Stores uality `-3 1010 T` 3, 1525. lb. I .0.` U06: The Educaitlion Committee qfeported that Coun. . ambly had been made chairman of the committee following` the death of; Coun. Williams -and that the financial statement of the. North Simcoe Teachers - Institute . had ,been `received and placed on file, and recome mended that no action be_ taken with V:-eg;ard.to_ the account of the ` tontcontinuation School. for ecation pr outsxdetvcuvus-nl. ', V 7` fill: V I I `V I `,2; 1.. 111611 `968. ml 5` 3" Ll! W uuuucuuaury. Coun. I-Iambly advised `waiting a year. until after the drainage work in ' the Holland marsh is finished. as he thought a road would be `run through the marsh connecting w1th.the/ex- tension of-Dufterln St. ` 1:74. ...........a' 4.. u... ..1..n........o 1- n IRS]!-`llllll UL .IJUlLUl'I1I Bl: , With regard" to the claim -of J. D.- Dunlop `for $300 damages to his pro-, perty by diverting water. the commit- tee `recommended that the Engineer stake proceedings at` once _under the Ditch and Watercourse Act togm-ovide a proper course for the water com-.. plained of by Mr. Dunlop. The request of the Utilities Commission of-Ailiston for permission to erect a. power line on` the south side '01 the county` highway east of Alliston a.` distance of 1200 feet 0 was granted on condition thatithe Ut-7" iilligies Commission comp'iy'with by-la.w'_ l'LI'.V Blllllo Coun. Denney, on whosemotion the report was referred back..po1nted out that a ommittee -from Simcoe `County hn.d'ir1te viewed the Department with regard to having; the town` line from Fennell s West through Alliston hand. Shelburne made an improved road and he thought a second road one township south was unnecessary; q (Ynnn. I-l n.mhlv -niyinn `urnifino ya 3. ...... 54`-O ~ V u - v ~ y an ya auvanva._ uuu vgnuuvlu By-laws guaranteeing the debentures of the township of West Gwillimbury and the village of Bradford were passed on recommendation of the Finance Committee. ` Orangeville-Yonge St. Highway V'1`here was considerable discussion regarding a report of the Roads,and Bridges Committee, recommending that the request of the Board or Trade of Tottenham - for co-operation between the Counties of Simcoe, York. Peel and Dufifer n to urge the provincial gave -` ment 0 make the county line fro ` Orangeviile to Yonge St. an imprqye highway be granted and the report was finally referred back .to the committee for further consideration at the `Janu- ary session. ' n s . IV-..-. 15....-....L .... ...I........ .._..Ll.... 4.1.- ll ! L116 1101.156` 01. neiuge. `Another class which should no_t'be sent to jail is the insane. said Mr. Bant- ing. He thought that it should be pos- sible to send such people direct to the proper place of detention upon the certificate of two medical men after thorough examination. He referred to several cases they have had. in Barrie jail. One woman tried to `hang `herself. and was caught" when she had her nightgown made into a rope, tied to `the ceiling ready to complete the rash act. Then there was the case of Peter McKenzie, who pretty nearly put him (Banting) out of business and later` killed a felldw inmate in thegToronto Asylum. A more recent case was a shell-shocked soldier from Midland. who went insane when he got up to makea speechand declared~t,ha.t it he was given a few days more he would "soon put an end to Mackenzie King. -In the jail he showed histighting ability by bowling over ti)? turnkey. The jail has not the proper " acilities for hand- ling such cases and Mr. Banting pro- tested at such being sent to him. Avvunnnu I-`an I-`ml-nova a-Ina-auA:#`A\` I-.. AL- V--..--r-. uu-u -.u--4.. new-can -Jvnnu vv sensual Among the things suggested for the jail were :1 visitors book to be placeci in the lobby and also a.visiting cage". such as used in penitentiaries. in which the prisoner is placed while interview- ing friends so` that no articles may. be passed between prionezt and visitor.- `Du 1-..... .............a.-...|.__. 4.1.- _u-i___;.-____... Ly pcwruux`. . ' I No action was taken "on the request for blinds for the Jal1er's residence. Concerning the J 1111 J. J. D. Banting addressed the Coun- cil. Thursday afternoon. on `matters ap- pertainingto the Jail. First of these was the change in diet. recently ordered in Ontario penal institutions. Unher the new regulations. rice. jam and milk have been added to the diet, On a re- cent visit. the inspector gave him he option of provldingmilk or Jam. nd he chose the latter as there are no re-` . frigerating facilities in the Jail and the jam is cheaper. Asrice and 1am were notin the list ofsupplies under tende |Ir.uv1\n-.1` 4|...-.4 .u......................a.. I... lllullt LU!` QUUUFIIIE IJIUIH-' - The jailer condemned the ractlc"e of sending 'vagra.n_ts to the Jai . when there `is a. I-Iouseof Refuge for such. These cases are not sunposed to be in Jail. A few days prevlouslyr there had been committed from Orillla. an `old man who said he was born in .'0ro. The pro per~pl'ace `fer him. sa1d't)1e speaker, is the House of Refuge. `Av-Infhnr nlnna urhlnh uhnnhi nnf aha uu an uuuupur. {:5 Nut: uuu Jftm were notin of supplies tender, he suggested that arrangements be made for securing them; The 'lni`|nm nnndnmnnn OHA nu-anHn"n }M|;[JUl' LU]-' UUHFL IIUUBU. 960-8). Four prisoners were reported in. Jail. one for having a. still. two for selling liquor and one for neglecting children. This committee was authorized to ask tenders for the erection of u turnkey's residence and report in 'January.. (.nunfv 'I`vn1JmIvnr nlnmnn `wan nu- resldence and report In>J'x'muary.. County Tredsurer Coleman was an-. thurizqd. to spend up to'$190 for a new. typewriter. ' ' Nn nhnn urn}: fnlznn nn H-an v-nnnculaf UIIIUXI \.1UlUlUl'y LA)" Du1`l'lV, Q31; Di1l'L'lU Planing,` Mill Co.. material anqlabor at, court house. $137.85; '1`. E. Harley. paper for court house. $20.50. Wnnr nrlnnnnrn were rnnnrtnd in `lull- D655`. Ulu uxurrs wms. unswuuwu LU nun- fy the Clerk of each municipality to tile with the County Clerk 8. statement each year showing the outstapdlng de- benture debt at the close of each year. (`lamb Qlvvununn nvnlnlnn fhnf fhi DGXIEUPQ (180! at EBB C1089 01 611.011 year. Clerk Simpson` explained that. this was to enable them to keep tab on out- standing debentures as a. number are guaranteed each year. ' County Property ` b The following accountmwere passed: Union Cemetery Co., Barrie. $9: Barrie Plnnlmr Mill (".n,, vrmtnrinl nnd lnhnr at will he proceeded Wltn next upljnng. The s ecial committee re 8rd line bridge. sea. reported this hi-id`;be a wooden structure 76 teet`:iong with the fill at the two ends. amounvting-to over 600 feet this till. being 'ne'ce,s_ we to prevent -sa.t,er from tiowing "._0 er the `road. As Essa.` is , over,-burdened with large and expensive- bridges. the committee recommen ed the willsinw or Similar action was takene ith,reter- once to Powers brid`g'e"in Sunnidaie. This bridge was reported `to be 269 feet long over all and in fl. fair state -a by-law to make thi a. co my bridgerl of repair. ` . `I'3..l..l-any fVInnn:v|nCIrAra J ! llIvlIa uvan lsluuvwv H Upon recommendation of this 4 com- mliptee. several accounts were ordered pa. d. ' T `. . . A Rannrt Debenture Debt aqvyvou O-vitiwvlrvvuov -v-v T On mot1on_ of Councillors Scott. and Bags`. the Clerk was instructed to not!-' fu the (`lav-I: nf muvh nnnnlninallfv tn. con. 11, Tay. _ It was decided to pa-.ythait_ the cost of 8. new bridge on the County line between King and Tecumseth. the es- , timated cost ox which is_$500. The wqrk will be proceeded with next spring. The nnnnlnl committee 1'8 8rd X19 quiz-ed. . - An account from Essa Township 10:- gravel taken from Essa pit on-`lot 82. con. 8, was laid ov_er,unt1l the January session. . - A ` T '- Counclllor Gratrix was authorized to purchase from T. M'cNally for $5 a. small piece or land on road at lot 5, con..11, Tay. It was dnnlnd to tm v"ha1f the cog]; ` (contlnid trom Date 1)` ` Roads- and Brl'dgs',, , ; _. No action. was taken on the letter from Heiltom County Council and'the Ontario Motor League re V making it compulsory `for vehtcies trfzvelllng a.t_ night to carry lights. Thu 1-nnrnnantatlves of unnldale and COUNTY COUNCIL; - Vspra. together" with Chairman night to ngnts. ' ~ The representatives of Sunnldalo 'a.nd the County. Engineer. wer up-A pointed a committee to Inspect Mc- K1nnon s bridge and report 1n_".Ianuary_ whether or noya new structures re- nurlunnti WIIULIIUF qulred. An no _'rHuIsnA1(, or-:c1%-zmhsa 3,1923. Repoft Tlsebnture Debt _...u,..._ ..a n.........nI,..... Q}... Printing Conimitte .......\........\-..ln4lnv- AI I-In 9c 1!). 59 lb. 0 793,, ;Judz"e Vance on HI,'ghwayVAct " had been spent onroadef and generally Judge V_a'nce,_ being invited by the there w_asa leeling that much of it was Warden to address` the Council-, epoke lost. road construction and briey with regard to the changes in maintenance under _a central control` the -Highways `Improvement Act; Be it would be possible toibuiid mp a uni a,sM\tate_ that ,in_tl_:;e-`pant a.1ot__ot;n;o r_1ox_-in the. country w.ou_1dp . `.` :1. a\. Tisuazvanceon} `n' At V baa "cad:- M I mg. Vance. 1..,...E`m::s .1: the ...:.::::. ...=:::::. azmtsz 3 ` 1 -C11.lpany In eve"ry.: large ez'ty--z n eveJry;provincc:, aa wanderful 1'nstrL`1&ment is being Ademonst%ratea .a Hearfhis newest and greatefst inventian announced L t/we V1e'c'toWr Tal}ging1VIacI2ine Company of Canada, Limited I ?at t/'16! stares af His[Master s V oice Dealers `one Q? the gfetest achie}/zements % the history of music our Week to heaf / A Don't let preconceivedpideas rob you of this inspiring experience. There is a fullness, av ilrichiless, a depth and magnieepiuce of tone that is Z incredible. As the first notes are played, .you.will feel-that .the artist in person is before you, and that there is a nearncss and intimacy that event the concert stage cannot. give. Be `sure. you `}hear it, `for no description is adequate. . ~_ "\ This week.---begiinn.in5g_ \7\7ednesd:.1y, Decemb f ` 2nd,. a new instrument - is` being_ demonstrated--' \ I `I -O V I an instrument that will give a new meaning to `the vword........:music. It wiilil amaze and enthrail millions` of people everywher'e; and i the more icritial their attitude toward m`usic', `the more `astounded they will be. Be one-of. them. seen onroada have roads of some permanency which was-nxeelins that was would not require continual expendi- road turee. He thought the appointment of a._ tenance under road committee was a` splendid thing. It uld II'e_:jpos_s1ble a. uni-f might interfere with the present system qountry but the"_ idea.'.wa1':V to: get competent, .1 \ '1 I 3:, . THE /BARRIE `EXAMINER If '7 it is impossible to hear this marvelous A instrument sometime this week go any day from Decem_ber 2nd on,iat any hour; You need spare only few\minutes, and`in those few minutes you will hearmusic such. as. you never believed to be `within the range of possibility ;i and within _a single minute after the first astonishing` tones greet yourlears, you will agree with the hundreds of great musicians whohave heard it--that this is one of the most important contributions ever made to the art of music. Co_ to any store where Victorproducts are" sold. The demonstration begins at nine o r:lock each day, after December 2nd. You will be surprised beyond measure and you `iwvillhave an experience you will never forget. experienced men who would be respon- sible to the, Council and the Devan- ment for. e workedone-In the county. .`On `mot! njot Gonna. Coombn and Moknight the Clyztvaa instructed to to cg Anmon gm, offcanada, Limited halt the iauctioneei-`s license fee -paid by her husband who died during the year. _ A short session was necessary in the gvenigi to complete the business of the oun _ - - ' ~ . in! a at IIH