Paid men who will qualify tor posi- tions at: Automotive Mechanics. Elec- trical Ignition. Batter Service, Weld- ing. Bricklayins. Plan ering:;_e.lec Bar- ber trade and Mechanical Dentistry. short time taken to, learn. Be em- bitioua. Act now. En uire about our W!llle-lBI.I'll_IUn.~ I Ill!!!` 14` ...%....,1..-*..-l... ;:*'w..3g, |WRIGI-IT-T-In ever loving memory of - my - dear husband, "Harry Woodrow Wright. who was suddenly called `home Feb. 3. 1925. Until the day breaks andthe shadows > flee away. . --.T\nnnlu rnannflln Kn GILCHRIS'1`---In loving memorig of Ethel Gertrude Gilchrist. who died Feb. `7, 1995. ` The unseen strin or memory s Harp Is softly touche this `day; [Thoughts 9! her come crowding rest `And teams we cannot stay. The love for our dear Ethel Shall never fade away. E- `&-_1I_- __,J_.-_u `LA- 1-un_,A-, _, '1` '1` '1` '1` I1` '1` '1` '1` '5` '3` '3` '3` '1` '1` 'f ' ` FI.3EMMING--In sad but loving mem- ;ory of my dear husband, William Flemming, who passed away two years ago,'Feb. 8. 1924. Days of sadness oft come o'er us Tears in silence often flow When we think of you, dear father, Whom Godcalled two years ago You are gone but not forgotten : Years can never ease the pain In the hearts of .those who loved you Till in heaven we meet again. V ` Ever remembered by 5c _ ` I Wire and Family 'GILcH'RIs'r-At Guthrie, On `Tues- day, February 2, 1926, Maria Gil- [cgr}s`t:. widow of the late John_Gll- I-gvlitlttlttlvlttl-vlitlt DRUCKLIEB-EROWNi4EE-At `time f`hnnnk hf fkn 'Fnn`nuPIc_-rnwnflnn \Ynuv nu. -4v--av- wvaoveclnvv In the unavoidable absence of the :president; the February meeting of the W.C.T.U. was presided over by Mrs. J. S. Shortt, vice-president. A questionnaire on moral Aducation was conducted, which brought out much helpgul discussion. - --Don't forget! C.G.I.T. will hold a Valentine Tea in Allandale Presby- terian Church, Wednesday, Feb. 10, three to six o'clock. Silver collection; : `HOUSE TO RENT---$20.0.0 monthly to" golod tenantsr Water and: sewer In house: also waterpower washer for sale. $18.00. Apply to Mr. Law. Sanford St.. qr owner, Wm. Brethour, Everett. Ont. 5c ANDERSON--0n Saturday, .Jan. `so. 1926, to Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Anderson. 1532 Dufferin St., Toronto, a son. ARMS'.l`RONG-In the R.V. Hospital.` Monday, Feb. 1, 1926, to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Armstrong. Francis St.. a son. FERGUSON- -In the R.V. Hospital. A Thursday, Feb. 4. 1926, to Mr. and- -Mrs. Carl Ferguson. a. son. RANK-In the RV. Hospital, Sunday. Jan: -81, 1926. to Mr. and Mrs. Rank. V 4-Owen St., a. daughter. RIX--On Jan. 27, 1925, to Mr. andiMrs. Herbert Rix, Stroud, a son (David Ralph). _ ' ' -'-Real bargains- elastic top silk and wool, reg. $1.50, for $1.00; elas- tic tog` cashmere, reg. $1.40,, $1.00; Englis `wool, reg. $1.25, 75c.--The Hosiery Store, `Clapperton `St. - tip The members of the `Board of Ed- ucation visited the Victoria and `King Edward schools this morning and to- morrow they will visit the Prince of Wales school and the collegiate. 1.. LL- --.._-_-2_1_1_1_ _1__,____ 1i , -1111 sizes linoleum rugeat W. A. Lowe & Son's, Elizabeth `St; _ tfc * Jos. L. Garvin has sold his resid- gilclze on Toronte St. to Blake Under- 1 O ...f..- '[!'-__-.. '____.'-__I__ _p_1\___,,g_ - -uv-- -----~vv-- I-vvv AA Midland subscriber, in renewing her subscription, writes:-- `_`It is a splendid weekly and we all enjoy it, especially the "correspondence from the different places." . T'l_-I L-.._.__..__ _I__Ll_ L--- ,'I1_ &awwa&m$wm&&$l 3 ANNOUNCEMENTS gl 2: nmv wnro mlnimuum Eln V 2c per word; minimum 35c mmmmmmmm-mmmmmmmm 1 i`:.'4= * ;"`:.' :1:*yd:* ***;'i:' ' s. e new ea o u u - lice Commission . 8 Fy 0 fl"... 7 .......... -2-.. -1 4.1.- t1_-__L__ IUU \IUIllllllBlUlIo . The January session of the County Council cost the County in salary and miles e $1527.90. n` nu|In Ynncuuu L155` . .Ln_..`n `"'31"di3'$i'" had a chance` to see his shadow on Tu esday,Vanotner six weeks of winter is looked fo_r. -. -_--. -- u---you cu -vv -- ciao! I --Just received, A another car of that good domestic coke, nut size.- ,O'Neill's Coal & Wood Yard, phone 7489 -I ' 4 ` --.Wall aperf in latest designs, all prices. xclusive agency for Staun- ton's semi`-trimmed. W. A. Lowe & .Son, Elizabeth St. a tie -V -To` make room for spring silks, our whole stock of winter hose will be sold at cost.--The Hosiery Store, Cla perton `St. " 5 - ive candidates were initiated into the eI.0.0.F. on Tuesday night and next Tuesday night they will receive their first degree; ~ __'RIn1 Qt-nun}-An n anw|Ll-v-I'nnvnn:I FOR REN'1`~-Good brick house to raft. by first of March on Bradford St.. near High School, large garden. `Apply 107 Maple Ave" Barrie. 5 E -Buy, Staunton s semi-trimmed wallpaper - .22 in. wide instead of old 18 in. .. For sale by W." A..LoweT & Son, Elizabeth St. . A II.!.II__ __I -__I_ _._ IIIIIUIL l|l_BII IIUELUUO ' any yum VI vbug Illllllllliullll IJUU X &w$&&&wm&w&&&&%[ . '7 I `per word; minimum 500. 5 >2 izc V a&&&&&&$&wwmwwm &&&&&$&&%&&&&& ILIU b1\JJ1DJD"DIU VV LV .lJl1ll`4""`\.l'. Church of the Transfiguration. New York, on Saturday, Jan. 16, 1926: Katherine. daughter of Mrs. Cather-V me and the late. H. E. Brownlee. to Ilrman Lu! Drucklleb, of New York .Y- ` T U .165 VV\ll\5 Illllllllll-llll llVVo - ixim$&$mw&&w&ww3; gwawwwwwiwwwixig avvuruvl 9. UV W U: VA ; ullllllll lllll UVU ,- ' '- In !PX1I0I0X0I0X0I0l'1 FI0I0I0I0F>I0I1 ~'-Roa.derTs. 8c word; mlnimui Soc. 3: ni an mmmmmmm BARRlE. MARKETS FOR RENT --'- Comte:-table. double house. brick, seven rooms. fire place, conveniences, large gardens, central. Phone 1255. 2-7 v 2c per word; nilnlmum Soc. n ,4 a; ;V4 L7; `V4 .v. S1 `C4 3?; .V4 .7; .W. . HINMEMORIAM LOCALNEWS j mars- 8:: word: mlnlmnm Eon M V-- -';.'11.3-r"r:i'e1sed `by Sisters. - "BORN --Deeply regretted by his loving wife, Clara. was sauna gxmnuzg `V---, w-cu. -u n - nu.---5 uvonv uuwgnvn,v- Snow and wig! storm on the Atlantic coast,; on Saturday led to a. score of daths and much da.mage'1n the_ U.S;A. STORE To LET--Enquire John Baso. 1 ffn IIIIC Iallllc UL IIUI 1111655 auq ueaul. A short funera service was held in North Bay and the body_ was brought to Barrie, where another service was held at the home of Thos. G. Blain, 196 Elizabeth St., on Fridayfnight, Rev. `S. H. Greenslade officiating. The following morning the body was taken to Bradford for burial at Coulson s Hill _Cemetery. Increese if: royalty on power devel- oped` or exported will be imposed by Quebec Government to aid education. I).-..___J `l _f.....I.A_ 1.. II_.I_- _-... _.___I_ `,--vwvu v.'v--.--.v-v-.- um um u\-I-vscunviy Bernard Harbor in Maine. was suck- ed dry by disturbance on the sea : bot- tom, tidal `wave belg sent a.shor,'e. T ' 5..-... __..1 _.l....I -L-_.__ -.. `L- 'A AI__, .n ; LULU uy a Large uuxuuer U1. Lrienus. K` particularly distressing thing in connection with her death was the fact `that her bereaved husband was ill with inuenza in the Queen Vic- toria Memorial Hospital, North Bay, and A unable to attend the funeral. The late Mrs.'Mo_nkman is survived- by her husband and a seven-year-old daughter, Marian. Mrs. Thos. Blai-n of, Barrie, Mrs. Wm Hughes of Stroud and Miss Helen Ritchie of Toronto are sisters. Mrs. Elizabeth Ritchie was visiting her daughter`-at the time of her` 'llness and death. _ A short junera service; Following a short attack of pneu- monia, death came to Jean Ritchie, wife of Arthur S. Monkman, 55 Fer- guson St., North Bay, early Thursday morning, Jan. 28. The late Mrs. Monkman was taken ill about a week previously and became steadily worse until - Wednesday evening, when all hope of her recovery was abandoned. Mrs. Monkman was born at Bradford thirty-three years ago, daughter of Mrs. Elizabeth Ritchie of Stroud and the late J. Ritchie. After graduating from Bradford high school, Mrs. Movnkman en-tered the Royal Victoria Hospital, Barrie, as a nurse-in-train- ' ing and shortly after the completion of her course married Mr. Monkman. Residin in Barrie for about ve years, r. and Mrs. -Monkman moved to North Bay three years ago and "during their residence there made many friends, though not actively connected withanyorganization in the city. Mrs. Monkman was of a genial disposition and her death will be sad- 13' felt by a large number ofifriends. `nut-Hnnlnv-In Rind-wnagiun 4-Ida... :.. lldlu, n.uu.g \./l}dl.'lU5g uuuvmuu, 1V1aIl.; Robert, Sudbury: Mrs. Paul Steph-` ens, Glencairn: Mrs. G. K. Mills,` To-A ronto, and Miss Jean Murray at home. The funeral took place on Tuesday afternoon from the home to Barrie Union Cemetery, Rev. J. S. `Shortt of St. Andrew s Church offic- iating. _ The bearers were two sons, John~and Robert Murray: a son-in- law, P. C. Stephens; and three neph- ews, W. F. Ronald of Toronto, An- drew Ronald of Minesing and Robert Murray of Norval. ROBERT HAMILTON MURRAY I After an illness of "about three weeks with pneumonia, Robert Ham- ilton Murray died on Sunday morn- ing_ at his home, 202 Owen St., in his `eighty-second year. `Born in Lanark, Scotland, the late Mr. Murray came to Canada in 1868, settling at Clo- verknowe, Avening, where he lived, enjoying the esteem of -all who knew him, and carried on-farming opera- tions until his retirement about three years ago, when he moved to Barrie. In 1877 he married Agnes Kay of Wishaw, Scotland, who survives him. Mr. Murray was a Disciple of Christ and a Liberal in politi-cs. He is sur- vived by a family of four sons and three daughters. They are: John K. Murray, Avening; James, Medicine Hat, A1ta;; Charles. Daurohin, Man.; 'Rn`hn1-1-. 11rH\ri-v-In Mru D9111 Q4-nn'ln_ u.L one, saw rut. auu Lurs. cats. A. mcn- ' ardson. In addition to farming, for a number of years Mr. Richardson carried on extensive lumbering oper- ations. He was a Liberal of the old school, though latterly he had been associated with the U.F.0., and in religion, he was `a Methodist. Mr. Richardson was married twice. His first wife was Miss Mary J. Maben, who died several years ago. He lat- er married the widow of the late `Isaac Woolman, whosurvives him,, as do also a daughter, Mrs. W. D., Scythes of Fergusonvale, and two sons, Wm. Richardson of Anten Mills and Fred, on the old homestead in V Vespra. W. C. Richardson and R. G. l Richardson of Barrie are -brothers. The funeral tookplace on Monday afternoon from the home to Barrie Unioh Cemetery,-Rev. M. 0. Price of Minesing officiating. The pall-bear- ers were Alvin Richardson, `R. L. Richardson, Walter Richardson, Fred Richardson and Robert Carson. ---u--- - - -was-nnrnnslrlavulbi I James Franklin Richardson, a nat- ive of Ves ra Townshi-p and a well- known an highly respected farmer of Anten Mills, died at his home there last Saturday morning. Mr. Richard- son was born in Vespra in 1852, a son of the, late Mr. and Mrs. Jas. A. Rich-I nrunn Tn nAI'{+:An n `nasal-v|:vu1u -Gnu uruuwr. ruunuru nugerson, uerroy. Mr. Rogerson Lwas a. Presbyterian and a Liberal in politics. The funmal tnnlz nlqnn An 1xrAv..m_ _e: _ PROPERTY FOR SALE--Solid brick house, 8 rooms, every convenience. 1%. acres land, large poultry house with electric light,- good barn. Very suitable for party wishing to raise poultry, Price reasonable. Apply 42 Pentnmz St.. Barrie. P-hone 622.1. >4-5p - &weeeemeewsme%i ' WM. ROGERSON ` ` Another `of the ploneersjof Innlstil Township was removed from the scene of his earthly labors on Jan. 18; when death called William Rogerson of Le- troy. at the age of 84. Mr. Rogerson was born on March.17, 1842. on lot 19. con. 2, Innisfil, and continued to re- side thereuntil a few years ago, held in the highest, respect by; all who knew him. V A "~ ma Cal-`nan an-sun 4;; lV.......'I.. 1..-... I-Uflln , In 1874 William Rogerson married Sarah Robertson, daughter of the late Matthew Robertson of Innisfil. She died on March 6, 1906. Mr. Rogerson is survived by six children; Irving and Bertha at home; Mrs. N. Wilson. Mrs. R. Duncan of Churchill: Fred Rogerson, of Ke1fie1d,VSask.; Mrs. L. Cullerne..Dona1da, A'Ita.; also by. one brother. Richard Rogerson, Lefroy. Mr. Roger-son `was 2. prnnhvfnrinn punu u uwereu m ponucs. The funeral took place on Wednes- day. Jan. 20, to Clements cemetery, 2nd line. Service was conducted at the home by Rev. J. Brown of Stroud. and Rev. J. M.cEwan of Churchill. Pallbearers were James Milne. Dwight Rogerson, Lambert --Wllson, Will Rob- ertson. Irving Robertson and Fred Robertson. - 1.. -nuuw - nun. "' "His father came to Canada from Dumfrieshire, Scotland. in 1832. The following year, after a sixteen-week journey, he was Joined by the mother nd the rest of the family, three boys and three girls. and landed at De Grass! Point. Two boys and two girls were `born on the homestead where they hewed. out a home in the dense forest. 1.. 1mm nrnu-...- D ----- -- -----x-x MRS. ARTHUR S. MONKMAN 13 _II _ ___!,_ gi&aw&wamiii&ia DI` OBITUARY' E Muss F. RICHARDSON FOWL WANTED--Highest Price: paid. Phone` 384 `or write `H. Lev , box"1542. ' - (Q KIISFIIIBII W Ilvll` 1 I chopped` tine. Pick from the bones of cold boiled fish enough to make two cupsful, sea.- son with salt, peppexuand a. little cay- enne,--fry lightly in _a. tablespoonful 01. butter. Add one cupful of `boiled rice. and 1-yolks -of ._1our hard` boiled eggs -maahe;l.::Stl1'. well, place on a. -platter, ml-tilsh with: the -whites .and pickles chohned: fins. -1- " We'll soon -have our games, We'll soon` have the` cup, And, when it comes home We'll all have a. pup. A strong bunch of farmers. With Oro we'll rub; We've a.-reliable pilot In the pers'on of "Stub." I Just have one relief man, You'll find him no coward. He plays centre and wing, . That's our marksman Howard". A fast-moving goalie Long, broad and trim A stonewall defender, That's well-padded Jim. A one-handed poke check! Just hear the crowd yell, A reliable defence man, - 3 Just try to_ pass Ell". A straight-standing hip check With much surprised snarls Is knocked for-a pinwheel By our horse-man" Charles. A skate-dancing faker! A shift from the rank_!/ ' A flip from the sideboard! That's our tricky Hank. Ahead of the speeders! One goal to be made! A snap on the net strings!` That's goal-getter Babe. S ROUGHCAST HOUSE. in good con- dition, tor saleuslfitable tor workman. Cash or on easy terms. Apply at 117 Cumberland St.. Allandale. Phone 764.) . 2-71) A dash from the centre! A fast stepping pal! A well splits defence! That's our busy Ca.l." LHUB. IIUWSUII. U.F.0. shipped last week 57 hogs, which graded 33 selects, 2 heavies and the rest thick smooth. It was the best car received in Toronto that day out of 1400 hogs. The price paid was $13.25 F.0.B. . ; uuns. ' | Miss Verna Smythe spent. last week with Miss Hazel Jacks. Mich u`nonnnn 'LTncvu:-nu 1.6 'I'I.\....--.4... 1.. WILH LVIIHS .I.'.lH4ZUI JECKS. Migs Frances Hewson of Toroto is visiting at the home of her brother; Thos. Hewson. TT 1.7` l'\ o.Ial.-.~.n.l 1-..; ...--I_ an 1. - _,__ nus some uuuuuys at. net` nome nere. Her many friends are pleased to know that Mrs. Fred. Peacock is do- ing well, after a. serious operation on Tuesday in the R.V. Hospital, Barrie. A salmnnszsafnl dunno urn: htil In nu. :.uc.sua_y nu Luc n..V. nuspltal, barne. A successful dance was held in the Community Hall. in aid of the Band. on Monday night. All report a. good time. ' I UH AV] time. `Alta .lUl'Ul.U receuuy. The Women's Institute hold their regular monthly meeting. at the home of Mrs. Victor Dicker on Wednesday. afternoon, Feb. 10. A good attendance is expected. T _, V uuy un .1 an. 1. Mrs. (Dr.) `Bowman of Duluth is visiting at the home of her father, [Andrew VVa11ace. A nuuvnlnnn A-P rune. Fan... 1...... ...... ...__ :1lltu`UW VV 214118.06. A number of men from here are em- ployed these days on the ice, work at Belle Ewart. 1\n..a Tnngbinniv l\` ':m':;n......a x.. _...x___ FOR S,ALE--~'I-room brick house, con- veniences, garage-. Leaving town. price reasonable, smal1 down payment ac- cepted, own terms. Apply Wm. Bre- thour,' 88 Sanford St. 8-Sp DUIIU .I`JWal'L. Miss InAa\B1ack of Midland .is enjoy- ing some holidays at her home here. T-Var rnnnv Print-uia cu-n n`InoanA Ln Luias. I1i1l'X'l. The U.F.O. Club met at the home of Isaiah McMaster on Feb. 2. with a. good lattendance. After the business of the .me_eting was over the time was spent in games after which refreshments were served. All report an enjoyable - time. The next meeting is to be .held at the home of Albert Ford on March 2. The Club is providing an oyster sup- per. .All members and prospective members and `their_g_ families are wel- come. . ./ LLIUI ll` Mrs. at the taker. `ll...-. L('Ll\Ul'. ` - Mrs. V. R. Slesser [spent a week in! Toronto recently. I Thn 7nmnn Tnufifnfn hnl I-`ha-In Feb. 3-Congratu1atiohs to Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Rix on the birth of a baby boy on Jan. 27. . `llmu (`l`|..\ `D.-...-........ .0 `r\.-1--4.u_ .2- `again. - :2---1-w,- $-- Feb. 2-Mrs. Allen Bonney is on the sick list. . ` ` Harry Williams is able to as be out_ - I John Spence had an operation in the R. V. Hospital on Saturday and -is. doing nicely at present. I ` Mlnninnnrv Anvlllnrv ant-1`T.o3n"' uuuxg -nicely at present. ! Missionary Auxiliary . and ` Ladies'_ Aid held their monthly meeting at the: home of Mrs. E. Neve on Wednesday, Jan. 27. Three quilt tops ,and a lot of gingham `were donated and two quilts: were made for the African Mission. |.UdUllUl". ' | Miss E. Prosser spent the week-end`. with Miss Mable Wattle before return- ing to~ her home in New Lowell. - Feb. ]--Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Kissickl spent a few days with their daughter in Orillia `last week. . u rlnrinri-r\ Tilnnann.-. h. .1... rl1.........L.. -4. ul \Jl'lll1'tl. l'ctb`L ween. t George Ellsmere is in Toronto at present. The 'Vn11~nn- Dannie : (`Ink ~nnnn4> ol- u. munu tuuuuuu pm! WIUI ,lIlIl=l.lB' I. A. W.". on Wednesday. Jan,` 27. Elnder please return to Examiner Og- ce. V T p w'tI"Ei1u:L'Sz'oung People's Club meet at the home of Mr. `and Mrs. Whittaker this week. lulu.-. an...-.1. r1..I,:|.....n -0 ....___.; Llll WEEK. ' Miss Sarah Caldwell of Barrie spent the week-end atthe home of her bro- ther here. V 1|/I..- t)....+.\.-. l\` rn.-........a... .2- --:_.u.:..... -v-uaj--jqiu I Feb. 2--Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Handy: "and children of Dalston spent Sunday at J. E; Wallwin s. ' 1 mna- An.....+.. 1:: ...... ..... :. ..a..u:...... lab 0. 1. VVRIIWIII 5. Miss Alberta. Ferguson is visiting! Toronto friends. ` ` A nilrnknm Ac .........1.. .....-.......a 1..-..- ...... 1. Ul'Ulll.U ~l.l`1UIl(lS. - A number.of people around here are still suffering with very bad colds. Rt-hnnl nnnnn nn TM'nnr'Ia11 WAR 1 `aunt 5u1.u:l.'u15 wun very uau CUIQS. l School opened on Monday, Feb. 1. with A. D. Forbes of Ingersoll as teacher-. `Illa... `E I) _ . . _ . _ _ _ _..L 41.- ._-__1_ -__1. Ipu-.9 UL uays Last weex. A number of the farmers in the vic- inity are having their hay pressed. E. J. Mnnnnnl made 2 I11Inirinnu'frin nu ;uru1u.u Lu Mrs. Geo. cently from ' been taking Feb. 3--Grenfel young people are! practising for a concert and box` so-" cial to be held Feb. 15. 5c .The Young People's club met on Wednesday evening at the home of Miss Gladys Harris. 1\/Ticlu Taokol An:-Inv-ann n1 `l2n--do annul- LVJIEE uxnuya .l .I.'1l'l.'lE|a Miss Isabel Anderson of Barrie spent Sunday at-the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Harris. VI"!-an `I'T11`(\ (`Ink ......-.L .-.4 L1..- 1.-...- -4! B'l`RAYED--'I`o premises of John H. Crawford, Ora Station, on Saturday. Jan. 30. a female fox hound.,Owner may have dame by proving property and paying expenses. Phone Oro 1728. -j tlnn_ HEIFERS- 2 registered Shorthorn heifers for sale. from good sire and prize winners at mu fairs. Also White Wyandotte cockerela. 1st rise at three fairs; Geo. Crawford & on, Oro, Sta.- EJ11- rs. Coates went to I Midland on, Saturday after spending some time `with hr sister, Mrs. M. Howarth. A hlininn Tnrnnfn ennui `nnf uvnnb wuu uur auuu-:1`, Mrs. 1V1. nowartn. ' ' I`. A, Dunlop, Toron_to, spent last week [W131 Garnet Re ! . ' rnmmnm `Iran I... `Danni- In... A A-.. WILXI uarnet rcela. ' M. Drennan was in Barrie for a. cou- Iple of days last week. A nnrnhnv nf flan Penn-.n-nu in win.` "In, uucy are uuvulg Lnell` nay pressed, E. J. McDonald made a. business trip to Toronto last week. I "R/Tana flan Vlnnnnosnn... ..nL..........A .. Feb. 2-I-`.- Greenl-avv; is on the. sick in! MIN ES`lNG'S U.F.O. TEAM UUYU. . Barton 'of TorontoV is visiting home of her son, Ctlifford Whit- FISH L AND RIBE .'.*1!-15PA!-E DOUBLE ROOM with board. comfort- able, all conveniences, reasonable. Phone 499W. - ' 5c .! D*._!R5T MINESING P4`.-_5T9N NGR_E_`.NFEL srfzoun ESL WUUK. Thompson returned _re-U Toronto where she .31ad medical treatment. I (Doug) L390: same or any part thereof must be made within three -months after, the first publication of. this notice and cannot be made thereafter. 'r\..`4-...I`4'.I..a..`a...1 A`... .0 1:s..1........... 1n-we Any` motion "to quash or set aside the` ms _nga.u: =V Lnereaxwr. A . Dated this ~3rd day of February, 1926. 5-70` J.1'.l'. SIMPSON. County Clerk.` NOTICE is hereby given that a by- law was passed by the.Council of the Corporation of the County of Simcoe on the 28th day of January, 1926, pro- viding for the guaranteeing of pay- ment by the County of Simcoe of the debentures andcoupons of the Town of Barrie to the amount of-$113,000.00 to pay the cost of constructing a. per- manent pavement onportions of Bur- ton Ave.; Essa St.: Bradford St.: Dun- lop St.: Louisa St.: Duckworth St.: and Blake St. as a connecting link be- tween portions of the Toronto~Severn Provincial Highway and such by-law was` registered in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of the County ogzgimcoe on the'3rd `day of February. Ann -..u\l,... 1.. .....L...1.. ._ .'.-4. .._n.1- an- I FOR RENT-'--Comfortable furnished room. with all conveniences, in pri- vate home. central. Phone 113. '58- T ` The annual meeting of the Vespra Municipal Telephone psystern, held in the police court chamber .on Saturday last, approved a recommendation ofthe Commissioners for an increase in rates. For those still paying on their deben- tures, the rate is raised from $15 to 5' $16, plus batteries. For. those who have "completed `their debenture payments t the rate is $12 plus batteries. W. L. -iRussell `explained the latter by point- i ing out that the Railway Board has I, ordered that where debentures have i been paid for there shall be fixed a rate _ adequate to assure the maintenance a._ of the line. The increase in the former . rate is due to the Bell Telephone Co. t having raised the switching charge I: $1.00 per member. The new rates went into effect on Jan. 1. 1926. ru_,_4____ ___.. -___..-_1 ;, .u - ._ 'i ' TI 5 or-' REGISTRATION c or BY-LAW NO. 1586 ESLIGI-ITIINCREASE IN |% VESPRA PHONE RATES ,_-. v..`, -. I Yes, at`1('i--i.f"y-oung"may be able to read perfectly and still be jar-sighted to a L considerable degree. Hg... .1--- LL- f\,,L_,,,,A ' A ` - _. vv---uauuv- U-Iv.\r naval. ww- " How does the Optometrist detect this error in children? `See next article for answer. (To be continued) _-v.,-.-..vv...p --v vuuu-uvun nu. A.soL-al5Llvu If a person s nervous system is dis- turbed by the strain to. which the eyes are subjected, nervousness may arise or other troubles. ...--..v v. vv-nun. vnvuwawuo A far-sighted person `may see well `in the distance? ' Besides headaches, what other an- noyances are caused by far-sight? 1': .. .......-.....7.. _-..---.-_ _-__L-__. 2 J- ncccnp L5 ' {cash on hand, Jan. 1. 1925 .. $57.66 Collected by Township . . ,. .. 2,269.86 Supplies sold, $30.15; mis- ~ ' cellaneous, `$2.90 .. .. .. .. 33.05 Long Distance calls . . . . . . . . 3,35 New-subscribers, switching, etc 63.00 V-_, . - v . -1-. Commissioners Re-elected The 1925 Commissioners were con- ltinued in office._These are W. L. Rus- Isell, Walter Teasdale and Ben. Barr. Thu nnifnv-c awn T.nvIr\n Tlfinn-nnuux I FOR SALE---Corner lot in Oro Station. frame house and burn. good orchard and small fruits, splendid water. An - ply F. McM1nn, Oro Station. 5-lop` ECU, VV'cllLt5I' Leauuaxe 21110. Den. 153.11`. The auditors are Lorne Wingrove and Thos. Walton. r' 'I _`l'n.m:.. nn... ..1....:........... .-.41 4.1.- auu J.l1U`J. VV'dlLUll. Charles Harris was chairman of the meeting and there was a fair attend- ance. -- ...-.w. - ...-uu - usu- Season and siiee red fish; roll in flour and fry until brown. Then heat one tablespoon of butter; add one chopped onion and one cup of tom- atoes; let fry; add one tablespoonful. of flour and'one cup of water; also salt, pepper and one bay leaf and some parsley chopped fine. Let all cook; then add the slices of fried fish. Let a1l~get very hot and serve with hot boiled rice. ` ` The System was opened in the fall 61. 1913. Some of the debentures expir- ed a. year ago. but the full rate of $15 was continued for these subscribers last year in order to clean up a deficit. this having` been agreed upon at the 9 1925 annual_ meeting. Financial Statement There. was very little comment on the financial statement, presented by A. B. Coutts, Sec'y-Trea.s., as follows:-- I n-lnn`l\rIaUIAv\a. vu, Salaries and allowances . . Bell Telephone Co.; long ditance calls .. Construction labor: .`$f.2A'1.8'5'; nnnfnr-lnl 3977 {I1 ' '-'-r---"-'-- '~ T . . $146.00 .. .. .. 353,00 labor, $24.85; material, $277.01 .. .. . . .. 301.86 Printing, postage and stationery, 16.14 Bell Telephone Co., switching and Hnn 1-nnfnl 1 199 10 DUI! LUIUIJIIUIIU \.;U., SWLLUIH and line yental .. .. Maintenance, $289.10; mis- nnilnnnnnu 392 {I0 xv.I.a.uu.eua.nue, IDLORLLU; H118 cellaneous, $23.00 .. .. .. .. 303.10 Interest on loan and overdrafts 54.58 I Balance, cash on hand . . .. .. 115.13 IW Vncipt ' I 1 .Cash 1925 I Township , supplies mis'-" nnllunnnnn `S290 ,, ,, munsnmr, FEBRUARY 4, 1925. 325 T0 359 Expenditures, l_I-....I-.. `__j .11. THE BARRIE RADIO `AND ELECTRIC CO. Get our prices on Electric Hens, Electric Brooders, `_ Electric`Fountain Heaters and Electric Egg Testers. (By 0. R..Rusk, Oph. 1)., Barrie) 37 Brock St. AFTER FEBRUARY 8 Regular Classes at 1 to 5 p.m. Mornings by appointment. RATES REASONABLE auacrmc APPLIANCES FOR POULTRY MEN Opportunity to Learn and Improve in Its Value to the Public SEALED TENDERS WANTED for the printing of the sessions; of `the County Minutes. to be in the hands of the chairman by Feb.` 10. Address to A. Cunningham, Orlllia. RR. 8. M Sc Q. OPTOMETRY DRESSMAKING SPANISH FRIED FISH I-- HAMEL Phone 120 -1->ho'ne 336. $2,416.91 s2.41q.91 1,128.10 t LOS I'-Between Peel St. and station. a small fountain pen with initials T, A` W" nn Wndnnnnu Inn` 0"] ' b frHqRsDA`| --~0I0I0X0X0X<>I< .&$&mm% ldbllcl, \Ju1. 1 Philip Lov Tuesday to at of the Ontari Ernest G. "4414 1 In vu.. I115 BUM, AVCII Mrs. F. J. called to T01`( the illness of 11:..- A....:,_ Wccna vvxuu 1 L Mrs. Frank ene Preece a father, C01. 1 111.21}.-. I up 1:11 [ICED \l. Mrs. J. W. M; aftsr an oper .......1\,... 1 HLIIUL an UIICI A number Toronto todm of Mr. Jack Lett. IV.......L.. W`... ILCDI; U1 LVLL J- Mrs. Verno days in Tor week. `D...-.... `DQAJ WUCA. Bruce Ridd ing a week \ R. Tomlinson A..-LL.... Q ?\ IV. Lvuuunnun Arthur S. L is visiting at Blain, E1izab A DA`! 1 WANTED To RENT by March lnt. modern cottage. central. commercial man and wife, no children. Applgv 19 Worsley St. or Box 1098. : -7p. Dllull, JJAILGU Rev. J. A. returned this his son, Neil mm 14'` I L J IJCI-III. County Tn is in Torontn meeting of t Corporation. 'M:G TFOVIAI \JUl.pU1auAuu. 'Miss Irenu ing in the To Children, is .< her home how A11-.. f`.....- Ted=Winse cntly in Win Mrs. A. L. guest of Mrs. Mr: Vnrnlx lulu: Luucoa u 1 Miss Annie to Thornton Weeks with fr I -... !.`......l. I101 IIUIIIC u\ I \ Allan Carp day morning: take a positi Pacic Railw: F. G. Cam; I'\ 'I`.\.., ........J- \1. \,' wen.t to T()l`( to present hi Department 1 M... r 1: JJC QLLIIIUIIK; Ir rs. C. 1: Wednesday 1` ther, J. A. Iir in his 89th _\'< L` III... I ll] IUD U.Il.u _\\ Miss J. 19. Dorothy ()tL~ New York (fix secured positx Rockefeller that city. `MIR. ...-ml `H. yuan. Liby- Mr. and M1 troit, Mich., : of the former Percy Lloyd, valescing 211'LL- a Detroit has J - HOUSE WAN'1`ED--Wanted to rent by March 15th 6 or 7-roamed house. with conveniences. Central locality`. giaretul tenant. Box `'0' Examiner O51?- ce. - ' v p son, C. M. [1 net, W. K1-I Dunsmore utt St0CkhO1(10l`.\` gan Silver M on11;`c`> last woo , .._..l '\1`. Mr. and Mr gar announcc their daughu (Bessie), to roughes, you: Mrs. H. J. 1. England, the early this mu G JJCLLUIL |A\I.`. Mr. and M Toronto for Mrs. Marl` xvi] of February. forty-eighth Wedding` on S: W. C. Rich I" -lodging given Vance in the wards agains recover $250, issory note si in favor of endorsed by ties come fr fendant plead ations and co alleged to be and his wife; lllt I Il'.V|v_\ \ the \V0nn-nix" Collier St. (`I still being; In-p enc0ux'u;:in::' _v contribution- ed to $ti;')U.|HI their .\'n\'L-In $157.00, also I. junior life m< Memorium" .4 Jan. *-Below 7 On Jan. 2 a.m. was 6 21 below zero a The lowest t 29th and the range of 61 d perature of higher than n Feb. coft: The PM-.~`l._\`I I.` `\`l.'.\..... 0"` . . *--Below FALSE TEETH wanted: `also bridge work discarded , any condition. highest rices. Mali L. Baker. 266 Crawford t., Toronto, Ont. 49-spa .10.) 19- 20- 21--` an :2- ` 23- 24- 25- 26-- 27- 28- 29- nn 50- 31_ `I"\-I__ _.1uDc_M1 FEBRU JANUI HELP WANTED -- Capable laundry maid in open tor position in any home where there is a big washing to be done every week. 'Likea hard work. asks no time oft. and can furnish re- terences. Miss Simplicity, the de end- abie washer. Phone 120. Barrie i0 and mlnnfrln {Tn 'I".fd Kn FOR SADE--Fo,ur brood sows} about two huhdredpounds, well bred. good bacon type, one Jersey cow. due Feb. 4." . Fredvaveraon, Cundlea. Phone 605311. WAN 1`ED--one set of light delivery sleigh bobs. second hand. Apply to Geo. Irwln. Oolller St. _ I50 _ LIVE POULTRY WAN'1`ED--Highest nrlnnn nnltl Phnnn mnrnlnnvn nu AVA!`- '7 :11 ;o;.7.:;*;`%; nu-glam mum Inn tho amino 4:! on}. cam; nob tuner-TM .chaI7lo. 866); II: 1:11; Illul lnlllllllll Bill-III; I90); III III V, for the price of tour. -I 10 ounce ; extra when charged; also to untajtextru when replies are directed to ner Omen. , GOOD GENERAIS SERVANT. fond of children. Phone 128,, A . ' 59 .WAN'1`ED---Glr_l for light. housework. Apply Box, 916;:-Barrle.. ' En PRACTICAL EXPERIENCED NURSE desires position. Phone .875. 4-59 ILUIB Wl1IIl|Ul'n FIIUIIU LE and Electric Co. Ltd. Epilauuunuliiuu _ ADLET COl;(7MN q 1 10 per word c uh: mlntynum #850.` E iIlIIl0l0l.IlIIltI!IvIOI0l0IOIOI_I`IlI. IUD: an. Pub Twoliu ` Livy Stock For say `Rooms and Boarcl Property For Sale 5-Ie % Lost gnd Founi V Help Wanted Wanted To Let RAILS -FOR SALE-4-tt. sound. dry. lm rails. 88 a. cord delivered. Write 0:: 664 or leave order at 14 Sampson St., Barrie . Sp UNIV: -13! 5 0'85 1-ol l"ll-u 5n or sixteen candidate: from Montreal for admission to practice law eight are Jewish, [seven French and one English. _ T . A. member of Manila. City Council was sentenced to two. monthe in Jail. (or speaking .diereepeottu_lly` of Gov-_; engor-Genen.i`_Leonerd. Wood. `,1 _" For further terms and `particulars. applyto . D - . V`, DONALD ROSS. Barrie, Ont.-. 5-70 Mortgageefs Solicitor. Dated 8rd day at February. A.D., 1928. EH9 DI after. pl'U}JUl'Ly, l|ll.IllUly3.-' - _ ._ Firstly: Those parts of the north halves oi. lots numbers nine.and ten in the third concession and those parts or the south halves of lots numbers eight. nine and ten inthe .tourth con- cession ot the said Township of Sun- nidale more Rarticularlydescribed in deed from Jo n D, Hay and others to Robert Paton. registered as number. Glencairn Road and the western limit 8081, save and -exoeptthe part of the! south half of lot number ten Jyiniz east and south of the Glencalrn Road. and secondly: That eportionot the road al- lowance between lots nine and ten in the third and fourth concessions of the said Township 0!. Sunnidale lying be- tween the northerly limit of the `Glen- cairn Road and the northerly limit of the lands hereinbefore tirstlydescribed also that part or the road allowance between the third and fourth conces- sions of the lrownshiu of .Sunnidale lying between thewestern line of the or the lands `described in said register-` ed deed number 8081. '~= - Th: nrnnnrfv will I-m"'nf'fmv"mI fnu cu UUUU IHHIHJUI` DVO1. 7'" . The property will be` 0 tered for sale subject to a reserve" bl . llI-._..... -1 __I_ III... ___, ____L _n .u,- Iovvov -yuwgvvv uv av svwcnvw Il_l\clo Terms ot-sa.le-'1`en per cent. of the purchase money at the time of sale and the balance wlth1n_th1rty days there- after. ' A _ WOOD FOR SALE by the acre; hard- wood, mostly dry. standing. J. W. Gossung. phone 61111}. V '-ltto. _ Under and by virtue of the,Powere` or Sale contained in a certain Mort-; gage which will be_ produced at the time or sale, there will -be offered for sale by Public Auction on-Saturday. February 27. .1926, at 12 o'clock noon, at the Queen'e Hotel. Barrie, by W. A.: Mcconkey, Auctioneer. the vfoilowlng property, ne.mely:_-- - of north halves numbers nineand` In fh- f"I'!'!` nnnnhnnlnvi anti fhnnn mania or VXLDKBLE FXIHVI PROPERTY In the Townshl of Sunnidalo T County 9 . Bimcoo Noticeis-hereby given pursuant to the Trustee Act that all persons hav- ing claims against the Estate of Arthur G. Campbell, late of the Town or Barrie, in the County of Simcoe.- gentlernan, `deceased, who died on or about the fifth day or December. A.D., 1925, are requested to send particulars of their claims to the undersizned on or_ before the 22nd day at February. 1926. after which date the Adminis- tratrix will distribute the assetso! the Estate. having regard only to the claims of which she shall then have, notice. and will not be responsible to any others .` 'hA'llll'h ll `Rnumha `KC: `CI-k u`! A. any Dtnrr ` ' . | DATED at Barrie this 19th day bi. January, A.D_., 1926. DUNCAN F. McCUAIG.. 3-5c Solicitor tor Admlnlstratrlx '70 Collier St.. Barrie. Phone 7. [Harry CUSTOM I-IA'l.`CHING--Have install- ed in Mammoth Buckeye Incubator and will have some space to spare "for first two or three hatches. Must re- ceive eggs on Saturdays commencing Feb. 13. Arrangements.must be made in advance. Quality Chick Hatchery, F. Morren. owner 5p MADE IN CANADA, Sawyer-Masey road graders, `drags, scrapers, stone crushers, bins, steam rollers, scarlflers. spreader wagons,` dump wagons," water. sprinklers. on distributors, gas and steam tractors, threshers. clover at- tachments. saw mills. Personal call or catalogues on request. W. W..Badg1ey. travelling representative, Box 1093, Barrie, Ontario. 2-10p FOR SALE--20 acres fruit and poul- try farm, close to town; good rich soil; choice b,uildlngs.'For. particulars apply Examiner Office. _ ` 5-6n 1.vA1.-1M FOR SALE---Lot 12, con. 12," 75 acres good clay loam, 60 acres un- dew cultivation, balance in pasture and wood. On premises are 2 barns, 2 hous- es. 2 wells and never falling creek. Ap- ply to Tho_g. Caldev, Cralgvale, RR. 1. 4-5p FURS ALTERED `and repaired. Over Hurlburs Shoe` Store. Miss M. Mc- Arthur. - 48ttc. ` MRS. MARGUERITE TURNER. grad- nnfn In n1nnnna'A' 1'1 unnna nvnnmhannn j `WOOD FOR BALE-100 box load : 12 ' and 16 Inch. alaolo cord: No. 1. dry hardwood. Apply E. '1'. Emma hone mw.. ' -- . "1-on Wly $Vllt1`HJlJl:JI_l.L'l-`J '.l.'lJ1`H.VI.`JJ.1n KPH- uate in massage. 17 years expex-1ence.' 14 Small St. - 1-6p` FOR SALE--Several sets 0: slelgha, both light and heavy. new. also one set second-hand light delivery slelghs; cheap. Pa.dd1son's blacksmith shop, A!- landale. 5-1%!) SEDAN FOR SA.LE-A brand` new Ford, Tudor sedgn. Made In Detroit. Canadian duty paid. Much better in many ways than those made 1n'Can-. ada. New style of course; Fully guar- anteed. W11! sacrifice. Apply to Thee; Westcott, 188 Mary St., Barrie. `Sp TIMBER FOB BALE--s!tua.tedpon wat halt lot 27. con. 9. townshl -ot Essa. Will sell in wholegor in par . Apply J. '1`. Arnold. Guelph. ' '2-7c INTERNATION L, HORSE PRESS for sale, size 17 , in good_condlt1on.- For any turther particulars apply to `Box 18, Bradford, Ont- 8-50 I l'|ll|Vl'I ETC HIUJJU UL UIUB UIIK, mwuu, 2% Inches shoeing. Apply W. D. Co- chram, Allandale. _3.n.2._,. so`-an FOR SALE-Nearly new bed. springs and Innttrnnn nnmnlte- a. Imus`. 14 APPLES won SALE--Sples,V Green- lugs. Bell Flowers, quality guaranteed. Harry Ott9.way. phone 605r6. 2ttc HAY FOR SALE,,mostly timothy. 310.` ton at barn.'Also oats 50 cents bushel. Harry Harrison. Phone 609r22. 50,1. FOR SALE-.-1.918 Ford engine, in good shape; also cedar. sh shanty. Apply to 67 Brock St. or phone 829W. ' 5p. wuuu 1"U.BAL:E--12 121., 16 In.. or 4 It. Tamarack. Dry or green. For prices phone 1092W. . 5p h V COLUMBIA "GRAPHONOLA for sale. with cabinet and twenty records. W111 . sell cheap. Applyat this office. ~ 5`c FOR sALE-One set" or new heavy sleighs, runners are made of blue oak, 21.4 lrmhan .nhnnImr_ Annlv W. `D. (`!n.. BUD ltlJl9"'UllU [Milt WUIIIQIHI D005 ey boots" and skates. almost new. Phone 1000W. Q ' '_ ` 5c . __sAW FOR sALE-'rwo` cross-cut saws. in good condition. Apply at E - amine: Ottlce. , - g 5c won 8ALE-Nevn `improved Auto Knitting Machine, Price reasonable. Apply phone 606r21. 59 l."U-IV BJIJJII-'&VUBl'l HEW DU, Iynuyu and mattress comflgto, Va map; 14 Small St. Phone 56 1-99' `FOR SALE;-One pair woman : hock-. Av hnntsr and nhntnn, nlinnnt ` nnw, V0 NOTICE TO CREDIT ORS WOOD FOR.8ALE--12 m;. In. 4 ft- 'PlYIlII',D.I(, Thur An nmnnn {.'??9!.'A9'_5:E =:m- Fr $913,, Miscellaneous For RIB ovfcocvooouuuuoccuoo-cooonaus 5C POII ouoooootauioouu-onuuoo BllOkWh9Et'.....g..,........V.... nnnfuoocuoolo r.` 0.: 0 rt 0 0 I; I up 0 9` P`oto.toeI. per~ has; new . . . . . . \s2.~257z.5o THUR/BDAY WHOLESALE PRICES No,`2 Fali Wheat `$1.35-$1.40 Barley . . . . . . . . . .. 80c IlO.IlC'lOIOI'IIOOCI/ I I I O c I o o I o II p... A _ _ V _ _ V _ _ _ _. _ , .1 1_Q1 `I Mrs. James Maw and family wish to thank their many friends for kindness and sympathy shown in their" recent sad bereavement, [also for tloral- tri- butes. . -' 7 6n I g CARD or On CIAIO canon`: vnlnlvnu-vs Kn ` FOR SALE OR REN'1`-M. Alexand- er's house. 142 Bradford 51:. Will sell very reasonable or rent at $10. monthly. Apply In mornlngs or evenings. 58-51) :