gr MAY zofiozs. 1 lUU`l\D, J IUHUIS Dbl! lb, 1 TUUI _F1/ies, Sinkers, etc; Come in look theke dver! OTTON HARDWARE C0. yon getVequi.;;i;ee:l.lv1e.r'Tf._ We just got in_a' fresh stock,-i including Steel Rods (plain. and telescope ), Reels, Lines,- Hoolcs, Trolling Baits, Trout E13-.. (`:..`I--.... -1.- No need fpr fish tpri if T9"`?.9AT5 I%n ? priced A IE A- QCIE (IA coma FISHING -0N4. A THE 24TH? $27.50 *to$35.oo REMOVAL SALE :S'l'EP HENS S aAt Five Points 1 Tl-jIS STORE WILL BE CLOSED ON lll\1lI\ 1!! II A`! A AFIUII uenenratea LOIJIISVIIIC alugger baseball Bats, "priced . . . , . . $225, $2.75 and $3.00 each Boys Bats at '1. . . . . 159, 20c and 25 each American;Le eall, with the hey cushioned -.....1- -,.-_..L_.- ` ..v_-'-._- 2':-9-up caucus, Iv. ALIA -Lllv uv VV DLIOLALKJLIDLI _"cork`centre, price . . . . $2.00 Others from . . . . . . . . .. 10c to $1.00 ach Official Soft or Playground Balls, Cofk centre, Inna-nn1a:z4n nn..a.. All .._.J......._-_ -- - III` A!` unncnian sort or rlaygrouncl Dans, COTK centre, horsehide cover, 12" outseam, price $2.00 Playground Ball, 12" outseam_, cowhide cover, ` price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.00 each O icial_ Indoor cork centre, horsehide co- QC 1% vrnoo qoqnnnuuu nu-.1... w_-..-_-- -----w- rowan, saw: I` \r\rll\.l V, 1l\Jl .)\.Auu.v Lo\J' ver, inseam, price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.75 .12" Picnic Soft Balls, only . . . . . . . . each 1926 Official Baseball Guide, including up-to- Awm ~;4:+1...11 ....1,:... -v-v srunnvn -auburn-nirvana \aIalIl\o nnxvnuualxs Ll1J'LU' date softl;z;l1 rules ............... . . 35 % Slugger Softball Bats priced 90c to $1.50 ea. Celebrated Louisville Slugge'r Baseball Batf, `n.-:n.-ml d|n.nI!I don nun `I nun an MONDAY, MAY 241`H'f BOYS SUITS . in the newest cloths. They are extra well tailored from strong, serviceable cloths .--suitable for sturdy boys, in sizes` 25 to 36 . . . . $5.50 up Boys Sweaters in plain shades and heather mixtures, made with V-neck and button shoul- der; they are pure wool, and special- at . . . . . . . . . . . . 98c Made by Big B Brand, plain blue and -khak_i,` sizes from 14 -to 17, regular-$1.25, . . . .. 98 PI-1NMAN S 71 i in two-"piece or combinations This line is exceptionally good for spring vwear;.we carry all sizes. Combinations .. $2.25 T wo-pieceogarment 98 Men's Extr1`He2ivy~(ottonade Work Trousers, made with `five pockets and belt loops; specilal; . . . . . . .. $2.-25 wokx sums SWEATERS TROUSERS Tweed & Fancy Worsted Suits $13.95 , to $35. ` was sold." lusuruuus 01 u umssmea A0161`. `I20 sell I vs. horse. This week she notied The Examiner that further insertions, would `be unnecessary as the horse| &&1Z IIIIC IlI`$C`d ' A subscriber last weekxaid for six insertions of a Classied dlet to sell In hniun Th}: uuanb aka nut-It-in ! ML`- :sc ut-:Du1.Es DRAWN " Eon SOFTBALL LEAGUE Red for the 2n`orthern `and Iouthern Followini are the '-e`l:_edu1o!e,.._e!opt- . oupl ._ of the ',~:._Distr;ct J.,8o_th'al_l: ague.` There gore ve .:.tean1_I~_.=_ing each group and: feach s=s:ohedul'e ..c9!r1_-;r_ rises twentxl games, A Cobkatown ve . withdrawn their ..entry in th southern In-rou and Camp Borden , have been adm tted. M A . ' . Northern Dl_vis_ion V May 2'7--Barrie Industrial: _at V ` Mldhurst. May 28--Mlneslng at` Shanty Bay. May '81-Elmva1e at Barrie. A " June 2---Midhuretat Minesing. . June 2-Shanty Bay at Barrie. ; June 4--JShanty Bay at Elmvalea June 7---Mlnesing Jet ';Elmvjale. June 7--Midhuret at Shanty Bay. June 10--`Shanty Bay. `at Minesing; June 11-Elmvale at Midhurst, June 14-q-Minesing at Midhurst, June 16-Elmvale at Shunt -Bay. June 17--'Mldhurst' at .Barr 9. June 24--Shar}ty Bay at 'Midhurst. June 25--Barrle at Elmsgale. . A June 29-Barrie at Mlneslng. July 2-Barrle at Shanty'Ba'y. July 5--Elmvala at Minesing. July 9--Midhurdt at Elmvale. July 9-Minesing at Barrfe. Southern Division _ 4 May 21-,--Allandale at Lefroy. May 27~-Barrie Thistles at Camp Borden. Mnv -2R__T.nfvnv nf. Qhvnn - vamp poraen. May -28--Lefroy at Stroud.. May 31-4Camp Borden-Allagzqale. May 31-Stroud at Barrie. June Stroud. __ B June 7--Barrie at Lefroy. June 10--Lefroy'at Camp Borden. June 11-Allandale at Barrie. June 15-'-=Camp Borden at Stroud.` June 16-Lef_r_oy at Barrie. . _ ' June 1'8--Stroud at Allandale. ' June 21--Allandale- Camp- Borden. June 2'8---Camp Borden at Lefroy. June 25-Barrie at Allandale; June 28---S.troud at Camp Borden. July 2-4Camp Borden at Barrie. July 6--Bgrrie at S`troud . July 7--Lefroy at Allandale.. J uly- 10---Stroud at Lefroy. ' ISI_.-|_:-__n_ 4 ORDER T0`DAY FR`OM '\ - BROWN & co., Ban-Ia. AKQY % AVOR ENTS USED Blatchfordfs Mash we ARE `CLEARING our or. oun `sP1uNc_s'rocg< or wsu.xNowN% A soup. LEATHER Wonk Boors SALE 9 * SALE Promotes `C a n d early C lowest ' cost G1;A.IN ` C9- ' FEED BE Blatchford s `,`Bar-Nun . CHICK SCRATCH rapid growth. *LET. YOUR' T"U35.'?AY,M.AY-..73'9- 192- EARLY MATURITYV % MEANS A EARLY moms PRpcRESslVE'sHo'z s1`oru:s` soLb7'E'--iigisa` g 5 "IN MAKING your covlloctiointlnroughm 11.. sunduq Bonk. you enlist ' the oorts of an organization; which Intends tho. oiolonor of its cour- I hour not-vice into ovary port of ` Coyndn. Thus icon you be auurod of |ua.I:ing'rogulu* collootlonl. locally ` or at dictum points. twill: the oourg -goay du_o.tlIoIo with whom you tum- act &uuinou and `tho: efficiency you . ' demand. ' STAN uuAi?'Cb BANK mun :~A1urA,1-5A` [P1;one12o % Xriiilvl rlirnnvuann , :10 III vv incur] VOwrvvI'vv ` ' 2 launch at Bradford. Bondhnd. Cnlghunt. Huwkutono, - Loiroy. Knwlck. Stroud, I-llllodnlo um! Ell-nvulo `; La. \ ha)` .55 `taut gas as ` OF V BARRIE BVRANC!-!-V-R. R. White, Manager ._.._I.-.. _s B.._.ll-_.l B-_.II.-_.I I`--l_L---an IJ--..I.`.-5- : AT THAN cosr 54, Priv 32.80 `F Pair 'FOR ONl;3 ONLY w. 5. R033, Pi-optietr_ smx cou.EcnoNs EIIIIVIIU VV UlIl_VvI U jllulnlvllulr - The annual meetlnw ot the Elmvale Branch of the Women's Institute was held atthe home of Mrs. (Dr.) Tyrer on Thursday May 13. A report of the year was given and financial state- ment read. This has been a very euc- ceestul year, the membership having increased from twenty-eight to titty.- three "members. A A rnnnf-Inn nf nrnnnv-vad fruit was Mm! tlcxets were given to u.-uunuy _in.need. One emergency kit was pre- sented to the Elmvale school. The Wll TIOWGPB H110 IFUEEB. . The next` meeting will be held on June 7st the same place -when a speak- er` from the grlcultural Department will be presen and deliver an address. The July `and following summer ~ monthly meetings will be held in Cross- land communlty hall. After De bus- iness, of the meeting was over dalnt ` refreshments were-muvch enjoyed. | wlvuwvuun xvvvuvvuv uuuuvnuuv ,.".Crossland~ Women's Institute held their annual meeting in the basement noon, May 18, with a. full attendance ,9! members. The program consisted of. community singing. The following of- `Vficers. were elected for theensuing -year: Pres..- Mrs. M. Andrew: Vice- Pres.. Mrs. M. Langman: Sec'y.-Trea.s.. Miss M. Healey. During, the past year the Institute gave a, miscellaneous shower to the Children's Shelter. Ba.r- ` rie: blankets to the R.V.H., Barrie; visited the sick, remembering them with owers and treats. 7I`hn nnvf` mnnfinxr will ha hnld nn ,0! Knox church `on Thursday after-` tnree memners. _ A donation of preserved fruit was sent to the Hospital for Sick Children. Cook Books were sold for the National Institute for the Blind amounting to $2 .60. Christmas boxes antg clothing am unting to $20.00 were given to needy families at Christmas time. Milk tickets were given to a-family in nasal. One nmerzencv kit was are-l ICES IITED A A rvuvuvvvvu VI Iugluvq | The regular meeting of the, Women's` Missionary Societyiof Allenwood Un-I-, ite`!- Church was held at the home of . Mrs. W`. C. I-Iickling on Thursday. May- 18. A good program was given includ-Q ing reports of .the W.M.S. Presbytery! convention held in Barrie recently by: Mrs. Milton Spring and Mrs. Willis- Turner. A paper was given .by- Mrs. Robt. Parnell. At, the close of the meet- ing a social hour was spent. | ,BU1Il0l'l 6l'B. ' ' I Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lawson, and. baby of Creemore. accompanied 'by' Misses Dorqthy, Jardlne. Bernice Mc- Carthy and Gertrude Agar, spent Sun-- day at the home of Mrs. M. .,J-. Lawson. Mrs. Ifawson and baby remaining for a.~weec.' ` . " .- `D ` I` Norman Stanley" 01 -Baverton r-; newed acquaintanc'e in gqvvn dver the week-end." / I ' Fund DH-nhln mnun H-tin uinnlr lntn ween:-end. - ` - M I Fred Ritchie moved this week, into the house recently occupied by Jas..E. Beardsali. A. ` ' T e " #4:`. and Mrs. Arthur Qopeiand or artinvale spent Sunday - at` C. E. Copel'a.nd's. . 4 Mr. and Mrs. `Fred `Webster and: D6El`GH-lh - _ -.' ' _ l .(opela.nd arttnvale at ` I '4 - 1 Mr. and Mrs. Fred }Webst_er. and: children 01 Newmarket were w_eok-end' guests at A. C. Bishop's. A. y A Mrs. E. Thomnson was in Toronto KIIEIII at A. U. plsnons. ` Mrs. E. Thompson was in Totonto this week as 9/delegate to the W0- men's Missionary convention. A numbar of local members of the H1611`! MIBBIQHEPV COIIYOIIIIOII. I A number of local ~memb`er: `of the Masonic Order were in Barrie this` week attending the Scottish Rite re- union. _ / \ n _ . ' A number or the Masonic brethren visited Stayner Lodge on- Thursday night` on the` `occasion ot- the official! visit 0! the D.D.G . . - 'M I~ nvid NI :-n M 'R1nn1.r vlulfnd. station here. V15. 01'. _me lJ.JJ.Lt L. | Mr. and Mrs. R .M.rBlack.. visited friends Jn Bax'r{e. and Toronto this` week. In their `absence Peter Hlrlehey of Bradford had cho.rg_eA of the_ C.N.R.o 0 o . _ Ila and II: T .nnn: T .nnyanv-n 1: v-:11 . `Q0 19.!` 8. IBW GIVE IE3! WEEK. ` M!!! Vlpla. Lawson of .Penetans`unent : ,'_1`hursday,at her home here. _ , -' `Mr; and Mn. I-Inrvmnitnhla of .Mld- ' VIBIIBCI. OVER BUIEOEY El . I'll! 1101118 REFS- F. C._ Lower and` mother -or Barrie uent Sunday at the home or R.` M. ` \ Nnrvnnn fnlnul nf -Rinvnrfnn rd. uma spent, aunua. at .1-.1. naxeru. 1 ~ Miss E. Foster a spending a. couple of weeks with her aunt in Toronto. V M `Minn: '|'.Ilu I-`Hui-nn anon} l-ha urnnlr- OI WUBKB Wll HO!` aunt. In '1'0l'0Il.I0o Miss! Lily inton spent the week- end'at,the ho A e ot Mrs. Wm. Andrew. All places or business in Enmvaie -, will be` closed on Wedneaday afternoon. VPat. hanahan of Niagara Falls. Ont.. visited oven Sunday at his home here. C. `and Mia: Mildred Grahamwas in Tarot`:- .g_o` id!` 11 tew'do.'ys la.at_,week. Milt: Viola Lnwnnn nf .Pnnal:nmr`nnent fpnursaay /31 310!" 1101110 here. 1 A `Mr; and Mrs. I-Ia.rveRltchle1o'!rl4d.- 1 land spent `Bands. at 1H. Baker's. Minn E. 'F`nntm-' n nnnnlnu u. nminla , ______ . `ii ` `. T..'. 5,.` " II"I'|II|I0I0I! F101! Illllllilii . x . ' i i hlllljl V l'IIlI_-IJVI-(VI E f0IIIOI I0lI.v!0!<`rI<>I<>1 Grassland .)Nomen u' Institute __-.....I.._.1 1I7'...`._....O.. 1'.....A..u..-A.- I. Elmvdlo Woman : _|nstituto . _ . _ _ . ...u `.......\u.... no 6|... `nu... ELMvAu:NEws[T Anmvioo Ti/*v;M.s'._ rnlnvv rnnnnn nf Han I51` nu: 1:'uuu.y Iusnt unu report` 8. good time. \V ` _ ` - ' \ The young people of tins community- .- are 'pre.tieing_ a. plajrlet entitled `M133 Pxixngs` indergarten'.\' to be given nut w e . _ - - , " Mr. and Mrs. lJ no. W. Murray and Jean spent, Sunday evening at Mr. and . Mya: Arthur Dobson'e. Utopia. i 8.! DPBBEIII. Wlli qumsy. , - Real estate dealers have been busy `during the pe.stweek selling property,- W. Eunlson's have sold their property on Jane St. to r. Adamson of Veep 9., and have .b gh the property on t e ` Second Iain owned by the late Mrs. Hedden. They expect to move this `week; Ed.` Lambert lms b9ught.'_ the lot on Mgaln St. troxn Mrshetter where Mr. 1`hompson s.`bla.cksmlth shop now stands and Intends building a, 1-931. ' deuce. Mr.- Thompson will remove lgis shon. . . members : of the Institute decided E6] raise tunds for the Armenian Relief, and to help look after one otthe boys; brought to this country. A community` shower was `given to those burned out in the tire. - - `'9 Inc: l`l3II`l`A!` On afar} u n$uIIrnn'n mMmm31'u" B tun th ' r. an rs. er ~ 1'98. son John, 1 It on Saturdayytgzzl :12? inonthsivlsl to trlepds ,ln Alberta..a,nd ,askatol; . . EPOUHOS. ' V A sale of homemade baking was held in March : proceeds, $28.50. The an- nual picnic was held in July at Balm Beach. Very interesting and helpful programs were given during the year. Following the report, came roll call and ayment of dues for the coming year. leotion of.of1cers was held, result- ing as follows: Pres.; Mrs. R. M. Black: 1st Vice-Pres., Mrs. (Dr.) Tyr- er; 2nd Vice. Mrs. W. Seo'y'.-Txeas., Mrs. W. C. Stubbs; Dis- trict Director. Mrs. J. 1 merau; Audi- tors, Mrs. W. A. Sawtell. Mrs. Fred. Bltaohle: Pianist, Mrs. John Ellrick; A An!-uiu J. McGuire; noionnnnpu. (nu. cu-.. ......-.-.: GURU shop In (116 IIFB. ~ It was decided to start a. children's playground in the town and a. com- mittee was appointed to see what ar- rangements could _be made., A com- mittee was also appointed? to inter- view the Agricultural Society regard- ing the improvement of the fair I grounds. A link: nf hnmnmndn hnirlncr um-1: hold Conference. tnree eexu uuuer tne parental root. Charles Sta.1nton's baby 811-1, Audrey. vyho has been very sick, is improving. .Mr. I-Ialbert` is in Toronto attending` A` nunnhnr from known n-nvuiga LI.-.. ,UOHI5FBCUo I A` number from here attended the Glee Club dance at Sunnidale Corners; last Friday night and report` a. `good ` ` - "A, I I RY BARRIE .,.:n `.'`l May 1s+in;;nsbTe;ssg is laid up` at present with qulnsy.` ' Real astatn dealer: hnvn ham. imam. anop. . v ` Mrs. W. Johnston spent 9. week with friends in Toronto recently. , % VMre. Jackman is visiting her gun in Midland. -- ' ~ - IE1! nd `Ilium `RAH! -`II-`r-lnnflnu nu...` uL;u_ rIIIUIIVV\lV\I4CII& EIZWUIIW IGEUQICJUIC IVIVUI ! A Joint meeting` of the Allenwood` and- Gibson ratepayers and trustees was held in the basement or Allen-`! wood'United Church on Wednesday. evening, May 12. Robert Anderson oc-I cupied the chair. After singing by the school children; reports or the com. vention .held in Toronto during Easter 2 week were given by Miss Inez Hickling, and Thos. Dickenson on addresses by. `the following: `Miss Agnes. M'oPhail. M. P., President Reynolds of Q.A.C..4 Guelph, Premier Ferguson. Sir-Geo... E." Foster. Hon. John S. Martin. also! the resolutions passed by the conven-l tion. During the evening several selec-, tions by the Ailenwood orchestra were; enjoyed. Meeting closed with commun- ' iay singing. ` g u nuvovvnlguy .. u-an-n... gun no uvuu uuu sun, I A" dainty afternoqn tea. was servedl and 9. social hour spent. Meeting clos- ed _ by singing ` Institute gmthem; , BIIJOYBQ. AVLBE Jay slnglqg. Mey 17-7-Mtfs's,IzH1lda. Carter has re- turned to Barrie after spending about three vyeeks under the parental root. baby girl. Audz-av. Allenuoocund eibsomnmpaym mm 1 A lulu; .......u...... -0 LL- An-.______.1| ,1.-rPAYs TO P LAY! `Duhaop Maxi, 85.: ea. Dunlop T`wo-Bob, 50c_ N0'1`E-1925 `prices have been maintailnedein spite of present high price `of raw ma`terials. Yellp Golf Tees , -35c per box ~1.ii5a {&"s1"Id ','e;1'. Reach .1 Filders` Cloves, the wQrlq s greatgst eld- er s gloves, priced from mo 0:! ;- an nn ---I.. .. l\.l . ...,, Reach Boys Gloves, all leather, priced at . . . . . . -Q1 nn - 4...! an an _--L ,..-.,._. 25 to $6.00 each Reach`; V qugchers ~ `Mitu, 21"`~s'.;).l`n"c~d"'.'-2-1-s`ort-rgxijcz priced,_at `; . $2.00 $3.09, $4.50, $7.50 each NEW !-9wEu- ..G'<! GET YOUR E,Q%UlPMENT% HERE We L Carry Reachk %Sp9r'ting Goods TA_YNi-ii" 5113 M `ms 559`! ] , s1".":'J $55.60 A [WALTER BENT'l.EY "_'.`Q'.3.T .51.TC'9`.-9 1_0-_ Pa!`!iIIiJ PrmiIIed Our Blue and Grey-Vi/`outed Suiit don't park .here very long. `. Because'superi6rA_sty1e` here` has `,superior quality as its foundaon, and our . prices a're.Ir_1uch lowef than you have been pay/ing, for garments "-`of the .same__.' qua_1i'ty. PRICED FROM Tennis Racquet Presses $1.00` The navme itself implies quality ` Various qualities, shapes and weights, from $3.00 up $9.50. Slazenger s Stitchless Tennis Balls, price . . . . . . . 70; each Reach Paramount Tennis ' Balls, `price . . . . . . 60 each.