e of iety Ll clllf_-`.61. - Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Robson have moved to the house formerly. occupied by Mrs. Joseph Caldwell. ' "l`ha fhrauh-Inn nnanhinn in known! -In Dy xura. auasepu uuluwell. The threshing. machine is heard in the vicinity once more. The threshing here will be `finished this week. W. T. Partridge has been-suffering with a very sore eye. (furl 'nrn1-v Fllmnr Dnrfvlan `and I-',ll'l uiuuc LU away U1]. LllUl'U?,ly, LVUVu 0: ` Vernon Caldwell is the nroud\poss- essor of a bounping baby boy and Jas. Rugman is also entertaining a. little stranger. I 'T\/fr nn M liiffnn `Dnkun-n ls-auto LUWII, 1115!. nxuuuay. ' Allan McDouga1l had an unfortunate accident last Friday While working in the bushghaving his hand painfully in- jured. It seems to be making satisfac- tory progress. ~ marl (`tn-qnn vnfnvnm-`I nn Qinnaa,-nr LUIIJ }Jl'U5l'UE|B. . Earl Carson returned on Sunday from Kinley, Sask.. where he went for the harvest. ' `Minn A `|\IYn1\nu.-.-`I1 .......-.4. .-. 4..-. 1-..; Ca Ila Auurpuy. Mr-and Mrs. Caldwell of Shanty Bay and and Mrs. C. Robson of Crown Hill were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Caldwell. Dec. 1--Jas. Rix is wearing a smile that won't rub off these days. A little git`! came` to stay on Thursday, Nov. 26. Vnrnnn nlwnil in 1-hn rmnn -nnaa_| Mr. and`Mm-1. H. Re:vnolds motored to Toronto on Sunday and spent Monday with friends there. returning Monday night. M1` ani 1\1TI~u T {`I1vfIn nykn I-unuvn LHC 1111.1`-VCEL. Mrs. A. McDougall spent a day last week in Toronto. V T\lI'v-as T. `Dun-ux au\nru an ;..\-...1.. AA WEEK 11! .LUl.'U1.lI.Un Mrs. L. Barrett spent a. couple of days last week with her mother, Mrs. P. J. Murphy. - Mr-nn Mru l".nlr'hxrn`Il n1` Qhcnnfu `Roxy it U11 JVUV. DU. ' Mrs.` Fred Harris is much better again. Walker McMinn spent Sunday in Peterboro. - f`4\v.ru-v.n4vuu`InLIp.`..... GA VIVI.-.~.-. Il'..T7V...l.1A._ (FCC auu LXIU i.l.l'L'1\'21l U1. Ulu Eillllklu Mr. and Mrs. George Norman are vis- iting at Ben Parr s. ' Inc: n'H1r in rnnr-I1 h-nnnnxrg nffnm kin LLIH5 iu. Dcu rurr 5. , Jos. Sully is much improved after his serious illness. ' 1\II'ua TA6'ln I'Vn..nnnAl.ln-. ~u\l\vu` I-1.... l HUIIUUH 81l.llU_55- Miss Edith Carscadden spent the I week-end with her parents in Barrie. utsub. . Mr. and Mrs. J. Curtin. who have spent the summerihere, moved into town_ last Monday. A`]!.'lI1 MnnnII91l had on I1r|`Pt\nI1~nnl>1\ Du|.uA'ua1y. V Jno. Lucas and Walter Allan arftend- ed a temperance convention in Cooks- town on Monday. _ , Mr 1|/Tiunfnv urifnxon nf knv UCLIIUU ULI J.` l'lUi1.y UVUIIIIIE Born---'I`o Mr. and Mrs. David Taylor. a son. 1\n.... 11u.:.. r:n..1........'.1.. n_..u.a-.-.:..... 1.. it HUI]. Miss Hilda. Selmarfis holidayingpin Toronto. ' Dec. 1--People here are sorry to'part with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ross but wish them every success in their new home in Coldwater. r`1.;......-...-.4-..1n4nI.~...... 4..-. 1\:I".. ......:I `run... ('1... Ill kzUl.Ll W lIl|.Ul'. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Money on the arrival of a. baby girl on Nov. 30. T 4 ' IA ...-4 - 'l'.'Vu.nA `LI'.......:.. 4... ..._.....1.. LALL-.. ST. J.` CLV1 UUI. U: Congratulations to Thos. McFadden "who has taken unto himself a wife. Tho nkfinnn (VP `Dina I1`-ntrn an}-nnn`I nun WHU HMS LKLKUII UHLU 1111115611 11 VVLLC. The children of Pine Grove school are busy getting ready for the Christmas tree and the arrival of old Santa. Kn nu-1` KIT: Ilnnunv-A 'kTnunnnu~ nun uric U: Lflp LU .l'lUl'l(lH- , D.C:n't f0!`gVet the Institute;meet1ng at Mrs. G. Harper's next Thursday after- noon. Dec. 10.` A Ina `MI -ununonnn l\` 115...!` nniln no. Lawn. uuu -1.1. nvuuu Incl. V_V UUIIUDUGJ The young people on the`. United Church are making splendid progress practising their `play, Nothing to D0, ? written by Rev.- J. A. Peters. This play promises to be about the best `yet. VDec. 2-Misses Cora and Margaret Canningspent Tuesday in Toronto. ' 11-2.... 1.... 771.... :_ .I_' ru..I..-._- _;.;-__.1 ...5 -..v annvvalanavovnsuwl uuvuun lunnuvvn Mrs. Azwalter Allan and ,dau;:hter Dorothy. were visitors in Toronto on Saturday. Inn Tmlnua and TI?-nlhrno Allan Cd-n-n.-1,, LUWII UH. $V.LUll|.ll'l)'. Mr. Mustard, wife-and family, of the Normal School, Toronto._ spent Satur- day with Rev. and Mrs. McEwen. Thn TJWD A `and n 1rAI~1v unnnnaafui uuy VVII-ll KEV. 311111 LVLFH. LVICEJWGH. The L.O.B.A. had a very_ successful dance on Friday evening Ilnv-n....'I`n Mr and `|\ll'v-u `hr.-uri "l`aulnr Dc, 2--Mr. Ania Ivirsf Angus 'W'aL1-nica and Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Gregnwisited Toronto friends over Sunday` A Walter Patterson left this week for LUFUIILU 1.1161105 0V8!` aunuay Walter Patterson left this week for a. trip to Florida. V 'hnn'f fnv-nrvnl O`-in Tnuflfsubnivnnnflnm nI> ?@' IIUUII. JJUU. LU. Mrs.-Musselman of Maple called on V Stroud . friends last Wednesday. IE1..- .... -.__ --_I_ -4 .L\_- 4rv,_:;__-I V`. ----- --t, . -.-..-...V-v -. uuwuy-nu; ..a .. vn vnliuvu Miss Iva King is in Chicago attends ing the` International Stock Show. \I'-.... 'rI'7._IA.-._ A11-.. ___.1 ,1 ___,1.4_,. 5 (From Cookstown Correspondent) ` n1L_ I 1L____1__ -2 n___u- ns,,, LOWERS VALUE or cnop -5`T'.* `-.`_%"'_E~ V`?-SPRAL AESSA STATION CROWN HILL CHURCHILL 'STRO'UD%' ran 'n.um'u: r.umNzn 3," 1925. Iwamvwavm@wa'@m&wamwwwww&e @&v@@&w@aw&w&@&@3@@&@w2@@a@@@@a@w@@@g Si..iPI:l;}l`?.S--In a smart light, blue, padded soles and heels, bordered with fawn ribbon draw-string, of moccasin style toe and vamp, sizes 3to7%. AT.... 0 80188, 1101581883`; . uteaay puns- pom on vamp, slzes 11-2. 5 ' IIIOOIOICUIIOOIODII. SLIPPElV?.$--7IZ;1' emart Of `thick grey; felt grey ' In bright red felt, with. i.nstep peels, `plazd cuff, adjustatle _to turn strap, decorated toe cap of no- nbbon up over the ankle, w1th soft vel patterns, with boxes enclos- rnoccasin style soles, of solid cushign heels, ed of pictures that please every sxzes I `restful _and warm, child, sizes 8 to 101/.2. 3 to 7%. AT mes 6 ton. AT .. - - AT . . . . . . . . . . . . .. C HOCl_(EYBOOTS AND MOCCASINS FOR 'THE BOY AND 6 MOST ACCEPTABLE GIFT S -Misses Soft Sole SLIP-PERS-In red felt, soft padded soles and heels, with a ddaigty tdesigq oh 1t cap, light 1:11. e s rap, sxzes - u o O o C c o A u c o 0 n SLIl;*;l"3'R.'S.-II; an l;r;wn and grey plaid felt, of light leather soles, noiseless-,. dressy pom- Innvun an nnvnn n-Hana 11-9 To make room for our Christmas displays we will sell at a cut price any or all of our Boys Suits-- Suits of serge and tweed that are made to wear--_ superior in make, and t guaranteed. There is a very large range to choose from,_a1l sizes, complete from suits to fit boys of ve years to boys wearing their first longs. - All displayed for easy selection in the_ Men s Store. i --SEE R. MALCOMSON. Just at the time this paper goes to press we have opened up a grand lot of Lumber7Jack Sweaters, `Rainbow Pullovers and Pony Knitted Suits that are _so new, so different that they will compel your at- tention. They go on sale Friday morning. The price range is large. See Centre Show Window. Geo. Vickers Limited OUR HOLIDAY PURCHASES HAVE Al-.L BEEN comp STEADY STREAM or wnu. SELECTED, wnzu. Boucnrmmnagngmg IS POURING `INTO 'm1s= DOUBLE stout AND IS PROMPTLY.-PLACED on SALE AS SOON AS IT ARRIVES. SOMETHING NEW EVERY DAY, AND "ii 31$ IQA CDAUU: 4-cc: jjnccg -A-nu -- A very ne Buttery Nainsook for nightgowns, pyjamas, underwear, etc. ltis a very pretty fabric, soft and clear in color and the design is charming, 38 inches wide, in shades of canary, forchid, pink and white, per yard . '. . .` . . . . . . . . .. 50 Al GLOVE specm .Women s Fine Fabric Gloves, with self and colored points, fancy cuffs in many dierent designs, the shades are putty, sand, tan, brown, grey; also black, sizes 6 to 7%, per pair '. . . _., . . . . . . ..- . .. s1u< AND WOOL HOSE Women s Plain Black Silk aiid Wool" Hose, a very ne stocking, with seamless foot, neat-tting and durable, sizes 8% to 10, per pair . . . . . . . MORE. TLiR'AI'LE-NECK SWEATERS Have arrived and the range of colors is complete. This gaxment has become very popular and the make we sell is a heavy pure wool, ne knit, long sleeves, warm and durable, all sizes.. Colors are orchid, camel, sand, purple, saxe, navy blue, dark brown, cardinal, jade, powder blue, white, A Growing` Girl Ms[Gi.f"t- - Women's Juliet ` SLIPPERS-Felt, fur-trimmed * slippers in black, red, brown ` and maroon shades, with ex; ; ible leather soles, elow at heels, 1 s`iEes 3 to 8. -65 Misses #1-`en: _1>1.i.r'% MISSES GII-T sommmuaivzw IN LADIES WEAR A A CHANCEFOR THE BOYS can: an rnn\I\A 0 L.I\IlVI.I.'JI.lII.l`\.I IVI-IVV I-'1']-`4I\I I. 'v71'1Nv11'I~: You"?6 DO YOUR SHOPPING EARLY. EXTRA "1".' XMAS SUGGESTIONS ~ 1-lOlS'l'ElN., AYR'SHiRl`KND JERSEY A cows, ` ALSO A NUMBER or (cool) GRADE cows A low brown style 212 sligtper, stitched collar of fawn colored braid, mustang soles, padded ir_1so_le% ttnldo spring heels, in In heather plaid effect, of noiseless leather soles and heels, cosy soft felt of most de- sirable pattern to `the gentle- fi-'.7";s. .7 ."`f e. .1}: $1.75 Women's Boudoir SLIPPERS-Good tting, old rose, grey, black and lavender, ' of suede leathers, paddedsoles and. low rubber heel lifts,\ 's`is 3 t9 8; 95`. T 1=e1`: FOR THE MEN O_ne-Buckle Slippers HUB BOOT SHOP Evemft Sfiers AT THE 932 %| CREDIT. SALE { \ Of Cattle, Horses and Pig; 3 fondest . expectations. ` have already- ` among their 3 friends, and 1 the contest of ballots Such an enthusiasm passes 0111' 207 littleygirls ` been named as a favorite promises to assume large proportions. Last week little Elda Ross of Oro Station headed the list, with Ethel Johnston of Minesing second and Myrtle Whan of Barrie third. Since then the positions of a number have changed. Indeed, some of the latest named little girls are already up near the top--and who'll be the fourteen winners? No one can tell just now. i Up to Tuesday night the standing of the rst twenty-ve was :- Ethel Johnston . . . . . . . . . Minesing Winnifred McVeigh . . . . . . . . Barrie Jean McCuaig . . . . . . . . Shanty Bay Elcla Ross . . . . . . . . . . Oro Station Margaret Spring . . . . . . . . . . Stroud . Clara Reynolds . . . . . . . . . . . . Barrie Levina Moatt . . . . . . . . . . . . Barrie Betty Bonney . . . I . . . . . Crown Hill Isabel Coulter . . . . . . . . . . Allandale Myrtle Whan . . . . . . . . . : . . . Barrie Kathleen Lainson . . . . . . . Allandale . Gwynneth Brown . . . . . . . . . . Barrie Irene Sinclair . . . . . . . . .. Allandale Barbara Srigley . . . . . . . . Allandale Dorothy Reid . . . . . . . . . . .. Lefroy Helen Sutherland . . . . . . . .. Barrie Velma, Chapman . . . . . . . . . . Barrie Mary McClelland . . . . . . . . . . Barrie Mary E. Johnston . . . . . . . . . Barrie 1 Birne Speers . . . . . . . . . . . Thornton * Kathleen Singer . . . . . . . . .. Barrie 1 Marjory Huxtable . . . . . . . . . Barrie Mable Ferguson . . . . . . . . . . . Barrie 3 Betty Park . . . . . . . . . . . . Allandale ` Patricia Penny . . . . . . . . . Allandale ` This contest is open to any little girl \ thirteen years and under. Any man, ;woman or child may vote for their 1 favorite little girl, and the fourteen 5 little" girls polling the most votes will . * each be presented with a handsome ;dolly. A ballot with every 50-cent ` purchase. ? SHOP AT VICKERS Vote for your favorite VICKERS VOTING CONTEST ABOUT` THREE WEEKS AGO. large woolen scarf of khaki wool. with blue band and fringe ends, was picked up in front of our store. Owner may have same by applying at our office. -:9 ON SATURDAY, a. purse containing :1 small suit of money was left on our counter. Apply at our office. Women s `Quilted Satin ~- -.~..-ac... - SLIPPERS-In old rose and * black quilted satin, with a neat V pom-pom on the vamp, exible ` leather soles and light leather` heels, dressy, most acceptable gAi_t, sizes 3 to 7. a o - o o - o n u . - . n . feit, with- i-nstep strap, cap of enclos- of child, sizes `CHlLDREN S GIFT .Of good thick felt, with grey and white plaid desirn, pom- pom on the vamp, instep ankle strap, of -_ noiseless soles and heels, sizes8 to 101/g. 85 /- Noiseless Slippers In soft leather soles, instep straps, in smooth nish red felt with dainty novel designs on * i %`..". .S.i? ?S. .4. TT . 7 75 THE I illi 1 Pure Bred Holstein Cow, 7 yrs. old, Rice Lake Johanna Keyes, 5583?, due to calve by date of sale. 1 Pure Bred Holstein Heifer, rising 3 yrs., Christina Korndyke Keyes, No. 118998, `due by date of sale, 1 Pure Bred Holstein Heifer, rising 3 yrs., Vista Pontiac`Keyes, 118999, due by date of sale. _ 1 Pure Bred Holstein_Cow, 5 yrs. old, Echo Segis Bell, No. 92065, due Dec. 15.. 1 Pure Bred Holstein Cow, 6 yrs. old, , with calf at foot. Papers will bej produced day of sale. , 1 Pure Bred Holstein Cow, 5 yrs_. old, with gcalf at foot. Papers will be produced day of sale. - AYRSHIRES 1 Pure Bred Ayrshire Cow, 5 yrs. old,- with calf at foot. , I 1 P_ure `Bred Ayrshire `Cow, 6. yrs. old, `with calf at foot,` ., _' ` 1 Pure Bred Ayrshire Cow,;5 yrs. old, due Dec. 21. A :1` , * ` A 1 Pure Bredgyrshire Cow, 4 yrs. `old, J... `I'\.;- |lV1`4` AT A The Novelty Slippers Phi Slippers ounn flIIIlIIEIC . . . Page Five 85 -1 I'tll`e -Dre l$yl.'llll.U WV", `I JD9' "'I ." ""` "'\- `l`\CI'I nan Kllflllli #- due Dec. 24. ` < Th.e~-above are all good milkers and Papers will be pr?duced* day of sale. mrgood condition. V ~ - All will be`r sold without reserve. " V IITERMS or SALE--6 months max: t will be given to` parties furnivshingt approved joint `notes. .6% per. hnnumb f_1"88h , -`. V . ,-..lll..A'-115.!-!t\\!IrnI1I 1,4-.. 5aturdayaA%%!?e- 12 . _: the followingz; -_ -15' ACRES OF GOOD `BUSH. divided an half nnrn `Int: nnrminfinci nf "lirh-A ELUFBH 111011: UK` .1653. 5 On the said property is said-to be a1 large brick house_ln good repair, a good! `barmand various outbuildings. '`r\n nnnnzunl--u uvlll Inn anh-"I unhinhf fn Auction Sale} --- I Under and by virtue of the powers] -contained in a certain mortgage which: will be produced at the time of sale.| there will be offered for sale by public' auction on Saturday. the 19th day of December. 1925,'at the hour of twelve o'clock noon, at the. Queen's Hotel in the Town of Barrie, by W. A; McCon- key, auctioneer, the following property. A1! A.I:...a. ..-..4..-A... ...n...-..-.1 A0 In-`A ali, snug , wuvuovnouv. , 4.-.`. av... vv ...q r. _,.-- -9 , All that certain parcel of land sit - uate in the Township of Flos in the County of Simcoe. and being composed of the south half of lot No.` 6. in the second` concession of the said Town-=. ship and the north-east quarter of the said lot No. 6 in the sa.id"1`ownsh1n containing in all one hundred and fifty acres more or less. n I-Inn uni.-1 nnnnnufxr In uni -I-n ha nu Da.l`Il`..l1ll vuuuua Uu-Luuuuun-'.a. The property will be sold subject tol a. mortgage for $1,000.00. 0 . There will be `a. reserved bid. ` A '1`erms:--10% of the purchase money to be paid down at the time of. sale.; balance to be paid in 30 days. I Wnvv fuurfhnv nnvflnunlarn nn nnnht valance [U [)8 [R1111 Ill DU uuya. For further particularsjand condi-` tidns of sale apply to RADENHURST & HAMMOND. Darrin `Tn-nnv~ u Qnlinifnvu . .IVJ'|.J.J.CJJV1_.I.lJ.l.'LD 1. & .l1.1lVLLV.l.\JlV JJ. Barrie, Vendor's So1ic1torfs., DATED at Barrie. the 30th day or November. A.D. 1925. 49-500 v-.--------. `u. -no vvuunn NUUHE BUWS. ` HORSES-l--Ba.y mare. 7 yrs. old, ell- glble for registrationgbay mare, 5 yrs. old, Clyde:' bay horse, 5` yrs. old, Clyde. Good top buggy, nearly new. ' All will be sold without reserve. Terms of sa.1e--12 months credit will. begiven to parties furnishing approv- ed joint notes. 6% per annum off for cash. - Sale at 1 p.m. W. A. Mcconkey, Auct. in halt acres lots, consisting 0: `white birch. tamarack, poplar and `cedar; Quantity of cedar posts,_c-ut. `. 20 cords of mixed slabs. 16-inch. ' C.`A'1`.'1`LE--Cow, 6 yrs. old , fresh; 2 (arrow cow; steer rising 3 yrs. old; K heifer -rising 3 yrs. old. 7 -. SHEEP--6 good ewes. _ A All will be sole; without reserve, '1`i_ie.bush will be put up in halt-acre, lot.s,:~v purchasers to have this whiter` and next until April 1st, 1927, to remove same. : 'l'nInI\v-hp: AG-aoIn:I\r rnnnfhu luvnif JD ll-Livl!J NJ! KIUUJJ DUDI1. ulVluUII| :----:--- .}--:w The following CATTLE--Ayrshire cow, 4 yrs. 01 , fresh; Durham cow, 7 yrs. old, fresh c Durham cow, 4 yrs. old, fresh; Holstein] cow, 6 yrs. old, due in June; Holstein cow, 5 yrs. old,:due in March; Holstein -cow, 3 yrs. old, due in February; hei- fer, milking; 5 calves; 5 heifers rising 2 yrs. old;2 steersrlslng 2 yrs. old; 5 heifers rising 3 yrs. old. . I Dtr:..q__r:nm1 hr-nnrl mm in nig: 3| xleuers nsmg as yrs. 010. u PIGS-Good brood sow, in pig; 3 young SOWS. I-1 nRQ'l4`..Q..`....'Rnv marn '1 vrn, nld: AH- game. . Terms of" sa1e-Slx months` credit `will -be given to parties furnishing ap- prqved joint notes. 6% per annum oft for cash. ' V `Sale at 1 p.m. W, A. Mcconkey, Auct. The underslnd has received instruc- tions from . . -1 Of Standing Timber, Cedar ` -Postsandslabs, Catt]: , 7 . aud.$heep . The undersigned -`hs recee iri- .structions from . __ --..-.._ ---- -4 -- `!`l!URSbAY`, nsczuazn 3, 19552 Buy Adve`rtiseVd` Things. ook ple. any ev- AUC`l'l0NSAl.EL T LJosii*15ii"ii"d'vi5i'vIAN Lot 11, Con. 7, lnnisl L. g. `goo .nIIVl'n`=l| nuun6:t-nun wu yuan wg _a- --v --.-gag.-. .- Lot 13, C3Ia.9,1n;iis1 N EAR STROUD Tfe `y Eiic 'a ua'SI{'8 . W. H. MARTIN -v :-----w:-. to sell byLPubT11c Auction at, -4: Il `MORTGAGE SALE `..---v -w...--v -a TUESDAY, DEC. 8 Ylnn Onlinccvvhn nu The undersigned has"receiVed. inst'ructions from T-. HOLSTEINS MARRlN S YARDS, BARRIE to sell by public auction at THE 1=6Lg or REGISTERED 1Pur`e Bred 55:31: Cow, 6 yrs. 01 {due to calve Dec.- 19. ~ 1 Pure Bred Jersey Cow, 7 yrs. 01 due to calve Dec. 23. 1 Pure Bred Jersey Heifer, 2 yrs. 0] with calf at foot. All" the aybovedpure-bred cattle` are ` B. tested and thus tagged. ' GRADE CATTLE 1 II"-I._L_.!__ IVAN,` 1` ,2:-Iolstgin Cows, 5 yrs. old, milking well and due in April. " ` The~above -good _,A_I. ___L ,. _ --u -way sort I I I-Iii 1 Holstein Cow,` 4 yrs., due by sale; ' 1 Holstein Cow, 5. yrs., calf at foot. '1 Holstein Cow, 6 yrs., calf at `foot. :1 Holstein Cow, 4 yrs., calf. -at foot. -1 Ayrshire Cow, 5 yrs.-, calf at foot. 1 Ayrshire Cow, 6 yrs., ca-If at foot. 1Hols'tein and Jersey Cow, 4 yrs., C due t calve Dec. 25.. ' 1 Well red Durham Cow, am, due to calm: `Dan 17 1. vv cu urcu uurnum UOW, 5 yrs. 010, due to calve Dec. 17. ` 1 Durham Heifer, 2_- yrs., calf at foot. 1 Durham Cow, 5 yrs., due by sale, 1 Durham Cow, 6 .yrs., calf at foot. '1 Durham Cow , 5 yrs., calf. at foot. 1 Blue Rdan Cow, '7. yrs., due'Dec. 21 3 `v`I3f1`%`}.`d?:%`Z :,.5A3L?s{ `f'~ ""` .,.. .... y... --.....u -All w.iil `be sold without reserve as proprietor has sold his farm. Sale at 1 pm. sharp. 1!`! A IK._I1t'\\T`I I`I'.I17 A .llV.|.l.'JJl`4J.V.l..l.`JV1D'-"`.lJDU1'1u5 UIIIUVUK, UV ft. cut..nearly new: Deering mower. 5- ft. cut, nearly new; Deering drill, 13 discs; hay `rack; sulky rake, 10-ft., nearly new; spring-tooth cultivator, Massey-Harris: 3 sets iron harrows: stiff-tooth cultivator. wide points, In- ternational, nearly new: Frost & Wood _disc harrow; land roller: [wagon gear: manure spreader, Massey-Harris, near- ly new; 2 cutters. 1 nearly new; wagon and box, 2% in. tires, new; 3 single plows, Fleury No. 13; Fleury plow, with Wheels; Oilver riding plow, No. 21; harrow cart; top buggy: buggy pole; root pulper; set market sleighs, with box; stock rack; pump; stone- boat; 2 water troughs: cutting box: `fanning mill, with power attachment; Iwire fence stretcher; gasoline engine. , 21/ H.P.. `Gray, in good running order; .cream separator, in good order;/3 water barrels; 1000 shingles; \a quantity of lumber; a number of cedar posts: 4 0 doz. grain bags; hay fork; 2% doz. sap pails and spiles; `extension ladder. 30 ft.; 2 sugar kettles; set of scales; 5 tons of good hay; 2 sets long/-tug har- ness; set of double. driving harness: 2 sets single and 1 set plow harness; 3 horse collars, new; shovels; pea. har- vester; griridstone; 2 pairs horse blan- kets; rakes; Buffalo robe: 4 neckyok- es; 2 sets doubtletrees: shoes; forks: chains and many other articles. T'fI\TVC1Y'.1`f'I'I`\'I' T\ lNI\l\1\l*1 1'73 ,, .._, ....~.._y V-may; um uaunvu I -Terms of sale---I-Iay, fowl and all I sums/of $10.00 and under, `cash; over that amount 12_ onths credit will bel given to partie. furnishing approved joint notes. 5% per annum off for cash =on credit sums. ' ' HOUSEHOLD GOODS - Ha'um.V Thought range, With. reservoir and ! warming closet, good as new; co 1 oil heater} Perfection 4-burner col oil stove; coal feeder: barrel churn: side- .board: parlors suite; bedroom suites; bedsteads: kitchen chairs; hanging lamps; dishes: kitchen utensils and I many other articles. ' _,,u, -r--- A . - _. I u vulva . wt vavavuo .O4WlNG: s. u.i; i:;;ai:;;:"s;i;.:;i..-.1 FRIDAY, DEC, 11. . . ` "Vina &m`In\vI!'o-\rvo b Dec. 1-'-Miss Angie Johnston ot Ba rie` is visiting her brother, John Johnson. , 'If7IIIlnvn Anvna In lvgnnnuvlna 1-Iinn u JAB: vsu, .1. vnvgnu; u--_c CA'I`TLE--Roan cow. 5 yrs. old, due Jan. 10; roan cow, 6 yrs, old, due Feb. 1; red cow,,7 yrs. old, due April 20; red cow, 5 yrs. old, due April 1;'red cow, 6 yrs. old, due May 1; heifer, 2 yrs. old: shelter, 1 yr. old. i nnmmn DTRQ I-'l'F`.T\Y_..1'7 rznnd "Lei- 5 IIBIIBI`, 1 yr. 010. I SHEEP, PIGS, HENS---17 good Lei- cester ewes, bred to lamb April 20; Ox- ford ram, 1.yr.; Yorkshire sow, due Feb; 25; 2 Yorkshire sows, 4 Inonths I old; 7 store pigs, 4 months `old: 70 Bar- lred Rockyens, bred to lay. IMPLEMEN S--Deering binder, 6- 9+ nnf nnaulxr -nnun hnnvlna mnxiynr 5.. JunnsI;0n., . - _ - . William Adams .15 improving nicely from his recentjllness. . `Mfr-n A Dnnnl h-.:"h'nvna fvnnn tho hna- 1l'UlI1 I118 recenL_1L1neu. Mrs. A. Ronald is` home from the hos- pital. - - . I Mrh, 'l`hma; Rh-min nf Anfnn Mills and luau. ' -~ ` Mrs. Thos; Binnie of Anten Mills and J. S. Wlce of Stroud were visitors with-. Miss Rose Cplline recently. ` The undersigned has receiyed instruc- _ tlons from T . i j - uuujg - --at---7 :1-:-_ _>- The following "`H;ORSES.--`Bay mare, _7 yrs. old. heavy; bay mare, 10. yrs. old. -heavy; brown mare, 9 yrs. old, heavy; colt rising 3 yrs. old, Percheron; colt rising 2 yrs. old. Percheron. r~aAr-nrn-I-1:1 73--.. ....... : ...... 41.: Ann Tbjj jhj \ - OF FARM STOCK AND IMBLEMENTS. no unauat II- .7s..W11ccoNKEY, Auctioner; ti vv::-- '.to sell by Public "Auction at V Ind - 45` It 1 I O burst. canon; SALE 9 D U A I w 55 van: Jakjsntsf o/~z7 j jj L _ old, 013. old,_ v :--- - ---1 cu yr-`urn ` In.a.letter to The Examiner, Ar- thur B. King of Okotoks, Alberta, says :- The grain is greatly reduc- ed in grade and it will lower the value of the crop considerably. How- ever, this district is not dependent 'so1 much on grain, it being amixed fa ming area, and they will not suf- fer jquite `so muchias the prairie. De-4 velopment in the .,'oil field is increas-` inglsteadi y and we are looking for nnnn}-nu wall. tn Islam in` `inn . -I-hag Lug aucauuy auu we aL'c'1uuIuug .101` V._anot,h,,erL well Ptgo _.bl9w, _ . 19 an(y,%t1me now and make another stxr." ' - cat. ' / The chicken supper and concert in the United Church last Wednesday was a huge success. The supper was all thatcould be desired and the pro- gram excellent. Miss Newton delighted everyone with her numb rs, generously responding to encores. The orchestra from Barrie` filled the church with music -most delightfully and also Frank Dutcher; Miss Cheesman and Mn Coop- er in their musical numbers were lista ened to with pleasure and a. very warm welcome will be accorded an the artists` on a return visit. ml..- .-.1-.n.:...... no vi... .....1......u..-. ....- ._._- Ull U. .l'ULUl.'H. VJBIL. _ ~. The children of the schools are pre- paring for a concert at Christmas time. A meeting of the Women's Institute will` be held `at the home of Mrs. Chap- pell on Tuesday" afternoon, December 8, at 2.30. There will besewing for the Armenian Horne; s `also parade of `aprons. etc. Mrs. Bert. Bonney will give current events and roll call will be ans- wered by suggestions for Christmas gifts and entertainment. Everyone wel. come at 2.30. Vnkn mI1`\ Qwvlll U\nl\l-AG Au `l'.'I_l.l..-. ---..._ / `iL;"LaB;;'1L"o}"slfti"i'.23.'}}}11 hold a convention at Cookstown next Tuesday` afternoon, Dec. 8, for re- organization and general business. It `is possible that the question of `nominating a candidate may be dis- cussed; Hon. Nelson Parliament will be present and probably Sam Clarke, `M p 1: A / This action was. decided upon "at a meeting held in Cookstown last Fri- day. As this meeting wa hurriedly called, 'ther| was not a large attend- 81108: ` ' ' UUIHU ill. 6.0!}. The Club will meet on Friday even- ing at 8 o'clock. A good program. WLLH 5. very SUIT`: eye. Carl Drury, Elmer Partridge `and Duncan Gavin have returned from the West. / 'l`1\n\ nlnlnlynv. IIIU\U\1\nn nu: A . n A .\._L 1.. soru smcoa LIBERALSA ' 1'0. MEET IN COOKSTOWN