FOR SALE Live Stock For Salt: F Fox: `Sale. for ' `,3 :t6f*f5 I . - V 7 ~ ~- - \'-' u TO LE'l'--23 acres of land on the road to Little Lake. Comfortable cottage" and burn, good well and cistern. Apply .1`. spearln, V 60 Worsley St., Barrie. Phone 1881-`. `In ' 780` 'sat'm~aay,' "Fob. 2 o- -W.; H. `Martin, at Ma:-rin s Yards. .Barr1e;- 21 good cows, Sale at 1 p`.m. W. A. Mcconkey, Auctioneer. ' - 6-7x4 \ Wdnesday. Feb- .24---Wm. MacDonald. j lot 12. con. 9_. Essa; pure bred'Aber- dean-Angus cattle, rarm stock tug} - implements. Sae -at 1 pm. W. ljlcconkey. Auc loneer. , 6-"Ii T `-'1`u`esd':;`y'. "March" -9--Jae.` Brandon, at . , v lot 7, - con; `B, vOro,;farm=1;tock~ nd Im- A plements.`Sale a.t`1 p.x,n.,1W._ A.AMc- " _.C6hk'oy,j__ 'Au't1on`er.' . 7x ` days tnerearzer. j -\ '~ For further particular; and condi- `t1ons,of sale. `apply to JONES & BARLOW. , . '86 Toronto St.. Toronto", ` Solicitors for the Mortzagee. Dated at Toronto this 10th dajnof Feb- ~` ruary. 1926.` _ 6-8c auwcul. to reserve mu. ' TERMS-'I'en per cent. _of the pur- chase price paid at the time of sale In cash. and, the balance in thirty days thereafter. ' \ ' Wdh fnulvlnan maul`-I.u.1....... ....1 .---2-- LUIIU uunveyea to one 11. 1.4. Rogers as part of theisaid broken lot and except- ed by him in a reconveyance of said lands. and being that parcel, described In Instrument No. 12773 for said Town- ship as two and seven-tenths acres more or less, and abutting on the said northerly limit of said broken lot: thence northeasterly and northerly along last mentioned westerly limit to the said northerly limit; thence west- . _erl~y and along last mentioned limit to ' the place of beginning. Subject to` the -right of way described in Instru- ment No. 10810 for .said Township. Subject` also to a right of way to all persons entitled thereto over a private ,roadway at the east `limit of the said premises twenty feet in width and ex-' tending from` the `southerly boundary 1 to the road allowance between Con-V cessions Thirteen and Fourteen. shown . marked ,Y"_on deposit tiled in the ` Registry Office for the Registry Div- 1 ision of the County of Simcoe as Num- ber 418. . . i Upon the said property there is said J -to be erected a large trams building usedas a dancing pavilion and room-' ing house." ' ` ` ~ * . The property`-will be oftered for_sale subject to reserve bid. 1 ' 'l"l7`.`D`l|.f.Q_'.l'Inn wag-n mount -1 LL- __-H E 131': 7c |Jl'UpUl'Ly, naune1y:- All and singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Township ot Innislyin the `County of Simcoe, be- ing composed of part of broken Lot "Number Thirty-One (31) in the Thir- teenth'Concession of said Township. and more particularly described as fol- lows:-- Commencing at a point in the northerly limit of said broken lot. dis-. tant nine hgndred and fifty, feet from the northwesterly angle thereof, mea- sured easterly along said limit; thence southerly and at right angles to said limit three hundred feet: thence east- erly-_and parallel to said limit to the 'westerly_limit of certain .lands hereto- tore conveyed to one H. L. Rogers as Dart Of the' bI'Ok'Fl1 Inf and nvnnv-if- Ungler zlnd by virtue of the powers 5 of sale contained in a mortgage which `will be produced at the time of sale. there will be offered for sale by public auction on Wednesday. the 10th day of March, 1926, at-the hour of 12 o'clock noon, at the Queen's Hotel in the Town [of Barrie, Ontario, by VV. A. McCon- ; key, Esquire, Auctioneer, the following I property, tlamely:- All and nine-nlnr I-land nguontu ...........1 ` QELYS l'.Il8X'e8.IteI'. F61` further terms and nart1cu1ars,_ 8-DDIY-W . ` STEWART & STEWART. ' Barrie. 0nt.. . Mortgagees Solicitors. [Dated the 6th day of February, A.D. ; 1926. ` . 6-9c ya u; I onus vwu uxu ""i3ERM`sV OF SALE-Ten` per cent. of the purchase money at ttme of sale. and.the balance to be paid in thirty i days thereafter. ` 17` (`iv fun!-hgsn Gnu.-an ......: ......u-.-v-.4_ _ - 'v' HOUSE T0 LE'I'--Central-. seven roolna. HGWIV dannrntn `IR nan nnnnb unulul U ) uunuesslon or said Town- dehip of Vespra. ` The land is clay loam, well watered by well, and small orchard thereon.- 'I`her'e ls also said to be a good bank barn and small dwelling house erected thereon. The property is well situated and adjacent to Barrie. 'I"hn nrnnnrvfu nyill kn 4.... ..-u- H.111). uu,]ucen1'. [O barrle. T '.I` will be offered for sale subject to a. reserved bl . ' nuwnnnn Ava an A -r -v. ` .uu.uu:uy 3"?` _ - ,All and singular: those certain parcels lying and being in the Township of Vespra, the County of Simcoe, and being co posed: Firstly, of all that part of the east half of the eastthalf of Lot Number Twenty (20) in the Ninth (9) Concession of. said Town-' T ship oi'.'Vespra, lying south_and south- erl,y of the Sunnidale Road. containing ten acres more or less: and `lqeing com- posed, secondly, of all that portion of the `east half of the east half of said Lot Number Twenty (20) in the Ninth .(9) oncession of said Township of Yes ra, lying north and northerlaviof the Sunnida1e.Road. containing forty ' acres more or Iesspand being compos. I ed; .thirdly,cof the northeast quarter of Lot Number Twenty-One (21) in the Ninth (9) Concession of said Town- [ship THA land In nlnv Incnm ugll nn.a-......\;.I I `or tracts of` land and premises situate,` Under and by virtue of the powers of sale contained in a. certain mortgage which will be produced at the time of sale. there will be offered for sale by snubllc auction on Saturday. March 6, 926, at 12 o'clock noon. at the Queen's Hotel. Barrie, by. W.` A. Mcconkey, .Auctioneer, the .following property, |.namely:-e- . All and ulnar:-u`lon iuhjsup. ......a...a_ ......--I_ MORTGAGE -SALE of Valuable -Farm `Property in the Township of Vespra . County `of Simcoe ??_. F0} turther terms and `blag-ticulars. apply to DONALD ROSS, Bame. ont;, 6-70 .Mortgagee'a Solicitor. Dafed 8rd -day of February, A.D.. 1926. wvvnv was-vgvvv uv'au IUBUIVU USU- Terms of. sale-'1`en per `cent. of the purchase money at the time of sale and the balance within thirty days there- after. - 'n`An Cnuunllgpsn. L-._._._ '- -_ 3 '1- - I ' " u u Janus msremnerore IIPSUY GGSOXIDGG 9. 0 that part or the road. allowance between the third and tourth conces-' eions of the Township of Sunnidale lying between the western line of the qiencairn lftoad and the western limit of the lands described in said register- led deed number 3081. - ` The nrnnm-hr min I... ..oa.......1 a-.. cu ueeu number 3081. , The property will be offered` for Isle subject to-a reserve bid. ' many. .1 .....I. run._ --,,7 pl.'uyerI.y, V `nauneiy:-- ,- . Firstly: Those parts of the north halves of` lots numbers nine and ten in the third concession and those parts `,0! the soutlr halves of lots numbers eight; `nine and ten in` th fourth con- cession of the said Town hit) of Sun- nidale more particularly described in `deed `from John D. Hay and others to Robert .P'aton, registered as ` number 8081-{save and except, the part of the south half or lot number ten lying east and south or the Glencairn Road. and secondly: That portion or_ the road al- lowance between lots nine and _ten in the third and fourth `concessions of the said Township of Sunnldale lying be-' tween the northerly limit of the Glen- cairn Road and the northerly limit of t e lands hereinbefore firstly described a 0 thatnart nf fhn I-nn nllntsinnnn I FOR "RENT -, `Comfortable, double house. brick, seven rooms. fire place, conveniences. large gardens. central. Phone 1256. ` , , A 2-79 av-urn` I Varlmlld hlfll-II`: OF VALAUABLEV FARM PROPERTY L In the Township of Sunnidalo . County of Simone. . Underland by virtue of the Powers of Sale contained, in a. certain-Morb cage 'whioh will be produced at the time of sale. there will be offered for 8 ie; by PublicAuc t_ion on Saturday.~ ebruer 27. 1926, at 12 -o'clock noon. `at the uun l Hotel. Ban-ie,_by W. A. /Mcconkey. Auctioneer, the following property,` na.mely:- Flrntlvt 'l`hm:n ma-.4. ..o 4.1.... _....u. GBEDIT SALE .Mm'<=Ac E SALE MORTGAGE IILI IIAQI 2 Elihu: aIu'-g- 1'1-u-: `nxnau-: EXAMINER- ` ` . `LOCKE--In loving memory of our dear husband and father. George A Looke, who died February 18. 1924. Februa. . brings sad memories Of 9. dear one laid to rest - . .Who will always. be remembered By those who loved him best. - :1- .11-- ___n_L,,L - j.` r HOUSE TO LE'I`-~13 Burton Ave.. Allandale, possession March 1st.or 15th Rent reasonable, J. E. Morrison. phon `427W. T 7-8c ', * ' V 777 KENNEDY-In loving memory of Wilma} Kennedy, eldest daughterof -Mr. and` Mrs. Hunter Kennedy, who died.\Febz-uary 15, 1925. lone year has passed, we miss her still That vacancy can ne'er be filled. `A She's gone to. dwell with God on high A'l`o wait our coming by andby. --Sadly missed by Father. Mother, 7e` T = Sister and Brothers. . '.:.uv: nnuug stream 0]: 11116 goes on, But still the empty chair Reminds us of the face. the smiles. Of one who once sat there. _ Our 11111313 cannot speak how we miss . m. L . 4 . ' Our hearts cannot tell what to say: I God alone knows how we miss dear - Dad ' In ourehome that is lonesome today. 7p -. Daughter Sarah, Sister Lillian. :` n BLACK-In loving memory of Vyvyan V Black. who died Feb. 16. 1923, Barrie. `The rolling stream oflite `Still the emntv chair vv ux ucvvr Laue away. `Ic -- other, Father and` Brothers. g.j-: 'The flowers we place upon her rave ARMS'I`RONG-In' loving fxgemoryl ore; Olllll` dear Emily, who die , Feb. 15," 19 6, `aged 17 years. We. often sit and think of Emily When we are all alone. For memory is the only friend That grief `can call its own. More and more each day we miss her Friend may think the wound is healed But. `us God Who hath bereft us He can all our sorrows h'eal. May wither and decay, I But love "for Emily who sleeps beneath Will never fade away. I )... '|l'..A.`I..... 73.4.`... _.,,-I -- 7..., nu.-5 nun ucancu vvucu BUUJIUU DU` 8111!. "ms there, sometime, we'll understand." _7c ---S1ster Belle. .._A_.___._________.._'._._______ :x.nuv.n.a1..n\J;V\.r-J.u 1UV.lIlg' IIIBIIIOPY OI my dear sister, Emily, who died Feb. 15, 1916. - - . We'll know. why clouds instead of sun. Were over many a cherished plan Why song has ceased when scarce be- gun. TZ'T ARMSTRONG-In loving memory of my dear sister. Ernllv, whn mad Wnh :xnn.nn:uv1-1n Ionaest memory or our dear Annie. who died Feb. 17, 1920. Not dead to us, just ne before. She waits us on the olden Shore. [ --Father, Mother, Sisters 7p . f A and Brothers. ABRAHAM-In fondest memory of our dear Armin. whn aim! Wok 1'] 1mm 1"14A.'l.` TU u1sJ'1`--Ovex_~ Jebb's Jwelry store.` Clapperton St. Apply R. H. Webb, phone 1092W. _ 7p 1- g IN MEMORIAM g 2c per word; miniimim 50c. nvnl ll\I\IIdII _ v MATCHETT - 'LONG_I-IURST-- At Churchill, February 17, 1926, by Rev. J. McEwan, Violet, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.` Archie Longhurst, Lefroy, to Lorne H. Matchett, Gilford, Ont. uuu, d. uaugnwr uvumreu JOZLII). FRASER:--In Barrie, Saturday, Feb. 13, 1926, to Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Fraser, 267 Dunlop' St...a. son. . GORDON--In `the RV. Hospital. Wed- nesday, Feb: 17, 1926, to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gordon. 01:0, 3. daughter. ROBINSON-In the R.V. Hospital, `Wednesday, Feb. 17. 1926, to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Robinson,_ 181 Toronto St., a daughter. . - BELCHER-In the ' R.V. Hospital. -Wednesday, Feb. 17, 1926, to Mr. and] Mrs. F. N. Belcher. Bradford St.. 8., S011. 'BRANDON--On Tuesday, Feb. 16, 1926, to ~Mr. and Mrs. Howard Brandon, Guthrie, a daughter. ~ COLPITTS--In Barrie, Thursday, Feb. 11, 1926, to Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Col- pitts, 130` Bradford 'St., a daughter 1 (Minnie Doreen). COTTRILL-At Port E1 in, Ont., Feb. 11, 1926, to Mr. and Mr . Va]. D. Cot- trill, a daughter (Mildred Joan). FRASER~r--Tn Rarrin Qnhurnv Wok ---V-D--\OVG `Id-. VDl\a \)\4`{D\JIII , 32, who was in town visit- t , Mrs. McPhaiI, showed- X `inifiasfrii ing his sis _The Examiner this week a photo of! the steamer, Lady of the Lakes,3 taken at the dock in front of the G. T.R. station here in 1880. This side- wheeler plied Lake Simcoe for many years and wasburned at Belle Ewart. Mr. Whipps is an old steamboat man, having been connected with the boats for nearly fty years. , ........ naval aux. auu LUV. (U I l it-Has beenvdecided to, discontinue the cycle story, Children of Odin, E at the Ptgblic Library Story Hour,* but very Interesting `stories may be} looked for every `Saturday morning` for the remainder of the season. ' `IT 'f'I'TI_ 3 , , '1 u_y :;u.u.`c:suu1enES. ' --D'on t fail to attend the gretest - musical event of the season, a can- tata, The Rainbow s End,_ under direction of'Miss J. Bryson, Centralg United Church, Tuesday, Feb. 23, at, pm. Admission 25c and 15c. 7c: `TL 1...... 1.-.... .l--2_1_:| . I- uu ouuuu num. ' 1 St. Patri_ck s Day, Wednesday,i The annual international and in-! terdenominational - united women's day of prayer wi be held inVSt. An- drew's Sunday chool `room, Friday} Feb. 19, at 3 o'clock. I 7x] - Last .Friday evening` a Valentine party was held at the B.C.I. under the auspices of the SeniorLiteraryV Society. The entertainment took the form of a promenade, followed by refreshments. ' *n',\..n. :...-1 1.. _LL,,, ,1 -v _ ._.._..u, ..-u. rvuvyvttvu 1.0.! II WEEK : ' -.--Just arrived, another` car of that I ' good Domestic coke `in nut size.--; 0"Neill s Coal & Wood Yard, phone` 748.1 . '7c -Wal]l)aper in latest designs, all` prices; xclusive agency for Stem- ton s semi-trimmed. ' W. A. Lowe`&g `Son. Elizabeth St. ' tfc: `H. G. Maxwell, who advertisedhis , house at 10 Small St. in The` Exam--3 iner, has made a sa1e'of the property 9 to qsmith Kain. ` l 4- 'D..;...:..1-9_ rs, , .-.. . - | FLAT TO LE'l`-Over Jebb'8 Jznwsug; store- Clannertnn Q1-T Annlv zone at. ' Look out 'forVthe W.C.T.U.' meet-F ing on Mar. 1s-t. It will be of gm-1 usual interest. I W" -`-.._` _`___`Q, Q -I Z -' uaucu urwrest. " I The annual meeting of the Poultry - Association; called for last Thursday_ evening, was postponed for a week.g 1...; ....._-..._1 _,. ,-I ~ -4-All. sizes linoleum rugs vait W. A. `Dr. W. R. Richardson ilost ,a dental ltzwe &: Son's`, Elizabeth St; ' tfe c air in the re at Elmvale last week. ' J -Lewis Coal Co.' received this week seven cars of No. 1_ Alberta coaL , A 7V f`A___`|___ (Mn ' ` an. pun vvuxu, uuuuuul DUC. i$&&&$&ma&&mwww5 .7. ._v__ u--. -11-II an ILIUWIIIG 7c Gordon Stevnsqn has jaurchased the W. Partridge property` on Char-5 lotte St. ' A LocAL?NEws , Readers,'3c `word; minimum 50. $ 1 A` .2 .:,,-.--n- ---/ V L ..wuuuru, cu `wuru; mmxmum 50. .1 *, gi$%&&i$m&mw&%x wdrd; swammmmmmmmmmm eneral e decorating phone "A. FOR PAN. ING. paper hanging and erry, 5 , 21 Gowan St.,'Allandale. . . V 6.11:: .- -_...... qnnnll vvcun ` U --Sadly missed by Wire, ` Sons and Dauzliter. BORN __-.- - sin.`-n49vvl.lV\)g 3 1Pure Bred Holstein Cow, 5 yrsrold, 1 P1`e'B1`ed Dual Pl11`PSe COW, 6 with calf at foot. - yrs. old, due Feb. 27. : 1 Pure Bred Holstein Cow, 6 yrs. old, 1 Pure Bred Dual Purpose Shorthorn due Feb..23. . Cow, 5 yrs. old,\due Mar. 1. 1 Holstein Cow, 6 yrs., calf at foot. 1 Durham `Cow, 5 yrs., due by sale. 1 Ho1stein_Cow, 5 yrs., calf at foot. 1 Durham COW 5 Yrs calf at f00t- 1 Holstein Cow, 4 yrs., ue by sale. I1 Durham COW 5 Yrs-. due M813 4- 1 Holstein "Cow, 6 yrs., ue Feb. 26. '1 Durham Cow, 6 yrs., due Mar. 10. 1 Holstein Cow`, 5 yrs., due Feb. 27.i - .1 Jers_ey_Cow, 5 yrs., due by sale. The above are all` good young cows, 1 Ayrshire Cow, 5`yrs., calf at foot. in good condition. and good milkers. _1 Ayr'shire Cow, 6 yrs., calf at foot. All will be `sold `without reserve. 1 Ayrshire" Cow, 5. yrs., due by sale. 2 , 1 Ayrshire .Cow, 4 `yrs., due Feb. 23. 3 Terms of `Sale---Six months credit .1 Ayrshire Cow, 6 yrs.,` due Feb. -27. will be` given to parties rfurnishing 2Pure Br_ed,'Ayrshire `Heifers, 2 `approved joint :notes.' 6% per an- old, 'in~cal_f. - It ' num o for cash. w..A.MccoNlu:Y, Anctioneer. A .1. 1. c .uu:u nunsueul UOW, 0 yrs. 010, Holstein Holstein Cow, `at yrs., ue 27. Jersey, Cow, yrs., 1, Ayrshire Cow, l 1 Cow, I `yrs., = `yrs., 627.` Bred-`Ayrshire Heifers, yrs. ` old; in half. 6 (sATu13pAg1 1-3.20 AUCTION EYE . .....OF.._ V 21 (soon cows due to 'p 1'g'in March, April and` May. On Saturday, February 20 - AT 1P.M. there will be sold by public; auction AT MARRlN S YARDS, BARRIE Three wen Bred Ydrkshire - FROPD SOWS an-. re w, wn be out again; STORE TO LET--Enqu1re John 83.510. . _ c j purucu on xuunuay evenmg. \_John Miller and Mrs. W. Elliott of Egbert and Miss K. Wilson of Cooks- town spent Monday afternoon with the former s sister, Mrs. McMaster. . Mr. Pw whn hau Bonn an 4.. ..1.1..'4.. uvcr LHU WBBK-B1111. T. Jack has returned to his home in Lefroy after spending a. few days with his daughter, Mrs. D. J. Miller. Mrs. Oworne of Alllstontis visiting her mother, Mrs. McIntosh. ' Mr. and Mrs. W. J. `Miller and Mr. and `Mrs. Fred Coulson spent Sunday with Baxter friends. T. Miller and two children of Elm- grove spent Sunday at the home of his brother, Andrew. ` Frank Elphick spent the week-end. at the home of his sister, Mrs. John McKnight, Baxter. 'l\/I'M: r\|~nI-I115 Inn- ....d...........: ;_ 1.-.. iv.u.:.I:uug11l., Duxcer. Mrs. Sproule has returned to her home in Egbert after spending two weeks with Mrs. McIntosh. Mrs. Elphick and Mrs. W. J. Miller attended the Valentine ball at Cami) Borden on Monday evening. . *\John Miller and Mr: W m1n.~.++ no 1115. . Mr. Rachenand Lloyd and M. M. Bell are under the doctor's care. RIPE I3`:-an]: `Qnnrn nu-`A ain-`up-1.4.-.. 73.1 an-; uuut-:1` ule (10CEOI"S care. , Mrs. Frank Rowe and daughter Ed- `na, of Barrie visited Utopia friends over the week-end. VI" Tonb `Inna ....+..........a. 4... 1..-._ L-4-r- ' [.1118 W CUK. ` Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bell entertained a number of friends at progressive euchre and dancing on Tuesday even- insz. ' ~ CLICK; ing. auu LIES. 1.11. 1V1. Den. - Mrs; Moran of Barrie spent` a few days last-week with Mr. and Mrs. W. (J. Dempster. NH` and Mnva "I"nnv- nf Aruno.-.... ..'......4.' auuuay wlul N11`. 8.110. 1V1I`S. J. 11.. 1581!. Mr. and Mrs. Miscampbell of Angus `visited Mr. and Mrs. John W. Jennett I this` week. [ r `Mb. .-....I 1.1`..- 1' rr 1-.-n _,,;- . . . Feb. 15-Mrs. Leslie Tupling of Hon- eywood is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Bell. TUI'r-c|- 'l\:I'nnnn A4? 13.-.....:. .........A.. - --~- uuep ml. wun brick bungalow. on Dalton Sh; 100-ft. tennis lawn, 150-ft. garden. facing Maple`Ave.; all making one nlce property. At a. bargain. Mr. Creswlcke,; 1.90 Bayeld St. ' 6-8c -a. um-:1up:sce1'. ~ _ Mr. and Mrs. Tuer of Alliston snent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bell. M!` and litre N/fiunnrnnisnll A4! A...-...... I Mrs. Wm. Johnston and family wish ; totthank their many friends and neigh- ibours for the? kindness shown in their -recent_ sad bereavement and for floral 3 offerings. - . 7p I _ Mrs. `John .Muir and family` wish to ; sincerely ..thank their friends and 5 neighbours for kindness and sympathy lshown them in the death of their. , father, the late Jofin Muir. 7p VVe wish to thank our many friends and neighbors for kindness and sym- pathy shown us in the recent illness and sad bereavement in the death of a `loving wife and mother. Isaac Ellis and Family. 71) I c I I I lg 2c per w;Jrd; minimum `Soc. I mmmmmmmm mmmmmmmm w&&$%ii&%m&$$% *3 .CARD or THANKS W. A. M'cCONKEY,k Auctioneer. nu cu. wuru, luuluuurn 001:. w iwwimwmammmmwmmw uc LUEIIIUFS mater, Mrs. Mcmaster. Mr. Pew, who. has been 11], is ableto .e out again; ` ROMANMEAL... AUCTION sAu3 Ba.llapo|" Indian % 1Pkoe.TEA .... I T _ FOR SALE--`-6 -ft. frontage by 70-ft. deep lot. wit brick bungalow. t.: 100-21. tannin lawn 1:n_c+ CUSTOM HA'i'ci'rING un o`e'ava11abi only on 20 and '87 lhst.. arr nae` ours `now, Booklngorders tor `ha. y c lcks. v M .; M h 8. VA gmmrecai-ark qpqay from F are 19., H. F. `on. ownar. ' t4,3ll9.l'Yi, 70` .Colll|3I,`f3`}:i`:V "SERV-US cocoA, s1;v1:Lco'uR'n:s`v --{QUALITY 4- PRIZE Chain Red andaWl1ite Stores :.JL. JAY I A. MEEKUMS PHONE 18 V PHONE @942 1- P:__!NGER W. `V W MARLTW UTOPIA Mmws &*A":i5s;`;uem ` fdot, I l , yrs.,_ I , 26.' , y 17`!!! Jun- 1.... ..-`- SPEC! LS FORAWE.-EK STAR % cF3.~19= = OR SALE---7-room brick house. con- veniences. garage. Leaving town, price reasonable. small down payment ac- cepted. own terms. Apply Wm. Bre- thour, 88 Sanford St. I M . 8-8p ORDERS DELIVERED to sell by pub1ic`aucti_o; at- m CO A jja 1 - Z THE 1=o{._L_c)_w11\fc;_: -- 65 25 T11` ` PHO_N\` ms: K6513 naounooottcucoocao Buckwheat . . . . . . . . . . . . Butter, per pound Eggs, per doz. . . . . . . Potatoes, per bag, hew `THURSDAY WHOLESALE Pmc:-:9 No. 2 Fall Wheat .... .. $1.3o-1.35 Barley ..: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 55-60c Rye . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 85`-90c Peas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H ` "` " _.-.`...v.u mum unounny ULLICI dJ.'LlL'lUH. TERMS OF SALE--All sums of $10 and under, cash; over that amount 9 months credit will be given to parties furnishing approved joint notes. 6% per annum off for cash on credit sums. All will be sold without reserve as `proprietor has sold his farm. nh3 ad 1 ..... 111 n at A- Uj'ii ROUGI-{CAST I-IQUSE. in good con- dition, for sale. Suitable for workman. Cash or on easy terms. Apply at 1.1. ? Cumberland St., Allandale. Phone 764.1. c-u NUUIX 1133115. `GRAIN--100 bus. good seed oats; 2 bus. red clover seed; 2 bus. alsike seed. IMPLEMENTS - Frost & Wood mower; Massey-IHarris binder, 7-ft. cut; scuffler; Frost & Wood corn bin- der, good as new; Massey-Har- ris seed drill; two-furrow Cock- shutt plow; Cockshutt riding plow, 1- furrow; single plow, Fleury No. 21; 2 steel land rollers; 2 buggies; Frost &- Wood manure `spreader; stiff-tooth cultivator, Frost & oWood; spring- tooth cultivator; wagon with grain and stock rack combined; set sloop sleighs; long sleigh with box; cutter; 2 sets iron harrows; sulky rake; set scales, 2000' lbs.; bag truck; new set brass- mounted harness, long-tug, with .breeching; set brass-mounted long-tug harness, with breechings, nearly new; set long-tug harness. with back bands: 3 sets single harness; 3 collars; 2 sugar kettles; hay fork; vise and anvil. ; HOUSEHOLD . FURNITURE--Bed and -springs, new;_ 3 mattresses; 2 single beds; bedroom suite; 6 dining chairs; . rocking chair; washing ma- chine; coal oil heater; triple heater with hot air pipes; also churn, forks, shovels and many other articles. flitrnmra l\'l 'c1A1'1n ... - -A-\4`Ja.4\r|u\IL 110.3 3011.1 1113 18.13111. Sale at 1 p.m. W. A, Mcconkey, Auct. j Uluo PIGS AND POULTRY-Good brood sow, due in April; 9 small pigs; pair Pekin ducks; 50 well bred Barred Rock hens. IIDATRY 1AA 1.--- ,.., 1 - CATTLE---Roan cow. 6 yrs. old, due in August; grade Angus cow. 6 yrs., due in March; fat steer`, 2 yrs. old. `old. u_y1 WM. i)i;215E3ivA1.D /*9 Lot 12, Can. 9, Essa 1'11 and] R 1 r n 1 n n 6 8 n m .\.. nay -.:uu., rising `i yrs. 010. CATTLE--Reg. Aberdeen Angus cow, due March: reg. Aberdeen Angus cow. due April; reg. Aberdeen Angus cow. due August; reg. Aberdeen Angus heif- er, due March; reg. Aberdeen Angus heifer, rising` 3 yrs. old, with calf at "foot; 3 pure bred Aberdeen Angus bulls, 4 a;nd`7 months, eligible for reg- istration; 2 pure bred Durham heifers, 6 and 8 months, eligible for registra- tion; pure bred Aberdeen Angus bull, 2 yrs. old; (1`RATn:`. r`A'11m1'_1r,,,, D-.. ..-... o -...- i _ -f<;I1-o-wfi ng: HORSES--Bay horse, 9 yrs. old. Pearl Finder; brown mare. rising 5 yrs. old; bay mare, 9 yrs., supposed in foal, bay horse, 8 yrs., matched team; bay colt, rising 4 yrs. old. | CA'["T`T.F`.--R n9' Aha:-Roan Ann-nu Anti! ' or REC-;|`$:TERED ABERDEEN ANGUS CATTLE. VI-`ARM srocx AND IMPLEMENTS The undersigned has received instruc- } tions from DUPLEX HOUSE for sale: also 6- room cottage; workshop on property. Will sell on easy terms or would ex- change for farm. Box` 847. Barrie. 6-11p "1"n(JLnsDAv, FEBRUARY 13, mm, NU-LJELL Jelly Powders, - avors . 3 for 25 BRAND (;1:MLYE .. 2 f~'=r,25c wE15"Ni15 A?,i5i:i1iZ` 24 Thu rlnu-cl...-. DISPERSION SALE h III,-1111\-I-In-- __ -.--' yvn-v v to sell by auction on T3 A C! jjj ` HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT. brick. 8 ropms, garage. large garden: good location; would sell at bargalnlf ta en soon; alga violin. 107 Maple Ave. ' 7p ...... 60-3UC .. $1.10-$1.15 . . . . .. 55-60c , . . . .. 42-45c ...;.. 35-40 Q`) I ): )u"2UV $2.25 The fastest ture he Get set for time 0 Chapte Great C Two Shows Saturday REGU Adult Childr Does your I) terrible pain (A Here is instant potgnt ]iqLxi(l n all ntchxng. all r '!`L_ _-; fl u.x.u... .. T`: rs`! Ell. Iouy back. \ THURSDA FOR SALE---Corner lot in Oro Station. `frame house and" barn. good: orchard- and small fruits, splendid water. Ap- ply -F`. McMl`n_n, Oro Statiin. . 5-10p Cal FRIDAYI If you :1r entertain "A3131. La] Brew` of tin ALI. ll C real. lizing 77 Ill C/lL`C @u FOR SALE--North-east part of lot 32. con. 7. sea. 70 acres of land. Phone 609r5, Barr1e.'R.R. 2. . M 6-74)] HOUSE FOR SALEM?-roamed brick house: reasonable price. Apply 74 Tor-' onto St. _ . 7p VVllJ.V'J.'l`JlJ-"l'lUl.lHGVV;Ul'K Dy me 08.) ; . where woman could take little boy two years old. Apply Box D" Examiner _ Omce. V `In } W()0D'FOR SALE by the acre; hard -I wood. ~m'ot1y dry. standing. J. W. Gossllng. Dhone 611r6. A .4tfc.l AND WANTED---to {purchase or lease rom five to. ten acres .of good arable land within 6 or 6 miles of Barrie `and fairly close to the Land with '8. small lish on it would be_ most `suitable. Address Box =G" Examiner `Office. 7-9c OPPORTUNITY TO LEARN arm Im- ' prove in dressmaking. After` Fgbruary -8. regular classes 1. to 6 `mm. Morn- . 886. Inga. b ugpolntment. Rvates reasonable. Mrs. amel. 8? Brock 81:... phone _ B-110 W`A' to March 1st, a.`limlted number of subscription}: to Mail and Empire` at $4.50 rate. regular $5.00. An- lbly G. P. Chnter, `Box 969, Barrie. 7;) a. I. _`c';oo`p FARM WANTED -between so and 1'00. acres, plenty of good water. `good soil and good buildings; In ex- `change for 2 good houses in town. Ap- -ply 58 Tifn St., Allandale, V 7-Sp ` ~__WAN'1`ED----Partly tumlshed room by _vvoma.`n and little boy 2 years old; out all day. Barrie or Allandale. Apply Box "E" Examiner Office.` `In WANTED To nmvtr by March 151:. modern cottage. central. commercial yvnxwgrmu ru nmzvw Dy gsuarcn 1 mqdezn cottage, central. commercial `x,a.tgT,o.hd wife. no chlldnen. Apply 19* orsiv St. or Box 1093. . ' 2."In_ l'l|.lu$.'J 'l.'m:u'1.'n. WEIIIBGS Ill!) DHGBB work discarded any condition. highest -gricen. Mail. L. Baker. 268 Crawford t... 'Iwn'mutn. cum. . , 4o-nn FALSE TEETH wanted: also bridge work A-lat-Arden ,.n.nv nnndltlnn, hlnvhnnt. WAN'I.`ED-1-Iousework by the any . where woman nnulrl tnlm llttln hnv turn I . GARAGE BUILDING WANTED: one that may be moved without difficulty 0 new location. Apply Fred Otton. artl. . 7cf DISTRICT nnrnmsmnwxrwm tor Barrie and vicinity to represent the -"Security Lite Insurance Co. or Canada. A good contract will -be madeto the right. party. Experience referred but not essential. Apply. gt ng full par- tlcularn tn Hunt. nf Aannr-Jan. nnur-,v rznmwuuu CUT with sawing ma.- chine. B. Brock.'147 Owenst. Phone No. 444W. , 6-119 HUG Ullltlvlo Apply EIVIIIS lull jlll". tlculars to Supt. 01 Agencies. Security Life Insurance Co.', ,2 Toronto 8t., Tor- nnl'.n_ R-RnnI'ur DINO. L PAINTERS WAN'rD--'I`hraa . Rood brush hands at once. Apply `to, d. Pnrtridma, nhnnn RRQM Hahn-tlnv 1n uruan HEDGE 8:! 01106. ADDIY I0; I90- Pu-trldse Phone 682M, Saturday 10 In 2. ~ `In 1LLINERY PREPARER WANTED" y Marhh 1st. Apply was Brownies; Phone 482. In `one cent e were. can. an tiller- llon (minimum chute`. 86): e1x,1n- lertlone tor` the price of tour. 10., hence . extra when charged: eleo~ 10 cent! extra when repllee are directed ce_ Exemlner Omce. ` {H111 ,vIlu Wll-U, KIU Cllllul Voiswy St. or Box 1093. p Irv '95 , Willi UCIll IIIIIIIIIIIIIH `Fun auuuawyqwwpwgqii L_._ ____A fsgo Eight` FOR PAINnING -`. can Ara] In Inumwxamlaaiii _ AADLET COLUMN 1,, 1o bar, word duh; zrz:lnu:Viu_z:`;lf5_:.f- &.lnl4.l..I.h..I. .v..v..u..m.'.`.v..w.' Property To Let Progeny F (pr Sale` WWII I10 I fj'o:vto. Ont. Wood For Sale 1% .1` mm uurmwzu and; repaired. Hurlburva Shoe Store. Miss M. ' ` , ` 3, IV` _\.a_\.rIllUl'TfC'.'.' owner. - 79 In UV: [0 48ttc. HIIUHG B-11c Din ':l.'Ul" slscstw IIW LUFU 49-sp_ rvn vow: spe.c_iaHnt1`_I -tor p-,0dd1l`lwsjwill `a tinsactaf _ _at th ep7i`e'I':_lar `gneetinz I un Tuesday, Mar. 2, business of b uvau. _ . ' Any motion to quash or set eside the same .or. any part t_ / reot must be made within three ,mon be after the first -gublicetion of` this notice `and caimot e meqe thereafter. V ~ Dated this 3rd` day of n:ebruary,' V1929. 6-.70 ` T. 'SIMPSON., County Cie'rk_._ NOTICE is hereby given that a by- law was passed by the Council of the Corporation of the County or.slmcoe on the 28th .day of January, 1926; pro- vldi g for the guaranteeing of pay- men by the .County of Slmcoe or the debentures and coupons or the Town of,Barrie to the amount of $113,000.00 to pay the cost of constructing a. per- manent pavement on portions ot'Bur- ton \Ave.; Essa St.:. `Bradford St.: Dun-` lop St.: Louisa t.; Duckworth AS_t.: and Blake St. as a. connecting, link be- tween portions .o the Toronto-Severn Provincial Highway and such by-law. ,was`re'gistered _in the Registry Oftlce for the Registry Division of the County of Slmcoe on the 8rd day or Eebruary, V `1926. -~ 0 L". 511 |192e. Ann NOTICE or REGISTRATION , . or -BY-LAW NO. 1533 TENDERS willjbe received by the un- dersigned up to the 10th day of March. 1926, for the farm known as the Par- liament Farm andbeing the west halt - of lot 15, con.- 6; Township of Ora. one hundred acres more or less (about -75 cleared). light clay _loam_'; large well- built, brick clad, two storey_ house. large bank barn on stone and driving- shed:.`near school; R.R. mail box and telephone on premises. Well fenced; good well. P ssession given 1st. April. 1926. The highest or any tender not necessarily '_ acceptefi. 7-9c ESTEN at ESTEN. Solicitors for Administrator. Barrie, ; 100 ACRE for sale.- all under cult!- vation except 10 acres of bush, quant- ity of wire fenceand a`lso quantity of tile drains. Apply Henry `J. Packard. Shanty Bay, Ont.`_* ' A [713 - FARM FOR SALE--Lot 9. con. 13, 50' acres clay loam. good barn and house and lots ofwater; 3 miles south of Barrie. Benj. Thompsoh. Allandale, RR. 2. M 6-111), b '1'lieBp.' 2, busghgss `of aaeinlmlntm-... +.. -11 n.a.u.n -.... ._:u SPECIAL SALE OF PURE 'BREDg I-IENS--Come andtake your pick from: 120bred-to-lay hens, Delamere White Leghorns and famous Shepherd strain Anconas. Your choice for" $1.00. Now is the time` to secure your stock for` hatching eggs. These bird have all, been carefully selected for their laying. ability by -Hogan test, no culls. `Would! ell at .f'ew Black Minorca. pullets. won-_ derful layers. $2.00. Also a few special- ly selected cooks and cockerels of the above breeds. Sale will be on Friday. \ Saturdayend "Monday afternoons and evenings only.--Grieves Robson, corner - Ross and Wellington Sts. V 71) ` I of serviceable age; and some heifers, ASHORTHORNS for sale. 2 young buns` registered: also 2 high grade milk, cows, well-bred .Durhams, fresh, 6' years old. Apply R. M. `Bell. Phone 629, Barrie RR. 3. , 6-.7pl -2 e HEIFERS- 2 registered Shorthorn ! heifers for sale, from good sire and` prize winners at fall fairs.,A1so White Wyandotte cockerels. 1st prize at three fairs. Geo. Crawford & Son, Oro Sta.- tion. . . ` 5-7c EX'I.`RA--12 pullets, White Leghorns. bred from extra high 244-268.hens. Barron strain: 1 cockerel; 2 portable hen houses. Sell cheap. Leaving town. A.` C. Bricker. Barrie. , ' 7p '3' was ALTERED and "repaired. ow- Shoe Store. Minn M u-.._ 1-IOLSTEIN COW for sale; for cash only. 8 years old, due to freshen Ap;'il' 18, quiet a`nd easy to milk. Apply `to S. Exell; 108 Penetagg St, Barrie. 7p| ` HEREFORDS FORA SALE-'1`wo bulll calves for sale, 'pur_e-bred I-Ierefords. one 9 months old and one 16 months lold. Apply to A. W. Orrock, Thornkton. ` `FOR `SALE--Two good bacon type! sows. bred 9 and 104 Feb. Also Sps7`a.p- pls. Apply to Fred Haverson, phone 605r41. Cundles. T `In , . i 1 | FOR SALE--9 pure bred Barred Rock] pullets and. rooster, also [quantity of hen feed. Apply 38 Sanford St. 7c * CAP LOS'1`-Between Allandale and Painswick, Feb. 12, black Persian Lamb cap. Finder please `notify Geo. Arnold. Palnswick. Phone Stroud 19r2. SWEATER LOS'1`-Lady s grey sweat- er, with large"c llar. on Tuegday after- ' noon, between Owen St. and skatingl gink, Flndev kindly. return to .23 Owgn t. ` A D FOUND--Small, black "dog. Owner; may have same by proving property and paying fouthis advertisement. W., 8. Young, Cralgvale, Ont. . 7p e I MADE IN CANADA; Sawyer-Massey road graders, drags, "scrapers, `stone- crushers, blns, steam rollers, scarltlers, spreader. wagons, dump wagons. water sprinklers, oil distributors. , gas `and steam tractors, threshers. clover at- tachments. saw mills. Personal call or catalogues on request. -W. W. Badgley. travelling` reilressntative, Box I 1093. Barrie. Ontar .' ' 2-10 o - run pets or aleigns, both light and heavy. new, also one get second-hand light delivery aieighs. heap. Pa.ddison u blacksmith shop. Al-. iandale. -. ,, _ . 6-129 - TO LE.7I`--Brick house at 25 William St.. Allandale, 7 rooms, all conven- llences, posesslon March 16. Apply J. E. Morrison, phbne 427W. 6-7c FOR SALE-Severa.l nets. of Sleuths, both lidht and heavv. new. nlr.m- mm ' BIcYcLE--Jualu.- thoroughly overhaul- `ed by Urry s Bicycle shop, 22 inch m-ame Perfect. cost.-titty dbllazis. twenty-ve_cash. Box "M", Examine:-._ INCUBATOR FOR SAL!-J-One (style 17E) Buckeye incubator, 210 egg, used one year; also one 600 `chick brood r . M-. L. Chantler. Phone 667M.- pl TIMBER FOR,` SALE-s!t uate'd o ` Vu out` halt lot :27, c,on.'.9, township or Essa. Wm sell In whole or in part. Applg o - c . '1`. Arnold, Guelph. T FOR [SALE-- piano` and Aatoo`l, R. S. Williams and Sons" make: In- godg condition. Apply` Examiner Otce. 7-9:: ll.l.'.I'lJNB DUB" UJIJJIF-EDIE! C3790!" ' lugs. Bell Flowera .`qua.l1ty guaranteed. Harry Ottaway, phone 605r6. ' Azttc PERSONS WANTING SUPPLIES tor` elotte separators, ,call on D.. C.- . award. 24 Mulcaater St.. Barrie. 6189' arms FOR sALm-spun,` emu; lmzs. Ball B'lnwnrn`.'mm_l!tv nun:-uni-mu! 13181103 for sale. 18 eet by 4 test, 8 0. 09.11 City Care. 7p 0 auv u Lu 'J.'U ul.`4".l`--U en Il`&l'. rooms, newly d'ecorate'd, $16 per month. Immediate possess1on..Apply1 A. M. Hunter. phone evenings 510W. ftp 'lIt\ runs. an -