{ TWO FORTUNATE A A WINNERS WILL TAKE A WONDERFUL} TRIP TO FLORIDA AT NO PERSONAL EXPIENSE Gra_nc;;riZe Chvrdlet Tquring,Car Purchased from T. R. Coulter, -Barrie Without obligation kindly fewafd your bouokb.-t. "Some Day.You Mtay Be Old." 1 am ................ ..'.yeara "' of age. . I would like to save $ ...... ..' ........... ............. .- payable at age ......................... .. , 1u: ~% A N`l|/FA.G_TU RER__Ln= E _;'.j - Nhme .\ Address... BRANCH OFFlCE--Bank of ' Toronto BuiIdi`ng,/ Barrie W. J. WALKER, District Manager `A. E. CULHAM, Agent. Stayner, OM. c. E. ou.'rcHER.`Aqen t, Elmvale, 'Or`t. IitiIiKuE' biiwyw ISAKl:um-Auu1uV- A DALE DAIRY co. DOUGLAS.` DRUG STORE DRE AMLAND THEATRE ' .FURNITURE-' G. G. Smith & Co. ' -GROCERS-- J. D. Wisdom & C_o.` _ \.1._ A. R. Cameron` Roy` L. Jay` 5 L. P. Singer BARRIE-ALLAN- nA'1"I:I `I'\A1`DV (". Fletcher. T A Mrs. Currie is still under the`_doctor's care. Her many friends wish her a speedy recovery. , A. J. Fletcher has nu:-chased from -. /. tTn`k1.;ls* `._;eat'O deteraet `when hrnessedt-`fer ; A 9` ` t . ` . * _r,n`an'.s.use. supphes the enetgy. to run - '->.?fa'etories' to` brighten homes, tomake` "life-"` more"comfoftab1e._" It is the power behind t_He industrial a_ctiv`ity_ of the country andson `it, i:1epenc_1.s.\a\g`reat deal of our . prosperity; V T Life is: `power. If your eatnins of today be hafnessed to the Endowment `Insurance pfan pf saving, your later `ye_'ar_s will? be comfortable and independent. 7 A maturing insurahncee poliey -proAv,ides _a toiling old age. ' % ' -~ " V 1- RO.1I.1\`I.S.C;I~i \ HARDWARE W. C: TIiUNTER CLOTHING CO. A PAINTS AND WALLPAPER-` , T. E. Harley O` 1-up-av-xv:-ur\\v DRY GOODS and`- Men s'Furnishings- J. Webb Chevfolet and Oakland Garage-- R. N. McLean YOUR PURCHASES AT , SHOPPERS CLUB STORES DURING THE NEXT 19 SHOPPING DAYS snouu) `wm THE GRAND PRIZE CHEVROLET CAR I-lE;AD _9FF|CE."TORONTO. CANADA JEWEL'LERS`--. . A. H. Felt ` WJB. Webb LICK .S GARAGE `LADIES WEAR- . ` Powell . & Co. ' ' ~ A. J. Fletcher `ms purchased J. J. Roe of I-Iawkestone. a 50-acre `lot which he intends to use (or grazing nnrnnslnn _ i\IEWSPAPER-- `kT.._l-L ....... A 1...... ID VV Dl.'\l'l3JI\- Northern Advance \J'dl'_U_Y"Il Ufll Shoe Co. _J. Little ILKIILIIDT Car_ey-Hurlburt qknn (`II mnusnuns A fine example with money and their home town Renfrew, one mi` I manufacturing" tn\\ tario. The imiusts` this thriving mm: due to the entor]u'i: A. Low and S1-nntu having built up :1 of which any iH\\ Others no (innhi town like R(*nfi`<-\\' up withnui in-'-rty part of the (`itizu-n< of the (`re-it Inu O'Brien and Low. . 1:, ,1 nuns; xu. I [nIII ll J.` flooring. sash}:-In-.: I Products, whivh mu fifty Cun:ull.'m B-um of which are now M The Examiner: I{~m'-- whose president. (1, J we are nnt mlsmkl-n. the Bank 0f"I`m`<>nt:- shortly after John .-\, . of the local lmnm-h. Renfrew Mfg. (`n., Hzl. tory: Ottawa Vullz-_v I Renfrew Lumber (`u Renfrew \V0ol9n .\l Rencroft woolens; R.- (`.o.. scales, ref1`l;:m':l etc A hlcr nlurnnnf in ll etc A big element in velopment of Renfro of electric power :1` This is secured fru: which flows thmuui the M:1dnwnsk:1 :xt interesting to Ienrn the boom tirnos whv being hnndled. thr- t0wn s lndustric-s. healthier (-nnditinn. ,.._-u \: L1: n\I| uuu ..-. .. . A drive ulmul Ih visit to 1{enfre\\ lust editor of The Exurnin of seeing the huildin;: industries. sumo of u- the name of Rvnfr \v 1 .u,, , W uuzu up purposes. nu`. nun... V- .......` . Among these indust Refrigerator (`n.. Hunk frigerutorsg Lngzun \\'. ens and knitted lzmul` Mills: M. J.~ )`I21'im1 llnn:-ur mu.-h (u ~ stores on us mum Whibh has it Dl`l)_L'l'4 befitting this live lighting is similar I St.. Barrie? Hotel um- ceptionally R`()()(]. I-`ur Renfrew has an unn ber of -handsome h cellent schools, the - and manual tminin: mom: the host in t} pared with Barrio. it TWO Citizens H: in Building Factnri ll\4IA.l|.:AIvI \....u...-.... The merc:mti1<- in are well .sIer\'(-d in stores its mun nmcsh Inna .. nu-uurv Long ago. under t Canadian Paci western Indians we with` strange and '11. was the custom `the plains to bow each year 1n wnrsh: orb that gave h: strength to hum. ; awanmth when he all ways enlzuncc. through the mum bemg Thain rrlhuu WM IJCIH5 Whole trlbes gut during the month _npon some spot 0 chines every nmnn to sunset. to worsh in the slght of the dian woman. .s`(`lx-(' Men of the [Flin- human :%l(.'r1f1('e m ed She sits m the for four days and every two hours ( head IS sprmkled woman does not 0'; guarded by the (W in min-h HAPYIITQ 1 guurutu u_y uu: or witch doctors sing and chant mu! time Whistles ur toms ueuten. All THURSDAY, M] After Ex:ery It doesn t take much to keep you in trim. Nature only ask: a ' help; W1-igley s, after every meal, benets teeth,` breath, appetite and digestion. '7 ' A Flavor for Every Tqste: TU] resttons to! next years 7 program. Wesle,v'Brown is still on the nick list. _j.j.1-d:- -- .- - -5, .9e.Is19_Nn 7 THAT IT I-IAO IIIN BOLD I-`OH NEARLY FIFIY AND IS TO-DAY A" GREATER BELLE THAN IIVOII IS A TESTIMONIAL THAT SPEAK! FOR I . IUNIROUI OUBATIVE OUALITIII. FRUIT. growing on ' an extensive scale ` ' presents nancial problems in the" solving . of which the counsel and practical assistance ' of this Bank leads to more protable operation. ` t - Vjhen loans are required to increase the money-making capacity of your orchard, or farm, do not hesitate to visit thenearest Bank of Toronto manager. He will be delighted to give your problems the benet of the Banl< s --...-..:....-.. ...I..::oI- Ian. on :1"!-on .' nnlvp nrnl-g, .`"`BANl(rIoRONIO glVI: yuul.` ll!-IJIJIFIIIU nu. yum...-. -. -..- _....... - experience, whi'ch has go oftetfgolved prob- lgmorimilar in your own. . . . aA`nnia-n. .4. am`-. uanigu. `BRANGHEN ALLANDALE ' ' nu 1:l7A`r.Il!._.I_Y.'l II Twin-I-an." Mam ` IIIBVI IIGII Gnu u-rsqvu uuuu - - ' lioved by up THqI?_aZ?E3 0| ` ntern and External Pains ___-f`.'..'?'::- 5~F"L'.5$`.`:'.`35'} .".. J Auuamunuu . _ . . ELMVALE~4I-I. R. Wan-en. Mann. `- M ~ 5 ' 94: Uh HVVITHCQ May 3-Quite a number of the we- men of Belle Ewart and Tent City met last Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Scott Mllne (recently marrled) and gave them. a. miscellan- eous shower. A tasty tea was served by the ladlesfand,a very pleasanttlme was brought to a close by expressing best wishes fora successful and happy life. The happy couple-.wlll reside at Tent Clty. `\ ' '1`he.lce went out or the bay Saturday nlght. It's good `to see the waves once more. 4 J ` Mr. . Great of McMalster. a former pastor, preached in the Baptlsbchurch Sundav evening. :'v 1 ` Sunday evening.` v Quite a number of the dummer res! - denta took advantageot the ue wea- ther on Sunday and spent the day at their cottages. Some of them found the road from Churchill anything but a. rose strewn `path. T . . wmnk Bronhv. a. former resident of Iyl-fr \IL Vrlr Us pastor, Sunday evening.` (Anita n. numhe` [rose path. - Frank Brophy, 0. resident this place, returned -last` week and is the guest of A. Tromblay. 4 here. . ` . Mr. and` Mrs. W. H. .G9_stik. of _'1`or- onto called on friends in this locality on Sunday. . ~ Miss Elsie Cloughley. of Colwell spent the week-end /w 1th her sister. Miss E`. Cloughley.. aoher. ~ Mr `and Mn-1:. T.m'n I-Iundv and fitn- V...-CWT ZCI-G-- 1 May 3--(}. Ayers and"'L. White or Barrie. _Sundayed at the farmer's home I-Inna DH.X'l'U uy visited In ualston on. uunuay. . Mr. and Mrs. N.'Button visited In Weston iast week, bringingback the formews brother for over the week-end." Minn Innn T-Ynndv smant the week- Sunday wnn Mr. anu Mrs. A. nuupp. The May flowers and other spring flowers are again peeping through the cold damp "ground; after this long win`- ter. Spring is here! I---T-2---1-: :v w__ _--.-___ . '1\/Iz'1y 3--Mr. and'M1*s. J. W. Stone and D_oz:oth_y visited at the home of Fred.` Amey in Newmarket on Sunday. . Rnlnh Burrv and Lawrence Ruther- In Newmarket aununy. Ralph Burry and ford were In Toronto` during the week- nrh` . Lllllgil WUFU III Lutuubu uua nu, || Av vv wvnu en . - Mr. and Mrs. Fred. 'Boml'ln.of Toron- to were visitors over theweek-end at .' M... nmuwn, |Vl'.() WQPG Vlltl) I Mrs. Smith's. (`nffnv Rlvm renmdelled. ' . Rev. W. H. Adams of Beeton took the service in the United Church here on Sunday whlleeRev. G. Burry conducted the anniversary services in Beeton. acher. Mr.'and Mrs. Lorn andy and lly visited in Dalston n Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. N.'Button IJI\Q IJITJ Q povn May 3-0. Horton is sporting a.` new car these days. , The roads are drying up fine now. C. Jobbitt and. Rob. Purvls of Craig'- Ivnle called on Fred Elliott. Sunday. Mr. Grout of Toronto preached here `on Sunday morning. His text was the 24th Psalm. Mr. Franklin is exnected 1.0 preach here next Sunday at 11 am. The pastor. Mr. George-Brown. will be here one the 16th to take charge of the `church services for the summer months. . V 1\/Hun f-`nvfnr nf.Bnrr le\ is teaching formers brother tor over me ween-uuu. Miss Jean Handy spent the week- end at her. home in Dalston. . Mr mm Mrn, F`. T-tilI .nf Barrie anent end at her. nome m uauswn. Mr. and Mrs. F. I-I1ll.o Barrie spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. Knapp. The M'n.v flnwera and other snring ' Mrs. Smith's. Coffey Bros. are busy building a new barn and M. West is having his ' 1'emo'.delled. ' `Dav w 1-! Adams of Beeton took - Miss 699.1-her ofBm*1"1e. her in-Miss Scott's place for the bal- ance of the term, . Buy Advertised Thlizs. M1!"':35'N<`- STAJIQN BIG BA`sY`P0lNT n `r4 17-.. ..... .. ..un-.6!-an Z39.-1-2 awmt. .. _.I-.1... II NP_"EP `E253 Hydro Eigctric.';ov;o;:ommissio-nef, who wlll be one of thespeakers ,at the `Safety Convention in Tor. ' onto on the`12th of May. l.0lldly. ,w- ' - ` When 4-Thompson Jennett was re-. turning _from the village the other ev- ening he tied his horse -andwent in to see a. sick neighbor. `On coming out he found the `horse ha_g1 broken the tie and as gone. It arrived` home safe with t e.exception ofa. broken shaft on the buggy.` V V . Mr Lnmzman.-. school insnar-.tm~. the buggy.` Mr, Lqngmarvx.-I school inspector. V made his-spring [visit lagt week. Wnrvv Davin" nf dookstown made 9: his-spring :V!81t'lB.t week. . ,Harry Davis" of Cookstown made a business trip here laqt week. .Hnmn M the nennle of this commun- business trip nere Iasp ween. .Some of_V the people of this commun- ity attendd-the funeral of Mr. Stan- den In Barrie on Monday. ` ~ 'I'\n 12 and MM, `nnvin and turn r-MM- den In rsarrxe on Luunuuy. Dr. R. and Mrs. Davis and two child- ren of Toronto motored here and spent the `week-end. `- I T .A.-H-.un Mnnlnv nf Thnrnfnn smnnt Sunday with ma parents nere. Harold Broley spent a day last week in Colllngwoqd with his sister Thelma who is in` training for a nurse. . A number from here attended the sale at E. Gray'~s, Thornton, on` Fr1- ` `day. Everything sold high. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd. Davis and little dau'g'hter- of Washwgo spent Sunday` with Mr and Mrs. F; R. Arnold. 'l`l-m funeral of J. Donnellv took nlace with Mr and Mrs. 1"; 1.1.. Arrloiu. The funeral of J. Donnelly took place on Saturday afternoon from the home of his daughter. Mrs. R. Robson. The funeral. which was very largely at- tended. was under the auspices of the L.0.L. 460. Mr. Donneliy had lived for a. number of years at Ivy. He was :1 good neighbor and was liked aryi re- spected by all who knew him. Service was held in the home by Revs. Rintoui. Dew and Lunaix. The remains were laid in the Union cemetery. Thornton, by the side of his wife who-predeceased him a few years. Beside a large circle of friends he leaves three daughters to mourn the loss. Mrs. Frank Gibson of Thornton. Mrs. R. Robson of Baxter. Mrs. Easten in the West. the week-enu. - :- Arthur. McQuqy .of. Thornton spent Sunday with his parents here. I-rmmm Rmlev snent a dav last week May 4-Robrt. and Kenneth `Cam- eron ot-Osgoode Hall. Toronto, are at 13:`-sent visiting their parents a.tTCun- QR press dles Mr` cues - Mrs. Calhoun and Miss Maud Irving` who have'been in Toronto for some time, returned home on Saturday. . Thos. Graham is moving to_ this vil- lage to the house formerly owned by Mrs. G. Bishop. A S. Pratt attended the Slmcoe Pres- bytery at Collier St church `on`Thurs- day as delegate for Central United Church. ,' -V . 4'` Chan: hnc I-nluan dnvvn his-1 Wind- Church. C. Shaw ha mill and sold ,3 taken down `his wind-! it to someone in Innlsfilw IN; nnla hnnlzumw-1 wnnthnr is: hold- mill and soul It to Someone in uuusul. The cold, backward weather is hold- ing farmers back, which will make it late sedlng. _ . Dvllfn n lnf'nf imnmvaments are be- late ~ Quite a lot'of improvements are be- ing made in this village this spring. which show good taste. .~ Report for Cundles School The following is: the rebqrt of S.S. No. 1 Vesprq (Cundies School) for the omonths of March and April. Q11 TV--T.nrvnine McKever 77%! months of March and Apru. SR`. IV-Lorralne McKever 77%: Lena Knapp 69. . . JR. TV--1-Tazel Storv 73: Clifford Lena Knapp 69. JR. IV---Hazel Story 73; Baldwick 68. I .. SB.-III-Stella Caldwell 82; Cather- ine Brown 70; Audrey Walsh 64. JR. III-Walter Bell 72: Ruth Cum- ming 67; Clarence Wingrove 65. JR n._nnma1d Wilson 73: Brnal 'm1ng 67; Clarence Wmgrove 00. JR. II-Dona1d Wilson 73: Wingrove .67; Lloyd Cumming 69; Robert` Storey 56; Dorothy_Brown 62; Cyr.1l Vim; 50. .' sm, T----Illa. Knann 75: Norma Cald- Cynll Vlnt 50. SR. I--Illa. Knapp 75; well 75. - ` JR. I--Ross Cumming. Doris Brown. PR. A-Bert Kramer. L _ PR, Bg',-G1lbez`t' Baldwlck. Frank A Bemrose. PR. .` B. Bemrose. ad-Asian`; vv any-- "/May 3-The few days of spring-=11ke ` weather. brought back with it the buzz of the busy cars in great numbers. notwithstanding the bad qonditlop of the roads in-some places. . . Mr mm '|\/fr-an Wm. - Middlebrooks. the roads in-some places. . Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mlddlebrookvs. former residents, have returned rom Buffa1o.`N.Y.. and have moved "int `the Gauley house. - v . V Mrs: n Mnnm-thv merit the week- q.v u. May swedding hens are rxngipg rniiilv. - , " ' Gauley house. ~_~ q Mrs. C. McCarthy spent the end wlth Barrie fr1ends.. . . p ., An... nnnnlnn` nmsn weeks with her end with Barrie tr1encls.. After spending three weeks wlth,h,er uncle. Jno. Desjardlne. little .` Doyle Berthelotte of Penetang` returned` home on Monday with hex-`father. 0. Ben vthelotte. .. . V . Al 1-Inn um. nf un-Minn`, Mrs. Stacey.` vthelotte. . . . At the time of writing. Mrs. Stacey.` Sr., is seriousy IIL. Jerry Desourdie of Allandale spent the week-end with Brentwood friends. Alf; S`chel1 1eft,or__1 Wednesday for Detroit. - . Flnnun urn: nn Mann in"l .h8 ROHIEH Detroit. - There was no Mass in the Roman Catholic church. on Sunday mornin owing to Father Longo b`e1n"g `ill. `l4`rn.nk Maxwell and family 0f-All8.n- . May 3--Jus. Handy, Sr.. spent a. iew days in"1`oronto, - T . Mr. and Mrs. W..Webber of Minesing spent Sunday at Archie -`Watson's. ` . Miss Show assed the week-end with Miss Vera, B dwin in Barrie. . Mrs. Font. Watson spent a weekWith her sister, Mrs. Wm. Nixon at Pains- wick. , s _ . ,_\ H. Bertram not Toronto was with his tamily here over Sunday. s ' ` Miss Vera. Baldwin is visiting wifh owing Father Longo nemg xu. ` Frank Maxwell and family dale spent Sunday w1th_fh!s pa'rents.~ The hnvn n.re- not having much luck Sunday w1th_ ms parents.- The boys are not having much with the fishing lines these days. They make their daily trips t'o;the` river but the water being too high the fish de- cline to bite. Qu ` ' Mussollnrs real: test. of power will come *whe1& he .tr!ep to dIct8.i9 :`.to_the '_women of taly whatgfg h 11 '-'-'-Den-o!`t Free:,1_ esp.` " I'l.l'lVVl\I.`.nJI.\IIvI-I -May 4--Mz;. and Mrs. Patterson of Creemore motored here on Monday, Mrs. Patterson staying ovetgwlth her fpther. Mr. Hall. ~ ` 1 Mrs. Cruse is 'v1s1ting~~her; mother in Toronto for a few weeks. \ .-~ 'I'.vn wmnw. nf few weeks. .5` Lyn Fellows _ot here and spent the`.Wef9k-0.31"} {at his home. ' ' . . mu... 1:>....1 _-rmmn of Barrie.--snent ` `_ `Miss Pearl ,Jos1i_n ot` B_arrle,-;snent over Sunday at` the home other `nar- ents, Mr. and Mrs. T.-Josling` A,i ' - `M1-n. Butler and; Mi85.f` Marga;-e and Mrs. '.l`..Josm,1; .- Mrs, Butler and'._ Miss;..'` Margaret Anderson are visiti Tfin Torqnto. iss Myra Reid 01: ~ ._oz;ontq was home -for the week--end; Mrs. L. W. Letgh_-anifTdahighter olive spent a few `da`ys-1`st.-_w459l{_,`5Vlth Mrs. Jones Emma`, Qro s_ta.i;9n.,:~r_ 7: 16- , ~. A {CUNISLESZ BRENTWOQD Miss Vera Baldwin visiting her aunt. Mrs.v.J. Wilson.` A Mr. an.d.Mrs. W. A. Lowe and Mrs. MoAuley spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Rex Watson. Gordon and marry Dawson were home for Sunday. - ,, ; The next meeting of the Dalston Wo- men : Institute will be held on May 12 in the basement of the church. It be- ing the annual meeting` alivmembers and. friends re cordially invited tout- tend. Roll cal is the payingot the tee. Members ar requested to `bring sug- gestions for next yeawsprogram. Weslev'Brown is still nick Miss 13. /Elliott. tacher ONLY THREE MORE WEEKS u---wv-v_ (I IV p WONDERFUL `TRIP FLORIDA AT NO PERSONAL EXPENSE _ .__`_This is a trip of Q, lifetime. Are you planning to go? .5 lt s the COUPONS that count `pan means an additional 100 points. touch with your friends now and ' `When the clock strikes the hour of midnight on Saturday, May 29th, the curtain will ring down on Barrie s greatest prize-`giving event. This means that the ladies of Barrie "and" Al- landale have only 19 more shopping days in which to work for the wonderful awards that await the-winning contestants in this big pop- ularity campaign. Those who are not at the top now have ample opportunity to improve their standing on the list. lt is just a matter of enlisting the co-operation of your friends and relatives. Let them know you are com- peting for the BIG prizes and they will gladly turn their cotipons to your credit. Every cou- Get as iiiany as you possibly can. Get in say you want their help. _ \_ {HERE BLUE `BANNER smmas - . c1v1: YOUR ` ` TRADE -_USETHEPHONE! - % ;(U'roMoBrL1s-3-`- T.` R. C_o1}lter BAKERr-- ' ` F. Rayner .- THE BERRIE RADIO & ELECTRIC /co. . BUTCHER-j-. . Bishop Bros. - CLEANERS ANi)'_ - A PRESSERS-- , .Vw,_ Firth . A. E. Whitby v--`-j T..- May 3---Rev. M. E. R. Boudreati of Toronto took the service hereon Sung- day and,~hls~.dlscourse was greatly ap- preciated by those present. a l The King's Daughters held their re- gular meeting at the home at Margaret MacArthur on Saturday afternoon. May 1st. . The Misses Mclvlinn visited over the week-end at the home of Mrs. '1`h'os. Fletcher. Mra nrvvin In nflll undnr tl1a'\dnntnr's