; non: onuunuay. , `Mr:. Keiit `of `Scott. S'as1....'h s `beenngl : `visiting with` Mr. and Mr's`."R: HJMi_les ;_ ' recently. , w 2 ."'M.'lss Mary. Dixon` gs` siting` vgith i ;M:-, sang. Mug; Ken_. iGi,ffe_ 1 pt Orlllia. rfthis-we'ek.`f 'g- ' " am..- 'An.m-+ `l\isn'1n- snnn1;:{Hs n":urAaL-. `` tnese pracucau Lama. V l "l`he primary class of the United~`Sun- day'School' under the direction of [their teacher, Mrs. Howarth. are giving a concert `and\supper to rliise fznds. for small chairs and other needful urnish- ings for the primary room. There is an encouraging growth in` the Sunday School under a_ faithful staff of officers` I nvul'+oonInn|-nu EUHUUL llllla_lUl. 1 and teachers. T8 VV& Mar. 22-The ;Clowes Women's Insh- tute will `meet on Wednesday, Mar. 31. at the home`of Miss Gearns, an.-.g Arm`-`Inn .=nnn+ fhn rnnn1r..nn of I18!` KIUIXIE Ill .DU.'l.`xU., ` \ Q R. Carscadden of Bradford was '3. visitor for .a. ,few days with Mr. `and, Mrs. John Bertram\recently. `lhfuu 'l" (\oI-urcny and `ham nltb-hfnr. lV1!'8. JUIIII DBl`Ll`H.IIl `wuuuuuy. ' I ,Mrs.. J.` 0a._tway .and her daughter Hilda, were `guests at the -home of Mr.` arfd Mrs. Pearsall of M1tche}l.Squ_are. for afew days last week. 1X7o'H-mn 'l`lr-unvinnunn `had 95 rnin in. at 118 IIUIHU U1. wuss Lnsarua. Miss Ambler. spent the weekend at her home in Barrie., ` `D (Van:nn:I:'lnn nf Rvnfnn nrn;"'n 1'0!` arew aays lal . Week.` Walter Thorhpson `has a radgg in- sta.Hed_, in his home. . . ` %'~`CaugHt in Mathinery A- _-.,.l-___. ___.IJ-..J. ---;... ...\_._A---I-u Mar. 23-'1`he loca\l rink has just con- eluded a. very successful season. Jlfhe hopkey games`-furnished entertainment for many`durlng the long winter ev-l enlngs and skating nights also were very popular with the -younger set. ';our thoughts ow turn to the various 1Iummer'p`a;st1 es. It will not be long before 1 the tennis acourtgot the rink _grounds,wlll b__e.-in use again. This -court`. was yery popular during the la__t_ter `part, of_ last summer and one would flnd*`a game in progress" at al- gmoat any time of the day. Another` `game that f galnln favor` very rap- `dly=_1s sott_ allyand the writer's op- nlon it wo la gogwell ln,Oro township it a, league ere for_med'comprlslng the -places that now have hockey teams in the Oro ~-"league and any others who nulhf nrlnh . h\ nvifhr, ' '.m'oWn,j1n ngu-nu. \ . ' I . Mr. and Mrs; Wm. Hlcklingot Allen- i wood visited with Mr. and Mrs. "8; El; $l1ottVon'fSund&3". I . V. . ; _ \ `M :-' `t(n'n'+ `nf I~Z`.r'-_N>f, nale; Kan "Hanan ,'I`he: iundersigned Vhas recelvd ixlxiati-u,_c,-V_ - ' tlons` 'rom._`; _fi{ a. Q -11 I `v`_ inns-Week. 3 - . ., _ Mrs. Albert Dixon snent:1.t.he'-wee_k- . rend.fw1t__h_ Ba.rrie__-frieJ1ds. , was-3 . . _ . . . . . . - V . . . . . V.` I '. `A serious accident was narrowly : averted on Wednesday afternoom. Mar. 3 10, at Orillia, when Arthur Wilde. em-i ployed' in the `E. Long `Manufacturing !. Company foundry, got caught in a lathe at _which he was turning a piece of metal. Fortunately he had the pre-; sence of mind to use his entire stren,e:th__,. to break loose. but in doing so hisi smock was torn completelyioff, Mr.. Wilde `escaped with several bruisesi and-was -badly shaken up. Arthur` Wilde was a resident hergbefore. going`. to grlllia` and hisfrlehds are pleased- helescapedserlous injury, \ Mar; 22--'Mr`s.`-J'a.s. Frd1ick'sue'nt the: `week-end with her _s1s_tr. Mfg. L. E `Brown,-in Barrie. . . g . Mn and 1\/h~u- `(X7111 'I -`Hr-,I:Hng' nf Allan-- LIIU \II'U 'lUl:5I-IU llrllll might w1sh7t'o, eriter. NEw+l5_wE`1L:. _!-l_W_l$ESTONE " HI!-w2ALE CLOWES M", .v-Th`d11ovu`ig$ 9 - . nuke Wayne` Mercedos, 62836--Born May 4, 192. Sire. Duke`Way1fe Aggie, 19993. Dam, Ssle Mercedes DeKol..- 43762. Above bull : _da.m has R.O.M. . 24.09 lbs. butter in` 7 days and his sire's Adam has R.O,M. 29.28 lbs. butter in 7 days; his six nearest da.ms.ha.ve 'R.o.M. of over 24 lbs. in 7 days.-I-Ie is, 8. `bro- ther to Calamity Snow Mechtelele 2nd. .`R.O.M. 32.7 lbs. 7 days, and Calamity Snow Mechtelele lst, R;O.M. 30.20 lbs. '7 days, and '1Voch phristmaa Gift. R. jO.M. 29.26 1198. ? days. and elghtvother -R.O.M.-cows over 26 Ybs; in 7' days. , AL.n'_-I_-..A; A ____ .. QIEQD `Hm BARRIE. \ _ I b `cessful. box social and` entertainment ' one Fridy evening. The program don- tsted.ot- a lay, entitled All in a. F_08':"' ' songs and` tunts by" the Darkies from Tennfessee, a group of local ` colored? [young men; Tithe `fHighland Fling by Reta, McLeah, "Annie _Watt," Helen Clark.` aha` Isobel. Noble .and musical A '. Te Junior Institute-h'eld' a. very} suck` Tselectlons-by Mrs.,` Ritchie, Muriel and Edgar Ritchie, Doris, Ross andGren- ville`. Rutherford;~Laurine Carter and Connie Bateman gmd Margaret Bate-i man. " ` . - _ ~ Ma). 23:`-3-Mis's' c. `1`: 111 hr Bradfortll spent the week-end with -Miss Laurine `Carter. ` -V ` . "Ln... "It.-...n'... .. rn.....-...4..."--.:_u..._1 ....:.n.. carter.` ' _ ` H : . Mrs. `Martin `of '1`o11onto"vsite& with Miss M. Ba.nne!_'man _for s_ever_] days recently. . - Tn ,Tiininn Tflf-;*IIF.A .1-fnicl o tvdxvsur cun'_. wvcuu. man. `gettingxalong well when the end came -`7p- it -4 l. ;~ Bond Head "friends welcome Wm. Phillips back to the village. .1\lIl'. hil- lips in spite of his years is `still blessed x with excellent health.. ,1 ~ - -. The ' Late Andrew eoiah The people of this. community. receiv-, t ed a terrible. shock on Tuesday. 16th; when word reached here of the sudden death of AndreW,G9rdon. He had gone to the Tom to General Hospital just one Week pr vious and was apparently - without a`momnt's warning.~He spent a great part of. his youth south/of here near Dunkerron, later going to Mimico Where.he joined the staff _of.the In- -dustrial School. During ,his eleven years there herose step'by step to the l position of . Visiting. Superintendent. Nearly five years ago heresigned and 'bought'the_ business of M. iJ. Douglas of Bradford. `In this he was _quite as` successful as he lid been in`vhis4 pre-I vious occupation. ' very touching tri- bute Was paid to the departed by Rev. Mr: Bradford during the course of the funerzxservice which was held in the Bradford United Church on `Friday. A, male choir. composed of his fellow business men led the singing and the church was filled with those who sin- cerely inourned the loss of onewho had `proved himself a christian gentleman; As one friend expressed it, those who knew him best appreciated him most; `f_.A.__...---._A ;_-_1_ -,1L4_ 1,, rs, q 1-? . .----.. ,_ ---- -...- _. ,`.,- -...-.-..v... ..-... .-.vu-u I Intermerg _tool'< `plicg in Bend I-Lead cer,netery,= ev.'VVr_n. Haig officiating. "II... .....1`lI.. . _ _ . _ _ . . . _ ._- 1|: 7 -r\__._,|_g 111131118 IIRHIHIBII, JI10 uroley 8.110. JIIO. Depew. The surviving members of the family are: Mrs. Powers; Toronto; Mrs. Fisher, Tlsonburg; Milton, Kalama- zoo, Mich.: Frank. AMinot, N. Dakota; Bert. and Oliver,` Vandura. Sask., and George of Sunnidale Corners}! xusut. uuu l'I':pU1'|. a guuu Lune. ' Miss Thelma Broiey, A nurse-in-.train- ing at Co11ingwoOd,.is spending a. con- ple ofvweeks at home after having her `tonsils removed. . 1\INaa Au..." 1 .\........,~ .........4. .. .......I- --.l.. I --,------,,, ---.. _ ., .... .......,,. The pallbearerswere M. J.` Douglas, Fred. Stfrenson, T. V W. W. Evans. Archie H mmell, Jno Broley and Jno. hnnnw The mn5vivino- 1'-now-nhm~'u_ nf Han 'l`|al).L!l.. UUVYD uvcg nu nun. on u un- Calimity Abbekerk Canary, 86539`- ?Bor_n May 29. 1918. Sire. Ourvilla S/1:7,; 'C`anary Abbekerk. 24761. Dam, Nelson's Calamity. 26121._Due May 1-, 1926. Ha R.O.M. 14.28 lbs. butter in 7 da,vsas- a two-y-ear-old. . . . . M Hnlgninr I-laifar. Yea:-|inu-From 3.-.` ` 4 _ . Mar. 22--A,.number of the young people _attended a party- at Mr. and Mrs. Chalmers Mayes last -Tuesday night and report a good time. ' Minn Thnlrnn 'Rrn"lnv -nrn-n..In._f1voin._ l.Ull5LlS FUIIIUVUU. I ;Miss Amy Lennox` spent a-week vis- iting her sister, Mrs. Mayes of Knock. `I -.-. I_....I-..-. I.L.-... __--..L L- A uu;,4_,, -.u- ..._n.y. gs-.." .va.u._y vs: vs ;n.nnvu:\- mfvy hockey boys went to Alliston last Thursday to play with the Alliston team. ..Thq game resulted in a tie. V MFR Rnfnd and `iffln ollohf-an trig- LUGJII. -.1. HQ saute FUSUILCU 11! 34 L18. Mrs. Batedand little daughter vis- ited her pafents -at Collingwood last week. - I'{un 1511:` 'RII':.`I An... 8.. ..:..l4:...... 1')-.. W CUR. Miss Ella McLean.-is visiting Bar- rie. friends. . ' lvta T4343 `Don`$'Tv"\ n-"In An-Insdnno n 0,.- 1'16. Ll.'l.Ulll.lB. \ Mrs. Lee Ban`tTfig' is enjoying. a few holidays with-friends in Toronto. _ Mrs. F. O. Bantingds on the sick list. Bert. Jennett is home again` after spending some time in Toronto. ` A nnrnhov-` in fhia nnrnrnnni!-u nun 4:114`- .-v-.. --. ..........v.. u.. --...u,;.uu.u.y a1nb:A~. The remains of Wm. Dempster of Utop1a`were laid in the Presbyterian! ayuuuulg BUHIU LILIIC Ill LUFUHEU. Anumber`-,in this community are suf- fering with bad colds or grjppe. ~ A .......4.x..... -3 4.1.- 1'.1..._._- -___.'u rqu_,u. _-_,,, -v----ca "~--- v-H,-u vvvvv V` 6`.`l l" \ A meeting of the Farmersf. Club was held in Thornton on Monday night. H11..- ..........I.._ -4! 11v... 1\____ __, n 1926. Will be registered. Komdyke `Belle Johanna, 79924- jzaorn July 25, 1919. Bred February. 11, 1926. Sire. King Aggie Johanna Kam- '~dyke, 19896. Dam, Beaver Creek 'Parul- ine, 26651. Sire`:-1 dam has R.0.Ml' over '24 lbs`. butter 7 days. v--..|:... H.365 Fmm Ahnva--Born ) , .{'\ll LULIPUHD HILIDI. UC Lu11u;u.u1 L1]. 1 lluaj lu5uL Ul yawn vvyvn. IA} 6; Luu p \,u1L. . . o ` fgrhe` s'tai1di`n`g' 'of,}tl1_e'.e6AnteStajhts% ;\vi_11`t%'e:f:%1)`=V1.1b1i.s_h4e@ in A ,the': .nei;spapers Aagh week; ~ `* 1 .- j 'lt%.Wi11`a1spVb;.gf all `Shopp__e1fs_ .,'Club Stpre`s._ ' "AT AI`n`OM.oBI-LEs.-`-1 I BARRIE-ALLAN -. DRY'GooDs and 'JEWELLERS- T. R; Coulter ' DALE DAIRY CO. Men's Furnishings-- A.' H. Felt .`BAkER_- - ` ._DoUGL'As J. Webb V . \ W, B.~~Webb_ F. Rayner _ L ` ,_ Chevrolet and _ ` ` .L1cKv,s GARAGE . . DREAM`!-LAND ; Oakland Garaz+- J . .,- _ .V THE 4BARRIE RADI0 1~HE,y;-.nE__ V = % -: R.bN. McLean .2 .,LAPD1E-7! ;VgARr- .."&.}.? "-5 %rRI Co` ~ FURITURE- . `We 0-" HUNTER *' We "' BU'rcH ER.- ' k - ~ G, G, _Smit.h & Co. L0THING 00- . `. NEWSPAPER- Bishogy > ` _ GR(')CERS_'_". T` .4 p_AINvrg-AND _ \No}'theriI Advance CLEANERS AND 1 . :5 _- -J. D. `Wisdom-~a Co.` WA~LLPAPER-- sHoEs--' /` ` PR.Es5ER3-' - I. ;-. J.` A. R. Chmeron _, V- T-~E# H8148!` Carey-Hurlburt wm. 1:13.51. J` n-.. 1'.~ 1-... . pnnmgnn T mm. :2... `W. Firth A._ E. `Whitby .A11_coupQns'mu;st be men in by isggdtzy night of each we\'e1__:\t "get-fu11 credit. It pays to be `popular in Barrie these `days. Popularity in t.he Shop- pers Club; is measured by the enumberfpf coupons obtained at the stores listed below; Every dollar-purchase secu s a coupon that adds another 100 points to your total. Anyone sirlis `share in this big Shoppers Club Event -and one of the valuable prizes- In addition to the Grand Prize Cheyrolet Car and. the Free Trip to Florida, there are other prizes, including three complete Radio sets, etc . *The list comprises nearly 100 prizes, 63 of which are $1000 Accident Insurance Policies. Madam; start collecting your coupons. Have yourfriends Help you --but you'must act quickly. 1- really active can - `fun WINNER cars A NEW. CHEVRQLET 1% :e;;*1.*':u.`;<"' L. P. -Singer icemetery here on Suhday afternoon.` New York The funeral was largely attended by claims that D` friends and neighbors.. Sympathy,-is Canada is be extended to the sorrowing friehds. . York.` ` two-y-gar-ou_1. I-lolsteur Heifer, Year-|ing-Fro,m' a,-; bove cow. Will be reglgtered. Born Ap- ~ X1110. 19255` ' ' . ` . Mgninn Jnluanna Ahlaakark. 133704- f INstiRANc1: `.`FIRE-Ab;lutly\ Rliable `Companies. v . LIFE-- ExceIsior Lifez` Attrac'Ye Policies,` LOW `RN33- _C_ClDENT--:-'!'he_ Newesl egtures. -_7--wists 3:19 IIIQVIVOU Q Iltsxutwu PLATE GLASS-Lower Rates. ALWAxY S A PLEASURE T0 QUOTE RATES. . A. F.AMALCOMSON ::.2:"::-:v:,:,1':::%. PEARLINE 2 pkls. 15 SOAP CHIPS 2 lbs. 25 CASTILE SUN 3 cakes 10c LAUNDRYST ARCH lb. .10c COMFORT SOAP 10 for 59 LUX TOILET SOAP 3 for 25 - UPt0Wh Tipket Office Canadian Nalional Railways 2:AjN!? GVOEDEE EEEN "-1-I BUTTER sco1'. H SATIN MIXED. Cl'\_`II, . ".'2T'i SALMON 24 lbs. putter _'I an-ys. Yearling Heufor From Above--Born 3September.3. 1924. Bred Feb. 24. 1926. To be reglsteredp T _ -r:.a.. lunnn Pnntiac. 101225-Born PICKLES Z 35c 5m._.;.~;1% 9] You Can Win _a Fiee ; Trip to Florida! ' EAGLE BRAND CONDENSED _.~M1ug_ ' TOILET PAPER` I1 I ll` IVIIADU ' 1 99' lb. Domino I Erica: in eect for one week from date of tiis paper _ 11-7C LADIES !` ' I-P -2-~ _ - to -sell by public auction at his:ta.rYm at A \ l\',,;__`2_ ' _, THE BIG SHOPPERS CLUB - EVENT FOR THE LADIES OF BARRIE `;_ j . AND ALLANDALE IS NOW ON. V GET YOUR NAME` AMONG. THE l..lST _ , 01-` CANDIDATES.- _ Harley ROBINSON HEKRDWARE ,-` `CLOTHING 'Yh%`LLPAPER-- `-..I....` SELECT ELEND 69, lb. _ RICHMELLO ` 79.c~lb. D.S.L. BU . 59 lblf { Th Fhvc; gm! lstrcngthi of on Ten an Excellent 112-. 4' CATSUP nonunion` LOAF - _- _.-:.:._..jn jib. r1110. 19z5,~ Marion Johanna Abbekerk. 133704- Born M'arch 9, 1923. milking. Sir, (`!ed- A ardale Ike Johanna. 48501..Da.m, Ca_.l-. amity Abbe Canary, 85539.` ` ' nnlgm-v Jana` Snafford. 52516--Born 1 9c '""I`iK FANCY RICE3 lbs} 29c o. 5 PEAIN OLIVES Zvfor 25 STELNA CORNED BEEF 25 MOLASSES SNAPS 2 lbs. 25c BEECI-lAM'S PILLS 25. York Health uomnm-smum-,. poor milk uns able in bei_i1g_ dumped nto New Tnnlv lVeno _: Ugiifjhhgh Syrup 35 ;,'l'*l-l:lJAR.`D A..`t'_, MARC!-[U25-, 1926. SI\IOES--' , Carey-Hurlburt Shoe o. " J. Little` `G ,23632s. T -- - elflner Heifer Calf--B0rn. August 10.! . , it (1. "*. ,..Y.V.`.`L..`;?.`..E` '}i.n..nn.. 79924--| 4 lb. -TIN r om cmr RASPBERRY ` 'JAM GLACIII-`.85 AND wruun ,SARDlNES .3 Box!-'-'s_ 25c 3 `HMS 25 5 7";c Health Commissioner um M311, nnemlonhln in MAPLE -LEAF .:_;__j4 an-:c..sc amlty Anne Ua.na._ry, woo. T Calamity Jane'. Spofford. 52516--Born December 12, l9l_'6. Bred'De'c.- 19,1926. Sire, Sir Calamity .Spofford,.- 22387; Dam, Amelia. Jane Rpoker Posch. 23903. Sire is brother to five R.O.M~. cows. \u-n... Gain. n5144._Rm-n March -20.- = 25c Sire IS DPOEDGI` IO IIVB .l.1..U.LVL'. UUW5. Walker Gm. 95144-Born March-20; 1921. Bred October. 2, 1925. Sire. King Walker Canada, 30820. Dam, Ykema Gem. 2363!}. . L "record when made. Yearling`!-iei_f er From Above--BcA>rnV -January 12, 1925. To be registered. - Edwina Komdyke, 743,90-Bom Oct- ober 21, 19.17. Due.Apri1 28,1926. Sir. Maple Hill Edwm-d.,18318. Dam. Laura Corinna DeKol 20173.. u.:..'. nan: I`-`mm Abava--B0rn.ADr1I 16, 1925. To be re I_aterea.. . . Alice Johanna. arton. 726,57--Born March 8. -1919. Heifer calf at foot. Sire. I-Iartog Daisy Boy. 30618. `Dam, Bessie Johana Komdyke.' 31987. Every dam but one on her pedigreehas good of- `ficinl record. ' one with over 30 lbs. butter, 7_ days. , . . T V , Yearling He`fer `From Above`-Born Janunry 19, 1926. .'[`n he` r2i.stered.. Ginnnu Fnkn Kamdvka. 133705-'-Born! G1iAUwi5--uolstexn cuw. 0 yrs! `mu. `heifer, calf at toot, extra good gradegl Holstein/ cow. 7 yrs., due June 17: Hole` stein cow, 8 yrs., due by sale: Holstein cow, aged, milking-well; good `Dur- ham cow, 8 yrs; just fresh. Al-`nun nun nvfrn nhninn lnfn hf ROWE. January 19, 1:920. -'l_`0' he rerzx.-n.e1'eu.y 1 Gipsey Echo Komdyke, 13.3706-'-Born Februzugy 28. 1923, milkitfg. Sire. Gin- sey Echo, 47024. Dam. Edwina Kory- `dyke, 74390. -- . - Mannin Kant Posch. 51411-B0!'n Cor1nne__DeKol 20173.. Heifer. alf rom Above-A-Born.Ap`r1I 0 be i_atered., Ali..- Jnlugnnn n-tun. 72857--Born nam cow-. 5 yr:-1.. JUBI. u'tu-su. Above are extra choice lots of cows. ~*givin'g extra "cich milk. Our test at Farmers Dairy Feb. 27. 1926, was 4.1% fat, which is over $5. /,, richer than ,\stzmdm~d. Also had at test at Dept. of Health. City Hall. jtjoronto, ot-':4.2?>/,,. All will ,be sold jwithout res'e1'v_e as fthe owner has returned to his former _ ___,.,'__L.t_._ -1'18Hll.I1, L;lL_V nnu. 1,u1'uu|.u, `the owner Ioccupation. ' "Pm-ma nf QnI:.-..W.1:-rht mm 1 `dyke, 74390. - - V- Maggie Kent Pouch. 51411-Born March 28, 1917. Helfewcalf at foot. Sire. Gano Schulllmg Podch, 26115. Dam.'_ Maggie Kent, 12866. A . Yearling"-Heifer From Above--Born January 6. 1926. To be registere . GRADES--I-Iolsteln cow. 6 yr `*o1d. 1...uv.... now of wnnt nvfrn crnn mvndez I)'7() VOL CIIIIIUIII IJI-L but I.Ill4v-`III: Good train service both ways.'C .N.R. Fzwm only 3_minutes from station. ~ vn_u- -L 1 ..v___ 11-1 .A 1u|'..I'1.....I..-... A-nun`- -I'la|`I|l UIIIJ u_aAnnuavuu-\.u u-no u -.--._- Isnle at 1 pm. - W. A. Elcconitey. zxucti .' ' , OF _ , FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS; The undersigned has received in- structxons from ; :.O--n -uguou 15$`: ~ C&oiDE$' Iviluiuwunu , the following; -CATTLE~~Roay1 cow. 6 yrs. old. due May 20: Holstein cow, 5 yrs., due Apr.` `.15; Holstein cow, 8 yrs.. due Apr. 20; Holstein cow. 8 yrs. old, milking: Ayr- "iahlre cow.-6 yrs..'due (Apr. 21: Jersey cow,_5 yrs. old, milking and due Nov- ember 14; blue roan dow.-6 yrs. old. mi1king.and di.te`July 26: red heifer. milking and due O ct. 11; ivheifer calf. 8 _ Imnntlm old. - A . r.rnn:l'I:Ver_ nu rnuvin 1`) vvn nld! `occupation. I ` Tevms of Sale--Eight months credit `will be given to parties fur-nishing_a.p-' provedkjoint notes. Those from a dis- tance must furnish bank references. 6%- per annum off for cash. , IVA): L....l-. .-qn-..uolnn.Ir\nl>In Iuvntvu (`MD Imonth Old. HORSES--\-`Bay mare. 12_ fro. 5141;" brown `mare, 12 yrs. old. ` L iPIGS.---Good Yorkshire` sow and `7 xx gs. ., 1 v - 1 IMPLEMENTS--Frost & Wood bin- der. good order;- cultivator; set har- rows; seed drill; root pulper; sat scal- es, 2000 lbs`., nearly new: Renfrewl sep- arator, nearly. newpwagop "and ` box, I 1150, uuu 5.11;. g...` 1 Durhang'.jaGow,,-~7? V _.-, due `Apr.{15g ? 1* Durham, ow g; 4; :due' by`2,sa1e._ 1 Durha`m?.`~H9i9_r;_Ld e by sale date`. ` 2LDurham _H9i`1'ers,`=due-Vin A rili Fa Pure -Bred` vHoI'stei!_1Gow, yrs; I K old`, with calf'atJIoot. V ; `nnrn mi! -I'~IA)`|l A " old.` by"Vdate'*;9!- sale-. ~ C A '.'I... -' I- 3 ... "J-u`. UL-nu ' "A \lI_\l `gun It 2--wv an--wv 1 Ayrliigr "4! dub -Api, :4; lA',r; M.I'g i.vv .'~ * '?c`1:1f'tLo6t-.- l` Aygipe " , ol, 4`,Yi's., .ca1f t fo.ot. 7 -1 Ayrshire Gov. -`6`.;yrs_-,. , 511.97!!! sale. 1 Ayrs hireT;H_'e_i_fer, due_AAp1".' 15 \ 1 Ayrd!;ire,.G9__w. Airs. due Apt. 6. ` 1 Jerseycbw, 5` yrs., cine by sale. 3 1 ersey Bow. Q du_"by sale`. - 1 urhvz/urn C'_ow,;\5calf Ktloot. 1' Durham cow,` 6 ,y1fs`., `(#311 at foot.` .1 Durh_uu:`;Cxovq,~'4~ 8., due Apr.` 1 ' ;.-. due_15s Durha`:ii10ow H due by`.-sale. 1-\.-_I..-...'. v.`m.'.l n-r 1| 4: luv. ugh: 11:1-A 5 sun uy yuuuyunpvugu Angus,` o;I}a2;' if M9N"_Y':~.MA" 29 SCPUCEIOHS ITO! I `DAVE TAYLOR Lot 15, Con. s, lnni 1.. ...ll Run nunII`A`=n ..u..H..-. U uvno nag run. - vvv-w -..-- `-- TUE`.SD__AY_, __MARCH 30; if` C 3, TC-I , --nu-r-tu- to seli by public auction on -an his-`KC! llAl\II out % cRzD1_'_1;- am. fhe gnHei'si`g'ned W.il1f$4ll b,y p.blig au%ctio`n% at . .J_'-`~..L'."? '.'_;'.a'. .i-'.A..`.'_ `_"a. '. ._ .- 4- 1 4 :1-1' lava:-J 5: . .In:.. ......&In-. Al 18 ny;_saIe._ * ` , , 1.,` . sale flute`. ` Tprms of Sale-%-Six _p1_onths , credit Agouli; j will:-.be~'giyen to palftles fumishingj gpprowad Joint ..notea-rQ.%~-..per.:=-aix-i ; ` ; mm 08 101' {cash-;:x~ ;;."; ~t- .~ ha Vvlhvjnijjc Mar. 20--A`9ve'r`y happy soc_ial `eiren- ing was enjoyed by- young and old members and adhettents of the United Church on the evening of March 19 in the Orange I-113,11.` `All Joined-. heartily in games, new and old./and appreciated the .dellc!o`us refreshments provided `by the lad!es.`It_ was decided to hold an Easter week nTght service nd` a com- mittee was" appointed to arrange for` a good program. who Lamps . Aid M the United Church 7Mar. .23--Rev. Dr. iveritbrg Saturday to Bala. to.tp,ke the services` of the Prgsbyterian church on Sunday. vvr A-u4-__-_- -__AI ....... Ala `nu-hat" 0V8!` aunaay Wunitrlenuu at xmulviuv. ' ` Miss Edith _McKever, who has been in the R.V. Hospital for>se`vAeral weeks, `is improving nicely. George Shannon -and family. Ahav.e rhoved to his px-operty._rscently pur- bhased in Barrie. ` ~ /. ' 1.-.1... rzm-Ann`-hm! n`vArV mmna'as:fIxl' "change In tne assessment U118-ye',u`.` 'I_`h'e robins, of which we: have heard -so much about in other _pla(es, have not yet put in an- appearance here, There nasined awav on Saturday; not yet put in an a.ppea.r;u_1ue u::re_. There passed away on Saturday. .Me;r.' 20,`at' the RV`. Hospital, N. Hook in his. 85th year. He was an old "and respected citizen of Cundles `for`ma.ny- years until` '9. few; years ago when he- `went-;to,live with his- son. He was a very intelligent man. an expert garden- er and loved owers. The funeral took place on Mar. 22 from ,'1`. Nash s,resid- ence. Grove St.,_'to the `Union cemetery. 'Dhe` family have the sincere sympathy of'their many friends here. ` ` 8, good prqgram. D The Ladies` Aid of the United Church have had 3, very busy winter.`_'I`he chief activity has been in piecing and quilt- ing quilts of `which twenty-one have hnnn nnn .0: the Htesnyterxan cnurcn 011 Duuupy. -Mrs. W? Storey an son ,B ob, `spent Sunday with frie ds at Elmvale. Minn Edith `N|'nI(Avm~_ who has been -unaseu m harms. - 1; * L , John Gor_don"had a`ve1:y suc_c,e'ssfulL sale on` Saturday. , A f ~ ' he township assessor, who calls at -every. home, has made considerable change in the assessment this .yeai'. * rm-m u-nmm: nf whinh `we; have heard lug, quutu been done. l Che Mah. Barnux'f1's famous midget.` | 3%` inches` high, is dead-at Chicago, aged 0 utuucnv 111511, 1n_ uvau'uI. \JIlA\.au/5/ti, spans. 88. \- Barc1ay s Bank of London anhounced that women 0}: its staff. who marry _mut resign. A\ . ` - 5,uuu 551.7503. - I,M,PLEM`ENTS---.McCormick -binder. - good repair; ,P,eter-`Hamiltoh mower: s'u`-lky vrake;'."'cu`-1tivator; gang plow, scuffler; single. plow. Cockhutt No. 21; seed. drill disc, good as new; set iron harrows. nearly new; rubber-tir- ed buggy..'nearly .new; cutter` set of` sleighs; ,set light s1e_ighs;,fa.nn_n'g mill; cream separator, nearly new; grind- stone; hay mack: set of double hat- nes; set ofplow harness; set of-single harness; a. qua tity of timothy -h y; a. quantity of 1; 11113. hay; 100 bus. 0 3; 100 bus. barley. ' ` - . 1>r:\~rvmrn1"r1\'l"I'\ 13:-r131\.71'rn1'7u1:1 `fin.-.- I . . the fol1ow1ng:_ - I-IORSES`--B'ay mare. 10 yrs. old, gen? purpose; black mare, 8 yrs. old, in foal to Clarion; driving horse, 12 yrs.; bay horse, 5 yrs. old, heavy; horse, 4 yrs. Iold, heavy: colt, 2 yrs. old, heavy`; lyearling colt, heavy. v . ` rqArnrn1' 1:! ......... IIl\CII A `nan and Ann The undersigned has received in- structions from ` '- 4_.__-__ ----.- '7" 'o's=~'" L FARM s To<;K AND IMPLEMENTS _y vou. salsa \I\-lllq navy-4 v ,1 n - _ CA'.I`TLE-grey cow, 6 yrs. old, due in May; grey he1fer., 3 yrs._ old, due in April; grey heifer,`2~ yrs. old; 2 two- year-'old ,catVt1e.. '- ' T DTIVQ A1\YT\ Dn1'1"I .m'Dv_'I2unAA chm Juan *vnu lvvovvovv PIGS A D _POULTRY-Brood s'o_w. due to pig by sale; 5` good pews, 6 monthsfold; 9 store pigs, 6 months;, 30 good hens. . .' * ' v"ll"l'\Y I`.1`l`.1 \rT7I IIEI 'nl...r1.-.4......!..I- , 1.d..A.u.. | HoUsEHoI:i) . FURNI'1?URE_--'-Que- bec heater; range, burns coal. wood or oil. nearly `new; 2 bedroom suites: n umber chairs; extension table; side- board: dishes and other articles. -3 .._I_ All .___.__... -1 oinnn uuunug ulwuv H. A t u u . a u n u. a v a v n v an Tezfms of sale--,ATll sums of $16.00 and under, ash; over.tha.t` amount 10 months ore it will_*be given`_ to parties furnlh1ng'a.pproved- joint notes. 6%` per annum off! `for cash on credit` sums. A-II _-:-n 1.- ...;.1.I ...:L1.....4. .......i...... `J05 l|aIIIl\-ACID vqn bun uuuna vs: V. V... us.--..... All will be sold withoutresrvg. Sale at_1p._m. W. A. Mccoqkey, Auct. \ .' nearly new: `set sleighs; buggy; cutter? single plow, Fleury No. .21, new; single plo_w,-'Fleur,y No. 13._ nearly new; Ver- ity gang plow; fanning mi1l_wlth bag- 4ge_r; set heavy bgeching harness; set plow harness; set single _ha.rness; Que- ;bec heat_er. with `oven; Crown Huron range; box stove:_;also forks. chains. doubletrees and manylother articles. . TERMS OF SALE-All sums 01 $10 and under ; cash; over that amount 8 months credit will e given to patties furnishing approve ` Joints `notes. 6% per annum 911 for cash on credit sums. "All will he sold without` r_els`erves "as proprietor is `giving nmtarmlhg. Sale at 1 pm. .W. A..McCfonl_ce`y. Auct: vv nun: Iv. `Jinn: .- U!-Ovv-Irgg .wEDNED1_sj_i, 1_v1ARc' 31 .l. Dluq noun pow I) Jim, uue .9; acne. 1 Ho_l'steiu.Co.w,:1_yrs.,_due b ' sale. 1.Holatgin Cow, 4-,.,y_1#s.,* due .pr..-6. 1 Holstein Cow, 5 yrs.,~ sine Apr. 8. '1 I-I91atein..C.ow, 7 v , ,_ue bysale. 5 Durham Heifers, yrp. ,old. - ' -5,D.u1'ham' Steers, 2yrs-. old;-' . ' 'I'mXa 34: run; A` I-`In 1-n:|uI' 1h"d' II` nnnra -'o.u.urnuu Dbvura, a yrq`. Ulur Thisjggne of the best lots` of cov;s V sold i'n `Barrie for a long time. They ire all young T` cows- in gogid .con-` d_itioq..ax)d the ght tye for niillg`grs.; u ` LII end In: -51:11!` uIH4|nIlC- ".F`A`AIlI1A'? 1 ao1ti_n_c6w,` 6 _jcau2I at to'.e. L lolstein cow; ,8 fyrs,, due by sale. %3`r.2..2:.&sW2 ,.??-vd:32h;`: .':r2F- !V10n~8!}Q W119 type Io_r`m1u;rs.. ;_All will` be sold without ';r`e .se;'ve.* 1?: at, vg-u. -, -- to sell by public auction '91} .--gm :-anus a up an niutulj VI. `ICU I7? W? V. . 1 2! : yr; .0?.'.y,I'8-%..c ;Gow6 yrs. |. yrs , eifr. ,3Y1`3~ (`mu 4 n -`TA .. ,hire`H.`.... .i "" `h I Air:-dlnlvin . .-.$l U!'uUlilUIlEl .!.l.`U.llI \ GRAHAM BROS. 3 Lot 13,` Con. [4, Orov 1.. ...1l Lu ...l.1.'n nun!-3;... `nu CREDl_'I_; _sAu: WAVERLEY a splenam ume. . Thos_. White's saw, `uivm.-h" wa.s'.ne1d' last Tuesday, war dc-u1_ded success. Everything sold at `a high price. "He is span. moving into N_\ew_ Lowell. / A vm~v measam eve-nine` wassnent last r'r1ua.y a.I-teruuull, ;ua.1'.uu a. ~ ' The Dramatic Society held a banque lasit Tues`da.y evening a,t"the' home-of Mr. and Mrs. Halbert. After zm ap- Vpetizlng repepst a. `meeting was held to -settle up thebusiness `after the play Professor. Pepp." The` vmalnder of evening was spent in piaying pro- .gresslve crockinole. Eyerybudy reports splendid time. J 'l"hn9:, Vvhitds sale. {)Vhn:h' V\"a.L'..held. wn1(;n.1uncn_ Was setveu. ; Mr. and Mr`s. Ear1.T`homas entertain- ed aunumbr of young people H their neighborhood last Wednesday. The ev- ening` `was spent playing progressive euchre, after which refreshments -were served. Everybody present reported "a good time. . , Mr and Mrn, A, Andnrnnn and child- good ume. A Mr. and Mrs. A. Anderson and child- ren of Bethel are moving xrhis week to his Tfa,ther s farm near; Everett. 1|! uni! `MI :-u A 1\/| nT.nnr'| `nn. Min is ivlsltllng-a1 . Jno. Manners. ` I Congratulatiops to Mr. and Mrs-. Ed. Paddi_son.on-\th'e arrival of 9.. baby g'*\irl _'last Friday afternoon, March 19. Thn nrnmnfin Qnninhx held 9. hanauet To be regxsterea. r Tidy Lyons Pontiac. 101225-Born| April 10. 1922. Bred February 25'. 1926. -`Sire, Lyons Pontiac Champion, 36149. ~.Dam, Komdyke Belle Johanna. 79924. A granddaughter of Bella; `Pontiac . 1573 lbs. butter In one year, world's "record when made. . \IA-unlinn -uwn FIMIWI AbD\IQ:BOrn auuu- lllyvaasa .uu.u . V". `V V... -A `very pleasant evening was.spent last Friday at the -home of Mr. and Mrs` Jno. , M. Mur wry when the two _senior- 'clV -of _ e Sunday School met `to hold tjeins onthly social. The time after the ebus`1nes,s meeting as spent . in playing, games, etc, .a ten` l whi<;h'.lunch was served. Mr. andtMr`s. Earl.Thomas entertain- HIS ,Ia.[IleI"S I-';l.I`IIl near-._ E4Vl't'-LL. Mr. and Mrs. A. McLeod `and-Miss `Clara Pearson of North \Sunnida.'le, `Sundayed at Jos. Got-don g. ' Miss B. Reypo1dg`seemed`. co enjoy her trip vei'y much on Saturday, go- ing with the. mail.` J. `McGruther. who has been assistant blacksmitnwith H. Lawrence, moved `last weekvto Staynr. where he xyvill continue `btacksmithing. Tllldn Tflnln `Ila:-`how ulonf fn Qfiavnnr CUl'll'.lHUB_ U1a.c1uunu,uu1,=-_',. ` Miss Viola Barber went to Stayner today having secured a position there.. - :21", 7.... x1`__.__._. _..-..A. .. 3-... 2..-... l.vuu_v uuvnua uvvun wvl w yuu....v.. ---v- .... "jMiss Jean Mu!-ray spent a few days with her sister,VMrs. Arthur Dopson, at Utopia last week, 1\/hm Jnhn hivnn and Mrs. Thns. at Utopxa last ween. Mrs, John Dixon and Mrs. Thos. Rowe spent last Wednesday afternoon at Geo; Carter s._ . . Tnn fnunn TT T4` l\ 'u`\{!\V\nI' Innn I U80. URPLEI` B.` .103. Gordon. U.F.0. `shipper, loaded a carload of `stock today.- ` "Flynn fnnnrnl. nf 9111: Info Mrn nn,V9f- _a carxoaa OI BEOCK touuyu The funerul- of the late Mrs. Haver- croft of Toronto was held here Satur- day on the arrival of the noon` train. Interment was made in the Union cemetery at Stmnldale. is :visiting.a't J no. Mathei-s . Liar. 22--M1a`s M;)rto`n of -'B"radfo_rd (`nna'I'nI'19.`Hnn tn Mr. and Mrs-. (From Another Correspondent) Mar; 20-On St. Patrick's Day young'people of the nited Church gathered at the parson ge on the `in- vitation of Rev.`J. F. G. and Mrs. Mor- ris for an evening of fun and frolic. The spirit of St. Patrick welcomed the guests. The rooms were festive with streamers of 'paddy_ green, feathery hemlock and shamrocks. Irish games. music and legends 0,! St. Patrick and his beloved Ireland were `much enjo.v- ` ed. Mrs. Thos. Rumble and Mrs. Her- shel Rumble assisted Mrs. Morris. _._u_a_ n4__x-A.__ -1 L1... D1101 Jvulllulv uwwuanuyuu nuns-an The Young` People's Society of the United Church has been providing splendid programmes each Monday ev- ening since their organization. in the autumn, which are much` appreciated as iseevidenced by the fact that the at- tendance of junior, senior and adult members of the congregation is very gratifying. The program, Monday, Mar. 28, is being preparedby the citizenship department, under the leadership of Jas. Martin. Commencing Monday ev~ ening Dr. E. R. Tyrer will give the first, of a series of lectures on First Aid and I-IV_vg_iene. It -is hoped that all who are interested in good health will avail themselves of the opportunity to hear a these practical talks. A. I "Fhn nrimnrv 0192215: hi the ITnit'e\Sun-1