au.I.uL:1cu_t, a.u(:unlIn0(18.tl0n. _ Lewis -. Couse `of Sunnidale aged fourteen. was accidentally shot txhrough . a foot by the discharge of a. .22 calibre rie which he was handling. A. RVHD, f('ll`Yfl`l!\! nf .('L-nun-._ UL ulurnsnurg. \ . `Midland Boardlof Education has de- cided to establish. a domestic `science class and a. start _has been made in one of the schools. * T-`Inn ('1 Q .`I .`I gn.... -.l...L..4..._ -3 -.x_L u-.. Juv uvau nunn JOIIA gm. JJul]l.VlllUc Rev. Dennis Mason.` D.D..- of Rey-_ noldsvme,_ Penna... \ has accepted : the call of t,he Orlllja. Presbyterian church. . _f.}1eey.e,_E. J, Lambert .ot Siasnen has 30!?! ms butcher bulness and theblock in which it was located to T. S. Brown of Clarksburg. `Flag:-A41! mI`IInoC'l\v\| Ian... 4.. Ul. LHU SUIIUUIB. ' Hon. G._ S.-Henry. minister or high- ways. was the` principal` speaker at the: annual banquetrof tha Colllngwood Board of Trade. -' ' ~ '. `Hr in runn-`Anna! 4.. I....n.1 - _-_,- ",- sun 'LlFE S GREAT RECORD KY..." .........._.1_ 1---- THAT PRECIOUS SIXTH fnonlnon 61.11.. -1 L... .|__2_u__,4 l .Dentists and physicians at conven-e Representatives of eleven corn states ' tion in Chicago, 111., say too many teet , will meet at Des Moines. Ia., to agree '_have been pulled. Ion relief program. . ` Tncfnail nf n eyv-nnI-cu. ntuuqlsout-A -1-.. T _ . _ . ___a 7,5,, - - - A A - -- `LI your bu".`siness depending on .. '*o9solet,e salesmethods? _ &1.. As in the ' \ L Automobile businesq as f` .%Pi. A. 5. warns, President N. L. McLEQD, Gen. Nfanager AUDITORS` REPORT TO THE SHARE_HO_LD_E_RSf j _ _ It tonight before you so to bed. Note that t gives you Instant relief from the most burning itch and pain. Then when you rise in the morning. notevthe almost unbelievable ll lmnmvpmpnt; in the mndltlnn ol vnur ski . Factory Freshness in the Pocket Pack nu-msueu with oer ea returns Irom tne branches. we have obtained all the information and ex lanations we have re uired, and in our 0 inion all trans- actions of the Bank which have -come un or our notice have n within the powers of the Bank. ' The Bank`: investments and cash on hand at its chief oice and certain of its principal branches were veried bl}; us as at January 30th, 1926. We that. in our opinion, t e above general statement of Liabilities and Assets at anuary 30th. 1926. discloses the true condition of the Bank. and in in accordance with the books of the Bank. E. JAMES BENNETT. F'.C.A.. - V or Gmonam A. Toucan: 8: Co. Toronto. February 17th. 1936. D. Mck. McCLELLAN D, F/.C.A. no pwlnv TAI!\I`Y:l.Ir|!'v:InI 1. (VA I1ll'l1.l580. WIDE (31 4 Antinnn nf than `Rm ..__.__._ w_vv - ----- won.-no.--as/nunraaavv .We have exa.mine:! the books and accounts of The Standard Bank of Canada at its Head time for the year ended January 30th. 1926. and have been furnished with cer ` ed returns from the branches. We have obtained all the and ex lanations we have mnuimd_ and in nnr nnininn an e.-M... `February 1936. Loans to Cities. Towns. Mnnicipalitleseand School Districts. Other Current Loam and discounts in Canada (less rebate of interest) after making full provision for all bad and doubtful debts ..................................................... .: ............... .. Ilbillties or Cnstonnex-s under Letters of Credit as per con- 1 ' A ...................................................... ...,` ............... no ........... .. Matt on Real Estate sold by the Ba ........................ .. Real to other than Bank ............................. .. Non-Current Loans, estimated loss provided for .................. .. * Bank Premises. at not more than cost, less amounts written o ....................................................................... ,, A on.%`.? a'a`asa"':3r'a5i&::: Dominion and Provinciai Govetmmenf. . Securities not exceeding market value.. Pnnsulinn Mnrnininnl nnuu-Minn and aecunues not exceeamg market value. Canadian Munidpal Securities and British foreign and. colonial public eecuritiu other than Canadian. not exceeding market value ...................... .. Railway -and other bonds. debentures and stocks not xceeding market yalue Call and Short (not exceeding thirty days) Loans in Canada on bonds, de- - bentures and stocks or other securities of a euicient marketable value to (KIWI uepont mm me Minister ror me purposes I of the Circulation. Fund..- .................... .. Notes of other Banks ................................ .. United States and other foreign currencies Cheques on other Balance: due by Banks and Banking gorreapondentl elsewhere than in Anndzs .................................................. .. III we mormng. notevme almost unneuevau In ovemcnt in the condition of gout Ikin. uid. beautiful in color. nta . with nhmalna n(lnr_aInHr-gin, int! n nnuvnrful non` ,DepoIt_t in) tube C8l1tl'_8l Gold Reserves .... .. ASSETS i Ounmt coin held I) , the Bank ...... .;. ....... .. 699,125.76 Dominion N own (1 ................................ .. 8.720.5-12.00 1,300,000.00 I De winch Minn r F..'...::E!2;*2iP ______ .. I 10.6] 9.667.715 25R_00_00 V l.4l.Al:S1h.l'1'11B ght otthe Bank in cl:-culnuo posits bearing interest (including in- ~ wrest to due) ............ ., ........................ .. 854.210. 113.91 pout; not hearing interest .................. .. 14.221.930.28 Do to made by other Biinks in Canada ......... .. (`line ttczother Banlaa in ti. no Banks an Banking mac 11 en else. wbae than in Canada. ........................... ................... .. Letters of Credit outstanding ............................................... Liabilities nqt included in the .......... ggiittfands Dec :lr3dh1:nd Unpaid ........................................... .. ostock .................... .... .................................... .. `.4 k nu-ueo-:;`\`u:ni o u o o u u - In` oooooo - a a ~ . . - - u - - - . - . . . n u ~ - o o a n -- unnerved tor nonunion Income Tax .... .` Contributed to Oleers Pension Fund. . Balance Cnnted Forwud ...................... .. w -n.xsneeamuguro}.;.{n.Bf*1Z:.i2s.-; ......... ......... .; ....... .. Pram: {or the year ended Jsn..30th. 1926. ama:-deducting expense:-. intarestc bn dopodtl. rebate for in- taut. on unmac bills. provincial taxes snd making . provision for bad and doubtful debt; ................. .; ......... .... GJVICOINII II : [300 OK 1} mar . .Wu' 3: on Noto Circulation .......... .` Reserved for Dominion I neome Tax. ('!nnt.I-llnnnd tn nlnnnn Dnnsrlnn `Hun: A OF CANADA % i7i&$iFirst Statement for \ the year 30th January, 1926 b /_' A PRA0FIfr7andA% LOSSAGGOUNIAAL 7 dividends as moo of 12% per Iota Circulation ...................................... .. .CIGAR ,GEI_~fERAL STATEMENT7 u- -u . Isvw -v-nu--an -2.__- "` 7 T. " \ - -Wn'te: an .4uloDed1er un ovemem; an we common or our Inn. color. 3 fleasing odor-ie|icate. yet a powerful agent. or skin diseases. . V The n: 31.00 bottle nllnu you or your -Illly baC`o T , Du Do Do 30"; `"0 - LIABILITIISS nu .._- ..,_.v.. ,4. v=As4.IAl- Leonard Kingsley demands $20,000 from Emil Wieneckie._ farmer, in Waukegon, Ill., because a rooster peck- ed out his daughter's eye. Ong1n' ' al `condition is re- tained by these handy Bachelor Pafzltages of 5 `arm. 354.2510. 113.91 - 68.32.044.l9 n. NLCULISLLALV u, E/.C.A. or Pmcn: Wzvrnnnousm an O0. 12.232.586.13 3,650,657.43 1.880.819.-10 7,883,825.33 1 .0 l7.625.58 159376.62 2.l7l.760.66 357056.69 26l.l83.5l 145356.25 4.823.400.(X) '2.9(K).000.00 207.892.00 886.559.055.36 B9! Advrtius rm. 886.559.055.36 38.250.847.48 25.647.928.29 41.448.854.52 1 .498.274.57 15.800.926.23 86.082.760.(X) 357956.69 177.420.58 297.l22.78 609,803.64 3.744.776.87 l74.898.23 258.000.00 461 .939.00 34.341. 93 15.573.987.08 8924.934.06 $924,984.06 um 3l5l.ll0.50 852.990.47 778,823.56 I04 `fHURsDA` nun nown MEN l uznvous MEI DON'T MISS THIS V . WESTEI1 C0., LXMI sun r Comforl IMDZ. n bomlor 100% p Iniutnn, Rea the of Ion sell any but licic witll P381 to ti \.Aau Two kinda-" St:-o:`1_! ~ m*"M Eisner iaid }ct"iiie'a am on cougheand bronchi-` tie. Invaluable aeapreo ventive in cold damp weather. Stops night `coughs and deep" re- but the foreman: of Bronchitis, Pneumonia. or mu. Take no Bucliley o Mixture" bgingc prompt and Inst- 'nn relief. oi!` uvuuwv -tut '"s::on" or "uo:.'aoa"- 75c-4U doses ALL DRUGGIs'13S T212 cent adventure. ' My name -is Me(rlll."`annouced his host, when Bing `paused for obvious reasons. Mr. Merrill was e,v!d'ently.a man of action .and\ resource. "Rum runners, that's what they - are. Now. I have a brother, Bob Merr1ll-a good bit younger than I am. He's in the revi-' enue service. That is to say. he's a ;sort of volunteer Secret Service man. Amateur sleuth, you know, Terrlbly keen about it. Simplyuqughts in chas- ing smugglers. shooting at -em, and all that sort of thing. Keeps his iaunch Just off my landlngrl-Ie's Eben out In nuury nuu l'Gull'!1161.m ' , Whereupon Bing. in asfew wprda as possible, gave-him, `a , bald gnd dia- creetly incomplete story or his most re- `llglnnl N` ........'..A;....: 1.2-` nu ma tout." . ~ 7 "Now tellivme all about It." said his host, a stoutfmiddle-aged gentleman. Henry had returned. v ` Whnrnnann nla In an-`fawn cannula an what you do when you, wet 'em.".` Sorry' to get. you out of bed like this." apologized Bing. following the other down the hall. his feet squashing in a. most lachrymose manner. ' , "Can't you see I've `got all my clothes on?" . _ f'Oh, excuse me. I didn't know but what perhaps you might have---ahem! Yes. as I wasvsaying, `there is no time to be lost." ||'kYnnp `all n... ..II '..|.-..A. u. n ..-n; 1.1;. you a. mp or whiskey? You seem wet." Say that again,` please." cried Bing, eagerly. "You seem wet." V "I didn't mean that." A "Oh, I see. Henry. bring -it into the library at once." T -- . I ll drip all over your rugs."- Hang the rugs. No. that's what you do when you beat"em. I don't know what youkwet 'em.". Enrmr fn mat vnu mu no I\-A'1n... vvuaua pp: auuxuexxc: ` ' ' "You needn't be atraidof me. chat- tered B1`ng.. Now, `remembering what. was said about the telephone" he add- ed; Did you ea}/out of order? ' I did, What An unu umn+ `.'...uI..."41..;.' tau; u1u you say 0111'. OI O!`(1Ql"f" I am. What do you want `w1th="?t-h police? But first of all. can't I give you nip of whiskey? You seem Sav th}. again` nlnann " rmln `I-Hr-N You n_eednV t be affaid 6f me." chat- torod Bing. - . .---. \ ' Where is what? ._, I. ' The telephone.VA _ .."Oh, the telephone? It's out of order. Isn't working. Can't get central or any- thing on it. But. who are you and- wheave up? Accident?" ` `needn't atraideof n_1e. -ch_a,t- 4.......a 13:... an..." -._-.---.., ev .uxe---" ``I say." bawled Carrtngton. man- fully pushing his way into the hull-- I say. look here, ;_w_1iere s` your _tel9-_ hone? Don't` come `down. I mustvjgot old of the.police. Oh;;.-Hello. There you are. I didn't mean to `"et'you out of. bed. ` WW: I | bed. - A NU: ~ A man fully dressed, was coming hurriedly down the stairs. He stopped about halfway down. and /stared at the strange visitors. "Well. for the love of Mike!" , f`Where`is it?" was a uuug UL many UOIOPS.` _ Before the blinking servant .could muster the words to reply, or the strength to slam the door, a masculine voice called out- from somewhere in- side the house. "Who s there? What's up?" Goodness only `knows.: sir,, cried the servant. "I never saw anything like---" 4 ' H1 ......n :......1...a n.._..x....._;.- ____./ a us. me. uluuuy` you pmu LUl'_IanBI!l. It 1sn t anything unusual for 3 er- aon to gain ten pounds in thirty ayo -and for old people with feebleness overtaking them they work wonders, we-v_; wvuu. yvu vs. III Luv l_llUlyVlu ' After swimming for some ten or fifteen minutes, swiftly but cautiously. he decided it was safe to"m'ake for the shore, which he could distinguish close at hand. Presently he found a footing among the rocks and was `soon`thread- ting his ways among` the trees bound he knew not whither. `except-that rea- son told him he` was sure to come-to . a road shortly if he kept on in` the dir- ection he was going. He was wet and._ cold but determined,.In `due time. as he had suspected. he to me to a maca am driveway. Aishort distance ahead be distinguished the black shadow of a house. For this he dashed without hesi- tation and mounting the-broa steps to a capacious veranda, .wa moon pressing the door buttonand rattling thegreat iron knooker. The house was in complete darkness. After a long wait a light appeared in the hall and the door was opened by a..partiali'y cladl manservant. R/four `I no`: urnnn inlnnlg.-.....`f)` `l......-.'-4 .Iuuuau1'Vl:ulI.. t May I use yourtelephone? moon- ant. Must get the police at once, chat- . tered the amazlngobject that greeted the eyes of the servant. `Bing was `a. thoroughly saturated, glistening visitor from an absolutely unknqwn-world. He was a thing of many colors.` Rnfnrn fhn hnlzlncr anvounnlr nnnlol _ (Continued. from p,age'10}, .. \ that `bcame cornmendably' definite with the long, cumbersome polo co & he had donned at the beginning of the chase in order to cover as.- Well as nos- sible. the ` rather startling h lequin suit he had worn to the nine, _ress party. He succeeded. in_ shed _jg it. however, abandoning it to the aters or the ound, a sacrifice made _without the slightest compunctlon `because. he remembered that it did not belong to him at all but to alt Adams. who had generously pressed it upon him when they started oft in the motor. Ala-.. ...-..l..__.l..__ A __ L62 !o`st.s!_1.r-years ago i1as_been round in New York clt`y~and returned :;?t`Mrs. Evelyn Coleman of Brattlebogo; ` estimates. uuuu., Luuuury. . Half a million winter visitors are now working and playing in Florida, aeording to Chambers of Commerce Two petjsons were killed by ,inha.ling deadly gas. supposed to have been `trans-.rn,1-Ad hv n mnnnnhlum nfllfln Au, LWU peruuns were Iuueu oyfmnaung gas. `:{ezexa.ted by a._mo9nahine stllrin Au- .e . a. - ~ ' . A flvlllnlr "1-inf nIw-trn.nna no-A luau LA-.. 'Recent' re rte -show the bi:-`th rate or U.S. is ecreaslng. ' ~ \ For fhm l'Af, fall: nnv hnv` in nI.{..-- 01 u.. 13 uecreaalng. ` For five rat tails any boy` in Rhine- lander. Wis" can witness a; movie. Wl in nnnn n'nIn1y'n Inna nu, lander. wIs.. witness _a: Woman. 80. once a.` slave, was ar- rested In Chicago. IlI., guarding a forty gallon . still. _S!x workmen W!'Q killed. _eleven hurt OIIU VVUKII-Io - Because it contains more vitallzing vitamines than any food you can ' et. You'll be glad to know that c- Coy s Cod Liver Extract Tablets come in sugar-coated form now, so if you really want to put ten or twenty ounds of solid, healthy esh on your ones and feel well` and strong /-and have a complexion that people will admire-ask an druggist for a box of McCoy's Co Liver Extract Tab- `nfa 05`, LUl`Ey )s.uun Blilll. Six workmen were eleven when snow a New Britain. Conn.,` foundry. `F-`lnlf R. milllnn Ixrinfnn Irlalfn-an an-A r turn gun at uct.-' at `a. minimum 45 cost. ,. - ' 'Make sure of your Wstern trip this summer by planning ahead.` Any.Can- radian. National Agent wlllglve you full lgtongtlon and illustrated booklets. 6x xyuuuuuver U!` 1'!`lIlC9 11lJDB!`_I. To make the most of your trip the voyage through` the Sheltered Scenic Seas of the North Pacific should be taken trom_Vancouver to Prince Ru- pert or. Alaska. on the voyage you will see from splendid" sea-going steamers, alluring inlets," -towering headlands and tumbling icy streams and glaciers.- On the -return journey. see Kitwanga` and its totem poles. Mount Robson. the highest peak _in the Canadian Rockies. and again to Jasper National Park.` These trips, as mapped out by Gan- adian Nationai Railways, are not sur- passed anywhere .and furnish a lib- eral education on Canada to your Cane adian people. "Slimmer tam-liar ` (nu-an .4:-on" gQa....u.... uusuu puupw. , _ Summer tourist fares -are effective between May -15th and. Sept. 30th; with` 1- turn unlit of Oct.u81st. at minimum ! cost. . . nave never Been aczueu.., _ ` .' From Jasper National Park is a` nev- er-endlng succession of mountains-- nd more mountains-lovely valleys. turbulent rivers and dashing water- falls until you reach the, Coast at Vancouver or Prince Rupert. To make the mnnt nf vnlir In-In nu. -...-, nu`. Uvvv\1|lll$ nsnuulnuumu ycalus.` There is never an idle moment if you travel the Canadian National Route on radio equipped trains. Cross- ing - the vast 1)rairie country. the` Granary of the Empire is always in- teresting; Then there is Jasper Na- tional Park and Jasper Park Lodge of Continent-wide tame. There are moun- ts'.ins on all` sides, sky piercing giants, snow-capped. massive, many `of which have never been scaled. . . Wrnm Ianimnvv `luau.-.....I n.-...I- .1. .\ ..--. outts? Next summer" foret the cares of business or profession and take a. trip to Western Canada. the` Pacific Coast or Alaska. There's satisfaction in this kld of a. vacation--a swift journey fhrnna-I1 nn1ynn_hnn.m_m\n.. us nnanncw. .Luc1'c5 uu.unuu.cU,0n m [[118 va.catlon-a_ through never-before-seen country. restful stops :1? splendid resort hotels, and, when .you reach the Canadlan Rockies, gorgeous vistas of lake. for- est. and towering mountain peaks; 'I`kn-an In ........... ..._ 1.11- ._,__ -A uu. u.U|.LJI| xcuulucu Jus PUWIIIH. "Oh. well--a1l right, he muttered. Now to his passenger: Bob will find this boat you're talking about-the Fiiomena, did you say? And he'll make short work of the, darned pirates. If they run for `it. he'll put a coup1._ of one-pounders into em. and sink 'em. HI`I..-.1 ..!...I_4.I 1'1- _-_.,4.,-A - :- _PLAN NOW FOR THAT PACIFIC COAST `AND ALA$KA `TRIP YOU INTEND TO TAKE N_EXT SUMMER nu. cvauuvy a \IVI-I A-JIVUI JUJLIIIGUU LGU` lets. I 2tf Only 60 cents for 60 tablets and if you don't gain five poundsin thirty days our druggist will hand you back t e. money you paid or_them.` It inn f, nvlvfishia nnnunn'I fan a nun. "l'|rSi;;llIl)l1:" holds -his tail, that's all. But we can`t have hini along with us _ now. Get out, Bugle! Down with you._ lGo home!" . `Du.-min lo...........,1 LI..- _-4.-H I '- LZU IIUHIUS Bugle ignored the, command. He fe- fused to move anything but his tail. |Mr. Merrill resumed his rowing. "lm urn" .-.11 ..a'...\..`4.n ~-- uuu yuunnuunp Auuu cnu, auu SIIIK U111. Good night! He mustn't do that. He mustn't sink Aunt Celimena. I "T fhnlnrhf unn nah-I How ...-.....A. .-...... luluaul I. anus Aunt ueumena " * "I thought you said` her ame was Fllomena?" lms lnnN- l\ I..<..A. t1|._|__ 1-, , 0 I L` uunucuu. . _;`She isn't a. boat. She's Connie's aunt. She's a. lady." ' /m.. u.. _---u,,.,,~~ ...... ..... .~., vnlanllc up uuvrc ul Ll'UIl[-"` `I `Not a bit of it.-Jtls Bux:le s tail. Stop that. Bugle? Do you hear me, sir? Cut it out! You see; Mr. Carrington. on hot ights he comes down here and sleeps in this boat. He's axregular sea dog. Loves life on the ocean wave and all that sort of thing. He'd sing it if he could, wouldn't you. Bugle?" A Bugle rapped twice with his tail. He raps three times when he wants to say Noexplalnedv his master. Wh.t (inns: hA'm urlnnn. Inn An...-...lL 1.) any nu. expuaunew ms master. eWhat does he'do\when- he doesn't Want -to commit himself?" inquired Bing, who was feeling very bland by this time. ` ` uaa........~u.. u.._u.1_ .'.._ .,_.. .-. .. -- nuur cue racxet ne's making?" I thought pexzhaps you had a small auxiliary engine up there in front-" '1\Tnf 4) R16 A0 :4. 74.1.. -ra__-Au,- - -- u__e_ .x5en~ a snort (Instance out in the Sound, bobbing slightly in the swell. The oarsman had not taken five strok- es`. however, before he stopped and ut- 'tered a. `mild imprecation. . 4 -"T hB.t `dnegnnn nal" ha nvnln;-vcn-3 (area a. `mun lmprecatlon. _ -'1`hat `doggoned dog!" he exclaimed. peering over his shoulder, Hear him? Hear the racket he's making?" "I thought ner-ham: vnn hail n .=m.n lruggist. "For years /I had gas on the stom- ach. The first dose- of Adlerike. help- -ed. I now` sleep well. `and all gas is gone. It` also helped my husband." signed) Mrs.` B. Brinkley. ONE spoon- tul Adlerike, removes GAS and often - brings astonishing relief to the stem- uoh. Stops that full. bloated feeling. Brings out old. waste matter you nev- er thought was in your-system. This excellent intestinal evacuent is wond-I Olfill for constipation. `Wm. Orossle.n;i/ ulu u. Willie -8.50." ' Two minutes later they were hurry- ing down" to the shore, and Henry was pff to a neighbor's to telephone for the police. Coming to the end of `the float. the two men stepped into a. small boat and cast off. Merrill handling the, oars. The tiny light of a launch could be .seen~ .a ah.ort- distance out in `I1 fhn naval! ul aauu: uuuu--or 21. Wine suIrer'."'. Nit yourself, M'r. Merrill, [said Bing genially. I -\ . He, tol1owed- Henry ufastairs and in a very,/short time retuz-ned'to the library. completely-or to bequite honest. e.- bout` it--rather lnqompletely attired in Mr. Merrll1's gray checked suit.` Bing was a `tall spare man, Merrill a. short. pudgy one. It was a! very fashionable suitof clothes, but it lacked cohesion _when applied to Mr. Can-ington`s frame. The coat scarcely reached to the small of his back. there whs a seven or eight inch gap between waist- coat and trousers. and nearly all of Mr. 1\errlll s white socks were exposed to v ew. ;v;.cr1'uI'u wnue SOCKS exposed . You lbok tine, said Mr. ` Merrill approvingly. Much bettep than you did a while .ago.' I TWO mlnnfm: Infnn flan`: Ilvonn Inna.-. Lll DUUIIU. ' Lots of it. Largely protected by hot- tles. Come along. Let's be off. No time to lose. Ah, I beg your pardon. You must get `into some dry clothes. Henry, take Mr.-` Carrington upstairs and- and `dress him. Give hime that in-e.v checked suitor mine. Shirt. under- cioth es, everything too. You cer-' tainiy need a change. Mr. Carrington." (\`'1 T .,nnn nnunhbluu -...'...... ._ -_-- usefully uwwu Ila uuausc. $11.1`. l.{lLl`l.'llI5l.0IIa ' Oh. I am perfectly warm _n_ow. `Clear down to`in'y.'tOes; ' -"Well. I'll have another one waiting for you when you come down. About th same dose--or a trifle stlffer?". ' ' nit vnlnvnnlf M1,. `MI;-r ....a.: the Sound tonight. rovingearound. iook-- `ing for bad eggs. By bad eggs I mean smuggies. That's what he calls `em. smuggies. I heard the launch come. in half. an hour or so ago and tie up to the buoy. So I suppose Bob's out there now. He sleeps on `board these nights --ready_ for anything, you see. Now, I tel-I you. what we'll do. We'll get a .1-owboat, paddle out there, and, get [him -on` the Job. He'll` run these con- ltounded pirates to earth or sink 'em.. mall blunt -np-..I.3 L- 4|.` -_..-- LIV! ~- ova;-y-vu yaomsvu UV was l_l UL Blllll Ulllo g Well. that would be the same thing as running them to earth. all right. I suppose there's earth atethe bottom or the Sound." ` I "1101: Al lb 1 4-......I-- _..__L__A__'I 1.-- I__L -any-J o I `(T3 be continued) uuuu 3 xuuI_u:y ruus 11010. 1.00 . a.v You will nd that Dodd's,Kidney Pills will relieve `kidney -tru-ble. "M matter where` or in what `form itf is found. '--\ x. ' ` = 8c ...,v..-..., --v-, -van -nu \uyw\.Aa|]. V I .can truthfully recommend Dodd s Kidney Pills, so states'Mrs. E. Callier, 917 11'thAve. East, in an interview. I was doubled up with pains in my back,` but after taking l)odd s Kidney Pills I have/not felt a pain in two years. My father al- ways kept them in the house; as he was subaect to lumbago. He always felt relieved after taking them. We have. used D9dd s Kidney Pills in the family for overforty years; I hope Dodd s Kidney Pills will--do others as much good" as they hav done our _ family.\ .q+.+'........+.. in... n...-. 1.;..... L..:u .... Wife and Huoband i Both I With Gas xaluuy .` `and maintained Stat` this ha `the ve builf up - reputation DOdd's Kidney `Pills hold today. Vdn nrl n;-I `1\n5 TIAAAL. 57:1- -.. Mrs. E. TC/ellier Suerezl from` Paihg in Her Back and- l__' Now Complete- ly, Relieved. ' ` ' ` Vancouver, B.'C., Feb. , 22 (Sp_ecial) . T -'.... a....-n.:.-u_. __ . __ -So` Says British Coluniliia' Lady of Dada : Kidney THE FAMILY FOR oven 40 ucuuu VB ume. In its strength, the scope of its ;acs- tivlties,' the rapidity of its growth. and its vigour `and prosnerity, the Sun Life `Assurance Company now ranks among the first financial institqtions or Canada. _ 6c . . . . -u u u-u-vuiuruv 9II\ll`l "A teacher tells otan incident inla. primary school examination over}.-which.` she presided. ,One .o_f the queitions was with refetence to the five senses.` and a. bright pupil handled the subject` this way: "'hn flun annann an.` ......_n.... .._I, uy: 'I' senses are a eezlngl sob- bing, crying. yawning, c ghi g. By the sixth sense is meant an extra. one wlch some folks` have--this is snoring -... ...w. u us uunuxauuca Ill .l.Ul'UC. . The report, now released, indicates that the year's business has consider- ably exceeded that amount. The actual business reported by President T. B. Macaulay-is $1,021,097,101-a truly col- ossal amount. The increase over last year's high figures is almost $150.000,- . 000. For fifty years the Company `has actually doubled its business every five years. Increased profits to policyhold- ers are announced for .the sixth con- l secutive time. Tn Hm: nonnnnsh LL- ..____ An - u; uuuipxl uuuege. ' On Sunday, Feb. 14, a distressing accident occurred at the home of VVm. Adair, Gravenhurst, when his niece. . Alice Buker, four-year-old daughter` of Mrs. G. Buker, was accidentally! shot and terribly injured when a 44-40. 1 calibre rifle in the hands of Wm. Adair 1 discharged while he was demonstrat- :` ing same to a friend. The -little girll` was playing in the room, and in some ` unknown manner, it is stated. the rifle 1 discharged. the bullet entering the.` girl's leg below the hip. :1 v... -u --\p \nII|nI'\l I1E\.I\ll'|I-I New records have been` made so consistently of late years by the Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada, that fresh ones almost cease to c?eate-1 surprise. But the `iiifty-fifth annual statement, submitted at the meeting of the shareholders on the 9th instant.` is especially noteworthy because it shows that new levels of business have. been reached which are epochal in their natur . Never before has a Can-' adian comp _ny attained the billion dol- lar mark of assurances in force.` VIII... ...........4. ----- ~`-`A ' ' " You're behind the times if , you don't know that Cod Liver Extiact is , some of the greatest esh producers in t the world. 'D............ :1. ..-..a.-:.... ...-.._ ..::.-u..:.... u LUL tfdl. U1 nu ISVllle.' . .. In an essay co est on. "What is the Greatest Drawback to the Life of the Rural Woman and How May it be Im- proved, open to the Women's Instit- utes` of South Simcoe. under whose auspices the contest was conducted. the prizes, given by the District were won as follows: 1st by Barrie Institute, second by Stroud, third by Scotch Set- tlement. The judge was Prof.` Reynolds of Guelph College. On Rnnflnv Won 1.! n ;u..4...........:..._ mm are: rx-es., Jas. Playtair; Vice- Pres., D. S. Pratt; Sec _v.-'I`reas., A. W. Bell; Directors, D. L. White, Jr., J. W. Benson. W. F. Beck. Geo. A`; Beck, '1`. W. Duncan, J. T. Payette. J. B. Jen- . nings, E. Letherby, W. E. Preston, Sr. Wm. Hood, game warden in-Mu.s- koka, was attacked and badly beaten by a man named Fred Ballantyne, who had accompanied Mr. Hood from Tor- onto ostensibly to assist in the work of poisoning wolves. It is said that _the assault followed Hood's refusal to join a law-breaking fraternity in the dis- trict east of Hu tsville.' Tn an naun nn +1.; A... `IY`._A. i__ L;-- . wuu a. U.l8.IlC8 OI 8.lI'nOSt 5300. While cutting wood in the buh. Frank Skelly of Alliston sustained a bad gash when his axe slipped. Being all alone at the time, he had to drive himself to town to get medical assist- ance. , \ Men from this district recently elect- ed to._the. executive of the Ontario H nters' Fish" and Game Protective Association are Dr. H. Wallwin. Barrie: Frank Smith. Orillia; J. S. McDowell. Midland, and E. Devltt, Novar. The Allisfnn T-Tn:-vnhl oboe-An kn; ......: `Midland, and E. Devitt, The Alliston Herald states that resi- dents of South Simcoe. Diifferin and Wellington will press the Department of highways for an improved road. from Croxon's Corners on the Provin- cial Highway west to Primrose on the Prince of Wales road. I 3 ffinnra fnn `Ml --1.31.-.....: 4-4-1: rcu_.u_ L" rnnue UI wales road. ` Officers for Midland Golf Club for 1926 are: Pres., Jas. Playfair; Vice: Pres.. D. S. Pratt: snow -'l`rnno A 1!? vvuu was uzuuy ormsea. `Total circulation of Alliston' Public Library for 1925 was 14,385 book` . The Library, which is supported b the Women s- `Institute, closed the year with a balance of almost $300. While r-_ntHno- umm-1 In M... 1......I. uaycx rats. 1!". u{7!\ f`hen_Dunc`a..n McNa:bb of Edenvale. was delivering a. coweat the Stayner stock yards the animal became un- manageable and attacked her owner who was badly bruised. "]`nfal r-irnnlnnnn no AlH-d-n...`l:I--I-N-- Hue wuwn [16 was nanaung. ' Hugh A. Ryan, formerly of Graven- hurst, died in Toronto._on Feb. 18,.-from, heart failure, a.ged`50 years. He lived Barrie one whiter a number of years 0; , z - _ Q? One ofthe main objects ot,the re- cently established Government experi- mental fur farm at.Balsam Lake is to experiment with the raising of musk- -. -` - - ' - Duaru UL '.I.'l`U.(l. - ` It is proposed to build a new -wing to the`Newma.rket High School, the building. as` it is now`. not providing sufficient accommodation. _ TAR7i - (".nnna inf Q11!-Iv-ll;-14:14; n---A SKINNY MEN}