wwwwwumww$$ lg THE MARKETS I %.gH3l5io$LwAYs jas .:~E..sge.*a=.. exgkgrngu .We pay the. following prices: Good Green Butchby Hidpc, llc I`.-.._.I _{..'a ..... .; ...... . . Cglf '. . ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kip `.....'..\..... 11': to HIDES 6: `meat? Ill Illa uuuua. And with the eyes of the room upon` him, straight up to Saltonstall Cabot Adams went Judson, as unhurried and matter-of-course as though about to announce that dinner was served. and| a a . - . u n o on .-o QUU 20-25c .300 45-48c 55-65c . . . 22c . . . 26c .. . 25a `)0 ')=r| 12 36} 5c . 23c 18c 2.40 30 am. Fur Remodelling & Repairing MINNIE McKERNAN, 58 Small Hst. IIUUFB Ill Hllllu LIL LIIU EUJIIU Lune. A full minute ticked` itself away la.- boriously. and the strain grew. There `were stifled giggles here and there in the room, and an impatient tapping of high heels that had the restless. staccato tempo of castanet. Than nulrlnnlu an if in vnunnnao I-n III &II3 CIVI_I: ENGINEER Ontario and Dominion Land Surveyor 133 Blake St., Barrie. Phone 62! ,--.;_j-_------_.-?------'-'-`'-- VICTQRIAN` onosr or NURSES Barrie Branch _ .`_Residence, 86 W01-sley`St. Phone 761W. WELL BABY CLINIC from 2 to 5 o'clock every Friday. Application for nurse's sgrvices may be made direct or through your doctor. --:`*- .. _.-v.-y n:r1uIl'IlT-I-B X Chartered Accountants Phone Main 5874. 59 Yonge St., Toronto H. J. Welch, C.A. G. D. Campbell, C.A. W. S. Hulbig, Production Engineer > T. E. Lawless, C.A. . Manager Cost and Efficiency Dept. j- WELCH, CAMP/BELL a,- LAWLESS cllanfnnn A ...... -_ r--~ B. M. SYLVESTER `Teacher of Music. Bandmaster Barrie Citizens} Band Formerly Director of Music Christie St. Hospital under D.S.C.R., bandmaster of 134th 0.S. Bn., bandmaster of 75th Toronto Scottish Regt. . EDMUND HARDY Mus. Bac., F.T.C.M. Teacher of Piano, Organ,` Vocal, and Musical Theory, Organist and Choirmaster of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church. Gold medalist Toronto Conservatory of Music and University of Toronto. 113 Worsley St. Phone 683 1- MAUDE E. CLAX-'|'ON, L.T.C.M. Teacher of Piano and 'Vocd1 Pupilsprepared for Toronto Conserva- tory of Music examinations leading up to. and including A.T.C.M. degree. Studi<-:-King Block. Phone 424' U. H. RUSK, OPH.D. Eyes Examined A Glasses Fitted ' Graduate Canadian Ophthalmic . College, Toronto. 43 Elizabeth St., Barrie. Phone 80 on. _E. G; TURNB'ULL Graduate McGill University, Montreal. Office and Residence--Cor. Elizabeth and Bradford Sts.. Barrie. Phone 105. rn1mu1AN AND SURGEON Office and Residence-Co1lier St., cor- ner Clapperton St., Barrie. Phone 275' __________._____.___j vsuru u--u --- wv ...... vu- Bing would have died rather than live minutes of twelve.` let his eyes follow Miss Celimena's to the slow-moving hands oi. the old clock, but all the same he knew at the precise instant she did when they pointed. after centuries had passed, to Whether `the entire. queerly garbed assemblage had`. been watching the clock also, there are. of course, no means of knowing. but the fact remains` the. there was a sudden. concerted halt , of the dancers, and-4a.fter a straggling diminuendo wall from the blaring saxo- - phone, -and an uncertain thump or two from the `drums---the orchestra fol- lowed their example and fell into abrupt and motionless silence. A hnndrad nnhvn nf nvnn warn his-hath DR. FRED A. ROSS I Formerly of Drs. Ross 8; Ross, Barrie. Late Surgeon Specialist with the Imperial Army, 4% years. General Surgery and Obstetrics ' V especially. Ot'tloe~.-1-10 Dunlap St., Barrie. Phone 710. P.O. Box 1078 D_R. MORTIMER LYON 122 Bloor (St. West, Toronto. Will be at 91 Owen St., Barrie. 1st Saturday of each month. Disease; of Eye, Ear, Nose and Thrl Consultation hours-11j am. to 5 p Barrie, phone 2. Toronto. North 3` ,, uns. LITTLE & LITTLE I Physicians and Surgeons, Barrie, Ont. Office and Residence--47 Mapfe Ave. Office hours: 1 to 3 p.m., 7 to 9 p.m., or by appointment. Phone 213. ALT. Little, M.D. W. C. Little, M.B - ur. W. H. W Graduate of Toron Phone 61 Ofti Hours: 8-9 a.m., 12.30- U": "I '0 V |,Associate Coroner County of Simcoal Office `and Residence--Corner Torontg and El zabeth Sts., opp. Central Churc Office Hours: Until 10.30 a.m.. and 1 to 3.30 and 6 to 8 p.m. Phone 167. _._____..._____..___._____._____ . 4 To C. W. Plaxton. Tarn` sE6'7B6'6k"7r"o'1}';: Dann.1a"J.`1`J11, SULICITOR, ETC. MONEY TO LOAN. Ross Block, Barrie DR. W. A. LEWIS Surgery and Diseases of `V Associate Coroner County of Your READING Neeck ARE wyzu. SUPPLIED AT ' nlnruu-1-can-`A--- -.____ I llUl'u[l|. uuu IIIULIUHIISHH EIIUIIUB. > A hundred pairs of eyes were turned` expectediy from one entrance of the ballroom to the other, in search of a. slim, straight little figure in the white robes of :1 Dominican Sister. minus the veil and head covering. coming to end the evening's_ play with the all-impozu tant announcement. Dt\I'\v\Ir (llama In renal-Inuuln-u` atlnuvua` % ALEXANDER GOWAN ` Barrister, Solicitor for obtaining pro- bate of wills, guardianship and ad- ministration. General Solicitor, Notary, . Conveyancer, etc. oitice--mnas Block. 8 Duniop St.. Bar-rig. 'ltt\x7-I-.119 -In v - - | H.` H. CRESWIOKE Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, etc. V { MONEY T0 LOAN. Ross Block, Barrie ` ,, _ DR8. BURNS EBURNS 60 Elizabeth St. ` Opposite Palmer's New Garage Nervous and Chronic Disorders Phone 405.1 or call at. ottico tor '_ information on any disease ,- ' BOYS 4 ; BOYS - Barristers, Solicitors. Notaries Public ' Conveyance:-3, Etc. Money to loan at lowest rates of in- terest. Otflce--13 Owen St., in Mason- ic 'Bemple Building, Barrie. Branch O!.'tice.--Elmva.le. W. A. Boys, K.C., M.P. J. . Boys r|.HAlUN dz PLAXTON BA-RRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC. Qfflces: 707-8 Kent Building Toronto, Ont. C. W. Plaxtnn_ r: flnnnn nu.---L--- ,_ ,, {- RADENHURST &. HAMMOND BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS, ETC.` Masonic Temple Building, Barrie. MONEY TO LOAN G RDON LONGMAN 3 Barriste ` Solicitor; Notary. etc. - 1 MONEY T0 LOAN Rom: 'R'lnnI.- 1:x......:.. ONALD ROSS, LL.B. BARBISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. Masonic Temple Building, Barrie MONEY T0 LOAN ,, ,, L. J. SIMPSON, M.B; PHYSICIAN'AND SURGEON ice ReHidnnnn._r`n1lion a - urnc 9-10 a.m., 1- Chill, .llllUUllUU,lUl|l.- I Poppy Glenn in particular, seemed unusually nervous, twisting her pretty neck to crime lnquisltively over first `one plump bare shoulder and then the other in her efforts to keep" both doors in sight at the same time. - " A full mlnlifn Hnlrn H-gall nurnu lo- - cu v-nu; Uta; I Ul"O"Ka , Iawuds, G. R_. Edwards, B.A.c :1 LL DRS. LITTLE &. icians and Sur-nnnne D-.....:.. PLAXTON RISTERS .Q%T tl:11A'I\xr-Soon" DR.H.T.ARNALL e Cnrnnar r`r\I1v-5+`: .-.4! "-"auu* Dr. w. H. WILSON ate nf 'I`m~nn+n 1r..:. 1.v1uLVJ:41 '.l'U LOAN Ross Block, Barrie. CHIROPRACTIC.` "1?I1GH'w !`(MORNING gcnzp YOUR EYES LEAK! CIRAR AND I-llAl_'l"l-IV c In VHIU; VIII. xton. G. Gordon Plaxton James O. Plaxton. -I-rvvnrul G EHWAH Toronto 31., Toront , n-(In IV is 'la.s__-_ . Aacnl-rac1's' OPTICAL .11.] use HUUPS I L, 1-3 p.m., 7-8 p.m. MEDICAL MUSIC -u- run -|-vVIO I Women oner Simcoe ---and- LEGAL rlu Toronto University 0ffice-58 Collier St. . 971!` R Qn_Q nr-A BT35` ELX3 pt:-anal. CLEAN CLEAR AND HEALTHY VIII ! I03 IISII l`I'I CARI IOOl'MUMNI Calltdlll _..., .vvc-av uuu IIIFOII -s-11j p.m. 3326 - lucL)`c"l`{`.7 8mI`.:).unlop MONEY '30 LOAN. .uuc-00 uemer St. 0-2 anq_6.30-,8 p.m. 'st., 1=.o. IILIL Throat n K n-A All Kinds of Raw 1-HE Skins and Hides Wanted HIGHEST PRICES PAID V Guarantee Satisfaction Phone 384 or write _. 47-529 1' [Inns-.3 -- TH; l1_\RI.Y_ PULLETS nxuuuluuce service - Phone Motor and Home Equipment Cor. Mary and Elizabeth Ste. B: l ____----'-j---'----'-------`- ULDBIV ULDIIE HIV H II Il\Iu'l I1` VIII`! AIuI IOOI'MUMNI O.3IlA&UII via 3- IVlI1`I`I'\l" Funeral Director and Embalmer Ambulance Service Phone 481 Horse Ennlnmn-9 .. ..-.v wuuovllpblvu wun nut. 06 carried in arrears over an extended period. yet, unless we are notified to cancel. we assume the subscriber wisifee the service continued. REMITTANCES should be ` made by registered letter, money order, or cheque payable at par l In Barrie. I A II__9-,,, 1--. THURSDAY, nsczuhnn 17, 1925. --w juon C Q: Qcahionlldnll Published every Thursday afternoon at the Post Office Square, Barrie. Sub- ioription Price--Canada and Great Britain $2.00 per year in advance (in arrears $2.50): United States. $2.60 per year in advance. Both old and new addresses should/-be given when change of address is requested. CAN - CELLATIONS-We find that most of our subscribers prefer not to have their subscriptions interrupted in case they fail to remit before expiration. While subscriptions will not be carried arrears over All n-pi-am-hm ......a...a We Handle Collections Only--- i No Sideline. ` Nothing too old, small, large or hard fog us to tackle. 34 years experience. N0 COLLECTION---NO CHARGE KELLY & AIKEN COLLECTORS Orangeville and Owen Sound Owen Sound Offices: 169 9th St. E Reference--Standard Bank of Canada. Harry. Barron uauuassucr OPEN` DAY AND NIGHT 47 Elizabeth St, : Phone 218. The Bare ' Examiner I.-I.IA_n_ _ g , -.. IS oun NEW ADDRESS where we are equipped better than ever to attend to all your wants in the I! , I` FOR Hot Watetf `Heating and matter-of-course ,thougha-l:7>b7I71tml_:("> served. and #'= um NIGHT Er MORNING Cr Ifff C'3'TR QC fR Agent for McClary s Furnaces. 52 Elizabeth St. : Phone 952W should now have some F1ga_1_s_ _ _1yukANcE MULCKSTER sr. _w. J. RICHARDS P.'C. LLOYD Funeral Dinfector and Auto Licenses Issue; V. `BELL. 7 Owen St. PLUMBING AND HEATING GIVE US A CALL Phone 180 Use Cuticura to clear` your skin. Sample Bach run I: Mun. Add:-ea Canadian Depot: "titenhouu. td..l(ont:u|." PI-ice,Soap 25. Ointment 25 and 60. Talcum 25. R Cuilinnuin `|.nv:lIa glthile 931-, COMPANIES OI: -1-`VH8 HIGHEST STANDING (;ou.Ec'r1oNs For. Sale by,` W. D. Ml-Nli`JIKlN -l l'\:_--A-A I - 1LuMB;Nc' `Fl!!! J . A._ MacLaren, Editor. W. 0. Walls. Manager. ::_: 32 TRY ' 1V KIMIIG QQIIIIIIWI I I'was treated without success; I read an advertisement for Cuticum Snap and Ointment and purchased some. and after using one box of Cuticura Ointment and two cakes (of Cuticura Soap I was completely healed." (Signed) Mrs. Forest Krick. R`. R. 4. Rockford. Ohio. . 3., Barrio $1111`! tion :1` curb f .._A C, VA:ll elimin` dul u.----ru tinnu Whic} vise .' im-re; tinns I'll: v:1.Iur- 1...... I IlIu_;: NIH]!- CAN ' " I had a breakin out of little. red pimples on my ace and neck. The pimples festered and scaled over causing disgurement. They itched and burned causing me. to scratch. and the scratching caused eruptions. The irritation caused a lot of discomfort. and I lost my test at night; I had thetrouble a whole summer. .2 l'.._--_ ..__-.-.1 ._-uL--_.` ___,_-, _v 7 llI'.. (luti. $1,: `Lac. uinnnenz 25 and we. Talcum 26. @" Cuticura Shaving Stick 25. HAD PIMPLES A WH0l=E__lJ[VlMER On Face and Neck. Lost Rest. Cuticuraiflealed. I. -n T0! a I W 31 4. '.\ .. I `co, U Go ._ Inonn n 'Ax3".wt: .ar?onr'vu3 s punumn cc my 0.?! W ` ' Tyarnor Bros. rloumta T- V O CHAPTER IV-A-Continued __I.I |_-_-_ .11-; ..._LI.-._ SYNOPSIS -up- _,, `-7rr5"1'"Bii knowiyoti were out of it, of course." Bing Carrington said, with 'easy,.assurance. still holding on to Connema.ra's- dis uted curl. And pos- sibly. too. beca e she's a. generous warm-hearted child who's` sorry to hurt. anyone. she sent it to you for a. little keepsake to remember her by. Perfectly naturaliand simple thing to reason Woutefor any one`-`who under- stands Connie Moore." He ishrgged. as it finished witlrthe subject forever.- 7hAt Amnlrna viwn Oh!-nlr on I-nus `hula ; D661`! cut oft?" Salt asked angrily. -Poppy. brokeintg, the disc`uss1on;.he- ftozfethe Southerner could, answer. `fshe uurule U1. sutrlng eyes`-- I I", said Bing, in his most magnifi- cent manner, which could- be very magnificent indeed when he had an occasion to.rise to. -have the honor of announcing, for Miss Moore and my- self, our engagement." His eyes` gleam-1 .ed with reckless laughter` that picked up anywering smiles, warm a.nd`friend- 1y,- from those neatest him. "I'm wait-. ing for, congratulations. > everybody, and it'1l..take"a. dairn lot of them to make up for what I went through when old Judson marched over and handed Salt that package," he wound up in `an I ingenuously youthful ` outburst. pnrhnnn vnn nun nvnlnhr nyl-my I-"u u|.`:.uuuuus1y yuuI.nIul outnurst. _ Perhaps you can explain why, In that remarkable eventuality." Salt asked icily, Connemara sent the pack-A agehto me? . ,h 'l`n Inf urn I;-n'nvn`un\u.u' divans` and. -1 15' as u. uxuuneu Wltn tne Subject rorever. What makes you think all her hair's been cut off?" Salt asked . .Ponmx broke into fhn inn`,I-uanlnn` 1..- UL UUUIKSU ll. WKE5} .Dlllg1' Stunned silence--broken giggles--a circle of staring eyes'-- ``1`" maid Rina in kn: rnnnlv ~.~.......w.: ancuu u. cuuxx. ucxutv an Luv eyes. ` _~ Well?" demanded` young ' Mr. Bing ham Carrington. his `chin up at "least an inch and a half as he faced the room with his challenge. . . 7hv_.nrhv_." 1'! nine Dr\v\v\1v 11.... wu.u uxs uuuuenge. Why-why-" It was Poppy Glenn. on the verge of hysterics from sheer excitement. That wasthe agreement. Of course it Was; Bing! Shlnnnd 9:iInnnn.._.1rn~n1.-on a-onIn=__o illlu. 5l.i1:1`LlCu bur U1 .u1e DHCKBG Da.ll!`0OH'l. How innthunder." it inquired with ominous` restraint, do you get that way? Didn't you` take in the very . plainly expressed agreement that .,if Connemara bobbed her hair it meant she was engaged to me? With n nninlz crnuhiy-.3 HA .3:-.n4-nl...,1.+1....1 run: was cxnsugetl LU xI_1e.' ' i With a quick gesture he snatchedg th I auburn Iock from the other sehand. and held it aloft before all the` eyes. * "`N9ll 9" nmnnn 3 vnnnov TM Ding;-,, I IIIUIIL. - ' After which he went on and made` it, formally, correctly, as one who was! at once`-.a Saltonstall. a Cabot and an Adams, might be expected to `do, and it was neither as bad enough nor good `enough speech to be remembered ten minutes after he made it by anyone present, if it had not been for the un- foreseen denouement just before the next to the last sentence as he had it outlined in his mind. | .qnrun1xnAuv u urn... o-nun.-...I.... L..._.1 -1-.. ll. Uuuultru H1 [H5 uunu. Somebody s very muscular hand clos-_ ed unexpectedly on Sa1t's arm, and spun him right about face with a sud- denness that jarredee his teeth together violently. A Tho vnir-n nf` Qina-l (`gnu-inn-+n.. 4. ... _-z vxuxcuuy. .. ' " The voice of` Bing Carrington, en- | tirely shorn of `its lazy Virginian drawl, fell in furious accents upon "the close and startled air of.the packed ballroom. T-Tnxv `l1`fI'l1`Il"Il1nVV" if `lnniilun 'urI1>Iq lllllllln ' Ladies and.Gentlemen." he said ser- 1ou.s1y--"Ladies and Gentlemen. it has been, very flttingly, left to me by Miss Connemara Moore to make the even- ing s anticipated and happy announce- ment." Aftnu uuIAL I... -......4. -_ .___j ____.1,I -...._,... u --v.. --.u5uu.uuvu_ vvuo Au .|.'.|vvvUL. And Connemara the most up-to-the- minute and rebellious of moderns too! Still, it undoubtedly was a. dramatic touch and went rather well with the fantastic costumes of the audience. Thxr 1-n-nlrn {min a nfnurus A6 ........1........ Ln.uu1.5uU Uuatuuluu UL U16 uuuience. They broke into a, storm of applause that was almost hysterical in its re- lief at the ending of the strain..And Salt. carried out-of his usual grave. pomposity of manner by this proof of' his triumph. forgotlthat he hated the limelight, and "actually had" made a stiff little speech before he could stop I himself. ' H1 nah-U. .....: ri.....4.1.....-..' n 1.- _-:_1 _,_, uuruu Luv ptI.|Jt.1" UUVb'l`lIlg. _ A little gasp of released breaths. went up about him as along, silky some- thing, sinuous as it actually . alive, warmly red--no. auburn, excuse us, Connemara-with surface shee' of gold where the light touched it lay across his open palm, the discarded tissue- paper wrapping -slipping` to the floor at his feet. A thick, deliciously curling lock of Connemara's famous hair. clipped off by vandal shears, and then romantically andrdaintily tied up in tissue paper and silver ribbons and sent to her lover,.for all the world like the heroines of picturesque but out,-of-date days when Knighthood was in Flower. A_A r1_....__._._A LL, - SUIUUB tllllllyl U1. I118 uuuuns. Poppy, who happened to be beside Salt, leaned forward with impertinent assurance and read aloud the clear` black handwriting of the package's superscription: , ' ` Saltonstall Cabot Adams. Esq., According to Agreement. Constance Mary Moore, - June 30th. 12 p.m. ` - My gracious. but. she's being legal and exact. Congratula-tions. Salt, old- top! Now-hurry and open it up!" It is probable, so great was Miss Glenn"s curiosity that if her suggestion 'had not been promptly acted upon by] the successful. suitor, she would have snatched the little package out of his hand and opened it then and there herself. ` Duo ......... ..'I ~ _ A . . . ..I...;. 5..---- 1.1.. IIUIEBULL. But. recovering somewhat from his astonishment at the girl's energetic command, .Salt ripped off the silver ,ribbon tied about the small. limp white bundle.'and rather cautinuely `began to unroll the paper covering. A rt-nun nf FDIADGOA \wbuI;ka tlyznni If C_onn'em'ara' bobbed "hob hair it` meant she was qngagecl to me? tonstairs `was scarlet. held his (Shin high by sheer instinct of pride, for Hits: the nfhnr man, ha was nmaf nnn- ulll uy BIIUUI IIIBLLILUL U1. IJIIIUU, LUl' like the other man, he was past..c`on- sclous analysis of his actions. `Pnnnv urhn hnnnnnn fn I-un hnuin / .``Miss Connemara. told me early this! evening I-wasyto deliver it at midnight. si-r,= quoth J udson, and his part playeg, departed discreetly. ' T I Bing with his fade `an white as Sal- laid` the imckag in Salt's astonished hand. Ellen nnnnvnorn I-AIR nan Anni`! fl-uh: .uuu ule want 0001` or mimosa. ._. Sister Connemara stared straight _ahead at the back of a huge truck Which` . effectually corked _` out any $1 bl! VJIFVUIUI` / The car stopped just outside the door of the engine room. A siokish. weet smell or hot oi1 ~ came billowing forth into the close passagewqy, driving be- fore it the sharp salt smell of seaweed .-and the faint odor of mimosa.` Qifl3.I' annnnrnona ufn `AA ..4....a_|'_A annuals. u ..v u um um; v 5115 - Go on,_Mis`s Celimen. said dhoarsely. Can't they -look up the number and find out Whose car it was? Brewster hesitated. They-did, he said; then, brusquely: The number, was that of" a. can reported stolen` yesterday morningrom New Haven." 1u.w_y_u1.' sbuu s1uw1y.- 'My description and the officer's tallied exactly. Fortun`E1tely--or unfor- tunately, I'm not sure Which-- he `put one thin hand_confused1_v to` his head-the man took` the license num- ber. There was'no one in"the car but the nun `and a well-dressed young imam who was driving. urn- ..._ n 11-.1--_ 5-`u-u__- _,, , u u . - -- _, - ....~n an. -nu gun: Lauc. "A traffic dfficer held up `a car about eleven in Greenwich for` speed- ing, and let them- go when he found there was a nun in it, on her Way, she told him, to an emergency case," the lawyer said slowly.- ""M'v dnnnrinf-Inn and +1..` ..aa:....._:._ nuns up Lue recelver. What is it?" Miss Celimena aT{ed. with feverish eagerness. He had some news; I saw it, in your face." 6| A 4....ca:.. 43:3--- I. -1 I Brewster did so, describing the cos- tume . with painful conscientiousness. They saw him listen inteirtly, while a- look of dawning horror and increduleity slowly spread over his face. Then he said Jerkily unto the` mouthpiece. Thank you-yes, I'll `tell her." and hung up the receiver. _ TKTI-mt id H9" `I13-.. n'..n.....-..... -_v--x ` war: a. exxxusqueruue--nun'S aress." - last _saw ner?'j, - A Them indee<{,'for a flash, a quiver passed across the set face_. It hurt Miss Celimena even in the midst of her fears for Connemara ssafet_v. to tell an outsider -that a Moore had so coxpletely forgotteri family tradition and `dignity as to disappear in the. un-- tting garb of 3. Dominican Sister at a fancy dress ball. ` ' . ' 'l`o" hivvc " `aka n-n._.....a a.. .!__LI__ An- Lauuy ureas uau. Tell him," `she gasped faintly, `.`itA was a `masquerade--nun s dress." 'Rrn1x.'nfnr (`H11 an Flnanmiklnm 51.... ....._ She stood at his shoulder quiet and controlled while he talked over the wire for several minutes. At length he turned to her to ask, They want to know how she was dressed when you 1 last her?'_ , mhgn I...a...\.{-0.... .. m--I. - ' 411'" h- ,1`; ,1 "W . . was 2 'm;;?:ue:a:e+g::3ne': J:.:::.'* I was afraid to eat because I al- ways had stomach trouble afterwards. Since taking~Adlerika. I can eat and Ieel fine." (signed) Mrs. A. Howard. ONE spoonfuT`Ad1erika removes GAS and often brings surprising relief to the stomach. Stops that full, bloated! feeling. Removes `old waste matter from intestines and makes you feel happy_ and cheerful. Excellent for ob- stinete constipation. Wm. Crossland, druggist. ' ' 1-1 aux; weu III nanu. l The telephone is on that table be-, hind you, `she said quite calmly. Wil1` you call them, please, Mr. Brewster?"l I u. u \a\.A`\u\I yuy IIILU WUIIIB. Perhaps," sggested the withered little lawyer croakily, since there seem- ed to he` no offers of advice as to the next step--perhaps we had better tele- phone the police at Greenwich. - 1u'a.... ru'_u..--._, Av I . . . u . . V - . . V ; V n-us: um. an CUIIWIUII. I V Miss Cielimena found her voice at that. and screamed: "Police! VVhat' for?" - T ~ - I T Why-eh---it's the customary thing, I Miss Celimena, when a person is miss- ing. Nothing to be alarmed about- quite the contrary, I assure you.". T-Tic [nun-gunman 4-r. .;..........-.._ __,_ . . . V . . . V V V -uacu V J. aaaulc uu. `I a 7 ,His eagerness to reassure was more alarming than openly expressed doubt. But Miss Celimena's long years of re- pression stood her in excellent stead now. She was up against something frightening and unpleasant, but after that first terrified outcry, she had her- self well in hand. 'I"hn lvnlnnhnu... 1.. .... 41..;_ `,1: - -..-.. -u..u vllv uvumnuuanv GI. 1-IIU cuu. The grandfather clock which `had al- ready ticked off so much anxiety just preparing to sound two when an an- xious group of unsuccessful searchers `met at-the.open front door, and mutely asked andtanswered the-question that waspin `every eye, but which nobody wanted to put into words. u*n....I.......- n ___L.._.- _L LU!` HEP. - "So the orchestra was commanded to resume and everyone began to dance again, though `in rather a half-hearted and desultory manner. with one eye onthe door and the other uninterested- ly on his partner. - An hnnr nncun fhof Ilvau In...--.-... 51...... I) U". [H5 pk!.l'l.IlUl'. An hour passed that was longer than all the rest of the evening. before it put together, andstlll no Connemara yvith the promised untangling. At the end of that time Miss Celimena. her face very pale, beckoned both Salton- stall and Bing into'a. corner of the ballroom. uun.~...'4.I...-......-.. 1. ____ .....s L- u_-,,.. . nus gray n 8.(l. ` - /' ` Oh. shell be heredn 9. mpment. `Poppyf assured him condently. And she's safe, "either way. because one of the `announcements has to be- legal. hasn't it. Mr. Brewster? Let's just go on dancing. She'll get tired of teas- ing us if she sees we're not Waiting for her. "GA lrlnn .~-..-J-..u.I-.... ---..... _.._ - 4-- ,3 I Something's happened to her, she said, with a little catch in her voice. She'd never carry a joke as far as ` this. Won't you--won't you both go l uauruulu. out and look for her? Poppy and some- of the girls and I will search the `house! . ` I `rnnti _nI.....I-. 4;I.-.|.. .a-____,_ I ----- ' llUllUn Very` soberly. their? former hostilityl forgotten, the two went out, and Miss Celimena, her hand in Poppy's" strong young arm, walked heavily towarck the hall and the staircase at the end. rm... ...._......aa,.u.-.. ---4, -,.- - - -- Wbman Afraid to Eat Anyithingi I qxauu cue CIOCK lett. ' ` The announcementhad to be made before twelvetoe be binding." he said ,in his thin. throaty coice. Two an- nouncements have been made. but both cannot, of course. hold. Mis Conne~ mar had better -stop the play now and com'e forward to tell us which one of" them is true. Ot herwise--" He held `out his hands, and shook a disapprov- ing gray head. i / "0"! qhnl HA kn:-1:41.:-u n u-u.n--A-1-H you ll SIVBII up." " They all looked expectantly at `the door again, but this time nothing hap- pen d except the" sudden and solemn booming of the` grandfather clock in the hall. sounding the _tirst stroke of twelve.` And though no` one attempted to put it into words, they were all va- guely aware at the same instant of 9. queer -little sense of finality of the definite ending otsomething, and the beginning of something else, nobody knew Just what. as the old clock con- tinued to strike. "slowly and matter- of-tactly. Fnv-I11 tniflsau-ad H61-`In `ll- I3_..--. _..._._ .told me she had planned one last puz- gzle." she announced. and that she'd -come in and untangle it as soon as you'd given up." ., Thnv all Innlrn nvnnnl-nnnu of 1.1.- U.l.'l.U.ULlyo * I- ' Elderly, withered little Mr. Brewster. lMlss Celimenafs lawyer, broke the sil- I ence the clock left. ~ 'l`Iv|n onvunuun.-.:n~.A.`.L 1...: 4... 1.- ,,,, ,- V`.v : ~ _B){ Ed. Stlroeter HAPTEH v` rm-: nzuimz Vzxaulnsx pens wuzu me) look like." \ Albert S. Gregg, author, lecturer and superintendent of the American Civic Reform Union. was convicted at Cleve- land of sending obscene matter through the mails. 3 V SYNOPSIS ' ;_ Connemara. Moore was. to announ her engagement -tonight-i--either to Binshann .Ca.rrin8ton._or=,Sa.ltonsta.ll Ca.- bot Adams--or be disinherited by her aunt. But instead ot being in 'e.untie s Connecticut home Connemara is now. at the edge 0! the sound about to board `- 0. terry for Long Island with David Lacy, whom she saw for the first time - only an hour ~or_ so ago. It's a. foggy, stormy night--"a. greatqnihtrtor boot- leggers-e.s the ferrymane has just observed. Back home. auntie. Bing_a.nd Salt are all worrying. .5 __________ In accordance with Finance Minister Loucheur's tax; scheme. taxpayers of France will be asked to `pay 8,000,000.- 000 more francs annually than theep1'e- sent rate. , Rev. 'W'. P. Nicholson appeared at a meeting in Portadown, Ulster. with his chest_and_alrms bare and trousers tucked un to his: kn:-pa tn Hui...-.... mm. xu_5 cnest_ana_arms bare up to his knees to show flap- pers what they look like." Q aroma nunlnlnnn IA----AA-- ` Connemara. released her grip on the blanket; ."At least we are out of Con- necticut." ' Out of Connecticut into New York." replied her companion gloomlly. What `is the difference? W'e can't spend our lives running out of one state into another without any idea what it's all about. It does'nt make any sense." (To be continued) IIIUII. There was a warning toot from somewhere above. Engines clanked lab- oriously, After one or two preparatory shivers the boat moved slowly forward. leaving the ferry slip lights to waste their-rays over a half :-mre of dancing foam. ' n.............-._ - - s l sassssa$ssmaa SATURDAY MARKET There was a splendid market last Saturday with a good attendance of both buyers and sellers and consider- `offered for sale was not as large as might be expected at this season, but there was a. very good of- fering of chickens and fowl with a few geese. There were no turkeys. Several farmers and gardeners had potatoes } able variety of produce. The quantity of poultry for sale at pricesranging from $2.25 to $2.75 a bag and those who offered potatoes by the peck quoted 50 cents as the price. Apples were 2.0 to 30 cents Ia basket and a few Spies were offered at $3.00 a barrel. Pullets' eggs brought 55 cents a dozen while larger eggs sold for 60 to 65 cents. Butter brought 45 to -48 cents. There was the usual quantity of roots and vegetables and one local market gardener still had a few mar- rows. The opinion was expressed that for local buyers. Dec. 19 is a little. early for the Christina. market and there may be a market on Dec. 22. f\....L..4.x-._._ __A- A - . mwcuu. we met somewhere before? My orders," replied the demure creature beside him. forbid the discus- , stone of frivolous and trivia] topics with : men. Poultry, Butter and Eggs. Butter, pound . . . . 4 _ Eggs, dozen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Fowl . . . .A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chickens, pound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ducks . . . . . . ...., . . . . . . .. .. Geese lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Cream, pint . . Buttermilk, qt. ` ..................... .- - a . o .4 . o o o - .- breeze which might be travelling across the Sound. I-Iaven t we --insisted Lacy - haven't we met somewhere I My orders." rpnlind 1-ho .:n.......- .---..,. -wv u. -aAI.n(\\4'I. uu JJCU. Quotations were: ; Potatoes, per bag . . . ` Turnips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Parsnips, basket . . . . . . . . . Butter beans. pint . . . . .. 1 White beans, pint . . . . .. 1 Celery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . `Apples, basket . . . . . . . . . .. Apples, bbl., . . . . . . . . .` . . . . , y Squash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Beets, basket . . . . . . . . . . . . Ground plums, qt. . . . . . . . . Onions, large basket . . . . .. Cauliflower ea. . . . . . . . . . . Cabbage, each . . . . . . . . . . . . Sage, bunch . . . . . . . . . . . . . Summer Savory (bunch) Red peppers, .1` . . . . . . . . . . Lamb, pound, _ . . . . . . . . .- . . . Pork, pound . . . . . . . . . .`v. . . .._.._;:j g&%&&w&&&&&;$ws >14 'I'I..I.EIlAl')l'zI'!I-I'In 5 HLH.UULlLU LUll1]JU UL Ul15lul1IlUI.a Then, suddenly. as if in response to his cue, in the right-hand door-way appeared the stately figure of Judson. Miss Cellmenafs white-headed butler. carrying 11 small tissue-paper package in his hands. ' Ant ! uuvlfh thn ncuu-1 AI 61-... Inl\o\-an .-up...