GACII u gut.`-. J8.('k S_\'H]H -spending th.- Mrs. B. l.u\\'r `I/|'-. .,._.l \T` 'ua_yn an KIA` un- Dss'Tank nesday for T taken a })n. (`....\ T._,1. JVLID. 1). lA(|\" Mr. and 311' of Stroud sp.-~ home of Pu-rt (3 L W. A. 5u'V~`. I F "' ' ;. next In: t }me Of ('>mm Mr. and .\Ir.~. onto were ("vn`i `home of W. (I T1',__1.,--L I). .. `IUIIIC `II IV . ` Herbert 1%- Commerco >.: his home at 1} `H34. ,._.l `\1.. lll llUlllL' u| Mr. and MI: dren of Tort! itore at Fran TI. . . 1|K..._ IIAIIV (IL L l(|lll\ Mrs. H:n'r\' spending: thn 5: daughter. .\I:. 1|/1.. .`..,l \1. u aLl;;nL.L'1, .v|: -. Mr. and M 2' Chri:<`rmz1s in Lanxrdon I'('I1H' rut` _h.. _ooMs TO LET with board, if de- sired. Apply 152 Bradford St. 50-3c FOR RENT-Two front rooms unfur-1 nished. Apply 52 Sophia. St. East. 53tfc.{ ._..___.. XPARTMENTS TO LET. -furnished and heated, 80 Worsley St. Posses- sion Jan. 15. Phone 241. T 53p ACCOMMODATION for business girls or students, domfortable rooms, all conveniences. Phone 499W. 53-lpl ..,.._.._._...____._....:___.....__:.... HOUSE FOR S_ALE-8-roomed sauarel built frame house, with conveniences, hardwood floors, two lots, nice lawns. Can be seen at 66 John St. 49-1:) F611 RENT-Cotrifortafble furnished room. with all.conveniences_ in pri- vate home, central. Phone 113. 53-5p` . OR SALE OR TO RENT-Good rough-cast house, 5 rooms, all conven- iences, also stables, $10.00 monthly. Apply 142 Bradford St., or phone 322. 53-50 1 T-tooTt[ dry ham or soft .woo_d.\ sawed any length to suit. Prices right.` Harry D. Ja._mteaon,_Ba.r- rie. Phone 59 or 256.` 49-2]: . . GARAG Q0 RENE-lkpoly 54 Maggy ' . 0 _ 81:. Phone 8'l2W.j ` ' -ro `>-V'I:E3.'1*`.-`:-;-:L8 V"~_'1-oo!x:ed" house.- with all con'1v.6.l11.|!O,en.A Q6 `ni1 nutes' walk from .g:;a?Ai;;+_;j()._ .lr.=`_e;"AE3;1t`11V1re at 71 McDonald 1.0-21-1 J--2-'j POSITION WANTED as housekeener. in toWn.or country. Apply to.Exa.miner Office. 52-1p FOR SALE--Modern house In good residential section. All conveniences. Large` grounds. Garage; garden and truit trees. Apply Box R. Examiner- Office. 29tf0 MODERN HOUSE for sale-N'o. 98 Bayfield St, in good repair. Five bed- rooms upstairs; parlor, dining-room. kitchen. two bedrooms downstairs. All conveniences. A bargain. Apply to 94 Peel St. ' 49-54c `No.1_ LOS'I.`--I-Iorse. red cutter, white rubber mounted harness. blanket and robe. from near Hlllsdale. on Dec. 21st. Horse found on Thurs. a.m. near Crossland. having only the halter. A suitable ree- ward offered the finder of cutter. har- ness, etc.-Any information please no- tifyv Clarke Devitt. Moonstone _ T 7 c WUUIJ 1"U1`i. D11lJl1l`-"'l.UU C0l'(l8 OIL EDIE` wood slabs, two cords delivered for :13. _Apply W, H. Hatton & Sons, Utsolpifm. - c woo'i')' FOR SALE-Hudv&oo'd. mixear look. over our wood and LOST--Hound, with tan head. White body, large spot on right side, rest of body mottled, answers to name Pet e" Persons found harbouring this dog willobe prosecuted. Phone 724J. 53p_ WOOD FOR SALE, by box load` at by. cord. Phone 528. . 52-4_c woo!) FOR"SALE--100 cords of soft- uusn alnhu turn nnna tlnlllrnn-an-I Inn (`IQ VV\J"-III I-Kill: lial-Jlll"'l.'.lInl'|.lVVUUlIg IIIILUU wood. flab: look. over our wood com a e or! 218` unlop St. Phone0.808I. 48-1p ces. `Atkinson : Wood Yard, - Woon}oa 8ALE-26 cords first-. lass h_I.rg1wood," nearly all maple; tour- ioot. or would cut `to suit purchaser. Wm. Irwin. A1lo.11da.le, N9-.` 1.` , 68p :::1 FALSE TEETH wanted; also bridge work discarded . any condition, highest gfices. Ma'il L. Baker. 266 Crawford Vnnnni-n {Inf , STRAYED--1 red and 1 white sow. a.- bout Dec. 21st. Piease notify Leo. Dor- an, R. R. No. 2, Barrie. 53p i `i;m;;narawooa T*::as}; thi-o,ugho_ _ `.-yall conveniences. Apply to ..-v.m..:1nw_ . .- - * mm, -FOR "'63 `REN'r-M. A1eiana..' ier':;-house; 143` Bradford St. Will sell , 'v_eryr rent at $10 monstlgi. .,' 5" kl ' > I \- . c 1,.` .,.. El'lUU5o lVLt`l.l.l. .IJ t., Toronto, 0 `t. Rooms and. Bo'ar;lT Property or Suic- Lqgitggd F ound" Wood Fa Sale Wantgi I-W l.Ul.'U 49-8p - GOOD DRIVER wanted for its` board. Applv Mrs. George McDonald, 34 Brad-. .1ord St. _ 4 53p FARM FOR SALE, part west half lot' 20, con. 3. F105, 100 acres; clay loam,3 good spring; 10 acres hardwood bush, Grant Knupp, Anten Mills. 51-4p ------------------ 1 FARM `FOR SALE-$12,500.00 for a'i first-c1ass_200 acre grain and stock farm. Abundance of water; good soil; I comfortable `house; large new barn: with stabllng, well located. $3500.00 cash. Immediate possession`, a snap to` close up estate. Further pa.rt!culars.l Box 239, Bradford, Ontario. 53-2c` Bradford, Ontario. 53-2c="`` '""" "'" *'-:'1""' '_"""'" ------------' At the monthly meeting of thel - ' Public Library Board -on Monday? I-ave Stock Fr Sale `night, a salary increase of $1*00-was ' d the Librarian. The issue of. cows FOR SALE-8 d ilk . "t -A A 1 {all young and in g00dg%%nd!?tion?,::1se books reported for November was; pure-breed Durham with heifer calf at ~ 4133 aSiC'0mP31'ed With 3219 for the foot. Applylto A. W. McArthur. 0rocorresponding period in 1924. | I Statmn phe 810' ' 5249; An oil stove at the home of A. Lip- 5 LEGHORN I-IENS for -sale, an the` Witch. Collier St-. caused a small high producing pedigreed stock of the blaze on Wednesday evening, but it 1 late A- G- Campbell. Penetang St. Will was extinguished without damage be- : We Wh1e ock "Pa1`t- Price-5 rightfore the arrival of the remen. Last !3;'rI.(:i11hS0anlg' 42 eperietang Saturday the re brigade received a call to Livingston .s garage but there . was no damage done. 1 Muannllnnaniin 117- 1r\n11n vn11nn1nnnnr1 4-`kn nV|+1.*rIA V for -sale, all the producing sell flock or .part. right: lfor quick sale. Ap1yp42 Penetang St., iBarrie. Phone 622J. L _ 5_3p| |FURS ALTERED and repaired. Over I-Iu:-lburt's Shoe Store. Miss M. Mc-` Arthur. - 48tfc. -DRESSMAKING for ladies and child ' I ren, by the day or at home. satisfaction 5 guaranteed. Mrs. J. McKeown, 94 San-j ford St. Phone 917J. ` 60-3c` [l."u11. rtx.uVJ.uVur, papu1'uu.u5u15 uuu general house decorating. phone A.; Berry, 539W, 21 Gowan St., Allarzgaae. `- n ' I ` H.OSIERY-Buy the.` best, it is the cheapest in the end. The kind worth re- i footing, can only be had at 52 McDon- ald St., Mitt s yarn, thread and crochet cottons for sale. Pair of bone knitting` as long as it lasts. J; Platt Rose, phone I 544W. . '49-Zn needles given with each pound of yarn ` I FOR PAINTING, paperhanging and crnnnvol hnncn dnnnu-nfincr nhnnn A ANNUAL MEETING or BARRIE I HQRTICULTURAL SOCIETY The annual meeting` of Barrie Hort!-I cultural Society will be held in Police Court Chambers, Barrie, Tuesdajv even- T ing, Jan 12, 1926, at 7.30. All interest- ed are invited to_be present. T ` urn I-n- A 1'1r (V1|r1'rnT'r b4.._.,-A.-.-.__ WANTED-Boarding places, light- pusekeeping rooms, places tq work " _ board. Phone 445. 51-53c 52-53c. Farms F oxjjzsale Miscellaneous uv uy 1.. .-....,..y SMITH.'Secretar_v.: Was IIU URIHGSU UUllUo ! -We have purchased the entire stock of the Reliable Hosiery Co. of, ', Canada. There are thousands of pairs ` ` of women's, men s and children's T`stockings. The whole stock will be_ 1 on .-sale Saturday, Jan. 2, in our up-' -;stairs department. Come and save - one-half and more on your hosiery ,'-i purchases.---The W. C. Hunter Cloth- { . V ing Company, Barrie. 53c ` xi _ Alex. (Buster), Clark is apparently -jmaking good `with -the North Bay- ?.Trapp'ers, the junior O.H.A. team ,i of that town. In reporting `a recent . game-between the Trappers and Iro- - quois Falls, the North Bay Nugget says: Clark, the big boy in the North Bay` goal. proved a stumbling block to the Eskimos and turned" aside 1' many shots. Lever and McIntyre _were through several times, but Clark 2 |was too good. - I _. rrayer. V . _ A town hockey league has been or-. ` ganized with four teams, Bankers, 9 ,Professional Men, Business Men and, C.N.R. Offices, and the rst game will ` `be played on Tuesclay between the ` ltwo first mentioned teams. * I * Barrie Juniors did not go to Mea- lford on Wednesday night, the game fhaving been postponed till next Mon- ] vvvv nnauv a--yanyavnawuu uu---..... ` ,'day. The delay gives them the hen- let of a `good workout in an exhib- . ;1t1on game here aggmst 0111113.. I Ad: J-1\1\ vnnnd-`A111 Ivsaand-:nm tr? `K-kn V .. DRIVING HORSES "Wanted; 1100 or 1200 lbs. in weight, blacks preferred. Geo. Irwin, Collier St. Livery; 63p ?&$&&&a&m&m%&a&m' % ANNOUNCEMENTS >14 % J; On more urruM1- rnirrlvnnrn 51.710 3 Examiner Adlets are, great sales- men and- they work for little pay-- l25 cents a week. a_. ;.1._ 1.:... 'n....'IL..-. CIL..-" f`h........ l"` - 2c per Word; minimum 30c I mmmmmmmm mmmmmmmm *a;aaaaaa;aa*a; IVlI'\Co CF\IVlLII:n& Go I \JI"|l`I:l'\ After an illness extending over `a. period of five years, Phoebe Jane Stone, wife ofsarnuel E. Turner. died * last Friday in her seventy-sixth year. The late Mrs. Turner was born in Te- , cumseth township, a daughter of Mr. , , and Mrs. Isaac Stone, and was married Efifty-two years ago. She had lived in ' Barrie for the past twenty-five years. :' ; Mrs._Turner was a member of Trinity. ;}church and before her illness was an , i active worker. She had no children and ' is survived by her husband, three bro- !thers, Wm. H. Stone, Aurora; Silas -:Stone, Tonawanda, N.Y.; and W. F. [-.Stone,` Barrie, and one sister, Mrs. ..George Gummerson. Bond Head. The '!funeral took place on Monday after- : ` noon from the home. 70 Toronto St., to St. John's cemetery, Tecumseth, for l , burial. Services at the house were tak- 3 {en by Rev." A. R. Beverley and at the `grave by Rev. Mr. Hearn of Bond `Head. The pallbearers were: C. C. ;fred Handy, S. Maley, W. Johnson. 1 ,, Hinds, J. F. Craig, R. A. Stephens, Al- Mr. and Mrs. Kilgour attended the funeral which was. held from his late ,1-`esidence, 986 Ossington Ave., Tor- *onto, Monday afternoon. UU U V Bl". D I | IVIl'\. l"\- V7: VVFIIIDI . Mrs. A. W. VVhitby passed away on Dec.- 24,. at the age of 75 years. Al- though she had been in failing health for several months, her fatal illness: I was of but a Week s duration following - ,5 an attack of heart weakness. Mrs.g Vvhitby, whose maiden name was Mary . Page, was born near Illford. England.f -Nov. 4, 1850. She married Mr. Vvhitbyi on Oct. 29, 1871. and they came to Can- ada the same year, locating in Hamil-I ton, Later they moved to Toronto and' came to Barrie in 1911. She is survived by her husband, two daughters and two sons, Jessie A. of Toronto, Mrs. J. C. McAndless of Winnipeg. Frederick 'J. of Allandale and Major Albert E. of `Barrie; also by nine grandchildren. Alfred Page of Barrie is a nephew. Four daughters predeceased their mo- ' ther. Mrs. Whitby was- a faithful mem- *ber of the Anglican communion and the funeral service on Saturday afternoon was conducted in Trinity church by |Rev. A. R. Beverley. Interment was MRS. SAMUEL E. TURNER 6'4-nu. nu. lilnnnn t\|yt\v\r1`vunr l\Ivl\r "MRS. A. W. WHITBY A `KT `Xfkifhtr noucn on WAN'I`ED-A small farm or house with acreage, in exchange for house and lot in Toronto suburbs-. Apply 0. Elliott, stop 38, Lake Shore Road. Tor- onto. 53-1p ' I to Allandale and appointed storekeeper lilllll .Ll'(ll.l\11ll5 LU .E)1'a.ULU1'U. On May 21, 1901, he was transferred E 1 | `i of_supp1ies for the Maintenance of VVay 1Dept. for what is`now known as the `Allandale Division. which position he very capably filled up to a few years ago. when owing to a change being. made in the Company's system of] handling` their supplies, the position -was abolished. UI\ n-vnn 1-`lnnn nxrnn O-Inn ~r\r\|:wi{r1'I\Ir\ (`FA _Frederick Roland Gosney, a resident of Allandale for the past twenty-four years, and one of the oldest employees of the now Canadian National Rail- ways, died at his home, 2 Adelaide St.. Allandale, on Wednesday"morning, De- cember 23, after a. long illness. 'I"1-an `Info T\ll'r- f-1n:n'n1r nr-an `Innrn in ISUIHUUI Q0, i1,LLUl.` E1. 1Ufl5 111111755. The late Mr. Gosney was born in `Sheffield, England, June 16, 1853. He. was a baker by trade. Coming out to Canada in the year 1883, he'entered the service of the old Northern and North VVestern Railway at Graven- hurst, June 4 of that year. In 1886 he` was appointed. Foreman in charge of; the maintenance of the railway yard and other trackage adjacent to Graven- hurst and Muskoka Vvharf. 1 f\n f\ 1 100/1 Inn nu-no I-nnr-\:vFl\h_i IILIYSL uuu LVLUEIXUISU. VVllL|,l`l.. i On October 11, 1894, he was transfer-1 red to Bradford, and given charge of. the Railway s right of way from H01-' land Landing to Bradford. - ! (`in 1\/I -nu `)1 1001 ha nr-no fr-nriefnrvndx '\Vd.S Ll UUIJSIIUU. He Was then given the position of! ;Clerk in theoffice of Supervisors of }'J`rack, but owing to a breakdown in| i health in April, 1922 was forced to re- linquish active work for theACompany land in accordance with the Pension ! Rules he retired August 1st, 1922. 'l"Ivio `Info '|'\/fr flncnnu f'nna'hf hi: `1"I`I_ The late Mr. Gosney fought his `ill- ness with the same spirit of cheerful- ness andoersistency that had been 530' characteristic of him in his former undertakings and which undoubtedly at times, helped him to enjoy periods of apparent fair health. | Tn hi: `hnvhnm-1 nvq ho had hnnn n IXUIUS lib` I.'UL1l`ULl tlLl5llL .l.hL, 13.94. ` UL hl.[)])'d.I'UIlL L'd.l1` llt3d'lLll. In his boyhood days he had been a chorister in Sheffield Cathedral Choir| which was his pride to recall. Since,` residing in Allandale he had been a. regular `attendant `at St. George's Church. ' ' r-'. R. Gosni-:7v, S-R; .:_I_ 1\_I__..1 r1._.._.__- - .. -..-- ...u ..u..u cu. auvxad 5a.uLc:1u15:s. LBesides his wife he is survived by two children, Mrs. L. Doner, Stayner, and Lyle, also in Stayner; three bro- thers and three sisters. His funeral was held on Tuesday, Dec. .22. Fol- lowing a private service in the home, the casket was removed to St. An- drew s Presbyterian Church of which he was a member, where the public service was taken by Rev. John Davey, who spoke very im'pressively making reference to the beautiful lines by Ten- nyson Crossing the Bar," which was also very fee1ingly' rendered by the choir. Many floral offerings were laid on the casket, bearing silent testimony to the esteem in which the deceased was held. VV (15 IIUIU. The pall bearers wee six friends: D. Grainger, M. VVil1iamson, W. Mac- kay, W. Dunstan, Peter Boyd and Pet'er.McNabb. 1?-ha-An Gun... l\ .1:...+......._ 1_..1-..1_,s I.x_. ROOM AND BOARD. central, students] preferred. Phone 855J. 53c L ULUI. .1V.l|JLV U.UUo Friends from a distance included his brother, Donald Currie. V.S., Elmvale. D. Hayman and Miss Annie, nephew and niece, of Toronto, John and Nor- man Bel1_ nephews, of Midland, as Well as a large representation of friends ` and relativesfhroughout the township. i The Barrie friends of Rev. H. A. 'Ber1i's will b_e interested in the follow- .-ing article from The Evening News. {Tonawonda. N.Y.. Dec. 24: ""l(\ 49:.-5+ 11l\In1v{nr\ .-.43 ....\.....I..:... a.. 1.... I U1lcl.\VUllui.l.. LV..l... JJCU. 4%. | The first service of worship in the ! newly rebuilt First Presbyterian i church, Clinton Park and Broad Street. lwill be conducted by the pastor, Rev. H. A. Berlis, on Friday, Christmas Day .at seven o clock in the morning. ` ` Since the disastrous fire in May. last, when the old church was practi- cally destroyed, the Presbyterians of `Tonawanda have been worshipping in the auditorium of their church house Ion Broad street. N'l"l.-unv... :.-. `rv\1<|rs`4\ |ml\-:t\:ru: u ~ . m A ._... 4.1.... Ull JDLUKLU. D'Ll'b'UL. ` There is much rejoicing among the |church members -over the completion [of the reconstruction in time for the 1 Christmas services in the new church. Tho infer-in nf 4-Inn `lnnI1r1nn- So. an ' K/I11 Aauuab` bcL'v,1UUb` 111 L116 IIUW cuurcu. The interior of the building is en- tirely new and so changed architectur- ally as to make it one of the most dig- nified and beautiful church edifices | in the Tonawandas. The indirect light- ing system and the new Wurlitzer pipe organ with its chastely designed `Woodwork in panels and grille enhance the subdued charm of this place of worship. I TKTh1'1n fhn fir-of morning in ~l-inn nnuv REV. H. A; BERLIS HOLDS FIRST SERVICE IN REBULIT CHURCH VVUIELJIIJ. I . While the first service in the new lchurch will be held on Christmas .morning at seven o'clock the official dedication of the building will take place on Sunday, January 3.. 113011. Mr. and Mrs. Billy left on J Detroit. 'nn':.... Ynnn Q1 .|JEl.1'uu.. MISS Jean 8:: the guest of he llnm `X7 1I;Hu Ebms TO LE'I`-Suitable for nous:-I keeping. Apply 78 Dunlop St. 53pl JJBJIHUA. Mrs. W. Uizw her father, W. :at Yuletide. rV1:a`,...,! (Inn.-f an 1 uxcuuv. Clifford Guest tor Guest of Tm the holiday. 12 1S`.\..1-`nu A1,, I.'Ul'UL'b uuuv. spending the hm MacLaren. M'_. Y L`.....\1-1 .lV1aCua1't:u. Mrs. J. Frzmkl "is visiting: her Richardson --- I7 I'\ (', JI\.lClla.1ubuu. Rev. E. 0. (}.| Visiting` his pun- J. Gallagher. 1|/l .. n.\.l `\I.._. ad. \J';;:n:x. Mr. and ;\Ir~ son were with for Chrix-tm:1.<. 1\.r:~~ 1.... (ml LUI \/Ill |\\.unu Miss Joan (I ter, Mm. Hm` for Christmas. I'\ T\....i,) .....u LU]. Kjllllblllt David Gr; visiting his We1lins:t< 2 1Ul'--,1- Y`I..I vvcuun.-,uu. . . Mark RUM Algonquin I ; with his fumi l.. TT 4 __1_ A ..A_ Wlull Inn nun Herbert it) Of Ton days at his 1\/Tic-n 'l`.:n -n ROOMS OR BOARD-Near Collegiate. hone 1051J or P.O. Box 377 530