Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 21 Jan 1926, p. 6

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3 [He CUVBF. _ _ i In the book itself are pages for the [entry of receipts and expenditures ' (both of which may be seen.at a glance on the same` page) relative to cattle, horses. sheep, swine, poultry, crops! !and labour; and there is_also ample [space for miscellaneous items. There Iis a page for amounts owed to and i by thefarm, and forms on which may | be made inventories of land and build-I i ings. of live stock, of feed and supplies., .and of machinery. Following is a page I on which may be filled out a summary lot` the year's business, together with =the fevg.directions necessary to filling lit out intelligently at the end of thel `year. Further, for the farmer's infor-| mation there is a table in which to enter acreage and yield of crops, and {one in which to keep a live stock ser- | Vice record. a anus 42,... l\U'\l\ ~....... .....~. ..........1 _____ __l vxuc Icuuru. ' Send for one now and record your transactions from the beginning of 1926. It is obtainable from the Publica- tions Branch of the Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, at a nominal. `charge of ten cents. -No postage need lbe placed on letters of application. l The ailments of ' childhood are {many, but nine-tenthsof them are [due to one cause and one cause onlyl *---a disordered condition of the stom- lach and bowels. To quickly banish iany of the minor ailments of baby- hood and childhood, the bowels must [be made to work regularly and the .stomach must be sweetened. 1' `Mn M-1...... ..'.....J:...:..... 4:... nun- ----- |puUlllGUll usual. uc sweewneu. No other medicine for little ones has had such success as has Baby s Own Tablets. They banish constipa- ltion and indigestion; break up colds and simple fevers; correct diarrhoea and colic and promote healthful sleep by regulating the functions of- the stomach and bowels. Concerning them, Mrs. L. M. Brown, Walton, N.S;, .writes:-- I cannot speak too `highly of Baby's Own Tablets, as I have found them excellent for child- hood ailments. D-L--)_ r\_-_._ -'l_L1_L g 11 I ` Great Britain's adverse trade bal- *,a`nce for 1925, roughly 395.0Q0,000 is 3 largest in country's history. . I fllhd nn 1-n CI uni-ofnk ; Jars:-:31. Ill l:UuIll.l'_Y 5 n1sLury. .S1ight wound due to a scratch. caused death of H. Gosleigh. 42, at { Bellevllle, from blood poisoning. ' DRSh}1.fh9 f I~nn1 flnnvnnnil Y3:-.na_: ; DUIIUVIIIU, u'uu1 muuu polsonmg. | i Despatches from Quayaquil, Ecua_- 1 gdor, say the military government has Egiven way to a civil cabinet. * ! Can be Quickly garnished with. 3 Baby's Owr`1`Tfa`I_>_l`ets.A l 'AVOIDED axnausa o1= coma T0 HOSPITAL VIULIIU. ' ~ `VVhe1*e s that gun?" whispered Doc, sH aking Sweetie s arm. "T Ina} if urhnn fkiu unnur hif nu " cu u very w ucrc U1` 1 ue. J . icine Co., Ltd., Toronto. ILUUU Glllllcllbo ` Baby's Own.Tablets are sold by medicine dealers, or by mail at 25c a box from The Dr. Williams Med- icine Co., Brockville, Ont. 3c That 8. Why Medame L. Gen- qud Recommends Dodd s - r ' ` _ Kidney Pills. I Charron,` Alta., Jan. -1&8. (Special) --I have suffered for twenty years with bad kidneys. `Have been treated from time to time for anemia, gas- tritis of the stomach and neuras- thenia and no doctor succeeded in relievingme. I arrived at the most critical period` of my life and felt very sick. A good neighbor _told me` about Dodd s Kidney Pill. 'In eight days I was on my` feet again. avoid- ing the expense of going to hospital Ie can_ recommend \your marvellous to all~person_s _who suffer like It 1 . - - ` = ~/ .. n1I.__ _:L_L__,-,__`L W", -- - - um'I.`his s tatemen`t was seflt ti) `ts `by Mme. L. Genoud, a well-known resid- enth of this late. ` ' ..1:n.. `l'}':.I.. ___' 1-5:11,. . - . .u .uupu1.'uuca uu V1. one muuu. Dodd s.Kidn'ey Pills /can be obtain- `ed everywhere or" The. Dodd s Med- ia`:-ua (1.-. T .4-A Tnnnn 6-A ' Alberta Ladyfilielieved of` Anemia, Gastritisiof the. Stomach and Neur- asthenia, A " bZ3a{3,` I"<`iZ1zTv V 4Pills strengthen weak kidnys and put them in sha e to do their full work of "straining t e impurities out of the blood. n...:.v.. rm...-.... n.-11.. ...... 1.- -I.L-!,_ |}H|L|]H[ll]l] AILMENTS E. 6. West &. Co., 80 George St.) Toronto: ... 25-30c .3.for 25c 3 for 25c ,.. 10-15c . 20-30c .. $3.00 ~ . 5-10c "45-43` 40-55c 20-"220 25-28c . 30c . 6c .U|L" 3i: R. J. anwknosa `I-:D.wAaos' ` 18 Toronto St. Toronto.` R. J. Edwards. G. R. Edwa.rds,.B.A.Sc DRS. BURNS G. BURNS 60 Elizabeth St. Opposite Palmer's New Garage Nervous and Chronic Disorder: Phone 405.1 or call at office for ' information on any disease BOYS &. BOYS Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public Conveyancers, Etc. ' Money to loan at lowest rates of In- terest. Off!ce-13 Owen St., in` Mason- ic Temple Building, Barrie. Rrnnnh (`|frIA--'F`.lrnVn.'IA_ IU VDCIIIIJIU DUIIUIIIE, l3.l.'l.`lUo Branch Office--Elmva.le. W. A. Boys, K.C., M.P.. J. E l'\I-EI\l'\lV|JEI'l UUVVPIIV Barrister, Solicitor for qbtaining pro- bate of wills, guardianship and ad- 'minist.ra.tion. General Solicitor, Notary, (`An uavahnnr nfn Illllll|.l':I.lUl.l. \`(Ul.lUl'dl DDUIIULI-Ill`, LVU|.ilplJg Convey_ancer, etc. Ofice--I-Iinds Block, 8 Dunlop St., .Ba.rrie. ' MONEY '30 LOAN.` > I'll I1: UITEPVVIVRE I Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, etc. | MONEY TO LOAN. Ross Block, Barriel CAMPANA Si IJ\II`\JP\I` I`: I'IC\I\Jl`I\I, DIHI Successor to Creswicke & Bell BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. MONEY TO LOAN. RossBlock. Barrie zl;LXXZ'l'ON-W& PLAIx'roN * BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC. Offices: 707-8 Kent Building Toronto, Ont. C. W. Plaxton. G. Gordon Plaxton' Tor-`An t\ 'D`l.-nob.-um I DR. H. 1'. ARNALL I Associate Coroner County of Simone.` Office and Residence-`--Corner Toronto and Elizabeth Sts., opp. Central Church; Office Hours: Until 1030 a.m., and 1; to 3.30 and 6 to 8 p.m. -Phone 167. I 9 ` DR. W. A. LEWIS. Surgery and Diseases of Women Associate Coroner County. of Simcoei -and- - Dr. w. H. WILSON ` Graduate of Toronto University Phone 61 Office---58 Collier St. I I Hours: 8-9 a.m.,' 12.30-2 and.6.30-8,p.m. DRS. -LITTLE &. LITTLE` Physicians and Surgeons, Barrie, Ont ! I Office and ,Resid'ence-47 Mapfe Ave. ; Office hours: 1 to 3 p.m., 7 to 9 p.m., orl bv annointment Phnnn 912 Urnce hours: 1 3 or K by appointment. Phone 213. IA. T. Little, M.D. W. C. Little, M.B ._.______________._.__._____ _.________________.__.__.___ DR. MORTIMER LYON 122 Bloor St. West, Toronto. Will be at 91 Owen St., Barrie. '1st Saturday of each month. Diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Consultation hours-11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Barrie," phone 2. Toronto, North 3326 -j-:::- . un. I-nI:.u A. H055 Formerly of Drs. Ross & Ross, Barrie. Late Surgeon Specialist with the imperial Army, 4% years. General Surgery. and Obstetrics especially. Office--140 Dunlop St., Barrie. `Phone 710. P.O. Box 1078| I __._____________________.... ' L. J. SIMPSON, M.B. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office and Residence-Collier St., cor- ner Clapperton St., Barrie. Pnone 275! __j______________._____ -_._..:..j DR. E. G. TURNBULL Graduate McGill University, Montreal. Office and Residence-Cor. Elizabeth and Bradford Sts., Barrie. Phone 105. Office hours: 9-101:7:-u 1-`) v\rv\ "ID--- Italian%BalmI _ . U: `H: UPHaDo Eyes Examined A Glasses Fitted F Graduate Canadian Ophthalmic College, Toronto. _ 43 Elizabeth St., Barrie. Phone 80' -_j:_ . _ B. M. SYLVESTER Teacher of Music. ' Bandmaster Barrie Citizens Band Formerly Director of Music Christie St. Hospital under D.S.C.R., bandmaster . . ., bandmaster of 76th Toyonto Scottish Regt. MAUDE E. CLAX-'l'ON, L.T.C.M. Teacher of Piano and Vocal Pupils prepared for Toronto Conserva- tory of Music examinations leading up to and including A.T.C.M. degree. Studio-King Block. ` Phone 424 EDMUND HARDY ' Bacup FITICIMI Teacher of `Piano, Organ, Vocal, and Musical Theory, - ' Organist and Choirmaster of St. Andrew's Presbytcman Church. Gold medalist Toronto Conservatory of Music and Universitv of 'I`m-nm.-. uuxu uu:ua.ust. 1-oronto conservatory University of Toronto. 113 Worsley St. Phone 683 ` Fin` Rgmodlling 8: Repairing MINNIE. McKERNAN, ssfsmu St. MRS. EMMIE WILSON . Contralto Vocalist. Entertainer ` and Elocutionist. Teacher of Speaking, Public Oratory and Dramatic Expression. ALSIO `OPEN FOR ENGAGEMENTSV 62 Ross St. Phone 249 nunnul: WILSON, A.R.C.O. Oranist and Choirmaster of P ollier St. United Church Teacher of Organ, Piano, Voice Produc- tion, Singing (B_el Canto), Theory, etc. Special coursesin Vocal Expression and Interpretation. Piano and Organ Vir- tuoso Technlque for advanced pupils. 62.. Ross St. Phone 249 ___________________, Iv El-.\JI`Ig UHWIFHELL & ` Chartered Accountants Phone Main 5874. 59. Yonge St., Toronto H. J. Welch, C.A.'__G. D. Campbell, C.A W; S. Hulbig, Production Engineer T. E. Lawless, C.A. ` 'Ma.nagerA Cost and Efficiency` Dept -` L. R. ORD 3 CIVIL ENGINEER } Ontario and Dominion Land Surveyox ; 133 Blake _St.. Barrien . Phone 62.` 'What Causes the ki.n t9%.C'1aP?%. "* VICTORIA?! ORDER OF lIIl:A R-gu.-L 3 vI\Il\lI'\IP'||` Ul1Ul:.H l - ' Barrie Branch Residence, 86 Worsley St. Phone 761W WELL BABY CLINIC from 2 to 6 o'clock every Friday. Application for nurse's services may be Vmagie direct or through your doctor. .___e_____________________ EWELOH. CAMPBELL &. LAWLESS Chartered Anennnlrgnba 12:-1,.r\.n.L-c.I.1:4.I.`|..V, DL).u1U117UJ.`SD, 1911. Masonic Temple Building, Barrie. Mmxnnv vrn `l'.nA`l\T RADENHURS1T'W&(."HAMMOND` BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC. 'M`isnnin 'I"t=vrnnh:i 'Rnih-1ino- `Ramdn uunuum :.u|VuIvIAnI 4 Barrister, Solicitor, Notary. etc. MONEY TO LOAN; pncu p1l'\l'|`7 `Do-Sn if T mbbiilib `b`, LL;/3. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Masonic Temp1e Building, Barrio MONEY TO LOAN HDUNOAN F. McCUAlG, B.A. Qunnnuunr 1-n (`rnutninbn 2. Q1311 'j HORACE WI LSON, Organist am-I chn:......;-.. -; UIHCQ 9-10 .a.m., 1_-3 ALEXANDER AcoWAN7 tan Q;-.`lnIlu-um Gnu. Ala!-niyuvln H. H. ORESWICKE `inn Gn`Hnd-n-L 'KTr\fa-Inn! Amcl-111*;-zcrs GORDON LONGMAN afar: Q4-\'I1nnn 'l\T-sbn...... `e7.a$.:e+1 us Lculplt: Duuuulg, J MONEY TO LOAN .LVJ.lJ1V..E.4.l LU JJUALV Ross Block, Barrie. DR. FRED A. ROSS II nf Dru Dnaa D. BAA- 0. -R. RUSK, OPH.D. tarninanl 0|---A Ull. \J - \J Ul.'lllJ`J James O. Plaxton. Copyright im-25. . Ivjcomer 5 Sim an sin a. 9. Putnam : shag BOBBED:I{AIB.w1th Marlo [Provost is a`*pIeturlnt!oI,o! till Ito!) Warner Bros. Blames. Inc. _ MEDICAL `LEGAL OPTICAL MUSIC 121$ IJFBSSIUH. VGIU. R. Boys NURSES THURSDAY, JANUARY 21, 1926. I III; . Lian I Aw Laznuaslsslvl Published" every Thursday afternoon at the Post Office Square, Barrie. Sub- scription Price-Ca.nada` and Great Britain $2.00 per` year in advance (in arrears 82,50): United States. $2.50 per year in advance._ Both old and new addresses should `be "given when change of address. is requested. CAN- CELLATIONS-We find that most of our subscribers prefer not to have their subscriptions interrupted in case they fail to remit before expiration. While subscriptions will `not be carried in arrears over an extended period. yet, unless we are notified to cancel, ._we assume the subscriber wishes the service continued. REMITTANCES should be made by registered letter, money order, or cheque payable at par in Barrie. J. `A. MacLaren, Editor. W. C. Walls, Manager, Woman Suffered until Relieved \ by Taking Lydia E_._Pinkham's Vegetable Compound _-~1_~`_h`_e._Bg1frig_ Ejgaminer 1!-`OR coon WINTER | EGG PRODUCTION via -1- In I`IIl1Il'\llV Funeral Director and Embalmer Ambulance Service - Phone 431 Motor and Horse Equipment cor. Mary and Elizabeth Sts., Barri "We Handle Collections Only-- T No Sideline. } Nothing too old, small, large ori ` hard for us to tackle. 34 years experience. NO COLLECTION-NO CHARGE III`: 1 car A . ---___ _.__..:---u can snaulldl` COLLECTORS Orangeville and Owen Sound Owen Sound Offices: 169 9th St. E Reference-Standard Bank of I-Yonnrln Auto _Licenses Issued ABELL, 7 Owen S FOR Hot Water Heating and PLUMBING FIRE INSURANCE Agent for McC1ary s Furnaces. 'Lacj( dropped Mr. Pooch to the deck.` 52 Elizabeth St. = Phohe 952w IS OUR NEW ADDRESS f.. _._::_---nan! where we are equipped better than ever to attend to all your wants in the line of Harry Barron s'67B6'6i`Fo'iiE Y:': -_'3E:*P!1FG Needs W. J. RICHARDS P. C. LLOYD Funeral Director and Embalmer OPEN DAY AND NIGHT 47 Elizabeth St. : Phone 218. MULCASTER ST. ARE WELL SUP_P;.Il:`.-l)"1;"I-`v ~A3jn-;-__-_.__i GOULD NIJT D0 H_(l_lJu8__|E_WORK COMPANIES OF THE HIGHEST STANDING gou.cT10Ns PLUMBING AND HEATING GIVE US A CALL _ Phone 180 w, :5. MINNIKIN 1: or Sale by 32 :3.) Lallual Canada. St. Charles, Quebec. -I wa_a mar- ried three years and had no chxldren. Iwas a1ways.trou- bled with pains n the abdo men ..`-`J -u-nu uni n`-J15 A FEED TRY St. ship hull, .\(-\ with all the I The fnllnw Wltn "(LII |.II\ . The follow received :~- W. Qto\\':n'1 !'eCe1V't`u.- E. Ste\\ :n-1 Sullivan, bur ments for th electrioal ligl at Wa.su;. .'u P. re townline \ "Wm follow '1jHURsDA\ I.O\VlIInu_- . The follow appointed, \ ~ medical nffi sanitary in member of } caretaker of gins, (':n`(*I:| hall; H. .1. officer Sb`. school mu-n '7 11 1-2 1:: 3 111 L118 HUUU H1611 ` and was not able to do my house- work. After try- edies suggestedto 1 found that Lydia E. Pin k h a m s Vegetable C o m- pound-is the best ~ in the world for me. 1: as done me more ood than anything else I ever tried. am well now and able to do my housework and care for my family. I recommend it to my friends as 1 am sure they will be satised.-Mme.J, D. Rosxcrmun, St. Charles, Co. Bellechasse, Que. Nervous and Run-down ' Hamilton, 'Ont.- I was nervous mg all other rem- . 3 me I have at last I and run-down, and always had a tired 7 feeling andno aygietite. I jumped_:.t__- was_ alwaysy l'ow every sound an _ `spirited. My worst mptoms was de- . pression. and I was is way for sev- eral months. {A friend advised me to A try Lydia E. *Pinkham s Vegetable Compound, `andvl haveytalsen it for " three months `and am very much`bet- tar and _can"worl;:`around~ more-. I feel _ like apotlier woman.--'Mrs.P. L.GUY, ~i'_-$'I`uxedoAvo.;No.,amilt`on.0nt. o '1, 11. 1.'.. In. D. See1er_ McBride, '1`. fence \'i<-\\'v Marklo, \\'. pound kw-v Geo. Sc-eh-. M:ltth('\\'s : VVi11i:1m .\`\ brough, 1:n.\. (':Lr(-t:1kr~1~ : drain insyw. 'l"hn f'nH4n\ I In paid: "Sun" prim Sunni(1:1l:- (}iff(`I1. \\'1I $6.00: H. . Hull. $`.'1.I~ A \\'vt SUN. refund refn ml 'l`hn 1 Hum. I):1\'i(l.\' C,-Id:-r.<. in I). Me-(`n:: I)un(-zm. (-hum-h <-x Nlisx H S|'H`IHUnL: \l_A[ Fa) lllhln The fnllu ..:,1. _ ` v| _\uu and .\l .mu ll'(l.KlIH-', DWUULICS itflll. "I lost it when this Vscow hit us." 'lllIIII vu- 'I`h(- 1`- .. .1 . IHI`. '[`h(- Poi on o sils, u. -~th<: COMF Chapping of the skin -on the hands and face in the winter time` in due to evaporation of the natural moisture, caused by ar-7 ticial dry heat indoors and high winds out-of-doors. Campano.'I Italian Bdlm restores the nutur-" al moisture of the ikin end pre- vent: evaporation. All druggists and depart-inentnkstores sell it. A special sample bottle mailed on_ receipt of 5 cents.. T ' SYNOPSIS 51.. P. sin co. and Putnam : sons , ,_ I Provost in ~ Bros. * Sweetie answered-th`en warned.- ` star-tTnothin' you can't finish, D v....-__1._.. 1.-.. -`A-o`p\l\ `INA/u afltn` autn. uuuuu vyvu yaw... -........., ..--. . I Ignoring her advice, Doc strode over: lto Connemara and grasped her arm roughly. So you -did get the jack.` hey?" he growled. Well,~that makes . things easier. Gimme that dough or I'll croak -you!" Lacy reached Connemara's side` as. though shot from a cannon and while` Sweetie's warning shriek was stiil on. the air, his right fist shot` out and thudded against Doc s.jaw. But Doc did not go down, a la Pooch. Instead.. he returned the compliment with` much vigor. In another instantthe two men were threshing about the rolling deck, while McTish, in response to Mr. Lacy sq shouted command held the struggling. clawing, howling Sweetie, with both. arms tightly pinioned at her sides. From his prbstrate position on the floor, Mr. Pooch watched the proceed-I ings with mournful interest. ' n.._.4.--....a... Linn. Oman.` Tn:-my Kuhn 11155 Wlhu IIIUEILIILIAI Annuvsuuu. A fortunate blow from Lacy, who! even to Connemarais inexperienced eyes seemed to be something of a boxer, sent Doc crashing to the deck. The big man's head struck a projection with a. resounding and soul-satisfying bump." He lay still and unreslsting as Lacy` deftly bound him and with the help of Mc 1`ish rolled him alongside Mr. Pooch. Released during the process, Sweetie leaned against the rail and. glared at. each in turn. . | "an 1' aInv\ I- +1.1` vnn mill vnn mnlrn an S71. L1 UK 9: Connemara. Moore. finding herself on a yacht in Long Island Sound after midnight, attempted to leap overboard but was restrained by; one Pooch. a stranger. Then McTish. the skipper. tells Pooch tor annoying her. In the bow ot the boat Connemara is amazed to find young David Lacyrith. whom she had driven from Aunt Celimenafs Connecticut home. He had been spilled in an automobile accident and is now in the company of two mysterious characters. Doe and "Sweetie"; 83,011 In I.uI`Il. _ 1 "`If I don't tie you, will you make an attempt to act like a lady?" Lacy asked the girl. , Tmnvn rnn and D00 9'!) and we'll call the girl. | Leave me and Doc go and we'll call 1 it a. night," answered Sweetie. ap- 1 parently succumbing to Mr. La.cy's_ I smile. 'I'omorrow s anothe`rday! l ; And you may put me,.ashore 8.180,`: while you're about it! broke in Con-gj nemara, annoyed at the half-admiring . glance Sweetie bestowedgon Lacy. I - 7...... 1.1. .....4. .. an... AA... Sanka:-n AF .` tnouguuuuy. V | ``I cannot leave you young ladies as ; abruptly as that, he said. You havei interested me strangely---eh, Sister?--. While you, Sweetie, made a decided impression on me back `there in the` dory! And he rubbed a noticeable: 'lump on his head gingerly. , I -\VVh-.11` are vm) going` to do with us?".. gxuuuc 5.) vv uu-av uwuuv vv way u.. Wu, . ' Lacy-let out a few more inches of_ his smile and surveyed both `girls thoughtfully. ` T nnn.nni- Innvn vnn vnnng Indians: as- '1ump on ms neuu gulgeuy. I -\What are you going to do with us?".. asked Connemara anxiously. The Lnocking light in his` eyes disturbed er. wr ...u1 A...-.:.aA 4-lnn+ 1n+nn" ho nvuno net`. -- I will decide that later!" he ans-| werd mysteriously. Just now I want! to know who you all" are and_ what l this insane nonsense is a11.about!\- Uixrnll nal " urna (`nnnnvnnma HHS Insane uuuacusu is an auuuu; - I .We11, first," smiled Connemara. you' can take this beastly,money.'That~ may prevent any further attempts on` my life!" . T.hn11 ufonn `oi-' i-`Inn I-uinillo nf 1'\ni\l!_ ULV ULBL Lacy stared at" thebundle of bank-' notes in her outstretched hand. So did. Mr. Pooch and D_oc.*'Mr. Poochemltted a baffled groan and rolled on his side.; as if to hide the scene from his view. Doc. who was swearing. with great" heartiness, stopped abruptly. T Ann`f uranf. Hniu Tvhaf `Ia H-__hn\xr nearuness, sLUppcu a.u1'upu_y4 I don't want this. What is it-how much?" asked Lacy. TI: rnnm: fhnn Tfnn nrnlna fn ha rn. TYlUCf1.' ' RSKCU uuuy. It's more than L m going to.be re- -snonsible for", said Connemara firmly. Please-please--:lust stick it in your` pocket---or anywhere. VVn-.-l1" staid T.n.r~.vA it's vevv ir-1 CHAPTER vm-concanued Shut up, Doc, you re'all wet! called the lady weakly. sitting up on the deck. A This was a. true statement. hoxvever she meant it. 5 v ` V cm... vnn all right. Sweetie?" asked We--11, ? said Lacy, it's very ir- regular, but I'm always anxious to do `what a lady rrequests." ~ | No I-nnlz fhn nnnnnv and uhiffn if pUCKBL"""UI' any WIICFU. . 'wu`ru. 21. Luuy Iruquuauu. ~ I He took the money and stuffed it carelessly in `the pocket of his wet coat. As he did so out of the darkness! came a gruff hall. A shapeless hulk` grated against the yacht's side. V By Sophie Kerr I .rMc'I`ish and Lacy, Connemara and the Sweetie person, were galvanized into attention and rushed to the ra.iA1.% Pooch-and Doc could do nothing: but: stretch their necks anxiously in the directiun of the hail. and squirm un- easily. _ ` ' - ` .Qhin n'hr\-n-v'"' unnrr nut T'.onv your llgnts?" , -_ . e - There was a sileneior a moment.` and `then the .voice. much less` gruff, came from :the darkness. accented in` amazement: By the great horn spoon,- thga;t'_s:Da've Lacy and his old tub. the Bloody Nuisance. Dave, you scoundrel,v what are u doing here?" ' T.infAn.-smv.V" T.nnv u vninn urn-a inn!- JUU 5Ulll5 LU .UUllUl' llUl'U ." I might. if there was any `induce-A.` rhent." said Lacy. Why don't you come on board? I've got Scotch and rye." A In! gr-nnn nf nna-nigh hnvnf uh-V1-3 PUIIUC uug Ill!lHlUIl-" . Named Rex; rn ~b_at Va. muuon," ma. `Lacy. B31311) . ` Ship aho-o-y! "' sang out Lacy. | `.`Look out, you Il"run us down. your poor "goofs. What re y doing? Where's lights? ' - "l`I-unvn tune a uilnnrin fnu as nannnnnf Wllut. PU you uuulg llBl'B." . Listen-say.!" La.gy s voice was just as much-a.m.zed. and quite hilariously Ijoyful. Why, `Bob Mex`--" _a_n-u_fI" unit} fhn (\f'I`\An' In-dun Ju_vu.u. vvuy, DUI) Ll.Ul`-"-' I S-s-s-s-ti." said the other voice.. sharply; Don't call` my name! I m"' looking for somebody, "somebody in a` little foolish boat. maybe two of them,} sneaking round these waters and being` as inconspicuous as possible. Seen anything. like that tonight? ` I T'vn nnlv hnnn nhnnrv 1: four rnhanfna qu,vLuu15- uxu: Lllttb Luulgub. I I've only been aboard a few minutes. I'll ask McTish. What about it Mac?. T\YnI- 9 avian urns 0 annual 7 Ranlnwuul more appreciated." Mr. Pooch slowly arose to his feet. He surveyed the slighter man contemp- tuously and then his roving eyes took in the little group in the bow who were watching the tableau with various emotions. As his glance fell on Conne- mara, his eyes brightened. Mr. Pooch had a one-track mind. E1118 announcement. with a marline sp1ke.. "~ " .,,..,o J. I'm going to take a_,1ittle quiet rum- round. for half an hour on so. but I'll be back and go `you a couple down the hatch." said the voice. You stick right _ here. old son. [and-wait for me. And . keep`a weather eye out for any little boats with two or three people in `em. If any such come round. and you can ' lnveigle the folks on board. lay"em o__ut_i.. Who ~u"vnn hallznfhrn lnln hI1nlu'P" L11 aan ;vu;1.Lau. vv uni. uuuul. lL_1V1!:lC.' '5 Not a sign nor a. sound, declared McTlsh. And I've been on the look-` out too. - INIA nlnuml -...\...d. /\`A LI..." . . _ ~ . -.. ' UUL LUU. Oh. darn!" went on the" unseen voice. `Just my rotten luck. Say, Dave,` you going to anchor here?" T " T l'v13o'hf f' thaws YIYOG anty .4:-`1Inn_ this T announcement. uu uuuru: 1. Vt: SUI. nuuwu `cum rye. , A low groan of anguish burst sim- ultaneously 'from Doc and Pooch at - I Yum rl`I\`Ii\l\1 +.\ 4.11.. 2-. Inn- .....x..'a.' WILII I1 Illul'1lllU plKCn , ` I Who -iryon talkative laddie buck?" asked Mc'1`ish sourly. as tlie boat be- side thm slipped away quietly into the night. ` . Iv (Who AP, vnvr nnlina-A Fenian-{Raj Hahn use 1u5u|.. I` One of my college friends-- he's in` the government ervlce. Let's. get that anchor out. She's drifting like a seaweed in this tide." " - `mm... as 0-... .~.a....+.-.- 1|/r..nu.-.1. .....a 1' .5... seaweea In nus nae." ` ; For a few minutes Mc'1`ish and Lacy were gruntlngly occupied with the business of anchoring. Then, Bloody Nulsance settled herself to ride the waves as. sweetly as a -summer" boarder rides the best porch rockimz chair. Lacy it greedily. "l`hIn hnu hnnn nnv`-nnfhfnva l n got out. a. cigarette `and l_i_t as the` .. 8. ll . EPBEQIIY. ` , .` . ' This has been somethfng 013 a night. he said. I need -stimulant. Mc- Tish, you keep -on watch and I'll _ga.th- er Am'y`self a drop of coffee and get on some dry clothes. Ladies. how's4\your Various thirsts?" _ MFA Irina a nun nf"nn-Ffnvn `I I.{.`m...: L i. camotue." - , * - - _ ~Oh, do you like dogs?" asked Con`- nemara. Interested. .`.`I'm fr!gh;tful1y~_.. fond of them'--I have the m_o'st adorable . pollcedog named-" >* ."Nnmn 1?Av~ 1" hob n mllllnn " nnltl various tmrsts'I" I ` V_ j-- ` i I'd love a cup; of `coffee; Iheard 9,-5 bout~it when I first came on board"; but, it, never a.ppea.r`ed, *' said Connemara. "I'm hungry, tool . ' ' ' n rn T" nnnfin .Qurnnf`Io"-it nt.n|hI._` she meant It. - V `T Are you all right, Sweetie?" the big fellow anxiously. A" ' K.0.!" responded`-`the girl. tersely.- Where's the guy we had with us? "I hope he's drowned!" was `the un-. feeling answer`. The big stlff-he was 3. Jonah. Hey, who's `in charge of this tub?" he added to Mc'I`lsh. A l;fn'I"la~In 4-III-n-li fn lnnlr 9.1 . T1Q.V. Who. '"1Iu nuusry, I.uu-. _- _ .- _So m I.'f confided Sweet1e.`I`c9uld';: eat~a. hotdog made out of my ApwnVpt`,.-A caioodle." . N .l\h An IIIIII III); Ht-nan?" nalvn ("nu-i'_ CHAPTER IX 50. ' "UUII Doc! " "d6n t run' ' 1 Then yu lose.-His name is Athos-3" , ~What's d'you know` `about Athos.. sister?" asked Lacy wonderlngly. Did; someone suggest the name to you? ` | Don't be silly. Why shouldn't I. know about Athos. even it it was ages] ago that I read The Three Musket-I AAFH " I ago Lu eers." I Avvxsvu Iulll\AvAhlvv|Aa\nonAn`7 new vv----_ --.._ -- I It ain't .the` only thing he don't _ 1 know, I betcha, she said. He soundsi - to me like an awful bunch of ready; I, language. But swell, too, in a way, if] you get what I mean. Class. you know. `., I always like `em classy. Gee, I- wisht -1 Ihad some dry clothes. I ~m soaking. 5' And Ive'1ost my lipstick, and my gum! -- she hastily explored her left stock- f -ing,' and came up beaming. Say, what. ;'d'you know! Lookitl She displayed. `|va. small shiny vanity case and a pack-! 5; age of chewing gum. They ain't hurt 5,` a bit neither. . i I Gian Fnnlr n ru'nr-13 AF rruunn and I who's `in charge or tms _ McT1sh turned to look at Lacy, who. rope 1n.hand_, was in controversy with Mr. Pooch. en.-.1; nut vnnr av -ma like A. nice little it Ull ueuuer. I She took a piece of gum and' 1 passed another to Connemara. "`Here." 5* she said, nobody ever said of me that; 3! I wasn't square with other ladies." I '_ Thanks," said Connemara. Thanks; {, awfully, but--we1l-.the' fact is. I don t~ chew gum. A E |- f~'\h|" eni Qxxrnnfin f"|*nn'l:Iv Qfnring: :2-nl 1 ' Sweetidwaxpresently changed into ya flapper youth. I --:- This 'is_ interesting. I didn't knpwef that girls in your walk of life had de- ,1` finite literary tastes. I must look into; this further. In theimeantime. please; excuse me." - , . I 'I'_'l'A A!unnv\nannn-I in!-n'i-ha H1-1-In hilhhi E I | Hetdisappeared intothe little bunki room at the back of the cabin. Sweetie` ` looked understandingly at Connemara.{< | ,, ___1__ 41.1.... I... .:.@._I; I LUIS VIIU Ll.ll.l'U. LIIIIU. You got any sewing things, needle and thread and scissors?" demanded Sweetie. -If you have, clear out 0' that` :.,hole down there and let us ladies have i it. We got to do as little `private work, I `I her and me." V 1 ' ;g David Lacy appeared now. with a I. 7 .tray containing steaming coffee in cups without saucers. an opened can of condensed milk, and,` some stray ; lumps` of sugar. In his other hand he I` had a large tin of crackers. He was dressed in fresh dry clothes, and his` '1 hair, though still wet, was brushed. and the wetness gave rather the effect `.of fashionable slickness. " pl unlmmn ...-(1.1 Qumnu... ...1.1........:...... t- UHCW guxu. Oh! said Sweetie. frankly staring: Why not? Got false teeth? = `l ~ '1 ~--13 f`l--4.- --_-4-_- 4 _ . _ _ A _ ..'....1._... | lNo, said Connemara, improvising lwildly, for she could see that Sweetie! was all ready to be offended at the: `refusal of her offering. but I've got! a anawfully fussy old -maid aunt and shei ' made me promise I wouldn't ever chew] ' gum. You know, she went on, toi change the subject, I imaginey_tha_t. man"--she nodded toward the bunk] . voom-that man would lend you some} `clothes and you could dry yours. Mine= ;are dry enough, but they're in rags.` i thanks to that wretch-." She indicated` i Pooch. ' 1 N'I'\IaA Au+-o Anvuvnn '9 nnA Qcuinnl-in ' FUUUII. I The dirty dawg, said Sweetie sym- pathetically. Say. why don't you grind`, your -heel in his face` now he's tied up? I would, believe me, if he'dvroughed me." `If I had a needle and thread. I'd mend `you up_like_ a streak o lightning. I'm quite a girl with the needle. I_used_to . be head skirt hand at a big Flfth Av- Ienue shop. Honest, I_did. . Q ` V7911 fnr nv ualzn" unit? (nn.. puuc E11111). JTIUIJUSL, ;_u}.u. I ` Well, for ay sake," said ..Con- nemara, why did you ever leave a. `good job for a `Wild life like this?" U1 ......x _:-I_ -1 :4. tV---_.!___. _.___s__ __ .. V... V... ..y. -.... ---v -..-V -...-.... l I got sick of it. Sewing, sewing,} sewing all day_ longon nicer c1o'es _'n; I could ever have myself, and the fore- lady findin fault_+-reg 1ar poison ivy she was-an'al1 day long in the house} `at work! Then, when I d get out, to the` movies, at night, I'd see_llfe like it; ought to be. You know-somethin _do-3 in every minute..An` then Doc. he! come along-;-an' here we are. | T-Town xtrn cnvn indoor!" unit! nAI1hn_ Mr. Pooch. Stick out your_a!"ms like a. nice little boy," suggested Lacy. I'm going to tie you up in a. neat little package and ship you somewhere where you'll be appreciated." Mr `Dnnnh nlnwlv arose to UUIUC iLlUl15bl.ll IIUFU VVU l .l.l'C. | Here We_are indeed. said Conne-i mara. And I wonder when .we re everi going to get away. VVomen can cer-, gtainly do impulsive things, Miss] lsweetie. I don't like to call you that. iit sounds too-too' -wnnnu-' .-.I..A n... 17,... `M... run`! .....,. U1 La.su1uuztu_1e sucK_nesS. ! C1ass," said Sweetie, whispering to Connemara. What d I [tell you? He's class. Oh, boy, that coffee smells good! Come to mamma, darling!" She seized 5a cus), half emptied. the cqndensed milk n it, added four Iumpsof sugar "and "seized a haindful of crackers. Nat- 'vurally she at once became incapable of further speech. ~ ' The rInffnn'urnnHn:7l and l-oafn a-nn auruus uuuusu `LU uu uuyuluig IIUW." ' The two girls moved together to; the bunk room. A little rummaging brought .`to light some men's clothes. and with `considerable giggling, a smallish, dap- per youthin correct yachting get up of White trousers and blue coat. The clothes `were large for her, but the general effect was good. She spread her own things to dry as best she could `in -the limitedespace. and then. looked about her capably. A `small box on the `shelf that was evidently the dressing {.t`able-fore there was a.tnirr.or>above it" and a`. comb on it-caught her eye, and `,sl_1ej opened it and brought out in 5.", triumph a. huge needle.ra"spoo' `of white -thread, and a pair or scissors. , `: .``'l\Yn '.1-hhnhIn-f.'h|I!- `HP nn + vnnflvnu _ there-you--" ll. DUUIIQS LUU*|UU _ ` ' Don t,.mind that. You can call me. G1orla;:w.anson-Ma.ry Pickford---'Li1- ltan Gish, if you wanta, but there` .ain t' goin' to be honest-to-good mon-1 yickers spilled` on this party, Say, I do!` wisht I could mend you up. You look like somethin _the'cat brought` in in; that coat and that dirty white stuff] ,hanging out below. Hey, mister, in (`rivnina Qnrnnfln ." coir! T\on-IA T154117 I.1u:1`cf-yuu--' ' ` Coming, .Sweetie." said David Lacy. sticking his head out of the bunk room. ' Just waiting for the coffee to boil up I i for the third time." Van nun` nvuuv nncuolnm `In!-nu... ...\...:lI-l Lul'LllUl.' -SHCBUII. ' The coffeeosmelled. and tasted good toyconnemaraetoo. She drank it grate- -fully, but hermind was on Sweetie s `offer of a. moment before. Connemara was suffering acutely from the.know- ledge that she was grotesquely dress- ed. Lacy hadytaken coffee to Mc'I`ish {and stayed beside him. talking in a low tone. This was - C,onnemara's oppor- l.tunity.` ` ` - "T.nf'u an infn fhnf I-\Inng__nyIncnsn Incl "Let's go into that plitce---where he was. and see if w_e. can't find some dry things for you. And 1f~there anything to` sew with, and you would get me] together a. little, I d be eternally grate-l fill. ' ' Lugvu . ful. `+mS'weetle` gulped the last of her cof-I fee. crammed `the last of her- crackers -`in her mouth. ..AWri . she said. I m strong enough ~to do anything now. Thn fwn Qhq innvn fnrrnfhnrv 1-n 4-ho Gimme tha_t fifty grand!" he de-| manded hoarsely, staggering toward` her. The big man and his girl compan- ion started and looked at each other significantly. " Tin urhnf vnn'r-n 1-nlr1" nvnlnimni `tnreamanu pan` or smssors. ` No Mthlmble--but it" don't matter. Say, take offathem things and let's "see what we.can- do." ,.., IVI;-nuunvvunnn tuna nlunlnnt nu: -...l..'.l. HUU wuuv. WU . can uu. ,1 ` . Connemara was obedieht. and watch- _ed VSwe_atie.* fascinated, _as the girl 1n....u.....;.: .... _.....- 1n\ ' '( c':}a'x';t1x'_a:z~`a'ci_.}ax; '53:; ~10)` ' `tun -nmjuun iaxamnl,-:%n . . . - o o - o - - . . . u - u - 4 i Dquaau _ Beets, basket ` Grou_nd- plums, qt. . .\ . . . . . . Onions, large basket . . . . . . Rhubarb. bunch, . . . . . . . . . . ` Cauliflower ea. . . . . . . . . . . i Cabbage, each . . . . . . . . . .. Lettuce, bunch . . . . . . . . . . ysage, bunch . . . . . . .. 3 Summer Savory (bunch) Red peppers, .4 . . . . . . . . . . I, Pork, pound .. . . . . . . . . . .. ' Beef, hinds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; ; Beef, fronts ` . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . )| `"""' " v"'" `' - Poultry','i3.1;t't'e'r' 'a'.{.& Eggs. as !Butter, pound 4 L} Eggs, doze . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4 a'Fowl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2 !Chickens, pound, . . . . . . . . . 2 Cream, pint t 3 i'Buttermil_k, qt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ace - '.-.--'- gsssssmssssssssss; '- SATURDAY MARKET, I The niarket last Saturday was re-` }ma_rkable for the quantityof eggs of- . rtered for sale. Buyers, however, were I rather scarce and prices which opened at 55 cents a dozen. dropped during the`morning.~to as `low as 40 cents. |There was also -a` large quantity of fresh beef and pork. Chickens and fowl 1 were quite proniinent. Chickens brought lfrom 25 to 28 cents a pound and fowl went for 20 cents. `There were a few ! geese at 25 cents. There was the usual {amount of roots and vegetables and a [few heads of lettuce at 15 cents-and cabbage at` 10 to 20 cents. Several [loads of wood were offered at from ` $10 to $14 and more hay- than usual at $10 and $12 a load. ' . I Quotations were; iPotatoes, per bag $3.00 u~Tur nips .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6c i Parsnips, basket . . . . . ., . . . . . . . . X Butter beans, pint . . . . . .>10c, 3 for f White beans, pint . . . . . . 10c, 1 Celery . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . I Apples, basket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Apples, bbl., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3.00 Squash . . . . . .. [ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25c rI.'..-......1 ..1......... no 1n.. (Experimental Farms Note) The Dominion Experimental Farms I system has published` n extremely ` simple farmer s account ook, designed . to last a complete year. To keep it ! needs no special knowledge of account- .ing; simply the ability to write and add; and a record of all transactions might be made in an hour a week. A ifew plain directions as to making en- ,t'ries, some aids to taking inventories, ia table of silo capacities and a gesta- ltionl table are given on the insides of ! the cover. 1.. +1. Ran`: ':'4....u: .-..... ............ 42.... L... i A FARMER S ACCOUNT BooK alslux.-u.:'x.uuy. Do what you're told!" exclaimed Lacy impat.iently--and dropped Mr. Pooch to the deck` with a perfectly timed left hook. Immediately stooping. he began the process of tying up his victim. HIXII-.1-.nn n I-11.-at nwun 0" uxvkinvxnnn;-I An

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