116.3. BARRIE, TAXI-:s_ FED 3RANQBES: I _7. W4 1 o \J-LI.\.l.I.V J. .\I ( ite new Union Station) INVITES your patronage. All the comforts of home combined with moderate rates and high standard of Service `make it the `most attractive stopping place; a o '\ AMERICAN AND zunormn PLANS" Phone or wire your reservation at our expensc " HENRI) Wxnxzrr - could have -no happier.-cxpresaioh` `thaninagiftthatxinaylbaethetul-ning point in the a.v uxuuucxs U_l'yGll'4IIIl1l.ly, brothers, nephews, '_aces, d ' employees,.and other friends, such 1| gift will be of permanent benet I Wife and Hnsbandwmw Both Ill With Gas .. uuun un xuyzunto aavlngu Accunt confers abanking connec- tion inwhich com`-teouh coopetatiox; I d0e_'sitspartinusettingtlIefeetbfthe rcapientzupon the road which lad: ftiellnnnea g BARRlE-H. A. Sims, Man EVALLANDALE ' ELMVALE-H. R. Warren, 170RQNT< -Six Patnts . gm: II\I 17 11V Prnident 'munsbAY, DECEMBER 3, 1925. """"' "" B"`3I|` UV VVVIJ `P3575 Yes, the Optometrist` has his lehs- . cg ground to the individual` needs of his patients. ' , T `Same the principal defects of. vision. . A_ Far and Nevar-Sigh-t.and Asigmat- u!u,..nnd anqther condition` caused by. the steady ageing of the eyes. See next article. . Manager.` lzdnto Savings L....L:_.. ....__- Sold by Drug Ge -uuuncw 11 One Cent 3 Month PRATT FOOD vr--w a wow v-uunvi . The number is not great, but the VARIATIONS may amount to thou- sands. A No two people have. defects of the same degree and character. ` That is why the closest attention must be given to every case? ` ' vno bl... I\_;.-._-.-A_.2-L I--- 1_2_ 1--- I sTA6'KRo| This is an Own S(n}`o nd ]C UH clermlly In soap wxth . does feel .~ along 4- 3 Warm but Bap) 66 A tea "muasl ll|||" "11.: `Cf?! ail gr?` to How many different e`rrors'V or. (By o.- R. Rusk. 03:12. 1)., Barrie): T I ` -S. No. 15 .. | vision are there? Cuticurn Soap. Ointment and Tolcum are all you need for all toi- let uses. Bathe with Soap. soothe with Ointment. dust with Talcum. Iunplo lien PM hi nun ddreu Canadian Depot: Btenhouu. Id. lion " Price. Soup Se. Ointment 26 and 50e. Telcum 26c. 3' Cutleuu Shvlnc Stick 25:. uuu um Iuu: WIS uyungutcuo I sent for 1 free sample of Cut!-_ can Soup and Ointment end pur- chased more. and after using two eakee of Cutlcun Soap and one box of Cuticura Ointment she, we 9 completely healed." (Signed) Miss ` Mary Marchand. Box 12, Arlchat; Nova Scotla. . "When my niece wu Ii: months old eczemn broke out on her face in email. red pimples. It itched and burned terribly causing her to scratch. and the was very , cross. She lost her rest at night. and her face was disgured. I Illt `(If A `!'On .flIl\` nfnOI_ cuncmm HEALS 0H|lDLS_E13zEMA On Face in Red Pimples. ltchgq and. .Bu_n1ed _Ter- Hurt I ` Page I-`curtain. It: Value to i;II_b5c -wvv vuuvvv `rm I 'ribly. Lost The, quick relief for all .' Sprains land Bruises _ prov: ( To be. continued) I lvnlllo V Expenditure of $162,000,000 over [eix-year _period nor construction 4 `new Government buildings is advise ligycchairman Madden, oi! Washingto: une 01. W16 WOPld'8 largest CQVGPIIB has been discovered in the Ural Moun- talus. . mvnAuAI&..__ -1 Anna -_- --- _deuoe of spades. Z should -. rwuvw V -The-re are no trumps` and Z" is in the lead. How can YZ wm nine of the ten tricks~a ainst any defense? The correct lead by is the seven of clubs. Y should win the trick with the ace and B should `play the eight. Y should now lead the with the queen and lead t e ace. Z should `now lead A's best discards are first a spade` and wi the trick ' three rounds of clubs. 1 th-(`:1 hearts. B's best play is to force Y 1 in the lead on the fourth round of clubs. He can do this by playing his hi h V clubs and keeping the deuce fOl'.t`It: fourth club trick. If B allows himself to take this club trick he must lead dia- monds up to Y's hand. A will be forced to discard to his disadvantage and YZ will easily win `Y ie balance of th e`tricks. W ' tbic nwiirvr In this banner; 4 4 1 l t 3 C I One of. the world`: larget Acavrns as discovered in thn 'l'h-nl -M......_ vHcnrts -4 Q, 3, 7, 6 Clubs ----` K Diamonds ---'- none Spad-as -- IL), 8, 6, 4, 3 ` preference to the no-trump. The single- . possessed the rat requisite of the ex- l psuuu-' , - ADiamonds--V-A, K, 10, 5 Spades -A-- K, Q, 8, 7 ,, No score, rubber game. The expert, Z, dealt and bid one diamond, a perfect example` of, thelour card suit bid in ton club isvadanger spot in no-trump becausea good player with a set up "club suit and the lead would ass the no-trump. In this particular arid, A had a six card club syit and his partner the ace of spades so that a-no-trump bid by'North would have failed to make i the contract by one trivk. Z, however, ` pert, good iudgment, so bid one rli;:- 1 mond. A passed and Y bid two dia"monls I to give his partner another chance to l bid. B passed and Z'nowx:`had:t little thinking. Y's bid of two dianionds '1 indicated a willingness on his part to t have Z bid another suit. This Slllt could j. be either clubs, hearts or Spatlfis. The e uuul guy u_mer auction player! has he mere 1 nation. more"coui'a;ge; more x reeourcef ness; more originality? What particular uality make; him stnd out among his ellows? If there is anything that we don't understand we usually stl:Ii3ect'it to a close examination and a ypis IO let's do the name with the expert. Let us place him. under the . mtctoacope and let its lens magnify his tactics. Let us observe and analyze his ; bidding and__p1`ay. ' ; ' Thc f0"OWli'l!' hand `I inmfrnlviun AC muulng Bn following hand is illustrative of . the writer : M contention that in the langua eofgport, the expert has `every- thill`.' ` /1' ` ` _ . 113.4 M. q In what way the expert" differ from any other auction pluyer? Has he Incl ! Imazinatiom l'l'Inl'nnnIurn'n.; nano- . cggyugm 1925 Fr Hoyle. Jr- New Series ' NE`FImGu6$r ~'- (lather 9/' Trgwon -on tluction ' T wul '. Ic UHXEUICB O! we ITICKI. nywf :w`y a - Ha:md,.No. 1 rv,vvv UVVF I1 nsTtructionT 0 ga advised Washington, Answer t6 Problem No.5 Iiveurt -- 3 [ Cz_ubs -- A, 6, 5, A4 Dxamunds -~ Q, 10 3 S_oa'dc_'s'-9, 7`, 2 Helms; K, J, 9, s Clubs--,Q; J, 7, 3 . Diamonds ~- none Spades -- A , Q I 5 `ARTICLE No.18 makingsteel `and has ' cf'tB:aw`i W In Collingwood tormergrcgned by? $111!: Kennedy Comnamr am`! `thn 1aIm+..a..f on per cent. J. T. Casein/of A`1liston. whose Dooley potatoes took third prize at the Guelph` Winter Fair. has sold a carload tothb , Ontario Government for school fair `i i 1.86811. purposds. L ` "`|1I`A In uuuuu -....l .I_ 41. L I .. ...,, . ....v -uuuuu uu. UHISBHB. 'i`h,e I-Iuronla` Steel Company, Limit- ed, has been incorporated. by Domi ion _charter to operate a new proc s of and secured tin plant Colunzwood fox-mm-Iv human 1; 41.- uuu:l.' au1'1uus'lnJu!`y 18 reported. One hundred teachers 'of`a.uxlllary. classes in the Toronto public schools v!slted.1:he Ontario Hospital at"Or-.,. min. to see` the-work being carried on there -by. the Industrial classes. "VH1: Y_Tuuu.;uo.l4n` GA.--` 11,, - - gnuuuo purp,uses., _ A Three accidents occurred in the v14c1n1ty- of Midland `in which horse drawn Vehicles were, struck by motors. Orieonimal had a; leg_ broken but no other serious injury is reported- hundred tennhnrn hf mwncm... June (when. he fell _ while clea.ning'a. chimney anti 1 Jured: uy. .Efforts'are being made by 3 number of farmers in the neighborhood of Beeton to get Hydro service and sever- al contracts for current have been signed. . - Geo. Foster died recently in Midland as a. result of injuries. sustained st from a` b ild ng his spine. _z.,Of the.19,9l`54 people on the voters - nlist in `East Simcoe, 14,587, or `a. per- ' centage of 73, voted in. the recent eleq- i tion. Por_t,McNicoll 86 per cent. 15/ .'I'_ 'l". (`.nnnin.nf Nllluon... ...I......- -n---- headed the listwith, ' |u uuxuugwuuu mrmerly owned by the, _Kenn_edyA ComD9~1 Land the Electric` Castings. Co. It ;has- the necessary at- nu. `- \ I A big owl that had committed con-' siderable depredatlon among ' poultry was captured in a map` by Wm. Gagan of Tossoront o. . . The body `of Geo. Morrow, aged 85, ofKettleby, who has been missing from his home since last June, has been; gound in.a swamp not far from Kettle-T ! Y. " ' LUU` by. VGUCLIII staff. A 1.1 : _tion nptcvthat unless the seven of clubs | is led attrick one, B can keep.Z in.~the lead at trick seven and therefore force I tricks.B s.best pla.y, therefore, is to force Y in theleadat -the seventh trick. Y lead up to Z s king jack of hearts. If A discards a heart, Y should lead the trey of hearts and Z will make both heart tricks. It is evident, therefore, that the lead of the seven of clubs at trick one enables YZ` to make all but one trick against any defense. Note this problem carefully and play out all of the varia- tions. l ' him to giveA a heart and two spade : `should now play the queen of diamonds. " I Z should discard a heart but what can A discard? _If he discards a spade, Y should lead a spade and thus force A to l ut;I.u.1'c urey ny-election. V . ' Accordingto the latest official esti-l mat the loss of crops in Grey -county rea has a total of $350,000. 1 . Miss Irene Ecclestone of Bracebridge has been engaged bythe Orillia. Town!` Council a community nurse. , 0. I Midland 'l"'n\vn rinnnnn Mr... ..........:.A us uu: Ul'Ll1It:l, 1.LV1.U.A.-' I `E. VN. Cooper, Mayor of'Meaford, is the Conservative T {candidate in the- Centre Grey by-election. j Annnrriinp--tn Hun I.-.+..'..+ ..mu..:..v -_u .u_u:uLuu: U11 .:an. 0. I I J. Cutghbertson of Brantford has been engaged as` assistantphysical director in the Orillia. 'Y.M.C.A.r _ f `RV `M (`Innngp 1|/rnun... ..a'n.r..-.aA~- sun` In ruronto. _ 3 , . Lieutenant-Governor.Cockshutt will open,th new Collingwood Collegiate` Institute on Jan. 6. I `.1. nllfhhnvnfunn n E)......4.a-__.a I__ , n . uu uuv. no.` ' I The Ruthveii FoxFarms at Alliston: won. three prizes at the .Royal Winters Fair in Toronto. I Y T.lnn+nnnn+_r1 ...... .... n--I-AI- ...--.w-o unvunavqill U11 1115 .l.tll.'Ill UH NOV. 31- 1`he,home of Robert Barry. P'enet'ang. was destroyed by fire with its contents on Nov. 25.` J M " _ 5 Twin 1311!`-nu-nun `I11 .-- 1'-1-~--~A \ "` " ' " Chas. McCall, Thorah, picked a. .dan-; delion blossom on his farm on N'ov. 21. Thu hnrnn n-F `I3:-.`Iu...+ 13--..-. n'_., J- %w%&mmm$$m&w$ ~ Chan Mnrmn rm..\.....1. ...x..I-...x _ _.A E: DISTRICT NEWS >2 uwwwwww T m&mmmmmmmlA--_-_ 9?_TMF-TRY g&$&&%&m&&&&&& wad nice, pmmxng rnercny. rutthe export `.`.Un- der the lens" at every opportunity and you: cannot help but benet.,Another exam ple will be given `i n a later article. Juuxs aqrwuru. we tnnmot all be experts but "we can all improve our game by ~an'a,lyking' the` expert s methods and `proting thereby. Putthe at everv nnnnu-I-uni!-u .....: ..m.- uulu: we-samer 11 they can, they `are in the class of the expert. If no_t_:, they still have something'_,to which to look forward. We nnmot all be but We` can :1 ;n1nrnvn nn.- .......... L_- 5-.-us u uuuu (_'tL'tlC8 B0 Y;'|U8t be pre- ore, bid two spades. A passed and Y bid thrce_diamonds. B passed and 2 was now certain that Y was hoping for a heart bid so bid three hearts with: the is greatest assurance in- the world. All Y's hand was as follows: -. Hearts--K, 8,6, 4` `, ' - Clubs-- 1, 7 , * = Diamonds -'Q, J, 9, 7, 2' 7 Spades -- 6, 47 _ ` ' At hearts Z made four odd, losing only one heart, one club-and orfe spade trick. At diamonds, the `result would have been the same so the expert's imagina-V tion `and clear analysis of his.partner's` bidding gave hima game not otherwise possible. How many layers would have bid this hand like t e expert? The foregoing hand was not selected as unusual but only as representative of the margin of superiority that the 1 expert has over the average player. To excel at auction, as in any other game, the expert must have everything." He must be able to do theright thing at the right time and it is this quality that is most strongly_ evident in the hand giv- play and bidding the natural thing to do but how many players could honest- ly say that in actual l_ay theywould have done the same? X`; they they of the exnprf Ir nnf or a heart or spade bid. 2, there,-" en. It may seem easy and the expert's - as unucull: to go gamexat clubs sis` in diamonds. There would be nothi'x`1gV to" gain bL Vuch tactics so Y;mi1st be pre- par heart SDadE 7 that-n- J :3 fed th 1: hi ggtjpgid :33 diamgnds :1 a clubbid fromrhim beca as diicult to go game v. diamonds. Th ens, urnnlo-I p_attncr`would erely to` obtain . use i,t_.i_ just at clubs in_ HA outsbl-:'.`.-' 1-- ;aJ?.5e;r.ca:2.;\z}~zV. ,A. ._.`_ -_j,-~ Hearts -T hone Clubs-1_O, 9, 8, 2 `Diamonds --- J, 9, 8,` 7 Spadcs.- K, I t. ___.____..._......_.-.... A silver halt donar bearing the date 011825 was spent at a Freeport, Me., , I mung qtation to buy gasoline for an` 1925 car. I tingnxxnxg EXAMINER , _ , . . . . . - Anvil uucc UllI'S Coulded on the highway south of Bradford. \Vm. Fenton of Port McNicoll' escap-I ed with minoruburns when his car was; burned on the `road between Port Mc-E Nicol! and Midland on Nov. 24. Earlier; in the day a second car owned by himg was saved from fire which destroyed; a garage In which it was housed. . i l _ _,._........_, (W a war memorial monumen to choose its location from that have been sug ested. Frank Foster of radfor three broken ribs and ott and Kenneth Saint,.young \ Saint. also of Bradford, 5 broken arm when three ct E Fentnn nf Dam 1\.r-an mauueu L01` sentence. 0 H . At the next municipal elections Mid-t land ratepayers will be asked to vote on the question of a $10,000 grant for a war memorial monume clqoose fr07'nlfh1`nn nu-..` Bryson & Morley ,_,( ---...-.v-vl 5;-:1n:ra.1 manager. , _ . - The- continuing minority of St. An- _drew s Presbyterian-' Church, Maple Valley, has succeeded in proving its: case that the vote in favor of union was taken irregularly, because of the omission from the voters list of names of certain persons entitled to vote `and because of the signed ballot. g Facing twenty-nine charges, includ-i ing indictments jar theft, bribery and? receiving s'tolen'goods, Chas. Freeman a Newmarket merchant was efound guilty by Magistrate Brunton and re- manded for sentence. At fhn nnvf w.....:..:...- -~ -- " n ectric furnacef moulding machines._! rolling mills, engine and boilers and the machinery and plant will be installed. during the coming winter. In addition] to making ._ castings for automobiles A. Currie is general manager. , The` finlliha -vs?-A--"--' "` loam, soil only an wasturned out when cutting 5 inches deep. mu. 1 uuw sleep well and all 888 18 zone. ~ It also helped my husband." (Signed) Mrs. B. Brinkley. ONE spoon- tul Adierika. removes GAS and often brings astonishing relief to th'e stom- nch. Stops that full. bloated reeling. Brings out old, waste matter you nev- er thought was in your system. This excellent intestinal evacuant is wond- ortul for constipation.- Wm. Crossland. aruzclst. 15 the autumn the betterthey Survive. The beetles commonly go into the soil` immediately below the place where"_' they last fed. In a damp, cold clay loamvthey have .been found within 2 inches of the surface and none at all below 6 inches, while if: a loose, sandy; soil only a few hundl-ed;feet away none; were found at lessthan 14 inches and, saome at _17 inches. In a densn nrv-ovmh ,__,--. T-.. _...c 15011 wuzn only eno'ugh'f' food to one day. All had burrowed; within" thyee {lays after the food had on of 600* emerged the following, sp mg, Out of 200 ut in Septembervlo, : 42 emerged and oui of 3,320 put in the cages on Septembe 13, and later only, 3{60*eme1~ged in the spring. This would Aseem to indicate as the bulletin says. that the earlier the-bests. hihnrnabn =.. c_B_LoRAooBE1fLE- HIBERNATESV IN w_iAN`rE'nV_ `in August, Septmberor early October. and xturris up rezidy for bnsineqs in the spring. In Ottawa, as told bv the En- tomological Branch in Bulletin 62 of ; the Dominion Department of Agricul- under what circumstances it `will re- tain vitalitoy. In wintering cage tests with-[beetles in New Brunswick several lots were forced into, hibernation at an early date by confin ng. them- in wire. V 9.. qua uaucu. I ster radford sustained; n other injuries} 1 son of Len.| stistained a`! cars collided way of Rrnfnv mm monument and alsoi fromvthree sitesg an H3!` nf nnAIn..A _,w- - - Built Under F c/zmoizs S z%1per-.5 ,-__. .. IIIII. lC"r| 1 ed into, hibernation confining. them wire, soil with only enoughf _day. bur`:-numa. Andyfonthose` Who_ desire, ihese cars may be, purchased.for .3 low first payment. -The re- m.ainin;;-- payments conveniently. arranged 5 6 men furrow. "For years I h 3 vth ` =. nah. The first doze `tuA("! l`er1k31 srtngig. od. I now sl_ee Well (1 zone. It also Iinelnad agv %sl.l.-g':.a`oBo