g attractive dishes . wm. new to oxoj - ass 3:. Amino 8I..MON'1'RAl... Firsj RE( 'i9vI3ss Currell Benham has returned home after spending three weeks with relatives in Buffalo and Toronto. Nh`s1_ (`.nnnnma nf `nlllailnlx ha ..I..ua..... ll.ll men, `.1 u ~'um.uvt-:5 ul DUIIHJO {U10 '1'0!`O1"ltO. Mrs. Connors of I-Iillsdnlo is visiting: wiltlh her parents. Mr.. and Mrs. Dwln- ne . . . .uu-: uuur U]. prayer. ' ` Victor Bonney has returned home trom Guelph. ' ' The pupils` of the Dalston s_chool `listened to a special treat on_`Monda.y afternoon by way of an illustrated lee-V ture, on Woodland Birds by Mr. Kay. MIVQ nnirwunn nl 'I\D1l\un`:\ I... --.l_lL.l__.. ..-.- v`vo nuuuuuuu uu uu u,v 4111'. Any. Mrs. Raymer of Toronto is vialtig with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jo Kev. uxc WUUK'BllU at Del` 1101116 IIGPG. The League`met at Dan. McLan's_ last I`hu1'sday night. and will meet at Rev. Mr. Paley's this week. ' ' The members of the Dalston Wo- men's Missionary "Society met at the parsonage on Friday afternoon for the hour of prayer. ' VlOtOI' Rnnnnv hnn vvnhnnnn Innvnn Luz uw uuu. ' M Isa Isabel Watson of'Tor spent the week-end at her home here. 'T`hn T.nnrr11n`mn+ nf `hr... 1ur..'r ......o.. Feb. 23-Mr. Nash of Coulson spent Sunday at -A. Watson's. Mrs. W. Webber, of Minesing spent 8. week with her parents here. . Miss Isabel Dawson hasaccepted a. position in Toronto. . Chas. Church of Cookstown is visit- ing with his daughter. Mrs. H. Osborne. A. Debenham has gone to Gookstown for awhile. I ~ ` ling T(Il'I"\l\` `XYn&...-... ....n'rnA_.-__L, quuauuu UL WIIU wun [[18 war. "I sometimes wonder if we carry the ' christian spirit into our relations with other people in our own town or our s own home." the speaker continued. I venture to say that there are broken triendshipshere in this church. Ii. there are not. it is- the first church I have round-where this was so." He stated that recently he asked a Sunday School superintendent why he hadnot asked ,another man to take part in a service and the superintendent replied that they -were- not on. speaking terms. "This", he said, "is not a true example of christian _work. but there is a cer-3 tain amount of that spirit which must be got rid of. Aforihow can we etherwise expect these who are outside the pale ' of the church to follow the way?" 7 l`,nnn1InHn1:r ha ml-alum ! I-land N A . . .. christian 1 yunm: U1.u1llt1.1l'ttU(.lVl[,V. _ . John Weldon. member for Barrie and Allnndvalef in` the Boys` Parliament. spoke briefly, stressing the importance of the spiritual side of the C.S.E.'1`. ,n program and of making decisions along christian lilnes. One of the outstanding` sins ofthe day is the tendency to be non-committal, he said. There is need for decision and on thevdecision of the young people rests the future of the church. The. world, he stated. needs young men and women with their faces planted in the right direction. ' way .' , - Concluding. he stated that some peo- ple say that Christianity is a fine thing to preach about but it will not work -in everyday life, but` he belielved that if given a fair trial it will work in every phase of human. activity. John Wnldnn mnrnhnr fnvv 1:1m...I .....: way UL LKIU HWUl'!.ln' V ' In our own country, he continued. we find practices andinstitutions that are a denial of Jesus Christ and His teaching. Men are travelling through the country teaching .the youth, that they must` build up an army and pre- pare for the next wa.r..In the legislative bodies is found the -worst kind of bit- . terness, jealously and-false pride. He referred to the spirit that exists be- tween citizens of Canada and the Un- ited States, which he illustrated with a story `told him by a member of the legislature. whose son, the only Can- 'adlnn employed in 9. United States factory. settled with his fists the question of who won the war. "T anrnnrnna uynncm H nu; nnnn 17 ch.` for.tluFREB learn uwvnyo of making dollcioui Soup: and Couolnuno-`bov:to_ Vput thofuuh llvcuthbloh-. oven-lawn dounofoclm attractive dishes; M - V, nuan- 801 fans Pau"``igh: BELLE EWART DALSTOR ,BY'P'REMlER10F BOYS gRLlAMENT ururuuu nruwn. . . ~ _ ~ j _ Arne .'1`a.ylo`r*is spending -some `time in Toronto. . . ` M1ss.Ph 1115 Bell of vanvlack is and I Vgxiest of er sisters. Mrs. J. C. a.n'd`:~ Mra. Ja.s."Bu1e. - not BIHLUFH guru. . ` Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Bule, Stayner, are. visiting with their daughter, ` Mrs. . Gordon Brown. v AII`.b 'l`ntrIt\`n`In aU\A-tn.`-noun -'n...'.- 31.1..-.` nuunuus. \ Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Donnevon. nee! Bertha, W1llla.ms,'left for their home at Sibbald, Alta., after visiting with her sisters here. ' T I `In and `Etna T T 'I3..la QL--.'_-.. -___ uuuu. iuru. .I.. J. uurrutners. uec'y. Miss .McQuay thanked the friends for their kind remembrance and ex- `tended a. cordial invitation to each and all to visit them in their new home. Af- . ter this all joined in, singing Fo r"I`hey are Jolly Good Fellows; a dainty lunch was served by the ladies, after which the floor was cleared and keptg warm until ;the early hours of the b morning. M3` and IVE v"`1\l\u 1-Invuvunuvnun cg-AA. neighbors, have assembled `here this evening toxshow in some waytthat we are very sorry to lo,s_e,y_ou from our midst, although your a intended depart- ure has not takenus entirely by sur- prise. Now, however. since you have chosen your life's partner and are about to leave us for your new home. ewe wish to express to you our very sincere regret. You have grown up among us and have always given your, services unsparinglyin the interests of your church. the choir. social events and in fact` in everything, when you `found it convenient to act.. But al- though you will ,be no longer with `us. we are sure that neither you nor we. will forget the leasant comradeship and intimacy of t` e years spent among us at Sunnidale Corners. The future will find us severed by distance but be assured that wherever you go you take with you our good will. and when- be open to receive you both. But be- fore you leave. `we would ask you to accept this silverware and club bag as yuan; , Dear Mary: We, your friends and I a slight token of our. esteem for you .; * and as` a reminder of _the.pleasant- as- sociations of the past. That you both may be spared to enjoy many years of l prosperity and happiness in. your new ever you mayreturn, our homes will I home is the wish of your `many friends ' community, arah Schell, Minnie Buie. Lillian Petch, Christine Carruthers. .The Women's Institute address was as follows: - i Dear Mary: We, the members of the Women's Institute, regret to hear we are about to lose -your presence from our meetings. As a slight token of our appreciation for what you have done to make them successful we ask you to accept this gravy ladle. Wishing you. every happiness in `your -new "home. Signed on behalf `of the Women's `In- stitute, Miss Margaret McLean. Presi- dent. Mrs. I. J. Carruthers. Sec'y. Miss ,MnC)un.v fhanlza H-an fr-Inruiu of Sunnidale. Signed on behalf .of`the I ; 1 1 I Feb. 22-On Wednesday evening. Feb. 17, a most enjoyable time was spent at the community hall "when about one hundred and fifty friends and neighbors assembled in honor of Miss Mary McQuay. At 8.30 the gath- ering was called to order by Donald Buie who acted as chairman. A short program of instrumentals by Messrs. Oliver and Ritchie. songs by Haroldl `Browning and speeches by Gordon`. Buie, Alex. McMurray, D. Culham, Jno. Forgie and Gordon Brown. with com- munity-singing. After this. Miss Mc- Quay. was called to the platform and an address -read by Miss Sarah Schell on behalf of the community and one by Mrs. Isaac Carruthers on behalf of the Women's Institute. A presentation of thirty pieces of s_ilverware and a club bag was made from the commun- ityand a. gravy ladle from the W0- g1en's Institute Following is the ad~' ress: . gnu `II:-um`-o 117.. ...\.... a..x-.. .1. _V__ .1 SUNNll3Ag"E`._ `CQRNE-RS `M an ..._.. ......._..__...._...__....... j`jj jj g ---.-jjj _..,, w--u o-uuauuu. -;1.L1.lU. .l.UL|, $05.00. The sum of $38.50 was sent to the `Upper Canada'Bible Society. Toronto. uxjunuer uuu uaugnter 111' 'l.`0!'0nt0. tshanty Bay won out in th'e broom- "ball with Oro S__tati'on `on Saturday night. ` ' after spending.`-a. fe`wh days with her brother and `daughter in Toronto. Vhdnfv `Ruhr mnn nut in n.-.. I.......... -_uv~.v- . ' Mrs. Jno. Sanderson is home again Law uuya wuexy wltn Mrs. uucnrlst. ,Miss Sutton of Vespra._vis1ted with .Miss Sutton and Mrs. McGil1 on Sun-' I. 419v. LV.l.l'.' uuu 1vu`a.' rreu W108. Mrs. Abner Ball has been spending ' a week. in Toronto. ` '. Miss Bella. Mccuaig of 01-0 spent a [few days lately with Mrs. Gilchrist. Minn Qnffnn nf? 17ncnm-o mIga+...a ...u1.. ' uuunuyc ` The order of the day seems to be ice harvesting and hockey with broom ball in between. t ' Mr. and Mrs. Roy Partridge and fam- gily spent over Sund y at Stroud with I Mr.- and Mrs.-`Fred ice. Mr: "Alma-mar `Dali Inna Ian-.. ..........1a.._ l . Feb. 22-eshnty Bay is sorry to lose Miss Laura Besse who is leaving A. '1`. `Moore's storesoon and is going to train for a nurse. at Cobourg. Miss Eveline Sutton" is taking her place at `Mr. Moore's store. . AMi s Ward of Barrie spent a. day or so` th the Misses Turner. ` At the rink on Mondayevening Oro and Shanty Bay played a tie game of hockey. ' " TBA nrnr nf flan Ann nan..- 4.- L- uuay Lune U1. u.. v The second and final carnival of the season, held on Saturday night, was a grand success and the rink was gaily decorated for the occasion. the attends-' ance was large and the costumes num- erous. The prize winners were as fol- lows: Lady's fancy. -Annie O Brien as An Irish Colleenl; lady's comic. Hil- cl-a Graham A as Saturday Night's Bath: gentleman's comic. Leslie Clark as a clown; school `girl's fancy. Leo Priddle as Japanese; school boy'sfan- cy. Joe O -Brien An Irish Gentlemam" school boy's comic, Ted Johnston. "Hobo". Lawrence Leigh won the mile race from a field of seven starters: time 3.40. Judges for the evening` were Miss Thompson "of Argyle. Miss Mc- Cuaig of East Oro, and Rev. G. Cruse. Hawkestone. ` rm..- 1n....1 1..-....u...-. 4...... .._.s._ L" L'.l.aVVl\U3l.UllI'J. , The local hockey team again jour- neyed over .to Guthrie on Monday night. This time they played Guthrie team before an audience that packed the `rink and won the game, 4- . + nun. L`U_uUWS uus WEEK. On Tuesday. Feb. 16, the -I-Iawke- stone hockey team played East Oro team on Guthrie rink. The s_core was 12-1 in favor. of `Hawkestone. Russ. Jermey. in goal for East Oro. had a busy time of it. Tho annnvul and Flynn] nn....l...~I .3 LL. -.-v "V . V-uw sou anva OlI.lAlI\rI Mrs. `Adams of Shanty Bay called on Mrs. Fellows this week. n 'I"'nnaAnu nk 1!! 41.... .'L`r..---I-.. pa -u-nun um- V-MIIEIS:vi;;az;;:lw3;lin of Barrie spent the week-end at her home. In-__ A 1, in I v\anI\I V ` - v c - V q . n v v anvn >3 nanny; um- Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Aikens. Mr. ahd Mrs. Muckelston, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Leigh, Mr. and Mrs. Bert. Wrigley and Kenneth Aikens of Toronto attended their grandmother's funeral. ' 1151.. 1-; bia. and S1meon.Barnhar_dt of Winni- peg, Miss Annie Barnhardt of Buf- falogand Mrs. Alkens of Toronto at- tended their -mother's. funeral. W-;&Il)~o`z'.t. 1E{}1na}?1`"6'-iuiritisn Colum- 3 l Feb. 23-On Thursday. Feb. 18, after a. short illness, an old and much be- loved cltlzen passed away at theripe old age of 90 years in the person of Mrs. Mary Barnhardt, widow of the late Simeon Barnhardt. The funeral took place on Tuesday at 2 p.m. to VEast Oro cemetery. Rev. Russell Mc- Lean of Toronto, Rev. H. A. Meek of ILongford and Rev. C. R. Spencer of Ishanty Bay took part in the service, Mrs. Barnhardt leaves to mourn her Hoes. four sons and four daughters, several grandchildren and great- grandchildren. Sympathy goes out to the sorrowing relatives. AIL'._.L T\_.___I.A__.'lA_ -4: "'|,lA! u n. 1 SHANTY BAY 22- -_Shnty sori uuuu no 13..-..- .1... 1.. 1-.._-.: > HAWKESTONE `INK ru. lie!` 1101116 nere. ' ' Last Friday night Mrs. John Key `was very agreeably surprised when her children and a number of neighbors anet and spent a pleasant evening,`the. -occasion being Mrs. Key's birthday. `The children presented her with a. beautiful upholstered wicker rocker. 3. Coleman lamp. 8. leather suitcase and` . .a handsome bouquet of roses, nu: nluuu EXAMINER Feb. 23-The regular monthly meet- ing of the Seventh Line Vespra U.F.O. Club was held on Feb. 3, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. P. Bowyer, on the eighth concession. Quite a large number was present and to the great satisfaction of the secretary six more members were enrolled. This club is far from dead as some people think as will be gathered from the debates and arguments that go on from. time to time. The aim is to have a real sociable club, an aim. that-is being realized. The meetings are for members and their families and any who care to enroll are heartily invited. After enjox/ing them- selves and partaking of refreshments the members accorded Mr. and Mrs. Bowyer a hearty vote of thanks for the use of their home. All members are requested to bear in mind the next place of meeting also the date, March 3, and to arrange a sleighload. SEVENTH uNE,Li?Ei?=RX Write us for ' prices on merchandise e not advertised. You A aaau are 218 IOHOVVS3 Cmlected by Mrs. Ma.cLe_nnan. Miss- es 'l`ebo and Sheldon. $10.75;. Misses Farrier and Lazenby. $16.00: Misses Ely and Reardon. $11.75. Total. $38.50. UDDGI` Canada Rihln Rnnhafxr 'l`nI~nv-4-A I Arthur Finlay, who has been sick list for two weeks, is slight pro_ved. - . Miss Emiie Mccracken has bee Feb. 23-Lloyd Scott and John Hub- bert of Hlllsdale spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. James Frankcom and at J. E. Wa1lwin's. MIDHURST inlay, on the slightly im- ; been con-' uc um: uruer OI tne aay. `Louis VVatson, who has been laid" up with a cut foot, is able to be aroundi again. ` v cry uztu CUM]. Miss Hazel Murphy, who has been visiting Toronto friends. has return- ed home. Tom Waller is on the sick list. Skating and drawing wood seems to be the order of the day. `Louis Vvafgmn urhn hon 1mm. 1..:.:-. Collections for Lefroy and Belle Ewart Branch of the Bible Society for 1925 are as follows: Fnllmwma k... 1:... `Mr-..-r -....-.. -my fiwd to the house for `a week with a. v ry bad cold. T\/fine T-T-xnnl `Itn......`I..-. --.1_- L, THURSDAY} FEBRUARY` 25, 1925, Bernard 'I of M1`. and .Donald SL, x Thursday of bitten on the by Philip Lo playing with . mauling it. quired to clo. the bite. T in quarantin The boy is pr no serious re. BOY B!TTE WHEN Don t dous ba tures f HM You'll fa hilarious] small in quest for Star1`in;: I.`J..... Anp .th`e4 Th1'i11m:_' and the MUH- Mr. Kay'of`Port Sydney, Muskoka, is holidaying with his daughter. Mrs. J. Spence. The Dalston wedding bells are again being tuned up. The Busy Bee Mission Band met at `the home of Mrs. Lorne Handy last Saturday. ' Miss Gladys Jory of Barrie is visit- ing: at her home here. 1.11 9' ;`U"l`\17 InInvInl- III -.n 1'_-I... -I-7--- Kenneth Barm Ma_t;e Comm with e MON.| THU] Tm av; of LO( Wllll Key. NH: