_ _ __ __-----p--u-If`, ry Thursday afternoon rice Square. Barrie. `Saba, :e-Canada and Great. rev year in advance jun ; United States. $2.50` advance. Both old and- should be given when was is requested.~`CAN-V-V --We find that man no ity. ` U lab`. WIXUPG B.I`8 ma-my returned 501- digrs. in 8. rich land of butter and` cheese, casein, [dried milk. and milk sugar. which `we saw in the making. There. also, are extinct volcanoes and lakes. -fresh and salt. in close proxim- Ilfn :1i1nlznnr Rnnhnutmn `nun n........a. Bqllltl I118 VVUFIO, IHJUC. ( Ideas from this continent have been! adopted, by the state-,rai1way manage- ment. Hence the` Victorian Natural Resources 3Deve1'opmen'ti Train" and |"See Canada First." on this Reso" train we went into the country which it links with the city. It may now claim an imperial affiliation. It afford- ed us two comfortable nights and em abied us to spend a morning in Cam- perdown, where we motored through sheep and dairy country. A score of kangaroos were rounded up and driven towards the train as we passed on to! C lac. where are many returned sol- ders. in a rich land nf hnthar nn HIUHL, 01 vwLo1`1u.. . Another day we motored, a hundred! miles; passing through the Dzmdenong ranges and the'Nmlo ul Park, where,` under the great gums o the forest, we? heard the coachwhlp bh-d s not'e--like, a. whip lash. Fern. wattle, blackwood,= mountain ash in the bills; the Glpps-I land mountains afar: panoramas of} plain which later revealed farm houses: among raspberry canes; magples in the? lanes; past the country home of Dame} Melba. the great singer: on, through an level land of sheepycattle, orchards. and wheutflelds: so we come backto .Melboume. Some of us visited a. coun-i tr house. embuwered in the roses of M1`; Alister Clark. whose modeatyi equals his world fame. Tdnnn from thin nnnfinnnf hnvd lvmnni mny `ll'Ul'90Il!I m, Aunraua. A num-J oer. of Canadians are on thg start. - Near `the city ot_ Goe)ong,.Granima.r,; ` uuuuwy. , - g Oneday we spent at Yallourn. 88: [miles _ out, where stemn shovels dig: , g brown coal from deep surface deposits,: , lfor generation `of power and briquettes; school of 400 boys. one of the finestl `for fuel._ The State Electricity Com-i` public _(pri\>;,_te aha denominational),- V mission. headed by Sir John Monash, schools in the Commonwealth. Here. as! aims to distribute power from here to} elsewhere, we met members of the; most, of Victoria. : `Olin:-I Australia League who, on their I tour in Canada, said they had been throu `fgiven at good time in your state" ` - (To be continued) ` I under the at-eat cums o the forest. we` _..:j__ 01 me uovernor-uenerars resmence. g I need hardly any that there is u. fine public library, but it claims to` have the largest reinforced concrete; dume`ln the won-ld--115 feet in diameter; and a foot less in height from floor} to centre of dome. There are 300,000} books. The National Art Gallery holds. treasures not only Australian but of` {British and European schools. "It is; -heavily endowed. Bequests to art gal-: llerles are common throughout the; 3 country. I (')ne.dnv we nnnnf nf Vnllmn-n, RR` UUIIIIIEI 3[I't'8(..v ' Boat racing is. very popular in _Aus- _ tmlia. _M elbou1-ne has `its Henley-on- ' the`-Yarra. At Iemingtrm racecourse each November the. Melbourne Cuni brings as many as 125;000 spectator-s. Hotel rooms are booked a year ahead. Close by is the sea and bathing-bea_clv X I es. One of the world`s perfect gardens 5. is by the Y rra. and. above the wonders of botany and lawn. soars the tower! of the Governor-Genera1's residence. I T nan!` Hun-lu now Oknf 4-I-u-nun {c u arm _l1 HOUSE OI-l.`.(`.Dl`6SBnt8.|'.lV88. The little cable tranxcars strike you as funny. Flinders Street railway sta- V tion arouses other, emotions. It is said to be the world's busiest passenger station. Each day 229.000 passengers go through its gates. and 2.605 electric: trains are handled. Fl.-ne buildings frontl g the streets, laid out on the square sys-l tem so usual in Canada. but. to many; widevstreets there is a complementar.V|' nan-ow-. street," something _like our; "lanes". Hence Collins street and Little; Collins` street. ' 5 Rnnf nnnhun In Irnvvtv nnnnlnu in Ann. truth. . ._ Melbournev has a population of 885,- 700 and is the capital it the state of] [Victoria. which holds 1.668.000--figures. which are significant. Since the federa-` tion of the six states in_ 1901 it has been the seat of the Commonwealth parliament. which comprises a. Senate and a House of-Representatlves. ']`h"a little nahln trnnmnrn strike voul The three tlays of this` historic con-l ferencetat Menzies Hotel were busy. but `somehow some delegates , found `time for `receptions and dances and` dinners and theatres in between the sessions. `Later, reference will be maa} to the Conference. Here` I nass on to_ tell of `Melbourne and of our tourg in, the,country. We had been supplied` with a working" timetable. The writ- v er of the [adjective stated the stark truth. . 'Al'nlI-unnnnn has r;>v\ni\IIIn`nI\ nf Q35- L zuuno FAIU n Guaranteed ~ ` 0. RH I I`-il-E A Melhournu; a beautiful city of 8859700 ` People---2606 Elbctric Trninsthrough one Station a Day-Stato Rai|wayu- I Ballu-at of Gold Fa'mo-Sito of Au8- - tra|,ia | Only Battle. 'By:l-`lush Savage`, Duncan,` B.C. Bein articles of interest about` how New Zealanders and Aus-. traliann have rtackled and devel- o ed a new country, and to get Simpson or the South` See. Is- lands. LOIjr Ki~nsfolk T D.;o%wjn U_nd`er ; ARTICLE X _ L_-,_.L!l._l _!L. nix` sARRI*i_XAMmzn ; Five were killed and 92 iniured wheil i balcony of motion picture theatre col- 1 lapsed at Mexico City. .- A British mmmlmnn hnnltnd H1) at.- Race in connection T. : Phone 82.. Intpseu In Mexico uny. j A British expedition backed by Sir Aii.'1'ed Mond and others is said to 5have made important gold discovery in Panama. CHUKIINIREDLAKE MINING ASSOCIATION HEAD OFFICE. TORONJO. CANAISA Amamsbife Insura/1.109 shouldbelarqe enouqlz when in vested at 1-119 cu:-rem`. ta ta of in fares! % to produce an income at ` least half dslarqe as he earned wlzilg Iivitzq MEANuFAc\T"RERs LIFE msumacs commav }. _A151uL 15. 1a2e':.f_ sns noucms iwxucx-n'=ox-' pom: MINES ' '7'? ` ""-','f ' " ` " '1'! lo! Putin Poultry Baik--FREE PRATl"FO0D C0.. OF CANADA, LTD. 328 Cu-low Ave., Toronto ruucul, mm rraus 132 by x mck 1` 00a. It costsa tne more but in CHEAPEST in the end, judged by results. The extra chicks you save and raise, more than pay for all the d ' _. Pratt: Rnhv (`hit-lrFnnr| vnn nan ' Anlr unvu llllh DAD: \.l1l\.l\D Make them strong, stuxdy, productive. EGG-LAYING Pullpn. vrim Pratt: Rnl\\: (`L 31-12 Fnnrl It nnata o 9.49.. .....\..- sit171i;d_\7,K):o(iuct;;e:-IE6-:LA`{ING Pallets, with Pratts Baby Chick Food. It trie but in PFET` `n flan nnrl in:-`anal kn u-nnlo. TL- anmcu OFFlCE--Bank .. Toronto Building, Barrie w. J. WALKER, District Manager A. E. 9ULHI_\M, Agent, Stayner, Ont. C. E. DUTCHER. Agent, Elmvale, Ont. insurance. Kindly forwatd me particulars of the policy _ I would like to creaite an estate of . 4. through life insurance. `At present I carry $ -------------------- -- beot suited to my needs. l am ............... ..yea.\-3 of age, Married or Single. / EXVE THEJBABY CHICKS ITf`l" I lunrn nova..- ..a...- .. ..--.l.... . ... Address...-- miner and get all the news--$2.00 a year. n Name F6041 save anu raise, more tnan pay 10!` an In: Pratts Baby ChickFood you use. Ask your dealer--there's one near you. Page Blavd End 1379 ' ouu:c1'on`s- BALMERS AND NIGHT E'4"s'~' Ellen `st. LIIVIBING EATING |M|NN|KlN E 1oi::ii3'E:}'IARGm 9 1 nun`- is requested.7`CAN: that most 0! Fs prefer not to have , ions intex*rupt'ed in 68.30 'emlt before expiration. uons will not be carrigd pr an extended period. are notified to cancel. a subscriber wishes tlio nued. REMITTANCE8 he by registered. letter, ' r cheque payable at par` 1 A. MacLaren.A Editor 7. C. Walls. Manage;-n { FOR er Heating and . UMBING Isniicn ' , _eIfed Truc.|u; VIcC!ary's Furnace LLOYD irector and one 180 PU - rnuno can rlorse Equipment Elizabeth 813.. Barrio .15 A CALL XDING Negg. REID TAGE TRY Collection: Only-- Sideline. . old,- small, large, or r us to tacklg. rs experience. 'l`\l' `van 4.-_ . - - St. >1 Phone 952W` 3b'6i<"'i"o'iiE Ra.w I-Zurfaud are equipped ever to attend 2 wants ii: the` ne of - vv- 3 JP'I=7.11-:D A`;- nouns.-----`-. rie Examinefkf \\5= .. 'I`h.uuaAnu- -aA._.___ @T.H_=_co ` VI Barron 3-QTIQNS murmu- Phono 48 nmnnf 1 TER s'r. EW ADDl_2ESS_ lttc Examiner A_dlets afe g'r eatT sales`- men and they work for little pay:--, 25 oents a week`. g / Keeps teeth clean, breath sweet, % appetite keen and. . \`5.`-..`?.?.:5 % `THURSDAY. Al7R lL 15. -ma". -ypj NLANEINIGHT . . BL--- nun E mjuvbal ,,,,v .., Excilnive lnvictlu Agent I I I'\ I`! I -1 . A shoe` that% s_ chummy toyour feet the moment you put it` on , and one which you can buy. at a price that doesn t hurt; V A th_`o1'-outghbred shoe-- -a shoe yvith persor..1lit_y in `its appearance and ,endurance_ in ` its ' . constitution-that's" "WEI i&ii` This man proved it ._.so can you! IIOIIIIUI Doublonlno lulu Ink sINGLong Distance to trace cars of mat-% [H .. Pet-h.ape_: ydu haven ! dis- covered ' yet, how ` Long Dis- tance can ipeed up YOUR . business-'-and ihcreasej YOUR prots. It `can. T The records prove it." We ll gladly help_y_ou to? _ork out a pian for applyi g `Long- _D:'star'ze . . to`, your "`bus'n'ess. Uto frnce 513 . erial intransit and speed them up is so pro-% fable that `we gladly `spend several hundreds of dollars a month on Long Distance calls.- writes an"na<-utomobile mqn_ufacturer.n w. Izgnnawsifzn. Manager. ` R!9HARDS , I pun yum; uv _vvuu u-In awn nuuw-n,y uuun cu. . `During the past week three homes in ` ,0rlHlu. wex-Ve entered by 9. sneak thief who ransacked each place thoroughly but was poorly con1pem'za.ted for his = trouble. 95 cents being the total -amount ' olmiined. - I 'l"\1\u m 'l`I1IInnGnn .. a,........... n...... I puasmie nome. - ' ' : . Orillia. sentn deputation. to wait on [the Federal Minister of Public Works '11: regard to the early completion of 'the looks at Young'g Point on the Trent` VVaterways system. . According to the Alliston Herald the ..1;reat depth of snow in the bush is 'creutim; ttreat difficulties for owners! of sugar ushes and some of, them are" not going: to tap their tngees. A` `Hm-My VF`, dnfnn n 'l`nu-nntn mnn : LU lUllUW- . A stray cat leaped on transformer and put L111. mills out of commission at Fall River. Mass. ' Pal-In nnnnunnnn nminmfhnvn rrnnnl ,l.l`Ul mun` Dltln Shorter skirts and lo er sleeves `wereaworn by women 0 ta.sh_lon at ggonfchamp race track opening In ar 3. ' . ,2 ' uon. -, ; ' ; An ter industry, ori going into the ;prod1ctlon of glazed tile for use as -`conduits in putting electric wires un- !derg'round. is looking at Alllstonas a ' possible home. ' 01-illin. smut n dnnnmrirm in unzif nn cx'eu..'ie UL $0U.' l`he'nppeal of the the defendant in the case of,W. G. Clarke and V. Luverdler of Sunnidale against John | Montgomery of Toronto has been dis-- missed. The plaintiffs were awarded [$300 d_an1aget-1 for .mlsrepresentation and non-fulfilment or promises to re- pair buildings on a. farm leased by I them from the defendant. 5 Armistice. on Rifflan front is ex- pected` soon with. peace negotiations to follow. A afnnv not Inlnnn nun fu-nnnfnvwvunv 11,! 1'1`!!! I$lV8l`. IVLILHH. Paris announces ordersfhave gbne out for complete withdrawal of troops tram Saar Basin. Hlannl-An ulihtfu and Innanu alnnunu UUUHIICII. ' 3 Thus. E. _'i i1ui'ston. a former Cree- lmore citizen, is in trouble in Toronto in'connoction with the death of 9. man `of 75. years vvho wvas klued .vvhen Thu1*s_t<:Ii`s_ca_u.'.. driven by another man. [Jumped onto the sidewalk. , Collimzwood Board of Education re- V gently applied the axe topublio school iofeachers salaries. Those receiving` |1200 vvere.rednced $l00.1hose receiv- ing oven: $1000 werereduced $50. while those receiving $850` received an in- crease of $50.- I l`hn nnnnnl nf an H-In an-Fondant In c 3: rnlltldl` LECTORS , and Owen Sound ) ices: 169 9th St. E i Standard Bank `of 1 lanada. V! L E01111: LU VII) U181!` (P3368. Harry -F. Selpton. a Toronto mrm.i attempted suicide by jumping over] !Euge_nia Falls. `Rescuers pulled him to, x the top of the 76 foot precipice a.nd`u.p- i iparently he was not serioushv inJured.i 'W\nnlnn flan nu-4:6 nvnnhu kn-.. 1....-- 8.. I.-vu yu uwsnu uanu }J\7llllVl|1.~ Awunaw. l A radio lub has been org'anized'1n` rorlllia for the purpose of eliminating . local power. noises and educatlngradlon [set operatives in Qrder _to stop oscilla-. I tlon. - - ' gum u tlon. rnnumn canal. l . St. Alban s Anglican Church. Grand ;VzA1Iley. was" destroyed last week by fire. which was attributed to an over- heated grate. 7 A - L H` `RI-A:'|'t'lnn urnu` nvmnufn at a Fan... uuu U]. u wuwrworxs system. . Geo. Scriver. a Creemore machinist, has invented nndmecured patents for an Improved piston ring which is said A I u not to wear and permlt..l9akage. I A nu.-1{n rlinl-. 1...... `\:\a\-A ........._'.l..-_1 '1.` at uuwmunvule. _~ . I Miss Margaret Wright, superinten- dent of the Coilingwood G. & M. H63- lpitalr has. resigned to accept a posi- ' tion in the United States. 7 . -/ The village of Elmvaie is planning. to prevent a repetition. of the tire tragedy of last winter by the installa- tion of ta waterworks system. I an. Rnnivmv n (`,IIAnrnnl0n vnanhlnlnt HUHIEO 81:816. H. Breugon was arrested at a. farm near Glencairn on several chemxes of fraud alleged to have ben committed at Bowmanvllle. Minn Mnnannnf `X7:-Ia"-kl -un.-.-.l..6.... I _b;'0ther. the late J. Ewart Lount. ova wan uunyvuvw ",nD Vvpa-_VVu . ! Chub. `E. ` unt has.been' unuolnted Registrar of -Muskoka. succeeding his I\..lIII.\ 4-..... - ._.-.I\ _ _ . _ _ _ _ , A _ ,, ll \(U'I".[ VIII?` ICIIIKF Ila I-UVVIII U LU`-Vllllln I `-Oriilia. town council proposes to es~ tabiish an exclusively residential area, in th'evicinit,v ot;Lnke Couchiching. Alton-n..o;. ..........v ........x.... .. 5..--.. an tut; VJVILIILJ lll._JJlll\I7 .\zUu\JlllUlllll5u Atterfortgr years service as Super- intendent or -'I"r1nity Sunday School. Colungwood. Wm. Fryer resigned re- cently.` ` A ~ ` Jon. Qtf nnnn, n uvnvlnnnn nt Qnnnv~_4 lets are great sales- ork for little pay-- HUIIB CQIICBIIJGG III auaugout. ' Th4e .":amoum `raised by Huntsville United Church during the past year for all purposes was $6.100`. fihdn 1:! -'l"~;....-.4. I.-- 1...-.. -_.....|..a...a Dr. Butcher ot'Creemore' ecexiuy! celeb:-at,Q d.his 84th birthday. ` } -Ar3hi'e`.'1`aylor of Meatord won sec-g GBIQD ut(LnlB ~64!!! .Du'maa.,v. f -Arc i'e`!1`aylor sec-, and prize in a photo contest conducted `by Rod and Gun. V- rlrnvhhhllnf nnur nf '1`vInA h: nan- U] nun Il(l_l2U. ' . Gravenhurst Board of Trade is con- ducting` membership `drive with-`an e Objectiv 1 300` members. / License Inspector ton of Ifunts- ` ville recently found t o well equipped stills concealed In ,a.,d ugout. V ']`ha'.`-n_mnIInt -rnhlnd hu T-`l'nI-Ifnvln I gac >101:--x< n -t\ia-I-Intn-r ~ unsure .1 T I. . '. '- T wm&w$wwm$&wwa&ma| `D!STRICT%NEWS I mmhmmmmnammmmxnm KIN in and Embal'mor an Dhnmn 4: -unuuuuy out--We must get. on. _ Geelong on-the`Baz-won river-(hor. sey names). is only forty-rive miles from Melbourne, bTit has ovez; 40_,'~0oo people. It is on an indentation; of that inland _sea which is Port Phillip`ba.y,_ at the head of which is Me!bourne.-Wheat goes into bags in Australia. From Gee. long much is exported; There are wdoi- Ian mule `and i~wa;1-ehouse and meat 1 freezing, works. and one of the 9.3.. sembly epla.nta-`which the Ford com. -any Il`.OI'O0lI in, Australia. "A num. not Canadians are on the stuff i , - rompeu." frhere is a, factory. making women's wear and employing 500 girls--the Lucas girls. They themselvespald tor the great Arch of Victory and Avenue of Honour, whichhas 4.000 trees and stretches nearly fourteen miles.'It co t them some $23,000; To_esta.b1ieh a z o one resident left $55,000, Another left enough to build a. handsome park gate entrance. There is an Eisteddfod held `annually but- -we must get on. Geelone rm .fhn"Rm-urnn rlvnu II`-m.. w5nl:a"r'x1'emorialhcommemorates the only battle on Australian so l.-This is the Eureka. stockade, wher thirty miners -and rive soldiers were killed in 1?. fight in 1854. Peter Laior. the diggers lead- er. lost hisarm there but lived to be Speaker of the legislature His statue isgin the main street. In the Botanic gardens the many examples of. the sculptor's art include the "Flight from Pompeii.`-' * Thorn in n. fnnfnrq} making xv.-m....-v.. unu uumlre me magnlncent statuary or izistenutq the band. And here are seats or-*a V ~ (1151: nnnrnn-la] nntrlnnnnnnnnbnn 4.1;. ._u_, auvnv us an wauuuwnu. u.1'I. uuury anu a. progressive school of mines. Discovery of gold has played no little 'part~`in populating various parts ; of the Empire. Ballarat was the mag- net in 1851. Mining has now ceased and, like Bendigo, Ballarat flourishes as ,the ~.hub of a'rich land of wheat. oats. barley, and wonderful potatoes. We visited this city _and Geelong on our return from Tasmania.,In no nlace `anywhere have I,seen so much evidence of the pride of residents in their city. as a Ballarat with its 40.000 souls. ` It it known as the Golden City." the ."Garden City ; and the City or .Statuet ." Sturt street is sixty-six yards wide and threevmiles long. It is really two streets with the centre laid `out in garden and lawn plots`, where fol may sit under great oaks and admit the ma.gniticent.statua.ry listen to here are neat: uuxua; unu-Mo to we 10:` sneep lands. In the eameday we came back to! Bendigo. a. picturesque city of 26,000 eople. It rests note` on old fame of the $400,000,000 it has produced; but has industries and is the centre of a pros- perous agricultural and pastoral dis- trict. Some gold. is still being won. There is an excellent art gallery and a. progressive DIRQOVAFV nf Qnl Ian: nlnvnrl ven- uy. . I "e awokeat Rochester and toured! through a flat country irrigated from! the Goulburn system. It grows decid- uous and citrus fruits. grapes, and lu-_ cerne (alfalfa), cows, pigs, poultry. and sheep. For improved holding prices er acre are from $250 1:9 $500 for fruit ands: $50 to $66 for hay `and out lands; and.$25 to $45 for sheep lands. In the anmiafdav um mama hank on I`$VV I KI. Wanted - PRICES PAID u nnnnlnnnl .