Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 20 May 1926, p. 12

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FOR SALE--Well bout 8 V -room 1:: residence: first-.cla'ss condition. V cheap for?qu1ck -sale. `Apply Mrs. Abbie Carr,.37 Toronto St., Barrie. cuj - DOCTORS OF salemalso` one household fury Oaks. Barrie. LVO, 20c , :.U`oi|l|I _ , PASTURAGE---200 acres, excellent p urage, salt furnished, splendid creek. SUMMER : Eonm . arm 0 ~: Simone t'0r%w!e,>1mmb'(l 9 1303325 Apply $,.,Y. Jones, .0ro S'tat1qq.; 20 HALF-ACRE LOT on Codrlngton St.. for s,ai1le.,_,_P1_1on_e' 743W. 20-26!) nl"nmnnvnn.. u-..-.... .. _ _ `I NPASTURE To LET- Partridge, 92TMaple A PASTU-RE -- First-c cattle. nlenm nf .:....1n 19 -- Flt'st-class past Sr of shade and _wat Jennett, Barrie, uuw HUN. 5 Tintered cow June 1st. Cl rte. IIUIUI FOR-SALE OR TO REN'I`--7-roomed house, equipped with lights, water and telephone:j_abput 4 acres of good land. stable. barn, garage, chicken-pen and _dnlry. house. Apply Edward Hogan, Barrie. 19-21p _ ;____ ....,..........._.............._............. BRICKHOUSE for rent or for sale: 1% blocks Jzfrom Roman Catholic church: an rnodern conveniences: i - mediate possession. Apply Philip Love. . 9tfc. ' unau- CHICKS-DAY,,-._OLD. Barred Rocks from-best stnaln. excellent winter lay- grs, la hatch; every week. $20.00 get- undred. Cha. Kelly. 18 McDonald` phone 1184. ` 17-22;) -` " F _l 6r\To"L et . {108. " ;. ' t-' _ _ ' : , ,'GA'1`EI__.LOST- -A reward. to`r thmreturn of 4gqt_e vyhjc lmn....'Lv.. I! '--~- ` new! -ice. -ee. -up - GLAS$ES LOS'1`-In Bame. latter art of April. pair double slght~gla.ases. award on returning to Examiner (3!- `V n LOS'I`-2-Case containing girlb `black rimmed spectacles. Finder `kindly phone 673M. ` 20)) av A mu-an I rimmed spectacles. mum... -4 . -vr "`l-' ~-u - 'I O~`R'-l{}NT~0x{e ~-Iar`'6 front her! ` am; suitable for lght housekeeping: all convenience:-1;;,"t !ve minutes walk to water front. Apply Examiner Office. ?' ._.__.._.__._..___....._..__.____ 1V1.l"Ul' e. ` 1:1; X'%`:3:anlr?E's. --.-1--2-in -------.- COM-F0 A housdkemm ,'1`0y'LE'1`.- -4 -zv,o9n;s and bath. _newl,v decorated": eleiitrlc stqve. Roblnso'n s Hardware. - " . ` 9"" uacoraledi nouns" EUR BALE-Ca.ctus, two and show Dahlia bulbs. u assortment of Gladlol1.bulbs. to Mrs. Jas S. Brown. Allanda ephqne. 838. _ . or cars ID! 10 h ,... . ,. .. v --` -v' G`LA`DIdI.Usr`BULBs tor sarp. Mixed. L!mited~`q'uan'tlty. $1.50 per 100. No o;'d_gz_'a tgr less than 50 taken. Armlv uuAu1u1u_U8(-BULI Limited `quantity. orders tpr the EL Th ~F3In.tnInnn (1 ` COLIJE PUPS for as. and $5.00. Phone 607r3. Box_.-109 an It La`JI\&VlJ$`: gau..an_,,-_ ,ea.n;. . clovgr gtachmon 81 name. I SAWYER-MASSEY 1- d ms. and... :l.toam .t::accop: .at:..m?.l.3.`.'-`.". IIu3p cond fnfi CV . FOR SALE-A-Utility kitchen stove, lidscopper irservoir, in first cla: xcondltlnn, 1600 am. n.......a-_: A- ' -"r BARGAIN IN . ELECTRIC MOTOR. one $4-H.R.,~f'1n~ good condition $20. . {1;lly '1`. Klasqck, aaretaker,.R.V. Hos- p 1 V ` V 1R-91n GOOD BUGGY and several vair or buzgy shafts itor sale at Mnnumavn -. uuwu BUGGY buggy shafts 5-tor sale at McGui?e'a' Shop, Dunlog St, , - 20p DOUBLE CARRTAGE FOR Suitable for fximllv mm canal.` uuuuum CARRIAGE SALE- Suttable for family upe. single or Mdou-1 ble-.'jJ?ho_ne 99.7.1. . - [ 20!) YOUNG PIGS FOR SALE. gollle pups. Annlv tn vm-no A!'P'IuES?%*/=;FO3kf ..sALIg-`-asntea an ' Green1ng8: 13tpp!y H. Ottawa-y. {hone 605r8. . ._ . A ~' -25o For Sale" - v... w; ucuu. x-`rue a.coess.to dthing bea.ch..Apply to E. .39 ;M8l'X _St..-Barrie, hone 6-21p uue small `furniture. 6." ' " ` I -v\l RW9. VR9'0'M' Me " my :1 9909- P NIH. $13.3;,..~ yfaor 1111138. T 0.21.. "Bby Chicks DFF CE and. ..pract1s_e for e smalvbrtck house and 1tl1l`6.. ADnIv.r`fn `hm V nhnny . 5"` : EGGS FOR SAI3E--Bred-to-lay O. C. Barred Plym uth Rock eggq tn selected tnnlz of ----I ------L ' Val! built 8-robm brick -class condition. Very :1 ; Apply Mrs. 111 Pansture ,,_. _,.. . yu nu vu Kl! mmbcie possess n. us, 20-21;) on... noun: roau machinery. an; .tx:,actora. threahers and hmonta, ~W. W. 2 Badxle,v._ _ I'--Apply to W.\ E. ~ Ave. Phone 569.1. 18tfc I -uuuu nu` nuns. MIXGQ. ty. ,$1.50 taken. Apply a_r Office. 20:1. 1- -class pasture for de and Wntnr An- uxgmclnoutae agtd `pp y;/. o. r. 20-22p : . SALE-'-`Spies ' '.and` H. '0ttawav, nhnnn Rocks. White Wyandottes, Partridge Wyandott.es. 8. C. White Leghorns. bred-to-lay or exhibition stock, $1.50, per setting, Chas. Lowe., Barrie. Phone `900M. 1 ~ 17-22 ; puanure 10!` water. Ap- rrle, phone 19-20p .H :1-QT .wlll be paid ch dlsn nnnn . FIB 205110 17-22p -------u r 489, 9-24p{ '1'] Us. 17-` pus, 0.6601`!!- s. also good be. A D ndale. Tel- .- ply , 19.203 ` quIcK. 18ttc ;2on E5}! phone. . wen: wuv, lllllla r?*-- -_ EGGS FOR HA'I`CI-IING-Pure bred Rocks. 50 cents per dozen. Apply Mrs. Isaac Spears, Jr., Thornton. Ivy tele-2 ` 15-20:: {T A 'l`rI`LI I'xvn ` lrunu-n - / illGKlO.V'o. 15-Bop t.` v- ::-v I 5 3 Phone 491' T l2Abnn.- v. nova- 16-21c 19. _&W. MOTORS! i $325300 ; ,$300.o0;<`;;$. ; $250.00 $235.00 .. 1 $245.00. 1 $215.00 . 3 $ 50.00 .. $ 35.00 Ul- 20c .. 200 4 (Uvo:-hauled and 1-epuiinted) $375.00 . . . , . . cqppe, 1924 $275.00 . . . C\oupe, 1922 - (Oven-hauled) . 77 i n A._.4- $375.00 .... . . sedgn, 192;}. _ \ ("Exceptional an-3 ` " `W55! VI IfIII\ '1-zxpanr -w omcM.-an AND MODERN EQ.UlPMEN'l'- _ `I-:-I-n. .1)`,-`. ' In H Notice is hereby given' that the Mun_- icipal Council of the Town of Barriegf` in comgalianeetwith the Factory. shop and 0 fice Building Act. and as re- quested by petitions sufficiently signed by the merchants interested. _did on the 19th day of- May. 1926, pass By-Laws M Nos. 1177. 1178, 1179 requiring the closf ing of the .following'classes of shops 1 namely:--General Dry Goods and Mili , ltnery. Gents Furnishings. Hats. Cap and Clothing, and Boots and Shoes. 0 Wednesday afternoon of each wee from and after the first `day of Jun! until the thirtieth day of Septembei, 1926. between the haurssof twelve thir ty o'clock noon;`: and five o'clock in t forenoom, of the next .fol,lQwing da,-. saving and excepting any `._Wednesday of any week, during the ajaid term. in which there shall be .a. Dominion. Pro-- a vincial, Civic or legal holiday, and f excepting also the Wednesday of the 1, week duringwhlch the Barrie Fall Fair is `held. i s A. W. SMITH. Town Clerk * Barrie," May 20, 1926. me I 6*` of Ceffgin Classes_ of Stores:ri Wednesday Afternoons from June 1 to_, September 30, 1926 .1:-\.u:rIVvIl'.lV I ' I/liollet Tea;h1;ents' _ M" ,-----p Luau. 101` 250 tons of 3)./ylump bituminous coal of good qualiti. and_ 10 tons of Anthra- cite coal, a d 1001 tons of Buckwheat `coal. for the.Barrie.Schoois. - Tenders to be addressed to the Se- 'cre,tar,vi of the Board of Education. marked "Tenders." The lowest or anv ' tender not necessarily accepted. ` FRET`). Minan um-*-~ `2o-22c .. _... 1:-nu; A \ll\ \J\Jl'|L """1`e`n`ders will be received by the dexfslgned up to ~.Iune ,10th, `1926, 260 coa and_10 Anth I Buckwh `coal. the.Ba,nvIn..Qnhnn1u HOUSE To REN'I`--Slx-r all conveniences. Fine can paved street. possession Adults preferred. rent mt Mary St. e V - V --:- TENDERS will be received up to J1 10th. 1926. for installing 23 Teck :11 `valves in the`Pr1nce of '-Wales Pu} School In place otones already the Tenders to b9_;ad`dressed to the cm man o'('the Property and Supply Co mlttee. Geo, 13'-.'-Smith. 60 Mary st, '1 lowest on any tender not necessar accepted. ,m(`_Dm'nA nv, nuam . .~--._._', - ~ uuscepuonll car) `i `. . . . . . ., Coupe, 1924 (Ova:-hauled repainted) 5 A '1: An ~ n ' _ -'. 1. I FORD uszo CAR BARGAINS vv vu w-Cu $6 EIQI! by th_e'.operation `of a HIIIIlII\ L`n- A`---I . vision for the munljpality 1 v for 1926 `will be held at Mighuresm couar OF._ nsvlsnen , The first sitting 'ot.the Court of Re`, t, . > Wednesday. May 28 at 10 o clocks a..z?;n' ` to` he'o,r appeals against the ass` ` "4. roll. All parties interested are m"t !`equ_est- selves acqordhi y. , A: ACOUTTS, Clerk Barzfie, May, 1926. `nnzizs on COAL A """A;'I(Tnwn twill` I... ..__. :_ $5.00 REWARD (or Information mg to the conviction or parties d1 lng rubbish or refuse of any km the "roadways of the '1`.0_wnsh1p of pm. `By order of the Council, ,4 Coutts, Clerk. ` 11 ___._.__..__.___.______e --v.v -'1---14' '1` ZI -H OUBE .newly "decorated. equip with electric lights and water, a. roomed rough cast house, for rent. ply Fred. Haskett. 19 Veapra St. r ru-r\rv~'.- _- _ .#-r ' -Phon` nuuuuneer I0!` uxmcoe reapo le. _}3`m'm. sale R. J .- =1-IISEY, - ELMVALE, L1 Auctioneer for Slmcoe County. .g'_!a;!gm):_al_e._`_,}3`gx'm. sales a sin: TOWNSHIP or VESPRA= ww uoccou DJFUICII (Exceptional car) an I- . . - - o u _ `I Iqllllllsg I. (witlrballodn tires, *1: Ion than 1000 miles) I0M_- .V .- Touring, 1 .". Tpung, 1: IO . . . Touring, 1! F0 . ,. Runabout, 1! TowF3FE-_- Anni; - -----~. :1; am: YW'I`l`iEASURF`.`R,' \ =9`ard of Education. I"s""`c' ` yrs addressed of not FRED. MARR. Secretary. Barrie Boqrd of Education. --e--- 100989 '('Ove:-ha'ulAed) an . u.;u-urwmm STAND and cottaae to` rent for the season at Klllarney Beach. Apply Mrs. W. .Barry_, Le,tro`y. 20_ttc. .'L1t\I'n:un -.-V - V . . .1: . Touriil/1 g- -. . Touring Cat ' on -TEE)` . 1924 L`. . L` 'I__'puring, 1924 L Touring, 1923'. 1923 `/2-ton Truck, 1923 } 1/4-t;_on Truck, 1923 I auuuue uoun .rm. sale; a. llmvale . " 5 192$ sun 3' BL.` 1119 necessarily l un. 1926. for S nnnl not ~ w~~~- HOUSE TO RENT, seven. ner Peel and Sophia ta. 4 Sophia.-St. East. ..um.- .- The lnrllu ' zoo` residence V220. ..uu.u.u, gradual emy, Toronto; for.homejs or ] resirhmnn 00 - ....-v aulecbs and 412 thick smooths. The ladies of the houce committee of the Barrie Ladies Golf` Club in- v.jte_all-merr_1wbers of the Club to after- noon tea at the -clubhouse on Mon- day, May 24, from 4.30 to 6 p.m.- ---The: new beauty parlor, in Hos- iery Store, Clapperton St., Miss F. Arnold, graduate Robertson's Acad- emy,_ Toronto: annointmmw. .....A- avuul conmc-tmg' dates. 20c A car of hogs, shipped by Geo. Shannon. Barrie, was fourth in the list at the Union Stock Yards, Tor- onto, last week. _0f 42 hogs, 25 were V-jte.a1l.memvbers of tho mm. .. -u--A use of any of the Town parks. piease nqmmunicate with A. H. Goodall. Secretary Parks Commission, to avoid conic-ting dates. car nf hm... -1-:---J ~ - acsseu 1$5.'lb. 7` `N ! The Ladies Aid of Collier St. Un- i_te'd Church will give an'entertain- meht in Cookstown town hall, Thurs- day, May 27, under auspices of the W9men`s Institute. __ nv nra-nun`-...L.'.... .,~ -` - ` _..-._._........_..........___'._..._... ICE-CREAM STAND aemznn do twin- uO_ue8ES. A During the viaid nes in 1 ;Most of them : _'cg"'sts_but two I sessed $13.75. 110 T .oI`u`.\.J uvo gun, muzaoet St. ---1Sp'ecia1 at Clark s store, dale, Javanese tor-pedo and tzuess with each fty cents sp reworks. 'Ice cream bricks, Vital. statistics for the mo April are 23 births, 4 marriag 8 deaths, making a total for 1 date \of 79 births, 12 marriagi 43 deaths. T f\non'.....` LL. uzueu _1mprovement. A chimnev re at Mrs. Doherty s, ' 249 Bayeld St.. called the re rzade out on. Wednesday ,xnorning'}'lsj1t. there was nd dama e done. ---Buy Staunton s semi-trimhyed wallpaper --g;.22__in. wide instead:-`of; old 18-in. For sale by _W. A. Lqwe! & Son-, Elizabeth St. ' _ __f:fc 1 ._._JSn'nnln l n4- r11....1-v.. . wyv-v--v-vr-VVV`5"/'55 `I SCARFS--Georgette and Heavy Silk Crepe, all the . . colorings, __regular value $5.00`and $6.00, for . n.,D1g' wmte-stripe painted i1 fmiddle of the__ p__a;vem'e_nt to guide c at T'urnbull s: corneif is cided Jmprovement; A hlfhhntv Ru... -L 1' * ' _ouuu ago. - ' Next Monda is Victoria Day, when all business places will be clos- :"~,ed. - Make Saturday purchases ac- : ecordingly. 2 --Another carload of famous Ru- beroidi roong has, arrived for the ` Otton Hardware (30. If you want. -the best. see us! 4 20c -Wallna`perA in _latest designs, all, prices; Exclusiv `agency for Staun-` ton"s semi-trimmed. W. A. Lowe &' V Son, Elizabeth St. ' `tfc I . A, big Whitestripe in the I ` fmiddle the navem`m.+ +. .....-A- Lw - -- ; s.uu-Anouucl uGlllUllDraE10n~ ~ for coupon, worth 35c and dates. Last yveek Chas. -Kelcey moved'in- "'to the house on Wellington St. which h_eApurchased frpm D. J. Reburn some game ago. 0 ~. . yards _-for - auuwuxg Mus weexs--b`immons & ('4) ; -.;ColI1;mbia-and . June! at W. R. Kee_ I beth St.`, Barrie. J. .G.` Keenan has fekeri `over A. `W. i 1 Goodfellow s lease and will move to his rfew premises shortly. _ --For` plumbmg and heating, ring 214. J. J.- Neelands, 48 Blake st, Prompt attentmn to repairs. ' 13tfc ---'Don t forget to visit btton s Chi-Namel demonstration. See advt. worth 1 -..L ._-_i _ 'a1; .`\W~._ _R. K<=,enan' . s V \ ` 19-20c } 1 `-_`-A.Ladies twee suits, special showing this week.---Simmons Qp. -,Colu-mbias and ` ~ for - "W. Kes . `I30 Eliza- beth St.`, ' 1 "- 20 only Pntgd Silk niresm, some are bo rdereci, siz specially priced at . . . . --ju70 HOUSE RENT FREE to :1 c will give room and board to 1 Box 245, Barrie. We are offering POWELL & co. 82'Dunlop Streei 7 MOREDAYS BEFORE THE CLOSING OF THE CAR. CONTEST III! II'\ II!!! II "X112 4; sauna uvullvll DRESSES . -DRESSl:`:'S'_ . DRESSES Onlv nfcnna en ..... yr... 5 _a`::uu-I.l'1mR),'ed I g,.22__1n. wxde For nbeth tfc Clark's store, -Allan- ese and free ach spent on {ce cream hrir-In o::.. 2 week twelve speeders the local police court. I not 011?` with $5 00 and _ agrarit cases were as- I I I D. ? `of Qivn 1Ih'nuGo...L--3- ...... nvvUCl.l.43UIIs Acad- , appointments made parlor, Phone 349, 20c = \ 3.), ;:.ca.lu nrlcxs, 25c. 3 month of` zhs, marriages and ' 1926 to . 1 5 mm-rinm... ....J , ... .-. uuwc 05 it. tfc stripe the! vem'e_nt guide traf-VI 51lu'S: corner is A 1412- -.~- .n.uL L300 (:0 marriages and I g a great many special inducements to. shoppors ft Shop at Powell & Co. sp and get your coupons \ LVIUJ hB.t( EKG]. " a de-' ---- ........ u. uvuncuy. Entry forms may be had cation to G. 0. Cameron, S :Box 1031, Barrie. _ _ v-- c. w`: `rvnllrvlltlllll Entries will fbe received up to and including June 5 for the annual com-i petition in oats and potatoes held by the above Society. - `l7'....... :......._ ....V- 1 - J30 DGZEN HOSE, sore are L-sub. ____..._ ----snarl-l_LI III` I111`: Spring-Needle, best wearing - hose day. All` colors, peach, harvest, champagne, topaz, a grey, sunset and black. V - Wonderful value . pair Barrie Ag(1-iculturail Society Field Crop Competition `Rina-..:'.... ...:n 4.- _.----W 1 4` "' "' I\ `English Breakfast Black Tea, 1b. .___________. Orange Pekoe Tea, I _...___.__-.:._._..__- Special Black Ted, _ v`uU.l -r_---.. -:--j- VHOUSE. T0 RENT--99 Mulcaster St. Apply ivfrs. -Shanacy, 43 Owen Street. Phono 221.1. 20t1'c_ _._._.-_..._._.____._._ I` Panut` Butter, bulk, ______.________ Nice 4-s1 - Bananas, per dozen `V _.._____._.._____ . Garden `Seeds ,`Stolles Evrgreen Corn Seed`, 1b.`40c' ' ----T---`------- %, 1 ` o `t ` - 7 16-02. Jar Marmalade ' Golden Bantam Corn ----_______-.-__--- Pineapples, each . 20, :------------- Granulated Sugar . . . . 14 ll. 98 . Lemons, per dozen . . . . 25: and 30 , Sweet Oranges , 24 lbs. Fisher's Pastry Flour . . .. 98 _____________________ 1. - . __..___.________. Pyone 243; (ONE s{roRoW1v`L); Res. Phone 113 PHON1-zmnroon _Phns' 143,'..a 144. M \ _WeI u... unvn ll-\I\l:.lV UVLK A. W. UUU`DFELLOW S' LEASE AND WILL MOVE SHORTLY TO THOSE ` PREMISES, NEXT TO BANK OF TORONTO. KEENA.N S MUSIC STORE .We Have Q Variety` of PLANTS on Hand. owinu .1-zj- CHEVROLET COUPE FORHSAJIJID; Late model with eqtms. Phone 1050J. \ 200 are bordered, sizes 16 to '40 ,. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $16.50 , all colors, very L-strmg Broom ~'- G~ :5}! 18243 . (ONE R n ulay us [1110 On appu- ). Secretary, rrie. _ 20c sf, per lb. a, Irb. _P_1_i}_r__iy Buchanan MOVINE k, per lb. _.______._,_ 30c, 40c and up, - .....__.___.....__..__. GARAGE TO RENT . Phone 831M. ' u Seed, on appli- gnrnfnviy ne.westfde_signs and wonderful 3:: _a 3 for 25, : nd 50c" T cR"ocE'R`| 74%?! 65 75c 45 I 3...3 BARRIE MARKETS THUR`DAY _WHOLE8ALE PRICES No. 2 Fall Wheat . . . . . . . . .. $1.30-1.36 Barley . . . . . ._. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 70-75c Rye .. . ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75-80c Peas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.10-$1.15 Buckwheat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 80c Butter, per pound . . . . . . . . . . .. 32-350 Eggs, per doz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 25-26c Potatoes, per bag . . ;.. . . . . $2.00-$3.00 ::- Magic Baking Powder, tin Old Dutch Dairy Butter, per Ib. W GHEIUQDOUH R. Boys. j ________..__._____ New Cheese, yer lb. . . . ?_::-: .`-__--._-._.____._._j::. Georgian Bay Tomatoes ' _ __ _ , , ,_ Barrie Creamery `Butter, 1-b. . .; . :______._.___...._._____ --_-._-------------:--_:-- Pure Gold` Jelly Powders, Nasturtium Seed, oz.` .__--------j__-----.- Sweet Pea .Seed,, oz. 5. .._________.___ Large bar?CastiIe Soap . .__-:----.--.:__-----.-_ Fruit Sugar Q . 4 . . Good Rice Loaf Sugar 40.4.3 FOR sALE~-McLauzhun Master -vv _ touring car in good condition with Wnuoannk L - ~- ` ' f\Iu;u- .. ---.-.._-----.1-.j.:-_..-.._.--. Washing fSo'da . . . 7 lbs. [Icing Sugar .. TO SEE THEM. for_ this period. 12] ' WI Deliver Promptly. coobs m.=.uvz1u:o PR_OMPTLY 3 for 3 I55. -vu 1918 FORD TOURING. 1926 license: $85.00 or nearest otter. vW. `C. Gates, phone 1321. ` 200 rIVAI'I*l!Ir\I\ 1-..--- 3 lbs. ` '8,3for for . for uun nun HALE--MO,LB.URhUn _S1x condition Westinghouse shock absorpers. 8375.00. LR. "7*"` 15 * 25: JUL - WILL BE AT QUEEN S.HO 20th of May to 24th of Consult MADAME STA " Gifted Palmist and Scientic Reader She gives advice on business :11 difficulties of life. Iurnui luv` .... -- ___. _- commencing at 11> Anyone having left-or? other useful articles to M nkn..- -)or-11' V FORD. wnucx ,_:or Hanmer Bos. I ......._.............___ starting in Belle Ewar This stable will be right up-t date in every way. From 8 to 10 good :<:uI<! horses kept in it and the hu nf urn-nu cnr`r"na uvnaca ncpl. 111 lb ZSHU LIIU Ht`. of army saddles. Management second to non- tI\Il`rn rsxvru zwrxurv-u . v v A New and Up-to-Da TRAINING STABL ...-... vu Open May GRAND OPEN 2. BELLE EWAR L DANCEMZ PAVILION SATURDAY, MAY DANCING EVERY SATURDAY EVEN]. FEATURING Cliff Young's Famo Toronto Orchestra SPECIAL HOLIDAY DAN MONDAY, MAY 24 Dancing at 8.30 p.m. Free parking : Select patron FERRIER & LAMB _"(.}-61:;/[VIE-v(`).Iv\IEU,~E3V6i{4Ew:AI:i;L| GIVE US A CALL. GOD SAVE THE KING PQSI ION WANTED as housekeeper 111- D1! adulxtmtaxiully ogxlyi by Hlgldhle 3-KBW MUEV. 8'!` 30 00 838- 8 " est reflgrences. Mrs: G; Newtox_1._ 364 Dnmlnlnn Au . nnAI-- A Ru_1y_1MAGE sz lSarjeant`i& Kil Limited RuchingTrimL : Summery Fr Always Buy BUTTERICK PATTE Including Dclto will be held in thv Salvation Army Ha Saturday, May 29 Dnmrnnnninn. .. In ATFENTEON I PROPRIETORS v -v First get your C C O Butterick Pattern a It` See how much 0 0 0 Material you nccd. Cit Piece-goods depart U C You will nd all [I1 I00 Pobular colors to C U 0 Choose from. But Dress is very H,-m -um wmvrzuu housekeeper .1! ogxlyij agewb G.` Newton. 864 Dominion Ave., Midland. ` 19-20;: =: '``'`"""`""' `' ` "`""`""` '``'`" can O!` Lovely. At our NOTICE _fl'l-IURSDAY MAY I When made of `IO Georgette or Silk voile and trik CID With taffetavthis u at Lu:1L >' L ) H` phone 386W. : trimrl 322, 142 Bradford Sh. ..- --`~` LIVE" POULTRY` WANTED. Highest - Brioes paid. Call mornings ar evenings. bone or write M. Alexander, phone -`An-..-___ __f V 17:195- 1"UW'.l4 AND JUNK ot-any kind want.- ed. Highest prices paid. Phone or write H. Lavit, Box 642. or phone 384, Bar-' - 19-24p ; 1' 11111: I -\:\`--- .....n.'... '-_ 2- -- --" jzu JUNK ot-any P1088 nald. Phnm: nr unullvn `HOUSE WANTED '1`O'REN'J.`. Mod- ....,. er-ate size, and modern. By July lat, 1926. Bell Telephone,0ttl5:e.- 20:) _-,: :- .._._.....__._.__.__._... HOUSE WANTED to rent in Barrie or Allandale. Send particulars to Box `EX? Examiner Office. - 20:) uuanuuu wAN'I`ED--Ref!ned gentle- man boarder. All home privileges. Ap- ply at this office. * 20 vvnvvnn ..-- . _-____ -v\v BOARDER WANTED. comfortable room. all conveniences. Phone 1148J. 9:0. Box 615. _ 17tto -v --v ---.--o--r LBOARDER WAN'I`ED--Ret!ned boarder. nrlvllmz-an A..- . V v V V - V V ' ` ' - - - - ' _ . ` - . ."" ` g'0UNG `CALVES WANTED. Apply $95. Packard, Ora Station, phone 123:3, ....'- ___________._._____.-_._;-'-""""" Live Stock For Sale ' FARM WORK WANTED by ex er- iencad man. Apply at Examiner 0! ice. j ? it . 7" `V . J3,EFINED YOUNG WOMAN. wanted to assist with {1o_ge_wg:_'_l_c.A _1uuat_ be `ls:-nm.o.....s~ A ......I- O11 . _-.vw . V V V V V V GIENERAL SERVANT WANTED. AD-. Y 3 In person at 108 Clapperton BL. etween 7 and 9. evenings. Phone 581.1. 1 ,. , 7 EXPERIENCED GENRAL wanted; must be fond of children. references. Apply 130:: "Y", Examlnerwotoe. zopc j lawn-nvuu-u ; - ..____ . A- , [ EXPERIENCE STENOGRAPHER wanted. Apply District Plant Bugh. Bell Telephone 00.. Barrie. 00` GOOD LAUNDRESS. WANTED. to take washings home. Apply to Mrs. 'W._ A..Boys,- phone 102. zoo Q22-` uuuts. UNIV l1iI`\I.4_~ WANTED-,-_-i `N0 gvgshlng. Mrs. A. G. Arda.gh._ 83 Thergga . 0 Eggs for Hatching T COOK GENERAL, WANTED-,-_-"No washing. G. Ardmrh. as man... GOOD KITCHEN MAID WANTED. -Apply at R. V. Hospital. W 200` .~-~--vuvvnj--vqww I|"l'l!'l_,,MA_I_U Ono coil: o`."word.?cuh` out moor-. `Ion (mln1mum,oha'.rxo, in): 113,115- aortlonl tor. tlw price at low. 10 mutt extra. when hand: also 10 can extra when to lie: are directed M an Eumlnor Ottlce. , ., . . y . :1. m;uw---'rnoro{ughbz-ed, reg- >w with papers. To freshen Chas. Bowyer, R. R; 2. Bar; a cart: - 19"-21p - - --r SALE--Good, youug..Dur- njlklng We". will franhnn `In Prorty T9 Let Automob . LEN['(I`--8lx-roamed house. zen. central ldcatlon, immediately. red. moderate. 55 2--U000. youug..Dur- gvell, will freshen `in rice roalonable for ' W. C. HQIL hhnnn , from u-urea-to-lay A Help ' decorated. equipped . its and water-.. 11 alv- Wanted. -2 saie, [ s2.oo. wool Yrs, 'l7.!Qn .:uumu was FOR alsossome V collie pups. Apply to Thou. I-Iarrlao * Barrie R.R. 2. ` ` `- 209 (`f\TX7 EVI'\D Y-`l"'-` ""' aevenmooms, cor- ` Sta. Apply to 88 , 19-24p- . _......._......_.__.. on 38 Sanford St. - . 20!) vwuunaole tor How, phone . 20 .~ Q uu unmeau moderate. ' 53. also. some )8. ",Brlnnn sale. -P003318, Annlv fn Q9 .-:--1--2 ' , couple who 0 the owner. 901': -2-j--:-3 to , l'l'lRv Ran nh $3.00 17-ago ` COW FOR ham cow, milking well, w` the early winter. Prloe rg quick sale. Apply W, 735.:/. ,reg- anhnm uuuly. ' 18ttc HIK- . Ap- . 209 six- M o.uU. 17tfc IHBI`. 20;)! FOR SAL`E-8-roamed _ A brick housp with bathroom and `furnace, garage and hen -hoyse fat 31 Ecolea ,St., near high school. Any reagonable orfor ac- cepted. -.Eoq-ggggtloulus aptly Box 489, Agn'-oiva.`=P.Or.-i- [ V _ . ' -. .19-24pT J da . lectrlc light and water. first- _ ussel_l/.i -_ `._Wa.lt_a.nd :3. D. canine % 19724;` `Read The Examiner and-get all the ea! and district neVw`a%-562.00 a year '~ on. opposite Underhlllbshoe Factorg, Dunlop St. Price $600. Enquire C; . Strange. 89".lforonto St. or phone"25989J'. LU}!-J . . FOR SALE-V--ivivb acre: .81:-`Roomed House. maple and oak oors` electric light; town water. also outbuildings. Apply Box 674, Barrie. * V . 15!-19p -:-1 -u-.-.-. .. . _-i DUI v zoo] FOR SALE--V-Flvb House. mania mm nob - SUMMER'COTTAGE a v -9-u .._.._... t Miners Pom Lake Simcoe. for sale. Free acoeseto park and: bathing -i3o.7teynolds. .19 ' 6-213) frame house, furnace, light and water. heqhouae and age vacant lot. Cheap for quick sale. Phone 1152, Box 465. 20-22p 2-2-- fittitlnuur Ann .--._ . .._ muueraue;~'.;,z'17h`ia is 9. may T. C. Fisher, phone 478.1. Z: HOUSE FOR SALE--7-roamed house. all conveniences. [ideal `location. -Price modevate:*'._z,z'1?h`i is a snap, act quick. Fisher, ' 1RH'r- ._ V. , -. 1 - FY -sale Apply `Mrs E an . FOR SALE-25 acres. one mile from main street. Barrie; good brick hou'se and stables. John Gordon. Barrie. 1I1_on..' ---Hatching eggs. from our pens at proven winter producers. only yearling hens who are daughters of B.0.P. birds used as breeders. Setting '82: 50 eggs .35, 100 egg:-1,89. Oliver -Poultry Farm. Shanty Bay. 17-20c u-----g--

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