Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 24 Dec 1925, p. 5

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uuwcl nave u1uu- neen mentioned as! ~ A `V t T ddmo ` d t p""$, ctanggidaftiestfor Seconhd Derguy the n nY:alp;))!i`p%nt<)r%gahV 6;) rtaAnr:%rtw`(s) r e r , - - v , . - . tha`tehe g retiiinsangdgs. Cr ire?) aw?u ; Church last Week. in a arp stop of 37 (11Ii]((1)nteel za,g{l1l' ex-'Sec?c::1t(3Ir nI1)ae}1,)utey`;lx'g:3e-3 fe `?me-`I TW years ago it W35 1m` m~v,,w,;;nm 5 a eome- ! Ema`; :..:*;sui"::::::: .3: mus` ac efhe or.1st`:Al-' ` .- V derman fmrm ram: gm ea or L8 iither improved last week by the harp Ald. Long; is said to be retiring} -in`; `Sf %{5(_h Legge Organ C0"'8`t a Ward One and ex-Ald. Bricker and H. g the mst _time A. Jarvis 'm'e prmsperftive candidates; . . there with the names of Get). Coles. Sr..I` ence wds made by` Ml Shot to the -,T T?` '\'Tn11na l \I'Il1 11 11' 1:V._;.-_, , The `harp was used for , last Sunday and refer- ' :el1el'0SitV Of fh rnrnhnru uylnn knoll! ---uoJ \J\IIIII Sunday aft"e1:W(ll1ristma s_ 5 I_I__I- I\ TRlI:J_I1_`Y CHURCH PARlH OF_lNNISFIL Sunday, De`:-:'e-r-n.ber 27, 192$ . .V . . Elvey I Messiah" -~- g uu ruu'1)e_L;eieste." ' and Ald-g Music` occupied a. large part in the`. ,9XD9ted services of the day, ,which were ten- `W is 3; joyed by large congregations. In the Wa11`Y11`,morning. 9. number of old carols. de- 959 thlee,` lightful in their melodious `simplicity, 11 "-M5` were sung and in the evening the can- We R91-V vita Light and Glory." beautiful and V" Wa1'd reverential in character. was presented. ~ the "9' "Both were given with fine tonal.quali- V Ward tyexpression and nish. {{eo.f0 gme of the numbers will be 1'eneat- Lds of L ed-next Sunday and at the close of the , mm H; . evening` service, Mr. Hardy will give an .nOt de_i organwrecital for twenty minutes. ucher is l ,""""""""""` Iva IJUII-IJIIVQ Bi/lilding permits A_ issued during the `past year num I with a total value of $51,294 the structures erected. I Bxrfnr tho union... ....'..u Anthems Arise. Shine" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Elve Lift. Up Your Heads" Messiah Quartette-"Sleep, I-Ioly Babe Mrs. H. Wilson, Mrs. E. C. Codling Mr. E. C. Cod1lng..Mr. J. Cooper 8 p.m.-Sunday School. ' 7 p.m.--Rev. S. H. Greenslade. B.A. . Anthems Christians: Aurnbn" `ll -----"-` I `While Inspector Edward Floody of the Inland Revenue` Department and two-police officers were conducting` a i search of the premises of J. J. Hayes.` Flos township, for aljstill last Thurs- day, Hayes is said by.'the police to have hidden`-his still beneath some boards . near his house. It is claimed that the still, whi-h was one of the Kentucky brand W .had be_en installed in the cookhouse and was removedwhiie the officers were `searching lowed foot marks in the snow and lo- cated the still under the boards. The `Inspector was accompanied by Corporal Corless and Constable Veitch of the Royal `Canadian.Mounted' Police and" the latter officers brought the , still to Barrie on Saturday morning.` The local police received instructions to send it.to Penetang where Haiyes will appear. The charges against the- owners of the two stills found in Flos land Tiny by Inspector Floody a few weeks ago will be heard at the same time. . . ` - ich do not require a worm. the house. The officers fol- . 132 BUILDING PERMITS ISSUED Fnnmmr m......u.. a--.-- n mus. zxulg recewea a bouquet of roses; The presentations were made by A. H. Goodall and Mrs. A. -F`. A. Malcom- I son and an address was read by Fred 'Marr. ` A . . I Mr. King briefly expressed apprecia- | tion of the gift and regret that circum- fstarices had caused his removal from 1 Barrie. . l Mr. `and Mrs. `W.; `R. King. who are` leaving Barrie shortly, Mr. King hav-l ing been transferred to Toronto. were honored on Sunday afternoon by the. congregation of Collier `St. United Church, of'which `Mr, King has been! treasurer for a number of yezirs. At af well attended meeting held in the audi-1 torium of the church Mr. King was` presented with `a diamond tie-pin and Mrs. King received bouquet presentations wm-n mnn rm A uuuxru. , . 4 , 1 The special Christmas music afforded -; an excellent opportunity .to appreciate `I the improvement_ made to the organ by `I the harp. lts sweet, liquidtones being " used with exquisite effect by Mr.` Har- `( dy. both in the hymns.a`nd organ Ase]- I ections. particularly in the voluntary I "La Harpe,Celeste'." vi Nllmirnnnnnlna .. I......... .....-; 1.- AL, `lie .,, ,. . . A i The secretary-treasurer, Fred Marr. ' {reported xfecelpt of_ the Government, {grant on account of salaries for the . period ending June30. 1925. amounting Ito $379.50.1During.the tau term $152 fwas received in fees and $80 was re- ceived from the sale of reed for" bas- ketry work. A ' ` ysuuuuu '_15HUB(l In Barrie numbered "182. I placed on ~es erected. in Barrie \"\DIAA '10`) COLLIER s'r. un-55 J . CHURCH___(_)F CANADA} The lineup was: T "'m Goal. Tuck; defence, Powe, Caron; centre, Armstrong; 1-. wing.` Reid; 1. wing, Kennedy; subs, Doylehand Des- ouxfdie. - - { Las_t Friday-a hockey team composed of Junior and Intermediate players went to Bracebridge Where they 'played a. tie game with the Bracebridge In- termediates. The score was four all. The game was very evenly contested throughout and the score was tied at the end of each. period, 1 to.1 in the first, 3 to 3. in the second and 4 to 4 at full" time. Roy. Reid scored two of Ba.rrie'st goals and Armstrong and`. Desourdie accounted for the others. The lineup ,. V (-1091 'Fnn`lz- Rnfnnnn `D.-......11 n _____ -. ` nounced this week. They open the Barrie Juniors have a short season! according to the schedule that is an-' season .\wlth a. game at Meaford on Dec. 30 and play their first home game on Jan. 11 when they tackle Collingwood. [Following is the schedule: Jan. 6--Meaford at Collingwood. Jan, 11--Col-lingwood at `Barrie. Jan. 14-+Collingwood at Meaford. V -Jan. 20-Ba.rrie at Collingwood; F Dec. 30-Barrie.at Meaford. A ' I I Jan. 25.--Meafordat Barrie. TBARRIE TIED EXHIBITION I MATCH IN BRACEBRIDGE. 4-4} JUNIORE 0PEN_S- EASON ! % AT MEAFORD ON mac. so} .. uuc ucL:i mm mm not much chance! [on any of the shots that beat him.` [Crawford and Adams. the Minesing` 1 boys, were used for relief duty and each I showed some good stick-handling but. the pace was too fast for them. Frank[ 1 Simon and Osborne" subbed on the for-l \ ward line. The team has not been prac- lticing long enough to develop much! {combination and they relied in their` E attack largely on individual effort. Newm:-1rket--`Goal, Harmon; defence,- Kane, Perrault; centre. Turan; r. wing, Thompl. wing, Mccaffrey; subs, Ep-1 worth. Billings, Belfry, Smith. V ` ' Barrie--Goal, Tuck; defence, Keeley, A. Simon; centre. Armstrong; r. wing, `Reid; 1. wing,.Powell; subs, Crawford, Adams. F, Simon. Osborne. ' Referee, Bert Day, Newmarket. ....v . uuuva pan L - w . _, ., , _.` an . Tuck for the last goal of the game. 3 Old Boys-McMa.rtin and Billingsley, Except for a feud that developedbe-I def.; F. Foster, c; Walker, Smith, for- tween Armstrong and Kane earl'y'in the wards: Frawley, sub. _ game and continuedlthroughout, play, School-E. Cla'rk, Payne, def.; `Car- was clean and only\. a few penalties: son. c; R. Malkin, S. Malkin, forwards; imposed. 'l`ul-an. Newmarketfs? I-Ioughton, Stone, Ferrier, subs. centre, was the best man on the ice! Referee A_ B; Cockburn, and Kane. formerly of Owen S0llI'ldi juniors, was also good. Thom, who this' The T191113 in the girls game Was- School-B. Robinson. E. Robinson, M. year graduates.l'0m junior ranks, was DJWEYS d3n.`~Te!`0US- :Meeking, 0. Robinson, E. Garside, V. Charles.` ` _ l`iny Keeley Comes Back U l `Keeley was about the best `of the Form 2C"H' McBride` G` McBride locals until the third period when he] M- 50`? 0- CP"`-d- H- Apple- tired noticeably but he would not alsk, In the afternoon there Was.a sale of l for relief. Armstrong and Reid were} homemade baking and candy, novelty- prominent and the latter did some very, table. Christmas Tree from Which In- effective back-checking. Powell was: BXDGDSWG Presents C0U1d be purchased. prominent offensively and Ab. Simon} 3- 110L188 0f WOTIGGPS and 8 f01`tUDe tel- turned in a. good game on the defence..: ler"s b_00.th. Th_e tea room Was Well Tuck put up` his usua1_re]iab1e game] patronized. During the nf-`tm-rmnn unlnnl 1.. -41- - 9 l l I I -...... ..\..,.n:, uuuu-.-my UI UVVBYI sound, I this Tiny was the third_ he ask. were`; Drorninenf _.,,,.,,q H". 1g+m.. .-1%.-`I ---------- -- .,,.....c .z_uu uununueaotnroughout, playl ' . `was clean were im'p,osed. Ice Sound; . - I l vac.-an n-m-..`I.....4-.. a..--.- vzuusly and with the locals showing` `the effect of the pacelthe visitors had: the .be.=rt`of the play. After `several un- l 'uccessful a.ttem'pts'Perr:1.uIt circled the! `defence and flipped the rubber past? devel0ped-be- and'Kane and ,was onlvx a few nmm1+a..=: Christmas Servics St. }8f'au1's Church--Christmas Eve at D-UL -- ` , St. Peter's, Churchill, at 9.30 a.m. Holy . J; Communion. . V LU1` nzu`l'1e. . ' V - _ Newmarket pressed the play to he- gin the second spasm and Thom, their. elusive right wing. put them in the, lead shortly after play commenced. The `a same player added another 2L few min-`; utes later. Reid got one back when he: took a pass out from Simon from be- hind the net and a. few minutes later ' I the'Hawkestone flash tied the score with a shot from outside the defence! Thom again came through to put New- ' cmatjket in the lead. I .\'ewmarket s Team Play In the third period Newmarket show- ed more team-pla_v than they had pre-. I ` viously and with the `the nace.the visxifnrn kn;-I . 5" "Barrie s 1926 intermediate hockey ' team made theirbow togthe local pub- '_ lie on Monday night .'in an exhibitidn - game with the Newmarket intermedi-, E} ates and,although' beaten 5 to '3, they] - I I created a favorable impression on .the good crowd: that was present. _For an: early season game it was a very good; exhibition,` both teams putting up a good brand of hockey. During.the first- two periods the teams were, very evenly matched but the superior team play` and condition of the visitors had its effect and they won the game with the " deciding goal in "the final session. As long` as they lasted Barrie looked pretty good but they lacked capable subs to, I relieve the regulars when they tired..- I Speedy Start by Locals The` locals started out with a great`. burst of speedand skated the visitors {3 off their feet. "'I`iny Keeley, who put " up a splendid game. throughout. 3, brought the crowd to their feet with a; . nice goal following an end to end rush`; 1 after five minutes of play. Newmarket; 1 tied it up before the end of the period I when Billings scored from close in. , This `period was featured by brilliant], ` individual work.b,v Turan and Kane for t 1 1 Newmarket and Keeley and Armstrong for Barrie. T\Tnurrnn..i-,.4. _.-A_'- `I 1' ` 1.11` I v the ,.w,,.e, vuu may we urana early in the new year, if enough subscribers can be I secured. A list will be opened at Mal-` comson s insurance office and if the list warrants it this attraction will be se- cured. Otherwise it will be cancelled. `Ry-smann 1:...-mo cs-.. -rn--~~s~ Manager Powell of the Opera House wishes to announce that Cant. Plun- kett's new musical comedy. The Three Liftle Maids, with a company of forty people, will play the Grand early in the new year. enough suh.qr.w-ihm-u M... an . u. uruuyer, A. w. Laidman, H. M. lLa._v, W. C. Walls, skip. T ` Chas. Ma.cDonne1l, F. Belcher, D. W. Lenvnox, E.~A. Ha:-tt. skip. D. McDonald. N. Tm-nlin T. n vac- CAPT. MERT. PLUNKETT S_ SHOW MAY COME TO THEGRAND SOON ucuuux, 114`.-A. .l::l_al`tt. Skip. McDonald, N. Lesue, L. 0. [Alex. Gait, skip. 4_uu'1uK, A. 11.. umawood. skip. . G. Richardson, R. Tuck, E. Luck, C. T. Thompson, skip. ~ `G; Grinyer, A. W. Laidman, H. M. |La..v. Walls. skin I ---... i....yavvl\;u ALHDL W585 uy 815 Il:rp - ` t` b t ' . ` 1. to retiring -1n;,`, ,,t 31 $i 50_1eTh:g%,ernlv::; ugedafer an Dl 08D9.'?U\ e6 Cvlldidavte--`g Mr. Shortt the` Sr-.. generosity of the members who had -. .... ....-.. .. veal vv ILA LI DJIA: 'J. F. Nelles and M. H. Eten H130 men`; n-lade very acceptable to the tinned. Unless Ald. Lower contests one` chnrch_ of the Deputy-reevesliips there will Christmas music afforded h"`"3' be 5` hage 1 Wa"d TW' W- N; opportunity Duff. who has been prominent in var-g hnpmvemeht - ious activities in town. will be an alder-l Sweeh manic candidate in Ward Four. Two' exquisite .Har- other men. hitherto not identified with ehymnein-nd municipal affairs. are slated to run in u _ ti 1 1 - tn -1 t Wards. Three and Four. H. H`. ores-l3,a'ffa,, f};}f,;`t ;, m (-3 V0 un My wicke is down`for Ward Three the` Litster and 'l_vrer are both expected Se,-nee dny_wh1eh t0 Seek re-election. L. O. Vair ijoyed b newcomer in Wfl.I'(1 FnllI'. Wall\V1l1rn0rning'" Wm 3130 be 1" the field `ma these are the only names mentin_ned..in eye ward. Aid. Craven and.Wiles are likely and t0 TGCGWG 3" M 01"1-tin 1" Five. Ald. Grucey and Walker. u ne presentatives of the Railway Ward,lty Vexh,.ess1nn t have both signified their desire to re- me %i"r":&o:?;:2$: :vm:`;a.:2;%:fori.; l 1 1 F_ M Mn h b 1 `hi t Hardy 1 a,JcceD(t` non1nin'1?i`o`:1 best 132??? notmdegg twenty . ; i clared himself and C. VV. Poucher H . in the same position. , V` I _Pl_N_A_N_D ROSES ' -r Me . 1' rt. nlcnarason, 0. G. Hart, skip. I J. Martin, r._J. Warnica, R. F._Gar- rett, G. S. ebb, skip ' J. Gibbons, H. Armstrong, R. A. |Stephens,'S. W. Moore, skip. -, I J. F. Newton, Dr. W. C. Little, W. A.! 1' Boys, J. D. Milne, skip. ' V I A._ Elliott... (".. Graham DA`! `r :4 rs ...`.vv-...-aux u _.. I 4' J N. Moran, O. E. Shank; F. W. Sar-l ijeant.. A. Hamlin, skip. ` . H. H. Creswicke, D W. Emms, Ferris Goodfellow, V. S.` Hambly, skip. I J. W. M. Findlay, J. R. Boys, Dr. W.. R. Richardson, 0. G. Hart, Martin. Dr. J. Warnir-.2, 12 F` am--1 -:-2:.- - l 3 At a meeting of the Thistle Curling` Club last Friday night the following` ` rinks were ` appointed for the local l competition: I I xv -n:-,,_, J\ ._ .... - i'FIFTEEN R1N1 l wrrn THISTLE CLUB; ; .r.-. 3 uuuul. 1'ne tea well} lpatronized. During the afternoon solos .were given by Miss Vera Luck and `Miss Dora Knight In-m. r.u11'U1u amun and Art. Walker pstarred, for the Old Boys and Chester lcarson and Ray Malkin showed the !_best form` for the School. The lineup ! was: I `V szxtll. i_ H Basketball _ I The basketball games followed the `play. In the first game the senior girlsl the second game the Old Boys Won a close, fast` game from the School by [31 to-.26. The. game was very close throughout and at half time the win- lners led by one point, the score being `I9-18.'I-Iarold Smith and Art. Walker ustarred. the ma Rave sn-u-I n1......4,... defeated the juniors by 11 to 6 `and in] V , 1 V` The second_ Christmas Festval h'eld ' by the students of the B.C.I.' on Tues- `! day afternon and evening was fully ' as greata success as. that of lastyeart 7 There was aolarge attendance both in` the-afternoon and at nighy and the` number of people. present who are not connected with the school was particu- larly gratifying. The playlet Professor Pep and two basketball games, one between the school team and a. team "representing the` Old Boys and the '_,other between the girls school team and a. team representing Fprm 2C, were' [ the chief attractions but there were, _ { several other interesting features. ; Playlet Well Put On The playlet, which took place in the .evming and was witnessed by a good` ,'cr,owd, was a humorous sketch that ukept the audience in roars of laughter fthroughout. All the` members of the {cast did their parts well and gave a {very pleasing performance. The fol- .; lowing composed the cast: Professor ' lPep, VV. Strangwaysz Aunt Minerva. [Agnes Jamieson; Betty. (Prof. Pep s niece) ,/. Louise Hurlburt; 'C. B. But- ` tonbuster, John Weldon; .Howard But- .'tonbuster,, Joe Hayes; Petunia (a jmaid), Annie Wallwin; Sim Batty, :(town constable), Russell Stone; a }young school teacher, Ott_e1yn Rob- i inson: school girls, Margaret Meeking, .Mary McMillan, Victoria Quinlan, El- fsie Robinson; bpys, Jas. Robertson, lLeslie Clark, Jack Rayne. Stewart * [Bryson. ' J` I -D....1;..n._.. Vair, gt.'.`l-ohn's Day . 8.30 a.m.--Holy Communion. 11 a.m.-Morning Prayer. 3 p.m.--Sunday School Christmas Service. _ , 7 p.m.---Evening Prayer and Carol Service. ; GIFTS TO MR. AND MRS. SHORTT2 FROM MEN OF ST. ANDREW S Rev. J. S. and Mrs. Shortt receivedi a very pleasant surprise on Tuesday night when the manse was invaded by` several members of. St. Andrew's, re- presentative of the men of the con- gregation, who presented Mr. Shortt` with a pail of curling stones and Mrs. I Qhnua-4 ...: I Shortt wi D. vauunuu, WUU presented XVII`. pa!` stones t anelectric toaster and La I tention that no trees were to be cut on Ithe ten acres reserved for the Club house but only on the fairways. The defendants exceeded their rights and cut or allowedtrees to'be cut on the reserved portions of. the land. Conse- quently there can be no doubt. Judge Vance finds, of the plaintiffs right to` I recover. - I cup and saucer, Messrs. Cowan and McMartin acting as spokesmen on be- ihalf of the` donors. The gifts were ac- knowledged by Mr. and Mrs. Short! in very appreciative terms. Mr. Shoftt is a keen curler, being one of the Thistle Club skips. Before com- ing East, he held the "office of Presi- dent of the Alberta `Curling Associa- I tion. . _ lmliii-. Sutcliffe was bqoster for the ;meeting. His attendance prize. Wm a. 'handsome scarf which Jack Rodgers ' wore'home. . - .. ..---- -., nIa\An\JIJI Previous to starting out on the dis. tribution of parcels, the members held their weekly meeting at 6.15, instead 0! 12.15. There was no speaker on this occasion, the time being devoted to business and music. Solos were con- tributed by E. .C. Codling and Jack Monkman. Hearty votes of thank! were passed to the ladies committee. the Guthrie ladies and the Christmas Cheer committee of which H. E. Jory I is chairman. was -- 11 a.m.--Rev. A. D. Cornett. Anthems ' Avian Rhino" `------ ,,._ _ _---- Christina/s "Day }7.30 and 8.30 a.m.--Ho1y Com-3,. munion. I 11 a.m.--Morning Prayer and Holy Communion. (V _ ' Ministers: Rev. S. H. Grenslade, B.A. Rev. A. D. Corpett, M.A.,_B.D.V NEW VKEAR %_"s}.1_i\'/ivias

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