Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 24 Dec 1925, p. 8

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,1 FOUND STILL T a.-..~..L~- Y xucv. .u. A. rerguson into the Presby- terian charge of Cookstown, First Essa and Bond Head would have been held; last Thursday. but this was fpund im-I possible as Hamilton Presbytery did] not meet to consider the call until the! 22nd. Tuesdays next, Dec. 29, is the date on~Whic the induction is expect- new or renewal subscriptions for, The Examiner may be paid at Cooks-1 town post office. ! The United Church Sunday School held it very successful Christmas con-E cert on Friday night last. , i Rev. A. E. 'de St. Dalmas of Toronto} conducted the services in the Presby-} terian Church on Sunday. ' ! _ReV_ 1`/ff`, njnrrinur A4-` 77"`----`-~' Iii)` ""' % &&ma$mm&m&m$&mm wwwvx-was 1*!` Sl`$ X"I`K` COOKSTOWN &&m&mmmmmmmmmm ?g&m&m&a&&m&%m&mg nspector Robind of Or- :ated a still on Tuesday on; ' of Henry Thornton, West; . about a. mile mm 9 haw! I renewal subscriptions for; lner mav be nnirl 2+ nnnln. . I NEAR COOKSTOWN mfnm `D.-.1..:.....-.. ---------L__..._...._.__' 1.os'r~.?1)ec. 14. he-u'v.e m and G80. ViO]{9l'H' llflllfli rD\nnY4? uuuusxull. UL he , 3 Bonn `lnn`I.I. vv cal half ] dvlsnn I ,, -_-.. KKDILIIIDL uuu, ue gets an oppor- 0! tunity to play in the season's most im- 5. portant football game. What develops [thereafter might better be told on the 1; screen. as the hilarious scenes. thrills ti and suspense are almost indescribable. I If you Want to see Harold Lloyd at his 1' best and in a role decidedly different -`from any preirious picture, don't miss .The Ffreshman". "'"` ` 3; su;ELv THE FRESHMAN 1 - IS HAROLD LLOYD S BEST 11 1 ' Look at it any Way you wish, you'll ahave .to admit after you have seen {Harold Lloyd s newest comedy, The l' Freshman," now showing at the 1' Dreamldnd Theatre, 'that this world- .renoWned'star has hit the top of the -', comedy field. 452, Barrie, were elected on Monday 11 night and installed by C. E. Partridge, County Master: 9 VV.M., John Bowman. M , D.M., J. VVo`od is Hon. Chap., S. Pratt, P.M. Chap., VV. T. H. Gilroy, P.D.M. Y R. S., S. N. Hurst, P.C.M F.S., Chas. Moffatt, P.M. ' Treas., VV. 0. Partridge Marshal. N. -Liscumbe '1 First Lect., \V. D. Minnikin Second Lent... N. VVest Committee, VV. J. Mccorkindale. VV. A. Reid, B. J. Hill, H. Barron, P.'C. ' I Lloyd. [,5 -Hall Board, H. G. Robertson, P.C.M.: IS. N. Hurst P.C.M.: C. E. Partridge, i C.M. `_ 1] After the installation an oyster sup- tgper wiis `served and addresses were `given by John Mackay. P.C.M.: Comp- ), ton Jeffs, Dr. J. J. D. Banting, VV. A. '4 Boys, M.P.; H. G. Robertson. W . Rey- nolds of Craigvale: A. H. Ferguson of 5 All-andale. Geo. VVilson of Allandale - O.Y.B.; S`. N. Hurst and C. Horsfield. There were 1 number of brethren pre- sent from other lodges. S B The following officers of L.O.L. No. ]..z;x:uuua.uu 1l1ed1',l`e, that this , Q The Freshman tells the story of a 'young chap who goes to college and seeks recognition as the most popular _? boy in school. His code of life is of such g a generous nature that he becomes the jsubject of ridicule among his fellow istudentslust when everything seems to turn against him, he gets E xDOI`ta.nt fnfhnll n-rum... `|'trL-L I-I - .....uuAuu U111 C_}o1lVege, Toronto. 43 Elizabeth St., Barrie, Pl o.#A11i;A.ln2[`t1s1__< (_)PH.D. That is why we must give the closest. attention to every pa- ient. And where lenses are furnished they must be pre- scribed and prepared to suit the needs of the individual. We have confidence in our ability to render a satisfactory service .and to give as nearly normal vision as conditions will permit. \ I LOS'[`--On Saturday evening, a_ma.ll. purse cnntaininx: sum off money. Re- ward. I?`imler kindly leave at Exam-' inc-r 0ft i<,:e. 2 , 521) Graduate Canadian Ophthalmic (`n`lI....... L.O.L. `GHOSE OFFICERS AND ENJOYED OYSTERS Ve-..';hone 80 ~ every nses +n 4:11:4- 1 L IIIISU . (advt.) Kllltl, 1). \ lI'H' gentleman of centio. sun tr Bianca. I". 1. Ohio, :1 `gontls-I K21t}1m'in:. .\1 l`1..,..__..\ ..... ('(lll 4[`IHYll'liA`, Shrew" by t very evident `careful and parts and thr of the play ` clever delim-n acters. T11:-.< Baptism. :1 (Inn 12 t"-21.1 Thu lllllllln at Ovendvn 4 proved of vo- the studems of visitors 1. `lTI...1..5 In LOS'1`--B!ack fountain .nen with Ont.f Cnlleg.-,'e Pharmzlcy engmving. Finder Jdndly return to Fred Morren, phone 7. Reward. - - 520- __.V_.._.___....._....__..__..-.__._.._..__.._.._-. 'LllC7 LIIBL Ihll L '1 The main for `the presenluti nun r-nnxnr ll]. \'lll"l.` Ill" Eight om Ii ]i,',htfU]l}` by H: `the first part u The rn-nin (H.-. _...... _ :1 qu:u'u~1te w Son, Mr. and J. Cooper sun: fine exp1'(-.s':~'i4 - '(`.hristn1.'xs rm. differ!-nt nxwle Irs. Lz1i sing :1 mu-I, (Gounod). TAMING OF PRESENT All-'-n. turn .` `with the 1'.` 'Jiv(-rod mu] : -Choir` of furl tinn of M1 \ ful p1'0_ur:un -mxmls. Th.- .A Child Is H at the ('I<).~'c particularly 4,: nnurvuo en -uuu JAL`. Ill!` MN. Edrml on Mnndzly :1 her uni-lo, II- inspec-tnr .5 koka for :1 11* NIIC VVll|Ll'I. Miss (`. '1\ Ii:<.ve'-.< Rhu Tonto sm- holirlays v and M 1'.~'. B 7111, T` I uuC u\IIHK' IH Mr. and M `with their .<.r.- `mastide zmrl 'LakeIan M4. `the winter. `Riff, 1: 1: \JlC\Cl(lllH. Robert :1 Harold Shu .attendin5: :are home 1\;f__ V AVLl3n`y l|l"l' ing at the H. Toronto, i< }1erh:m1v ht- `R1,, I `II p awe:-->-r% ' NOTI(`.!E--Will the party who removed child's sleigh from.in front of 219 Brad- ford St. kindly"ret_urn andysave trouble. 'rf`T"""""""-"""""""""""" Mr. and son Jack 1 `the Ch1 i.~'T `Cleveland. 11.1. ,.,n KJLC l|lllllC' Mr. am "Hamilton ` -Of Kin,Q`. the home U I/! __ I `l-l\IVVlI- Fred If. H in p21.\'. '1 tions at UM ( 7]1{1C\'. 1|/7' I :1 who lived of years 2:; town. I 1` l\rIiss (`arr tending .\I.'u' is home for IIJLUV./llL'l. - IL. Mrs. and day for I. will spend :1 1|!` /\ VVIUAA LIAKTII C. W. spent :1 fm brothel`. I1. `.\I,, The `ullif-)' COLLIER S`! ,u\. \. Miss Ir ._. THE $5 BILL which was found 1n..Su- sb :-I fruit store. Sl.tUl`di1__V night, has been. returned to owner.` = , 52;) , ....,....._...._._._.._._._..__..__..__.._...- `nut. .1 (`:1 Mo ..... no ..uuuan uynuulm, piU'lUl', G1IIlng"l'00n1,{ kitchen, two bedrooms downstairs. All conveniences. A bargain. Apply to 94, Peel St. , . 49-540' , . MODERN HOUSE for sale---No. 98 Bayfleld St., in good repair. Five bed- rooms upstairs; parlor, dining-room, downst_airs. A_1_l, .nn~r\unnnnnnn A l-....,..-x.- FOR SALE--Modern house in good residential section. All conveniences. Large grounds. Garage; garden and! fruit trees. Apply Box R. Examiner omce. . _ . 29ttc] nuucuu run :5A14JS-8-1'00med square built frame house, with conveniences. hardwood floors. two lots, nice lawns. Can be seen at 66 John St. 49-1p` ~ HOUSE FOR SA LE--8 -roomed built frnmp hmmn urifln nnnm... ~4?` STRAYED to 1otv'12. con, head of nattle. Owner may by proving property and ;penses._VV.` I. Edgar. Allis ` TWO FURNISHED ROOMS for rent. with or without board, comfortable home. 9 Sophia St. W. 51-52;) , OOMS TO LET with board, if dy- sired. Apply 152 Bradford St. 50-3c .7: ROOM AND BOARD. central, students preferred. Phone 855.]. . '52:)` paj- FALSE TEETH wanted; also bridge" work discarded . any condition, highest ices. Mail L. Baker. 266 Crawford 5%., Toronto, Ont . 49-8p wAN'1'1u'u--uozm'dIng places, light- housekeeping'rooms, places to work tor board. Phone 445. 51-53c ;_ WAN TED--Bpo.rdin_g places, housekeonimr rooms. nlsman tn wnivlr FUI in t hf? . FOWL WANTED--Highest prices paid. Phone" 384 or write H. Levlt. Box 542. 47-'52; ---- I THE ALBANY HOSPITAL. Albany.`l N.Y., offers an attractive 3 year course` in nursing to high ~school graduates, with excellent opportunities for -work after graduation. Classes begin In Feb- ruary and September. Students may tutor the next Eebruary class if appli- cation is made at once. For` further Information write, Superintendent of Nurses, Albany Hospital, -Albany, I;.Y. . 5 -4c Property . F or, Sai: . -~--- - ` "I LOS I`--~'I`uesday evgning. an oppos-I sum choker, between Innisl St. and] Rink by way of thenew road at end of ?Im1isfil_ St. Finder `phone 397.1. 521) Rooms and Board- WLos't and Found lot "12, 3, nln on IT: n vv 1. .. IUI: L4, COH, 3' Essa. 2 0 9!` mt.V have same Onertv 3.71!` 'nnvh~m.- Au Twanted Essa. `YD ED 1\`\ A Points 9 (`Winn I sfcfluare J ninnnnn Cllll ULU 52c ` ,, `,._..`.. LOS'I`-On Thursda.y, Dec. 17, Water- man No. 52 fountain pen. between Bry- son's garage and 201 _B!'2-l.dfOl"d Street. Finder please leave u.t `Examiner. 52c _..,_.._______._______.__._____ 5 cu. 520! L2-ii 544w; " "' " `l`5`1`.`_ili 1 CHARLES gfooo _ { (Devil's Lake Times. N.D.) al1_ ANNUAL MEETING OF" BARBIE Charles Todd, who came to Ramsay e-I HORTIGULTURAL SOCIETY! county in 1882 and had made his home n_ . The annnai meeting of Barrie Ho`i.ii_ ! here since that time. died at 4 o'clock 20 culturalsociety willbe held in Police` this m?"`"`n8' (NOW 30> in 8 100? hos- ; Court Chambers, Barrie; Tuesday even-I pits} of heart t_".b1e _With which be ing Jan 12 1926' at 7i30_ All intei.eSt_ had been stiffening fox the last ninel 3!: ed are invited in be nnesenn months.'Dur1ng the. last two weeks. Mr.` a , T dd b '. t i `k . M1,, (1 h' 20 5'3'53c' A W SMITH'- se".WY-` de)ath vfzignnot? usngxpgcqigd. `zxcirire 133:` _ . - - many years in the grain business. with `I: WANTED - A MAN headquarters at Grand Harbor. Mr. t rho wonid like to earn mor Wages` Toddswas Well known throughout the ,5 next year. There is `no excuse for any` Lake Regienv Wh.e"e he was highly.` L man to Stay in the Old rniv oi. say -II respected as a businessman and a far-Al: te never had a chance. There are over? T`e"~ when he retired f"m .f`"'m`s. 5 ,1: 270,000 motor cars in Ontario. besides 1 seme years 390' he became `me Of theft i,, hundreds of thousands of gas eng.ines_ f organizers of the Tanton & Todd `grain 1 ac Th sieam-b0at._-., and naiiwavs are in_ elevators at Grand Harbor, andfof re-'1 - stalling internal combustion engines. eem 3 ea,s served as t"eas`"'e," 0f the d and automotive and gas engineers are F a1`.me"s' ' Grain =C- 0f Devils Lake If wanted everywhere. Our Free Employ-~ H as ber" ,1 Simee 0" ON" June pr ment`Department will asist you to se-- 17' 1853v=e"d came t Ramsay eeuntyll c cure work when you finish your course. 1. 1882 he he tk "9 a homestead '( , We have a xplan xvherebyvyou can earn at Grand Harbor. Later` he homestead; I while learningin our big "shops. We ed es Edm"e' 19"` in 1898 he re`- aiso teach the barber trade in our big. turned t Grand He="b"- Where he 3 iighti sanitary barber sci-iooiS_ giving married Miss Laura Richter in 1901* d and a world of ex_ | who. together with four children. sur c be-nience and ni.actice_~. paying `you a` vives him. The children are. Cecil. Ray- - percentage 11 every dollar you take in. mendv Walter and Haze H39 else vi . This helps 0,, conside,.abiy_ Bai.ibei._i. leaves six brothers and two sisters. allia ing is. a nice, ciean_ nieasant inside; of whom reside in Ontario. Mr. Todd- trade; the wages are good and there is had always shown an sgetive interest in ii . ii big deinandfoi. bai.bei.s_ DO not hes_ Masonic circles in Devil s,Lake. He was c. . .iiinie_ [We also teach ` a member of the Mmnewaukan Lodge - _ competent ii_ No.. 8. E.A.M., and Cyrene Comman- C censed dentist. . Owing to` the great (13. dery No. 7,- Knights Templar. He also ' man fonbniidersi we have installed a was a memberof Kem-`Temple of the ti ; bricklaying and. plastering. school, Sh"ie- ' ` `- - A , A tl where you can learn thesetrades in a T _ _ , . _ m ` short time. Jobs are waiting` at $10.00 ' to $15.00 per day; Make your applica- r 0 tion_ today, naming the trade vou would mechanical den- i I . .. . " i ,e( BANNERMAN- -O . F ivd ,, D . 18, K like to learn. Hemphill Trade Schools,` 1925, to Mr", and l}\([rs_rF']ao`;rd Ba`ime,.- :W 163 King St. W., Toronto. K 52cStwJ`_;-,3_n'_119:nda1e, a daughter_ _ an v..uu.u1'n1 DUCIEIY Wllfb I Barrie`; 4 ing, 12, .1926, at inte invited be A. W. SMITH. Secre , IANNU/\I'. BA!`-l RlEA .! HORTICULTURAL Hort!-.1 will'be Police; Chambers. Barripi 'l"nn:u1nu mm... n.unu!4`1'i!--.|5l.1y the best. it is the cheapest n the end. The kind worth re-' footing, c :1 only bevhad at 52 McDon- ald St..'_Mitt'svya.rn, thread and crochet` . cottons for` sale; Pair?" of `bone knitting`, ] needles given "with each. pound of yarn as lvtzrng as it Ihsts. J. Platt Rose, phone 544 49-2 T I-Iu6SIERY--Buy the cheanenf. `[11 fhn and MI pa-an scrlbers. by order of the Board; all ac-I counts should be paid on or before December 31, or service may be dis- _cont:inued.;A. Purvis, Treas. 51-52c ..,..... __.___,.________.__.._ . NOT'ICE to Stroud Telephone sub- -- ---;vI I scribers. ac- before] December DI` nnwwlnn u-n-- `-- 3 - I Garvin. Secy.-"I`1'ea. s. 51_-52p \v1\rn-...-.. . -V ' --:::-* I DRESSMAKING tor'.1ad1es mm, by the day or at home; _S g'unra;nted. Mrs. J. McKeow .ford'St. Phone 917J. ._..-........_. -g . V A | (N-IE PERSON who took charm of be'lls fronrauto at John TrQn1bIey s sale is advised to returxf same and save irouble. Rob}; Rodgers, 'Chornton. V521") `I (10!!! r\_ nu, - -' i .__.__...._t, :' ` ANNUAL MEETING of .'1`rustees1and} Ratepayers will be held in anhnnnm-ma I.-uu nr:-:.uV'J.'1J.VUi', .p'aperhangingT and} 1 genera`! house decorating, phone A.! Berry, 539W, 21VGowan St.,.AlIandale.} 4,8-In] u una 1-uJ1'J.`Jt{114`.l); and repaired. Hurlburt's Shoe Store. Miss M. Arthur. ` A - FURS ALTERED and repaired. Shoe Stnm: Mica M FOR Hanan: . COWS FOR SALE-8good milk cows,` all young and in good condition: one; pure`-bred Durham with heifer calf at] foot. Apply to A. .W. McArthur. oro Station, phone 810. - V 52-;p! Mr A 1u1.n-an-I--r .-A.-..---..- _. _- ` `I-IORSES FOR SALE---Good young team of heavy horses, 6 yrs. old, good '1 order, just off threshing machine; will J 1 sell reasonable. T. R. Crawford, Oros Station. l . j ' 62c : I I | IFARM FOR SALE, part west half lot; [20, con. 3, Flos, 100 acres; clay loar`n,. igoodsprlng; 10 acres hardwood bu`sh. [Grant Knupp, Anten Mills. 51-41) | _ ____ . .-- I-aa new. All Kmas lo: g<;ar11;11ngtdoneSotn,_;;;.`;;`;:; 1'a;$y`gI: ;;?if}1`;,f"f:h. "*h"t .e' A993 `A ene `mg 52" day nlght. Mr. Swalnston, who B31""- z ` ::]ssub.1<;ct to viheaft tflouble.` had been * ` _ -_. V arrfe earl er n t `e evening to S( gAvX`E1:B1g_nSali1g ::ihi:g:.1:e$e j)hysl Ian and Walked home. In stfllicit '1ns ection and especlalls; the mm 5 he was fnd"dad 1" msvl improved Il)1ea.vy duty new `construe- rliwmg expired durmgvthq night`- tion '1-ader with nginel hitch and? blvainston-was"s1xty e years of` gt 1 ke1'os enel' tractor Personal" He came) 'M1dh`7St `fmm Tom gglwegrucatalogues on reaust `W W p"has1E'-X Smau` f`.'"`' H9 is 5 Ba gley Travelling AR'epres'enta.tive'* "Wed by ms Wife and `W0 daught I B0x.109' Barrie-' Ont. . 51_10p' Misses. Mamie and Annie Swainston, I living in TOr0ntO. Hi nhlv nhn Qat- *- v -1 S I`RAYED---'I`wo kl-ttens, one grey and white, one black and white. about half grown, probably picked up on Collier St. "Reward. Box M" Examiner. 52c -_.x '. '- ` ` . id `avers: also De Laval sep:ra.t`3\. good 1m`Vr;g:_:;"fo:Vg&g:'; s%;f:ur;:ar:`:` "::O 1}tVVri0 6502 kiggspgff gageggtaggesin-i-very suddenly at his -home'last Th day night. - . . 52: subject to'heart trouble: had hon ~- - T I +-j PAINTING, .p_`aperhanging and} a`! liouse decorating. -nhnnn A : Live Stock 1-`_.Lsa1e Farms For Sale Miscellaneous argladies and ogild-l Vt home.;Satisfaction McKeown. 94 San-` L V 50-3 f _ i s bst. I he txrnv-f'ln no -anvv u,ya GLU .111` xtion engines.` I are` ' Free Employ- ssist vnn fn an--I uvt-:1`; Mc- '48tfc. Over g life. I LOST-~Hound, with can head, white body, 151.1`,-T,-,'e spot on right side. rest of body mottled. answers to name Pete" Finder please phone 724J. . ..-------s U1"! i ' ~ ` '- ' MRS. JOHN vs-anon; Rebecca. Vernon, widow of _the late John Vernon, died last Saturday morn-. -- ing at the home of her son. Ingram oung`Vernon, 145 Cumberland St.. goo `age of seventy-six years. vvil England. the late Mrs. Vernon came Vernon cameto Allandale two If years ago. Two daughters, Mrs. Austin 0l0ti`Rear, Port Perry. and Mrs. Cecil J. *2'}P; Barrand, Allandale,_ and one son, In- ""` gram Vernon. survive. Her? husband 3:285: died forty-two years agoand a daugh- ' ! mus ter, Mrs. John Sinclair of Barrie. died 3 three years ago igzigion Monday morning to St. ' a Church and cemetery, Innisfil. The pal] bearers were John McCabe. Asa Warnica, Edward Guest. John Soules, Thos. Redfern and Norman Liscumb. = I .,_____ I . The funeral tookplace j Paul's 4 muuu, waiter and Hazel; Hie" also] - all] Todd shown. active interest Dev1I He Was member the No; 21, AF. &` A.M.:` Doric Chapter Comman-` 7, also member of Kem-Temple Shrine.` ' ' ` at . . mm. :1. 11;. Teasdale, A-urora. : gMcPherson, Vancouver, B. C. Daniel O Brien, brother of Mrs. J. Bailey. Dunlop St-., Barrie/and father Mot Mrs. John Young, Minesing. passed .! away at Aurora on. Dec. 16 in his 94th year. Mr. O'Brien was one of the best J unmII:I.. U l5H|EN I I sidents of King Township. He was born I in Pickering Township on Oct. 7, 1832. 3 He lived at Laskay more than seventy ,* years, during which time he `Was con~ }=t1'nuousl_v an elder in the Presbyterian x church. He founded the Sunday School. und. was its Superintendent, also taught T a Bible class for many years. He was 1 one`of the leading Sons of Temperance. there for more than half a century,` and his influence was widely recogniz- 4` ed. -In politics he was a Liberal. His wife, who was Alice Wood. daughter ; .of' the late Joseph \Vood, Township . Clerk of King. died. thirteen years ago. Mr. O'Brien is survived by the follow- ` ine; sons and daughters: Mrs. John 1 (Young, Minesing; Joseph M. O'Brien, 1 Laskay; Mrs. John Fraser. Newmark- 1 et; Benjamin F. O_ Brien. Toronto; Dr. ` }L. J. v0 Brien, Grande Prairie. A1ta.: y Mrs. H. E. Teasdale, A`-urora. and Mrs. *McPherson, Vancouver. R n vxvcu ny ms wire and two daughters; Swalnston. all ' Toronto. His only (son, Sergt.'- Major Swainston, was killed in action _in the Great War._ The funeral took blade on Saturday Amornlng from the llhome of D. Donnelly, Owen St., to Trinity Church and .Barr'1e*Union _Cem- ; etery. ' V DANIEL `O'BRIEN nvD..?.... :._.u. 7 `- sat :6 U1. age m Toronto. sur-V 'Q.HIfnn' all of years. dale rs. `husband 9 ornnnlh vuu was been 111- M see a the hisbed. .ht._ Mr. ' 3 0 age. Tnrnnfn ..-.~:--- .]`.OS'J`--I-Iound, bodv. !m'::'e smm nn vinhf uclll. UL LPS, died hThurs- `I70 :1 Anna -3 ' W38 xn {cu - rucui. n. lV.l. ueueer; Banker, L.`E. McMillin; C.S.. A. Pugh. These of~? cers, with others to be appointed, will be installed after the New Year. James`Booth, charged with wound- ing Albert Woods of Cra-igvale on Hallowe en was again. remanded when he appeared in, Qolice court on Friday m'o1`ning. .The date set for i the hearing is now Dec. 29. The boy is now able to sit up and isiwell on the way to recovery, but is still in the hospital. ' 1 T n.~.3.` "l"'L---- ` nruluu WZES uesE1`0ye(1, James Woods, Toronto, Chief In- spector of the Bank of Toronto, for- l glmerly of Barrie. met with a painfuli injury on Tuesday morning. While} i he was cranking his car the engine ` back-red and the crank struck one, gt` hlis legs with such force as to] reel it.` . I This week the local members of the Ontario Honey Producers Assoc- iation shipped a car of honey to be marketed co-operatively. This is the I _st car of -honey that has ever been shipped from Barrie. The honey crop 1 !in this district this year was very }good and the quality excellent. Atter; V.G.H., Alex. .Cleland; Regis- trar. M. Deqeer; B_anker, L. E. ,`........-.. metuuuist minister, who at L one_ time was stationed in Barrie. 5 died on Monday in Toronto, aged . seventy years. ` . There was a meeting of the Ather- ley Bridge Committee in Orillia last` Saturday. The concrete work on the i bridge has been practically complet-I ed and it is expected to have the steel in place for the opningiof naviga- tion in" the spring. On'Sunday morning re broke out in the back of Powell`. & Co. s store on Dunlop St. . The remen were called and the blaze was extinguished :' withoutithe use of water `and without damage to anything except a curtain, which was destroyed, ] JHYYIQQ Wnna l".\...-...1.- nu - ,. - cquu Oril ,,-__.. .,.,.. .9 CSSD uy welgnt. -_-Buy-5 Staunton s semi-tri wallpaper -- 22 in. wide inste old 18 in. For sale by W. A. & Son, Eli abet11 St. ' '(')...:n. 'l'\- ____ ,1. .._uvu gcuuc Lu gOal. V _ Ge'o1`ge Crossland has a Light Brama hen that lays eggs weighing 31/; oz.` This. young poultry fancier should .sell his eggs by weight.` -+-Buy-5 Stauntpn _semi-trimmed wallpaper 22 m. wnln im.+.m.: - ouu. puzaoetn St. ' ` Buster Clark is playing wi1 North Bay Trappers hockey and, according to the Nugget, i: ting up a good game in goal. (ln'nr n-o ' f`-nm...'I.. .. .1 L _~ LOS'1.`--Fa,wn sweater coat. somewhere near Bnyfield-and Sophia Sts., lost from car. Finder] return to 70 `Collier St.. and1'ec'eive rewarr. _ * - `52 . ..-.__._.__..__..___.__._...._.._.._._._..._ ,_._,___-:.... .._.uuuu zus nwuse` thxs week. It Is nut often they stay "as. late as this; -l--Wallpaper in `latest designs, all prices. Exclusive agency for Staun- ~ton s semi-trimmed. A. Lowe & Son. Elizabeth St. -tfc `' Buster Clark is nlmm... ....`4.1. 4.1-- "as '__,, .,.., vv...xaau1|1uy 11.311, DI2I'Qud.. 1 7 John P'enton reports seeing a num- I ber,of blackbi_rds around his htvuse nut often _, nr..n....._-_ - `- - - - , -tfc I with the '6: Hnnbnu 1.----- uucney team: is put- gnnl cau UJ. I Lowe uvvuuxuuu-X`y. amout mile and 'a{h:'a.~lf]: east of Cookstown. Along with the] H0011. I ons of mash ' . --.... vlll-h IVI:AH COOKS License Inspector Robinson angeville located Tues the.p}'operty Tllorntol wi still there were fifty gallons 0: and twenty gallons of liquor. I cial Constable Ke1ly'went out an Inn rntm--L~~ - .uu.-M--rue-u. H. netwoen Five Vic-.ke1's stone. Barrie. a drop eau~rim.; (`zm1ethyz~:t)'. Kindly. leave at }x.f1.m1ner ufflce. ` 520 \

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