipechanged to a sneer..a1most ,-to a snarl. If he -tries to'marry_ this woman. you'll:-soon find out whether they'll publish it or` not! Drug-addict or not. evidence is evidence. T N1 . n.a...1. ..-..:.:\L-4...__ _- k- _---- -- -- tmuus an uruer. 1'neI'e_`s my auuress.; Ydu d `better tell me where I can `see you tomorrow. it v A "We havevnothing more to say to- each other." _ ` ' I mustpbeg to differ. . ." Again the naively engaging smile. the ironic drop.to the lower left corner of his mouth. Gregory Cochran..who hob- nobs with premiers and presidents and . er'nperors-marries agaiin--the long lost` wife supposed dead. . . The newspa- pers and the politicians, unless,/I'm at a price. I'm giving you the first bid. that's all." I see--you want` money. Molly had been watching him in the mirror--with revulsion and pity and a. certain deep sadness. There was more here than drink. more even than men- tal and moral disintegration. Those .. could not have `worked so. swiftly. . l` greatly mistaken, .will purchase that Trembling hands, twitching muscles. the glassy film overspreading at times ` the -mocking. dark eyes,.to1d another . story. Whisky was hard to get. . She rzlancad nfrnnnd Hm mum`. '4- : --uue Hub`--u. wu1u:!1'."' , He winced. The unhealthy pallor deepened. She could see him tin the` mirror. But the next moment his head went up again with something of the old-time lnsolent `bravado. Well. it's] all your fault, lfvyou must know--your` great cleverness in _outwltting- us. It A'cost me the Governorship and in- cidently--Sue. That's what she'd map- ried me for, you see. . ." _, Tho hand txrn-or nnnnnnna yinno-ul O-Inn rled for, _ The head waiter appeared round the bank of ferns, and Renfro bent down. scribbled something on his pad as if taking an order. There's my address! vd5] (1 'h}5.H'nr fall rnn urlnnv-A 1' (Main `man. .--_- -'--.--- - -a nu vynavalu ' I M He finished at the chafing-dish and, approached her. He drew a newspaper clipping from an inside pocket and laid it _by her plate. This ma have; escaped your_ attention, he 0 served `in his most deliberate draw]. Molly glanced down: ARTI-IU_R BANCROFT DIES AT lLONG `ISLAND HOME." 3 V . Ithought that would interest you. Molly shook her head. She folded the clipping and pushed itback to him.` "Not particularly." , No . .?" He .favored her with his most ingenuously appealing smile. -` Then possibly the fact that I. alone am left. . . .' ` Ubnnlnnu. u.L..& ...... -..... 3-2.-.. 1___,_ 11.111 IUI-In Stephen, what are you_doing here v-l11 this-a waiter? T-In uy-innnzl FIVE`; un1.}..-.'uL-. .....n.... Ironic, dark eyes heldhers in a_. mock-! ing, challenge. While she watchedhfas-'1 clnated, the mockery traveled by (slow. degrees downward. The, mouth droopedl a. little; also ironically, at the lower! left corner. It was Stephen. . l `CIA IlulnLA.l -1. 4.1.- _I._n:,, ., In a Ste hen, `I'M sorr . I coal to help you- was In: `tong. 'lhn 10115`. , .. The waiter bowed and withdrew to '9. small serving table` opposite, where he seemed toevvlie doing something at a chafing-dish. Raising her eyes pre-` sently to -the mirror over the `table, she saw that he was watching her in- tentlyx She had a. brief. smiting im- pression of dark hair, prematurely white in patches, of a face once hand-I some but riddledsand punctured with hard iiving-pa.le, too. with an un-' ,whoiesome pallor. Then something leaphd out other from the" mirror. GUI: genuine. vaguuly What had kebI`: .Eldredge sol `Inna- ' " aasgtrbfnd` `.cHAPTER I v I33 cbgtlqua ;. ' _' beg dif V me lei unnnnmcv IVAA` |\\ \ [UL I. UU`l.'ll\:1` Jochran. . who l1VI` vsmnaiplnu-.&. IIIl'IlUlr I-ukllbo Chock full of evitamines- the kind that are.extra'cted from the livers of the cod--- the kind that are 9. real help to frail, run-down, anaemic; skinny men and women. Tau 4-Mann. unrvnvunnoi-at` I-nuhnuuu uxuu, are uume 101' 118 summer months. Rev. Dr. Dodds went to Elmvale on Sunday, taking the services $11 the` Pesbyterian church there; r I A large numhnr urnnf nn gm-..-nu. era: uays, nas-returned nome. . The two Misses Gove of Toronto, for- merly of Cundles, were guests/of_ Mr. and Mrs. Cameron over Sunday. Rht. and Kenneth (`avnnnnn and anu ;ura_. ucuuurun uvur aunuay. Robt. and Kenneth Cameron and Harold_ Shannon of Osgoode Hail, Tor- onto, "are home for the summer months. Rev. `Dr, `nmmg want 1-.` m1m.m1.. .. | rreunycerlun cnurcn mere; l A large number went. on Sunday to hear the which was some- ! thing new. | . ugeuu at E1181?` nome. 4 - . George Shannon `and family, who spent the winter months in town, have moved back to their home. - Q Dnnff nrhn ran In VIVA-.nn.d-.. 0.... ...l... HIUVULI uuun LU LX161!` 1101118. -. S. Pratt, who was in Toronto for sev- eral days, has returned home. Thu fu7t(`!M'Indn: (1:-nu; no '11.`...-...4-.-\ 0.... uuuac gt pupxua. DL, baffle. Mr. and Mrs. Plowman, who have spentT'the winter in Orillia, are back again at their, home. flnnrg-A Rhn-nnnn `anti (ma.-.n.. .1... Ma}? 24-Arthur Brown and family of Cundleshave moved to their new `house in Sophia St., Barrie. ' MI`, {and Mr: Dlnnrvnun 1-nlnn Ln...` 1V1!'S. A. ERIK. Mr. and Mrs.:Hi1dre<.i Martin of '1"o r- onto spent the holiday withhis mother and brother here. ` . ,_un,y. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Caldwell are `enjoying a visit from their daughter who is a nurse. , Mr, and Mrs. Cudden of Toronto -spent Sunday and Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Sutton. , 'M1` `Q!-nrnn nu-A Lu... A_--_;L;_-, , A-I ulu 5.I.'I:uu,v, gov .yU|4|L uluuuy unun: (ne woman gamed ten ounds` m twenty-two days. Sixty ta lets, six- ty cents. Ask any druggist for Me- Coy's Cod Liver Extract Tablets. Directions and formula` on qach box. HlV..A. `IA'..f`...J.. 4.1.... ....l.........'l '.....l lculu uxra. dds. button. V ' (Mrs. Brown and two daughters of Owen Sbund spent over Sunday with Mrs. A. Plk. ~ I `In and `IA ....-' 'l','I'.n.1._-.'| -un--_,.- - _/: u-um u; lug cnumo on we left hand. I Most oitheysummer residents were here for a look at their summer homes and seemed to enjoy. the sunshiny holi- I . day. uuu I day. auu u1uuua._y HI U118 vmage. F. R. Dayme with a painful acci- dent last week. ' hile operating a cir- culansaw he got a. large cut in the front of his thumb the left hand. Most of the smmrnnr rnuinnl-as nrnun family of Owen _Sound spent the holi- day with Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Gilchrist. I. 1 Hovev and Mnnnn Aarv-nu ..~...: 13.....- . May 24-Mr. and Mrs.` Cape! arid ' uuy wu.u N11 . ana Mrs. uy. Gilchrist. Hovey and Menno Adams and Ross Robertson of Toronto spent Sunday and Monday in this village. F. R. Q nnlnfni nnnl LUII rt-:ueL_en[laI`y. - . . By the dismissal, by `Mr. Justice Rose, of the petition of right presented by the trustees of the R.C. separate school for .S.S. No. 2, Tiny, separate school boards of Ontario failed in their :effort to be placed on` the same basis ,as public school boards in respect -to legislative grants and also fail to have returned to them monies_ involved i since the legislature revised the act._ 1 v at uxatitxwe away. i The summer cottage of Capt. R. C. _Cockeri1lat Koshee Lake. Muskoka. "was burned and robbed during the winter. Geo; Blake. in whose posses- sion. some of the stolen articles were found, was convicted at Bracebridge and sentenced to two years in Kings- ton Penetjentiary. | RV fhn diumiu.-ml 1... `1M'.'. T----A-:-u -usuuugl u|:sLa.ueu. V V ~ , The body of an unknown man was ; found by children hanging in,the bush ' near Batteau. The man was about sixty years old and his left leg had been amputated at the knee. ' A r1fn1}\'ln uvn:7lAn~ 4-.-3.1- -1--- -------L `nuuu vv.'cu'wx(:K, respecuvelyt. , ' Stanley Haswell, aged 22, of Toronto is believed to have been drowned in the `Severn River. near the Swift Rapids "power plant. He failed tdreturn from an outing on the river in a canoe. which was later found upturned some distance away. Thn unrn'nnnv~ nnf-I-ncrn A: n.....a. -n r1 51.165 LU ruwuuxuuruu SUBS (JUL. It matters not whether you are tor- ,tured with pain, crippled with swollen joints or distressed with occasional twinges. Rheuma is guaranteed to end. your rheumatic trouble or money back.|' Rhnnrnn In `hunt nu A-I f'nn4-hug In nnana u1_|u1'u:a. Hydro service is to be extended from Ivthe station at Wasdell s Falls '-via sev- 'erh to Sparrow Lake where a. number of. the summer hotels will have electric ilightlng installed. A Tho kniv A? an nn1-..A....I. ...__ --`-A- aunpuuuucu `cI.L L118 Knee. A double wedding to'ok place recent- ly in Penetang; when. Miss Nellie Mar- shall and Miss Rhoda Marshall. sisters. were married to Edwin Carruthers and ` Allan` Warwick, respectively . 1` Stanlev Haszxvell ngnd 99 nf 'T`nnnn+n llU.llUl'u The Bell Telephtine Co. have sold out their interests in he town of"S.t'a.vner and the village of Creemore to the Noisy River Telephone Co. Ltd; for l' $25,000; A _ YX7lnon- n` `lnAA.-... .... ---I.2`-L L qma.uuU.' When" a ladder `on whfh he was climbing to a roof to retrieve a" ball. ;s1lpped, Albert Smith of Alliston sus- ltained a'badAly broken arm and other i injuries. , T-Tvv-n unnulno in $1` 1.... ..--4...._.1-.-s n.._.,, IIUGL an 'UI'H4o Angus :Carss was recently elected president `of the Orillia Conservative Association. The organization will hold a picnic in_J'une. = - The Church of England congrega- tion at Waubaushene have purchased a building which will be remodelled for use as a parish hall. _ 7 - D. T. nnvrnnh pnufvnoafnn no n..1u...... us use: an 11. pzulsll nau. . A D. L. Darroch, Postmaster of Calling- wood, was recently presented with a. past president s jewel by officials of the O.H.A. at a banquet held in his honor. ` ' "`lnn DA rn..1....1.....- re- LA" -- "ihe `fiftieth anniversary of the `lay- ing of the corner stone of . Christ church. Meaford, `will be held next Sunday. a 'I"hA hnvnn n ('1.-....L 1`..- H-..--..--' All Saints Church, Penetang. _ ' A Thieves broke into Huntlngdon s store at Midland on May 16 and walk- iad off with gbout $500 worth of cloth- I new - -* tau 0 lug.` auaulu nus ueen appomteu. `Thirty-nine candidates V" wore con-( firmed [by the Bishop of Toronto_ in All Saints Church, Thieves hr-nlzn intn T-Tuintlnaanur- your ruuuumuu Lruuule or money crack.` Rheuma is just as effective in cases of lumbago, sciatica, arthritis and chronic neuralgia. / Rhnvimnfinm in n nhtrnvvnufa (`lacuna .