Llltflllo Mrs. Lou Stewart. Lola, Kathleen uand Jackspent over Sunday in Barrie I with the farmer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Readman. Mr. Readman has been. seriously 111. W ` Af fhn (\~InCn1 Dun-up` nan;-u-6l._... Ad UUUIL el'lUUl,V III. ' At the Official Board meeting` of Trinity Church on Monday evening, it was decided to hold the annual congre- gational meeting on Friday evening, Feb- 26. when all departments of the church will beaexpected to give reports. The Young Pannier: nirnln mat 'I"nna_ .uuurcn wux ueexpectea to give reports. The Young People's CirclVe,met Tues- day evening, with Elvin Pearson as leader. The programme consisted of two readings entitled A Day in Af- rica, by. Mary Spencer, and The Christian," by Hubert McKenzie. and a very pleasing. solo by Mrs. Lunau. hp nnrnml rnnaflntr n9 + 1'...-1.3!- Mrs. S. R. `Brown is visitingpfriends in. Cookstown. 'I`I-ua nouns: Ireland: A? T `D Tarvnnnn III. LIUUISBLUWII. The many friends of J. R. Jamieson will be glad to hear he is improving. Mr. and Mrs, rnv nf `Rnnfnn nnnnf Will -00 Elli. [U near [18 IS IIIIDTOVIIIS. Mr. and Mrs. Gray at Beeton spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. A. I-Ialbert. ` "II{nn 'I'JlIpIn'ntIa T n-.-..\- -0 t)...._&.-. I13-I |._lUl'Ia `Miss Hildfeth Le nnox of Barrie spent the week,-end with Miss Marion McDonald. ' `M -.. `I3.-......I- '..a 1-rn.....I..._. 1...... ....4.-. ._._ ll I?llU I3l1l.'l.U\`V' Ella O [J-In .stroud United Church young people are putting on-the play, Nothing to Do." in the Orange Hall soon. _ Mr: Mnrrlnnn nf AIl'Iafnn"onr1 ml -n. &&mm$mxm&$am%*g I .'I`I-IORNTON I'll]. W111 UU SUIU \'V1la!lULlla l'b'Ul.'VUo I TERMS OF SA LE--10_months _c`}'_ed-I 38- -"HI `I... -2..- L- .......L...... J.` ...... .... ;&&mwmwm&&&%w&&| ELBI. WEEK wnue nuntmg In CIIe'Ila.IS.` Mr. Porter of Rochester. N.Y.. is The Late Mrs. S. J. McDoi1ald xv. 'n,r.\...1..-- .........:__. Ladies Auama.-y, B. of R, 1'. an- `l'n,1.l....I A-.--.-Ix_.___ 1., S_HANTY BAY_ MINESINGL ~ 11-u-: BARRIE EXAMINER hoc ey `game-eiplayed` Saturday after- "noL_ f '_/`on t.11e,7`Hawk"estone `rink be- twee ._`{the-local ,scho_o1.and. East Oro `schodl `;-'wa 1.1argely.?attended by both,_ "3-If-'1.,Yl'. >194-The Vpubclic, `sich`ool boys E Bld-and youngihndnseemed to be equal- ly enjoyed by.both.- The local school won by 97 to 4. The visiting team must ' be-commended `on their `good showing considering that/some had no practice. Norman Clark starred for the visitors. vqhile the local team looked good in all departments. The management hope to stage. other games with neigh- boring schodlsin the neanfuture. ' rn1-- 1'r___1____L_,,, 1 - walnllia I A , In ldl-ll|\&rIl.\ I E the following:" 2Durham Steers, rising 3 yrs., fat. 2 Durham Heifers, rising 3 yrs., fat. 3 Durham Steers, rising 3 yrs. old... 4 Durham Heifers, rising 3 yrs. 'old. 3 Hereford Steers, baby beef, 1 yr. 3 Durham Heifers, rising 2 .yrs., fat. 2I)urham Steers, rising 2 yrs.', fat. 4 Good Polled Angus Steers, rising 2. 4Good Polled Angus Heifers, rising 9 want: AIR visitinghis niece, Mrs. John Plowrightgsome hockey at the return game to} I Sixteen veterans of the War met" be played here on February 5, so just last Friday evening at the home of keep that~date in mind. I J. E. Crawford and spent _a very en-1 The Oro Station married men's joyable evening in games, singing` bPQ0mb_all team came up and played and social chat which lasted well on the 1003-1 team here on Wednesdav ev- toward morning. A Soldiers Club Was z`eT1i11`-3.1; Oro won 2-0. A goodasized organized for the purpose of holding CI`0Wd: came out to see this burlesque scmi-annual `gatherings `of this_ sort.! - ' . A -. ~ I It is expected that the lady friends ofi the members will be invited to the next . i _ * gathering. Officers elected Were: Hon. Pres., Rev. (Major) Price; Pres., Wil-. ` bert Armstrong; -.~Secretary, Leighton Adams;'. Entertainment Committee,` Howard Priest and Harold McLaugh- lin. ' .. . Ac- --.- -. 3 Vtulvnnnb mun ...\..uv, -.-- .... ..----- - ..v ..--5-.-n, the Friday E. joyable uni-1:1 unnial nhnf whinh lanfnd` wall nn The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. John; Roe` was _t-aken seriously 111 Saturday` morning. He was removed to the R. V. Hospital for treatment. " - ..___-.,;, ......-.,.._... --. uAA\4 .;vu~5-Luuun The Hawkestone hockey team play- ed a league game a.t.0ro Station on Friay night, Oro winning 8-6. The loca,l team say they-will show? Oro H4wKEsToNE% - SMITHAAAND (10.3 FUNERAL DIRECTORS -sTABLIsH ED I869 PHONE 82% MOTORAAM BU LANCE IN CONNECTION . .u on ru:.Ll'r'UL, T0 said Stevenson, should of -a thoughtful man. _ tainment reached by thi; nan-:n...I..`-.. uu111lllClI L 1'8 ganization. j 'TO BE HELPFUL, TO BE` KIND Ghana`; L _ AI _ The undersigned has received structions from IAIJI-an A tars: In-u-udn - .1... usllill venson, sho'uld be the goal ughtful man. It is the at- this earnest or- `n. - " THURSDAY, JANUARY 21, 1923 L all the a year. Appeals Ed. La L313; "8;.""'},"l}iiiL'ti"1' A (near Thornton) THURSD_:AY,_ `JANUARY 28' Judge Va quashing: H by Police )1 J. Stephc-n~: Dunn, V.S. police court opening on with SOV0l'l 30, when j1 appeals W01` 01] DOC. 1: ), Monday. charged wit ghens with hree Otlu-r by the .\l:1_1: all ba.<(-(1 .. same witm-.~ made in (-21 interest \m at the lllllw court mom at each sit: Stemm- The Stvgw are (lo:-alt \\'; j1l(l}_',`l1l(`I\l, i evidonw I}:- in part. is :1 l4rI1l 1LTh(_ `W on bohzvlx" the szzlw u- thur (` \H`._" two s`}<-u Departms.-a Pr0\'inui:1l ment. ;::n pl0_\'m<-n1 how the :1 It miL" puI`('h2x.<(- ` Feb. 1 1, :1 he K M HH- Cnugzhlin. the 1 the 11)~:cl; ~ on th<~ In- V 1 `.1 UH "\ I. relizlhili the I\\' called .< i(lenvo `4-.. L,. Hlt'Hl I; u. hay {Hunk 41-.. `_ \JIl Lllx the bar`. Wax` 1`... the ("1' f8.(`t:\' 1)` about M C'I\l\ that `_7'V Ill K \ and in Con"! evirlovu nay \.\I\v on the Lz1h:1_\` ~ thv`: `wt '7 L Jill. M: om Dlll'U[JBHH`U EVVC uuuua. , ' IMPLEMENTS--1`rost & Wood bin-; der, good as new: sulky rake; turnip pulper; spring-tooth cultivator: Mas- sey-Harris seed drill: single. plow. Fleury No. 21: two-furrow plow, Cockshutt: set iron barrows. 16-bull: Chatham wagon and box. nearly new: stock rack, hay rack; set scales, 1200g lbs-1.; scuffler; International gas engine. 6-H.P,, nearly new; grain grinder; set sleighs, Chatham, nearly new;' top buggy, nearly new; Ford touring car. 1918 model, in good repair and new tires; set sling ropes; 150 ft. draw- rope; 2 rolls fence wire. 60 rods; sugar kettle; sap buckets; set breech- ing harness, complete; 2 sets plow liar. ness: a number of horse collars; kit-[ chen table. chairs, sideboard; also; whiffletrees. chains, forks, neckyokes.I many other articles. TERMS OF SALE-Al1 sums of $10. and under. cash; over that amount 10` months credit will be given to parties furnishing approved joint notes. 6% per annum off for cash on credit sums. All will be sold without reserve as proprietor is giving up farming. an!` on`: 1 ...... 117 A In--t~-_.u_-__ L___L I L`. {iv 11;` Wh ix` St arrd (hupu to Sh~x_h< that \\'}1 D0!" ft)! bC`t\\'(*(`I from I. to Luhn ()tH(- Y- U`.".'.| \ panl I.` nr; gill Cl.` Fun: half full. b0tH<~ 13:: t0 {hv Th('_\'. H1- Uuuxp .x been ink ..2.I UH'l II and .\I1' un!'] hm he fmm the M to the DU \.A.\ proof of T Hwink H tho ;wn:1L\ .< o('1`l.-H.`-n \ The tolldwing: _ HORSES--Grey Percheron mare, 6' yrs. old; grey Percheron mare, 8 yrs.` old; brown Percheron mare. 6 yrs. old; . bay mare, Clydesdale, aged. _ . (`.A'l"I`l'.W.....`n|n-ham nnw 5 urn. nld, lligu-u , On HH- L-.LJl. \Jll l.Iu ` a bottle evitlvm-0 nonv in quest I.."1 An-\n'r;n.1 Cllllrl [I'll and M--. :2 y 13* dm1_\' \vo!'v.~ mm sav Hut of `.m1n~ Step~m~' for :1 rlrir. homr-m:x`- state Hm`. of HIV `mm. the nf`.'i:'. an,\"Lh`.".<: qu~.- }.u` this from` 1\II.'10.`i.\`tr:1t most of Wdb VrL_v Wanted t( uI`lT:Lk W2U't\:u u WithJ Bradbury ;vn:1L\'.-' Thm'<* I I `. n~ uuy inure, ulyuuuuuw, usuu. | CATTLE--Durham cow, 6 yrs. old, due in Man; Jersey cow, 9 yrs.- old... due in April; Hereford cow. 6 yrs`. old, due in March; Durham cow, 9 yrs. old,. due in April; Durham cow. 5 yrs. old,` due in March; Durham cow, 5 yrs. old. due in April; Hereford cow, ,5 yrs., due in April; Hereford cow, 4 yrs., due in March; 2 Durham heifers. rising 2 yrs. old; 2 spring calves. _ DTFLR AND QI-TF`.W.D._..(1nn hvnnd an: 9 yrs. uxu, 0 Splilll UHJVUB. . ! PIGS AND SHEEP-Gooclbrood sow. due April 16; 12 store pigs; 4 pure bred Shropshire ewes; 4 pure bred. Shropshire ewe lambs. TI\/l'DT.'R`.1\/1'`l<"`.1\T'l'`Q..._T4`rnuf Ry '\K7nnr1 hh-1-. V. _,._...\..-4- on anvouu up suanutnnnaq Sale at 1 pm. W. A. Mcconkey. Auct.. '""'"' '"""' I I FARM s'rocK AND IMPLEMENTS The uhdex-signed has received instruc- tions from T - VU BC]! U UUIIU CIUUUIUII UH 'ruEsDA Y j FEBRUARY 2 J-L- J-`..H,..-.3...... . Page Twelve 7.20 7.40 8.00 ~ 8.20 8.0 _9.00- 9.20 9.40 10.00 10.20 10.40 11.00 11.20" 1 1.40 12.00 Bus SERVICE OF CATTLE AND PIGS 50c TUBES 50c Give your tubes 21` new lease of life. We rejuv- cnate your old tubes. THE BARRIE "RADIO 8'. ELECTRIC CO., Limited 13 Elizabeth St. - Phone 120 No charge if tubes do" not respond. v-----w --w c an an L'o.t-'14, Can. 3, Vesp;a to sell by public auction on 'I YL`CI\ A `I ITITIIISI T A IS`! U1 LIUDIUIID LL'Ulll _JA1yf;as A. Cpl_J_TTS Au AUCTION SALE tvov sel-I-l;y; .u;:-l'l:A:1;;;;n_at I _ an [H 1 I OBI 50.; PER TUBE CRED]'_I_'_SALE ; ` QZQQII IIIXI FIIF Leave Barrie 12.20` 12.40 1.00 1.20 1.40 2,00 2.20 _, 2.40 3.00 3.20 3.40 4.00 4.20 4.40 35.004 52.20 T 5.40 cut. this out fof refiernce; _ TIME TABLE 6.00 6.20 6.40 7.00 . 7.20 7.40 8.00 8 20 8:40 0 9.00 9.20 9 40 010.00, 10.20 10.40; 11.00 A 5`?1"='iZ3i. V - 1' old their ,1 ' Old, : , and _ old Monda , Phone . old old, The ' t_qrted `IVE ll. W215 i'-l~WUUl$ ti/EU. .' . i ` Instead of the toboggan slide which ' hadbeen planned for Monday evening, : the Young People's League of Burton .Ave. church held a social evening in lthe basement of the church. '3 There_ was a large attendance at Burton Ave. church last Sunday night '2when the educational campaign in ' connection with the Maintenance and ' Extension Fund,. was opened with a a splendid sermon by Rev. S. H. Green- slade on "Canada in the Making. At A mar-nnf mnnfihn nf fhn 117 A A4 ........ ..-.. .-......... ....._. vtsuallyllc u.|. uuu. The musical carnival booked for last Monday night had to be postponed o_n account of no ice. ,/The secretarw is planning to make this event the best in ve years. - So watch for it. IIIL- _ _ _ _ --I .____;_n,,, n --_-.. . -.. uvv _yvn.~a-.1 mu vvuauull Lu]. 1!. The arinuai meeting` of the Y;.M.C.A. National Council is to be held at Ot- tawa. Jan. T30_and V31. - There will he no . ~ Sonswgf England, Kempenfeldt Lodge.`_No. 153, Sons of England, held their annual installation `and oyster supper last Friday "night. D.D.S.P. Ben Ball of Midland officiat- ed, assisted by Past District Deputies} C. M. G. Smith of Barrie and T. Pearce` of..Allandale. After the supper, `C. M. G. Smith gave a radio concert lasting` until past midnight. The largest num- ber in years attended. The meeting nights were changed from. first and- third Fridays to first and third Tues- days. The officers installed are as fol- lows:-I.P.P., W. Needs; W.P., John Wood; Vice-P., T. J. Edge; Secy., V. E. Knight; Treas., W. B. Webb; Com- . mitteemen, T. Pearce. S. Garslde, F.. Whitney, C. Danvers; Inside Guard. W. Wardle; 0.G., VA. Jay, Jr.: Auditors, T. Pearce. S. Garside, W. Wardle; Trus- tees, W. Rusk, J. C. Miles, Jos. Bebb. u-unuvlru IVOVVU `* Some personbroke .into the secre- tary's office last Sunday night. doing considerable damage to the radio. The police are looking for the guilty party A and will make an example of him. PHI... ..........!....I _-.___.t__-1 L--. , a n - ' clung. H ' --Brown & Co. would like to remind ,customers that they deliver in `Allandale on only three days a. week- Monday, . Wednesday and Friday. ,Phone 42. ' . e 3-6c, I mild weather this week has re- tarted the beginning of the ice harvest. The ice is about seven inches thick, practically the same thickness thatl it was a.week ago. M . Tncfnn nf tho fnhna-(ran anan nrlnl.-In muuu uu uunuuel. III Lne Mu.K1ng." . At a recent meeting of the W. A. of St. George's Church the following of- ficers were elected ,for 1926: Presi- dent, Mrs. W. F.` Catlin; ,1st Vice- Pres., Mrs. J. Anderson; 2nd`Vice- Pres., Mrs. A. E. Patterson; Sec y., Mrs. E. F. Wood; ATreas., Mrs. W. B. I Webb. ' ' .. T.nni- QuunAn.- 61.... ..L...1.. -3 41.- rI-I-__ UUIJ. Last Sunday the choir of the Color- ed Baptist Church, Toronto, broad- icasted/a radio program from the iPrince' George Hotel, Toronto, which `was heard by a. number of Allandale and Barrie radio fans. William Mus- gtean, chef in Supt.!W. E. Weegar s private car, is a member of the choir and took part in a quartette that form- ed'part of the program. I ']`h=.re'wnn n 1n1n+ mnnnno (1-9 H... cu purl. U1 ule program. ' Therewas a joint meeting of the missionary committee `and committee on boundaries of pastoral charges of Simcoe Presbytery in Burton Av- 'enue church on Wednesday. to consider certain adjustments of fields `in - the Presbytery. As a result` of the meeting some recommendations will be made to the Presbyterywhich meets in Burton Ave. church on Mar. 11. Those present at the meeting were Rev. J. R. Patterson, Orillia, chairman of the Presbytery; Rev. J. D. Byrnes, D.D.. of Barrie and Rev. F. L. `Brown, Orillia, superintendents of Home Mis- sions; Rev. E./J. Adams, Alliston; Rev. W. B. Smith. Collingwood;, and Rev. M. 0 Price, Minesing ' * HUI` HUUIU RISE .L'r1ua._y- UVUIIul5o Rev. A. E. Lunau of Thornton was a visitor at the parsonage on Thurs- day and Friday of last week. ; --Two splendid used pianos at a. bargain. A` Bell, in perfect condition. $200. A. E. Patterson. Allandaie. 3c The Ladies Aid of Essa St. Pres- byterian church held a tea. this (Thurs- day) a.tternoon- at the home or Mrs. J. P. MpMi1lin. Sun! Y `I7. Wnngnr In fn has new: nf 11111. John Clark, Essa St. is uqdevgoing treatment in the Toronto General Hospital. , ,. 'l`hn WMQ nf `Penn St. nhurnh mat 881106 01.1811 years. _ _ S. N. Hurst has moved from Sanford St. to the house on Tiffin St.. recently `occupied by Mrs. Gibson. _ I Minn `lv`lnrAnnn""Rrnntnn` nntm'tn.in`ed UUUUDIUQ uy 1V.ll'H. KJIUEIUII. . Miss Florence"Brunton` entertained the choir of Burton Ave. church at Iher home last Fridayfevening. L I Dav A 11`. Tainan nf 'l`hnI-nfnn urn: J. 1 . AVQJAVLIIIHI. Supt._.W. E. Weegar is to be one 0! the speakers at the banquet given by the Gravenhurst Board or Trade this (Thursday) evening. : .T A MnNAlI nf Mnntrnnl nmnhyn nn \ L It |.ll'B|4ll1,Y I UVUlIIIISo' ` J. A. McNeil of Montreal arrived or: Saturday morning to accompany Mrs. .McNei! and son Anthony on 8. return trip to Montreal, leaving Saturday ev- .' (mine. -` Mr. a d' Mia. John VMarsha."l1. Jr.. are visit ng friends at Oro Station. 111... 1-_,. I. -1` 1-1.... --- rlI-...\_A... ' I. - urav vnwnwnnag A A a V gown Uta vow -vuvv-v-_ Miss Isabel] Honey. of 'roronto1'1s. visiting at the home of F. W. Dobson, J. R. Hill of /Ottawa was a.- visitor igiis Friday with his "son, Rev.UDouglas_ nuapuun. The W.M.S. of Essa sn churc met` on Wednesday at the home of Mrs; Wm. Barron. ` "Finn `nIr\v\IInI Iroufuvv vnnfinlr A Q. LV1UllUl1y Illllhv Peter Hurst or 1 visiting relatives k isence of ten years. R TM I-Turn? `had rn ' LEE 1 Hill. Wm. J_H.l'l`UIl. e The annual Vestry meeting of St. George's Church `will `be, held next Monday night. Pater I-Inrnf 'nf WnvhI|rn_ Rania. is ALLANDALE E`, {I -1- g$$m$m&www&w$&$ '73O 7&0 8.10 8.30 V 8.50 9:10 9.30 9.50 10.10 10.3.0 40.50 44Ao 41.30 11501 1 Leav Allandale "Read The Examinef and get all the iocal and district news_--$2.00 a year. Y.M.C.A. News ._.....'._ L.-- 12.10 12.30 12.50 ` 1.10 1.30 1.50 .2-10 2.30 32.50 3.10 3.30 3.50 -4.10 4.30 `R .4 5310 335-30. Weyburn, Sask., is. here after an ab- `UJU 93 9.30 9.50% 10.10 10.30% 10.50. 13.10. `SS0 630 6.30 6.50 { 7.10 -.17 30; 7330 8.10 -8.30 A'_a cum u:u.:1,v.w1u _suun mg put agam. >~ Mr. and Mrs. Buchanan. whohave been staying with Mr. Turner. Mrs." `Buchanan's father`, lft` on Monday for their home. ` `Mn. .-.....: 1ur..... rn1....... b4..s4._." .. iv.` ,, at `ca. Uu1'l)L cnup. Rev. '0'. Price, -Marshall Keast {and VWi`lb'Lart Mazuire bagged` a. bear last week while hunting` in theats. Mr pnrfnr nf `DA:-hog!-an `M7 in UL [JlbI.Sl.EI` IS aireauy On. Joseph Reevie had avrather bad fall on-the ice last w'eek but -he. is better and likelygwill soon bqout again. Mr. and Mrni Rnnhainnn m-hn.1m.`m reluuvcs I'll '1'0I`0I)I0. ' ~Lorne Ney. lost two valuable cows. last Week.-the result of them getting at a bin-of chop. : Pour M `(T "Diving -`Mfg:-ulna Tfbnaf .l.l.`J1\JVJ.lJ U1.` |3IllJIIJ"`.l.U IIIUIILHS U1'Uu' it will be given to parties furnishing approved joint notes. 6% per annum o for cash. Sale at 1,p.m. W. A. MQCONKEY, Auctioneer. mew nome. _` V Mr. and_ Mrs. .T-hos. Su 3 and Mrs. Reynolds .anc_1, ' `of. Edgar visited `wlt_h~ Wi't'on M cGi1]'nn Suda . Jan."wV'19-Miss Maguire Has returned `home `after spending. a month among" `relatives in Toronto. .'T.I\nv:A3 KY5`. 1...; ...... -...1....1..1.. ......... Jan. 19-,-It 191:0 be hoped the Barrio boys Won't feel too bad `on account of t-he game on Saturday afternoon. ,'l"hn rival: `la in h'n`A alumna fr... :......;...1 L-uc gaunt: uu aa.Lurua_V arternoon. The rink is in fine shane. The instal- lation of the electric light in hall and rink is a. big impnovement. ' Clnifn A nnrnhor nf ah-;n+:.. .-H... .:..L Hum 13 2:. lug unprpvement. Quite a number of shanties are dot- ted about the bay here and the catch seems better than in former years. . .T1:n-nnu Panda in hnmo n...-.1... ..a-4.-.. aux:-nus ueuel` Lnan In rormer Jame: Rands is home again after. a month's holiday. 14`. V Vfilunn 117411 qnnn`I-nan.` Ina... ....-- u IIIUIILITS 1101103.) . ' E. V. Wils`on.Wi11 so0n`have.his new house -habitable as` thq second qoat of plaster is avlready on. _Tnunnh- 'Dnnrn hall 11 ....\4-1...... 1.-.: .n._n| vvI'Luu xv1clj1u nn 1_1nna.y._ , ;i.;;_ ` The United Churchwas we "n'd-`~ `ed on Sunday` evenins:.`M`-ss But; ur-_" \ ner is the new vrganist-V and c_hoir-,_surp- ;'ervisor_._`. A` V . .. ' `men's Hall on Thursday afternoon -.....---u uI-o\IIIUII" If! VI 71- I: V The Ladies Auxiliary to the Broth- erhood of Railroad Trainmen held their annual installation of officers in Train- Jan. 14, when_ the following were in- stalled for the year 1926:- Counsellor. A. W; Schreiber; Past Pres.. Mrs. A. W. Schreiber; Pres., Mrs. J. H. Wil- ton;. Vice-Pres., Mrs. Wm. Miller: Secy. Mrs. H. Hammond: Treas., Mrs. S.` Thomas; Conductress. Mrs. L. E. Mc- Millin'; Chaplain. Mrs. C. Thorington; Warden. Mrs. J. L. Anderson:- Inner Guard, Mrs. W. B. Lawrence: Outer Guard. Mrs. N. Webb: Leg. Rep., Mrs. A. W. Schreiber; Elower Convener, Mrs. F. Bebb: Pianist. Mrs. J. L. Cal- vert: Med. Examiner, Dr. H..T. Arnall. Mrs.~ L. E. McMillin and `Mrs. H. Eell were the installing officers. After the installation a. lunch was served. | --v -uuv I'll as Us In Ivlullulldlu On Monday morning. Jan. 4, Mrs. S. J. McDonald entered the new life pre-. pared for the people-of God. The news of her demise was received with pro- found sorrow by a large circle of friends. Her maiden name was Mar- garet Ann McNaull and she was born in Essa. Tp. on Nov. 25, 1866, a daugh- ter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Mc- Naull of Ivy. On Dec. 20, 1888, she married Samuel J. McDonald. son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McDonald of Ivy, near whichvillage the greater` part of her life was spent, removing to Thornton four years ago. Her kindli-1 ness of disposition caused her to be` highly regarded by those who knew her. She was an example of patience under successive bereavements and sorrow, having lost her parents some years ago and her two eldest sons. grown to manhood. live and seven years ago respectively; The deceased lady had been ailing for several months, but it was only recently that hopes of her ultimate recovery` were abandoned. Mrs. oMcDonald was a Presbyterian, identied with the Ivy. church, and as `a member of their W.! ~M.S. She leaves to mourn her loss. her! husband. two daughters, Mrs. J. Hat- ton and Mis,sMarion, one son Bruce. and a sister, Mrs. Vvallace Carruthers. of Barrie, to whom the sympathy of this community is extended. A large. concourse` of relatives and friendsi turned out to attend the last sadi rites for a respected citizen. A short gnrvir-n urn: I-mm nl- n... 1.-...- I -xuuuu Luucu nugua 11:11:13, .I.'1m.u5 2 years old. ' 5 Durham Steers, rising 1 yr. old; `1 Durham Heifer, rising 1 -year old. 2 Hereford Steers, rising 1 year old. 2 Hereford Heifers, rising 1 yr. old. 1 Blue Roan Cow, 5 yrs. old, due by Hnfn (VF anln uu auuuuxu. U1 uusmess slacxness. Rumors say that the bui1ding...is to be closed soon, _but it is news to us. -We have not heard anything about it. but it dependshon the men of Allandale and Barrie. If you` want it, it will stay, and"-a membership will help to keep it here. ' Qnvulnn la nivn anal-4.` ..... .._.._I A nuep IL Ilel`e. , Service is our motto, as usual. You are always welcome. Come in. ~ u. vcry puauaulgv BUIU Dy M.I'S. uunau. The annual meeting of St. Jude's W. A. was held in the church basement on Tuesday, Jan. 5. wh`en the following officers were elected:- Pives.. Mrs. H. Lynn; 1st Vice-Pres.. Mrs. D. Adams: |2nd Vice-Pres., Mrs. Marrow: Secy.- Treas. and assistant. Mrs. Dew andl Mrs. .]`.`A. Jamieson. 1 Secretaries of Dorcas; Little Helpers, Leaflet, Thank- offering `and Guild are Mrs. Hill. Mrs. A. Stewart. Mrs. Easton. Mrs. E. Grey and Mrs. Cunningham, respectively. Trinitv W. M. R, that in Hm ham.-.m.m+ rues LU!` at _I`eSpeC1'.e(! cltlzen. ` A short service was held at the home on the 9th line of Innisfil. after which a. full .service was conducted in the Ivy Presbyterian church. . The floral tributes were numerous and beautiful. I rvp'resentativeAsent from here this year on account of business slackness. ` 'R1'Irnnv-9: any Haaf Han k..:1.n..... L. 4... uu. u: we urunge nau soon. Mrs. Morrison of Alliston "and Mrs; Cunningham of Cookstown visited last lweek with Mrs. Wm. Cunningham. MI` Ennff and Er (`nnnincrhorn unani- `the devotional leaflet, Going Apart to'i auu V1l'EI. \4UIlIlII1gIlaJTl, respectively. Trinity W. M. S. met in thebasement of the church `on .Wednesday` after- noon. It was decided to hold their an- nual thankoffering service on Sunday. Mar. 21, if a suitable speaker can be secured. Mrs. H. M. Thompson read-, Pray." and Mrs. (Rev.) Beynon gave a paper on the fourth chapter of the study book, in which she traced the growth of Christianity in India, also. pointed out the terrible condition of' women in that country. muuulxnlu. _ Mrs. Perrieot Wingham has return- ed home after visiting her daughter; Mrs. Rintoul. ` "Finn llhu-In... l'VI..-`I.. ....In __--L 117-: lllfa Ill LU uh The ,M1`ssion Circle will meet Wed- nesday. Jan. 27, at the home of Miss Irene Barlow, at 8 p.m. T Qfrnn Tfnifn nhllhh 17l\II1'Il7 nnnnln ween wuu LV.l!'8. Wm. uunnmgnam. Mr. Scott and_ Mr. Cunningham went to Thornhill on- business one day last week. Mr. Beattyreturned home with `them, -I IJIUC LNUGII LJUVV, U ylo UIU, UUU U date of sale. - - 1 Durham ,Cow, 8 yrs., due in July. 1 Sbw and 11 Pigs 2 weeks old. 6 Pigs, weigh about 65 lbs. each. .6 Pigs, weigh about 45 lbs. each. All will be so1d"without reserve. TWDHHQ AW. CAT `IF 1n vnnul-La ninnt