New Arrivals" in the `Latest Cuts ' in Spring Coats A Special Offering of Fashion s % %% Newest `in Spring`Milli'nery Sea}; VI-'1'-"co. CHRIST S A SECOND. % COMING HOW? `fhone yohr news items to the Ban-Vrie Examiner. CD-130 4 and 5 Eeet, 18 and 20 wires high, stays 6 in. `apart. Ci 4 I I`nA '"UKaT'}'a-I5" - '" Fuel for Every Purpose D..3I.I___! Q--....I2-- ---- Q an--3-: . $2.75 per square (Sufficient nails and cement `g with every roll) \ unviw v v vn wvvnu ova UUIIVIIO. And CHAPTER roux of A "mans of the wnw" , I. IIC VV unu U V. VHIIHPIUH Athlete with His wonder- ful horse, SILVER KING: `Adults 25;, tax 2c. V Children 9:, tax lc. MATINEE SATURDAY u 2.30 The World : C`l1'-a.`m1$|on . An;LI-L- _-_'LL ES- ______.I,.. `No greatr cox;t171()7i1;na1:_io;1( thrills, pathos and laughter has ever been screened.. 1. :4--g-:-n::--- - Two A 36-in. Red and Green SLATE PAROID A4` --1 ungu, nuaya v uh uyasw -55 and`60cpr These suitsare all wool, come in double and single- ,breasted models, and the workmanship` `is Al... Many of these suits sold as high at $35.00 each... TONIGHT FRIDAY . SATURDAY-A TheAMona'_r,c-h of them all RAINCOATS at the very `low : price of . . .3533 Have you `Seen our Blu Serge Soits sot $20.00, with A2 pairs,of pants? They are an extra good buy. ------ WATCH oua wxnpows 15 Elizabetlx St. STOP RIGHT HERE ! MEN S,* YOUNG MEN'S AND BOYS F FlRSfl+`~LONGS'AT .. . . . - ~ $13.95 And a. Screamingly Funny Educational Comgdy ' --Hav you tried` Classic Cleans- er? 10c per tin at Wisdom's. 15c shows, at 7.15 `and 9.16. REGULAR PRICES -~$6j98 Mms FINE SHHITS. in all the newest patterns, sizes.~14 to 17, values to. mo, sale price, $1.39! BUY l\ILI-.=U.HY .I " ' . 1, Trying to cross the C.N.R. track near Novar. ahead of a freight train, `Reg. Delong, aged 17. was struck by the train and instantly killed--this (Thurs- day) morning. He was driving a light sleigh. An inquest will be held by the coroner from Buuks Falls, _ U1 Dl8.CK-IOIK." ' Accompanied by the delightful touch of ianist Knight. happy songs of plan- ta ion days, and the entrancing spirit- uals are rendered, then songs of days of -freedom. and finally the lament over 01' Massa. as sung-by Downes. the ' longing for` 01' Virginny, as sung by Edwards. craving for the Swanee as sung by hwilliams. and finally the dreamibf Old Black Joe as he hears the call of old friends who have gone before. as sung by Musteary To hear them is to live a hundred years ago.- casung. These uvn-kissed sons of Canada. says one periodical have music born in them and while excellent singers of the popular songs of the day. they are inimitable in rendering those_ songs conceived in nearly three hundred `years of slavery, and born in the souls of black-folk." Annnhnnnvnlnzl Inn tlnn nllakd-Cu! 6.`...-.I. COLORED ` QUARTETTE T Eoinme The Onnrfaffn nf Hm Wlrnf `Rani-lat lllllll. chanti nnncru Two Shows,` 7.15` -A 9.15 _. Regular Prices ` Adults 23c, tax 2c. ` Children 9c, tax 1c.` Coming Span . Mrs, WallaAce'Reidei1_1 4 THE RED] KIMONA The co. - A" gfipping drama " o'f` a problem. that you` may have Vto H solve yourself. A MON.-TUES.-WED. Mud Imperial Comedy ; K _-The FLYING FOOL J aov KILLEDBY `.|'RAlN rihcr tn m-nun the (`..N _'R, h -An]: ey.`.J. '1'. )."08t6l' 8._l'l(1 A. 19. uprmg. Before the meetiqg closed an invit- atj n was extended `to Rev. Mr. Pu:-` ale to remain another year. . [_j_.A_, C. Bishop and W.` H. M M 3 ards. W. E, Thompson. Chas. _ nox. 8.. V L anmbell,` W. H. Drys 816. R. M. 131110 ,WJ`;Clement. Clare Fam- ey.`J. T. Foster and A. E. Spring. V 80!). `:11. _\.JlUIIlt!L, . Luannlng, I` 11.. J.V.l Q18`, 911* . Rnfnrn u: mndtic nlnnnd n HIV-. guuunu. ` The'.E1ders were elected for a term" of five years on the same prlnci lens school trustees (one to retire eac yea: eligible for re-election`), as 10 OWSI EH. _C1ement, S. Manning, R. H. M dle-, . C. Rishnn and W,` T-T. M son- u-nu evunlviiu uuv ll u.uLu.:`=a. ' AA meeting of the subscribers of the Flos Telephone System will be held in `the Parish Hallon Friday. April 23, for the purpose of electing two commis- ' sioners to. take the place of those who resigned a short time ago. It is hoped s that the right menwill be elected and that the business will carry on With- out_inter1:upti`on.V ' United` Church Had, Good your The annual congregational meeting of St. John's .I'Jnited Church was held in the basement last Wednesday 8V- ening. and was .well attended. After those present had enjoyed a .8001!!! hour together and had partaken of a. 'bouuteous supper supplied. by the ladies, the meeting was called to order by the chairman, Rev. Mr. Pugsl,eY- Report-suwere presented which showed `a very successful yeartin every branch 01 the church's.-`activities, especially in the Maintenanceand Extension _Fund which the `chairman to! `the committee. y F. C.- Bishop. reported had gone well over the quota `for the.circuit, which is a. great satisfaction to the co_ng !`8j gations. s Thd Wal-a 1|:-nan nlnnd-n inn 9 forth`, U16 SICK I18`. ' ' Mrs.` Charles Fraser met with a bad accident on Monday. While coming down stairs she took a fainting spell and fell to the foot of the stairs break-. ing her right arm, also injuring one knee cap._Dr. Corcoran was called in `and reduced theifractures. . A ...u-..Ll..._ -5 4|.-- ___c.__,_u, _',._ -1 LL- 0 Univ: JIII Qavwll J $IrIl-B I Builders Supplies, Phones 88 and 94, Barrie uuxex` {menus m '1`,oronto. V Mrs. John Cooper of Belleville is vis- iting her son. Reg., and' has been con- fined to the house through illness. lilac Tun`-\A11n t'V.........I...n 1.. 4.......I.l_... o - n n u L | |.v I-LII? IIUUBU I-Illfllblll lIIIlUDo Miss Isabelle Campbell is teaching '-the Base Line school this week. reliev- ing Miss Flbrence Manning, who is on the sick list. " Ml|' (`Harlan 'I:Vunn.... Ouapu` -I41. an Inns: u-Imam. ' . g Rev._ Mr. Mccormicllc of Toronto oc- ' cupled. the pulpit of the Preby'terian church last" Sunday.. T1108.` Stone has rnhwnn hnrrm `after cnurcn last.` b`unaay., v Thos; Stone has returned home `after spending a week with his mother and other friends in '1`,oronto. Mrs. John nnnnnr nf nnmmnua In via- UIU. p1uyex':-- ` Throughout the competition, Earl- am showed that he. was a player of really high class,` and he won with- out doubt on hi merit. Young as he is, the Runcorn player earned distinc- tion, not only by winning the cham- pionship, a record in itself for so young a player,.but he, also set up two more records -by making , a break of 436 in: the qualifying stages, and a run of 273 in the competition proper which easily beat the previous'best, that of 236 by Sydney Fry, made as long ago , as 1913." ` Wallingford,' Connecticut, of Jemima. `Death of Mrs. G,_eo.,-Whitebregad The death occurred on Sunday at L.`VVright.-_wife of the late George Whitehread, who wasone of the earli- est principals of the West Ward public school and occupied that position for years. Born at Uxbridge, the late Mrs. Whitebread. who was in_ her eightieth year, had lived "in Allnndale and Bar- rie for over fifty years and latterly had made her homeewith her daughter, Mrs. A. Kimberley, where her death occurred following a stroke sustained a few days previously. Surviving her are two sons, Harley E. Whitebread. San Francisco, and Edward `Whitebread. Ailandale, and one daughter, Mrs. Kimberley. The body was brought to Allandale and the funeral took place this (Thursday) afternoon from the home. of E. Whitebread, 87 Burton Ave.. to Barrie Union cemetery, Rev. G. E. Coulter and Rev. (Professor) Robinson of Toronto `officiating. A large number of relatives and friends from Toronto and other outside places attended the funeral. enu vxslcors at me home or J; 11. Hill. Mr. land. M_rs. A. C. Bishop visited `over the week-end with friends in Tot- tenham.- ~ `Pan; `Mfr `I|.fnn......~.a..1. -4 r-n.......;. .. Pat. Shzma.han of Niagara Falls. _Ont.. visited his home here this week. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bell were week- end visltora at the home of J; H. Hill. "MP. R.nd.MI` A I` Iillclnnn ulnlfn -uuuuu u V uunpvvri Recent English papers received re- port the final matches for the ama- teur billiard championship of England. The winner was Joseph Earlam of Runcorn. a_ nephew of Charles Earlam. Allandale. and a cousin of Mrs. Arthur Taylor. One of the papers had this to say 9f the skill of this twenty-yeah old player-:- ' "l`hrnn2vl1nnf.fhn nnrnnntlnn man` I LUIIEHUII LU_!lu. I, ' Mrs. J. Mitchell has returned to Al. landale after spending Easter week at New Lowell with her daughter, Mrs, A. E. Paddlson, and son, J. M. Mitcheu New Lowell, ' ' ' T.naQ..QoOnvu-Inn nffnvvunhn 61.. 11- . u IVUW LUWUIL. 3 Last Saturday afternoon the W.A.! of St. George's 4Church held `an after. noon tea. and sale of homemade baking in the Memorial Hall. The proceeds amounted to about $20. Thu V ME A nnffhnll Innonn -1...... -.. -S_rr:ooth Surface Roongs from $1.75 per square '_ amounteu E0 EDOUI $30. The Y.M.C.A. softball league was or. ganized on Wednesday night with four. teams entered and prospects of more coming in later. Another meeting for ..election of officers wil} be held next Wednesday` night and every man in Allandale is invitedjto attend. At tho rnnnflncr ~nf fhn T.nAI.'...I -1.1 Auunuzue 18, IIIVIEBG. [0 altend. _ At the meeting of the Ladies Aid `of Burton Ave. church this week. it was reported that the society had rais. ed $300 since the first of the year. The `ladies are blanning to red orate the church during the summer. lection bf officers for the ensuing year was de-I ferred to the May meeting. .Dm`inn' the thaw lnnff wank furn nu, icy Damn. . ` C.N.R. officials report that the snow has gone away nicely all over the divi- sion and there has been practically no trouble caused by water. It is intend- ed to open the gravel pit at Colwell on May 15. Business conditions `on the road are said to be good and` the divi- sionhas never handled more business than at present.` \ A n:n:-_,u u\ |_:_\.....2-_ `:g***********: '"'r'"L"E'L"E TT TTTTTTW ELMVALE NEWS ~mw&&m&iiim$| H118 t... [HIS VVBGK. * ' - . The congregation of Burton .Ave.` United Church has raised its allotment of $1,000 for the maintenance and ex- _tenslon fund. Mun J `Kzflfnhnll hon ;-nfauunna ;_ .. l.Ul'l`8(l [0 (I18 Witty meeting. ' `During the thaw last` week two al- dermen were observed hard at work on Bi`adford*St with pick and shovel draining the water from a young lake that had formed near the Bank of Tor- onto. A local business man, anxious to see what the town fathers were up to, stepped into the lake and received an icy bath. (T_N'R, nfninln rnnnv-f fhnf nu. .......... 'l'Ul`U(.U- ' ' ` ` Mr. and Mrs-. Clarence Jackson of : Collingwood are visiting at the home of J. S. `Brunton. . I/|'I`u"K." Puunhunnvi nf Qfnvn-.. __g .. .. 01 J. 3. .Dl.`l.lI1EOl'l. Mrs.` W . Buchanan of Stayner visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hedger, cam- line St., this week. ' - Tho nnrn'rv-Anvnflnn nf `Du..L..._ . POULTRY FENCE "`. . -$P.EQ|A!-:"`-A j - ' `The C.N:RL Vres'taurz m_t{ a.t Allandaia is being redecorated. Johnyutchlngs and son David left `Ia week on a holiday trip to Florida. one of England meet Tuesday Am. 20, at 8.00 p.m. m. the Trainmen' Han Mr.` and Mrs. F. J. D. Norman spent 9: `shoz"thoIida.y with relatives in Toronto, - --Snap--Beaut1tu1 Helntzman 3, Co piano. A. E. Patterson. Allandale. 15} Mrs, M. Newman 18 `home again 99.... piano. A. 19. ratterson. Auandale. 15 Mrs again after spendfng the.w1nter with frlend_g in, Toronto. ' Kr nn 'IIMa- (`low-nun.` 1'.. -1- - 'xa`2';.2'..... C`:;`mpion .4 I3-`n-link -.4...-"...... ....._-x_ Vb!` I lIl1- VI`: I -w we we The annual meeting of Central Un- ited Sunday School `was held last Thursday night. Yearly reports from the various departments showed an enrollment of 326 scholars and officers, while the Sunday School had. raised $291 for local purposes and $178 for the maintenance and extension fund. The Hosiery Store -CLAPPEIIITON s1'., nguuuz ._..._.__._.LJ_'_ J.` l'J VV flll/Du DLIJIX "J.'1.LV'lJ WOOL . . . . .. 60 pr. PURE '1THREA_DSILK, $1.507 RAYON AND T-HREA-D SILK. -_-_2_I and DE. .... FEW PAIFS. SILK AND TlTf\\`I' This is made like eld `fence and yet the price is away below that of the ordinary poultry netting. 12- -41---;-nj _ ` no A DAISY, sizes up to 9; a cost. STRONG COTTON, sizes Q IIVII` 0 `:4: un- lD.l.1\i\JLV\1' \J\JL'L\.IL`, BIIJUB 8and_9.. . . . . . . ..35cpr. V GOLF WOOL, sizes 8 and ' :9, `priced. !it- . . . . . . 75 1 1 u\uu-no` lil1.l\l1V IILVIJ l.1I.lVll1lJ L`JL`.I.lL\y A. special at . . . . . . . . 85 pr. Nice_Liqe of Ladies Underwear" HH . CHASSIS Hll DEMONSTRATION `CENTRAL Eritrea -s. s. ._-_-_An___ -1 I\_..A.....I HOSIERY `cH1Lpm-:N's % A Exclusive All Sizes Complete g_|e_of ROOFING GEO. VICKERS LIMITED Pictorial Patterns Friday, April 23; at 2.30 and p.m. AT PALMER'S GARAGE An expert from the Chevrolet factory at Oshawa, using a cut-away motor- and rear axle and a stripped chassis, will show how the Chevrolet valve-in-head motor functions and why" it is so powerful `and econ- omical; he will explain` why the Chevrolet type dry disc clutch operates so smoothly; he will demonstrate by the use of actual parts why- the banjo type rear axle is so sturdy and practical; why the new, larger brakes with equalizers add to your safety. Regardless of what car you drive or what car you are interested in, you will nd` this practical demonstra- tion interesting and educating-i_t should be worth _ many dollars to you. does Chevrolet operate so a _ much more satisfactorily and economically than other low-priced cars? -How can Chevrolet offer such quality features -as Fisher bodies,'Duco Finish, VV one-piece wind- shield,-dryediscclutch, banjo type rear axle, air cleaner. prfessure /lubrication, etc., and still re- main in the low.-price eld?-See the ` The expert will especially stress such Chevrolet fea- tures as the air c_1eaner_._three point motor suspension, braking area increased one-third, new type oil pump, belt-driven generator, one-piece valve cover, iinproved cylinder head and many others. CHEVROLET AND OAKLAND DEALER BARRIE AND ALLISTON, The Arrival of New Curtain Nets` I Lace Panels and Siiqfast Draperies 4 . At SARJEANTS