Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 24 Dec 1925, p. 7

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y afternoon` Barrie. Sub- and Great advance (In. tatesp $2.50 th old and given when ested. CAN- hat most 0! ot to have pted in case exnmmm. mgs and an guou WISHES. Death came to the home of Mr. and` Mrs. James Binn'ie,_ Jr., on Thursday,[ Dec. 17, and removed theirlittle son.I Lester David (Buster), aged 5 yearsl and 7 months. He had been ill for three! weeks with bronchitis. Little Buster: had been an invalid since a baby which seemed to endear him more closely L... 1.! nanny-J-n v'l"Ina Fnnnvooi any-vino` wvx V|J|.u.au 3 Dec. 22- Mr. and M:'s. John Thomp- son of Sunnidale` were visiting Mr. I and_Mrs. A. Cameron last Week. `MI ...-. `I 13:. unnlnn-`gnu nf `Dar-ado -Pnr-._ anu,1urs. A. x.a.xnu1'uu 12151. WUCRX. Mrs. J. Farquharson of Barrie, for- merly of idhurst. spent a, few days with Mr. a (1 Mrs. Shaw. 'D.\1...\..4. .. A Vnnmnfk rnwun-an no? 'IVnn_ Wll lV1I'. El lu LVLFS. ouuw. Robert a d Kenneth Cameron of Tor- onto are home to spend_ Christmas wit .- their rents. ` - nk nl uni nlnon inow Frnu flan "|!`|:_ EH81? ' FEIILS. ` Schyol will close today for the holi- days. The scholars are having} social time this (Tuesday) afternoon when a large number of presents will be dis- tributed from their Christmas tree. 9 I School Report a The following is the report of Cumi- les schoql for the months of November and December. ' ' , on nr t........:...-. 1m..rz..C.m. F/An/,-I f SR. IV-Lorraine McKever 74%.: Lena Knapp 68. ` JR. IV-Hazel Story 69; Clifford Baldwick 57. , ab TTT an-.11.: riulanynll '79- r`o+'lnny-_ H.110 11606111081`. K .l3'd.lUW1CK D1. SR. III-Ste11a_ Caldwell 72; Cather-l ine Brown 54;` Audrey Walsh, 30./ JR. III-Ruth Cumming 61. . I S51. T0 IIR. III-Wajter Bell 77;i Clarence Vvingrove 65. TD TT_`hnv-mlfl Xilunn 71- Pnhnrf ea. *- Mrs. Jas. Hamilton went to Tor-J onto on Friday dfor medical treament.| , Her many friends hope she will soon ` return home in her usual health. A; ~, The young people of St. Andrew's I Church are preparing a play entitled, . Molly Bawn to b'e put on this week. LJIHTGIICE vvulgruve 00. JR. II-Donald Wilson 71; Robert Story 62; Lloyd Cumming 59: Bernal Vvingrove 43; Dorothy Brown 39. , TD T "l`f\ Q1? T_1\Tnvvvnn Pnlurnll 74' . VVIUKVVTUVC `IO; .IJU1`UL1.l) .Dl'UWll 03. | JR. I TO SR. I-Norma Caldwell 74; Illa Knapp 73.' TR D`P`I 1\/`R._Rn.c:q ("rimming T)nr-in. .luu Lxnapp 4 . 0 JR. PRIMER-Ross Cumming, Dorisl Brown, Phyllis Shannon, Bert Kramer Dec. 21-P. C. Weatherup and friend! from Toronto spent the week-end at the former s home here. CIA...` all I-Inn n'hl'lAw-on in {Win xrnlntrn me IO!'IIlel"S IIOHIG nere. Some of the children in the village are laid up with chicken-pox. W 17:`. Ruffian nf Pnrf `Dover is taller In tne atanuaru D1.llK LICFU. Cecil Howarth returned to his home on Saturday after spending the sum- mer in the West. A `IDA-nnn -`A4-uuunnnri `Fr-Ixnn fhn u-Tnu lam wzm cmcxen-pox. E. E. Bettles of Port Dover is teller in the Standard Bank here. `n.-mu 'r_r.-.~..m..-1. 1;-niunnnr` +n In-la hmmn H181` In [[18 west. . ' A. Porter returned from the West last week to spend the winter with his! parents.. .~. V The H1-HA nnn nf T 'R2rnh, aged nix. ` parents. , 1 The little son of W. Barnes. aged six. lost part of one thumb and two fingers! recently by the explosion of a. cap of ' dynamite which the children were} p(1iaying_\\`Nith,/not knowing it was load-v e . ' Pl. Duslness u'1p |.l_J Luruuul l.'d.I. vvccn. Henry P`ew'- gave his parents an agreeable surprise on Friday morning when he arrived home from the West` after Asevepl irears absence. ` ` Mr: Avvfhrnv hnhqnn nnnnf the week. Mr. and Mrs. Clarehce Arnold-made` a business trip to Toronto last week. T-Tanar-17 Db! '. 0.1: V9 hi nn rnnfsz 5| n l'"I:*RGE ` HIKE? SEVUVCU y('.'ktl' a.U5CIlU!':. Mrs. Arthur Dobson spent the Week- end in Barrie. Q 'l"`lnn nnnniy nInn.rTa A? T. A 129'" 117'!` end In battle. I The many friends of J-. A. Bell will. be sorry tdhear thathe is ill with; pneumonia at his home in Sudbury. ` In:-Lv Mnwndnn and fandilv are hnm DHCUIHUHIH. HJ. I113 IIUIHB III ouuuury. Jack McFadden and family are home" from the West on a visit. 1 Tnl.-n `Il<|'l`ln- nnnni--o -Pa-In Java fhln! Ilff [X18 VVBBL U1! El VISIL. ; John Miller s,pent'a few days this! week with Utopia friends. HIL/LSDALE There will be othing n this thantho attractive Chtliistmas Wenfapped Bacholot 11 ,1,,_-- 2.. I__.`l. (A9. _._.I lit . KIIIUUIIVC \IJl.l Jwossuuw Packing `in both 10's CUNDl:ES . T9? For that out r The only school/north of Toronto that is a member of The Business Educators Association of Canada. NOW oman FOR BUSINESS AT MlCKLE- nmgnrs ,0l;D_S_TAND,_ l.3R_ADFQRD' s'r. New Coal%and Wood Yard ' This i; st<'>'ck;,d the cihoicest quhlitVyWof 7 VNO. 1 HARDWOOD : HARDWOOD SLABS HARDWOOD EDGINGS, : HEMLOCK EDGINGS HEMLOCK SLABSL V : com. am; com: -uju-:- :-- uyj`-1-o yy--: vonnvu xy---- Wood fumisined frorn our ewn sawmill at Cf/aighurst. Your-patronage soliciied. Satisfaction guaranteed. Prompt delivery td any part of town. Phone 748. 0 NEl[.L S COAL- and W001) YARD large or kle. RE-OPENS JANUARY 4 Gradates assisted to positions. Visitors, welcome any day. Real Dry Cleaning I HAVE THE om DRY-CLEANING PLANT wrrum YOUR REACH. OUTSIDE THE Goods called for and deli{?ered. PRICES REASONABLE . Cleaner, Presser . and 4 Dyer 109 DUNLOP ST._ _ - PHONE 229 rE%%MMM M: I AM A PRACTICAL TAILOR AND READY TO , ATTEND T O REPAIRS ON ALL CLOTHES , tawwwwmwawwawwm I-IAea.d Oice Montreal Queen's: Hotel I'I"Il\'I'Il\ f'I'QI\ [LLETS VV. Wishes all its patrons the Compliments of the Season and a Happy and Prosperous New Year . HE President, Directors and "Officers extend to the Customers and `Friends of the `Bank their Best Wishesv for a Happy Christmas and a Pros perous New Year. I Elna iuyal ilank nf Qlanaita mmstmaa19z5% TORONTO THE 10 no 952W Free Catalog. Phone 445 Page Seven iminer -11. as... Sta. Barrio V 24, 19.25. pwu an (3388 expiration. t be caxsrled ded .per!od. d to cancel, wishes the ITTANCES tered letter, yable at par n, "Editor. Manager, Only-"' ST. {D3 C0. F05 ` 47-52;; THURSDAY,.,DECEMBER '24, 1925. w:--.-_.. - Dec . 21-L-This is to wish all the read- ers of the Egbert items a Merry Christg. mus and a. Prosperous New Year. 1- __._1 111.... `I 7 A 1KHaa{ni: nn \.lIlIlHUlIlI~>J now-o ---~.-.-... --- ___-_., , . A number from here spent zVLV\;ery pleasant evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Draper, Cookstown, on Thurs- a 17 ~_ Inlls nu Ha L'l'UBpUl lqylcw oivvv .-.u-am. _ Mr. and Mrs. J.` A. Wiggins and Gordon of Bond Head visited the Wil- son family on Sunday. Mn and Mum, .1. Dunn of Alliston vis- family Sunaay. Mr. and Mrs.iJ. Dunn of ited Mr. and Mrs; E. Erwin on Sunday. Pearl and Cecil. Newton visited the Mason family, Thornton. on Sunday. V1 1\._--....-.. `ID A AF Q6 Vhnvnnn and auwun uuuuy, ;uusu-.u in nu uu-..-...._,,v H. Downer, B.A.. of St. Thomas an Wallace of Wycliffe "College. Toronto. are holidaying with "their parents here. Our teachers. Miss M. Wlce and Miss M. Halbert of Aurora and Amston. have returned to their `homes for the holidays. . \ `-1.... `Ian... '|ln.u..l:-nu {g gngnjng uwuuay a. Mrs. Ellen Morrison is \spen3:ung Christmas wlthfrlends in Alllston. n__...L- I- -..- ....\.....du n uvtnun-It NU A day. Red and White Chain Stores~ A F1-:w.o1= oua SPECIALS. cAM_PBEu.*s TOMATO soup, per mg . . SERV-US SAL soDA, peg pkg. . . . . ; . . VSERV-US com .. . . ; , . . Sound 9th St. E Bank of COMFORTSOAP .... 174 Stores in Ontario Bus1NEs1s coon EGBER_'l_` Churchill L.O.L. Officers The annual meeting of the L.O.L. No. 533 was held on Weqnesday evening. 23rd inst. After the transaction of routine business Past District Master VV. B. Sloan was called upon to take the chair. and conducted the election and installation of officers for the en- suing year. The following were elect- ed: W.M., Eben-Todd; D.M., George Myers; Chap., Byrne Grose; Rec. Secy., John Selman; Financial Secretary, John Morris; Treasurer, Frank Beatty; D. of 0., Fred Noble; Lecturers, Maur- ice and George Reid; Committee. C. McCullough, F. Morris, A. Kirkpatrick. W. Moore and Chris. Grose. After elec- tion, lunch was gserved` followed by short addresses by the` newly elected officers and other members. the Na- tional Anthem closing` a pleasant and profitable evening. With a good list of officers L.O.L. No. 533 looks forward to a prosperous year. CHURCHILL ` V. . . . . . '2'-f.oV1: RESS uipped attend in the .. .. 5'for 27 Gordon Tebo of Toronto is hnlome for .-the holiday. - Minn Thlnvv Tlunurvi had crnnn in 'l`nr- iule nuuuuy. 4 Miss Mary Brown has gone to Tor- onto. where she has secured a position. If nnur nni-nag re 1111: rill Ihnvn unlnni UHLU. Wl{Ul'U Bill`: |111.S secu1'_eu a. pUl.I.1Uu.. It now appears we will have splendid slighing for ChrIstmas-the most na- tural thing and the best for, business generally. , . , '|\/Ira .1/Hlrnv -urhn lane nnnen hn 93rd birthday anniversary. left on Tuesday "day evening was in charge of Miss _ Mrs.:Miiroy, who has passed her 93rd to spend the holiday with her daugh- ter. Mrs. King, in Newmarket. ' The young people's meeting on Mon- Henderson, the social vice-presiden . She and her committee deserve much credit for the splendid evening's en- tertainment furnished. including the serving. of coffee and cake, . ., , 'I`hn Tnfwiv nnhlin unhnnl nnnr-AM` Inst Bel'V.I.ll5'. UL QUILUQ uuu Ui!l.l\Ug The Lefroy public school concert last Thursday was a decided success from every standpoint. 'I`he scholars, under the able `leadership of Miss Morrison. their teacher. deserve much credit aydl are to be congratulated for the `splen- did programme they put on. The at- tendance was large and receipts -very satisfactory. ' 4 . ' Q-'_ 'l"hn nhrh-on nf Tpfrnv Qnndnv SIlSIi'lCI.0I`y. g- The children of Lefroy. Sunday Schoolvenjoyed the sleigh ride on Tues- da,v afternoon and. above all. the sp1en_ -did supper which was in readiness up- on their return. Instead of the school furnishing presents for each scholar. they were asked eah to give a free- will offering in aid of the Home for Incurables, Toronto. "All responded and appeared to enjoy the opportunity` of giving instead of receiving. A sub- stantial sum was realized and will reach the Home in time for Christmas. Aenroved Purchase oflchurch At a meeting of Lefroy ratepayers held on Dec. 18.lthey voted unanimous- ly in fnvoi-`of the purchase of the for- mer Presbyterian church building to be converted into a continuation school. Mr. Mills, Inspector of Continuation Schools for Ontario. was present, re- presenting the Department of Educa- tion. He expressed his pleasure upon the splendid headway the school has made during the two years it has been in existence and-. recommended that commencing next year a further teach- er should _be engaged, giving`half time to the continuation and public schools. This would relieve the public school. which is now badly overcrowded. and would enable the continuation school to carry students to the Normal En- trance at least. Presentation to Mr. and Mrs. Wood A very h'app_v event took place last W'ednesda_v evening. when about fifty friends and neighbors gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred VVood. prior to their removal to Barrie. and presented Mr. VVood with a beautiful leather club bag and Mrs. V`Vood with a case of silverware and an address. after which` lunch was served andtan enjoyable evening spent in games and dancing. The address was as follows: ham M. nnd Mm. \Vnnd:-VVe. vour THE/[ mc. dancing. '1'ne &1(1Ul.`l$SS was as Luuuwa. Dear Mr. and Mrs. VVoodL-VVe, your friends and neighbors, have gathered togetlher on this occasion to express to you our best wishes as you go from our community to your future home. Through the past years you have ever been kind neighbors and willing` work- ers in every good cause. It is our earn- est wish that in your new home you may nd friends who will be as true and faithful as you ave beenyto us. `We are going to n 1is.- you both. As a ight token of our esteem and love. we ask you to accept this silver, Mrs. Wood.` VVhen it glitters on your table recall the friends you have left behind. Mr. VVood, we hope this-__club bag will convey to you a portion of our g od- will. May your lives he lled wit all in ma. Hnnf in hunt and truest and W11]. May your uves De nueu w1I.u an in life that is best and truest and noblest is the sin re` wish of your friends here. `(Sig ed) VV. Jacks, D. Jacks, J. Lucas, T. Sawyer, 3. Wallace. and I. ' Bogerson. 4. I Dec. 21-Mis Thelma Broley. nurse- in-trainlng t Collingwood,' spent a. day at herh me here-and called on the teachers at the school. am. ....,a M" `D 1:: Jnnnnff `ant-m-- teacners at (me scuuux. ` Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Jennett. enter- tained a. number of friends o_ne even- ing last week. to ma: units: 9. aismnnnintmeht to the ing last weex. A It was quite a. disappointment to the teachers and pupilshat/the school on Mondayawhen the M.O.H. ordered the school closed and no concert `on Tues- day evening, as .a. number oftthe child- ren have chicken-pox. All look for- ward to the concert being held after the holiday. as the children put up one of the/bestconcerts that are held in this community. 1. Tnnnnff nn Mr ihnnn of Wes. communuy. , L. Jennett and Mr. Gibson of Wes. ton spent a few days last week at the former s " home- here. 1:. av! 'M ma Q Mnuunxr and Mn and` Iormer-'s `n0me- nere. ~ Mr. and Mrs. S. McQuay and Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Banting visited Mr. and Mrs. Gibson, Innisl, on Sunday. _ `nu T nna Mru nnnrg and fnmilv Mrs. Urlnson, 1111118111, un nu11ua._y. Dr. J. and Mrs. Speers and family motored from Toronto on Sunday and visited friends here. . . mug... 1\K'nn3nn Av`-nnlrl nf hnxrinxrillo `la vtsltea rmenus nere. Miss Marion Azinold of Davisville is_ holidaying at her home here. Wniana hm-n mzfolnd nvmnnthv to nouaaymg at net` nuxue ueuz. Friends here extend sympathy to Mrs. Gaines in the death of her sister. Mrs. Watt, in the West. 0 `runs `T r`nvurm~+h i_s:'vig1ng friends A115 K ion `AH 1V.I!`S.'Watt, In ule vv can. Mrs. J. Coxworth is visiting firiends in Barrie and/Toronto. A Dan '1" T hnnr urn: `Tn Aninfnh 19511 in barne and/Lorunw. . Rev. T. J. Dew wasffn Alliston last week with his mother. who is very ill. ' Wishing all a Merry Christmas and a. Happy New Year. " -It& vj --&- Dec. 21.--On Sunday evening about four or five inches of`wet snow fell. causing a good deal of trouble to mo- torlsts and bringing out-the"cutt e'ra. for the first time : this sason. 3 'n~....a Av-nnv and mad inwnll have tne nrst nme mm season. 3 Fred Amey and Ted Hipwell have been busy during the pat week get- ting a. fouxgdation cogt of ice on the rink - um; rink. 'I"In: rmk. . The Mission `Band of the former Methodist Church held an, entertain- ment ln the Sunday Schoolro_om on Friday evening last. A very `fine pro- gramme was rendered by the young folks, which was much enjdyed by all `~ present and ' which reflected `great [credit on Mrs. Hipwell, lwho trained them.` `ran:-an-nu . ` 'Dec. 22-~At the December meeting of.` L.0.L._No. 1200, the following offtcers were elected for the coming year: W. M.. W. Ruddick; D.M., C_has.,Denney; Chap., Lloyd Cunningham`; Rec. Sey., J. Gauley: . Fin. Sec,v., Di: Gauley; Treas.. S. Edgar; D. of C., Robt. Brock- well; 151: Lecturer, M. Mur hy: 2nd Lecturer, S. Cunningham; ommittee, E. Gauley, E.`Denney, Bert Herd, A. Beyers, J. McKnigh t._ George Banting of Ivy and Ese and District W.M; Oscar Whiteside of Elmgrdve conducted the election and `installation after which .the `newly ,elected\ officers were gcelted upon for speeches. Ago- clal time was enjoyed at the clone of ._ `the lodge and refreshments A served. __ 39 P!?;*P.. mbalmer Phone 481 pment . Q4- LEFROY BAXTI-ZR~ - 4 ~ 1 #11:: `hnnnrnhnr mnnfin gun BARR/IE >1-:'xAM1N1-zn` Dec. 21--Vic. Caxisonof Hughef1den..: Alta., is spending a morith with friends: and relatives here. . ' Ilium Tr-on`'( 1-2.:-waft ennnf Incf xvnnk I 1n barme. -V , James McLaughlin was in Midland for a couple ofdays recently. . (`nu 1\/InT.annr'hHn hnn returned afte l {U10 I'e1auvs_ nere. Miss Irene Garrett spent last week I in Barrie. Ynvnnn 'l\KnT-onn-Ir-`Ha run in Midland. IGHT no 218. I01` a. couple 0]. uuys 1'eL:euuy. Con. McLaughlin has returned. often a month's vacation in Toronto and other places. _ T - 1\/I`?-a n Ia:-nma.v nf '!`m'onto is thei ptner pmces. ; 1VfFs. D. Kenne_y of Toronto is the guest of her sister, Miss Kae Mc- Laughlln. I ` .; Mrs. Thos. Binnie has gone to Tor- onto for the winter. . z mum nan M'nT`.mm-hlin in vigifine` her onco 1:01` we wmcer. Mrs. Con. McLaughlin is visiting her sister in Buffalo, N.Y., for three months. - ., . Bruce Binnie, Jr.. while out hunting rabbits, captured a big owl. Tr-urln `rzncmn Inst 2 vahmhle cow re- I`aODl1'.S, captureu :1 Lug uwn. Irwin Knapp lost a valuable cow re-l cently. .' ` ' ' `Gravel hauling has commenced on lthe Phelpston sideroad above the sta- tion. This will be a. great improvementl as it was badly needed. T _ Rev. 0, M. Price of Minesing con- ducts services in the Union Churc_h every Sunday at 1.45 p.m. . 'I`hn-.hn9vv fnll nf snow on Sundav sunuay at 1.50 p.Iu. '[`he--heavy fall of snow on Sunday night made good sleighinghere. '1` nnmy nnfnrtninprl 9. nnnfher of l nlgnt maue gUUu' 81815111115 . nuns. T. Riley entertained a number of friends last Friday night. A good time is reported. A Mia: Marv Rrnwn visited her sister In 1:.'1mva.1e over [[18 ween-euu. T. Casey has gone to Elmval for the Christmas holidays. VVi1l Ney, Harry Rowell and John. Priest have been hauling baled straw and loading several cars at Hendrie Station. ' Your onrresnondeni extends to The ` 1s l`epOI`te(l. Miss Mary Brown visited her sister in Elmvale over the week-end. 7!` {`nc1'n1y lung a-nno fn TT'.Innva'Il:'a fnr st-anon. T Your corresponden extends Examiner and staff, hristma;s`gree- ings and all good wishes. nnnrh nnrnn tn fhn hnmp of Mr. and 58811180 [0 enueur nun inure UlUU!':ly' to his parents. The funeral service was he1d.in the home by Rev. 0. M. Price. The sympathy of this community: is extended to..the bereaved parents; rurnaces.

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