1'96; :Se4c_.on-d Forms- IIIIDDUU 15 Ul..l11l.'llIEll- I An excellent report of the meeting of the Ontario.Fairs Association was `ven by Philip Love. It is hoped to earth ' I-`In (!ntrnvnsnnnn onnrnnr:nHnn `-rrv---vv- vv \D\4IQL vvnvln vnanu Awuvusuo Several directors urere of the op- 'inion that the special features, such as acrobats, etc., which cost a lot of money, might be dispensed with and something of more local interest sub- stituted. Softball tournament and tulg-of-war were two things suggest- e . Committees Named Attractions '+ Messrs. Cameron, Malcomson and Stephens. . 'F1-on]: _: `Manure Q4-nnlsnna (Tux 1VLalUUlll3Ull auu 9|-ICIJIICIID} I Track -- `Messrs. Stephens, Cuff and Hxcklmg. ' 6 _ . . _ __j `I'.1--`L`L:L._ II_..__._ I -__- 3!-ICUIJCLVCIIQ . Fmance --A- Messrs. Hlckhng, Ma!- comson, Cameron 'and Knowles. T_:rn]-ii-`:`u'n\osnu _j Manama r`n1n-nnnnvu ILUIIIICUX, DU lIl.lCD CH IXllUWlCDu _ Cattle -- Messrs. Sutherland, Wig- gins and_.Carr. - .Qnr{nn __ Manor: `X7-into-iii: (`.91-1- 1 appointed to deal with this feature. It is the intention to offer prizes for t-he"best collective exhibits by Women s Institutes. A `committee consisting of D. H. Coleman, W. G. Kennedy and J. A. MacLaren were (I-__,._,_I ,1 GIp;:c;:;.Exhibits--Messrs. Love, Malcomson and MacLaren. ` ' 'I)..2...I.:..._ V `II .._........ I`... .... .... A E'f HLGIUUIIIBUII auu LVl.GULlC.l'C.ll- Printing -- Messrs. Cameron and MacLare .. - 'I_ _...._ ` II -_........ 'Q'1..`I-12.... 'Il..1 Uameron and Jsnowles. Light `Horses -->-_ Messrs. Coleman, Wiggins and Sutherland. noon`: nnwann __ Manure (for-Hi: VV 1551113 auu uuuucxxauu. _ Heavy Horses - Messrs. Martm, Kennedy, Scythes and Knowles. -(".131-4-`In _ nder: Qiaflnnrlnri. `Ina-_ 31113 uu_.\.aau:. . ` Sw1ne V-- Messrs. Wlggms, Carr and. Warmca. ' ' . cn.___~ .1u'-.....'../ 1' :-_'...`-...|..... n-1- uuut VVG!.'IIlUGo 1 /' V. . . Sheep - Messrs. Llvmgston, Cole- man, Yeates and Martin. 'Dnv1` Mnnawn Mn1nnnnann (`ml-P IIICIII, LCCIICS auu llll. U111: . Poultry-_--Messrs. Malcomson, Cu and Knowles. 1\...'..... `l'I._...I-- -'- 1I'...._._.. 'IT....L.\.. auu .l\IlUWl.Uo I Dalry Produce .-- Messrs. Yeates, Love, Livingston and Warnica, T,nA:nu Wnnb __,, Anni: Qfnnhnnn flue Illfh `Z 171635175: LILGCJJCIVUII and Coleman. , . - Roots - Messrs. Livingston, Suth- erland, Scythes and Yeates. ('11-gin .__ Macaw (Ynrr Warning, _..., --.-.. -.7..--. -vnnv -vrvuvvuagn The collection of potatoes was cut out.. `The opinion was expressed by Mr. Page that farmers should not be encouraged to grow more than -one, variety of potatoes, as buyers prefer to get all one variety in a shipment if possible. (3 There will be three class- es of potatoes, for the Irish Cobbler type. the Dooley type and the Green Mountain type, and in order to en- courage the growing of the spuds the prizes will be increased` to $3, $2 and $1 in each of the sections. A third prize will be addedin the eld roots section. 2- AL- _'._L__A.:-,, L- ,11I- uuve, uxvungalauu Zulu -vv 5111106. . Ladies Work--Messrs. Stephens, Malcomson and MacLaren. Fine Arts -- Messrs. MacLaren _-_-1 f1_`l__-__. I 035 BB Duuu-:nu1u GHQ uuxcluau. ~Sch oo1V Fairs -Section -- Messrs. Livingston, Love, `Sutherland and -Wiggins. . 1 Fruits - Messrs. Knowles and Coleman`. . ` Plants and. Flowers - Messrs. MaqLaren, Carr and Malcomson. Garden Produce -- Messrs. Love, Yeates, `Coleman and Sutherland. 'l`1\n i-`ref 1'IIA'I":I\I|Il" {an not-JI nnw\._ IUKDUS, _.\JUlI=llIIIll flllu. .CUlllU.l1ullU.o _ The nrst mentloned In each com-. rhlttee 1s cha1rma`n. A- _..--Il-_1. ..._..-..a. -1 LL- .......a.:...... I EIVCII DJ .4: I-ILIIP IJUVCo LI; .| IIUPCU DU RV e `-the Government appropriation for "fair grants increased from $85,: 000 to $100,000. Mr. Love reported that practically all the fairs in the \ . ." A . . bnlvrnnn man! to nitric an in *nr\1cc1n*n euuuuz DUJIIIIUB auu '.lCG|aUDu I ` Gram Messrs. Carr, Warmca, Sutherland and Coleman. 11-1.`- -1 13-}... G-._L-_ 'Il........... Byx-`way of. encouraging thrift and stimulating the -interest of employ- ees ;in the company they work `for, the... Bell Telephone Company has made it: easy for telephone workers to abecogne owners of shares in the company- As the annual report for _1925 discloses; no less than .8255 em-' ployeesphave subscribed fo stock~to the amount. of 26,528 sha es. This means. -`that seventy` per \cent. of el- igible employees are in- process of becomingxshareholders, indicating as the report says a commendable ten, dency towards saving and ,thrift, 11 ,GlBU `UClUl1UUo c In cattle it was decided to add a class for.Baby- Beef. This will be divided. into , yearling steer, senior calf and junior calf. There will be ,three prizes ($5, $3 and $2) in each section. It was felt that the special of $10 given for the best fat steer was not satisfactory, as all ages were in competition. so it was agreed to add this additional .class, which should make an attractive feature of the cattle show and should encourage the boys to enter their calves. r Prizes for Alfalfa A section for alfalfa was added to the seed section. It was suggested that the `seed exhibits be protected so that people would not be able to get their hands into the bags and throw back seed into the wrong bags, as has been `done repeatedly. WVL- ..-1'l--A_.`-_. -L -_-.L_L_-, _ --J: Ieau, Wisdom ; `The directors of Barrie Fair met on Friday afternoon, when the prize list and {committees were re- vised and plans for the fair discuss- ed.` All the members were present, except` Major Knowles and E. A. Cuff." The District Representative also was present and made some val- v uable suggestions. C. M. Hickling, the. president, was in the chair. Changes in Prize List Several important changes were made in -the.prize list. In the horses the main one was wipingout the General Purpose class and substitut- ing- Percherons therefor. For sever- al 'years_ there has been iiery little competition in the Genera Purpose sections and there has been "some dif- culty. in judging Percherons with the other Heavy Draught horses, so it was thought advisable to make the change. The Thoroughbred class was alsoideleted. .* ' T... ....A.J.l.. :L ..-.... .I-_:_I_.1 ;.- _J:i _ rrs commrrrms ` rok BARRIE FAIR Luau ..j)l'i1L'|alUlI.l].y' (I11 I11!!! 1.6116 All but .9vmce. [now charge an admusslon ee of at least 35 cents. - the `Y9? ouns bbed Revisio ` pf. Prize. List Makes T Several Important ` Changes. gnaw; Irv Iv KAI-pl uuvv Anna n--nun yr... no In r;EFresom,&h, m`o1vstV g-$1,-s, lb.1 it EMPLOYEES BuY_s,'rocK No.` 1 l . 1 16% PAGES On Wednesday, menv engaged in excavating at the oldyQueen?s Hotel property, which F. W.Living~ston is ` cleaning up preparatory to erecting a new building, dug;up.two or three _bottles of champagne which had been buried in '-the debris since the hotel was burned in 1915. The bottles were in- good condition with the seals unbroken. Jno. Powell, manager oil the Grand Opera House, wishes to announce `that he has booked the following `pic- tures 1to `be shown short1y:- .The Bat, 12-reel production; Sir John Martin Harvey in The On l Way ' (7 reels) ;,Wm. S._Hart in unable- weeds (7 reels); Ben,Hur, mass- ive 14_g,reel production with large. or- chestra and. effects; ax_1d_"i`he Big Parade, 12-reel production with an orchestra of eleven,piece_s"an& effects. nofnu -Fn-E Fhnuo 1-rin1'I1i-nu "`-'un"` Ba The Board of Works hav had a gang of men cleaning out the-`gutters and making ditches next the _c'1_1rbs', t9 -be ready for the thaw when it ar- raves. .' UIUIIUEIIIZI. U1 _ClCVC]_I, PICUQB (III-l"CllUU Iro Dates for these plctures "w.ilI` be announced later. _ __ ". 11x avia. obue auu DU WU.` `When listening "to Dr. _W. E. Gallie. s talk or behalf `of the new hospital for sickzchildreh. the speak- er said he. was struckwith one state- ment, when Dr. Gallievsaid that one reason for this new building was be- cause the .se rvice clubs were doing so m_uch for underprivileged children and sending so many to the Sick Children's Hospital_ for treatment that the accommodation there `was overtaxed. The service clubs. said the speaker. are deserving of great nraise for the work thus being done. It was. he considered. one of the en- couraging signs of the times. . Importance of Forage Crops . Turning to his subject, Mr. Carroll said" that there arein Ontario `fteen million acres of cleared land. Of this 85% is devoted to raising feed for live stock, so Ait` evident that ` this is the main feature` of farming. (Continued on page 4) IBIG PICTURE ATTRACTIONS ` COMING TO THE GRAND The` annual report of Barrie `Pub- lic Library for the'ye_ar 1925, pre- pared by AMiss McPhee, Librarian, shows a totalissue of 39,978 books, just-a few short of the number cir- culated in 1924. Of this total there were 8635 non`-cltign, the mostused classes of these being biography, tra- vel, history and literature, ' " 2 'I`1nn+ 4-I-in Rn-arr`-4b hi-notlnvv `nurses- BOTTLES OF CHAMPAGNE . FOUND IN HOTEL-`RUINS J4 PUBLIC LIBRARYINR-1925. ISSUED 39,973 BOOKS V81, HlSlaU1'y,i1.l1U l.ll_.:U.l.'G|Il4l_l. C_o ` 7 _ Thatpthe B0al`d'1S steadily increas- ing the class `section of the -lib- rary and thus. `making it of greater benet :to the '-citizens _is- shown by the expenditures` for 'l)'o0'ks_.;` 'A_=A'tot'a1 of $393.78 was-`spent _on"this -solid reading -as compared with $449.08 for ctiong, The reading room also is kept supplied W-ith_`hi'gh-class per- liodials. .: ` ' * JINL- A.-L..`l ..-..-..-L....._ -tnnz ...-........ lU|.l1\Ldl.Dn The total receipts for 1925 were $3997.23, including _$329.65 from the previous year., The'.inunicipal levy yielded $3122.70 and;the` other main items were $260 from government grant, $123-from rents and $139.28 fromnes, etc. The're{was a balance of $845.40~'On hand a_t the close of the year. v ' I `W11-n{vu-9 109K AOQ -1rn11`1v-nan morn Philosophy . . Religion . . . . . . Sociology .. . . Philology . . . . . . Natural Science . Useful Arts . ..,. Literature ;. `History . .1` . . "1;-ave1;. .. ~.1o ap y .. >n ~"oI. 0'0: _Refe.l1-e;ace`. .. .. year. `_ , During 1925, 4.93 volumes were added to the shelves, bringing the total number of books up to-10,014. Details of Circulation * `-_ Adult Juvenile Philosophy . . -.-. . 49 , 0 . . .: 191 120 .. .. 93 1086 41 -o ,, .-. . ,231 1552,-"' .117 .24 . . 1569 .~ 171 "History; .,`T..;. ' . .. 480 255 Travel :. 732 588' V ~`i graphy . _. . . 534 -87 o IIOQCII) nnnn - AL- .._ uxxvaxlu IIU CICBLC 8 greaterflnterest in and to" secure a larger acreage, of this very protable forage crop. About sixty farmers were present as `guests of Kiwanians and listened with very evident interest to an ex- cellent address by J. A. Carroll, B.S. A., Assistant pirector of District. Re- presentatives; I. Marritt, the chair- man-, -in introducing the speaker, stated that he` had made a specialty of alfalfa and when District Reme- sentative in Peel brought. it to a frontipl-ace among the .-xl.Ealfa~-grow- ing counties of the province. . _ Barrie Club s Work Praised . In opening his `address, Mr." Carroll referred to the good work done by the Barrie Kiwanis Club last year. It had attracted attention all. over the province andgthis" year several places are copying Barrie s `excellent example. The splendid__meeting he was -ad-dressin {was a fine indication that the rela ions," between Barrie and its contiguous territory were such as should exist between-farm and town. - ' 1"lTL-_. 1g._,;,,,,-,, ,, - . ~.-. ... _. lled it to HAD! - Growing More Alfalfa Urged; Could. Add $750,000 to , SimC0e s Yield. _,_ Last Friday was Alfalfa Day at the Barrie Kiwanis Club, this special day having been [arranged by the dir- ectors in connection with" the cam- paign which is `being carried on in Ontario to create a greaterfinterest to" secure a laranr at-rnnnm A! KIWANIANSHAVE _ FARMER cums ON ALFALFA DAY . E3555 . . 694 2_7;50.'1 - 1,3z?~71 7736 664 Wham e dic- , law well ritish. out- calf`-. mg UIVIBIUIIE _ \ ~ ~ Yea--Jarvis, Moran, Rogers, Gor- ing, Knight. ' ` Mon -inid. `I .num_. -M'n('-'.un'30`. ' Craighurst; `G`o0d._ "music;-.'l1inch.;pro- Trinity Dfamatic Club will present `f_The Little" Glo'dhopper,~ Apr. 1'4 and 15. ~ ,. 4 ' I 10tfc On Sattfrday, Apr. `3-, the Catholjlci Women's League will hold a ,_sa1e.;of;r homemade. baking"and' candy. A'fter_-`J ` noon tea will be served. _ '_ c St; Patrick : Tea. Orange '~I-Iall, Thornton, Friday, Mar. -19, 3.30 to_; 6.30` p.m., `and. sale of homemade dainties, `auspices 'Townline Ladies" Aid. ' . -. '_ ` l . Dance In VCr_a`1gfhu_1srt;`JIall Easter V Monday,.Apr.>-5,auspices L. .L.`='985., _ vided.` ` `Admissipn .953` t1'x,#extra.' Everybody _vv%_eel::`>,:xl_1e.~h I Wu: HPFCHI IIU LJUUIIUII: IV 13 JIUU lull to say that I don't object. `On Fri- day night I objected to several mat- ters." ' T\..-guL-- Dnaurq I-':nVr`I1n\'au \unu\13nA "VETS." . . De ut -Reeve Mccuaig `replied! that e ad referred to the V. O.- N. I, ant and /Ald. Jarvis stated that he . ad been considering the matter in- his. mindand so had saidnothing. L_!._.. A._1..-.. LL- _... lllw IloaI|\p.vIao\a av on-nun -4-ups. nation---at On a vote -bein `taken, the am-.1 _endm defea ed on the follow- ing dwxslon: ' 1 Vnu_,Tuv\yu Mnvnn Rnanrc nv- 1118', nrugnt. ` 4 I . Nay - -Craig,_ Lowe,- Mccuaig, Byrne, Lower, Creswicke,'Duf!, - Wanted Fair Grant Cut Out - Ald. `Jarvis then introduced Ahnoth-. er amendrnentto the` report, thatthe grant to the Agricultural Society -be struck out, but` that Council guar- antee that, in the event of a decit, they will assist the Society to the ex- tent of $500. ~ J " - I0...-..l.mu 4-A L";-. 1-nv|vIA'V|r1V\IAV.I+ A1!` ten): OI $DUU. ` . Speaking to his amendment, Ald. Jarvis `stated that -the Agricultural Society should try to stand on its. own feet. He stated that he is `in sym- pathy with the Society; he is a "large exhibitor, a 'udge `and a shareholder, but he feltt at they shouldtry tp ~'be. :...l..........'.l.\nJ- .. .,. ... .......- ......-.......... . , The only discussion of the evening} occurred when Ald. Jaryis moved in amendment that the grant to the, V. 0. N. be increased to $500. Deputy- Reeve M_cCuaig took exception to Ald.-Jarvis action` in introducing an amendment when he had not object- ed to the re ort at the committee meeting. A d. Jarvis raised no ob- jection whatever in the committee.'| declared Deputy-Reeve McCuaig. Hg he had, the report might have been changed then. If he` is going tohuck reports in Council in this manner when he has neglected to object in committee, I am going to challenge his right to a seat in this Council, on the ground that `he is teaching in the schools of the (town. - -awuuvv-... -u- vvw I have raised protests on several occasions, retorted Aid. Jarvis, and Deputy-Reeve McCuaig has never voiced his opinion on anything.` V He is noted for sitting -pat. If "I can't get! consideration in committee, I will appeal to Council. It is not fair {'n can 4-Knlv T Jnsi l- nl-rinnf. `nu 'Wri..| ne of death. mvtr uub nu J.cua_um independent. FHL- .....-~.J` or it. ~ _ , v The report of the Fire and _Police Committee, presented by the` acting chairman, First Deputy-Reeve Byrne, recommended that _ an, . ambu`lan'ce_ hammock be _p'utrhased .for -the use of the fire "uck, `and that in View 01 the willingn ss of the Fire Brigade- to `undertake a .cfourse_;*-:in `First Aid," the necessary Sp-pplie$~hbe.se`cured. maenenaem. _ ~ . The amendment was defeated, Ald. garvisu` Lower and Rogers voting it. . ' H... ..........L J {Jan 'E`-hum ant` Dn`{n`nr :*w*w**%*$ww*w*; 3v"-.."j j V TC ` I T *` ;_- . ' . pg 3cTper~.jw`ord: minimum 500. ' o m$wwm*$$$i*$&w Ap ointment of representatixes for , ards. I and IV, to .611 the ya- cancies caused by- the removal of Aid. Bricker and the death of Ald. -Wallwin, was deferredand` will `be dealt with at a special meeting with- . in the next week. To Amend Snow By-La w Residents on ulcaster, Owen `and Clapperton Sts`. b tween Dunlop and Collier Sts. and `on Bayeld-' St. be- tween Dunlop and Ross Sts.- must hereafter clean the snow from their sidewalksthe same as occupants of! gropevrty in the business section. The oard of Works in their report re-i ended to this effect. The Commit- tee also reported that they had check- `commended that the by-law =be am-i ed over the town's road making ma- chinery and estimated the value at` $3412.80, according to an inventory attached. . l I VIVL- ..-.._..L -3 LL- Y.._...._ IV--- C hl4d.'~JllU|-It The report of the Finance Com- mittee, presented by Second Deputy- Reeve .MdCuaig, recommended the followjng grants:--= Victorian Order -of Nurses, -$300; "Agricultural Soci- ety. $500; Horticultural Society, $100-. `7 n `KT flunnil n:unI1aanIi mwwwwwmwwwwwwwww ' .l.- .. E COMIN E;`\`i1-:N1'"s+:l I . A, man lth`! j ..I.V|I!'J `n M ' Final . disposition of .the h old Queen's Hotel property was made by "i the Town Council`onMonday night amount of the taxes owing up to the when they accepted F.'jW._-'Living-`- ston's cheque for. $2077.39 as pay- ment in- full of all clai1 hs- of the Town to. Dec. 31, 1925. Accom any- thegcheque was aletter from taw- art & Stewart undertaking to pro- duce a conveyance from the Lake Simcoe Hotel Co. to Mr.~ Livingston `I and stating that he had an acceptance 3 from them in writing and that a b - law, authorizing the; transfer to r. Livingston had passed the directors of the company.. Mr. Liv-ingston s cheque was accepted withput discus--l sion. `Theamount is equal to the. end of _1925. A...........L.._ -..4. -13 _.-....---..L-L---- Sale of r..,,.... Queen'.H: e1 Site cognpieeea -; - Defeats.Motion_ to Increase V.0.N. from $300 to $500 - Deputy-Reev` M_Cuaig and Ald. Jarvis` Clash `V _..$1o,9s7 Tp.x;,.ArI:ear$Paid since Dgc. I` UII bably, the :7` w. LIv%au" esroners"rno%rsn"`%% 1 'AlG[ Iow `ALL rnx Annnnsy TI `'5 II " V. 0. N. Grant Discussed 850., _p}BCE U1.-uuxuucaa ue xrauueu. - pro- A Lower.--_D_u' -- That the Board rtra; of Works cons1de_r' the advisability of '_11f:e! }-. . `jtcontlhund on+pI`80"1/.3) L` _ ~ of his own. Uy UlUUl\lllS_ U1. Cl: 5UWUl`o _ I J. A. Buchanan asked permission to install an additional gasoline pump at his garage on_ Dunlop St. Ask Aid for a Veteran Major Knowles and'Wm. Bell, re- presenting the Barrie Soldiers Club, addressed the Council with regard to the caseof Wm. Cadby, a former. resident whose family have been vic- I_tims of a -series of misfortunes, which Major Knowles recounted, cul- Jminating in the death" of his daugh- te_r, Mrs.__ Welsh, and the serious`-u in- jury'of his wife who sustained a fractured hip as the result of a fall I on" Mulcaster St., alleged to Ahavel been caused byva boy with -a `sleigh. Mrs. Cadby` is in a Toronto hospital and will be there `for six months. Ma,1'or Knowles stated that _MY.C8d- by had been a soldier and sailor with a splendid record and has no means \ He had no wish to sue the town, although he b lieved he "could have done so. Majo Knowles stated that the local Soldiers" Club have assisted Mr. Cadby liberallyrand he asked the Council`-to consider giv- ing him further aid. By motion the `Finance Committee yvas instructed to consider gran-ting some assistance. Civic Accident Insurance . With reference to the temporary accident insurance. policy taken for one month on trial, Second Deputy- Reeve Mc'Cuai_g stated that some- thing should be done as the policy- would expire before the next`meet- ving. '-He thought that -possibly the local insurance agents should be ask- ed if they have anything better. iAld. Jarvis strongly favored` continuing the insurance but he thought that it - should be placedgglocally. Mayor Craig stated that the policy which they have been considering will be placed "through a localman. This matter will bedealt with -at the special meet- in_g'which -is. to be called to. ll the ivnnannina in {Win r`.nnnn-ll` - I H15` WIIIUII JD` DU UU UGIICU vacancies in- the Council.` ' AIJ "I'n..n3` S-L-.;J.....J JJGHLGECS 'l\CU LU}. JJIUUIIUKK DDUWUI ' H. J. Buc anan gave notice _of his intention of entering action for $15. 09, which he" claims for damages: caused to his property" on Mary St.` bytblocking. of ansewer. ' A nuinhnnuh nabnt` v\nvI`Iv|n:uno\v\ VUURIIULUS Ill` UIIU LlU.|u|l.lUll.- . Ald. Jarvis introduced a motion that the` Clerk present to Councila statement showing the names of peo- pl who, are in arrears of taxes and the a'mount.oft-theearrears after _Apr. 15. There . was c'bnsiderable' oppos -` "ition to the `motion and. it was with-. _`rawn.~ *` A V - , - ? `E-/I\+=!IVl I U Ill With ritisln uruwu. v V e T Metiens . 1.:-13y'm_% - Mccuaig -- That the .Ree,ves_ e '9 committee to'giraw up a resolutlon of appreciahon of the ser- vi<`:es- of the .late,kld. Wallwin as a member of 1 C,d_unhc1l. and a letter ex- hpres,s ing'v to Mrs; Wallwin and the xearhily the;e_ssLmbn.thy of the `council in `their; ,b,b.reav`ement. . T.nn1n _; ~r`.`r'v'1:'.aIIr3n1(n`~: 'n1\`n+ `I-Ho 1VlI.. 1111 M161: `U.El`U{VBlfIc11h. - _- - Lowe- -Creswxcke--.- That the re- f quest of the 4Doug,la-1Dru?g Store for` permission erect` a sig-nj -at [their] place of-`business be" it-anted.` ` ~ .`l."nwm-- ._ Du That +1.. 12......-A ' uaaca uuu a1'1'eu1`:. J.u.l H If`-jwith stated that many had paid` `their taxes in full and others h we .paid. a portion and promisedto ayv the balance by the end of `March or by April 15. a some had said they were unable to.pay at the present time and in a number of `cases no re- sponse had been made to his `letter, A second letter. is being sent to these I and failure to acknowledge it will`re- sult in the bailiff` being sent in. M:-._ {Smith stated that it looks-as though V `it will be possible to return the roll on Apr. 15, but to do so it will be necessary to issue as distress warrant in some cases. i w Damages -ked for Blocked Sewer ' ..L-_L2-.. ..B ...J._...'._.. ....J.2-.. .__. 01! l -Iallc I506 l1l.\l'- ` VVHIIWIH unu .:uu_. Knight was given` the c airmanship of Market and `Parks. ` Chief of Police` Stewart wrote drawing attention to restaurant: con- , ditions in. town and strongly impress- gcenses to none other than those with up-to-date places_ and -equipment and who are wholeheartedly -and honestly in the b_,_usiness. .. ` ~ - To Celebrate -Twelfth `Here ' James `Case, secretary of the L.0. L. celebration committee, wrote.stat- ing" that the Twelfth of July celebra- tion -this year will be held in Barrie and asking thatthe town provide for the services of the band, either, by making a grant to` the committee or by furnishing the band; permission to decorate the streets, permission to hold a tag day for the True Blue -Or-i phanage, provision of. extra police and: use of the town hall. ' 0:..- ..I....--. ..L.|......I..'.... 1.- 4.1.- ling the advisability of continuing li-J 'IIll.u UDU UL UIIU IIUWII llllo ' H. A. Sims.drew attention `to the unsafe condition of the embankment -at 121 Owenst. S .u..;.;. 1:7 1.1 nr.;-....... ..a 4.1.- n`-nu Q1. UWCll' Dln lugupt. W;'- E.cWeegar of the O.N.R. wrote -with regard to an enquiry that lh-ad come to the CanadianNational Railways with. reference to a large summer camp. for `girls near Lake Simcoe. ,Mr. Weegar asked Council to co-operate in the choice of a site. Jrhnu "Rnnnrn'F4- on!-SI-int` `nu I-Inn 11u_ r-m('3'a`i)t. J. P. Dickenson asked_n.er-I pnission to hold a tag day` in aid of the Salvation Arn_1y.: _ ' ` Tax Arrears Coming In 1 ~ 5 A The .Cle'rk-Treasurer presented a statement showing payment of taxes since Dec. 15 last to be $10,373.51 taxes and $10,987.95 arrears. Mr. .I`R:+k ufnfnbi flan` v|nnvu`1e a1\nA I\l\:A ' U0 co-operate 1!! me CHOICE OI 8. Slte. Thos..`Beecroft applied for the us- ,ua1 dgrant of` $1000. for the Barrie IBah . v T V ' ' 11-..; 1' n 'n:._1_-....-._ _..I-_.1 .____ l `and Police Committee, succeedih 'ADe;;11:;':lie;;;;";;1eY.vc:a;.:yl;y imo-J tiqn, appointed chairman of the Find` the late Ald`. Wallwin; and Al". `l!....'...I.4. ........ -_'--_4` 1.1.- _1:_:....._.__1_:_` Byrne Chalir nit 'of~Polig:e ..___J.__ 11- ___, TI ,-___ `ithim night. flllb Lesa Ym,%% L CANADA, muasmxv, 13, 1926. I Apart, from the report of the_ com-' mittee on boundaries of pastoral; charges, a report _of which appeared; in`last week's issue of The Examin-I er, there` was little business of im-I po_rtan_ce at the meetingof. Sinicoel Presbytery of; the United Church of? Canada, held in Burton,Ave.. church on Thursday of` last week. The re-i commendations of the committee with one exception were adopted by; IPresbytery but` must be ratied by" Dthe `congregations concerned before they can become effective. The ex- lception was the nal clause of the report in which the committee sug- gested that Presbytery consider con- stituting the following as pastoral charges: Guthrie, Shanty Bay and Crown Hill; Hawkestone, Oro, Rugby. and Forest Home; Dalston, Midhurstr and Edgar; Mirsing, Anten Mills! and Edenvale. is clause was de- I 1-...-.: 1..-... 41.... ......`,...+. I .'cnarge. A A Rev.. C. W; McKenzie of Long-ford and ~Rama wesswelcomed to Presby- tery. This charge has been trans-. ferredfrom the Lindsay Presbytery of the`fBay of Quinte Conference to the Simcoe Presbytery. . Maintenance Fund ' ; Rev. .E. J. Adams of` Alliston. chairman of ' the Maintenance -and `Extmsion Fund committee, reported that there is still a. shortage of_ $1923., `much `of which, howe_ver,.he expected would be made up. A 'If`AcuO"\IIAn. An noun Q\ uuu muuuveuc. I-I113 uuzuac was uv-- leted from the report. . ' Property Ordered "Sold . Permission was obtained to sell the manse- at /Midhurst, the parsonage] and the old, Presbyterian church at: Minesings and the ' old church at` Phelpston, which has been closed for a number of years, and also the `Sutherland church on the Bond Head lcharge. I. Don P. W 'M'nT(n-nvzin n'F T.nno-fnrd Q Following is the list -of students 15 ._the Barrie Collggiate who took . onorso-in `the January and February examination's,' the names appearing in order of merit:--o A ' . ` VLIII .L&" `First . C1asTsZ--~StelIaA"Clu.tve;: Winhi- fred App1eby,_ Ernest Arno1d,"Mabel 'Drufy, Kathleen Allan, Cameron Clute,_ Maud{Ford, _ Boyd`ArnoldA,~_ Mona Beatty. j - QI\III\VI`l' ``nau 4. I `Ann p`riIV'I+\1I1D .Lu.uuu Deuwy. _ Secorid Class -4- Jean Balfantyne, Enid Carter, Ethelwynne; Arnold, Fred`.Ai`u1erton, Roy Baldwin, Ted Dyment. ' _ . "._ 'l`l-Haul (`Jun __ T-Tawny -'RIn'HnH'_n, I runu u)-- V ' ., 3 "7:Eirst Class-'-Edith Hubbard, Par-" ker Mc-Millin, Verna Johnson. Lorne Jacobs, Gordon Johns,,Willa Jebb. ? `annual: (nag .___. Tl1;`I:1H:|1` ' uymenu. -._ Third Class -- Harry Burdette, Douglas Ferrifs, Jean Baldwiq, Gladys Corbett, Cecil Booth`,-Lola Co`ulson.| Form IB- J I --.~m:..~_; n1--- `- 1:u::.1..'-u...1'..:|...'...: 1).... ~ Jsuccrsrno sums % HAWKESTONE wms f 3 WE.RE\_V__l;l`_HDRA.WN'* DRURY [{_(_)_C_KEY cur, 116 01'! d by mpty FIIII Eorm I-;%-r B1l8_'-\IqfV1_llV, nnrvlyu xxxguuuy. A Third Class -'-1- Clarence 'McQu8Y.' Rowland ' Glandeld, -`Rachael! flagan-. ,[Ofo and Vespra Not T0uc_hedfBeats Guthrie at .Gut~hrie, 3-2;` V . by United Church s A `Thus Winning"Rout_1d % Re-Arfagngement. T % . ~ by 5.-to 2_. -JBUODS, KIUFUUII` CJUIIIIS, , NV Ill. JUUU. I `Grace. Howcroft; Ruth Houghton; Ir-' `Second Class -- ,Wal1win Fisher, Arthur Mc-Kenzie,' Elsie -I-Iowcroft, ene;.Ga.rvin;, Vveljm Kightley. ' `Fl-nk (`Juan '_.(7'.Iov~nnnn 'MnI1nw F`orm I~C`-- -'_ ' f V C1ass--Jack Percy, Minnie vv u hwqcnvn s---..---..-, _.-......v- ....a.... i 5?/artridg, ,.Phy11is .McLe'an, 'Me.lr_o5e! *. a1tkidg_e_, ,~ Vincent "Morgn, Thelma ' `3.eid." V" '-` g A n'--...;:| 1n1.....'." '-'I*.!.}...'l"|;l)-...:....` 'l..}.. . `Reeve of Essa` and Warden.6f, the C ounty of Smcoe for the` Year 1926; Form 1 ~- J.' ll 310. ` 7S'econdV -Class-- . .'Edi1a'V Isba-T ` ccdhla In Riga sf` BARRIEL COLIEGIATE Houok us'r `Forms nver, sad -). ve}.._ T GEORGE L. DAVIS E By defeating both Guthrie and.OrosI ,}last week, the Hawkestone hockey ,,team won the championship of .the ,!Oro Hockey League` and "the Drury ;-Cup. vOn1W.ednesday night th team, I accompanied by" a large . cro 'd of. _ - fans, went over to Guthrie. and play"- . `ed the return match ofthe home-and- 1,home games, andbefore the largest crowd of ` the season defeated the , strong Guthrie team by .3 to 2. It" \ was a close `ichecking, hard fought 1 game all the way, but Referee Keeley , had the players in hand at all times, , which prevented undue roughness , and made the game more interesting 1 for the crowd. The locals won both - ends of the round, having taken the \`,rst.game by 2 to 0 at Hawkestone. _1The line-up:- ' 1' f`I_-A_L__!_ n__1 -n,_,., 1,1-__r_ ' LIIU lLllC'Up 3"- 27 Guthrie - Goal, Besse; defence, Stoddart, Caldwell; centre, Glover; wings, Hastings, Stoddlart; subs'., Crawford, Hastings. I `I (II 1 ' Hawkestone-Goal, J. Shaw; de- ,fence, 1_&nderson, Wrigley; centre, `Roy Reid; wings, O'Brien, Leigh; no subs. were used." vb On Friday night the local team played Oro a sudden-death game here and won .6 to 2. This game gave H~awkest`one- the 3cup for the second year in succession and ended a very interesting and altogether successful.-season` of lyickey in Oro Township. The line-up:-_ ' l1__I `I'\ Il _I'1-____.. .]-1.'-_-- J. UW Hllllfh .1. IIU 11116` up oi .Oro--Goal, D. McCuaig; defence, `Barnes, ;Campbell; centre, G. Barn- hardt; wings, Ross, Barnes; sub., W. Crawford. v ' . , Hawketone--Goa1, TLen. O'Brien? defence, Anderson, Wrigley; centre, Reid; wings, ~E; 0 Brien, L. Leigh; sub., L. Pa.tterson'. _ 'D.......... "l"...... lW...........J Al (I... belx Allwara, Rug Mmberson, `Ail-_. een Mc`Conkey, orence Miller, Joe Pratt,- K-aithleen Pricq, "Rita aMoor`e, Harvey Lines, Al-bert Richardson, Palmer Hart. - rm._-__.1 n1___ +s.-n. `D-L.'.......... Did`, raumer IIBIT. Third C1ass---Ruth Robinson, Bet- ty.Nelles, Helen McConkey, E_dna Latimer, May Mar`tin~son,, Elsie Pai_i- `dison. - . F01-m~ID-" - ' ' First Class---Mildrled Walls, Annie Storey, Alma Th_ompson,_ '_l`homas Spencer. . V Qannnr] - (:1 an, ,`l2n-4 _Q+n'nn " opeucer. ` Second` Class-Bert Stone, Thelma Teasdale James Terry, VI-Iarxold Tor- diff, Gladys` Walt, Gord_on Wdod, Earl Q!-An}-nnhcnn lines"- sheer low, that ation UL I115 - I` First Clas_`s--.- Rowland Hammond, 'Phillip Beattie, Donald Cameron, "Hester Cddling, Helen Garrett. I Qnnnvu-I (`1oas_.x._-.1-`l\1V; Ynarne `W1-`an- Second Class-.4-L-Doris Kearns, Fran-9 ces Hurlburt. J ` " ` ` rm.:...a rm.-. Aw...-V..+ I3'..:n.. 1'.hmA }J.'.lUloUl.' uuuuug, IICICH \'l'l.LCUIu z.b`orm 2-13- _ . I _ First Class-_-Haro1d` .man `Osborne, }Bruce Sutton, ~Broadig `old Booth. ' -V` ` . --......_I I'll--. Bryson, N01.`- Leone . McDonald, Smith, Har- l'\...\`I- ' `l'..-I..J UIU DUU loll-o ' 3 Second Class ---Velnrnna Grok,` Isabei 'McArthur, - . Annie` Johnson, Vera" Lyons. - ' ` :n_.;;a;_-@-.a -_ ._-'..;.1n\ uxu, uxauyal 1 Stephenson. C1 CB5 '11uflUUI.'ln 3 ~ . ` Third Class-Amert Price, Lloyd ' Oaks, Ruby Hounsome. - % . ` zForm 2=B- , ' ' ` .:I:.....L tn--- `n:-_-1A/13...;--.. `KT..- (By oi1r_ I-Iawkestone Correspond\ent) `U0, Jae auvuvsuvnno Rieferee--Tom Crawford of Oro. ccoxittnued on 10)` Ell ? each . some from