EHO nunuxwu. - . Mrs. John Kennedy and Miss Edith have returned home from vlsmna` friends in Creemore. - Mnn I `D (luau Mun (Inn Tllnnn vonplu vs: ronvun on-v-may-H on!--v was-H vv vvupv Mrs. '1`. A. Lawrence" entertained a. number ot.mends at a. bridge party on Friday night. '1`herat pnizes were "won by Mrs. J. D. Stewart and Ivan Maw. `Inn A Hnnnnnn has nnfnwnn hnvnn 1393!. twuluunc. , ' " Miss Regina Mllligan has returned home after spending `a._ week in Toronto V and Hamilton. llvvn Tnhn TIannnrIu nntl I/Han mm". ITIVIIUB III Ul'UUlllUl'E: Mrs. J. R. Grey, Mrs. Geo. Wilson and daughter at Alliston paid a short- visit to their friends here this week. 11.... III A `I ncunan-nan" nninubnlmnd an In 'J.'Dl'UllI.U. W. D. Henry is making good pro- grams toward recovery after his re- cent accident. ` `III'lnn `Domino Illlonn hon vvnflnonn '"i'ini. Jan. Bpeerb and Mrs. . Chas; Blackatook have been visiting friends in Toronto. nr `n `I-Ynnnir la nnnlrlnav ovnn nun- Miss Jean Gilchrist spent Saturday at her home at Shanty Ba . Miss Florence and star James Spencer spent the week-send in Beeton. Miss Lena. Wench. Toronto. visited linger the parental root over the Week- Qh . g&wmiww$a$wwm&&g E THORNTON IOXOIOIOXOIOI4 D1011 vX010XOIOIOXOI4 Dom 1NIo2~$` Smcunivrrxa-s V "3PR N E. R. W-oon. president: ~ Dominion of Canada 4% % Bonds. Due, F05. 19_3I6.' Denominations: 81000, $500 and $100. Coupons attach- ad. Ragistratiou if desired. Price 97 and accrued in- terest, yielding over 4.73%. ` ORDERS` ran NEW nom- JON R!-IFUNDINGV Lam 40111923 may , entered by telephoxie; W request our repro';aentaVt i_veT gladly can and interview yolll.-` _-, . % V PhOi1e` 112 urswv II-I1III bllvlhri The death occurred last Saturday at the home,'20 Worsley St., of Matilda Brown,-wife of Henry Litster; at the age of sixty-fivelyears. Although she had been in poor health for some years. she was confined to bed only for a few weeks previously. Mrs. Lit- ster was born at Rugby, 9. daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Geo. 'Brown.. and lived there all her life until com- ing to Barrie a little over- eight years ago. She was married forty-three years ago and is survived by her husband and four daughters, Mrs. A.'S. Geach. Burks Falls; Mrs. W. D. Craw. Caye- hoga Fall , Ohio; Mrs. A. J. Robert- a son, Venice, Cal., and Mrs. R. P.'Mer- rick, Barrie. There are also five sisters. Mrs. Jas. Bone, Calumet. Mich.;- Mrs. Penegor. `Rockland, Wis.: Mrs. Susan Ormsby, Seattle, Wash.: Mrs. Ernest Geach, Torquay, England, and Mrs. Alfred Crowder, Los,Angeles, Cal.: and one brother. John Brown of Barrie. The funeral took `place privately on Tuesday from the home to Orillie. where `burial was made. Rev. J. S` Shortt of St. Andrew's Church. of which Mrs. Litster was a member. not- ficiating. ' i i rvuu t VVllI'II` James `~ Vahan. formerly of Belle Ewart. father of Rev. `J. Whan of `Barrie, died suddenly last Saturday at his home in Toronto in his seventy- fifth year. The late Mr. Whan was born in Tyrone, Ireland, and came to Canada with his, parents at the age of five years. They settled at Belle Ewart where Mr. Whan resided until fifteen years ago when he. moved to Toronto. Since then he has been a regular sum- mer visitor to Belle Ewart. IMr. Whan was a prominent Baptist and held the office of deacon in Boon Ave. church. Toronto. Surviving him are~his' wife. formerly ,Miss- Mary Dumond; five sons, Rev. Wm. Whan. Waukegan. 1ll._: Rev. E.` J. Whan.` Barrie; Richard. M~ onzo and Mark,` all of Toronto; two` daughters, Mrs. F. A. Maude. and Miss Maud -Whan. at present `on- furlough from the mission fiel_d"in:-Af- ri'ca. and three brothers. John ;Whan. Belle Ewart; Frank Whan. Lefroy, and Edward Whan. Vancouver; The fun- eral took place on Tuesday from the home, 47 St. Clair Gardens, to Pr os- pect cemetery, Rev. John McNeill and Rev. W. J. Pady officiating. vwiilv CIVIIIII Sarah Keays. widow of the late.John Smith, died on Monday night following a long illness. Mrs. Smith was born seventy-eight years ago in Perth. 0nt.. where `she spent the early part of her life, coming to Barrie after her mar- riage fifty years ago. She had lived. in Barrie ever since co ng here. Her `husband predeceased er by eight years. Mrs. Smith was` a member of Trinity church and before her illness- was active in the work of the W.A. She was also a member of the W.C.'1`.U. Of a family of eleven, nine survive. They are: A. E.,Smith, Barrie: Robert. Orillia; Bert and William, Hamilton; George and John. Fairbanks. Alaska: Mrs. `Fred Sewrey, Winnipeg;'. Mrs. Maxwell. Toronto. and Mrs. Bowden. Hamilton. There are also twoybrothers. Ansley Keays, Los Angeles, Cal., and John Keays. Calgary. and two sisters, Mrs. Paul and Mrs. Publeau. Perth. The funeral took place this (Thursday) ' afternoon from the homeof Emmerson Williamson, 56 Mulcaster St.. to Bar- rie Union cemetery, Rev. A. R. Bever- ley officiating. HENRY sI.oAN - one of the oldest inhabitants of this part of the Province, Henry 'Sloan, passed away on Feb. 17 at the home of his daughter, Mrs. G." B. Fuke, or` 86 Frlzzell Avenue. rm-mo. Mr. Sloan was 91 years of age and a member or the Sloan tagiily who were among the original settl rs of Bronte, Ont. He had carried on business as a blacksmith in Bronte, Orangeville, Churchill any Newmarket,-and was a. lire-long; mem- ber oi! the Orange order. He is surviv- ed by two daughters. Mrs. W. N. Jones, pt 'Callfornia,,and Mrs, G. B. Fu`ke. Toronto, and two sons, Jim and John o `Sloan. now in Michigan. Q.S.A.-Mail and Empire. - gwwxwimwawgggiig` ,3 OBITUARY . E, ;w&$ww&m$m%awm%ww MR8. HENRY LITSTER . .l....A.I. .._-__.__.-, 1__L A1,; MR8. JOHN SMITH 157---... --l.I-___ _A LI, , n JAMES WHAN 1-III, _ ,, -vj- vjitulj TCQZIQVC` Feb. 22--Mr. Ma.yor'of Barrie visited hi daughter, Mrs. E. Richardson. last week. ~' `M ... ......a 11.... 1- 'n._______ _ - ---- uaucu cu. vv. .DlllIll8'B on sunaay. Miss -F. Knapp spent a. few days in town last week. Mr. _and Mra..C. Patienden and 1!ttle_ daughter 01 F105 and Mr.:and Mrs. I-1.; vary ueunly. . The family came from Innisfil. where there are still a number of old friends. who will learn with sincere regret ofthe latest misfortune to ov- ertake Mr. Tribble. Several of them came up to attend the funeral on Mon- day afternoon. Richard _Tribble was in his third term at the High School, where he was deservedly popular among the students. He belonged to the Y.M.C.A. and attended St. Paul's Sunday School. A half-holiday was declared at the High School to give the students an oppm-tunity to attend the funeral, which they did, accomp- anied by nearly a. hundred Tuxis Boys. W WWII: ' Mr; and Mrs. I. `Greaves and child` visited at W. B1nnie's on Sunday. M188 F- Knann nndnf A four niyn In of at very serious nature. and the young: boy gradually sank until the end came. `Mr. Tribble has been peculiarly un- fortunate. Three years ago he lost "his wife and within a. week had one of his legs amputated, it having be- come affected through illness. The loss of his only child has intensified his troubles. and his friends feel for him very keenly. "Plan fnrnnir navy-an Can-n '1 nuInllI uuyruzl, nrunuora; Work on` the ice harvest will pro - bably flnlshb today; The work has been going on since Jan.. 29 and 24,000 -tons of me have been loaded. Good weather and favorable condttlogzs have been experienced for the most part and the harvest has been a. success. The pay roll for the work amounted to [over $5,000. ' ~ BUIKIUUB upul`_u,u0Il. ,_ Rev. A. V. Brown, a former minister '01! Allandal Presbyterian church, who' for some t e has been a teacher of English and history at the Humberside Collegiate, Toronto. has recently re- ceived a hearty and unanimous call ..from the :A1exandra. Presbyterian church, Brantord.- 'IX7nr-Ir nu` Irina ion. In .... ....a. ...nI ....-- Wxuucessful tea. tanci sale was held byeethe Ladies Aid of Burton Ave. church in. the church basement last `Friday, The proceeds. amounted to_ about $90. - A ' `In and llu `II ? 1i`rn_Ai- ....-__ -_11-n EUUUE OIIU. , V . Mr. and Mrs. W. Wardle were called to Niagara. Falls on Monday by the serious condition `of their son. Wilfrid. who the. previous night underwent`a serious operation. V l 'RAV, A V Prnnon n (an-nu.'.~.l..l..4..... M Rev. and Mrs. Paley entertained the fyounpc people's club at the parsonage gutter spending on Wednesday night. -Mrs. Hunter hes returned to Coulson s ome time here" with MP8. V. R. Slesser and Mrs. .'|'n:Anh WI]! :16 0]. an approprxate nature. The following are this week's trans-' ters- from the Allandale shone: J. Bebb to Windsor, A. Crumb, I.'Fyles, J. Garton and W. H. Looker, Jvr.,pto Dan- ,torth. .' I A nnnennfnl fan aha chin tuna Isnl party on ruesuay mgnt. S. Q. E. meet Tuesday evening at 8 p.m. in the T1'a1nmen's-Hall. to be -followed by a, euchreparty. NEX1 . SUD!!!-`III `IE TIKQ nn:`nu In Luz` J.u1'uuI.U wnere no nos 8. DOBIUOD. -Mrs. R. J. C. Nicholle spent the week-end with her mother in Toronto. Minn Innhnl Dnlinhnr nntmu-.u.....a V- ween-enu wun net motner In Toronto. Miss Isabel Poucher entertained Va number of her. friends` at a. skating party on Tuesday night. ' R . 0. fnf Tllnnair nuynnlnrp ni- -xuuuwuu Dy 8, eucnre party. ' Next Sunday is W.M.S. Sunday in Burton Ave. church and the addresses will be of an appropriate nature. Th RFD fhrh inch : fun:-nu. Dallas Moore has gone to ront where he has a. position. Hn.Ph' .'l'nv-nan nf Tnrnntn av-`ant `Inn waste as nan II. posnuon. ` ` _I-Iarbld James ,0! Toronto spent the w k-end `at his home here,` .- . _ 3, `E. Shear spent the week-end in Toronto? with her sister. . reeriud Desourdie left on Monday for Torbnto where he has a. position. Mrs. R. J. C- Nlnhnlln nnnnf flu: 0 nnulalrl VIITIIJE. &$&m&&$&&$&a&! MINESING STATION` ah 0').___l/In 'l\Il'nun.. A0 `I3.......I.. -. .. `II UBIIYIJI; VVVIJ U77`! V'99'\O The monthly meeting of the Women's A Institute was held at Mrs. James. A. J'm1ieson's on Wednesday afternoon. The duties or secretary were assumed by Mrs. R. West. Arrangements were made for the social and concert-to take place the .V following Saturday. A short sing song brought the meeting to :1 close. Lunch was served by the hostess. ' - Considering the weather the Wo- men's United prayer service was well attended in St. Jude's Church last'Fri- day afternoon. `Mrs. W. A . Jamieson spoke on the Power of Prayer, Mrs." T)aw smnlrn nn Rt Jnhn 14-19-17 I/rrvn Public gubscnuou is mind for a new issue of- Principal payable at the Oice, of the Receiver-General at Ottawa, or ,that of the 0 .' Assistant. Receivers-General_ at Halifax, St. -"John, Charlottetown, Montreal, - '\ .. l.`oronto, Winnipeg, Regina, Calgary or Victoria. Semi-annual interest `(February 1st and August 1st) payable at any branch in Canada of an L ` chartered Bajnk. , Denominations: $100, $500, $1,000. lAll -bonds may be registered as to principal only, and bonds in denominations of $1,000, $5,000, $10,000 and $100,000 may be fully registered. , $45,000,000 Dominion of Canada *' These bonds are authorized-under Acts of the Dbminicn of Canada}; and both principal and interest are a charge upon the Consolida_te_d Revenue Fund. Ehey are secured by the full credit and taxing power of the Donumon of Canada. Refunding Loan 1926 ' Twenty-Year 4% % Bonds Dated February lat, mo; , Due Febru Thisoffering is made` subject to prior sale and advance in price, and the right is reserved to allot a less amount of bonds than applied for. These bonds are offered for delivery, in interim form, when, as and if ;_ issued and delivered to us. Orders may be telephoned or telegraphed (collect) `to any of the undersigned, or may be submitted through your usual bond dealer, stock exchangeebroleer, or through any bank in Canada 5 Price: 97 and interest, yielding 4.73% St. John's Anglican Sunday School are busy preparing for their concert : which they intend to hold about March ; 17th. at `Cookstovyn. - :? EULLIHE GICUUUU. sh/Ill. A good crowd attended the carni- | val at Minesing and report a. good time. UIIIUU rlu UllllrUUlUUKo - ' Trinity congregational tee. will be held in the basement of the church on `Friday evening. Ten to be served as soon after six as possible. followed by at short program and reports_ of the various organizations This meeting in purely "a congregational one. . The young people of 'rc"wnline church met atvthe mouse on. Friday evening. Feb.'12. and organized o.lYoung Peo- ple's Society. The following officers were elected: President. Miss Edith Fry: Treasurer, Charlie Blaclcetock: 8ec'y., Mervyn Corbett. They -purpose to meet every two weeks. nil... ........a.I..I-. ..........LI...... .1 LI... 11v.........o- Qttaway and family of Barrie visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Patten- den, on Sunday. ' Thnan whn worn nn fhn nlnlt lint nv-A U611, Ull cuuuay. ' Those who were on the sick list are getting around again. A frnn nrnurd off-an:-In:-'I 1-Jun now-val- .\- Woo d, Gimdy & Company I .i mifpd --`.....-, .vuu.--wu nu-.u_n:\.: unn uaauunuay. Mrs. W. J. Ferris, who has been vis- iting her daughter, Mrs. E. Parkhouse. at Kingston. for some time, has re- turned home.- --. --. __ __. WM-1'5; 1:3-(ii-i1"McKee'ver. who was con- fined _to her home for several weeks Feb. 23-Mrs. C. L. Burton and Mrs. Craig of North Bay, after visiting the former"s parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Prattyreturned home on Saturday. Ira `KY 1' In--4.. pl... 1...... 1.-.... __x._ CUNDLES Due Fehrliary` 1st, 1943 e Judge Lindsay of Chicago, 111., de- clares the movies have made more children good than bad. upunu uu uw 1'UWUl' U1 J"l'lL,YUl', lV.l.I'Hu `Dew spoke on St. John 14:12-17. Mrs. Beynon gave 9. paper on The League of Nations and Peace of Locgrno and Mrs, C. Cunningham gave a paper on the Influence of the Home. Each ad- dress was followed by a short season of prayer. 'l`hA hnv nnnlnl unrhw u: nnnninnu AB LcpUl`l.6u to De improving. social gatherings have taken place in this village recently. It is a. nice way to spend the long evenings- C. Shaw, who has been working for several years at the tannery as engin- eer, has retired. and at present is in the R.V. Hbspital, is reported `to be improving. Several Zatherinsru 5...". ...a..... v i us. p1'uycl'- The box social under the auspices of the Women's Institute was not as well patronized as might have been. partly due to the condition of the roads after the recent snowstorm. Two. sol- oists who were to have taken part were unable to be present. Miss Juan- ita Jarnieson read her essay How to Make Rural Schools More Attractive" which won first prize in the competi- tion last year open to public )school pupils of South Simcoe. She also gave ' a reading entitled f`Old Ace" which was followed by an encore. Mervyn Corbett played two piano solos that were much appreciated. Matthew Low- rie sang twice. giving "The Bandolero_?' and "Sunshine of Your Smile" for which he received two hearty encores. responding to, both. A three-piece or- chestra `composed of Sam. Male! and Herb. So ers with Mrs. Lunau at the piano, con ributed-much to the enjoy- ment of the evening. Community ing- ing led by Rev. '1'. J. Dew. using. selec- tions from the Institute song sheets. was heartily Joined in by the audience. Rev. A. E. Lunau presided. Herb. Grose with his habitual good nature at such gatherings acted as auctioneer -and disposed of the boxes. ' ' - I10!` 101' It LBW uuyu. Trinity `Mission Circle will {meet on Saturday night, Feb. 27, s.t the home of `Miss Marguerite Grnse.. A sleigh will be provided and those wishing a. ride are requested to meet at_the post office at eight-o'clock. - 'l`rInltv nnnmrvnannnnl fan will he aw: Mre., A. Spencer has returned home from Beeton where she was spending the past week with her son. G. A. Spencer. Mrs. G. A. Spencer and little daughter Marjory returned home with her tor a. few days. .'l`r|nltv `Minninn lrnln will -man} nn